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A Monthly Journal of Christian Evidences
Young People
See Christianity
June 2022•Vol. 42•No. 6

Was Jesus
Tempted in
ALL Ways?

nize the fact that young people in

Young People Leave the Faith

the Church today are bombarded
with information on a regular basis
that demands that Christianity
Because They Believe and science stand at opposite ends
of the truth spectrum. The simple
Christianity is question that needs to be asked by
every congregation of the Church

is: What are we doing to help our
young people understand the rela-
Kyle Butt, M.Div.
tionship between science, the Bible,
and Christianity? What classes are
scheduled to deal with the subject?

What curriculum materials have we
AVID K innaman is the was tenth grade. I started learning
diligently assessed to be the most
president of the widely about evolution. It felt like my first
robust to deal with the issues? What
known research organiza- window into the real world. To be
special seminars or video series have
tion Barna. One of his primary areas honest, I think that learning about
we used (or plan to use) to help our
of work deals with research regard- science was the straw that broke the
youth through this very serious chal-
ing Christianity. In his book You camel’s back. I knew from church
lenge to their faith? If the answers
Lost Me. Why Young Christians Are that I couldn’t believe in both sci-
to these questions are, “nothing,
Leaving the Church…and Rethinking ence and God, so that was it. I didn’t
very little, not much, and we don’t
Faith he detailed several of the main believe in God anymore.”3 Kinna-
know,” then there is a good chance
reasons why 18-29 year-olds say they man summarized the research by
that many of the young people of
leave Christianity. In his list of six saying: “Issues of science are one of
that congregation will have trouble
broad reasons young people leave the significant points of disconnec-
with their faith because of this
their faith, the third reason he listed, tion between the next generation unanswered challenge.
based on the vast amount of research and Christianity.”4
Barna has done on the topic, is that At Apologetics Press, we have 2. TEACH THE TRUTH: SCIENCE AND
18-29 year-olds believe Christianity known for over four decades that THE BIBLE ARE COMPATIBLE
is anti-science. He wrote: this is the case. We have listened
to countless, heartbroken parents The primary sentiment expressed
M any young Christians have by young Christians who leave the
come to the conclusion that faith tell us how their faithful Christian
and science are incompatible. Yet children abandoned their faith in faith based on “science” is that sci-
they see the mostly helpful role God for the more “honest, intellec- ence and the Bible cannot both
science plays in the world they tual” approach presented by modern be true. This is a false statement
inhabit—in medicine, personal atheistic science. In truth, this tragic designed by Satan to force our young
technology, travel, care of the problem is one of the primary rea- people to make a choice that should
natural world, and other areas. sons Apologetics Press exists. Fur- never be made. You can quickly see
What’s more, science seems acces-
thermore, this issue should cause how sinister this approach is by
sible in a way that the church comparing it to other false dilem-
does not; science appears to every church leader, elder, preacher,
parent, grandparent, and church mas.
welcome questions and skepti- • Do you want to be a thinking
cism, while matters of faith seem member to ask themselves what can intellectual or do you want to
impenetrable.1 be done. Let’s look at several ways to be a Christian?
He further noted that the research approach the situation. • D o you want to care about
showed that 29% of 18-29 year-olds people and their rights, or do
1. RECOGNIZE THE NEED TO you want to be anti-choice on
said that churches “are out of step the abortion question?
with the scientific world we live TEACH ON THE SUBJECT
• Do you want to love and be kind
in, while one-quarter (25 percent) Many people in the Lord’s to people, or do you want to
described Christianity as anti- Church grew up without being teach that God only saves those
science.”2 He related the story of challenged by questions about who believe in Jesus?
a Catholic man named Mike who how science and the Bible interact. E ach of these ideas is presented
became an atheist. Mike said: “It Because of this, they do not recog- as if only one can be true. When

addressing the question of science 4. DOES MODERN SCIENCE “WELCOME life’s mantra was to “follow the
and the Bible, we discover that real QUESTIONS AND SKEPTICISM”? argument wherever it leads.” He
science and a proper understand- further confessed: “I reached the
Many of the young people who
ing of the Bible always agree with left Christianity in Barna’s research conclusion about the nonexistence
each other. Dr. Michael Houts, who did so because they believed that of God much too quickly, much too
holds a Ph.D. from MIT and works “science appears to welcome ques- easily, and for what later9seemed to
for NASA, has written an excellent tions and skepticism, while matters me the wrong reasons.” Flew pro-
article on this subject titled: “True of faith seem impenetrable.” It is ceeded in the book to document
Science is the Christian’s Friend.” 5
imperative that we show our young all the philosophical and modern
While most young people are taught people the truth about this false idea. scientific findings that drove him
by secular education institutions The brand of atheistic, evolutionary to the conclusion: “I have followed
that science and the Bible are incom- science that is taught in most educa- the argument where it has led me.
patible, they have not been equipped tional systems today in no way wel- And it has led me to accept the
comes honest inquiry. In fact, the existence of a self-existent, immu-
with the truth that shows this idea
exact opposite is true. Young people table, immaterial, omnipotent, and
to be false. An honest look at real
omniscient Being.”10 How do you
science will always increase faith in need to be shown the truth that all think the atheistic, “scientific” com-
the Bible. scientific discoveries and research
that even mention the idea of intel- munity accepted Dr. Flew’s conclu-
3. NOT ALL “SCIENCE” IS EQUAL ligent design are rejected immedi- sion? In the preface of the book, Roy
ately.7 Valid scientific research that Varghese discussed the responses of
The quote David Kinnaman calls into question the billions-of- those in the scientific community
included from Mike, the atheist, years timeframe of modern geology who once lauded Flew as a champion.
gives us insight into the real conflict. is dismissed. Scientific discoveries He wrote: “Curiously, the response
He stated that he started learning that disprove the Big Bang model to the AP story from Flew’s fellow
about evolution in 10th grade and are “cancelled” quickly.8 atheists verged on hysteria…. Inane
that is when he realized that “learn- In 2007, the world’s leading insults and juvenile caricatures were
ing about science was the straw that atheist—Antony Flew—published common in the freethinking blogo-
broke the camel’s back.” He equated a book in cooperation with Roy Var- sphere…. The advocates of tolerance
evolution with science. Unfortu- ghese titled: There Is a God: How were not themselves very tolerant.
nately he was not given the truth The World’s Most Notorious Athe- And, apparently, religious zealots
about the aspects of evolution that ist Became a Believer. Flew noted don’t have a monopoly on dog-
are unscientific. Often the infor- several times in the book that his matism, incivility, fanaticism, and
mation that young people are being
told is real science, is nothing of the Reason & Revelation is published monthly by Apologetics Press, Inc. Periodicals postage
sort. It is our job as Christians to paid at Montgomery, AL. Postmaster: Send address changes to Reason & Revelation,
230 Landmark Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117; issn:[1542-0922] usps# 023415.
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give them the tools to distinguish Apologetics Press is a non-profit, tax-exempt work dedicated to the defense of New
Testament Christianity. Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.
between truth and error. We should Editor: Orders:
be determined to send our young Dave Miller, M.A., M.Div., M.A.R., Ph.D. *
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Bang model.

paranoia.”11 Our young people need were these evidences that the text ENDNOTES
to know that the modern atheistic, says, “Nevertheless even among 1 David Kinnaman (2011), You Lost Me.
“scientific” community is extremely the rulers many believed in Him” Why Young Christians Are Leaving the
welcoming and open to questions, (John 12:42). Their “belief,” how- Church…and Rethinking Faith (Grand
as long as you arrive at exactly and ever, was of little value to them. The Rapids: Baker), pp. 92-93.
2 Ibid., p. 136.
only the conclusions that they have text continues, “but because of the 3 Ibid., p. 138.
decided are “scientific.”12 Pharisees they did not confess Him, 4 Ibid., p. 132.

lest they should be put out of the 5 Mike Houts (2011), “True Science is the
5. THEY WILL HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE synagogue; for they loved the praise Christian’s Friend,” Apologetics Press,
While our young people will of men more than the praise of God”
never have to choose between real (John 12:42-43). 6 Mike Houts (2007), “Evolution is Reli-
science and the Bible, they will have Our young people will be faced gion, Not Science,” Apologetics Press,
to make a choice. In today’s secular with a choice: not the choice
culture, the majority of educators, between science and the Bible. The is-religionnot-science-part-i-2299/.
professors, politicians, and world choice is between truth and error.
7 Kyle Butt (2008), “The Catch-22 of

leaders believe and teach falsely Peer-Reviewed Journals,” Apologet-

Have we given them the foundation ics Press,
about the Bible and science. The that adequately prepares them to
vast majority of university profes- the-catch-22-of-peer-reviewed-jour-
stand for the truth when the rest of nals-2508/.
sors are openly atheistic and many the world pressures them to believe 8 “An Open Letter to the Scientific Com-
have made it their personal goal to a lie? As Jesus bluntly put it: “If the munity,” https://www.plasma-universe.
destroy the Christian faith in their com/an-open-letter-to-the-scientific-
young students. Young people will world hates you, you know that it community/.
be forced to decide if they love the hated Me before it hated you. If you 9 Antony Flew and Roy Varghese (2007),

truth more than error, and if they were of the world the world would There Is a God: How The World’s Most
are willing to stand for the truth love its own. Yet because you are Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind
not of the world, therefore it hates (New York: Harper Collins), pp. 12-13.
even when such a stand will cost 10 Ibid., p. 155.
them something. The modern geo- you” (John 15:18-19). Let us not be 11 Ibid., p. viii.

logical community has adopted a so naïve as to think that Satan has 12 Kyle Butt, “Freethought: Not so Free

billions-of-years time frame that infiltrated politics, sports, business, After All,” Apologetics Press, https://
does not rest on robust science. If a and most media outlets but some-
young person wants to be a geologist how has left modern “science” alone. so-free-after-all-926/.
today, he or she will be pressured
to adopt this same time frame, in
spite of real, scientific evidence that
militates against it. If young people
do not toe the modern “scientific”
Kyle Butt
party line, they may find that uni- June 12-15 Primm Springs, TN (931) 619- 6349
versities and jobs that offer geology June 26-27 Columbia, TN (931) 388 -7334
degrees and opportunities will not June 30-July 1 Paintsville, KY (606) 789- 6219
even let them into their programs. Eric Lyons
Ultimately, our young people will June 1 Luverne, AL (334) 335-5089
have to choose between believing June 5-10 Oakman, AL (334) 272-8558
the truth, and sacrificing the truth June 24-26 West Plains, MO (417) 256 - 6317
because they want something more, June 29 Augusta, GA (706) 855- 0801
such as recognition, acceptance, aca- Dave Miller
demic advancement, or to be viewed June 3,5 Dallas, TX (972) 279- 6186
as part of the intellectual elite. June 7 Oakman, AL (334) 272-8558
June 12 Montgomery, AL (334) 264 -2985
The New Testament gives us an June 29 Birmingham, AL (205) 440 -3206
excellent example of this dilemma.
In the book of John, the author Jeff Miller
May 29-June 3 Branson, MO (417) 334 -3866
presents many evidences that prove June 4 Olive Branch, MS (662) 895 -5102
that Jesus is the Son of God. The June 5-10 Parrish, AL (334) 272-8558
miracles He performed and the June 18 Columbus, GA (706) 561-3792
prophecies He fulfilled verified the June 20-24 Corner, AL (205) 647-9724
truth of His claims. So convincing

drawing a conclusion until suffi-
cient evidence has been provided
to substantiate the conclusion.

Is Rash Judgment Similarly, it may be true that most

scientists have bought into the hoax
of evolution, as was the case when

scientists believed in geocentricity or
that blood-letting was an appropri-
ate prescription for curing ailments,
but the number of believers in a cer-
tain idea does not prove the idea to
be true. Does the fact that much of
the world throughout history has
Jeff Miller, Ph.D. believed in the legitimacy of sinful
slavery prove abusive slavery to be
moral? Arguing in such a way causes
one to fall victim to yet another logi-
cal fallacy—the ad populum fallacy
Article In Brief... (i.e., appeal to the majority).3 What
Modern culture tends blindly to believe what the majority the majority believes and what the
experts believe is irrelevant in deter-
of people or the “experts” say about a subject or about mining the truth. The Bible warns
others who have been accused of wrongdoing. Forming against making judgments based
our beliefs in such a way, however, can be fallacious, upon such flimsy, incorrect reason-
is irrational, and is unbiblical. If we are as concerned ing (cf. Exodus 23:2; 1 Corinthians
about truth as is God, we will gather sufficient evidence 1:26; 1 Kings 22:5-23).
before drawing conclusions about what to believe. We IRRATIONAL

will assume innocence until a person is proven guilty. HE importance of having suf-
ficient evidence in arriving

O NE of the alarming trends without question or, at the very at truth cannot be overstated.
that has been repeatedly least, little question. Such behav- In the field of philosophy, there is
highlighted over the past ior is to be expected as our society a general rule that is followed if a
few years in American society has moves farther and farther away from person wishes to be rational: the
been the increasing number of non- Law of Rationality. It says that one
valuing truth and closer and closer
Christians and Christians alike who
should only draw those conclu-
to doing what simply “feels” right
sions that are warranted by the evi-
are quick to believe unsubstantiated to a person (cf. Deuteronomy 12:8; dence.4 In other words, one should
claims. If the supposed “experts” say Judges 17:6; Proverbs 12:15). How-
only believe what can be proved and
something, if the media reports it, ever, that mindset is dangerous and demonstrated to be true.
or if enough people believe some- unbiblical. How so? Many within Christendom seem
thing, regardless of the evidence unaware that Scripture endorses and
for or against it, many will accept FALLACIOUS

commands adherence to the same
it as true. Be it belief in a flat Earth, RGUING that something is obvious axiom. “Test all things;
belief in evolution or an old Earth, true merely because a highly hold fast what is good” (1 Thessa-
disbelief in Creation or the global credentialed person—an lonians 5:21). The Bible explicitly
Flood, “blind” faith in God or an “expert”—adheres to the position is prohibits having a “blind” faith (i.e.,
unbiblical religious doctrine, or a logical fallacy known as “appeal coming to believe something with-
the hasty attacks of individuals or to authority.”2 Historically, those out adequate evidence). Scripture
organizations by “Cancel Culture” considered to be the “authorities” incessantly makes the point that we
assassins,1 people are increasingly of a subject have often been wrong should come to a knowledge of the
willing to throw caution to the wind (e.g., John 7:47-48). Sound reason- truth based on the evidence that
and, like sheep, believe something ing would restrain a person from has been provided to us. As did
(cont. on p. 68)

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Apologetics Press, Inc. · 230 Landmark Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117 · Phone: (800) 234-8558 ·
the “fair-minded” Bereans of is unbiblical. Besides the many pas- to such situations, God would
Acts 17, God wants us to search sages cited above that enjoin the rather a wrongdoer “get away
for evidence that substantiates a necessity of using sufficient evi- with murder” than for humans,
claim before blindly believing it (vs. dence to arrive at conclusions, rash with our limited knowledge, to
11). Since many false teachers (i.e., judgment about others violates the punish an innocent person.7 The
liars) are in the world, He tells us Bible’s teaching about assuming shedding of innocent blood is an
to “not believe every spirit, but test one’s innocence until he is proven abomination to the Lord (Proverbs
the spirits” before believing them to be guilty. 6:17). As He said through Solomon,
(1 John 4:1). Unlike fideism (i.e., I n Deuteronomy 19:15, God, “to punish the righteous is not good”
blind “faith”)—which pits itself through Moses, gave instruction (Proverbs 17:26). “Keep yourself far
against reason 5—Paul believed concerning how Hebrew courts from a false matter; do not kill the
in establishing truth by reason- were to determine guilt when an innocent and righteous. For I will
ing from the evidence (Acts 26:25). alleged crime was committed. “One not justify the wicked” (Exodus
In fact, Jesus told His audience not witness shall not rise against a man 23:7).
to believe Him if He did not concerning any iniquity or any sin I n Matthew 5:22-26, Jesus
substantiate His claims with evi- that he commits; by the mouth of addresses how brethren should
dence (John 10:37). “Doubting two or three witnesses the matter handle conflict, stating in verse
Thomas” was not in error for fail- shall be established.” Jesus re- 22 that “whoever is angry with his
ing to have a blind faith. Rather, he affirmed the procedure in Matthew brother without a cause shall be in
was in error for having been wit- 18:16 with regard to how Christians danger of the judgment.” In other
ness to more evidence of the truth are to sort out their differences. words, a person should not allow
than nearly anybody who had ever Paul re-affirmed the principle in 1 himself to think ill of his brother
lived or ever would live, and yet Timothy 5:19 with regard to how if he does not have a legitimate—
he still disbelieved, requiring even members are to bring accusations that is, proven—reason to do so,
more direct, observational evidence against wayward elders in the Lord’s
than he had already received (John else His disfavor is “without cause.”
Church.6 The implied situation, of
20:24-29). The “accused” should be assumed
course, is one in which an accused
to be innocent in our minds. We
The “blind faith” idea is unbibli- person has either denied guilt or
cal, and that truth applies to more has not even had an opportunity should “give him the benefit of the
than how one arrives at those reli- to deny or confess guilt, and where doubt” and think the best of him,
gious views in which he believes. It guilt/innocence cannot be deter- in the same way we would want to
applies to how we arrive at any con- mined through “diligent” inquiry, be treated by others (Matthew 7:12).
clusion in life. “Test [prove—ASV] searching “out the matter” (Deuter- After all, love “hopes all things” (1
all things [examine everything onomy 17:4; 13:14). The timeless Corinthians 13:7), rather than
carefully—NASB]; hold fast what principle which God implemented assuming guilt. As society moves
is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). throughout Scripture, then, forces farther away from a Christian, bib-
It applies to anything which we His followers not to convict (either lical mindset, we should expect to
believe. Rather than blindly believ- in a court or in their minds) any see less biblical love to be mani-
ing what someone tells us about, for such individuals of wrongdoing fested, including how gracious we
example, a religious idea or a person, without enough legitimate evidence. are towards those who may have
the Bible enjoins diligent study to Consider: based on God’s law, wronged us.
arrive at the truth, emphasizing that what would happen in Old Testa- A Christian must be extra careful
most people will not be willing to ment court situations where only not to judge someone as guilty with-
engage in the soul-saving, diligent one witness came forward to accuse out sufficient evidence. It is notable
pursuit of truth that leads to life another person of wrongdoing? The that under the Law of Moses, in
(Matthew 7:13-14). To most, then, verdict for the person was to be “not court settings, bearing false witness
religious truth will be forever elusive. guilty” or, more specifically, “not against another (whether intended
established guilt.” Notice, then, or not) would result in the same
UNSCRIPTURAL that it is God’s will that a person punishment for the witness that the

M AKING rash judgments

about what we decide to
believe can be fallacious,
is irrational, and, most importantly,
is to be presumed (or treated as) accused would have received due to
innocent in such cases, even if his testimony—including execution
the person is actually guilty! In (Deuteronomy 19:18-19). Question:
terms of human action/response is it important to God that His fol-

lowers not rashly and incorrectly “But we wouldn’t want the guilty an expert, or a friend said that the
draw conclusions about others? person to go free, right?” True, but person is guilty? Should a person be
Jesus, of course, was no stranger who says such a person will ulti- considered innocent until claimed
to being unfairly and rashly accused mately go unpunished? In the end, to be guilty or, rather, until proven
of sinful behavior. From condem- our just God will ensure that any to be guilty? Are allegations suf-
nation of His eating with sinners guilty person will be punished. In ficient evidence to prove guilt? No,
and tax collectors (Matthew 9:10- some cases, however, it is not our a person must dig deeper, gathering
11), to violating the Sabbath (Mark place to implement justice (Romans sufficient evidence to draw a con-
2:23-24), to not encouraging His 12:19; Leviticus 19:18; Deuteron- clusion. After all, “The first one to
disciples to obey the elders’ tradi- omy 32:35). In God’s sight, if we do plead his cause seems right, until
tions in washing their hands before not have enough evidence to prove his neighbor comes and examines
eating (Matthew 15:2), to various guilt and implement discipline, it is him” (Proverbs 18:17). We should
healings which He conducted on not our place to do so. God’s rule is never forget that Jesus would have
the Sabbath Day (e.g., Luke 13:12- that, if there is going to be error in looked guilty to many people. His
14; Matthew 12:9-14 8), to His implementing judgment, humans actions were witnessed by more than
claims of being equal with God should err on the side of the innocent. an individual with a camera phone.
(John 5:17-18), His jealous enemies Hundreds of people witnessed His
were quick to jump to conclusions CONCLUSION alleged “Sabbath-breaking” actions

about His behavior and accuse Him T is easy for us to be arrogant, and “blasphemous claims,” but since
of being sinful and even blasphe- thinking that our personal judg- they did not have all the relevant
mous. Instead of considering His ment or opinion about some- facts, they were not in a position to
sound refutation of their arguments thing is sufficient to establish it as judge His guilt.
and the preponderance of miracu- “basically” true, even when we do not T he remaining option that is
lous evidence that established the have all the necessary facts to war- available to us if we cannot gather
truth of His message (Mark 16:20; rant that belief. We would, no doubt, sufficient evidence to determine the
Hebrews 2:3-49) and proved God’s acknowledge that others need all truth: stay out of the matter, post-
sanctioning of His behavior (John the facts, but apparently not us. We poning judgment about the person
5:36-37), His closed-minded, irra- may not consciously tell ourselves or subject. Is it possible that many of
tional, hard-hearted critics would so, but we pridefully, tacitly believe us have “learned to be idle, wander-
ultimately kill Him due to their that our “exceptional” intuition ing about from house to house [e.g.,
refusal to draw conclusions war- is beyond that of those around us. through social media], and not only
ranted by the evidence. We are not, however, omniscient. As idle but also gossips and busybod-
I n John 5 we find one of the weak and fallible humans, we need ies, saying things which [we] ought
instances of Jesus healing an indi- sufficient facts to be sure we are not” (1 Timothy 5:13)? As Peter
vidual on the Sabbath day, result- right and, even then, may still be said, “But let none of you suffer…as
ing in an escalation of the Jewish wrong.10 a busybody in other people’s mat-
leaders’ hatred towards Him and What should we do, then, when ters” (1 Peter 4:15). Are the duties
desire to execute Him. In John 7 we hear a negative story in the news assigned to us by the King of the
Jesus directly addressed their incor- or on social media about a politi- Universe not enough to keep us busy
rect interpretation and application cian, a suspect in a crime, a police virtually every moment of our day as
of Sabbath regulations (vss. 22-23) officer, or a belief that seems to His subjects? Have we noticed that
and proceeded to get to the root of be held by “most” people—not a the world around us is spiritually
their error: “Do not judge according jury conviction, but mere stories ablaze and in need of the cleansing
to appearance, but judge with righ- or claims? How should we respond blood of Christ that His subjects are
teous judgment” (vs. 24). Jesus told when someone is accused of sexual charged with disseminating?
His critics not to believe something misconduct by the media? What Imagine how different the world
merely because of how it appears to about when we see video footage or would be if we were willing only to
be on the surface. Instead, humbly pictures that seem to prove guilt draw those conclusions that are
acknowledge that some things are at first glance (but which can be warranted by the evidence. What
not as they seem at first. Then, dig doctored or spun to support a nar- if scientists did not blindly accept
deeper. “Don’t judge a book by its rative)? Should we assume that indi- naturalism, despite its popularity:
cover” but, instead, get your facts vidual to be guilty—until proven the unobserved, unproven, and
straight before deciding guilt. innocent, simply because the media, unprovable Big Bang, molecules-

to-man evolution, and a billions- nessed Him with their own eyes mate and reliable, making convictions
of-years-old Universe? What if “working” on the Sabbath. The of innocents less likely (assuming the
they actually considered all of the majority believed He was guilty, and court was not already biased against the
accused, as in the case of Jesus’ “trial”).
evidence rather than ignoring the the religious experts/scholars whom 8 Dave Miller (2015), “Did Jesus Break
powerful evidence for God and bib- the people trusted had judged Him the Sabbath?” Reason & Revelation,
lical Creation? What if politicians as worthy of death. So, should Jesus 35[5]:56-59,
and government officials gathered not have been executed? Would I wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1505.pdf.
sufficient evidence before making have been among those in the mob
9 Dave Miller (2003), “Modern-Day

decisions that would affect entire Miracles, Tongue-Speaking, and

seeking to execute Jesus as well, or Holy Spirit Baptism: A Refutation—
countries and even future gen- would I have been like Nicodemus
erations? What if people gathered who recognized the need for more ics Press,
sufficient evidence before rashly evidence before conviction should modern-day-miracles-tongue-speaking-
making assumptions about others and-holy-spirit-baptism-a-refutation-
be made (John 7:50-52)?
simply because of their skin color? extended-version-1399/.
What if people gathered enough Bottom line: according to Scrip- 10 E.g., in cases where we unknowingly

evidence about the situation before ture, a person should be presumed have insufficient evidence or misinter-
condemning a police officer who to be innocent until proven to be pret the evidence.
11 Dave Miller (2018), “Presumption of
used deadly force against a citizen? guilty. A Christian should humbly Innocence,” Apologetics Press, https://
What if Americans gathered enough acknowledge his limited knowledge
evidence before blindly believing and tendency to make mistakes and, innocence-5622/.
what the biased media and politi- when sufficient evidence is not avail-
cians claim about someone, pro- able to determine the truth on a sub-
ceeding to “cancel” them before ject, give others the benefit of the
they have even been fairly heard and doubt. It’s what God expects. Tempted in
tried? What if Christians gathered
enough evidence before thinking ENDNOTES
1 E.g., rash accusations against others of
ALL Ways
ill of and attacking their brethren?
What if people gathered everything being racist, sexual abuse allegations,
suggestions about police brutality, panic
Like We Are?
the Bible says on a subject before about COVID, the efficacy of masks, or
coming to premature conclusions adamancy about the necessity of others
(e.g., “faith only”)? taking certain relatively new vaccines.
Kyle Butt, M.Min.
If the principle of “innocent until 2 “Appeal to Authority” (2019), Logi-

proven guilty”11 had been followed, cal Fallacies, http://www.logical-

Stephen would not have been stoned

(Acts 7), Paul would not have per- 3 “Fallacies” (no date), The Writing : Jesus was never married
secuted Christians (Acts 8-9), and Center: University of North Carolina at and did not have to deal
Jesus would not have been crucified. Chapel Hill, with the temptations that
But consider: if we lived at the time wcweb/handouts/fallacies.html. come with marriage.
of Christ, would we have been any 4 Lionel Ruby (1960), Logic: An Introduc- There are many other things He did
different than the masses who fol- tion (Chicago, IL: J.B. Lippincott), pp. not encounter while on Earth. How
lowed the crowd, believing whatever 5 130-131.
“Fideism” (2015), Merriam-Webster On-
could Jesus be tempted in all ways
they were being told, instead of test- like we are?
line Dictionary, http://www.merriam-
ing all things and holding fast only

to those things that are good/true 6 Cf. 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19;

(1 Thessalonians 5:21)? If it is our : In Hebrews 4:15, the Bible

John 5:31ff.; 10:37; Concerning judg-
tendency to make premature judg- ing guilt for murder, specifically, see discusses Jesus and says: “For
ments about others, why would we Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6; we do not have a High Priest
rashly assume that we would not be Hebrews 10:28; Revelation 11:3; Mat- who cannot sympathize with our
among those who rashly consented thew 26:60. weaknesses, but was in all points
7 Even in the case of two or three wit-
to Christ’s crucifixion? After all, tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
nesses, an innocent person could still
Jesus looked guilty on the surface. be condemned. The witnesses, however, While this statement is very clear,
A smart phone was not necessary were to be carefully vetted (Deuteron- sometimes we go through tempta-
because, once again, hundreds wit- omy 19:18) to make sure they were legiti- tions in this life that seem to be

wholly different from anything He really was. Of course, Jesus coun- situation that we have experienced.
Jesus experienced. Jesus never had tered with Scripture and did not fall He never drove in a car and had to
to deal with the IRS. While Jesus into the sin of pride. Finally, Satan deal with being cut off by a reckless
was on Earth, He never dealt with showed Jesus all the kingdoms of driver. He was not tempted to over-
a rebellious child who was addicted the world and “their glory” (Mat- eat ice cream. And He had no babies
to drugs. Jesus was not bombarded thew 4:8). The Enemy promised of His own that cried incessantly
by pornography as He walked the that he would give these kingdoms and kept Him up till the wee hours
streets of Palestine like we are to Jesus if Jesus would simply fall of the morning. All of these situ-
today when we check our email or down and worship Satan. By pre- ations, however, have three things
innocently search the Internet for senting the kingdoms and their in common. Each temptation pre-
information. How were Jesus’ temp- glory to Christ, Satan attempted to sented to people in those situations
tations the same as ours? cause Jesus to fall into the lust of the involves the lust of the flesh, the lust
A s we look for answers to this eyes and covetously desire what He of the eyes, or the pride of life.
question, we realize that each of us did not yet have. Once again, Jesus This relationship between temp-
sometimes thinks we are dealing resisted the temptation. Thus, we tations and situations can be illus-
with something that nobody has see that Satan’s onslaught on the trated in this way. One time a father
ever experienced. The Bible, how- Lord with his temptations designed and son were walking through a
ever, explains: “No temptation has to appeal to the lust of the flesh, the music store looking at the differ-
overtaken you except such that is lust of the eyes, and the pride of life ent instruments. For some reason,
common to man” (1 Corinthians summed up the Enemy’s entire rep- the son had been having trouble at
10:13). The Bible further clarifies ertoire of temptation. school with some bullies and the
this idea when it elaborates more father was telling him that Jesus
about the sin we are tempted to understood all about his problems,
commit. In 1 John 2:15-16, we since Jesus was tempted in all ways
read: “Do not love the world or the like we are. The son was incredulous.
things in the world. If anyone loves He did not see how Jesus had ever
the world, the love of the Father is experienced what he was dealing
not in him. For all that is in the with. Just then, the pair walked by a
world—the lust of the flesh, the piano. The father directed the son’s
lust of the eyes, and the pride of attention to the piano and asked
life—is not of the Father but is of him, “Do you think every song in
the world.” This text tells us that We see this same categorization of the world has been played on that
there are three basic categories into sin in the tragic story of Adam and piano?” The boy quickly answered
which all sins fall. Every temptation Eve’s fall. When Satan approached that such would be impossible. The
that any person has ever experienced Eve in an effort to tempt her to sin, father then walked over to the piano
was a temptation to sin through the she took a closer look at the forbid- and methodically tapped every key,
lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, den fruit. Genesis 3:6 says, “So when causing each to ring out its indi-
or the pride of life. the woman saw that the tree was vidual note. He then asked his son,
It is no accident that during the good for food, that it was pleasant “Has every key on this piano been
temptations of Jesus, Satan pre- to the eyes, and a tree desirable to played?” The son then understood
sented the Savior with three oppor- make one wise, she took of its fruit the point. Even though every song
tunities to sin. First, Satan tempted and ate.” Notice that “good for food” in the world could never be played
Jesus to turn stones into bread after would appeal to the lust of the flesh, on a single piano (situations), every
Jesus had been fasting for 40 days. “pleasant to the eyes” would appeal key on the piano could be played
Satan attempted to get Jesus to give to the lust of the eyes, and “desirable (temptations).
into the “lust of the flesh” and use to make one wise” would appeal to While Jesus might never have
His powers to alleviate His hunger the pride of life. Satan still bakes been in the exact same situation
(Matthew 4:3). Satan then tempted his poisonous dishes with the same that you or I find ourselves in, we
Jesus to prove that He was the Son three ingredients. can know that the temptations He
of God by throwing Himself off the With this understanding of sin, experienced that involved the lust
pinnacle of the Temple (Matthew we can now apply what we know to of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
4:4-7). Satan appealed to the pride Jesus’ temptations. The Bible does the pride of life were the exact same
of life by daring Jesus to prove Who not say that Jesus experienced every temptations we experience.

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