Cells Are The Basic Building Blocks of All Living Things Type of Cells 1.prokaryotic Cell 2. Eukaryotic Cell

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Animal cell
Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things

Type of cells

1.Prokaryotic cell

2. Eukaryotic cell

Prokaryotic cells are the cells that do not have a true nucleus and membrane-
bound organelles.

Eukaryotic cells

are much larger and profoundly different from prokaryotic cells, with

a complex interior organization. All cells alive today except bacteria

and archaea are of this new kind. Eukaryotic cells have a system of

interior membranes and membrane-bounded organelles that subdivide

the interior into functional compartments

Compares between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotes Prokaryotes

Type of Cell Always unicellular Unicellular and multi-cellular

Cell size Ranges in size from 0.2 μm – Size ranges from 10 μm – 100
2.0 μm in diameter μm in diameter

Cell wall Usually present; chemically When present, chemically

complex in nature simple in nature

Nucleus Absent. Instead, they have Present

a nucleoid region in the cell

Ribosomes Present. Smaller in size and Present. Comparatively larger

spherical in shape in size and linear in shape

DNA arrangement Circular Linear

Mitochondria Absent Present

Cytoplasm Present, but cell organelles Present, cell organelles

absent present

Endoplasmic reticulum Absent Present

Plasmids Present Very rarely found in eukaryotes

Ribosome Small ribosomes Large ribosomes

Lysosome Lysosomes and centrosomes Lysosomes and centrosomes

are absent are present

Cell division Through binary fission Through mitosis

Flagella The flagella are smaller in size The flagella are larger in size

Reproduction Asexual Both asexual and sexual

Example Bacteria and Archaea Plant and Animal cell

Types of Animal Cells

Animals are multicellular organisms, and as such, their body is comprised of

several cells (about trillions of cells).
Tissue : A group of cells performing a specific function is called. Animal cells
in a tissue may be held through cell junctions, e.g. tight junctions gap junctions,
and desmosomes.The animal body has several types of cells. Examples of
common animal cell types include (skin cells, muscle cells, blood cells, fat
cells nerve cells, sex cells, and stem cells).

a. Skin cells are cells that make up the skin or epithelial tissue.

b. Muscle cells (also called myocytes) are cells that make up muscular


c. Blood cells are the cellular elements of the blood. They are the red blood cells
and white blood cells.

d. Fat cells (also called adipocytes) are cells of the adipose tissue

e. Nerve cells (also called neurons) are cells of nervous tissue.

f. Sex cells are cells involved in sexual reproduction. In males, the sperm cell is
the mature and functional sex cell In females, the egg cell is the sex cell.

Cell Division


Mitosis is a form of eukaryotic cell division that produces two daughter cells
with the same genetic component as the parent cell. Chromosomes replicated
during the S phase are divided in such a way as to ensure that each daughter cell
.receives a copy of every chromosome.

It is divided into five stages: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and



Meiosis is the form of eukaryotic cell division that produces haploid sex cells or

gametes (which contain a single copy of each chromosome) from diploid cells
(which contain two copies of each chromosome). The process takes the form of
one DNA replication followed by two successive nuclear and cellular divisions
(Meiosis I and Meiosis II). As in mitosis, meiosis is preceded by a process of
DNA replication that converts each chromosome into two sister chromatids

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