Inhalation Exposure To Size-Segregated Fine Particles and Particulate PAHs

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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

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Research paper

Inhalation exposure to size-segregated fine particles and particulate PAHs

for the population burning biomass fuels in the Eastern Tibetan
Plateau area
Ye Huang a, b, Jinze Wang a, Nan Fu c, Shanshan Zhang a, Wei Du a, b, *, YuanChen Chen d,
Zhenglu Wang e, Meng Qi b, Wei Wang b, Qirui Zhong b, Yonghong Duan f, Guofeng Shen b,
Shu Tao b
Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science of the Ministry of Education, School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
College of Environment, Research Centre of Environmental Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China
College of Oceanography, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
College of Resources and Environment, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, Shanxi, 030801, China


Edited by: Dr G Liu Indoor biomass burning produces large amounts of small particles and hazardous contaminants leading to severe
air pollution and potentially high health risks associated with inhalation exposure. Personal samplers provide
Keywords: more accurate estimates of inhalation exposure. In this study, inhalation exposure to size-segregated particles
Personal exposure and particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) for the biomass user was studied by deploying personal
Particulate matter
samplers. The study found that daily PM2.5 inhalation exposure level was as high as 121 ± 96 μg/m3, and over
84% was finer PM1.0. For PAHs, the exposure level was 113 ± 188 ng/m3, with over 77% in PM1.0. High mo­
Biomass use
Size distribution lecular weight PAHs with larger toxic potentials enriched in smaller particles resulting in much high risks
associated with PAHs inhalation exposure. Indoor exposure contributed to ~80% of the total inhalation exposure
as a result of high indoor air pollution and longer residence spent indoor. The highest exposure risk was found for
the male smoker who conducted cooking activities at home.

1. Introduction estimated that in 2019, nearly 2.31 (1.63–3.12 as range) million pre­
mature deaths were attributable to household air pollution (HAP),
Although cleaner fuels such as electricity and liquefied petroleum accounted for nearly 34.6% of the PM2.5-related premature deaths in the
gas (LPG) are becoming popular in China, a large proportion of rural world (GBD, 2020). In China, severe household air pollution (HAP) due
population still rely on solid fuels for cooking and space heating (Tao to indoor solid fuel uses have been recognized in some past studies
et al., 2018; Du et al., 2018a). Inefficient burning of solid fuels in resi­ (Huang et al., 2014; Shen et al., 2013a; Zhang and Smith, 2007; Wang
dential stoves produces large amounts of air pollutants like particulate et al., 2017; Du et al., 2018b; He et al., 2020). The PM2.5-related pre­
matter (PM), carbon monoxide, organic carbon, and polycyclic aromatic mature deaths caused by HAP in rural area was estimated at about 0.52
hydrocarbons (PAHs), leading to higher personal exposure for those million, contributing 43% to the total in 2015 (Zhao et al., 2018).
people using solid fuels. It was reported that personal PM2.5 exposure for Exposure level is a critical factor in assessing health risks of inhala­
people using biomass could be 2.5 times of that for people using LPG and tion exposure. While time-weighted average concentrations from sta­
electricity (Huang et al., 2017). Exposure to these toxic air pollutants is tionary monitoring at different microenvironments had been used in
closely associated with many cardiovascular and respiratory diseases some studies (Baumgartner et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2014; Downward
and lung cancer (Burnett et al., 2014; Carl-Elis et al., 2002). It is et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2017), it is believed that this

* Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science of the Ministry of Education, School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal
University, Shanghai 200241, China.
E-mail address: (W. Du).
Received 23 October 2020; Received in revised form 10 January 2021; Accepted 17 January 2021
Available online 25 January 2021
0147-6513/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

approach may hardly reflect the real exposure level as there are high recorded sampling volume was double checked with recorded start and
variations and many distinct microenvironments where a people may end time. The samples were considered validly when the pump was
stay in one day. For example, Du et al. (2017) found a notable over­ running when the research team returned the home in the next day. In a
estimation when calculating the exposure by the stationary concentra­ recent study by Lee et al. (2021), pedometer was used to monitor
tions and corresponding time the local residents spent in the compliance in wearing personal samplers, which was great and could be
microenvironments compared to the directly measured exposure to considered in the future study. In this study, 64 households were
PM2.5. Thus, personal samplers are better choice for inhalation exposure approached for sampling, while 4 samples were discarded due to un­
and risk assessment. However, this approach is challenged due to high expected pump stop. Finally, 60 valid samples were collected in this
requirements and hard work in field conditions, and high costs. In this study, detailed information about the sampling was listed in Table S1.
study, inhalation exposure levels of PMs and PAHs for the rural popu­ For quality control, we collected ~ 8% field blanks (5 Samples). The
lation burning biomass fuels from the southwest China were evaluated filters were placed in the same samplers and the pump did not started,
by using personal samplers. The site was located in the eastern Tibetan thus the blanks were placed under the same field conditions as personal
Plateau (TP) where there are high consumptions of biomass fuels due to samples.
abundant resources and availability, and unaffordable to clean energies
in the rural area. Pollutants emission from biomass combustion in the TP 2.3. Laboratory analysis and quality control
have significant impacts on ecosystem and human health (Downward
et al., 2014; Gao et al., 2009; Xiao et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2018; Filters were weighed using a high precision digital balance (0.01 mg,
Menon et al., 2002; Shen et al., 2019), but in comparison with the XS105, Mettler-Toledo). Before the gravimetrical measurement, the fil­
adverse impacts from coal combustion, problems from the indoor ters were placed in a desiccator for ≥24 h in a room with an ambient
biomass burning are, to some extent, overlooked (Du et al., 2018b; Meng temperature of 25–30 ◦ C and a relative humidity of 45%− 55%.
et al., 2019) Besides the total exposure level, the study specifically Laboratory PAHs analysis followed the mature procedure in previous
looked into detailed size distributions of PMs and PAHs in the inhaled works (Zhuo et al., 2017; Du et al., 2018c). The detailed analysis pro­
air. It is widely recognized that adverse health impacts associated with cesses and target PAHs including 15 U.S. EPA priority PAHs (without
particle exposure are related to not only particle mass but also its NAP) and 12 non-priority parent PAHs were provided in Supporting
chemical components and size (Oberdörster et al., 2005; Shiraiwa et al., materials.
2017; Du et al., 2020), thus calling for more attention. The main ob­ Recoveries of targeted PAHs spiked on blank filters were in the range
jectives of this study are: 1) to characterize the exposure level to PMs of 71–120%. In each analysis batch, two surrogates (2-fluoro-1,1′ -
and PAHs for the rural population burning biomass in eastern Tibetan biphenyl and p-terphenyl-d14, Accustandard Inc., via J&W Scientific,
area; 2) to study the size distributions of PMs and PAHs in inhaled air; USA) were added randomly in at least 20% samples as a quality control.
and 3) to assess potential health risks associated with inhalation expo­ The surrogate recoveries were 80–131% and 72–110%, respectively.
sure to PM and PAHs. Procedure and reagent blanks were measured, and the values of the
blanks were subtracted from the sample results.
2. Material and method

2.4. Data analysis and risk assessment

2.1. Field site

The PM2.5 mass was the sum of the fractions of PM1.0–2.5, PM0.25–1.0,
This field study was conducted in rural Nanchong, Sichuan Province
and PM0.25. PM1.0 mass was the sum of the fractions of PM0.25–1.0 and
in January, 2016. The field site was in Eastern Tibetan Plateau area.
Biomass fuels, mainly fuel wood and crop residues, are the most popular
The relative contribution (RC) of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 and PAHs
cooking fuels in the studied area, and space heating in winter was not
were estimated using the following equation:
very common in most homes. The typical stove used in this area was a
/ /
built-in-place brick stove with an outdoor chimney. In the study area, RCout = {Cout × tout 1440} Cexposure
most residents were old because young people usually chose to work in
cities, the mean ages for both men and women volunteers were 59. Most RCin = 1 − RCout
households owe a small family size (~ 2 residents). The structure of most
local households was similar, with one kitchen, one living room and 1–2 Where RCin and RCout are the relative contribution of indoor and out­
bedrooms. Most exterior windows had only wood lattice without any door PM2.5 or PAHs, respectively; Cout is the concentration of PM2.5 or
covering in these households and the photo of a typical households was PAHs in outdoor air; Cexposure is the exposure level of PM2.5 or PAHs; tout is
provided in Fig. S1. The detailed information about the sampling site the time the local residents spent in outdoor, minutes. 1440 is the total
could be also found in Qi et al. (2019). minutes of one day. In rural Sichuan, the time rural residents spent in
outdoor was 208 min (MEP, 2013). The outdoor PM2.5 and PAHs con­
2.2. Personal exposure measurement centrations were 91 ± 39 μg/m3 and 76 ± 35 ng/m3, respectively,
based on the data from field studies conducted in the same site and
The Personal daily exposure to particulate matter and PAHs were sampling periods (Qi et al., 2019; Fu et al., 2020). A Monte Carlo
measured using personal samplers with written informed consent ob­ simulation with variations for PM2.5 and PAHs concentrations and time
tained individually. Residents were selected randomly to participate in spent indoor and outdoor considered was conducted to estimate the
this study. To collect particulate matter with diameter < 0.25, 0.25–1.0, uncertainties of indoor and outdoor contribution. For PM2.5 and PAHs
1.0–2.5, and >2.5 µm, the pump (the Sioutas four stage cascade im­ concentrations, log-normally distribution was applied based on our
pactors, SKC, Eighty Four, PA, USA) with pre-weighed glass fiber filters first-hand data. For the time spent in outdoor, uniform distribution with
at a flow rate of 8.2 L/min were used. Participants were asked to carry a range of 0–516 was applied and then the time spent in outdoor could
samplers for about 24 h, and only when sleeping and using the restroom, be calculated.
they could place the samplers nearby within 1.0 m. Information Burnett et al. (2014) developed series of Integrated
including gender, age, fuel types used for cooking, whether they smoke, Exposure-Response (IER) models to estimate relative risks (RR) for the
cook and go out for farm working or not were recorded. The sampling mortality associated with ischemic heart disease (IHD), cerebrovascular
flow was calibrated before and after each sampling cycle using a primary disease (stroke), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung
flow calibrator (Bios Defender 510, USA). The pump automatically cancer (LC), and incidence of acute respiratory infection (ALRI) due to

Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

exposure to PM2.5. The IER model could be described by: summarized personal exposure to fine PMs from previous studies. The
for z < zcf, RRIER(z) = 1, and exposure levels measured in this study was close to the literature studies
for z ≥ zcf, RRIER(z) = 1 + α{1–exp[− γ(z − zcf)δ]}, in winter in southern areas, but significantly lower than that in northern
Where z represents exposure level to PM2.5 in μg/m3 and zcf repre­ areas. It is believed that in winter, air pollution as well as PM2.5 exposure
sents the counterfactual concentration below which no additional risk is in northern area were higher than that in southern areas, mainly due to
assumed. Based on available RR information originated from studies of the stronger internal emission from space heating in northern areas.
ambient air pollution, second hand tobacco smoke household solid
cooking fuel and active smoking, 1000 sets of α, γ, δ and zcf were ac­ 3.1.2. PAHs exposure
quired by fitting IER model to account for the uncertainty of RR for The personal daily inhalation exposure levels of PAH27 bounded to
target health outcome. The best estimate and 95% confidence interval of TSP, PM2.5, PM1.0 and PM0.25 were 113 ± 189, 103 ± 185, 91 ± 177,
RR for each health outcome under given exposure were then acquired. and 46 ± 81 ng/m3, respectively. Similar to particles, there were higher
The population attributable fraction (PAF, referenced as the reduction in mass fractions of PAHs in smaller particles. The mass fractions of PAHs
the proportion of certain morbidities or mortalities among the definite bounded to PM2.5, PM1.0 and PM0.25 were 89.3 ± 9.5%, 77.4 ± 15.8%,
population if the risk factor was removed) due to exposure to PM2.5 and 41.9 ± 11.9% of total PAHs, respectively. The mass percent of PAHs
could be qualified as 1–1/RR (Burnett et al., 2014). bounded to PM1.0 accounted for 86.0 ± 11.3% of PAHs bounded to
PAH15 and PAH27 represented the total mass concentrations of the PM2.5. The high fraction of PAHs bounded to fine particles also could be
15 U.S. EPA priority PAHs (without NAP) and the total 27 PAHs explained by indoor biomass burning as a previous study found that
measured in this study, respectively. BaPeq (Bap equivalent concentra­ PAHs in PM2.5 could comprise up to 87% to the total PAHs emitted from
tion) was calculated by: biomass burning in residential stoves (Shen et al., 2013b).
The variation in exposed PAHs levels was much larger than the

BaPeq = (Ci × TEF i ) variation in particle. The lowest exposure level was found for a female
i=1 without cooking and smoking activities, while the highest exposure level
was found for a male smoker who also used solid fuel for cooking. Some
where Ci is the concentration of PAH congener i; TEFi is the toxicity non-priority high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs were reported to have
equivalency factor (TEF) of PAH congener i (Table S2). The risk of PAHs high toxic potentials, even compared to some priority PAH species
inhalation exposure was evaluated by calculating incremental lifetime (Delistraty, 1997; Zhuo et al., 2017; Du et al., 2020). In this study, the
cancer risk (ILCR) for different population groups following: PAH15 accounted for about 79% to the PAH27 mass, while the BaPeq
ILCR = BaPeq × URBaP calculated based on the 15 priority PAHs comprised to only 62% to the
total BaPeq. Instead of regulations on many PAHs species, BaP is the
Where URBaP is the cancer Unit Risk factor of BaP. The value recom­ most widely concerned and regulated in ambient or indoor air standards
mended by CalEPA, 1.1 × 10− 6 per ng/m3 (OEHHA, 2003, 2005), was due to its high toxicity. In China, the national standards of BaP in
adopted in the present analysis, as done in many past studies (Duan ambient air and indoor air for 24-hour mean are 2.5 ng/m3 and
et al., 2014; Shen et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2019). 1.0 ng/m3, respectively (Ministry of Environmental Protection of China,
SPSS 23.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA) was used, and non- 2002, 2012). The BaP exposure level for the studied population excee­
parameter Spearman correlation and Kolmogorov-Smirnov methods ded the standard significantly, in comparison to ambient and indoor air
were applied for statistical analysis with a significance level of 0.05. standards by about 2.6 and 6.5 times, respectively.
The PAHs exposure measured by personal samplers was also limited
3. Results and discussion to date. And, available studies measured either gaseous or particulate
phases, or both, making it inappropriate to simply compare the reported
3.1. Personal exposure to PMs and PAHs total level with one another. BaP (mainly in particle phase) could be a
better choice for comparison across different studies (Zhuo et al., 2017).
3.1.1. PMs exposure Personal BaP exposure from previous studies were summarized in
The personal daily inhalation exposure levels measured by personal Table S4. The average BaP exposure in rural China was about 39 ng/m3
samplers were 144 ± 107 (36–576 as range), 121 ± 96 (31− 508), (range from 0.1 to 190 ng/m3). The average of BaP exposure in the
101 ± 78 (27− 393) and 52 ± 48 (16− 254) μg/m3 for TSP, PM2.5, PM1.0, present study was 6.5 ng/m3, that was higher than the summertime
and PM0.25, respectively. The coefficients of variation (COVs) of PMs studies in northern China (Ding et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2015; Zhang
was around 76%− 94%, indicating relatively large variations of per­ et al., 2019), but lower than wintertime studies in northern China (Duan
sonal exposure in this area. The mass fractions of PM2.5, PM1.0 and et al., 2014; Du et al., 2018c). The BaP exposure in this study was also
PM0.25 in TSP were 83.5 ± 9.1%, 70.7 ± 10.3%, and 34.9 ± 9.5%, lower than past studies in rural southern area in winter (Lin et al., 2016;
respectively. The mass percent of PM1.0 in PM2.5 was 84.3 ± 5.8%. High Downward et al., 2014).
fractions of fine particles were thought to be associated with the burning
of biomass fuels in which past emission studies found high fractions of 3.1.3. Exposure difference across different groups
fine and ultrafine particles (Chen et al., 2005; Shen et al., 2012, 2017). Personal exposure could be influenced by mass of factors such as fuel
The PM2.5 exposure level exceeded the national daily ambient PM2.5 type, cooking and smoking activities, household conditions, etc., (Clark
standard of 75 μg/m3 by a factor of 1.6 on average, with nearly 73% et al., 2013; Du et al., 2020). In this study, only biomass fuels were used
population exposing to pollutions exceeding this standard. Even for for daily cooking. And the participants were all rural farmers living in
PM1.0 that might be more harmful as submicron particles could pene­ homes with very similar structure influenced partly by the local culture.
trate deep into lung areas (Meng et al., 2013; Dong et al., 2018; Du et al., Therefore, here the influence of cooking and smoking activities was
2020), the exposure level exceeded the standard of 75 μg/m3 by a factor specifically discussed.
of 1.3 time on average. In comparison with the World Health Organi­ In this study, the exposure levels of PM2.5 and PM1.0 were 134 ± 112
zation (WHO) guideline of 25 μg/m3 for 24-hour mean PM2.5, the and 111 ± 91 μg/m3 for the cooker, and 94 ± 39 and 79 ± 33 μg/m3 for
exposure levels for the studied population were much higher, suggesting the non-cooker, respectively. The difference was statistically not sig­
high harmful health outcomes associated with particle exposure. nificant (p > 0.05). The exposure of PM2.5 and PM1.0 were 170 ± 137
Till now, there were limited studies focused on personal exposure to and 138 ± 111 μg/m3 for smoker, and 100 ± 63 and 85 ± 53 μg/m3 for
PM2.5, especially using personal samplers (Du et al., 2018b). Table S3 non-smoker. Again, no statistically significant difference was found.
Similar results were in PAHs exposure, in which the exposure levels were

Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

higher for the cooker compared to the non-cooker, and higher for the exposure for the male was higher than that for the female, though not
smoker than the non-smoker, but the difference was statistically not statistically significant (p > 0.05). In this study, 11 (37% of participated
significant (p > 0.05). Though cooking and smoking are considered as males) males were recorded both cooking and smoking, 8 (27% of
major factors affecting personal exposure, significant differences be­ participated males) males were recorded cooking but non-smoking, and
tween the cooker and non-cooker, and between the smoker and non- 7 (23% of participated males) males were recorded non-cooking but
smoker groups could be hardly be revealed by a simple controlled smoking, compared to 0, 21(70% of participated females), and 0 for the
analysis as various factors may interact with each other. This result was female, respectively. It seems that higher proportion of male (87%) did
consistent with several previous studies, such as Zhang et al. (2019) in cooking or smoking than female (70%) was the major cause of higher
Shandong, Du et al. (2017) in Shanxi and Guizhou and Shen et al. (2016) exposure for male than female as cook and/or smoking could increase
in Hubei. A study conducted in multiple provinces focused on personal the exposure level to a certain extent (Huang et al., 2017). A study in
exposure to PM1.0 and PM1.0-PAHs in rural areas also found the fuel type rural Shandong found very close exposure level after subdividing the
was the only significant factor that affected the personal exposure, while residents into cooking male and cooking female (Zhang et al., 2019).
the cooking and smoking activities not (Du et al., 2020). Fig. 1 showed The result here indicated that activities such as cooking and smoking
the exposure level of PMs and PAHs among four subgroups NC&NS (not that mattered the personal exposure instead of gender.
cooking, not smoking), C&NS (cooking, not smoking), NC&S (not
cooking, smoking), and C&S (cooking, smoking). A trend that 3.2. PAHs composition profiles in inhaled air
NC&NS < C&NS< NC&S < C&S could be observed for PMs and PAHs
exposure, but only the difference between C&S and NC&NS was statis­ Here we compared PM2.5-PAHs composition profiles of inhaled air
tically significant (p < 0.05). That the exposure for C&NS is lower than (this study) with emission source and indoor air. In the present study,
those for NC&S suggested dominate influence of smoking over cooking BbF, PHE, and PYR were the three most dominant species in inhaled air
on personal exposure, this was consistent with the larger difference and they contributed 30% to the total exposure of PAHs in PM2.5, fol­
between smoker and non-smoker than between cooker and non-cooker lowed by CHR, CcdP, and FLA which contributed 25%. Fig. 2. compared
revealed in this study, and also consistent the study conducted in the PAHs composition files in PM2.5 of inhaled air with indoor air in
Rural Shanxi (Huang et al., 2017). Both cooking and smoking would households using wood and PAHs emission from wood burning (Du
make people be closer to the emission source and elevated the exposure et al., 2018c; Shen et al., 2015). PYR, BbF, and CHR were the three most
of cooker and smoker. However, because non-cooker usually stays in the dominant species which contributed 42% to the total PAHs in indoor air.
kitchen during cooking time in the winter for heating purpose in rural For emission source, PYR, PHE, and FLA were the three most dominant
household, the difference between NC and C was minimized, making species, contributing 63% to the total PAHs. PYR was the same dominant
cooking be a minor factor affecting personal exposure compared species for inhaled air, indoor air and emission source. BbF was the same
smoking. Cigarette burning could emit high levels of PM2.5 (Lee et al., dominant species for inhaled air and indoor air and PHE was the same
2021) and largely elevated the exposures of smoker. By applying a linear dominant species for inhaled air and emission source. It clearly showed
model assuming that personal exposures to PMs due to smoking would that the PM2.5-PAHs composition profiles of inhaled air was different
linearly increase with the number of cigarettes smoked, increase of from emission source and indoor air, indicating the different environ­
personal exposures by 1.47 ± 1.14, 0.62 ± 0.62 and 1.20 ± 0.69 μg/m3 mental fate of PAH species after being emitted to atmosphere from
for PM0.25–1, PM1–2.5 and PM>2.5, respectively, was revealed (Fig. S2). biomass burning (Zhang et al., 2005a, 2005b).
Dimitroulopoulou et al. (2001) reported an elevated daily PM2.5 con­
centration of 1–1.5 μg/m3 in the living room and Klepeis et al. (2007) 3.3. The indoor/outdoor contribution to inhalation exposure
found an increased inhaled PM3.5 concentration by 4 μg/m3 with just
one cigarette smoked. These results demonstrated the significant effect In previous studies, personal exposure was found well positively
of smoking on personal exposures. correlated with indoor and outdoor pollutants concentration (Du et al.,
In many countries, female usually take more responsibility to cook 2017; Zhang et al., 2019), but limited studies estimated the relative
the meals, resulting in higher potential exposure and catching more contribution of indoor and outdoor air to inhalation exposure. In this
attentions (Agrawal and Yamamoto, 2015; Huang et al., 2015). In the study, Monte Carlo runs 10,000 times to estimate the contribution of
present study, the personal exposures to PM2.5 and PM1.0 were indoor and outdoor air and results were presented in Fig. 3. The esti­
140 ± 116 and 115 ± 94 μg/m3 for the male (n = 30), whereas the mated contribution of outdoor PM2.5 and PAHs followed left-skewed
levels for the female (n = 30) were 95 ± 68 and 85 ± 58 μg/m3. The distributions with relatively narrow variation and the contribution of

Fig. 1. The personal exposures to PMs and PAHs with different diameters of subgroups of NC&NS, C&NS, NC&S, and C&S. Data shown was mean concentrations and
standard deviations.

Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

Fig. 2. Comparison of PM2.5-PAHs composition profiles of inhaled air with emission source and indoor air.

Fig. 3. Relative contribution of indoor/outdoor PM2.5 and PAHs to the inhalation exposure.

indoor PM2.5 and PAHs followed right-skewed distributions. The indoor 3.4. Size distribution
PM2.5 contributed 88% (78–93% as interquartile range) to the inhala­
tion exposure, significantly higher than the contribution of outdoor There are few studies on the size distributions of PMs and PAHs in
PM2.5 and similar result was found in PAHs. The expected result that inhaled air so far. Fig. 4 showed the size distribution of PMs, PAH27, and
indoor air pollution contributed more than outdoor air to inhalation BaPeq in inhaled air of the rural populations in the Eastern Tibetan
exposure could be explained by severer indoor pollution associated with Plateau. The size distributions were similar among PMs, PAH27, and
strong internal emission and longer time spent in indoor environments BaPeq. The 0.25–1.0 and <0.25 µm fractions were the dominant frac­
(Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), 2013; Du et al., 2018b). tions, which could be explained by the fact that particles from com­
This result indicated the inhalation exposure highly depended on indoor bustion sources were usually very small (Shen et al., 2012, 2013c). The
air pollution, which was extremely severe in the study area due to fraction of BaPeq in PM0.25 was 0.52, higher than the fraction of PAH27
biomass burning. in PM0.25 (0.42), indicating the PM0.25 not only has high PAHs level, but
also high potential risk.

Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

Fig. 4. Size distribution of PMs (A), PAH27 (B), and BaPeq(C) in inhaled air of rural populations in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau.

Fig. 5 showed the relative mass fraction of PAHs with different rings indoor, resulting in high exposure levels. Some recent studies taking
in PMs with different diameters, the mass fraction of PAHs with 5–6 both the indoor and ambient air pollution exposure into account pur­
rings increased when the PM diameter decreased, opposite to the trend posed integrated population-weighted exposure (IPWE) when esti­
of PAHs with 2–3 rings. Given the PAHs with higher molecular weight mating personal exposure from stationary sampling results (Zhao et al.,
(more rings) were more toxic (Delistraty, 1997), and along with high 2018; Chen et al., 2018). The IPWE was believed to closer to real
mass concentration in finer particles such as PM0.25, the finer particles exposure levels if an indirect estimation method was adopted, instead of
could result in severer health outcome compared to the coarse ones. using direct personal exposure measurement.
The geomean of incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) associated
3.5. Risk assessment with PAHs exposure estimated for rural residents in this study was
1.2 × 10− 5, lower than 3.3 × 10− 5 for rural residents in Taiyuan due to
The estimated values of RR and PAF for the morbidity of acute lower larger heating demand in this area (Duan et al., 2014). And for the male
respiratory infections (ALRI) and mortality caused by chronic obstruc­ and the female, the ILCR values were 1.3 × 10− 5 and 1.0 × 10− 5,
tive pulmonary diseases (COPD), lung cancer (LC), and ischemic heart respectively. The estimated ILCR followed a decreased trend of C&S,
disease (IHD) and stroke associated to personal PM2.5 exposure were NC&S, C&NS, and NC&NS group. Although the ILCR estimated in this
listed in Table S5. In the studied area, the PM exposure contributed to study was lower than the serious level 10− 4, but still higher than the
54% of morbidity of ALRI and 30%, 38%, 30, 53% of mortality caused acceptable risk level of 10− 6 (Asante-Duah, 2002). It should be noted
by COPD, LC, IHD and stroke, respectively. The RR and PAF for the male that such estimation might overestimated the risk due to respiratory
were higher than those for the female. Similar to the result of PM2.5 exposure of PAHs, as the exposure concentration was only based on the
exposure, the C&S group had the highest exposure risk associated with wintertime study. Given lower pollution levels in summer (Du et al.,
PM2.5 exposure, followed by NC&S, C&NS, and NC&NS group. The RR 2018b), the lifetime exposure could be lower, resulting in lower risks
and PAF for population in this study were higher than China national associated with PAHs exposure in this area.
average reported by previous studies (Cohen et al., 2017; Yun et al.,
2020), mainly due to higher exposure levels here with the inclusion of 3.6. Implications and limitations
severe indoor air pollution caused by use solid biomass. However, the
RR and PAF for the people in the studied areas were lower than those for High exposure to PMs and PAHs associated with solid fuel use is
the people using solid biomass in a rural village in north of China (Huang associated with foreseeable health risk, however, this problem has been
et al., 2017), because of higher heating demand due to lower tempera­ overlooked in a long time (Zhao et al., 2018). In the last few years, clean
ture in northern China. Indoor air, especially in rural households using fuel was becoming popular in some areas (Tao et al., 2018), but in many
solid fuels, is heavily polluted, and residents usually stay longer in remote villages they still rely on traditional solid fuels including raw
coal and biomass fuels, resulting in severe inhalation exposure (Shen
et al., 2019). For a better understanding on harmful health impacts
associated with HAP exposure, it is necessary to accurately evaluate
personal exposure to products of incomplete combustion by using more
reliable and accurate measurement technologies.
The present study found high exposure levels, but also high fractions
of finer particles in inhaled air, the PM1.0 contributed more than 70% to
the total PM exposure. The outdoor PM2.5 contributed only 17% to the
total exposure, compared to 83% of the indoor PM2.5 contribution,
indicating the personal exposure was highly depended on indoor air
pollution. PAHs, especially those with higher molecular weight, were
likely to distribute on fine particles, indicating that the household air
pollution and inhalation exposure for rural residents burning solid fuels
should be paid more attention to and clean intervention was in urgent
It is recognized that the sample size was still considerably small, even
Fig. 5. The relative fraction of PAHs with different rings in PMs with though much high costs and field working labor intensity are required in
different diameters. such field campaigns, especially in filter-based personal sampling

Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

technologies. The present study did not sample household air simulta­ Natural Science Foundation of China (41922057, 41830641, 42077328,
neously, which made it difficult to compare indoor and outdoor expo­ 41907313, 41730646, 41701584), Ministry of Science and Technology,
sure. The relative contributions of household air pollution to the total People’s Republic of China (2019QZKK0605), Science and Technology
exposure here estimated by Monte Carlo and results from previous Commission of Shanghai Municipality (19ZR1415100), the Chinese
studies might cause uncertainties. However, it is believed that indoor Academy of Sciences (XDA23010100), and China Postdoctoral Science
exposure could contribute largely to the overall exposure as a result of Foundation (2019M661425).
high indoor pollution levels and long indoor residue time. And, the
present results are from one season, thus the exposure concentration can Appendix A. Supporting information
be hardly to representative the yearly or lifetime average exposure. This
results in relatively high biases in exposure risk assessment. Most Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
experimental studies so far can hardly afford a long-term follow-up online version at doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.111959.
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Y. Huang et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 211 (2021) 111959

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