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A Monthly Journal of Christian Evidences

May 2021•Vol. 41•No. 5

NEW Daughters
years later, Paul “made his defense”

Preparing to Give an Answer: (NIV) before Governor Festus (Acts

25:8), and then again before Festus
and King Agrippa II (26:1-2), even
God's Defense Recipe in denying Festus’ charge of insanity
by pointing out that his apologia

1 Peter 3:15 was grounded in “truth and reason”

Though the word apologia is used
only once in the New Testament in
association with the apostle Peter, it
Eric Lyons, M.Min. is this apostle (Peter, and not Paul)
whom the Holy Spirit used to give
us perhaps the most complete (yet
concise) picture of God-approved
defenders of Christianity. Peter
Article In Brief... used the term apologia one time in
1 Peter, yet the apostle clearly details
Every Christian should be interested in giving an answer for the how Christians are to be Christ-like
hope that is within. This Christian defense is for those who love defenders. Indeed, Peter gives the
Lord’s Church a perfect recipe for
Christ, who long to see Him upon His return, and who desire to defending divine doctrine.
talk about their living, fact-based hope whenever the opportunity To Christians who were scat-
presents itself. Prepare yourself to give a Christ-like defense by tered throughout various parts of
allowing the epistle of 1 Peter to provide valuable context and com- the northern half of Asia Minor in
mentary on the powerful, apologetics exhortation of 1 Peter 3:15. roughly the early-to-mid 60s A.D.
(1:1),3 Peter wrote: “But sanctify the

Lord God in your hearts, and always
HE English word “apologet- one’s own defense against charges
be ready to give a defense to every-
ics” is often confused with presumed to be false.”1 More than one who asks you a reason for the
the word “apologize,” yet the anyone else in the New Testament, hope that is in you, with meekness
two words are nearly exact opposites. “apologetics” is associated with the and fear” (3:15).
There certainly is a time and a place apostle Paul. To those in Corinth
for Christians to express regret and who questioned Paul’s claim of apos- WRITTEN TO CHRISTIANS,
apologize for our many mistakes and tleship, he gave a “defense” (1 Corin- NOT “CLERGY”

sins, but Christian apologetics has thians 9:3). In his joyful letter to the HI L E J esus and the
nothing to do with such remorse. A church in Philippi, Paul reminded apostle Paul are the two
pitcher in baseball might apologize them that he was “appointed for the premier apologists in
for hitting a batter with a 90-mile- defense of the Gospel” (Philippians Scripture, we must not make the
per-hour fastball (since that’s not an 1:16-17; 1:7). tragic mistake of thinking that
authorized part of the game), but a A few years before Paul became a apologetics is only for “the preacher.”
dodgeball player has no need to say follower of Christ, Jesus prophesied Too many Christians for far too
he’s sorry for striking another player that His disciples would “answer” or long have incorrectly assumed that
with a ball. On the contrary, he may “defend” the truth of Jesus Christ “ordained clergy” are those engaged
logically defend himself, offering a “before kings and rulers” (Luke in Christian apologetics—not the
180-degree-different kind of “apol- 21:14,12). This prophecy came into “regular Christian” husband and
ogy.” clear fulfillment during Paul’s mis- wife, mom and dad, or the baker,
The English word “apologetics” is sionary journeys and imprisonments banker, and bus driver. Peter makes
derived from the Greek noun apo- (cf. Acts 9:15), as the Lord used him clear in his first epistle that he was
logia meaning a “reply” or “defense,” to reason with and “reply” before all writing, not to “apostles, prophets,
and the Greek verb apologeomai manner of rulers.2 Before Governor and preachers,” but to Christians
meaning to “defend oneself ” and, Felix, Paul gave an “answer” (NKJV) (1 Peter 4:16)—to “pilgrims” (1:1),
more specifically, “to speak in or “defense” (NASB). About two the “elect” (1:2), the “begotten”

(1:3), “children” of God (1:14). He persed Christians in Asia Minor husbands “without a word may be
was writing to any and all of God’s to whom Peter wrote to “always be won by the conduct of their wives,
people in various provinces in Asia ready to give a defense” were just when they observe your chaste con-
Minor—followers of Christ whom that—“Christians.” Indeed, Chris- duct” (3:1-2).13
he describes as “a chosen generation, tian apologetics is for all of God’s Consider that before the apos-
a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His people! tle Paul ever wrote to Timothy,
own special people” (2:9). In this instructing him to “preach the
letter, Peter specifically addressed FOR SINCERE SAINTS, NOT word” and “do the work of an
various members of the body of COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIANS evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:2,5), he

Christ, including servants (2:18-25), URTHERMORE, according first highlighted the vital “genu-
wives (3:1-6), husbands (3:7), elders to Peter, Christian apologet- ine [unhypocritical]14 faith that is in
(5:1), and “younger people” (5:5). ics is for those with a “good you” (2 Timothy 1:5). Furthermore,
But overall, he was addressing “you” conscience” who exemplify genuine, years prior to Paul penning 2 Timo-
(1 Peter 5:1)4—Christians in local “good conduct in Christ” (1 Peter thy, he desired this young servant
churches. 3:16). Like Peter,11 Christians are of Christ to accompany him on his
After expressly challenging “hus- imperfect people who stumble and second missionary journey. Note
bands” (1 Peter 3:7) to honor their fall along the way. Yet, we are to be carefully, however, that Paul only
wives and be the kind of godly men real people of God, who “walk in the wanted this after coming to learn
in the home that the Lord calls them light” and “confess our sins” to one that Timothy “was well spoken of by
to be,5 Peter went back to addressing another (1 John 1:7,9; James 5:16). the brethren” (Acts 16:2-3). Indeed,
“all of you” (3:8). When he wrote Having been “redeemed…with the God’s recipe for Christian apologet-
“always be ready to give a defense” precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter ics includes, first and foremost, this
(3:15), Peter was not addressing 1:18-19) and “called…out of dark- primary ingredient: a sincere saint.
evangelists. He was not challeng- ness,” conscientious, God-approved It should come as no surprise that
ing some “special class of clergy.” He Christian defenders walk in “His just before Peter commanded Chris-
was talking to “all” Christians, to marvelous light” (2:9), “laying tians to “be ready to give a defense,”
“followers of what is good” (3:13), aside all…hypocrisy” (2:1). “[A]s he first said to “sanctify the Lord
to those who have been baptized in obedient children, not conforming God in your hearts” (3:15). To “sanc-
water for the remission of sins (3:20- yourselves to the former lusts…but tify” (hagiazo) is “to treat as holy;”
21; cf. Acts 2:38). as He who called you is holy, you to regard in “reverence.”15 The word
Certainly, there are essential lead- also be holy in all your conduct” “sanctify” is derived from the Greek
ership roles for elders, deacons, and (1:14-15). hagios, which pertains to “being
evangelists to fulfill in the Lord’s Much of the time, long before dedicated or consecrated to the
Church. Peter, in fact, has some any non-Christian listens to an apo- service of God.”16 Similar to Jesus’
very important commands for elders logia from a disciple of Christ, he prayer to the Father, “hallowed
in chapter 5. However, the “defense” will have inspected (to some degree) (hagiazo) be Your name” (Matthew
instruction of 1 Peter 3:15 is for all the life of this “so-called Christian.” 6:9), Peter said, “sanctify Christ as
disciples of Christ. Thus, Peter says to “abstain from Lord in your hearts” (NASB). Peter
When “a great persecution broke fleshly lusts which war against the was actually quoting from Isaiah
out against the church at Jerusalem” soul, having your conduct honor- 8:13: “The Lord of hosts, Him you
several years earlier, “all except the able among the Gentiles, that when shall hallow” (Hebrew qadash).
apostles were scattered throughout they speak against you as evildoers, How do we “hallow,” “sanctify,” or
Judea and Samaria” (Acts 8:1).7 they may, by your good works “set apart as holy” the Lord? Since
What did these dispersed disciples which they observe, glorify God God is by His very nature 100%
of Christ do? They “went every- in the day of visitation” (2:12).12 In “holy” (1:16) and needs absolutely
where preaching (euangelizo) the fact, it could be that for some (and no help from humanity in being
word” (Acts 8:4). They evangelized! perhaps many) unbelievers much holy, in what sense do we set Him
“There is no evidence, nor is there any less “defense” would be necessary apart as holy?
probability, that all these persons in their conversion if they first saw Peter said to sanctify the Lord
were ‘ordained’ to preach.”8 They continual, sincere righteous living “in your hearts.” Of the millions
were “just members” of the Church on the part of the Christian. Only of thoughts that flood our minds,
of Christ: “ordinary,” “common a few verses prior to 1 Peter 3:15, the of all the memories, people, and
Christians.”10 Likewise, the dis- apostle noted how some unbelieving things we hold dear in our hearts,

One is specially set apart far and divine deliverance from prison— Peter’s apologetics exhortation
above all others—in the center of Acts 12:5-19). is firmly and deeply embedded in
our being, on the throne of our The Lord used this often-per- an epistle and immediate context
hearts—the King of kings and Lord secuted apostle to pen a letter to of suffering. In the verses directly
of lords, Jesus Christ. God wants distressed Christians (likely some- before and after 1 Peter 3:15, the
Christians to give a defense only time between A.D. 64-68)17 during apostle speaks of imminent Chris-
after they have hallowed Christ in the reign of the Roman Emperor tian persecution: “when they defame
their lives. Not an outward, hollow Nero. Though there may not have you as evildoers, those who revile
“holiness,” which manifests itself been widespread, official imperial your good conduct in Christ may
in “going through the motions” persecutions of Christians until be ashamed” (3:16). “And even if
with Pharisee-like actions, but an a few decades later, Nero was no you should suffer for righteousness’
inward, genuine, heart-felt reverence friend to Christians. The histo- sake, you are blessed” (3:14; cf. Mat-
for Jesus Christ, which naturally rian Tacitus (who was also no fan thew 5:10-12). We are blessed if we
impacts everything the Christian of Christianity) noted how Nero, endure suffering innocently19 like
does—how we think, act, and talk— in A.D. 64, blamed Christians for Christ20 (2:19-24). We are blessed
including how we “give a defense.” the Great Fire in Rome. Accord- if such suffering brings spiritual
Sooner or later, hypocrisy only ing to Tacitus: “Nero fabricated maturity and heavenly clarity in
harms the Christian’s influence and scapegoats—and punished with an otherwise potentially “cares-of-
defense, while an authentic surren- every refinement the notoriously this-world” kind of earthly, sinful
dering to Jesus as Lord of our lives depraved Christians (as they were focus on life. Furthermore, we are
is the greatest aid in the apologist’s popularly called).”18 Whether Peter blessed to grow spiritually from
arsenal. “Sanctify” first; “Defend” had this or other Roman persecu- such suffering, including increas-
second: always, always in that order. tions in mind when writing 1 Peter, ing in courage for Christ. In fact,
we do not know. Regardless, as the Peter directly connected “suffering”
COURAGEOUS, GOD- book of Acts reveals, persecution (3:14a) and apologetics (3:15) with
FEARING FOLLOWERS was present in one place or another being courageous, as he quoted

since the birth of the Lord’s Church, from Isaiah 8:12, saying, “And do
ETER also detailed that gen- not be afraid of their threats, nor
uine faithfulness from the and the Christian “pilgrims of the
Dispersion” in Asia Minor were not be troubled” (3:14b).
inside-out is fundamental to Rather than cower fearfully in
Christian apologetics because fol- exempt. It seems they had already
endured some difficulties (1:6-7), the face of manmade persecution
lowers of Christ often are called and allow such fear to warp how
upon to give a defense in trying and Peter forewarned that more lay
on the horizon. we think, live, and “give a defense,”
times. Peter knew a thing or two Isaiah challenged his hearers to fear
about suffering. Very soon after the Beloved, do not think it strange
concerning the fiery trial which God. “The Lord of hosts, Him you
establishment of the Church in Acts shall hallow; let Him be your fear,
is to try you, as though some
2, Peter and John were repeatedly strange thing happened to you; and let Him be your dread” (Isaiah
arrested, imprisoned, interrogated, but rejoice to the extent that you 8:13). Peter includes these thoughts
threatened, and beaten (Acts 4-5). partake of Christ’s sufferings, both at the beginning and end of
Peter was in Jerusalem during a time that when His glory is revealed, 1 Peter 3:15: (a) “sanctify the Lord
when “a great persecution arose you may also be glad with exceed- God in your hearts” (which we’ve
against the church…at Jerusalem,” ing joy. If you are reproached for already examined), and (b) giving a
as Saul “made havoc of the church, the name of Christ, blessed are defense “with…fear.” This “fear” is
entering every house, and dragging you…. But let none of you suffer not in sinful fear of what man (or
off men and women, committing as a murderer, a thief, an evil- Satan) might do. Jesus explained:
them to prison” (Acts 8:1,3). Later, doer, or as a busybody in other
people’s matters. Yet if anyone
“[D]o not fear them…. Whatever I
when “Herod the king stretched out tell you in the dark, speak in the
suffers as a Christian, let him not
his hand to harass some from the be ashamed, but let him glorify light; and what you hear in the ear,
church,” including killing the apos- God in this matter…. Therefore preach on the housetops. And do
tle James, the king then arrested and let those who suffer according not fear those who kill the body but
imprisoned Peter (Acts 12:1-4), very to the will of God commit their cannot kill the soul. But rather fear
likely with the intention of killing souls to Him in doing good, as to Him who is able to destroy both
him, too (were it not for Peter’s a faithful Creator (4:12-19). soul and body in hell” (Matthew

10:26-28). Indeed, as Peter rhetori- not some dreaded Bible study or here” (1:17). The simple yet pro-
cally asked, “And who is he who debate. The apologia of 1 Peter found fact about life on Earth is, we
will harm you if you become fol- 3:15 is the natural response to the are all “just passing through” (like
lowers of what is good?... Do not be Lord being #1 in our lives (which at a brief stay in a hotel). Christians,
afraid of their threats, nor be trou- some point will likely include great however, live here with hope (the
bled” (3:13-14). After all, as Peter books, classes, studies, and possible full expectation) of receiving (by
reminded these young churches of debates). Christian apologetics, on the grace of God) “an inheritance
the words of Psalm 34, our omni- the most basic level, is the natural incorruptible and undefiled and
scient, omnipotent God is bigger response of being in love with the that does not fade away, reserved
than any problem that may come Lord and living as sojourners in a in heaven for you” (1:4). As the
our way: “For the eyes of the Lord foreign land with our eyes on the sojourner Abraham left his home-
are on the righteous, and His ears prize. Does a young woman who is land to dwell “in a foreign country”
are open to their prayers; but the righteously head-over-heels in love and “waited for the city which has
face of the Lord is against those who with her fiancé not have a natural foundations, whose builder and
do evil” (3:12). Thus, “fear” God (1 glow and excitement about her? Is maker is God” (Hebrews 11:9-10),
Peter 1:17; 2:17; 3:15). As we “speak she not ready to defend and tell the “our citizenship is in heaven, from
in the light” (Matthew 10:27) about world about her one love who is which we also eagerly wait for the
the joy of our salvation, our total soon to sweep her off her feet and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phi-
respect, reverence, and genuine, take her across the threshold of their lippians 3:20). Many a dying, non-
soul-stirring awe for our Savior and new home? Likewise, the child of Christian has longed for some kind
King serves as the rock-solid founda- God loves to talk about her Father. of “hope” of happiness after this life
tion of our apologia. The once-dead sinner loves to talk is over; the faithful child of God is
Is it not encouraging that God about his Savior. The bride of Christ overjoyed to “give a defense…for the
used the imperfect (but penitent) loves to talk about her Husband and hope” that is in us.
Peter to write these words? Recall the reasons for her confident expec-
that Peter cowered on the Sea of tation of seeing Him face to face in A HOPE ANCHORED FIRMLY IN FACTS

Galilee, fearfully denied Jesus three heaven one day. HOUGH the genuine hope
times, and even had a hypocritical of the Christian stirs up
moment later in life when he, for fear Peter called the Christians in
the strongest of emotions,22
of some Jewish Christians, played Asia Minor “pilgrims” (1:1; 2:11) and do not make the grave mistake of
favoritism and shunned his Gentile “sojourners” (2:11). He reminded thinking that the Christian’s hope
brethren (Galatians 2:11-14). It is them how to conduct themselves
this apostle (likely toward the end of “throughout the time of your stay is founded on emotion. Nothing
his life) whom the Holy Spirit used
to exhort struggling, flawed follow- Reason & Revelation is published monthly by Apologetics Press, Inc. Periodicals postage
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could be further from the truth. preaching. They reacted to a sermon Jesus was challenged by Satan, the
Our feelings are founded on facts. filled with sensible argumentation Lord quoted Scripture and used it
Our hope is firmly anchored in and properly applied Scriptures.24 accurately (Matthew 4:1-11). When
the truths of the Gospel—of the They responded to the apologia of Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees
death, burial, and resurrection of Christ—to Christian apologetics. and others, He logically pointed out
Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). About 30 years following the flaws in their irrational arguments,
Peter was clear, saying, “[W]e did events in Acts 2, Peter reminded the while also making perfect reference
not follow cunningly devised fables persecuted Christian pilgrims in 1 to and application of the Old Testa-
when we made known to you the Peter that the hope for which they ment (cf. Matthew 5; 12:1-14,22-30).
power and coming of our Lord Jesus were to give a defense is a “living Indeed, “the weapons of our warfare
Christ, but were eyewitness of His hope through the resurrection of are not carnal but mighty in God
majesty” (2 Peter 1:16). When Peter Jesus Christ from the dead” (1:3). for pulling down strongholds, cast-
and the apostles were accused of Indeed, the evidence proves that ing down arguments and every high
being drunk on the first Pentecost “God…raised Him from the dead thing that exalts itself against the
following the death, burial, and res- and gave Him glory, so that your knowledge of God, bringing every
urrection of Jesus (Acts 2:13), Peter faith and hope are in God” (1:21). thought into captivity to the obedi-
responded with a reasoned defense, ence of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-
not a mere emotional appeal. He PREPARE TO ANSWER 5). As we patiently prepare ourselves

reminded his hearers that G od INCE our hope is evidence- to answer those who ask us a reason
“attested” (apodedeigmenon) to the based, it is paramount to learn for the hope that is in us, let’s “grow
miracles that Jesus worked while He the reasons for our hope—for in the grace and knowledge of our
was alive and in their midst (Acts our own eternal benefit and for Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2
2:22). That is, God “demonstrated”23 the benefit of others (as we teach Peter 3:18).
proof of the divine origin, message, and answer questions). Unlike the
and mission of Christ in such a way miraculously inspired apostles to DEFEND WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDE

that people could actually see the whom Jesus said, “Therefore settle N our reasoning with others of
evidence and make an informed, it in your hearts not to meditate the hope that is in us, we must
rational decision about Him (cf. beforehand on what you will answer keep in mind what Peter noted
John 10:37-38). (apologeomai); for I will give you a at the end of 1 Peter 3:15—that
What’s more, the assembly on mouth and wisdom which all your our defense is to be made “with
Pentecost knew that Jesus had been adversaries will not be able to con- meekness and fear.” Christians are
“put to death” only days earlier (Acts tradict or resist” (Luke 21:14-15), to try to be Christ-like at all times,
2:23), but unlike the tomb of King Christians today must prepare including when we defend the truth.
David, Jesus’ tomb was empty only themselves to give a defense. We Our teaching is to be characterized
three days later. Unlike the body of must “get ready.” “with gentleness and reverence” (3:15,
David, which saw corruption, the Peter said, “If anyone speaks, let NASB). We are to “honor all people”
dead body of Christ had been raised him speak as the oracles of God” as we “fear God” (2:17). As we “pro-
and would never see corruption. Yes, (4:11). If so, then we must first claim the praises of Him” who called
Peter directed the assembly to evalu- learn the Word of God. We first us “out of darkness into His marvel-
ate the evidence for Jesus’ resurrec- learn enough to reasonably conclude ous light,” we must be “clothed with
tion, including the implied empty why we should become Christians— humility” (2:9; 5:5).
tomb (Acts 2:24,29-32), the fulfill- “having been born again…through About 15 years ago, a man who
ment of Psalm 16:8-11 (Acts 2:25- the word of God” (1:23). Then, identified himself as a Catholic
31), and the witnesses who stood “like newborn babes, desire the priest wrote an unsolicited letter
before them testifying that they pure milk of the word, that you to Apologetics Press. We had never
had actually seen the risen Savior may grow thereby” (2:2). After all, heard of this gentleman before
(Acts 2:32). “All Scripture is given by inspiration reading his note. Although, sadly,
The nearly 3,000 individuals of God, and is profitable for doc- he is very misled in his adherence
who obeyed the Gospel on Pente- trine, for reproof, for correction, for to Catholic doctrine,25 consider
cost were not swayed by flowery instruction in righteousness, that some of his analysis of a handful of
words, phony miracles, or mere the man of God may be complete, preachers in the Church of Christ.
emotional appeals. They were “cut thoroughly equipped for every good [NOTE: He refers to preachers as
to the heart” by evidence-based work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When “elders.”]

As a Roman Catholic priest Peter repeatedly reminds Chris- ENDNOTES
who follows non-Catholic reli- tians to be humble in all areas of life. 1 Frederick Danker, et al. (2000), Greek
gions with some interest…I We are to be submissive to governing English Lexicon of the New Testament
have observed a lot of mean- authorities (2:13), to masters (2:18), (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago),
ness, rudeness, and lack of basic (wives) to husbands (3:1), to elders pp. 116-117.
civility among CoC [Church of (5:5), and in general “to one another” 2 Including teaching Sergius Paulus, the
Christ— EL] elders, especially (5:5).27 With this same submissive proconsul of Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12),
recently. How does one explain spirit, Christians are called upon on his first missionary journey and
this? In general (no doubt there to give a defense “with gentleness standing before Gallio, proconsul of
are exceptions perhaps many), and reverence” (3:15, NASB). Yes, Achaia (Acts 18:11-17), on his second
Christian love seems deficient let’s teach and preach while being missionary journey.
in the way they seek to promote “clothed with humility, for ‘God 3 All chapter and verse citations that do

truth. resists the proud, but gives grace not have a Bible book listed are from
In general, they strike me as tend- to the humble.’ Therefore humble 1 Peter.
4 The phrase “among you” in this verse
ing to be suspicious, rash and yourselves under the mighty hand
uncharitable in their judgments is another clear indication that he was
of God, that He may exalt you in writing to “regular Christians.”
about other people’s motives, due time” (3:5-6). 5 Not cruel masters who lord over their
prone to arrogance, and even
too eager to call someone a liar, wives, but Christ-like men who (are
more so than the average pagan CONCLUSION commanded to) “dwell with them

in the streets. These comments with understanding, giving honor to
IRST Peter 3:15 is embedded the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and
are based on only my limited within a marvelous epistle that as being heirs together of the grace of
experience, to be sure, and some- provides clear context and life, that your prayers may not be hin-
times, no doubt, I am guilty of commentary on a perfect apologet- dered” (3:7).
some of the very same sins and ics passage. Every sincere-hearted 6 Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; Philip-
character flaws. Christian should draw encourage- pians 1:1; Ephesians 4:11-12.
I was considering doing some ment from this verse to follow God 7 NIV.
kind of oral interaction with courageously in the face of suffering 8 Albert Barnes (1997), Notes on the Old
an elder or two about Catholic and persecution. With a Christ-like and New Testaments: Acts (Electronic
matters. Now it looks to me like attitude, with our eyes firmly fixed Database: Biblesoft).
this would be a royal invitation on the ultimate prize, and with
9 R.C.H. Lenski (2001), The Interpre-

to verbal abuse, misrepresenta- our hope anchored in the facts of the tation of the Acts of the Apostles, (US:
tion, and even character assas- Hendrickson), p. 314.
Gospel, we, indeed, can give a rea- 10 Barnes.
sination…. sonable defense. And, we can rejoice 11 Matthew 27:69-75; Galatians 2:11-14.
Some members of the Lord’s in the fact that honest and good- 12 It seems likely that this “day of visi-
Church might tend to dismiss this hearted unbelievers will eventually
criticism with a wave of the hand, tation” is a reference to the day that
“glorify God in the day of visitation” a non-Christian becomes a child of
but we believe this gentleman (1 Peter 2:12). God—when the Lord would, in a sense,
was right in his assessment and
denouncement of some who attempt
to “defend the truth” yet do so in an
unchristlike manner.26 What’s more,
we all need to be reminded of the
necessity and seriousness of “speak- Kyle Butt
ing the truth in love” (Ephesians May 1-2 Rosenberg, TN (281) 341-7776
4:15). We must examine ourselves May 16 Glen, MS (662) 287-3328
and ensure that our teachings and May 22-23 Conyers, GA (770) 922-8341
defense of the truth are done lov- Eric Lyons
ingly and patiently, confidently yet May 23 Wetumpka, AL (334) 567-6561
kindly, neither rudely nor arrogantly May 27 Memphis, TN (901) 751-2444
(1 Corinthians 13).
Keep in mind what the apostle Dave Miller
Paul wrote to Timothy shortly April 30-May 2 West Palm Beach, FL (561) 848-1111
before commanding him to “preach May 9 Montgomery, AL (334) 264-2985
the word” (2 Timothy 4:2). He Jeff Miller
described “a servant of the Lord” as May 1 Readyville, TN (615) 895-2265
one who “must not quarrel but be May 4,6,11,13 Denver, CO (303) 986-5800
gentle to all, able to teach, patient, May 16 Montgomery, AL (334) 264-2985
in humility correcting those who May 21-23 West Palm Beach, FL (561) 848-1111
are in opposition” (2 Timothy 2:24- May 30-June 5 Branson, MO (417) 334-3866

“visit me with Your salvation” (Psalm
13 Considering how many Christians,

including countless church leaders,

have struggled with sexual purity,
Lot's Daughters Dave Miller, Ph.D.

Peter’s repeated reminders to be

“chaste,” “pure,” and “holy in all your [Editor’s Note: The following article is astonishing and objectionable to us—
conduct” cannot be overemphasized. taken from a soon-to-be-released book completely inexcusable and unjustifi-
Disciples of Christ who fail to put away Hidden Meanings Buried in the Bible.] able—as it may seem for a father to
lewdness, lusts, revelries, etc. (4:3), and A horrifying incident is recorded
who hypocritically “give a defense,” do
sacrifice his own daughters in such
during the lifetime of Abraham a fashion, it verifies the fact that the
(and have done!) much damage to the involving his nephew Lot and the
cause of Christ. Sadly, this damage unnatural lust of homosexuality was
can be exponentially greater in our angelic visitors who came to Lot to considered far more repugnant than
day of instant Internet search engines, warn him to flee the city: even illicit heterosexuality.
24-hour news coverage, and social Now before they lay down, the
men of the city, the men of Sodom,
Nevertheless, scholars have docu-
media. mented the fact that Lot’s rationale
14 From the Greek anupokritos, which is both old and young, all the people
from hupokrites (from which we get from every quarter, surrounded the was rooted in a cultural norm that
our English word “hypocrite”). house. And they called to Lot and informed his decision. The biblical
15 Danker, p. 10. said to him, “Where are the men notion of hospitality is given a promi-
16 Ibid., pp. 10-11. who came to you tonight? Bring nent position in Christian thinking
17 Cf. Peter Davids (1990), The First
them out to us that we may know and behavior. It is imperative that
them carnally.” So Lot went out to
Epistle of Peter (Grand Rapids, MI: them through the doorway, shut the God’s people “practice hospitality”
Eerdmans), p. 10. door behind him, and said, “Please, (Romans 12:13; cf. Romans 16:23; 1
18 Tacitus (1952 reprint), The Annals
my brethren, do not do so wick- Timothy 5:10; 1 Peter 4:9; 3 John 8).
and the Histories, trans. Michael Grant edly! See now, I have two daugh- One cannot even be considered for
(Chicago: William Benton), 15.44, ters who have not known a man; the high church office of elder with-
parenthetical comment in orig. please, let me bring them out to
19 Though on an imperfect, fallen level out possessing this critical quality (1
you, and you may do to them as
(Romans 3:23). you wish; only do nothing to these Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8). Americans
20 Who did so on a flawless level.
men, since this is the reason they have practiced a number of cultural
21 Dick Sztanyo, as quoted in Kyle Butt have come under the shadow of my amenities that manifest hospitality,
(2001), “What Is Apologetics?” https:// roof ” (Genesis 19:4-9). including taking a guest’s coat, offer- The western mind—indeed, the ing something to drink, indicating
aspx?category=12&article=826. Christian mind—has difficulty the location of the restroom, and
22 From excitement for what’s to come
processing this incident, specifically, offering for the guest to be seated.
after this life is over, to the joy of talk- But Lot was being more than just
ing about it, to sadness for those who the callous, despicable behavior of
do not currently have it. Lot regarding his daughters. hospitable. He was acting in harmony
23 R.J. Knowling (2002), The Expositor’s One must remember that pre- with a deeply honored obligation of
Greek New Testament, ed. W. Robert- Christian civilizations did not antiquity—what Clarke referred to as
son Nicoll (Peabody, MA: Hendrick- possess the refined moral sensibili- “that sacred light in which the rights
son), 2:82. ties that a nation like America has of hospitality were regarded among
24 See Dave Miller (2019), Is Christianity
enjoyed. Generally, the pagan societ- the eastern nations.”3 “A guest was
Logical? (Montgomery, AL: Apologet- sacred and his person inviolable.”4
ics Press), pp. 49-50. ies of human history have engaged in
25 Moises Pinedo (2008), What the all sorts of wicked, depraved, dehu- These rights required him to protect
Bible Says About the Catholic Church manizing, and savage behaviors that the lives of those whom he had “taken
(Montgomery, AL: Apologetics Press), were considered by those cultures to in” for hospitable purposes at all be perfectly appropriate. Consider, costs. He was to protect his guests—
books_pdf/wtbsatcc.pdf. for example, those societies that have even with his own life.5
26 We actually know the handful of
practiced cannibalism—including a In his Manners and Customs of
preachers to whom he was referring, as number of American Indian tribal Bible Lands, Fred Wight explains:
other parts of his letter revealed their groups1—literally devouring other “In the lands of the East, when a
identity. It is also noteworthy that the
Catholic priest humbly acknowledged human beings and forcing others to host accepts a man to be his guest
his own shortcomings in his critique. do the same. Likewise, many cultures he thereby agrees at whatever the
27 An apologist is no more to be arrogant have had disgusting family relation- cost to defend his guest from all
than an elder is to be domineering (1 ships and relaxed sexual mores that possible enemies during the time
Peter 5:3). are jarring to the Christian mind.2 As of his entertainment.”6 Based upon

his travels to Egypt and Palestine to we know of under that name in the Northern North America,” Anthropological
visit biblical sites, H. Clay Trumbull, conventional West.15 Papers of the University of Alaska, 10[1]:59-72, apua/files/Rubel1961.
Lyman Beecher Lecturer at Yale Of course, this “exaggerated pdf.
Divinity School, wrote in his Stud- emphasis on hospitality”16 to the 3
Adam Clarke (no date), Clarke’s Commentary:
ies in Oriental Social Life about an neglect of his obligations of father- Genesis-Deuteronomy (New York: Abingdon-
occurrence of this very custom. An hood does not make Lot’s actions Cokesbury), 1:123, emp. added. Also “the
American missionary visited in the sacred rite of hospitality…the sanctity of
appropriate—let alone sanctioned hospitality”—C.F. Keil and F. Delitzsch (1976
home of a Turkish governor who by God.17 Even if we postulate that reprint), Commentary on the Old Testament:
handed the American a piece of roast The Pentateuch (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerd-
he didn’t expect the mob to accept
mutton and stated: “By that act I have mans), 1:233. See also Mary Rogers (1865),
pledged you every drop of my blood, his offer—due to their depraved Domestic Life in Palestine (Cincinnati, OH:
that while you are in my territory no sexual proclivities—even making Poe & Hitchcock), p. 237, who was told when
evil shall come to you. For that space the offer is unacceptable and to be visiting a home in Palestine, “This house is
your house, and we are at your service.”
of time we are brothers.”7 In the Ori- viewed as unconscionable. We might 4
Wilfrid J. Moulton (1920), “The Social Insti-
ental mind, hospitality is “the virtue add, however, that if the choice came tutions of Israel,” in A Commentary on the
of virtues,” “the trait of traits,” and down to preserving the lives of his Bible, ed. Arthur Peake (London: T.C. & E.C.
involves “a profound sense of obliga- guests versus preserving the lives of Jack), p. 110.
tion to a principle.”8 his daughters, and if the lives of the
Thomas Whitelaw (1950), The Pulpit Com-
mentary: Genesis, ed. H.D.M. Spence and
Lot hinted at this profound com- guests took precedence over the lives Joseph Exell (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans),
mitment when he reminded the mob: of himself and his own family (Leviti- 1:253, emp. added; E. Harold Browne (1873),
“only do nothing to these men, since cus 19:18; Mark 12:31), we can at Genesis, or The First Book of Moses (New York:
this is the reason they have come Scribner, Armstrong & Co.), p. 127.
least understand that all human life, 6
Fred Wight (1953), Manners and Customs of
under the shadow of my roof ” whether the lives of those closest to us Bible Lands (Chicago, IL: Moody Press), p.
(Genesis 19:8). The word “shadow” or the lives of those who are complete 78, emp. added.
refers to the sacred duty of protec- strangers, is equally valuable—even 7
H. Clay Trumbull (1895), Studies in Oriental
tion that Lot was under obligation to Social Life (London: Hodder & Stoughton), p.
if we question which should be pre-
provide.9 English translations render 110, emp. added.
the phrase: “They have come to my served over the other. Since God does 8
Ibid., pp. 80-81,99. The term “oriental” is used
house, and I must protect them,”10 “I not sanction situation ethics,18 Lot’s by scholars to refer to the peoples that live in
predicament should not be viewed as a large area consisting of Eastern Turkey to
am responsible for them,”11 “They Central India, and from Northern Persia to
have come under the protection of an “either/or” situation. He should Southern Arabia (Trumbull, p. 74).
my roof.”12 Hence, from the perspec- have sought to preserve all lives 9
Koehler, et al., pp. 1024-1025.
tive of the Oriental mindset, Lot was committed to his charge, refusing to 10
“a courageous champion of the obliga- compromise with the depraved mob. 11
tions of hospitality in a situation of In any case, awareness of the peculiar
extreme embarrassment.”13
John Skinner (1925), A Critical and Exegetical
notions of the Asiatic mindset at the Commentary on Genesis (New York: Charles
But the Eastern commitment time regarding hospitality helps us at Scribner’s Sons), revised edition, p. 307.
to the principle of hospitality went least to make sense of Lot’s bizarre offer, 14
Trumbull, p. 98, emp. added; J.T. Gracey
even further. The Eastern tribal though we reject it as completely unac- (1882), “Khonds” in Cyclopaedia of Biblical,
groups known as the Khonds possess ceptable to God. Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, ed.
the same passion for hospitality, as John M‘Clintock and James Strong (Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker, 1969 reprint), 5:72-73.
reflected in this Khond proverb: “For ENDNOTES While the Khonds lived in India—quite some
the safety of a guest, life and honor 1
Thomas H. Maugh (2000), “Conclusive distance from Palestine—they still serve as an
are pledged; he is to be considered Evidence of American Indian Cannibalism example of the Eastern mindset as it relates to
Found,” Los Angeles Times, September 7,
before a child.”14 This perspective, archive/?
the obligations of hospitality.
indeed, this narrow-minded fixation,
Trumbull, p. 74, emp. added.
date=20000907&slug=4041058. See Dave 16
H.C. Leupold (1950 reprint), Exposition of
explains the absurd behavior of Lot in Miller (2017), God & Government (Mont-
Genesis (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker), 1:559.
gomery, AL: Apologetics Press), pp. 318-319.
the treatment of his daughters. 2
See Miller (2017), pp. 317-318 for instances 17
See the discussion of why the Bible would
The virtue of hospitality has a pre- of depraved practices of the Indian tribes label Lot as “righteous” in Eric Lyons (2008),
eminence, in its obligations and in in 18th century America. The “Eskimos” of “Righteous Lot”?, Apologetics Press, https://
its significance, not recognized to Alaska practiced wife swapping as an expres- w w
the same extent elsewhere in the sion of etiquette—see Lawrence Hennigh aspx?category=23&article=2400.
world at large…. In the primitive (1970) “Functions and Limitations of Alaskan
Eskimo Wife Trading,” Arctic, 23[1]:24-34,
Dave Miller (2004), “Situation Ethics—
East, hospitality is more far-reach- from stable/40507675; Extended Version,” Apologetics Press, https://
ing in its scope and more exacting in Arthur J. Rubel (1961), “Partnership and Wife-
its obligations than anything which Exchange Among the Eskimo and Aleut of ategory=7&article=645&topic=38.

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