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Assignment 4.3: Usability Lab Report Final: Friday Dec.

15, 10 AM

[Description]: In this final part of Assignment 4, you will write a formal lab report on the findings of your
usability test for your client. Keep in mind, though this lab report is formal, it needs to follow the “dual
streams” motto of scannable reports—keep using headings, subheadings, images, lists, etc. Also remember
that you are continuing to write to your client as an audience—continuing to explain the why behind your
processes and discussions, and continuing to show directly how the results of your tests will benefit your

01. [Abstract]: One brief paragraph telling your client what this report is, what the test performed was, and
some key takeaways. The abstract should both serve the purpose of the lab report (summarizing the key
takeaways) as well as serve the goal of informing the client on why you are giving them this report.

02. [Introduction]: Explains the general processes you used—What is usability testing? Why are you doing
it? Who is the key audience you are testing? Who are your subjects? What are the predictions you made in
4.1 on poor designs? Basically a brief summary of 4.1. Might be good to have phrases like, “As discussed in
our memo on Nov. 10, we planned to…” Remind the client of what you’ve already done together. Walk a
careful balance of explaining your theories without treating your client like they are an idiot.

03. [Procedure]: Explains the specific procedures from 4.2 and how they played out in actuality (not an
analysis but what actually happened in the usability test)—you are going for replicability of experiment in
case your client wants you to repeat the test with a larger sample size. Gives details of how you ran the
experiment in the past tense. What was your protocol? Your scenarios? How long did each experiment last?
Etc. Please do not describe results in this section—focus on your scenarios (give them fully) and design of
the test.

04. [Results]: Chooses several key block quotes from each test and gives an image from the website that
illustrates what each quote is specifically talking about. Organized in some specific manner: What did each
subject state about a specific part of the site? Describes 3 major (big problems that need fixing now) and 3
minor problems.

05. [Discussions]: What do your results mean? What were the most common errors you saw? How do these
errors differ from or corroborate the predictions in your introduction? Which problem will you tackle first?
How will your solutions benefit the company—directly impact user-experience and profitability? What are
some possible solutions—following Krug’s tweaks methods from Chapter 11—to your problems? For each
of your three major problems I want you to provide:

1. A quick fix (tweak) that could be implemented immediately. Remember Krug’s advice on
reductive vs. additive changes (always think about reducing content and pages rather than adding).

2. A long-term fix that will take some time to produce but will make the website perfect. Provide an
example solution—from a competitor’s site—for each problem.

06. [Conclusions]: Summarize your suggestions for the company moving on. What are the things to fix first?
What next? Should the company do more usability testing? Why? On what issues? Refer back to the idea of
profitability—how has this test directly benefited the company? Why was it worth it?
4.3: Usability Lab Report Rubric

______Abstract (5 points)

______Introduction (15 points)

______Procedure (15 points)

______Results (15 Points)

______Discussions (20 points)

______Conclusions (10 points)

______Document Design (10 points)

______Writing Quality (10 points)

______Total (100 points)

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