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Assignment Topics
1. a) Write short notes on the historical evolution of Management. b) Define Management. Is Management an Art, a Science or a Profession? Explain. c) What is Professional Management? What are the pros and cons of Professional Management? What are the typical Managerial Levels in a large organization? What are the crucial functions (E.g. Decision making) performed by the different Managerial Levels?

2. a) What is Management? What is Management By Objectives? (MBO). What is the Main Principle of MBO? b) What are SMART Objectives in the context of MBO? Explain. c) What are the requirements expected from each Managerial Level in an organization driven by MBO? Explain.

3. a) What is Organization Structure and what is Organization Design? Explain. b) What are the Vertical Dimensions of an organization? What are the Horizontal Dimensions of an organization? Explain. c) What is a Line and Staff Organization? What is Span of Control?

4. a) What are the Characteristics of Directing? What are the Principles of Directing? b) What is Motive? What is Motivation? How do organizations use Motivation of employees to achieve their goals? c) What are the various Theories of Motivation?

5. a) What is Control? What is Controlling? What are the Characteristics and Elements of Control? b) What are the different Kinds of Control mechanisms? Explain. c) What are the typical Stages involved in the process of Control?

6. a) What is a Decision? Why is Decision Making crucial to a Manager? b) What is the typical process of steps followed while making a Decision? What are the various Decision Making Models available to assist a Manager in making a Decision? c) What is Consensus Decision Making? What is its Process and its Objectives? What are the Common Roles played in a Consensus Meeting?


Analyze the Communication process under the Management perspective and why is it important to the successful practice of Management. Describe the various informational roles of a manager.



Differentiate between organizational culture and control process. Describe the three systems of organizational control Discuss the various prerequisites for the control systems to be successful.


Write notes on the following: (i) Management by exception (ii) Management is an Art of getting things done through and with people. (iii) Principles of Management by Henry Sayol (iv) Systems approach to Management


a) Identify the various approaches to Management and discuss the characteristics and contribution of these approaches, also dwelling on their limitations in relation to the current trends in Management. b) What do you understand by the Planning process? Define and describe its objectives and as well as its importance in the current management environment.


Compare and contrast between various management styles advanced by Michael Porter. Discuss the Japanese style of Management in todays managerial environment.

Reference Books: Harold Koontz; Michel Porter; RD Agarwal

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