Ent Case Study

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28 MAY 2023

Assalamualaikum, w.b.t. First and foremost, we want to thank God for His
abundance and bounty, as we were able to complete the report for this subject,
Principles of Entrepreneurship (ENT530), perfectly within the time frame specified. In
this regard, I, along with my team members, We would also like to thank everyone who
contributed to the creation of this report. Completing this case study gives us a lot of
experience and can help us learn how to run a laundry business.

Our thanks go to the lecturer on this subject, Sir Mohd Fazly bin Mohd Razali,
who has provided us with guidance and clear explanations as we prepare this report. In
addition, we'd like to thank other friends who helped us prepare this report, either
directly or indirectly.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the group members for their
cooperation and dedication throughout the preparation of this paper report. Thank you
very much for each member's enthusiasm in sharing ideas and so on. Also Thank you
for the fantastic lecturer on this subject for giving us good advice and additional
suggestions to help our group finish this report.

Finally, we'd like to thank our classmates for their advice and encouragement as
we shared information and provided feedback for this report.




a) Background 5-8
b) Organizational Structure
c) Business Strategy
d) Marketing Strategy
e) Operational Strategy
f) Achievements

a) Customer Segments 9 - 16
b) Value Propositions
c) Channels
d) Customer Relationships
e) Revenue Streams
f) Key Resources
g) Key Activities
h) Key Partners
i) Cost Structure

4 FINDINGS 17 - 20





From the beginning, ZUS coffee dream was always to deliver specialty coffee as
a daily necessity for ALL to enjoy. For many, specialty coffee is often seen as a luxury,
something you treat yourself to on special occasions. They wanted to change this
perception. ZUS Coffee is a cup of clean, consistent & well-handled coffee. With the
best quality ingredients, high-level coffee brewing technology and innovative business
model, ZUS coffee is evolving the concept of coffee consumption to make specialty
coffee affordable for everyone, everyday. With over 8.8 million cups delivered to date,
They only have their ZUSsies to thank for all their achievements thus far. Your amazing
loyalty and support are what motivated us to keep our promise to you and ensure that
ZUS Coffee is always a Necessity, not a Luxury.
We analyze the data using Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis based on the
findings. The goal of Business Model Canvas is to analyse the Coffee shop business
structure and get to know the company operations involved in day-to-day activities in
order to increase the growth of the company to the next level. It can justify the goods or
services offered by the company as well as the costs that are anticipated, and we can
identify the company's challenges indirectly. Furthermore, this Business Model Canvas
improves business understanding and fosters organisational innovation. The Coffee
shop business has adopted the Business Model Canvas, which includes nine critical
components: customer segment, value proposition, distribution channel, customer
relationship, revenue stream, key resource, key activities, key partners, and cost

One of the problems that was found in this business was food inspection. Food
inspection is the inspection of food during production as a form of quality control.
Product standards are assessed at multiple points throughout the production cycle to
ensure compliance at each stage. Food inspection necessitates rigorous research,
analysis, and investigation by dedicated and impartial food inspectors throughout the
manufacturing process. They will follow a standard best practise system, collect and
inspect samples, and fill out reports tailored to the type of facility and food group being

inspected. Each report is written with the goal of ensuring that each product meets the
brand's quality standards before, during, and after manufacturing.

Businesses risk damaging their brands by falling short of the quality their
customers expect without the preventative measures that come with food inspection at
every stage of production. Aside from customer satisfaction and brand integrity, the
combined cost of paying for inspection services could be up to 90% less than the cost of
producing non-compliant food imports.


By hiring an independent inspector, you can rely on years of industry expertise

and a thorough understanding of relevant rules and regulations to ensure that your
products reach your customers with the level of quality that your brand demands.

a) Background

Malaysian coffee shop and reserve Zus Coffee is headquartered in Kuala

Lumpur. It is among the most well-known coffee shops in Malaysia. The company
operated 215 locations in Malaysia as of May 2023. Zus Coffee, which offers a larger
range of coffee experiences, is typically blamed for the development of Malaysia's
coffee culture. Zus Coffee offers hot and cold beverages, microground instant coffee,
whole-bean coffee, espresso, caffe latte, full and loose-leaf teas,juices, Frappuccino
drinks, pastries, and cakes. Some products are limited to certain seasons or the area
where the store is located. The majority of locations offer free Wi-Fi Internet access,
primarily in rural areas. The "heart" of his chain of Malaysian coffee shops, according to
Venon Tian, COO of ZUS Coffee, who launched Zus Coffee in 2019.

The first Zus Coffee outlet opened in Binjai at the end of 2019. It is impossible to
describe the excitement of the crowds as they waited to test out the new coffee shops in
Malaysia. Along with beverages and snacks, several shops sell branded items from Zus
Coffee, including mugs, tumblers, scoops, and coffee presses. Grocery stores in the
United States and other nations sell coffee, ice cream, and bottled cold coffee drinks
under the Zus Coffee brand. For single-origin coffees and upscale coffee shops, the
business launched its Zus Coffee Reserve programme in 2021. By the end of 2025, 100
Reserve coffee shops were projected to be opened

b) Business Strategy

The company's goal is to provide coffee as a necessity and not a luxury, so it has
devised a few techniques to help it become a necessity among the people. According to
the data gathered, this company makes use of three distinct approaches to running their
organization. The company's long- and short-term goals form the basis for this
approach. Prior to launching a new venture, most businesses will first establish a set of
goals. Their ultimate goal is “coffee is a daily need. Specialty coffee, however, is
often seen as a luxury. We started ZUS Coffee to change this perception”. the
organization's goals and the strategy it will use to achieve them are outlined.

c) Marketing Strategy

The organization's marketing techniques were refined with the aid of promotional
instruments. When a business wants to get the word out about its wares, it turns to a
variety of marketing tools, which are the methods it employs. They have done their
homework and come up with a number of methods to advertise their business.

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a subset of digital media marketing. However, the goal
of social media marketing tools is to develop an interactive, online relationship
with the customer rather than to mine covertly for customer data. This company
has its own website, Facebook and Instagram page. On their website, they give
information related to their company, such as their background, contacts, and
address, plus their achievements and other certifications. While, on their
Facebook page, they show their activity and update about any new outlet to help
the franchisee gain more customers. The function is to help new outlets on their
opening day by doing an event there.

2. Traditional Marketing Media

Even now, they employ banner ads to boost revenue. Success is guaranteed by
contacting a large number of individuals through a concentrated sales effort. It is
because they want word to reach the closest potential client that they have
opened a shop in that area.

3. Digital Marketing Media

The business is represented via an app available on the Android Market and the
iOS App Store. This app was developed by ZUS coffee itself, and its tagline is "a
necessity, not a luxury." With this software, users may make purchases using
their online banking system.

d) Operational Strategy

Operational strategy is the collection of choices and actions that an organization makes
in order to carry out its business operations successfully and efficiently. Making
decisions about how the company will produce things or provide services, manage
resources, and accomplish its operational objectives are all part of this process. The
organization's operational strategy is directly related to its overall business strategy and
aids in turning strategic goals into workable strategies at the operational level.

1. Product Quality and Innovation

Zus Coffee places a strong emphasis on high quality coffee and other beverages,
as well as a variety of food options. Premium coffee beans are sourced by the
business, which also upholds high standards for quality control all throughout the
supply chain. To keep customers interested, Starbucks also places a strong
emphasis on product innovation by bringing out fresh flavors, one-time deals,
and seasonal drinks.

2. Expansion and Localization

Zus Coffee has actively pursued a growth plan, opening locations in numerous
local areas. Zus Coffee maintains its basic brand identity while also customizing
its menu to suit regional tastes and preferences. Zus Coffee is able to serve a
variety of places and hopes to have a global presence thanks to this localization

3. Digital Transformation

Zus Coffee has adopted digital technologies in order to improve customer service
and streamline operations. The business has created a mobile app that lets
users customize their drinks, order and pay in advance, and receive rewards.
Mobile ordering and payment apps have increased efficiency and convenience
while increasing client involvement.

e) Achievements

Zus Coffee has achieved numerous milestones and accomplishments throughout its
opening. Here are some notable achievements of Zus Coffee:

1. Market Leadership:

Zus Coffee has achieved market leadership in the coffee industry. The company
has successfully established itself as a brand that offers high quality coffee and a
unique customer experience. The company is consistently ranked as Malaysia's
one of the most valued and respected local brands.

2. Customer Loyalty:

Zus Coffee has built a strong and loyal customer base. The Zus Coffee Apps on
Play Store or AppsStore has helped build customer loyalty by providing
personalized rewards, exclusive offers and a seamless mobile checkout
experience. The app has nearly millions of active members currently

3. Employee benefits and culture:

Zus Coffee is also known for its commitment to employees, whom the company
calls "Zus family." who adore coffee. Zus Coffee offers a full range of benefits,
including health care, stock options, and tuition reimbursement, including for part-
time employees. The company also promotes a positive work environment and
promotes diversity and inclusion.\

4. Social Responsibility: Zus has been actively involved in various social and
environmental initiatives. The company has made commitments to reduce its
environmental footprint, including goals to use ethically sourced and recyclable
materials, reduce water usage, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. The
Company has also contributed to community development through their product
using 100% biodegradable product and packaging

These achievements demonstrate Zus Coffee success in creating a strong brand,

delivering a unique customer experience, and driving innovation and sustainability in the
coffee industry.


Key partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer

Propositions Relationships Segments
JAKIM Marketing
Foodpanda Sales of coffee, Used of Halal Direct services Students
QR Pay tea and juice Certificate Website Working
Free Wifi QR Pay People
Table and seat All level of

Key Resources Channels

Manpower Direct Channel

Technical team
R&D team

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

 Raw material of coffee product  Sales

 Marketing  Franchisee
 Royalty


Customer segments are groups of people or businesses to whom a company

wishes to market its goods or services. Customer segments are one of the most
important building blocks in an organization's business model canvas, so getting this
one right is critical. Customer segments also refer to the various groups of people or
organizations that the company hopes to reach and serve. This segmentation has the
benefit of assisting businesses in identifying product innovations or new product or
service opportunities. It can also concentrate on the most profitable customers because
doing so is easier if they know who their target market is. Families of all ages, from
teenagers to the elderly, will be the company's target audience. ZUS coffee will work
tirelessly to meet their client segment and value proportion requirements. It can also
concentrate on the most profitable customers because doing so is easier if they know
who their target market is.

ZUS coffee cares more about students. This is because most students are busy
with their classes and assignments. They will not have enough time each day to return.
Students are more likely to find the nearest store to do assignments. We are aware that
not all academic institutions provide coffee shops to college students. As a result,
students prefer to visit coffee shops near their college because there are more food and
water options to choose from. Instead of going back and wasting time, it is better to
study in a quiet place, which facilitates the process while saving time and energy.
They then focus on working people, because people nowadays are so busy with
their jobs that they don't have enough time to sleep. Because of modernity, the majority
of people now spend more time at work than at home. Working long hours in the office
increases their chances to improve professionally and increase their monthly salary, but
there are some disadvantages to consider. One downside, especially for working
parents, is that they don't get enough sleep so they fall asleep at work and need coffee
to stay energized.
Second, they will quickly get tired after returning home. They can stop and buy
coffee whenever they want by stopping at the nearest coffee shop from their home.
Finally, because ZUS coffee meets the needs of customers from all income levels, from

middle income to upper income, The selling price is comparable to the quality of the
service, which encourages repeat purchases.


A value proposition is a promise made by a company to provide value to

customers if they choose to purchase their goods. A value proposition is part of a
company's overall marketing strategy. The value proposition is a statement or
declaration of purpose that tells consumers what a company stands for, how it operates,
and why it deserves their business.

ZUS coffee is pleased to inform you that they are now certified HALAL by JAKIM,
All of their suppliers are HALAL Certified, and they have and will always be, a Muslim-
friendly establishment. . Because the service is quick, customers will just spend a short
amount of time. While waiting for their beverages and food to be finished, customers
can use the store's table and chairs. They also provide a dedicated table where the
customers can fold their garments there. Other than that, they also provide free Wi-Fi to
their customers. Lastly, customers who want to report problems at any store can simply
phone the hotline.


A distribution channel is a way for businesses to connect with their customers, or

end users. Direct channels, indirect channels, and hybrid channels are all types of
distribution channels. While indirect channels rely on middlemen such as wholesalers,
retailers, or brokers to supply goods or services to customers, direct channels allow
manufacturers to reach their customers directly. A hybrid channel is formed by
combining direct and indirect channels. Direct channels were used for the ZUS coffee.

ZUS coffee uses direct selling as a method to reach its customers. This is due to
the fact that they offer goods and services to clients on the spot and do not rely on
intermediaries to connect them with customers. In Malaysia, there are 215 ZUS coffee
outlets and more locations offering coffee and tea. People are welcome to visit the

nearby stores and make use of their services. The store is open 7am to 9pm everyday,
allowing customers to visit whenever they want.

Apart from that, they also started an online business. Shoppers can learn more
about ZUS coffee services by following them on social media platforms such as
Facebook and Instagram. As a result, people will be attracted to ZUS coffee because
their social media posts keep popping up. LaundryBar also has a website where
potential customers can learn more. Users can access their website by typing
(https://zuscoffee.com/our-story/) into a search engine or by clicking a link on their
social media account. Their website is wider than social media because they provide
more services, such as loans and financing, joint ventures and franchises. Those
interested in learning more should go to their website.


Customer relations are best defined by how businesses interact with their own
customers to improve the customer experience. Customers will be drawn to a company
based on how well it handles customer complaints and how easy it is to contact them
with a complaint or compliment. Customers are an essential component of any
business, and without them, it would fail. To maintain good customer relations, all
businesses, including coffee shops, must provide excellent customer service. Customer
relations are an essential aspect of running a business.Because it can boost their
business profits through repeat business. Furthermore, it can boost customer
satisfaction by providing them with more information about the company.

ZUS coffee used direct services to provide their customers with services. They
offer a variety of coffee and tea at reasonable and affordable rates. As a result, many
repeat customers return to use their services.

Next, ZUS coffee makes use of social media platforms because they provide
easy access to customers. LaundryBar has a simple Headquarter (HQ) website, semi-
active social channels through which they can update their business information,
receive feedback or reviews, and do more promotion to attract customers, particularly
during public and school holidays. Because ZUS coffee has a social media platform,

each of these channels opens up new avenues for direct communication with their
customers. They can respond to comments and direct messages on social media. They
can answer questions and respond to reviews on website listings and review sites. At
the same time, the significant online platform enables clients to quickly contact them
with inquiries about loans and finance, joint ventures, and so on. The machines they
use, or by becoming franchisees. Having a website is possibly the most important and
valuable component for improving their business performance.

Furthermore, the company has introduced a new way of paying for services, QR
Pay, which is the easiest way to make payment. Duitnow QR An interoperable QR
standard that allows Malaysians to make payments and receive funds from any participating
Bank and eWallet with just one QR code.


Revenue streams refer to how companies manage to get money in order to

finance their businesses. The types of revenue indicators that the business accounts
record depend on the business activities that have been held out to implement their
innovations. The owner's sales from the company's business in laundry equipment,
chemical products, and franchise services constitute the company's revenue stream.

Businesses can ensure consistent sales. Also, this is how the business hopes to
determine whether or not the franchisee takes care of the quality of their products. The
contract negotiated between the franchisee and ZUS coffee generates income for the
company through franchise services. Organizations will see an increase in revenue as
the number of new franchisees increases. The number of ZUS coffee shops has
increased along with the increasing demand for coffee.


The primary inputs required for the business to succeed are referred to as key
resources. Because without it, businesses will lack the foundation needed to manage it.
Equipment, buildings, employees, expert knowledge, and so on are examples.

ZUS coffee has a wide range of human resources, including expert knowledge,
workers, and manpower. They have a professional team of baristas who are constantly
working to develop new products and improve existing ones in order to increase
customer loyalty and satisfaction. The ZUS coffee also has its own staff, who are the
owners of each outlet. The franchisees who used their franchisor's name to profit are
the owners. Aside from that,they also have a technical team that is highly trained and
customer focused, with the goal of providing support and immediate repairs within
working hours. With the government's support, CCLSB's innovative technology R&D
team has contributed to the company's rapid expansion in Malaysia.


According to the Business Model Canvas, the key activities are any activities that
the business is engaged in for the primary purpose of making a profit. Business
activities include operations, marketing, production, problem-solving, and
administration. It is to create and deliver a value proposition, access markets, build and
retain customer relationships, and generate revenue. Most business models now
include strategic relationships as a necessary component.

ZUS coffee is one of the popular northern Malaysia coffee companies. The key
activities that they offer include the purchase of coffee,tea and juice. At the heart of ZUS
Coffee, their mission is to bring specialty coffee - inherently seen as expensive - to the
local community at an affordable price. They strive to understand what coffee means to
you and commit themselves to deliver greater convenience and accessibility for the
community. At every touchpoint, they aim to deliver the best ZUS Coffee experience to
ensure that ZUS Coffee is always a Necessity, not a Luxury.

For marketing purposes, the company makes use of social media. They
promoted their new outlet through their franchisee in order to let their customers know
that the ZUS coffee was open nearby them. As well as the marketing, they also
advertise ZUS coffee on the billboards that can be seen on the highways around


Collaboration with suppliers, manufacturers, and business partners is critical to

assisting businesses in operating efficiently. Supplier collaboration will help businesses
provide services and products to their customers. A supplier is a business that you
choose to provide a needed product or service. They are primarily a commodity

JAKIM is an important partner to the business because all their chemical

substances are Halal-certified by JAKIM and the KPDNHEPcertified franchisor. ZUS
coffee also collaborates with Foodpanda.The 100% Malaysian homegrown ZUS Coffee
has been available on the foodpanda platform since 2019, and has experienced
exponential growth in their orders on the food delivery platform of more than 2x in the
Q3 of 2022 vs Q2 and a further 1.7x in Q4. Sayantan Das, Chief Executive Officer,
foodpanda Malaysia expressed his gratification in the latest collaboration between
foodpanda Malaysia and ZUS Coffee, two tech-driven companies working hand-in-hand
to bring joy to coffee lovers’ doorstep. “We are delighted to have ZUS Coffee onboard in
the reboot of panda pick. We have given our continued support to them from their first
kiosk in Binjai in 2019, having sold more than 27 million cups of high-quality, affordably
priced coffee to-date,” he said.

Finally, as people have become cashless, QR Pay has partnered with ZUS
coffee. QR Pay is a well-known mobile payment processing solution that allows
individuals and businesses to make and receive payments using QR Codes through the
QR Pal or QR Pay smart phone applications.


As for the last tools operating under the business model canvas, the cost
structure includes creating and delivering value, maintaining customer relationships,
and generating revenue for all incurred costs. Such costs can be calculated relatively
easily after defining key resources, key activities, and key partnerships.

The cost structure of ZUS coffee consists of the materials needed to make their
own product (coffee). This is because they want to make sure everyone in the
community can use their material. In addition, businesses pay marketing costs because
they want to ensure that the new store operates efficiently and cost-effectively. Since
they had previously invested a large amount of money to open a store, the corporation
did not want to burden their new franchisees. Because they pay the technicians and all
the workers at the headquarters, the company must spend more on salaries. As a
franchisee, they only have to pay royalties.


Environmental Dimension

1. Ambient Condition
- Temperature

Inside Zus Coffee, there is air conditioning.As a result, customers do not

need to be concerned if the weather is hot. The air conditioner at Zus
Coffee can lower the temperature by removing moisture and heat from the
establishment. Customers can enjoy the feeling of coolness and comfort
while working or doing assignments inside the cafe without sweating. It's
also a great place for people who want to unwind and have fun. The
weather outside was quite hot and dry at that time. We could feel the
coolness when we entered the cafe.

- Air Quality

Zus Coffee's air quality is good and can be considered satisfactory. This is
due to the cafe's distance from the manufacturing and factory areas. It is
conveniently located because it is close to other stores such as Eco Shop,
Bank Rakyat, Gift Shop, Gadget Store, and so on. This will make it easier
for customers, particularly children and the elderly, to visit the cafe.

- Noise

Zus Coffee is located near many stores and malls such as AEON and
stores such as local restaurants, gadgets, and many more. As a result, the
cafe in city traffic has an acceptable noise level. The sound of car horns
contributes to noise pollution. However, there is no issue because the
workers and customers did not have to raise their voices to speak to
someone who was one metre (3 feet) away. The noise in the cafe is not
loud or disturbing, but it is soothing. The noise outside has no effect on
you from inside the cafe.

- Odor

In the Zus Coffee, the odor is very nice. When we came into the cafe,
there was a nice smell of coffee. There is no unpleasant odor even from
the restroom. The toilet cafe is very clean and neat. They even got a 4-
star rating from the local authority. This shows that Zus Coffee has a clean
restroom. Customers are provided with a clean restroom in the cafe. Both
kids and adults can feel at ease using the restroom. The Zus Coffee's
restroom is clean, which proves that the cafe and its employees take
hygiene seriously.

2. Spatial Layout & Functionality

- Floor plan

Zus Coffee Shop's floor plan and design are unique and modern, with a
blue and white theme that makes the cafe appear very calm and
welcoming. The signboard of Zus Coffee Cafe can be seen from the
outside of the store. The cafe is on the first floor of the three-story
structure. Parking is available in the outdoor facilities. The cafe, however,
has limited parking space due to its busy location.

We can see the coffee bar area, service counters, digital menu board and
the pick-up area on the right side of the store from the entrance.
Customers can wait comfortably in the cafe's waiting area, which includes
chairs and tables. Furthermore, the cafe has a large seating and working
area on the back side, as well as plenty of power outlets and free Wi-Fi.
They also have separate restrooms for men and women.

- Furnishing

The table and chair arrangement at the cafe is very cosy and convenient,
allowing customers to enjoy their coffee and food while also working. They
use a small dining table with two chairs that is comfortable for one or two
people to relax at the cafe. There are also various seating areas and

plenty of space for customers to sit in the cafe. The wall design is also
very original and creative. In addition, they hung a large mirror on the wall
and added some plants to the cafe. It has a classic and refined

Furthermore, the cafe has bold and comfortable lighting because different
types of lamps are used, which have a significant impact on the overall
mood of the cafe as well as the mood of the people who visit it. The
service counter is also well-organized, with an I-shaped design and white
colour that gives the cafe a very elegant appearance.

The cafe also employs a digital menu board that hangs from the ceiling,
allowing customers to clearly see the menu, price, product image, and
special offers so that they can order it right away.

- Machinery and equipment

The Zus Coffee Shop also provides ample space in the workstation for
employees to work efficiently. Machines and equipment are also arranged
by function and placed properly near the counter space to help employees
prepare orders quickly and efficiently. La Cimbali Espresso Machine,
coffee grinder, a Koyo cube ice machine, a microwave, and a cup
organiser are among the machines and equipment used. In addition, there
is a display refrigerator in front of the service counter that is used to
display foods such as cakes, pastries, and pasta so that customers can
clearly see the diverse food offerings. This is also part of their sales-
boosting marketing strategy. Furthermore, they also provide free cutleries,
tissues and sugar packets near the pick-up area so that customers can
get them easily.

3. Signs, Symbols and Artifacts

Signs and symbols are extremely useful for communicating more precise
information to customers (e.g., for directions or reminders about behavioural
rules, and for communicating the service script). It can also assist new
customers in navigating the service process. In the Zus CoffeeCafé, for example,
a few signs and symbols are used. The first is the Zus Coffee logo signage,
which is visible from the cafe's front door. It is a symbol that can provide
consumers with instant and strong brand recognition for the services or products
it offers. Using signage for your brand logo will aid in the development of brand
loyalty, which is an important aspect of any business. Furthermore, the slogan "a
Necessity, not a Luxury" is displayed on the wall and outside of the cafe.
A "pick up here" sign is also displayed on both the exterior and interior of
the cafe, directing customers to where they can pick up their orders. There is
also a sign indicating where to dispose of trash. Non-smoking signs, no pets
allowed signs, and no outside food and drinks signs are also used to remind
customers about the cafe's behavioural rules. Other symbols include the male
and female toilets, as well as the Wi-Fi symbol. All of these signs and symbols
play an important role in communicating directly with a customer in a physical


To conclude, Zus Coffee has created a thorough business plan that has fueled its
development and success in the coffee sector. Zus Coffee has developed a potent
brand identity that is centered on offering premium coffee, a welcoming store
environment, and first-rate customer service. The business wants to give each of its
consumers a warm, unique experience that will encourage loyalty and return trips.
Sustainable cultivation and ethical sourcing are priorities for Zus Coffee. The business
promotes fair trade and eco-friendly practices by working directly with coffee
cooperatives and farmers. Zus Coffee actively supports community development and
has established goals to lessen its environmental impact. Zus Coffee uses digital
technologies through digital transformation to improve customer experience and
streamline operations. Customers' convenience has increased thanks to the Zus Coffee
mobile app, digital ordering, and payment methods, while data analytics and automation
solutions maximize operational effectiveness. Zus Coffee appreciates its "Zus Family,"
or employees, and makes investments in their education, growth, and welfare. The
business encourages a healthy work atmosphere, gives benefits that are competitive,
and supports diversity and inclusion.

Zus Coffee has accomplished notable milestones by carrying out this business
plan, such as market leadership, a solid brand reputation, and a devoted client base.
The company's emphasis on product quality, customer experience, sustainability, and
employee well-being can be credited with its success. Zus Coffee's business strategy
will act as a cornerstone for continued expansion and innovation in the coffee sector as
it adapts to fresh possibilities and challenges.


(n.d.). Home - ZUS Coffee | Malaysia #1 Tech-Driven Coffee Chain. Retrieved

May 28, 2023, from https://zuscoffee.com/

FAQ. (n.d.). ZUS Coffee. Retrieved May 28, 2023, from


Our Story. (n.d.). ZUS Coffee. Retrieved May 28, 2023, from


Thai, A. (2023, February 16). Malaysia’s No.1 Tech-Driven Coffee Chain Is Now

Available For Delivery Only Via foodpanda. KL Foodie. Retrieved May 28, 2023,

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