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behavioral control, self-efficacy, and financial
Gracia Margaretha Meisya Carvallo, behavior on the use of pay later services.
Wisanggalih, 3Suryaning Perwita Mandiri
Putri, 4Lidia Ratna Salwati, 5Jerry The results showed that the behavior of
Christofer, 6Putu Bagus Dipa Andiniko, using Paylater services by students was strongly
Ester Marcelina Bau, 8Fellivia Ravena, influenced by their financial attitudes.
Afriana Marselo, Meanwhile, behavioral control and self-efficacy
Aurelia Melinda Nisita Wardhani have no influence on financial behavior. These
findings provide valuable insights for Paylater
service providers and related parties in
Fakultas Ekonomi, Akuntansi, Universitas developing more effective strategies in
Sanata Dharma1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 responding to the needs and behavioral
graciacarvallo93@gmail.com, characteristics of students related to finance.
perwitaaa.mp@gmail.com, Keywords: Financial Attitude, Behavioral
Salwati_lidhyasalwaty@gmail.com, Control,
jerryy054@gmail.com, Self-Efficacy, and Financial Behavior
marcelina110901@gmail.com, 1. Introduction
fravenna70@gmail.com, Financial behavior carried out by the
Mariamarselo08@gmail.com, younger generation has a great influence on
nisita.wardhani@usd.ac.id their financial management. The younger
generation is a student of generation Z or
commonly called Gen-Z in the age range of
ABSTRACT 18-35 years. Every way a person manages
finances can be seen from the point of view
The way a person manages their finances of psychology and the habits of each
can have a huge impact on the level of financial individual is an understanding of financial
well-being they experience. Financial attitudes, behavior (Sari and Anam, 2021). Today's
behavioral control, self-efficacy and financial students have feelings of FoMO (Fear of
behavior are four factors that can influence the Missing Out) or fear of being left behind
use of pay later. This research explores the
with others so that it encourages
concept of pay later, a financial service that
allows users to make purchases without cash consumptive behavior faster. This is shown
payment on the spot, and get purchased items, by from an article that discusses further related
paying at a set time. The focus of this study was to digitalization which has a negative impact
on the student population as a research sample, due to the presence of social media. Its
identifying the reasons why pay later became presence makes Gen-Z individuals insecure
relevant in the context of their financial and tends to cover up their shortcomings in
behavior. Through a behavioral approach, this consumptive behavior (UGM.ac.id, 2023).
study revealed that students often need pay later
as a solution to meet their daily needs without
In addition, digitalization is also
having to spend money directly. A specially
triggered by the rampant use of the internet
selected research sample from among students
allowed for a more in-depth analysis of the in society. People are facilitated to access all
impact of financial attitudes, information used to meet their needs without
requiring more effort. The use of technology

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in Indonesia is widely used for online shopping (Farhani et al and Prazadhe;

shopping (Utamanyu and Darmastuti, 2022). Fitriyah, 2023). Based on this information,
Similarly, Gen-Z often buys their needs and genZ tends to be consumptive. This is further
wants through ecommerce platforms. This reinforced from Sari and Anam's (2021)
application is easily accessible through the question, consumptive behavior will cause
use of a smartphone, making it easier to an adverse impact on students' personal
transact. This has caused Indonesia to financial management habits where there is
experience an increase in ecommerce by no consistency in spending planning, savings
78% (Ministry of Communication and planning, or long-term needs planning.
Information, 2019).
The chaotic habits of managing
The increasing growth of e-commerce students' personal finances are caused by
causes more and more challenges and has a their incomprehension regarding structured
strong sense of competition with each other. finances. Gen-Z, who tend to be impulsive
This is shown by the consumptive behavior with meeting current needs without
of Gen-Z in buying clothes online from all consideration of the future, need mastery of
aspects. all aspects, such as: brand, price, understanding related to financial
perfectionist, quality, hedonist, management behavior so that they are able to
impulsiveness, and loyalty (Utamanyu and balance income and expenditure (Rindayani
Darmastuti, 2022). In addition, Gen-Z will et al., 2022). Financial behavior is a
feel more comfortable in shopping in e- behavioral involvement in an individual
commerce because it is more practical and person which includes intellectual
provides more benefits. This is due to the intelligence, sociology, finance, psychology,
many promo offers offered, prices in e- investment, and social interaction as the
commerce are much cheaper than in offline basis for decision making for a financial
stores, ecommerce has a good reputation, can action (Rindayani et al., 2022). In addition,
use all kinds of payment methods, and financial behavior is also related to the
relatively faster delivery times for goods implementation of personal financial
(Sazali, 2020). The advantages of online management which includes the process of
shopping in e-commerce greatly encourage planning, managing, and controlling finances
them to consumptive behavior. (Herawati et al., 2018). Effective financial
behavior is influenced by financial attitudes,
Consumptive behavior is marked by the behavioral control, and self-efficacy.
presence of Financial Technology (Fintech), Financial attitude is one of the factors that
especially for those who offer loan services, play an important role in determining
thus further encouraging the interest of personal financial management behavior.
Indonesian consumers to shop online in The attitude in managing effective personal
ecommerce. This technology is an finances is to apply financial principles to
innovation from the financial services create and strengthen value in the process of
industry because it makes it easier for making the right decisions related to finance
transactions to be done remotely and quickly and managing resource efficiency (Humaira
(Saragih, 2022). One of the innovative and Sagori, 2018). If Gen-Z applies a good
products of this technology is Paylater. The financial attitude, then they can manage their
mechanism used is to take advantage of financial responsibilities more efficiently and
technological sophistication by prioritizing dare to make better financial management
electronic or non-cash payments quickly and decisions. So students who are able, make
easily so that consumers can buy the desired realistic budget planning and spend money
product without prior planning (Sufyati HS not wastefully so that income can meet all
&; Alvi Lestari, 2022). This is further their needs (Herdjiono and Damanik, 2016).
strengthened by Paylater's presence in online

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circumstances then reflected in their

Meanwhile, behavioral control is an attitudes, which are maintained and managed
individual's point of view to control their through making the right decisions to
actions so that they still provide motivational maintain these values (Muhidia, 2019). On
implications that can affect interest (Sari and the other hand, Dwiastanti &; Listiani (2017)
Anam, 2021). If you have tried to be positive financial attitudes have a significant
and others agree with it, but the individual influence on a financial behavior.
still does not have complete information.
Thus, the individual will not encourage the Someone who has a financial attitude
emergence of strong motivation. So students has this will affect his behavior. This attitude
are able to understand the level of ease of is shown by good financial skills that allow
implementation of a certain behavior so that someone to make smart decisions in
they will be more careful in making choosing financial products that will affect
decisions related to financial behavior. their future financial planning. In addition,
money can also affect the way a person
One other factor that plays an important thinks and acts according to his financial
role in determining Gen-Z's personal attitude. By adopting such financial
financial management behavior is self- attitudes, financial principles can be
efficacy. This is supported by the statement implemented, enabling one to make
of Sari and Anam (2021), which is self- decisions and manage income appropriately
efficacy is a selfconfidence in all internal (Humaira &; Sagoro, 2018). This occurs
abilities of individuals used to carry out along with the Theory of Planned Behavior
behavior for the achievement of certain (Ajzen, 1991), where a person's view of
performance results. The existence of money affects his ability to manage finances.
individual awareness by involving Thus, this creates differences in perception
themselves in financial behavior is a positive of certain physical objects or behaviors that
action because it shows courage about eventually form differences in attitudes. It
financial responsibility in the future. This is can be concluded that having good money
shown by a person's ability to measure his management skills is one of the important
personal value through a form of self- factors, especially in managing financial
evaluation of the competencies he goes aspects. Similar to financial behavior,
through to achieve goals (Puspitaningtyas, Paylater users need a financial attitude that
2017). Based on the information above, this can control themselves in managing
study aims to examine the influence of finances. This is supported by Rohmanto and
financial attitudes, behavioral control, self- Susanti (2021) who state that financial
efficacy, and financial behavior in using attitudes have an influence on financial
Paylater. It is expected that Gen-Z will be behavior. H1: financial attitudes influence
able to have the ability to make decisions financial behavior
and limit the behavior shown in the use of
Paylater lending services. So that the 2.2 Behavioral Control
formulation of the problem in this study is An assessment of behavior regulation
whether financial attitudes, behavioral reflects the extent to which a person can
control, and self-efficacy affect financial easily or difficult to carry out an action,
behavior. while reflecting past experiences and
obstacles faced. The individual's view
2. Literature Review believes that everything he happens and
2.1 Financial Attitude experiences is the direct result of the actions
Financial attitudes can be interpreted as a he takes (Pradiningtyas and Lukiastuti,
person's views, points of view, and 2019). A person who does not have the
assessments of their personal financial information or opportunity to perform a

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certain behavior, will not make a strong behavioral control, and self-efficacy
intention to do it, even though he has a influence financial behavior.
positive attitude towards his behavior, and
believes that others will approve if they do Financial Attitude
the behavior (Hidayati, 2013). Thus,
behavioral control can provide an Financial
Behavioral Control
understanding to a person about whether or Behavior
not it is easy to carry out a certain behavior.
Serido et al. (2013) stated that behavioral Self-Efficacy
control has a positive influence on financial
behavior. Similarly, the context of a person's Figure 1: Research model adapted from Sari
behavior in using Paylater requires and Anam (2021).
behavioral control in making their decision
to use Paylater. This statement is supported 3. Research Methods
by Putri, et al (2022), namely behavioral This research is a quantitative research
control affects financial behavior. H2: that aims to test financial attitudes,
behavioral control affects financial behavior. behavioral control, self-efficacy of financial
behavior of Paylater users. The respondents
2.3 Self-efficacy of this study are students who are currently
Self-efficacy is the knowledge of pursuing undergraduate and master's
individuals in their capacity to determine education who are classified as Gen-Z and
actions that will get overall positive use Paylater services in transactions. The
performance results (Ummah et al, 2021). data collection technique used in this study
Self-efficacy in finance is the ability to use was the distribution of questionnaires
available financial services to create a better through Google Form links with a likert
life (Sari and Anam, 2021). Self-efficacy scale of 1-5. The questionnaire was adapted
describes the influence on the way of from Sari and Anam (2021). This study used
thinking of individuals who are able to a sampling technique with snowball
provide direction in action with the aim of sampling and was processed with the SPSS
achieving a positive result for the individual version 25 application. This study used
himself (Wulandari et al, 2020). This is multiple linear regression data analysis to
shown through individual involvement in examine the effect of financial attitudes,
financial behavior will reflect a behavioral control, self-efficacy on the
person's ability to manage finances, as well financial behavior of Paylater users.
as having financial responsibility in
preparing for the future (Sari and Anam, 4. Research Findings and Discussion
2021). Student Financial Behavior is an The data collection period in this study
individual ability whose financial behavior is was carried out by distributing research
related to the management and utilization of questionnaires through Google Form links,
financial resources (Sufyati HS &; Alvi namely students at the undergraduate and
Lestari, 2022). So students who have good master education levels. The results of the
self-efficacy can make financial decisions questionnaire distribution obtained data from
correctly (Hasanudin et al, 2022), respondents as many as 88 people. Data that
(Mukharomah et al, 2023). H3: self-efficacy can be processed and further analyzed is 43
affects financial behavior. respondents (49%) who use Paylater. The 43
respondents can be classified by study
Based on the above hypothesis, program, class, education level, age range
researchers designed a model from Sari and and gender. The characteristics of research
Anam (2021). The reason for choosing this respondents will be explained as follows:
model is because financial attitudes,

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Table 1: Respondent Characteristics viewed further in terms of age range, it can

be seen that the majority of respondents aged
Characteristics Qty Percentage
21-24 years with a percentage (13.95%) and
Accounting 21 49% the majority of men with a percentage
Architecture 1 2,33% (51.16%). The majority of students who
were respondents in this study had an
Characteristics Qty Percentage
educational background in the Accounting
Economy 3 7% Study Program, a total of 88 respondents
Farmacy 3 7% (48.84%).
Course Law 1 2,33%
Furthermore, from the results of the
English Study 1 2,33% analysis of the characteristics of the
respondents above will be further analyzed
Management 4 9,30%
related to hypothesis testing in this study
Accounting using multiple linear regression analysis. It is
1 2,33%
used to determine the influence of the
Economy Study independent variable (X), namely financial
1 2,33%
attitude, behavioral control, and self-efficacy
History on the dependent variable (Y), namely
1 2,33%
financial behavior. Multiple linear regression
Culinary Art 1 2,33% results as follows:
3 7%
Engineering Table 2: Multiple Linear Regression
Industrial Analysis Results
1 2,33%
Model B
1 2,33% (Constant) 1.621
Financial Attitude (X1) .578
2019 4 9,30%
Behavioral Control (X2) .179
2020 31 72%
Year of Self-Eficacy (X3) .092
2021 5 11,63%
2022 2 4,%

2023 1 2,33% From the results of the data processing

above, a multiple regression formula can be
Education S1 42 98%
Level used as follows:
S2 1 2,33%

17-20 6 14% Y = α + β1 X1 + β1 X2 + β2 X2 + β3X3 +e

Age Range 21-24 36 84%
Therefore, the regression equation model
> 25 1 2,33% generated based on the table above is
Man 22 51,16%
Gender Y = 1,621 + 0,578X1 + 0,179X2 + 0,092X3
Woman 21 49%
Source: Data processed in 2023
Table 3: Model Summary
From table 1 shows the majority of R Adjusted Std. Error of
Model R
respondents' information in this respondent Square R Square the Estimate
research is students having an S1 level of
education with a percentage (97.67%) of the 1 .709a .503 .464 2.37957

total number of respondents. Meanwhile, if

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Based on the output above, it is known influence (together) given by the

that the R Square value is 0.503, this means independent variable on the dependent
that the influence of variables X1, X2, and variable. The results of the F value test are as
X3 simultaneously on variable Y is 50.3% follows:

From the regression test equation and R F tabel = F(k;n-k) ; Nilai F tabel = F(3;43-3)
Square results above, the results of the T test = F(3;40) = 2,84
and F test can be further analyzed as follows:

The T test (partial test) aims to

determine whether or not there is a partial
influence (own) given by the independent
variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y).
The partial test (t-test) in this study used α= So that the F value of the table, which is
0.05 with one-tailed testing. Here are the 2.84. Thus from this result information, it
results of the T test: can be concluded that financial attitude,
behavioral control, and self-efficacy have a
Table 4: Results of The T Test simultaneous influence on financial behavior
because the significance value is below
0.000 and the F test count is above F table.

Based on the results of data analysis,

each hypothesis of financial attitude
variables has an effect on financial behavior
because it obtained a significant value of <
The T value of the table is obtained 0.05 with t calculate > t table. Furthermore,
from the formula with a significance level of the variables of behavioral control and self-
5% as follows: efficacy had no effect on financial behavior
because they obtained a significant value of
T table= t(α/2:(n-k-1)); Nilai T tabel= T > 0.05 with t count < t table.
(0,05/2;(43-3-1)) = T (0,025;(29)) = 2,04523 From these results will be further analyzed
based on each hypothesis test.
So that the value of T table, which is
2.04523. Thus from this result information, it First, the results of hypothesis testing
can be concluded that financial attitudes on H1 obtained a beta coefficient value of
have an influence on financial behavior beta of 0.466 and its significance of 0.001 is
because the significance value is below 0.05 smaller than 0.05. So it can be concluded
and the calculated T test is above the T table. that H1 is supported, which means that
Meanwhile, the results of behavioral control financial attitudes have an influence on
and self-efficacy had no influence on financial behavior. The results of this study
financial behavior because the significance are in line with the research of Landias and
value was above 0.05 and the calculated T Wiyanto (2023), Sari and Anam (2021),
test was below the T table. Rohmanto and Susanti (2021). Students
who have a financial attitude tend to have
Furthermore, from the results of the T the courage to make effective and efficient
test above, researchers continued the F. decisions. Therefore, students often take
Ghozali test (2013) explained that this test is realistic and practical financial management
used to measure the regression function of steps by using Paylater in transactions.
the sample in interpreting the goodness of fit
(actual) value. This test aims to determine
whether or not there is a simultaneous

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Second, the results of hypothesis Paylater feature in Gen-Z. Interest in using

testing on H2 get a beta coefficient value of the Paylater feature is more likely to be
0.209 the significance value is 0.123 greater determined by other factors, and this finding
than 0.05. So it can be concluded that H2 is based on respondents' responses that show
rejects which means there is no influence that the majority of individuals can form
on financial behavior. The results of this decisions using opportunities. Selfefficacy
study are in line with research conducted by has no significant effect on financial
Gunawan and Nasution (2022), students behavior due to feelings of FoMO (Fear of
who lack control over behavior will have a Missing Out) or fear of being left behind
bad impact because they use Paylater to with others so that Gen-Z generation is more
likely to use Paylater.
meet their needs and want to feel less
competitive with their friends. In this case,
The limitation in this study is realized
behavioral control can put students on a
that respondents are only obtained generally
good financial understanding so that it will
from various study programs. The results of
provide a more positive direction. our study are also limited by the lack of
information related to the extent to which
Third, the results of hypothesis testing Paylater is used to meet user needs or
on H3 get a beta coefficient value of 0.240 desires, and this study has not included
its significance value of 0.51 greater than information about Gen-Z income and
0.05. So it can be concluded that H3 rejects expenditure, so the level of Paylater usage
which means self-efficacy has no influence cannot be measured optimally. Based on the
on financial behavior. This research is not conclusions and limitations of the research
in line with research conducted by Akbar that has been described, suggestions can be
and Armasyah (2023) which says self- given for future research, namely further
efficacy has an influence on financial research analyzing respondents who have
behavior, by explaining that the higher the more specific and further characteristics
level of self-efficacy, this will lead to related to financial behavior in accounting
higher ability to behave in finance. study programs, and focused on Gen-Z to
Students who do not have self-efficacy better reflect the conditions of Gen-Z.
mean that they are unable to manage their
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International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research © 2023

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