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1 Weekly Workbook 10

WW10 – EDI and Introducing…. SEES

Deadline: Dec 1st, 11:59 PM

Monday Lecture: EDI

Before the lecture, answer the following question:

- What does EDI mean in education?

After the lecture, answer the following questions:

- Take a moment to reflect on the differences between equity, diversity, and inclusion within a
university context. Define each term as it applies to the university environment, and explain
how they collectively contribute to creating a more equitable and enriching educational

- Why is fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) important for both individual growth and
organizational success? Share an example of how a diverse and inclusive environment positively
impacts workplace dynamics."
2 Weekly Workbook 10

Thursday Lecture: Introducing … SEES

- What sort of careers, future study options, and research areas do you think people who take
programs in this Department can pursue? (Include as many examples in all three categories
(careers, future study options, and research areas) that you can bring to mind.

- My current view of whether I will take a program in this Department is: (choose the most
representative response)
o It’s my top choice
o I’ll probably have it as one of my choices
o I’m not sure
o I probably won’t choose this one
o I’m definitely not interested
Your Answer:

- Write a couple of sentences justifying your choice above.


- What is the name of the guest speaker(s)?

- List some of the programs you can take in this Department.

- After listening to the talk, do you know what the requirements are to take programs in this
Department? (YES or NO)
3 Weekly Workbook 10

- By checking the MAP, describe what changes in course choices for next term (if any) you would
have to make if you wanted to apply for a program in this department. (You can choose any one
of the department’s programs).

- What were the most interesting things you heard in this talk?

- Write down at least one thing you learned from this talk about studying science at University.

No Tutorial this week:

Check the Physics and Astronomy paper posted this week:

This paper looks a little different than the last few papers. It has no section headers, is very short, and
has the word “Letters” at the top.

- What are the differences between “Letters” publications and the standard primary research
article style we are used to? (Write at least 3 differences)
4 Weekly Workbook 10

- Which authors of this paper are associated with McMaster University? Hint: Look at the
superscript numbers beside each author and see the footnote on page 1 of the PDF.

- It is common to come across new terms in papers that you may not be familiar with. What does
“redshift” mean in the context of astronomy? Where did you find the definition? Please state the URL of
the website or the textbook name, but no proper citation is required for this question!

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