Food Substances: Human Nutrition 1

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Human nutrition 1

Food substances

1 Which components make up most of the dry mass of a balanced diet?

A calcium compounds, carbohydrates and fats
B carbohydrates, fats and proteins
C fats, proteins and vitamins
D proteins, vitamins and calcium compounds

2 A person has bleeding gums.

This could be caused by a lack of which nutrient?
A. calcium B. iron C. vitamin C D. vitamin D

3 A child decided to eat only meat, oily fish, cheese and bread, and drink only water.
Which nutrient would be in low levels in this diet?
A. calcium B. iron C. vitamin C D. vitamin D

4 The graphs show the quantities of selected vitamins and minerals in four foods.

Which food is the richest source of the vitamin or mineral essential for the transport of oxygen by
the blood?
A. beans B. eggs C. fish D. fruit

5 Which condition can sometimes be prevented by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables?
A. bleeding gums B. brittle bones C. diabetes D. soft bones

6 Poor nutrition can lead to a condition called rickets in which bones fail to develop properly.
The table shows some minerals and vitamins present in four foods.
Which food would be best for a child who has rickets?
calcium iron vitamin C vitamin D
A ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘
B ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ key
C ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ = present

D ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ =absent
Human nutrition 2
7 The graphs show the quantities of selected vitamins and minerals in four foods.

Which food is the richest source of the vitamin or mineral essential for the transport of oxygen by
the blood?
A. beans B. eggs C. fish D. fruit

8 Which components make up most of the dry mass of a balanced diet?

A calcium compounds, carbohydrates and fats
B carbohydrates, fats and proteins
C fats, proteins and vitamins
D proteins, vitamins and calcium compounds

9 What is the best source of vitamin C in a balanced diet?

A. fish B. fruit C. meat D. rice

10 The following symptoms can be caused by a dietary deficiency:

bone pain dental problems fragile bones skeletal deformities
A lack of which nutrient is most likely to cause these symptoms?
A. iron B. protein C. vitamin C D. vitamin D

11 The table shows the percentage of the daily recommended intake of nutrients in a serving of four
foods. Which food would be the best choice to prevent scurvy?
percentage of daily recommended intake in a serving of food
calcium iron vitamin C vitamin D
A 71 1 0 6
B 24 11 2 73
C 3 3 72 0
D 1 72 1 0
Human nutrition 3
2016 Nov 41 Q4(b)
Humans need vitamin D as part of their diet.
(i) Describe a cause of vitamin D deficiency in humans.

(ii) Describe the effects of vitamin D deficiency in humans.


2016 Nov 42 Q1(a)

Milk is sometimes referred to as a ‘complete food’ because it contains all the nutrients that a young
mammal requires. State one role of each nutrient in the body of a young mammal.
lactose (milk sugar)

2017 June 42 Q4(a)

A balanced diet is required to ensure healthy weight gain as children grow.
Explain the term balanced diet.


2019 Nov 41 Q6(a)

Fish are a good source of vitamin D.
State one effect of a diet that is deficient in vitamin D.

Human nutrition 4
2019 Nov 43 Q3(b)
Mineral salts are another important component of a balanced diet.
State the importance of calcium ions and iron ions in a balanced diet.

calcium ions

iron ions


2020 Nov 41 Q5(a)

Milk is a source of some of the nutrients that are part of a balanced diet.
Calcium and protein are two nutrients found in milk.
Describe the importance of calcium and protein in the diet.




2016 June 31 Q9(a)

(i) Table 9.1 contains examples of components of a balanced diet and foods that contain a high
proportion of the component. Complete Table 9.1 by filling in the blank spaces.
component of balanced diet food containing a high proportion of the component
fat olive oil
fibre (roughage)
(ii) Name two other components of a balanced diet that are not listed in Table 9.1.

Human nutrition 5

Processes in human digestive system

Which term is defined as the taking of substances into the body through the mouth?
A. absorption B. assimilation C. digestion D. ingestion

Which stage of nutrition takes place when food molecules become part of a body cell?
A. absorption B. assimilation C. digestion D. ingestion

What is the correct order of the processes that take place in the alimentary canal?
A absorption, digestion, ingestion, egestion
B digestion, ingestion, egestion, absorption
C egestion, digestion, absorption, ingestion
D ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion

What is meant by chemical digestion?

A Large insoluble molecules are broken down into small soluble molecules.
B Large soluble molecules are broken down into small insoluble molecules.
C Small insoluble molecules are built up into large soluble molecules.
D Small soluble molecules are built up into large insoluble molecules.

Which statement describes assimilation?

A the breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules
B the movement of small soluble molecules through the wall of the intestine into the blood
C the movement of small soluble molecules into the cells of the body, where they are used,
becoming part of the cells
D the taking of substances into the body through the mouth

The diagram shows the apparatus used in an experiment to demonstrate two processes that take
place in the body.

After one hour, the water outside the dialysis tubing contained reducing sugars.
Which two processes are represented by this experiment?
A absorption and digestion B absorption and egestion
C digestion and egestion D digestion and ingestion
Human nutrition 6
The diagram shows a large food molecule changing into smaller molecules.

What is process X?
A. absorption B. chewing C. digestion D. secretion

2018 June 43 Q1(a)

Outline where and how physical digestion occurs in the alimentary canal.


2018 June 41 Q1(b)

Explain the importance of chemical digestion.

Human nutrition 7
2016 June 43 Q6
Fig. 6.1 shows the alimentary canals of two mammals, an insect-eating bat, which is a carnivore,
and a rabbit, which is a herbivore.

(a) Name the organs labelled V and W.

(b) Explain the role of physical digestion.

Human nutrition 8

1 Which type of tooth is used for crushing food?

2 The diagram shows the teeth of the lower jaw of a human. Which tooth is an incisor?

3 Why does chewing food speed up digestion?

A Bacteria in the food are killed. B Food is mixed with protease.
C The surface area of the food is increased. D The taste of food is improved.

4 The diagram shows a human tooth.

Which statement best describes the function of this tooth?

A It bites into food. B It cuts food.
C It grinds food. D It tears food.

5 Which type of tooth does the diagram show?

A. canine B. incisor C. molar D. premolar

Human nutrition 9
6 The diagram shows a person’s teeth. Some of their teeth are missing.

No premolars or molars

What would the person find difficult?

A biting apples B drinking water
C grinding meat D tearing dry bread

7 The diagram shows the four types of human tooth.

Which teeth are used for grinding food?

A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 4 and 1

2016 Mar Q5(a)

Describe the functions of the canine and molar teeth.

Human nutrition 10
2018 June 42 Q1(a)
Red pandas, Ailurus fulgens, and humans have a similar arrangement of teeth.
Fig. 1.1 shows a section through one tooth of a red panda. Fig. 1.2 shows the side view of the lower
jaw of a red panda.

(i) State the names of the structures labelled A to F in Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2.
(ii) State the type of digestion that breaks down large pieces of food.

Human nutrition 11
2020 Nov 42 Q2
Fig. 2.1 is a vertical section of a human molar tooth and surrounding structures.

(a) State the names of the parts labelled A to D on Fig. 2.1.

(b) Describe and explain the function of molar teeth.

Human nutrition 12

The diagram shows a villus. Structures P and Q absorb different products of digestion.

Which row identifies the products absorbed by P and Q?

A amino acids glucose
B fatty acids maltose
C glucose fatty acids
D maltose amino acids

2016 June 21
The diagram shows a villus. The arrows show the direction of flow within vessels associated with
the villus. Which vessel carries blood to the liver?

A is artery
D is vein
B and C are part of lymphatic system
Human nutrition 13
2020 June 22
The diagram shows the structure of a villus. The arteriole, capillary, lacteal and venule are labelled
with letters. Which letter shows where nutrients are absorbed into the blood?

2020 June 23
The diagram shows a villus in the small intestine.

What is absorbed at X?
A. fats B. glucose C. glycogen D. starch
Human nutrition 14
2017 Nov 41
Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show two images of villi.
Fig. 1.1 shows a surface view of many villi viewed through a scanning electron microscope.
Fig. 1.2 shows a section of one villus viewed through a light microscope.

Villi are found in the small intestine.

(a) State the function of villi.

(b) Identify and describe two of the labelled components of a villus.
Use the letters in Fig. 1.2 in your answer.


2016 Mar Q5(e)

Products of digestion are absorbed through the villi in the small intestine.
Explain how villi are adapted for absorption.

Human nutrition 15
(f) Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to a protein called gluten. The villi become damaged
causing a reduction in the absorption of nutrients.
Suggest possible effects on the body of a reduction in the absorption of nutrients.


2016 June 21
What is the function of bile?
A to acidify food entering the duodenum
B to emulsify starch emulsify fats !!!
C to increase the surface area of fats for digestion
D to provide enzymes for fat digestion

2016 June 23
The diagram shows a fat globule (P) in one part of the alimentary canal and the same globule (Q)
as it appears in another part of the alimentary canal.

In which parts of the alimentary canal are P and Q found?

A duodenum stomach
B ileum oesophagus
C oesophagus ileum
D rectum ileum

Bile acts in duodenum

In oesophagus, no bile so fat remains big
In ileum (after passing through duodenum), fats are emulsified
Human nutrition 16
2019 June 21
A student investigates the breakdown of fats in milk by lipase. Four test-tubes labelled A to D are
set up. The table shows the contents of each test-tube.
In which test-tube will the contents become acidic most quickly? fatty acid is acidic
milk bile boiled lipase lipase
A ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔
B ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ key
C ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔= present
D ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘= absent

2019 June 22
A person eats some cheese which contains a lot of fats and protein.
Which row shows the combination of substances that will digest the cheese most effectively?
amylase bile lipase protease
A ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘
B ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ key
C ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔= present
D ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘= absent

Bile emulsifies fats, lipase breaks it down

2015 Nov 32 Q3(b)
Fat is particularly difficult to digest as it is not water soluble and forms spherical globules in the
alimentary canal.
Fig. 3.2 is a diagram showing what happens to fat globules when mixed with bile.

(i) Name the process shown in Fig. 3.2.

(ii) Explain the advantage of the process shown in Fig. 3.2.

Human nutrition 17

Overview of digestive system

In which part of the body of a mammal does physical digestion occur?

A. gall bladder B. liver C. mouth D. pancreas

In which part of the alimentary canal do chemical digestion and mechanical digestion take place?
A. colon B. duodenum C. mouth D. oesophagus

In which region of the alimentary canal is maltose digested?

A. colon B. rectum C. small intestine D. stomach

Which food group is chemically digested in the mouth, passes through the stomach and continues
to be broken down by chemical digestion in the small intestine?
A. carbohydrates B. mineral salts C. proteins D. vitamins

The activity of amylase is measured in four parts of the alimentary canal.

Which two parts have the most amylase activity?
A colon and duodenum B colon and stomach
C mouth and duodenum D stomach and mouth

What functions are carried out by the small intestine?

absorption of digested food absorption of water ingestion
A ✔ ✔ ✔
B ✔ ✔ ✘
C ✔ ✘ ✘
D ✘ ✘ ✔

A person ate food X. Food X was not affected by enzymes until it reached the duodenum.
What was in food X?
A. fat B. mineral ion C. protein D. starch

The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs.

Which structures secrete enzymes that digest proteins?

A. T and U B. U and V C. V and W D. W and T
Human nutrition 18
The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal.

Which row correctly identifies the structures labelled J to M?

A oesophagus pancreas small intestine stomach
B pancreas small intestine stomach oesophagus
C small intestine stomach oesophagus pancreas
D stomach oesophagus pancreas small intestine

The diagram shows the human alimentary canal.

Which pair of structures both produce digestive enzymes?

A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 4 D. 3 and 5

The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs.
Which labelled part stores bile?
Human nutrition 19
The diagram shows the human alimentary canal. The diagram shows part of the human alimentary
Which labelled part absorbs the most water? canal. Which organ produces hydrochloric acid?

The diagram shows part of the human alimentary Into which part of the alimentary canal is the
canal. In which part does protein digestion begin? enzyme that digests starch secreted?

The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal. The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal.
Where is most water absorbed? Which structure produces lipase?
Human nutrition 20
2020 Nov 41 Q5(b)
Lactose is found in cows’ milk. Some people do not have the enzyme to digest lactose.
State the names of two organs, associated with the alimentary canal, that produce enzymes.

2018 June 41 Q1(c)

Fig. 1.2 shows the human alimentary canal and associated organs.
The functions of some of these parts of the body are given in Table 1.1.

Complete Table 1.1. One row has been done for you.
function letter from Fig. 1.2 name of structure
site of starch digestion
reabsorption of water
secretion of pepsin
site of maltose digestion
secretion of bile
storage of faeces F Rectum
secretion of lipase and trypsin
Human nutrition 21
2015 Nov 32 Q3(a)
Fig. 3.1 shows part of the thoracic and abdominal cavities of a human.

(i) Name the structures labelled G, H and M.

(ii) Table 3.1 shows five functions of organs in the abdominal cavity.
Complete the table by:
• naming the organ that carries out each function
• using the letters from Fig. 3.1 to identify the organ named.
One row has been completed for you.

function name letter from Fig. 3.1

conversion of glucose to glycogen
secretion of insulin and glucagon pancreas K
absorption of products of digestion
storage of bile
chemical digestion of protein in an acidic pH
Human nutrition 22
2020 June 43 Q1(b)
Fig. 1.1 shows part of the digestive system of a human.

Complete Table 1.1. One row has been done for you.
function name of structure letter from Fig. 1.1
pushes food to the stomach oesophagus A
assimilation of amino acids to produce plasma
storage of bile
secretion of insulin
absorption of fatty acids and glycerol
secretion of pepsin
digestion of starch
Human nutrition 23
2017 June 41 Q1
The arrows in Fig. 1.1 show the pathway of fat in part of the alimentary canal.

(b) State the name of

(i) the enzyme secreted by the pancreas that digests fat

(ii) the products of chemical digestion of fat

(iii) the liquid that is produced by the liver and stored by organ P in Fig. 1.1

(iv) organ P in Fig. 1.1.

(c) Explain what happens to ingested fat at R in Fig. 1.1 before chemical digestion occurs.

Human nutrition 24
(d) Explain how the products of fat digestion are transported from Q to the rest of the body.


2016 Mar Q5
(d) Physically digested food travels from the mouth to the stomach. The gastric juice in the stomach
contains hydrochloric acid, giving a low pH environment.
Explain why it is important to have a low pH in the stomach.


2016 Nov 43 Q3
(b) Fig. 3.1 is a diagram showing a short length of the small intestine of a mammal.

A function of the small intestine is absorption.

Describe how a molecule of glucose passes from the lumen of the small intestine into the blood.

Human nutrition 25
(c) Measurements were taken of the inner and outer surface area of two parts of the small intestine for
the four mammals in Table 3.1. The results are shown in Table 3.2.
ratio of inner surface area to outer surface area
duodenum ileum
insect-eating bat 283:1 54:1
domestic cat 15:1 12:1
rat 6:1 4:1
human 7:1 3:1
(i) Suggest which mammal has the most villi per centimetre of small intestine.

(ii) The duodenum is more effective than the ileum at absorption. Use the information in Table 3.2
to explain why.

(d) Bile is released into the small intestine from the gall bladder. Outline the roles of bile.


2017 Mar Q6
(b) Bile is made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder and passes into the small intestine.
Describe the role of bile in digestion.

Human nutrition 26
(c) After chemical digestion the products of digestion are absorbed. Define absorption.

(e) People that eat a diet that is high in fats are often advised to reduce their intake of fats.
Suggest the health benefits of this change in diet.


2019 June 43 Q6(c)

Complete the sentences with the most appropriate words.

Enzymes are made of protein and act as .............................................. because they increase the rate

of chemical reactions, but are not changed in those reactions. Amylase speeds up the digestion

of .............................................. to .............................................. Trypsin continues the chemical

digestion of protein begun by the enzyme .............................................. in the stomach.

The optimum pH for pancreatic enzymes is greater than pH 7. Bile is produced by

the .............................................. and enters the small intestine, where it ..............................................

stomach acid to provide the appropriate pH. Bile also breaks down fat by ..............................................

to increase the surface area for the action of lipase.

Human nutrition 27
2019 Nov 42 Q3
Cells in the lining of the stomach secrete gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
(a) (i) State two roles of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
(ii) Describe the function of pepsin.

(b) Define the term assimilation.

(d) The epithelial cells of the small intestine have many microvilli.
State the role of the microvilli.

Human nutrition 28
2019 Nov 43 Q3
Carbohydrates are an important component of a balanced diet.
The flow chart in Fig. 3.1 shows some of the processes that happen to carbohydrates in food that is

(a) Describe what happens to carbohydrates in the human body between ingestion and assimilation in
the liver. Use the information in Fig. 3.1 as a guide.

Human nutrition 29
2020 Nov 43 Q2
(a) A person ate a meal containing starch and fat.
Fig. 2.1 shows some events that occurred after ingesting this meal.
P absorption of nutrients in the villi
Q assimilation of fatty acids in the liver
R breakdown of large food particles by the teeth
S movement of small food particles through the oesophagus
T secretion of amylase from the salivary glands
Put the events in Fig. 2.1 into the correct sequence. One has been done for you.
(b) The stomach lining contains cells that secrete proteins.
(i) State the names of two cell structures that are involved in making or secreting proteins.
(ii) State the name of one component of gastric juice and describe its functions.

(iii) There are goblet cells in many parts of the alimentary canal.
State the substance that goblet cells secrete.

(c) Emulsification of fats occurs in the alimentary canal.
(i) Describe the process of emulsification of fats.

(ii) State the name of the organ in the alimentary canal where fats are emulsified.

(iii) State the name of the structure in the villi where digested fats are absorbed.


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