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Roll No. .......................

Total Pages : 2

BT-5/D-20 45168

Paper : ES-301A

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question

from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Draw and explain the block diagram and pin diagram of
8086 microprocessor and explain its PSW. 15

2. (a) Discuss the register structure of 8086. Discuss the

importance of flags in flag register using suitable
examples. 8
(b) Explain the function of opcode pre-fetch queue
in 8086. 7

3. Sketch and explain the interface of 8 K × 8 RAMs and
8 K × 8 EEPROM using a decoder in minimum mode. What
is the maximum access time of RAMs such that it does not
require wait state when 8086 operates of 8 MHz. 15

45168/PDF/KD/350 [P.T.O.
4. Draw a timing diagram for write cycle in Maximum mode
of 8086 by introducing a wait state for 2 ms in the processor
cycle. 15

5. (a) Discuss various addressing mode of 8086. 7
(b) Explain the following instructions with an example for
each :
(i) XCHG.
(ii) XLAT.
(iii) DAA.
(iv) AAA. 8

6. Write 8086 Assembly Language Program to generate

10 elements of Fibonacci Series. 15

7. (a) Describe the operation, characteristic and interfacing
of D/A convertor with 8086 Microprocessor. 7
(b) Write short note on the following : 8
(i) Description and interfacing of 8251.
(ii) Interfacing of 8 × 8 Keyboard.

8. (a) Define an interrupt. Describe the application of interrupt

and interrupt response of an 8086 processor. 8
(b) Explain the functioning of Intel 8237 IC. 7

45168/00/KD/350 2
Roll No. ......................... Total Page : 2
BT–5/D–21 45168
Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75
Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from
each Unit. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) How 8086 CLK and RESET signals are generated using 8284 ? Explain
in detail? 9
(b) Discuss the working of EU and BIU of 8086 Microprocessor. 6

2. (a) Draw and explain the relevant pin diagram for 8086 in minimum
mode. 9

(b) Discuss the WAIT state generation in 8026 Microprocessor. 6


3. Interface the 8086 Microprocessor with two 16K × 16 EPROM chips and
two 16K × 16 RAM chips. Draw the necessary block diagram for the
support of your calculation. 15

4. Draw and discuss the read and write cycle timing diagram of 8086 in
minimum mode. 15

5. (a) Write as assembly language program to find any power of any number.
(b) Discuss the following assemble directives : 8


6. What do you mean by instruction format? Explain the following instruction
with the help of suitable example : 15
(i) ADC (ii) LEA (iii) PUSH (iv) INC
(iv) JNZ.
7. (a) Design 16 bit I/O port using 8255 and interfaces it with 8086 using
I/O addressing. 7
(b) Explain with a neat diagram the interfacing of stepper motor to 8086
using 8255 in detail. 8
8. (a) Explain the structure of 8086 interrupt vector table with neat
diagram. 6
(b) Discuss DMA with the help of lock diagram. 9

45168/K/248 2

Roll No. .......................... Total Pages : 02

BT-4/M-20 34095
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question

from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks.

Unit I

1. With a neat and clean sketch explain the internal

architecture of 8085 Microprocessor. 15

2. Draw the pin configuration of 8085 Microprocessor and

explain the function of all the pins in detail. 15

Unit II

3. Describe data registers, address registers and index

registers of 8086. 15

4. Draw and explain the block diagram and pin diagram of

8086 microprocessor and discuss generation of CLK and
reset signal using 8284. 15

(2)L-34095 1

Unit III

5. Describe 8086 addressing modes in detail with suitable

examples. 15

6. (a) Discuss the following assemble directives :

(ii) SEGMENT. 6
(b) Write a programme to compute factorial for a
number N between 1 and 8. 9

Unit IV

7. Discuss the function of DMA controller (8237) with

suitable diagram. 15

8. (a) Describe the operation, characteristics and interfacing

of D/A covnertor with 8086 Microprocessor. 6
(b) Write short notes on the following :
(i) Description and interfacing of 8251
(ii) Interfacing of 8×8 Keyboard. 9

(2)L-34095 2 __

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