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review of rapid advances

in cystic Fibrosis
by Stephanie L. Link, DO & Ravi P. Nayak, MD

Previously cystic fibrosis abstract Pathophysiology

was primarily a focus Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an CF is a genetic disorder that is
of study in pediatrics; autosomal recessive disease that inherited in an autosomal recessive
however, due to medical was previously a fatal pediatric manner. The cystic fibrosis
advancements and disease with no treatment; transmembrane conductance
an increase in life however, due to scientific regulator (CFTR) gene is located
expectancy, internists advancements, the median age of on chromosome 7 and codes
must acquire further survival for the CF population for the CFTR protein which
understanding of the born in 2018 has increased from is either abnormal or absent in
disease to maintain 29 in 1989 to 47.4 in 2018. individuals suffering from CF.
optimum health This is an innovative era for the CFTR is a chloride channel that
outcomes for patients. treatment of CF as advanced is dependent on phosphorylation.
research continues to evolve The CFTR protein is composed
and novel treatments for the of 1480 amino acids. The protein
disease and related illnesses are contains five specific domains:
discovered. two transmembrane domains
(TMD), two nucleotide-binding
introduction domains (NBD), and a regulatory
According to the Cystic (R) domain (Figure 1).2 The
Fibrosis Foundation Patient CFTR protein regulates the
Registry Annual Data Report transportation of chloride ions
2018, there were 30,775 into and out of epithelial cells
individuals with CF in the which in turn regulates salt, fluid
United States and 70,000 absorption, and secretion. Due
people worldwide. The adult CF to the abundance of epithelial
population composed of 54.6% cells in the body, CF affects the
adults compared to 29.4% in respiratory, gastrointestinal, and
1988.1 In Missouri there are reproductive tracts.3
Stephanie L. Link, Do, is a third-year approximately 747 CF patients
internal medicine resident at Saint
Louis University School of Medicine, in the registry. Previously CF diagnosis
St. Louis, Missouri. ravi P. Nayak, MD, was primarily a focus of study Throughout the United
FCCP, (above), MSMA member since
2018, is James B. and ethel D. Miller in pediatrics; however, due to States, all newborns undergo a
endowed Chair in internal Medicine, medical advancements and newborn screening test (NBS)
interim Chairman and Professor of which screens for a variety of
an increase in life expectancy,
internal Medicine, Director, Division
of Pulmonary, Critical Care and internists must acquire further health conditions including CF.
Sleep Medicine, Director, Adult understanding of the disease This test involves pricking the
Cystic Fibrosis Program at Saint Louis
University School of Medicine, St. to maintain optimum health newborn’s heel and collecting the
Louis, Missouri. outcomes for patients. blood on a Guthrie card. This

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either of the following: a sweat chloride

test less than 30 mmol/L and 2 CFTR
mutations, at least one of which has
unclear phenotypic consequences or
an intermediate sweat chloride value
between 30-59 mmol/L and zero or one
CF-causing mutations.4

cystic Fibrosis Effects

Patients with CF experience a wide
variety of symptoms that affect multiple
organ systems including the pulmonary,
gastrointestinal, and reproductive

Sinopulmonary System
The most serious manifestations
are related to the respiratory tract.
Sinusitis occurs when thick mucus
Figure 1. Structure of CFTR. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance accumulates in the sinuses impairing
regulator (CFtr) protein is comprised of two, six span membrane-bound
regions each connected to a nuclear binding domain (NBD1 and NBD2), appropriate clearance of particles which
which bind AtP, as well as a regulatory (r) domain that is comprised of can be a site for infection. This results
many charged amino acids. the channel opens when its r-domain is
phosphorylated by protein kinase A and AtP is bound at the NBDs. 2 in obstructed airways which can be a
reservoir for infection and ultimately
lead to respiratory failure. Lung disease
card is then sent to a laboratory which identifies the is the leading cause of morbidity and
level of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT). IRT is a mortality in patients with CF. CF patients experience
chemical produced by the pancreas that is typically frequent pulmonary exacerbations which can present
low in a healthy individual. In patients with CF, with cough, chest congestion, increased sputum
the pancreatic duct is blocked causing an increased production, wheezing, shortness of breath, and
amount of IRT in the blood. If the newborn screen dyspnea on exertion. In 2018, the most common
is positive, then the patient will undergo a sweat respiratory pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus
test which is considered the gold standard for CF 70%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 44.4%, mycobacterial
diagnosis. A test is considered positive if the sweat species 13.6%, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
chloride concentration is greater than or equal to 60 12.3%, and Burkholderia cepacia 2.6%. Overall, the
mmol/L. If the chloride concentration is less than percentage of patients with positive Pseudomonas
or equal to 29 mmol/L, then CF is unlikely. The aeruginosa has declined over time likely due to
test is indeterminate, if the chloride concentration the current therapies preventing the acquisition.1
is between 30-59 mmol/L. If a test is indeterminate Overtime as patients experience worsening lung
then CFTR genetic analysis is the next step. After disease, inflammation increases in the airways leading
CF is diagnosed, genetic testing is required to to tissue destruction. There are several morphological
identify the CFTR gene mutation in order to changes that occur in the CF lung. The earliest sign
choose the appropriate treatments. According to of airway disease in CF patients is bronchiectasis
the 2017 Consensus Guidelines from the Cystic which is found in about 29.3% of CF patients by
Fibrosis Foundation, a diagnosis of CF-related three months of age and 61.5% at three years of
metabolic syndrome (CRMS) also known as CF age.5 Due to the accumulation of thick mucus, CF
Screen Positive Inconclusive Diagnosis (CFSPID) patients often experience mucus plugging in the
is made when an infant has a positive NBS test and airways. Lung disease is monitored with various

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tests and imaging modalities including pulmonary

function testing, chest x-ray (CXR), computed
tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI). Specifically, forced expiratory volume in one
second (FEV1) is measured to determine disease
progression and response to treatment.

Gastrointestinal System
Several organs in the gastrointestinal tract are
affected by CF including the pancreas, gallbladder,
liver, and intestines. In CF, pancreatic dysfunction
ranges in severity. Patients are labeled as pancreatic
sufficient (PS) and pancreatic insufficient (PI).
This is determined based on the amount of
exocrine pancreatic function.6 Studies revealed that
approximately 85% of patients with CF are PI, and
patients who are PS can develop PI throughout
their lives.7 Patients with exocrine pancreatic
insufficiency can experience gas, bloating, weight
loss, dyspepsia, and steatorrhea. Children will
often present with failure to thrive. Intestinal
manifestations of CF are common; the earliest
presentation is meconium ileus in a newborn.
As CF patients age, this same phenomenon can
occur in adults and is called Distal Intestinal Figure 2. CFtr mutations. Description of types of CFtr
mutation classes.10
Obstructive Syndrome (DIOS) which results in
partial or complete bowel obstruction that must be
treated with laxatives and/or enemas. In the small does not contain sperm leaving males infertile.
intestine the harsh stomach acid is not neutralized In females, cervical mucus is too thick and may
by pancreatic enzymes leading to small intestinal impair fertilization.
bacterial overgrowth (SIBO); this can cause
diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Skeletal System
Due to the nutritional deficits mentioned
Endocrine System earlier, patients with CF are at higher risk of lower
Pancreatic endocrine insufficiency leads to bone mineral density. A study in 2010 revealed that
Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD) which approximately 23.5% and 38% of CF patients had
is present in 2% of children, 19% of adolescents, osteoporosis and osteopenia respectively.9 For this
and 40-50% of adults. Studies have also shown reason it is recommended to monitor bone density
that patients with CFRD that are treated with with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
insulin show improvement in BMI and respiratory scans every five years.
function.8 Insulin is the standard of treatment for
CFRD. targeted Gene therapy
Reproductive System Currently there are over 2,000 mutations
CF affects the reproductive system of both that have been identified in the CFTR gene,
males and females. In males, the vas deferens and there are new mutations being identified to
may be absent, or if present thick mucus causes this day (Figure 2).10 It is critical to understand
obstruction. Regardless, this results in semen that these mutations in order to develop effective

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treatments. The mutations have been classified When correctors are paired with a potentiator, it
into six different groups: class I – protein improves cellular processing and trafficking of the
production mutations, class II – protein CFTR protein allowing it to reach the cell surface
processing mutations, class III – gating mutations, and function appropriately.
class IV – conduction mutations, class V – The first corrector discovered was lumacaftor.
insufficient protein mutations, and class VI – Lumacaftor showed significant benefits when
reduced amount of protein.11 combined with ivacaftor. Lumacaftor/ivacaftor
was approved in 2015 and is indicated for patients
Drug Modulators two years and older who are homozygous for
Over the past two decades scientific F508del.17 Trials where patients were treated
advancements have made it possible to determine with lumacaftor/ivacaftor revealed a 2.6 – 4.0%
a CF patient’s specific mutations, and drug improvement in FEV1 and a 30 - 39% reduction
modulators have been developed to target the in pulmonary exacerbations compared to placebo.
specific CFTR mutations. There are five types 18
Trials also showed a decrease in sweat chloride
of modulators: read-through agents, correctors, and increase in BMI. Lumacaftor/ivacaftor has
potentiators, stabilizers, and amplifiers.12 more side effects than ivacaftor alone. Reported
The first CFTR modulator approved by the side effects include hypertension, worsening liver
FDA was ivacaftor (IVA). Ivacaftor is a potentiator function in patients with advanced liver disease,
that works on gating mutations by keeping the and drug interactions due to lumacaftor being a
ion channel of the CFTR protein open. Ivacaftor CYP3A inducer. During initiation of the drug, it
works on patients with CF who have a G551D was noted that patients had increased occurrences
CFTR mutation which is approximately 5% of respiratory events defined as chest discomfort,
of patients with CF.13 Trials revealed a 10.6% dyspnea, and abnormal respirations.19
increase in FEV1 from baseline through 24 weeks The next modulator aimed to have the
in patients treated with ivacaftor compared to efficacy of lumacaftor/ivacaftor without the
placebo. Through 48 weeks of treatment with significant respiratory symptoms on initiation
ivacaftor vs placebo, patients were 55% less of drug therapy and drug interactions; this drug
likely to have pulmonary exacerbations, gained is tezacaftor/ivacaftor. Tezacaftor/ivacaftor was
an average of 2.7 kg of weight, and a decrease of approved in 2018 and is indicated for CF patients
48.1 mmol per liter of sweat chloride.14 These ages 6 years and older who are homozygous for
studies proved ivacaftor to be the benchmark for the F508del mutation, or who have at least one
all future treatments. As of today, ivacaftor is FDA mutation in the CFTR gene responsive to the
approved to treat patients age six months and drug in in vitro data and/or clinical evidence.20 In
older with one of 38 mutations that are responsive the first trial, EVOLVE tested tezacaftor/ivacaftor
to Ivacaftor potentiation based on clinical and/ on patients homozygous for F508del mutation
or in vitro assay data.15 Ivacaftor has a relatively which revealed 4.0% improvement in FEV1 and
safe drug profile, and common side effects a 35% reduction in pulmonary exacerbations vs
include cataracts, elevation in transaminases, and placebo. The second trial, EXPAND, focused on
interactions with CYP3A inducers which can individuals heterozygous for F508del and revealed
reduce the effectiveness of ivacaftor. a 6.8% improvement in FEV1 vs placebo.21, 22
Further studies revealed that ivacaftor With the advent of drug modulator
treatment alone was ineffective for patients combinations, the next area of research shifted to
homozygous for the F508del mutation. This minimal function (MF) mutations. MF mutations
became a large area of interest because the most are defined as gene mutations that leave the
common mutation in CF patients is the F508del CFTR protein minimally functional or unable
mutation with about 50% of the CF population to function at all. Unfortunately, patients with
being homozygous for this mutation.16 Correctors a minimal function mutation and heterozygous
were the next type of modulator discovered. for F508del account for approximately 30%

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of patients with CF. These patients were not anti-staphylococcus aureus and anti-pseudomonas
responsive to ivacaftor, or the combination of aeruginosa agents for or against chronic use. It
tezacaftor/ivacaftor, or lumacaftor/ivacaftor.23 Trials was recommended to use dornase alfa for mild
began combining a third corrector to the already and moderate to severe lung disease. All lung
existing texacaftor/ivacaftor.22 Trials on patients disease regardless of severity were recommended
who were F508del/MF genotypes were treated with to use hypertonic saline. Hypertonic saline is a
elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor and through 24 sterile saline solution that comes in three different
weeks had 14.3% increase in FEV1 compared to concentrations (3 percent, 3.5 percent, 7 percent).
placebo and 63% lower annual rate of pulmonary This essentially adds a salt solution into the
exacerbations compared to placebo. There was also airways which attracts water and in turn results
significant decrease in sweat chloride production in thinned secretions allowing a CF patient to
and increase in BMI.23 In 2019 the FDA approved expectorate. Patients with chronic pseudomonas
elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor for CF patients ages aeruginosa infections were recommended to use
12 and older with at least one copy of the F508del chronic azithromycin.26
mutation regardless of the second mutation. 24
This was a huge advancement for CF patients as Airway Clearance Therapies (ACT)
now over 90% of CF patients are eligible for drug Airway clearance therapies (ACT) are a vital
modulator therapy.25 component of treatment for CF patients. It is
There are several other drug modulators that imperative that ACT is performed by patients in
are undergoing research. Amplifiers increase the order to help clear the airways of secretions in
amount of CFTR being made. Read-through agents order to maintain healthy airways and prevent
work on class I (protein production) mutations by inflammation and infection. In 2009, the CF
preventing the results of the splice and nonsense foundation reviewed all the therapies that exist
mutations which in turn will allow the production in order to compare their effectiveness and guide
of a functioning protein. Stabilizers work on providers. The review focused on the following
class VI (reduced amount of protein) mutations categories: percussion and postural drainage
and allow the CFTR channel to stay at the cell (P&PD), positive expiratory pressure (PEP)
surface and prevent degradation. This is a very devices, active cycle of breathing techniques
exciting time for the treatment of CF as drug (ACBT), autogenic drainage (AD), oscillatory
modulators are becoming the new standard of care PEP devices (OPEP), high-frequency chest
for treatment. Researchers around the world are compression (HFCC) devices, and exercise
developing various trials to enhance CF treatment (Figure 3). It was determined that there was no
and provide the best care. form of ACT that was found to be superior to
other forms.27
Chronic Medications Pulmonary Exacerbations
In 2007, the CF Foundation established the The goal in CF patients is to reduce the
Pulmonary Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee amount of pulmonary exacerbations. There is no
to help guide providers in the use of chronic universal definition of a pulmonary exacerbation,
medications for CF; these guidelines were reviewed but it is generally defined as a worsening in
and updated in 2013. It was deemed that beta- respiratory symptoms and decrease in lung
two agonists and anticholinergics had insufficient function. Exacerbations can be triggered by viral
evidence to recommend for or against use. It was and/or bacterial infections, medication non-
recommended to use inhaled tobramycin and adherence, or stress. In 2009, the CF Foundation’s
aztreonam for mild and moderate to severe lung Pulmonary Therapies Committee met to define
disease. It was recommended against using anti- a set of recommendations for the treatment
staphylococcus aureus agents for prophylactic use, of pulmonary exacerbations and found that
and there was insufficient data to recommend using there was insufficient evidence to make official

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Figure 3. Airway clearance therapies. Chest physical therapy, high-frequency chest wall oscillating vest, positive expiratory
pressure, airway oscillating device.

recommendations. Overall, it was agreed that during Nutritional Considerations

an exacerbation, chronic medications be continued, Dieticians are crucial to the care team for
airway clearance therapies continued, IV antibiotics CF patients. Dieticians educate patients and
should be delivered only in a healthcare setting rather their families on the appropriate nutrition and
than in the home. There was insufficient evidence supplementations. At this time the standard diet is
to recommend specific antibiotics or a duration of a high-calorie, high-fat diet with pancreatic enzyme
antibiotic treatment.28 The STOP: Standardized replacement therapy (PERT).31 PERT dosing is based
Treatment of Pulmonary Exacerbations Pilot Study on body weight or based on the fat content of a meal.
trial was an observational study conducted from Fat soluble vitamin supplementation should also be
2014 – 2015 that evaluated the treatment used given with PERT.
and the response to treatment in CF individuals
experiencing pulmonary exacerbations. The data Lung Transplantation
revealed that the average time of antibiotic treatment Lung transplantation remains an option for CF
was 15.7 days and there was a large variation of the patients with end-stage lung disease. As patients
type of antibiotic prescribed.29 This data was the with CF age, lung disease becomes more advanced
framework for the ongoing STOP 2: Treatment of which can lead to reduced airway clearance,
pulmonary exacerbations in people with CF that frequent exacerbations, hypoxemia, pulmonary
is currently attempting to evaluate the safety and hypertension, hypercapnia, and respiratory failure.
effectiveness of different length of IV antibiotic The International Society of Heart and Lung
treatment for pulmonary exacerbations. 30 At Transplantation recommend evaluation for lung
present the recommended antibiotic therapy is transplantation if a patient has any of the following:
two antipseudomonal drugs because pseudomonas FEV1 is less than 30% predicted or rapidly
aeruginosa is the most commonly isolated pathogen declining lung function, frequent exacerbations
in CF patients.28 requiring antimicrobial therapy, recent exacerbation

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