Was Lernen Wir Heute - (What Are We Learning Today

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Was lernen wir Heute? (What are we learning today.



Relative sentences provide additional information about a person or thing in an another sentence.
They start with a relative pronoun . they are subordinate clauses that is why verb goes always in
the end.

In english(examples in nominative)

1. This is my sister, who is very intelligent.

2. Did you see my car, which is brand new.

3. The man who is standing there is very old.

The second underlined words give more information about first underlined word.

Relativesaetze are always connected with a word called relative pronoun. In the above
examples who, which are these relative pronouns
Relativ Pronomen Regeln

-Relative pronouns changes in all the cases nominative, akkusative, dative and

-in relative sentences verb always goes in the end of the sentence.

Ex- ich trinke Kaffe, der warm war.

(the verb “war” in the second part of the sentence goes in the end)
Relativ Pronomen im Nominativ

Maskuline der
Feminin die
Neutrum das
Plural die
Beispiel in Nominativ

1. Der Mann, der Musik hoert, ist mein Bruder .

(the man who is listening to music is my brother)

Relativ pronomen- maskuline article der. Which replace the underlined word.

2. Das ist der Mann, der einen Ferrari hat.

(this is the man who has a ferrari)

Relativ pronomen- maskuline article der. Which replace the underlined word.

3. Ich gehe gern in die Kneipe, die neben meinem Haus ist.
(ich like to visit in the bar, which is near my house)

Relativ pronomen- feminine article die. Which replace the underlined word.
1.Ich habe einen Hund. Der Hund hat immer Hunger.

(i have a dog. The dog is always hungry.)

Ich habe einen Hund, der Hund immer Hunger hat.

-if the noun “einen Hund” is coming again in another line in nominativ position, then i do not need
to repeat the word again. I only writes the article ot that noun.

- the verb will go in the end conjugated.

2.Herr Schmidt ist leider krank . Er ist unser Mathelehrer.
(unfortunately, Mr. Schmidt is ill. He is our math teacher)

Als relativsaetze schreiben,

Herr Schmidt, der unser Mathelehrer ist ,ist leider krank.

(Mr Schmidt who is out maths teacher is ill)

(in a relative sentence we do not need to write the name again, the noun will only
replaced by its own article in definite case in the next sentence.)
The article of Herr Schmidt is “der”.

In nominative case the personal pronoun gives the answer of WHO.

For example : who is ill?
Ans : The maths teacher, Herr Schmidt.

1. Der Mann, der Musik hoert, ist mein Bruder .

(the man who is listening to music is my brother)

Relativ pronomen- maskuline article der. Which replace the underlined word.

2. Das ist der Mann, der einen Ferrari hat.

(this is the man who has a ferrari)

Relativ pronomen- maskuline article der. Which replace the underlined word.

3. Ich gehe gern in die Kneipe, die neben meinem Haus ist.
(ich like to visit in the bar, which is near my house)

Relativ pronomen- feminine article die. Which replace the underlined word.
In Akkusative case

1. Der Tisch, den mein Mann letzte Woche gekauft hat, war sehr teuer.
(the table which my husband has bought last week was very costly)

Relative pronoun is den which replace/refer the underlined word.’

2. Das ist mein Laptop , den ich taeglich benutze.
(this is my laptop which i use daily)
Relative pronoun is den, which refer the word mein laptop.

3. Lisa hat eine Jacke, die Anton hasst.

(Lisa has a jacket which Anton hates)
Relative pronoun is die which refers to jacket in the first sentence.
Relativpronomen Akkusativ

Maskuline den
Feminin die
Neutrum das
Plural die
Beispiel 1(in maskulin)
In the first sentence ihn replace akkusative
object in the second clause, which is already
Das ist der Mann . Ich kenne ihn gut. mentioned in the first clause “der Mann”.
The object is maskuline so it takes the
(this is the man. I know him well) maskuline definite article in second sentence.

Das ist der Mann, den ich gut kenne. When we mixed the above two sentences,
we do not need to repeat the pronoun with
“ihn”.We have to replace it with the definite
(this is the man whom i know well) article of the noun in the akkusative case.

The subject “ ich “ is already given in the second clause so it is clear that only
akkusativ object is missing.
Beispiel 2 feminin
Lisa hat eine Jacke. Anton hasst die Jacke. Cluse 1 , noun is eine Jacke.
Clause2 , die Jacke is repeated.
(Lisa has a jacket . Anton hates the jacket) But if we mixed these two clauses we can not
repeat one noun twice.

Lisa hat eine Jacke,die Anton hasst.

Clause1 die Jacke is used
(Lisa has a jacket which Anton hates) In clause 2 we only used the article of
jacke and send the verb in the end.
As in second clause the “die Jacke”was
in akkusative place so we place the
article according to accusative case.
Zweiteilige connectors are two parts conjunctions which are mainly used to connect two
main (independent ) clauses or two parts of a sentence.Example- not only..but also,
neither …nor , either …or etc. Today we mainly discuss two important connectors in
detail given below.

1 Wie haben nicht nur alles abgewaschen, sondern auch die Kueche aufgeraeumt.
(not only die we wash everything away, but we also cleaned up the kitchen)

2.Ich interessiere mich sowohl fuer Physik als auch fuer Chemie.
(I am interested in both physics and chemistry)
List of zweitelige konnectoren with meaning

We will be discussing the first two connectors today
1. Nicht nur… sondern auch

In this case “nicht nur” always lies together ,”sondern auch” are saperable.

Ex- Sie trinkt nicht nur Kaffee, sondern (sie) auch ein Sandwich.
(She is not only drinking coffee, but also eating a sandwich.)

-We use this connector when we express two situations. When we repeat subject or verb in the second sentence, we
can remove that. The position of verb will not be affected in this case.

-There will be a comma(,) before the second part of conjunction starts.The above sentence can also be written as;

Ex- Sie trinkt nicht nur Kaffee, sondern auch ein Sandwich

Selma ist nicht nur gut in Mathematik, sondern sie interessiert sich auch für Technik.
Selma is not only good in mathematics but she is also interested in technology.

Unser Lehrer spricht nicht nur Englisch sondern auch Französisch.

Our teacher doesn't just speak English, but French too.

Dieses Material ist nicht nur wasserdicht sondern auch wetterdicht.

This material is not only waterproof but also water- and wind-repellant.
So wohl..als auch- both…and…
This is the second most used conjunction.We use this conjunction when we express two
situations, exactly as “nicht nur…sondern auch”.In this situation there will no comma for “als
For example;
Sie hat mir sowohl einen Kuchen Gebacken als auch
eine Suppe zubereiten.

1. "Ich trinke sowohl Bier als auch Wein"

"I drink both beer and wine")

2. Sowohl meine Mutter als auch mein Vater kommen aus

(Both my father and mother are coming from Germany)

3.Er spricht sowohl Deutsch als auch Englisch.

(He speaks both, German and English)

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