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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.

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Designation: C125 − 20

Standard Terminology Relating to

Concrete and Concrete Aggregates1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C125; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This standard is a compilation of definitions of terms as 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
they are used in standards under the jurisdiction of Committee C94/C94M Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
C09. C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement
1.2 Other terminology under the jurisdiction of Committee Concrete
C09 is included in two specialized standards. Terms relating to C219 Terminology Relating to Hydraulic and Other Inor-
constituents of concrete aggregates are defined in Descriptive ganic Cements
Nomenclature C294. Terms relating to constituents of aggre- C294 Descriptive Nomenclature for Constituents of Con-
gates for radiation-shielding concrete are defined in Descrip- crete Aggregates
tive Nomenclature C638. C403/C403M Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete
Mixtures by Penetration Resistance
1.3 Related terminology for hydraulic cement is included in
iTeh Standards
C494/C494M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for
Terminology C219. In the event of conflict between definitions Concrete
in Terminology C125 and definitions in Terminology C219, C511 Specification for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets,
C09 standards. (
definitions in Terminology C125 shall govern for Committee Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the
Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes

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1.4 When a term is used in an ASTM standard for which
Committee C09 is responsible, it is included herein only if used
C638 Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggre-
gates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete
in more than one Committee C09 standard. C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
NOTE 1—The subcommittee responsible for this standard will review for Test Methods for Construction Materials
definitions on a five-year basis to determine if the definitionASTM C125-20
is still C939 Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-
appropriate as stated. Revisions will be made when determined necessary.
year shown in parentheses at the end of a definition indicates the year
Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method)
the definition or revision to the definition was approved. A letter R and a C1074 Practice for Estimating Concrete Strength by the
year indicate when the definition was reviewed. No date indicates the term Maturity Method
has not yet been reviewed. C1077 Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor- Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- Testing Agency Evaluation
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the C1240 Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- Mixtures
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical C1437 Test Method for Flow of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. C1610/C1610M Test Method for Static Segregation of Self-
Consolidating Concrete Using Column Technique
C1611/C1611M Test Method for Slump Flow of Self-
Consolidating Concrete
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C09.91 on Terminology. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2020. Published February 2020. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1936. Last previous edition approved in 2019 as C125 – 19a. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/C0125-20. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C125 − 20
E135 Terminology Relating to Analytical Chemistry for retarding admixture, n—an admixture that decreases the rate
Metals, Ores, and Related Materials of reaction of cementitious materials thus increasing time of
setting of a cementitious mixture. (2015)
3. Terms and Their Definitions water-reducing admixture, n—admixture that either in-
absorption, n—the process by which a liquid is drawn into and creases the slump of freshly mixed mortar or concrete without
tends to fill permeable pores in a porous solid body; also, the increasing the water content or that maintains the slump with a
increase in mass of a porous solid body resulting from the reduced amount of water due to factors other than air entrain-
penetration of a liquid into its permeable pores. (R2008) ment. (R2008)
DISCUSSION—In the case of concrete and concrete aggregates, unless water-reducing admixture, high-range, n—a water-reducing
otherwise stated, the liquid involved is water, the increase in mass is admixture capable of producing at least 12 % reduction of
that which does not include water adhering to the outside surface, the water content when tested in accordance with Specification
increase in mass is expressed as a percentage of the dry mass of the C494/C494M and meeting the other relevant requirements of
body and the body is considered to be “dry” when it has been treated
Specification C494/C494M. (R2008)
by an appropriate process to remove uncombined water, such as drying
to constant mass at a temperature between 100 and 110°C. age, equivalent, n—the number of days or hours of curing of
acceptable range, n—the difference between the largest and a concrete mixture at a specified temperature required to
smallest of three or more test determinations that is expected produce a maturity equal to the maturity achieved by a given
to be exceeded with a probability of about 5 % in the normal curing period at concrete temperatures different from the
and correct operation of the test method. (2019) specified temperature. (2015)
DISCUSSION—The specified temperature is taken typically as the
DISCUSSION—The acceptable range can be used as an index of
temperature used for standard laboratory curing. For example, a
precision for test methods that define a test result as the average of three
concrete cured for three days at an elevated temperature may have an
or more test determinations.
equivalent age of seven days of curing at the standard laboratory
accreditation, n—of testing agency, a process by which an temperature.
evaluation authority attests that a testing agency has dem- aggregate, n—granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed
dance with a standard. (2011) iTeh Standards
onstrated the competency to perform specific tasks in accor- stone, or iron blast-furnace slag, used with a cementing
medium to form hydraulic-cement concrete or mortar.

titious material, and fiber (

admixture, n—a material other than water, aggregates, cemen- (R2008)
reinforcement that is used as an coarse aggregate, n—(1) aggregate predominantly retained

and that is added to Preview
ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve; or (2) that portion of an
mixed, setting, or hardened properties aggregate retained on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. (R2008)
the batch before or during its mixing. (R2015) DISCUSSION—The definitions are alternatives to be applied under
differing circumstances. Definition (1) is applied to an entire aggregate
accelerating admixture, n—an admixture that increases the
rate of reaction of cementitious materials thus reducing C125-20
time of
either in a natural condition or after processing. Definition (2) is applied
to a portion of an aggregate. Requirements for properties and grading
setting and increasing early strength development of a cemen- should be stated in the specification.
titious mixture. (2015) fine aggregate, n—(1) aggregate passing the 9.5-mm (3⁄8-in.)
air-entraining admixture, n—admixture that causes the de- sieve and almost entirely passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve
velopment of a system of microscopic air bubbles in concrete and predominantly retained on the 75-µm (No. 200) sieve; or
or mortar during mixing. (R2008) (2) that portion of an aggregate passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4)
sieve and retained on the 75-µm (No. 200) sieve. (R2008)
chemical admixture, n—an admixture in the form of a liquid,
DISCUSSION—The definitions are alternatives to be applied under
suspension, or water-soluble solid. (2014) differing circumstances. Definition (1) is applied to an entire aggregate
extended set-control admixture, n—an admixture that can either in a natural condition or after processing. Definition (2) is applied
predictably reduce the hydration rate of cement for applications to a portion of an aggregate. Requirements for properties and grading
should be stated in the specifications.
requiring extended time of setting followed by normal strength
development. (2019) heavyweight aggregate, n—see high-density aggregate.
DISCUSSION—Depending on dosage rate, this admixture can be used high-density aggregate, n—aggregate with relative density
to manage the setting time of returned concrete, reduce the hydration of greater than 3.3, such as: barite, magnetite, limonite, ilmenite,
cement in wash water from concrete production, permit extended
iron, or steel. (R2008)
delivery times of ready mixed concrete, or function as an ordinary
retarding admixture. Also referred to as a hydration controlling lightweight aggregate, n—see low-density aggregate.
admixture or a hydration stabilizing admixture.
low-density aggregate, n—aggregate with bulk density less
mineral admixture, n—deprecated term. (R2008) than 1120 kg/m3 [70 lb/ft3], such as: pumice, scoria, volcanic
DISCUSSION—This term has been used to refer to different types of cinders, tuff, and diatomite; expanded or sintered clay, shale,
water insoluble, finely divided materials such as pozzolanic materials, slate, diatomaceous shale, perlite, vermiculite, or slag; and end
cementitious materials, and aggregate. These materials are not similar, products of coal or coke combustion. (R2008)
and it is not useful to group them under a single term. The name of the
specific material should be used, for example, use “pozzolan,” “slag normal-density aggregate, n—aggregate that is neither high
cement,” or “finely divided aggregate,” as is appropriate. nor low density. (R2008)

C125 − 20
DISCUSSION—This term refers to aggregate with relative density bulk density, n—of aggregate, the mass of a unit volume of
typically ranging between 2.4 and 3.0, or with bulk density typically bulk aggregate material (the unit volume includes the
ranging between 1120 kg/m3 [70 lb/ft3] and 1920 kg/m3 [120 lb/ft3]. volume of the individual particles and the volume of the
normalweight aggregate, n—see normal-density aggregate. voids between the particles). (R2008)
air content, n—the volume of air voids in cement paste, DISCUSSION—This term replaces the deprecated term unit weight—of
mortar, or concrete, exclusive of pore space in aggregate
particles, usually expressed as a percentage of total volume calcined, adj—heated to a temperature less than the melting
of the paste, mortar, or concrete. (R2008) point so as to bring about a decomposition, phase transition,
or removal of a volatile fraction of a solid material. (2012)
air-cooled blast-furnace slag—see blast-furnace slag, air-
cooled. calibration, n—of measuring instrument, a process that, under
specified conditions and following a standard procedure,
air, entrained, n—air voids, typically between 10 and 1000 µm
establishes metrological traceability by determining: (1) the
(1 mm) in diameter and spherical or nearly so, that are
relationship between the quantity values provided by mea-
incorporated intentionally into a cementitious mixture dur-
surement standards or certified reference materials and the
ing mixing by use of an air entraining admixture. (2012)
DISCUSSION—Entrained air is used primarily to increase the durability
corresponding indications from a measuring instrument or
of cementitious mixtures exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing in system; and (2) the estimated uncertainty of measurements
wet environments. Entrained air may affect workability and strength of made subsequently with the instrument or system. (2011)
a hardened cementitious mixture. DISCUSSION—Calibration takes into account systematic error (or bias)
of the measuring instrument or system as well as random error that is
air, entrapped, n—air voids, typically 1 mm or larger in size associated with the use of the measurement instrument or system and
and mainly irregular in shape, that are incorporated uninten- error associated with the measurement standards or certified reference
tionally into a cementitious mixture during mixing and materials. Calibration should not be confused with an adjustment of a
handling. (2012) measuring instrument or with verification of a measuring instrument.
Sometimes the first step alone is mistakenly called calibration, but
air void—see void, air. performing only the first step is the process of standardization. In tests

iTeh Standards
of concrete and concrete aggregates, standardization of measuring
authority, evaluation, n—an independent entity, apart from
instruments or systems is often sufficient.
the testing agency being evaluated, that has the capability to

cellular concrete—see concrete, cellular.
provide an unbiased evaluation of the technical activities of
concrete and concrete aggregates testing agencies. (2011)
cement, hydraulic, n—a cement that sets and hardens by
DISCUSSION—Two acceptable methods of evaluation are inspection

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chemical reaction with water and is capable of doing so
and accreditation, and these services are offered by various evaluation
authorities. under water. (R2015)
bias, n—the difference between the average value of a property cement, slag, n—granulated blast-furnace slag that has been
obtained by a given test method and the acceptedASTM ground to cement fineness, with or without additions, and
that is a hydraulic cement. (R2015)
or true value of that property. (2019)
DISCUSSION—Bias cannot be determined if an accepted reference cementitious material (hydraulic), n—an inorganic material
material is not available or if the property value can be determined only
by the given test method.
or a mixture of inorganic materials that sets and develops
strength by chemical reaction with water by formation of
blast-furnace slag, n—the nonmetallic product, consisting hydrates and is capable of doing so under water. (R2015)
essentially of silicates and aluminosilicates of calcium and
other bases, that is developed in a molten condition simul- cementitious material, supplementary, (SCM), n—an inor-
taneously with iron in a blast furnace. (R2008) ganic material that contributes to the properties of a cemen-
titious mixture through hydraulic or pozzolanic activity, or
blast-furnace slag, air-cooled , n—the material resulting from both. (R2015)
solidification of molten blast-furnace slag under atmospheric DISCUSSION—Some examples of supplementary cementitious materi-
conditions; subsequent cooling may be accelerated by appli- als are fly ash, silica fume, slag cement, rice husk ash, and natural
cation of water to the solidified surface. (R2008) pozzolans. In practice, these materials are used in combination with
portland cement.
blast-furnace slag, expanded, n—the low density cellular
material obtained by controlled processing of molten blast- cementitious mixture, n—any mixture containing cementi-
furnace slag with water or water and other agents, such as tious material and water. (2016)
steam or compressed air or both. (R2011) DISCUSSION—Paste, grout, mortar, and concrete are examples of
cementitious mixtures.
blast-furnace slag, granulated, n—the glassy, granular mate-
rial formed when molten blast-furnace slag is rapidly chilled, certification, n—of technician, a procedure to determine and
as by immersion in water. (R2008) attest in writing that an individual is qualified to perform
specific test methods or practices. (R2015)
bleeding, n—the autogenous flow of mixing water within, or
its emergence from, a newly placed cementitious mixture compound, curing, n—a liquid that, when applied to the
caused by the settlement of the solid materials within the surface of freshly-placed concrete, forms a membrane that
mass. (R2013) impedes the evaporation of water. (2018)

C125 − 20
DISCUSSION—White pigmented curing compounds reflect solar radia- reactions to occur so that the potential properties of the
tion and reduce surface heating. mixture may develop. (R2015)
concrete, n—a composite material that consists essentially of a curing compound—see compound, curing.
binding medium within which are embedded particles or
fragments of aggregate; in hydraulic-cement concrete, the density, n—mass per unit volume of a material (preferred over
binder is formed from a mixture of hydraulic cement and term unit weight). (2013)
DISCUSSION—For materials with pores that can become filled with
water. (R2015)
water, such as aggregate, different modifiers are applied to the term
concrete, cellular, n—a low-density cementitious mixture density depending on which portions of the material are included in
having a homogeneous void or cell structure attained using defining the volume. The modifiers shown on the right are used:
gas-forming chemicals or foaming agents. (2016) Included in the Volume Modifier
Solid portion of material absolute
concrete, fresh, n—concrete that possesses enough of its Solid portion of material plus impermeable pores apparent
Solid portion of material plus permeable and No modifier is used
original workability so that it can be placed and consolidated impermeable pores
by the intended methods. (2016) For example, the term apparent density would be the mass of the
solid material divided by the volume of solid material plus imperme-
concrete, hardened, n—concrete that has developed sufficient
able pores.
strength to serve some defined purpose or resist a stipulated If permeable pores are included in the volume, a delimiting term
loading without failure. (R2015) (or an abbreviation) is used in parentheses to define the moisture
condition of the permeable pores when mass is measured. These de-
concrete, pervious, n—hydraulic-cement concrete propor- limiting terms are oven-dry (OD) and saturated-surface-dry (SSD).
tioned with sufficient, distributed, interconnected macro- For example, the term density (SSD) would be the density of a po-
scopic voids that allow water to flow through the material rous material in its SSD condition. The delimiting term is not used
under the action of gravity alone. (2015) with absolute density or apparent density, because permeable
pores are not included in the defining volume.
concrete, roller-compacted, RCC, n—concrete compacted
while fresh by a roller, often a vibratory roller. (R2015) density, relative, n—the ratio of the density of material at a
iTeh Standards
concrete, self-consolidating, SCC, n—concrete that can flow
stated temperature to the density of distilled water at that
stated temperature; if a temperature is not stated, it is

around reinforcement and consolidate under its own weight assumed to be 23°C [73.5°F]. (2013)
without additional effort and without exceeding specified DISCUSSION—As discussed for the term density, for a porous material
limits of segregation. (R2015) (such as aggregate), different modifiers and delimiting terms are used

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DISCUSSION—Project specifications shall indicate the acceptable seg-
regation based upon a specified test method. Test Method C1610/
for relative density depending on which density of the material is used
in calculating the ratio. For example, apparent relative density refers
to the ratio of apparent density to the density of water and relative
C1610M provides a procedure for determining the degree of aggregate
segregation under static conditions and the Appendix of Test Method density (SSD) refers to the ratio of density (SSD) to the density of
ASTM the
C1611/C1611M describes a non-mandatory technique for assessing C125-20
degree of segregation under flowing conditions.
difference limit (d2s or d2s%), n—the difference between two
consistency, n—of a fresh cementitious mixture, the relative test results that is expected to be exceeded with a probability
mobility or ability to flow. (R2015) of about 5 % in the normal and correct operation of the test
DISCUSSION—This characteristic of fresh cementitious mixtures is method; used as an index of precision of the test method.
difficult to quantify and empirical test methods have been adopted to (2019)
provide indicators of consistency. For example, the slump test de- DISCUSSION—The difference limit (d2s%) is used if the coefficient of
scribed in Test Method C143/C143M is used for concrete, the flow variation is used as the statistic to define single-operator and multilabo-
table method described in Test Method C1437 is used for mortar, and ratory precision. Refer to Practice C670 for additional discussion.
the flow cone method described in Test Method C939 is used for grout.
duration, impact, n—the time that the impactor used to
consolidation, n—of cementitious mixtures, the process of generate stress waves is in contact with the test surface; also
increasing the density of a fresh cementitious mixture in a referred to as contact time. (2015)
form, mold, or container by reducing the volume of voids.
(R2015) elongated piece (of aggregate) , n—a particle of aggregate for
DISCUSSION—Except for self-consolidating concrete, consolidation which the ratio of the length to width of its circumscribing
is accomplished by inputting mechanical energy, typically by rodding, rectangular prism is greater than a specified value (see also
tamping, tapping, vibration, or some combination of these actions. flat piece (of aggregate)). (R2015)
Specific apparatus and methods for consolidation are defined in the
relevant C09 Standards. engineer, licensed professional, n—an individual who is
licensed to practice engineering as defined by the statutory
crushed gravel—see gravel, crushed. requirements of the professional licensing laws of the
governing jurisdiction; also referred to as registered profes-
crushed stone—see stone, crushed.
sional engineer. (R2015)
curing, n—action taken to maintain moisture and temperature
entrained air—see air, entrapped.
conditions in a freshly-placed cementitious mixture to allow
hydraulic cement hydration and (if applicable) pozzolanic entrapped air—see air, entrained.

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