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1. Freud posited that the personality consists of three parts there are ......., ......, ......
(Id, ego , superego )

2. in the unconscious and contains instincts and psychic energy, the.........follows
the reality principle, which means its job is to negotiate between the desires and the
limitations of the environment. 3rd part of the personality is the.......... which operates on
both conscious and unconscious level.
(Id, ego , superego)
3. The main cause of schizophrenia is called.......
4. Eating Disorders includes...... And ........
(Bulimia , obesity)
5. .........presents individuals with ambiguous stimuli
(Projective or projection test )
6. ..........Views behaviour from the perspective of biological functioning
7. when someone doesn't have any emotional responses at all.
(flat effect)
8. Beside the cognitive triad, cognitive psychologists refer to......... as a cause of depression
9. Disorder When someone eating his/her hair
(Rapunzel syndrome)
10. mention two of defences mechanisms that ego uses to help protect the conscious
mind ......... ,.........
11. There are many types of intelligence mention two types of cognitive
intelligence ........, ......
(Memory , attention )
True or false
12. Freud proposed that children enjoy sucking and biting because it gives them a form of
sexual pleasure .T
13. Many theories about the cause of depression combine a cognitive and behaviour
component T
14. Organizations have personality according to its characteristics. T
15. Individual's personality must strictly fit into one school of thought T
16. behaviours are determined by the personality traits only T
17. Someone with anxiety disorder experiences extreme or inappropriate emotions F

18. Freud believed two types of exists.
Eros (the life instincts) and Thanatos (the death instincts). Libido is energy that directs the life
instincts. Eros is most often evidenced as a desire for sex, while Thanatos is seen in aggression.
19. The difference between ego and id and superego
The id is propelled by the pleasure principle; it wants immediate gratification. The id
exists entirely in the unconscious mind. Babies are propelled solely by their ids. They cry
whenever they desire something without regard to the external world around them. The
next part of the personality to develop is the ego. The ego follows the reality principle,
which means its job is to negotiate between the desires of the id and the limitations of the
environment. The ego is partly in the conscious mind and partly in the unconscious mind.
The superego operates on both the conscious and unconscious level. This sense of
conscience, according to freud ,is superego; the ego as a mediator
20. Negative Stereotypes can lead to
Prejudice as Prejudice is an undeserved, usually negative, attitude toward a group of
people. Stereotype can lead to prejudice when negative stereotype
21. What is catatonia
Some schizophrenics suffer from catatonia, a motor problem. They may remain
motionless in strange postures for hours at a time, move jerkily and quickly for no
apparent reason or alternate between the two.

22. What is the Emotional intelligence

the ability to make accurate judgements. of emotions and to use such knowledge to
enhance the quality of once thinking skills involved the ability to recognise our own
emotions, to influence those of others and to facilitate Performance.

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