History of ASEAN

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History of ASEAN

ASEAN is an acronym for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and it is

made up of eleven countries with vastly different religions, cultures, and histories:
Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and the latest Timor-Leste. The leaders of the ten
ASEAN member countries signed the agreement on November 20, 2007, at the 13th
ASEAN Summit in Singapore. It comes as ASEAN marks the 40th anniversary of its
inception in 1967. The Charter represents a historic opportunity for ASEAN Member
States to reaffirm their commitment to ASEAN community building.

ASEAN's goals and objectives include economic, social, cultural, technical,

educational, and other fields of cooperation, as well as the promotion of regional peace
and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law, as well as adherence
to the principles of the United Nations Charter. Where these goals and objectives lie in
their motto that ASEAN is "One Vision, One Identity, One Community". The
Commission had completed the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration by mid-2012. The
Declaration was unanimously adopted by ASEAN members at their meeting on
November 18, 2012, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The adoption of the ASEAN Human
Rights Declaration in 2012 demonstrates ASEAN's commitment to advancing human
rights promotion and protection in the region.

In the year 2015, the ASEAN launched three pillars, namely the Political-Security
Community which aims to ensure regional peace and a just, democratic, and
harmonious environment: Economic Community which aims to ensure regional peace
and a just, democratic, and harmonious environment: and Socio-Cultural Community
which aims to ensure regional peace and a just, democratic, and harmonious
environment. We are great because our country the Philippines is one of the members
of the ASEAN organization and we can also benefit and experience their goals and
implementations. The ASEAN sees their consisted countries as having a great future in
every field. The really centered on the basic needs of every member country to have
sustainable development.

In conclusion, it is very important to know and study the basic concepts of

ASEAN as a citizen of one of the countries of the ASEAN organization. Enable us to
know, what we can do to help and attain the mission, vision, and goals of ASEAN. The
progress of every nation starts with the citizen of every nation. Let’s do our part, and
help each other as ASEAN’s motto says, "One Vision, One Identity, One Community".
With this, we can now look forward to the bright future of our individual nations.

Southeast Asian Countries - NIU - Center for Southeast Asian Studies. (n.d.).

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