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Name: Emilee Boyd

Date: November 13, 2023

Unit Title (must include the topic): Under the Sea

Grade Level: Kindergarten

1) Broad Unit Understandings/Goals:

• What will students understand (about big ideas) as a result of the unit?
• “Students will understand that…”
o Students will understand how big the ocean is.
o Students will understand there are many types of marine life in the ocean. (They
will know the basic types)

2) Unit Questions:
• List the Guiding and Essential Questions for the thematic unit.
• Refer back to the presentation*
o Does anyone know some things we can find in the ocean?
o Does anyone know the largest animal in the ocean?

3) State/Common Core Standards (obtained from PDESAS):

- Standard - CC.2.1.K.A.2
- Standard CC.1.2.K.B
- Standard 10.4.K.B1

4) Learning Objectives:
• **You must also write at least three learning objectives (these should be in the same
format as if they were in the lesson plan you developed).
- Students will gain greater understanding of the order of numbers 1–10 and the numeral
that represents each one. They will:
o count with understanding and recognize “how many” are in sets of objects.
o recognize that a number can be used to represent how many objects are in a set or
to represent the position of an object in a sequence.
o connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent, using
various physical models and representations.
- Students should be able to identify key points of texts
- Students should exhibit balance, agility, strength and stamina
5) Description of Unit:
• You will choose a theme that can be incorporated into a PK-4 curriculum. For example:
plants, my country, community leaders, friendship, manners, etc.
• Using the Common Core Standards as a springboard, write a narrative explaining how the
standards will correlate to the unit of study/thematic topic and why the topic is important.
The thematic unit I choose to teach is Under the Sea for a kindergarten unit. I want the students

to be able to count how many they see when seeing objects in 1-10 sequence which can be found

in standard CC.2.1.K.A.2. For the Under the Sea unit, I will have the students count how many

of an object that will ocean themed. Students will also fish for numbers where they will then

need to identify the number they have just fished for. This theme is important because it allows

kindergarteners gain a better understanding of the ocean. It can also be a fun way to engage

students in something they might not know about or have already learned about and are

interested in. Standard CC.1.2.K.B is the other common core standard I would incorporate in this

unit. It shows that students show an understanding of the main points of texts. As a way to see if

they understand, I would have students summarize what it is I am reading.

6) Introduction
• Write an introduction page that explains why the topic is an important one for the grade
level and how play-based, experience-based, and project-based activities will support the
learning of the topic. Identify the topic and grade level (e.g. PK-1, 1-3rd, 2-4th, etc.).
• Include enough information about each activity/idea that you could write a lesson plan
from it and use the idea in your classroom one day.
• Cite all sources!
• You must choose three items from the categories listed below
o Visual art ideas related to the topic—things the children can make
o Music ideas related to the topic: words and tunes to songs needed—if you don’t
know the melody don’t include it.
o Children’s books related to the topic: title, author, and summary needed
o Creative movement ideas related to the topic
o Games related to the topic: rules needed for unfamiliar games
o Drama ideas related to the topic including pantomime and improvisation ideas
o Art or artists that can be used to teach the topic—explain the connections.
o Ways to integrate science and health using any of the arts (1 or more arts) into
the topic. Include activity ideas with enough information that you could use the
idea without additional information.
o Ways to integrate social studies using any of the arts into the topic
o Ways to integrate math using any of the arts into the topic
o Ways to integrate other children’s literature (poems, riddles) into the topic
o Field trips and guest speakers related to the topic
o Multicultural ideas related to the topic

Under the Sea Thematic Unit Introduction

The Under the Sea thematic unit will help students learn more about the ocean while also

learning about common core standards needed for the grade. I chose to teach kindergarten this

thematic unit. It will give kindergarteners a fun way to learn the curriculum while also learning

basic facts about the ocean. For kindergartners, it will be difficult to keep their interest

throughout the whole lesson, so making it something they can easily find interesting, and fun is

important. I believe the Under the Sea unit will give the opportunity to be interesting and fun for

these students. Through different activities that can be taught the students will be able to learn in

a different style than they are used to. The students will have the opportunity to use their

creativity and be able to think outside the box when including the arts in the curriculum.

As a math lesson for the Under the Sea unit I plan on having the students complete a

color by number to color that would be teaching them the basic numbers 1-10. This color by

number would show them a picture of some type of ocean themed picture. This would be a fun

way for students to use the arts in a mathematical lesson. For Standard CC.2.1.K.A.2, students
are supposed to be able to identify the numbers 1-10 and count how many based on a certain

number of objects. For students to be able to count how many of an object they see, another

activity I chose to do that would include the arts would them fishing for numbers. I would set up

a small kiddie pool with a bunch of paper fish that have numbers 1-10 printed on them. Students

then would take a toy fishing pole and have to “fish” for the numbers. After they get a fish, they

would have to identify the number on it.

For another lesson, I would read Guess Who Ocean Friends by Jodie Shepherd. This is a

book that describes different ocean creatures. To make it more engaging for students as I read, I

would ask for volunteers to tell me which animal they believe I am talking about based on what

is being read from the book. Standard CC.1.2.K.B, it wants students to identify key points in the

text. If students are accurately making guesses based on what I am reading to them then they are

thinking about the main points that are being said to them.

The last lesson I would incorporate in this thematic unit would be Standard 10.4.K.B1.

This standard is to show kindergarteners can exhibit strength, stamina, balance, and agility. For

this activity, I would have the students play charades. Students would need to guess which ocean

animal that student is performing based on the body movement I tell them to perform. This will

be a fun way to get the students to move around and introduce a topic such as the ocean to them.


**Your final product should include:

• A title page (APA format)
• The completed thematic unit plan (above)
• The completed thematic graphic plan of subjects/ideas/projects (below)
• Reference page (APA format)
• Expectations
o Points will be deducted for ideas that are not plausible, fully explained, or
standards and assessments that are not reasonable.
o Points will be deducted for errors in mechanics, inconsistencies, omissions, lack
of neatness, and late work.
o Final product will be uploaded to eLearning.
Thematic Graphic Plan
*Bullet two or three activity suggestions for each content area below. **NO WORKSHEETS
THEME: Under the Sea
- Guess Who Ocean Friends by Jodie Shepherd
- A Swim Through the Sea by Kristen Joy Pratt
- Label pictures based what is seen in the ocean example: rock, sand, fish, etc
- Show class a picture of under the sea and ask each one to tell me a story about what they
see is happening and I write it down for them
- Ocean-themed Sensory Bin
o Placing seashells, sand, sea creature toys into a bin then adding water, students
interact with the different types of things they would find in ocean. The seashells
would have letters or numbers on it and as they pick it up they must say what they
are seeing
- Read the story “The Big Blue Whale” then head outside to draw a life size version of a
whale to help them understand how big they are
- Going on a virtual aquarium field trip
- Learn about the habitat of marine species
- Mark the different underwater animal species on a map based on location of map using
stickers (would be for older grades 3 or 4)
- Fish for numbers
- Ocean themed color by number
- Sharks and Minnows
- Ocean themed charades game
- Create an underwater scene with paint
- Cereal Box Aquarium
- Animals in the Ocean song
- Sailor went to sea song

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