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Section-A (History)
I. Multiple choice questions:-
1. Who were considered as untouchables in the Varna System?
a. Women b. Shudras c. Kids d. Guards
2. The word ‘Janapada’ literally means the land where the Jana set its _________, and settled
a. Hand b. Head c. Foot d. Eyes
3. Which animal was let loose in Ashvamedha?
a. Dog b. Horse c. Camel d. Goat

4. Which was the capital of Vajji?

a. Rajagriha b. Pataliputra c. Vaishali d. Macedonia

5. The two rivers that flowed through Magadha are Son and ________.
a. Kaveri b. Ganga c. Godavari d. Yamuna

II. Picture Based Question:-

a. Identify this picture.

b. What was this pot used for by the people?

c. What made this pot special from other pottery?

d. What colours were usually used to make the earthern pots?

Section-B (Civics)
III. Multiple choice questions:-
1 The Gram Panchayat consists of the elected ward members and the __________.

a. Representative b. Sarpanch c.People d.Secretary

2 The elected representatives from the ward is known as the ____________.

a.Panch b.Block c.Janpad d.Voters

3 The duration of the Gram Panchayat is for _________years.

a.2 b.6 c.3 d.5

4 The other name of Block Panchayat is _________.

a.Zila Parishad b. Janpad Panchayat c.Gram Panchayat d.Gram Sabha

5 The Gram Panchayat has a Secretary who is also the Secretary of the ____.

a. District b. Gram Sabha c. Village d. Block Samiti

6 The ________ and the Gram Panchayat are answerable to the Gram Sabha.

a. Panchs b. Zamindar c.Collector d.Sarpanch

7 The people in the Hardas village are facing the problem of ________.

8 All the members of the________ elects the Head of the Panchayat.

9 In the Hardas village, women had to get water from _________ river .

10 __________ appoints Secretary of the Gram Panchayat.

Section-C (Geography)
V. MCQ:-
1 The only continent through which the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator, and the Tropic of Capricorn
passes is ____________.

(a) Asia (b) Europe (c) Africa (d) North America

2 Life exists in this zone ________.

(a) Lithosphere (b) Biosphere (c) Hydrosphere (d) Atmosphere

3 Which ocean is ‘S’ shaped?

(a) The Pacific Ocean (b) The Atlantic Ocean (c) The Indian Ocean (d) The Arctic Ocean
4 Name the continent which is also called as an ‘Island Continent’.

(a) South America (b) Antarctica (c) Africa (d) Australia

VI. Fill in the blanks: -

5 The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean is highly __________________.

6 South America has the world’s largest river, __________________.

7 The Arctic Ocean connected with the Pacific Ocean by a narrow stretch of shallow water known as

8 The __________________is divided into five layers based on composition, temperature and other

VII. Draw and label a neat diagram of the biosphere.

VIII. Picture based questions: -

1. Identity the above picture.

2. How many layers does the above picture have?
3. On the basis of what are the above layers divided.
4. Name the first layer starting from earth’s surface.
5. What way does the atmosphere protect us?

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