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What Is Effective Exercise?
The specific exercise may be to strengthen, lengthen
or increase the proprioceptive quality of soft
Specific exercises will also be used to alter the
biomechanical imbalances of muscles/joints or
indeed used to treat back pain by altering discal
pressure to relieve example sciatic symptoms.
Strategies For Effective Exercise:

.Find The Right Type Of Professional To Help

With The Exercise And Fitness Program.
Patient should always consult with the physician prior to
Beginning any exercise or fitness program. A health
Care professional can assist with the development of an
Appropriate list of back exercises and activities in which
To engage or avoid.
.Expect Some Initial Discomfort When
Beginning A New Exercise And Fitness
However, start slowly, because the results of back
Exercise, such as soreness, may not be felt for 24 to
48 hours after the exercise session. Beginning an
Exercise program after an episode of back pain will
Likely cause some increase in pain in the beginning.
.Set A Careful Pace When Starting To Exercise.
When returning to activity after an episode of pain
Or following surgery, ease into back exercise and
Physical activity. Be careful not to overwork or strain
Muscles that may have become deconditioned after
A period of inactivity.
.Include A Combination Of Stretching, and
Low-Impact Aerobic Conditioning Exercise.
Utilizing these three components of exercise will
Help heal existing problems, avoid injury and
Prevent future problems. Muscle will become
Strengthened and more flexible.
Engage In Gentle Forms Of Exercise, Such
As Water Therapy Or Walking.
For patients experiencing higher levels of back pain,
Exercise may be more comfortable in the water than on
The land.
◻ Water therapy provides the therapeutic effect of
Relieving pain and also can help prepare the body for
More extensive exercise.
◻ Exercise walking is a good option for patients in less
Pain who are ready to move onto more intensive
exercises on the land.
◻ Show, Tell, Do
◻ Show : When instructing an exercise first show the
client how to perform one.
◻ Tell : Then get the client into the machine and ask
them to get into the start position.
◻ Do : Then ask the client to lift at the tempo you did .
Count tempo for them if necessary.
Commend , Recommend
◻ Commend : Tell the client something they are doing
well that relates the improvement made in their
◻ Recommend : Ask the client to change something
at the same time as physically cueing it usually but if
they know the exercise just verbally remind them as
they are just not concentrating or are not aware of
what is going on.
Questioning, Remind, Summarize,
Make notes
◻ Questioning : After an exercise when your client back
to earth and ready to listen you can ask them about the
◻ Remind : cue them on any point they have missed that
you think or vital for them.
◻ Summarize : quickly summarize the exercise again and
the few absolutely key points and ask the client How do
you feel about this exercise?
◻ Make notes : on the program just tell them the
comments you are making and write down and key points
you want them to read in future.

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