Management Information Systems Pinduoduo

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Trisha Lionel 111933044


Pinduoduo Inc. is a leading technology platform in China with a focus on agriculture. It surpassed
even Alibaba in March 2021 as the Chinese online shopping platform with the highest number of active
users. Pinduoduo has rapidly grown to become a major player in the Chinese e-commerce industry, with a
valuation of $572 billion and an active buyer base of 585 million. The way agricultural products are sold
in China has been revolutionized by Pinduoduo, which has created an interactive shopping experience
that links wholesalers and farmers with consumers directly. With annual sales of $9 billion by 2020,
Pinduoduo, which was founded in 2015, has established itself as a fiercely competitive online
marketplace for agricultural goods.

Question 1 - Discuss the types of innovation models Pinduoduo adopted to help the company grow
exponentially since its inception to quickly become one of the major e-commerce giants in China

Organizations utilize innovation models as frameworks or approaches to originate, develop, and apply
fresh concepts or procedures that result in improved or new goods and services. Pinduoduo's primary
innovation model is disruptive in nature, as the company has introduced new business models that have
disrupted the traditional e-commerce industry in China. To promote Pinduoduo and attract new users, the;

Differentiated Team Purchase Model encourages consumers to choose between a single buyer
price and a team purchase price, the single buyer price would see the individual paying regular
price for the product, however if purchased as a team this would substantially reduce price. By
encouraging users to shop together, the platform has been able to create a highly engaged user
base and build a strong brand identity. Customers also have the chance to interact with one
another, which can be lacking in a digital world.
The Social Commerce model that was adapted by Pinduoduo uses social media platforms like
WeChat and QQ through a mini program, this enables users to share product information and
promotions with their social network, hence boosting user engagement and customer acquisition.
Pinduoduo partnership with WeChat were the key growth strategies which contributed to
increased customer acquisition.
Gamification Model – launched in 2018, it provided a gamified shopping experience through a
mini game. The mini game give gamers rewards for doing tasks. Users can, for instance, grow a
virtual fruit tree of their choice and feed it water droplets, fertilizers, using a special water can.
These could be obtained from logging in frequently, sharing products, buying items and playing
other mini games. Users are then rewarded with a physical package of fresh fruit sent to their
doorstep after successfully developing the virtual tree.
AI-Driven Personalized Recommendations- Pinduoduo is highly tailored and recommendation-
based, in contrast to search-based services. The app analyzes consumer data using cutting-edge
technology like artificial intelligence and predictive analytics and provides tailored
recommendations based on the user's browsing and purchasing history. Beyond making
individualized product recommendations, Pinduoduo views value for money as a concept that can
be customized. Pinduoduo is aware whether a user prioritizes expensive branded apparel or
inexpensive non-branded clothing based on their past purchases and browsing activity. Pinduoduo
exclusively displays clothing items that fit your willingness to pay based on a user's unique buying
Trisha Lionel 111933044

Question 2 – Why did Pinduoduo decide to venture into the rural e-commerce market? What are the
major challenges to this market?

Pinduoduo faced tough competition from dominant players such as Alibaba and in
China's crowded e-commerce market. However, the company found a way to differentiate itself by
targeting rural and peri-urban consumers with an alternative value proposition that emphasized trust and
reduced the cost of goods. This approach allowed Pinduoduo to avoid head-on competition with
established players and instead carve out a unique niche in the market. Additionally, Pinduoduo partnered
with Tencent to further drive growth. Pinduoduo's primary user base consists of individuals residing in
lower-tier cities who earn lower salaries and have less expenses on housing, which leaves them with more
disposable income for leisure activities. These users have fewer entertainment options than their urban
counterparts and are therefore more likely to engage in social activities such as collecting discount
buddies, participating in sweepstakes, and playing online virtual games. Many of Pinduoduo's users are
recent internet adopters and use the platform not only for shopping, but also as a form of leisure activity.
Pinduoduo also enabled millions of farmers in rural areas to tap into a wider consumer base through e-
commerce. Farmers could offer fresh produce, affordable to consumers bypassing unnecessary
intermediaries. A combination of market potential, strategic difference, and other factors led Pinduoduo to
decide to enter the rural e-commerce sector. Major challenges include logistics infrastructure in rural
areas, also Pinduoduo operates in a highly competitive market where consumers have less patience, and
addressing issues may result in increased costs

Question 3 – Is lifting farmers out of poverty consistent with the business logic of Pinduoduo?

Pinduoduo is rooted in three principles - Benefit All, People First and being More Open.
Pinduoduo goal as a new platform created has been to serve and benefit everyone. The company have
been committed to this objective since the beginning, working hard to boost farmers' incomes by bringing
agricultural products to consumers directly while offering savings to the rural population. The main factor
influencing their platform's expansion was this initiative. In 2019, the company launched the Duo Duo
program with the goal of alleviating rural poverty, which used an integrated approach that assisted
farmers from planting to selling their harvest. This was operated on a tripartite partnership which
involved Pinduoduo, local provincial governments and agronomic research institutes. The goal of this
initiative was transforming the traditional farmers into farming entrepreneurs and assisting in raising the
incomes of the farming community.

Question 4 – What impact did the Covid-19 crisis have on Pinduoduo, and how did Pinduoduo cope
with the challenges? Are these actions effective and economically meaningful?

The Covid-19 crisis inevitably changed how organizations conducted business. In uncertain
times, companies were figuring ways to be innovative and cater to changed user behaviors. In January
2020 China went into lockdown which meant millions of users were forced to stay at home. The
lockdown meant that there was an oversupply of fresh produce from farmers in rural China. With over
150,000 Pinduoduo poor merchants and a goal to target poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, a plan
was sort out. Pinduoduo coped with the challenge of Covid-19 by bridging the gap between the demand
and supply by way of a dedicated portal, which aim was to assist affected farmers and cater to the needs
of their users. Farmers were encouraged to promote their product by way of livestreaming to locals. These
actions were proven to be effective because by February 2020 the portal had hosted over 35,000
livestreaming channels and successfully received over 27. 5 million orders. Further By May of 2020 the
Trisha Lionel 111933044

program reached over 180,000 farmers and nearly 400 agricultural areas, which included 230 poverty-
stricken counties which were in dire need of help. China achieved its goal of becoming a well-off society
in 2020, and the domestic economy is expected to maintain stable growth of 5%. In 2019, China's rural
residents experienced higher growth in per capita consumption expenditure compared to urban residents
at 8.7%. This increased disposable income has provided an economic advantage to people's lives, and
total retail sales in underdeveloped areas have become significant. As a result, the potential consumption
power of rural residents has become increasingly important, providing a foundation for Pinduoduo's low-
price strategy. These actions were effective and economically meaningful for both farmers and Pinduoduo
as seen in a snippet report for First Quarter 2020 Highlights.
Figures for Q1 for Pinduoduo were as follows;

Question 5 – The Covid-19 pandemic boosted sales; will consumers go back offline post-pandemic?
The retail market has been declining in recent times, and many experts predicted that the COVID-19
pandemic would lead to an even greater shift towards online shopping and the eventual demise of
physical stores. However, this prediction failed to consider the importance of human interaction and the
customer experience. During the pandemic, businesses were forced to shift their focus to online
engagement, but they quickly realized that simply moving online was not enough. Successful brands
understood that they needed to reassess their customer relationships and find new ways to nurture them in
a digital environment. They also recognized the importance of providing a great customer experience
without relying on physical touchpoints.
In essence, the pandemic highlighted the need for businesses to focus on both online and offline channels,
and to create a customer experience that incorporates the human touch. This approach will be crucial for
the survival of physical stores in the post-pandemic world, as customers will continue to seek out the
personal touch that only a physical store can provide. The strategies that proved successful for brands
during the lockdown period may not necessarily continue to be effective moving forward. With so much
disruption to consumer behavior during the pandemic, it is natural that their expectations have also
shifted. Therefore, businesses must adapt to these changes and find new ways to meet evolving consumer
needs and preferences.
Question 6 – Are Pinduoduo’s Internet + Agriculture and Duo Duo Farm initiatives sustainable? What
are the challenges for Pinduoduo going forward?
Pinduoduo's long-term sustainability of its Internet + Agriculture and Duo Duo Farm initiatives looks
promising. These initiatives focus mainly on using technology to improve the efficiency and
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sustainability in the agriculture sector by providing modern farming techniques and equipment to farmers.
This partnership can lead to increased crop yields and better quality, which can drive sales and revenue
for the company. However, the success of these initiatives depends on factors such as farmer adoption of
the technology and access to funding. Pinduoduo must also address concerns such as ensuring product
quality and safety and building consumer trust. Pinduoduo has been previously accused of selling
counterfeit and substandard goods, which may negatively impact the company's reputation and consumer
confidence. Pinduoduo aims to increase its sales by focusing on improving the quality and safety of its
products. According to Liu, the company is working on the development of a cost-effective test for
contaminants in collaboration with Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research, with a
goal of completing the project by 2023 and commercializing it. This initiative aims to increase consumer
confidence in the safety and quality of products sold on the platform despite these challenges, the
potential for sustainable impact on the company's growth and development remains significant. In 2022
Pinduo won FAO Innovation Award. “Qu highlighted that that Pinduoduo’s technological innovations on
management of farming systems and emissions reduction were making significant contributions to
sustainable agricultural development worldwide, and to global food security”.
Pinduoduo has established itself as a major player in China's e-commerce market by leveraging the power
of social commerce and adopting innovative strategies. The company has also made significant
investments in agriculture technology and sustainable farming practices, which have the potential to drive
growth and improve food security.
However, Pinduoduo faces several challenges in maintaining its competitive edge, such as addressing
quality and safety concerns and building consumer trust. Additionally, the company must continue to
adapt to changing market conditions and consumer preferences to remain successful.
Overall, Pinduoduo's success can be attributed to its ability to innovate and differentiate itself from
competitors, as well as its focus on sustainability and social responsibility. As the e-commerce market
continues to evolve, Pinduoduo must stay ahead of the curve to maintain its position as a leader in the

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Trisha Lionel 111933044

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