Concentration Camp Research Project

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Name: _____________________________

Nazi Concentration Camp Research Project

The Nazis had several types of camps where they held and killed prisoners or people who they
deemed “undesirable”.
- Concentration Camps
- Forced-Labour Camps
- Transit Camp
- Prisoner-of-War Camps
- Killing Centers or Extermination Camps

Many camps evolved over time and served multiple purposes for the Nazis. You are tasked
with researching a Nazi camp, how it evolved, and how the camp served the Nazis in their path
of genocide.

Camps to choose from (can pick any, but Auschwitz):

If there is another camp you are interested in researching, run it by Ms. Buckley.
There are more than the major ones included on this map.

See this website for

more detailed maps of specific regions of Europe and what camps were established
You will need to include the following with this project:

The Nazi Camp

Using at least 3 different sources, research one of the concentration camps listed above and
put your information into a PowerPoint or Google Slides. Include imagery where relevant. Keep
track of your sources and include them on a reference list at the end of this portion.
When the camp was created
Where it was located
Description of the camp
How many people (approximately) were at this camp (sent to the camp, worked at the
camp, and/or died at the camp)?
How did this camp evolve over time?
What is the overall impact of this camp? (think societal and historical impacts)
What is the current state of this camp? (museum, torn down, memorial, etc.)
Any other information about the camp you feel is valuable

Concentration Camp Research Project Rubric Name:

1 2 3 4

Research Research is Research is Research is Research is

minimal and/or present and some evident and exceptional and
not enough sources are used. several sources several quality
sources are used. Reference list is are used. sources are used.
Reference list is included. Reference list is Reference list is
not included or is included. extensive.
lacking sources.

Communication Research and Research and Research and Research and

of Information information information information information
presented is hard presented is presented is presented is
to understand somewhat understandable. understandable
and would benefit understandable and well thought
from extensive and would benefit through.
editing. from some editing

Critical Thinking Analyses Analyses Discusses Completes a

concepts, issues, concepts, issues, concepts, issues, detailed
models, visual models, visual models, visual discussion of
representation representation representation concepts, issues,
and theories to a and theories. and theories. models, visual
limited extent. Interprets Interprets representation
Identifies different different different and theories.
perspectives and perspectives and perspectives and Thoroughly
minimal some of their their implications. interprets a range
implications. implications. of different
perspectives and
their implications

Total = /12

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