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H. Q.

Marileni Malkogianni

Copyright © MM Publications
Test 1 ..................................................................................................... 3

Test 2 .................................................................................................... 7

Test 3 .................................................................................................... 11

Test 4 .................................................................................................... 15

Midterm Test ................................................................................... 19

Test 5 .................................................................................................... 23

Test 6 .................................................................................................... 27

Test 7 .................................................................................................... 31

Test 8 .................................................................................................... 35

Final Test . .......................................................................................... 40

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The English hub 2
Test 1

A. Match.

1. hang out a the rubbish

2. brush b the Net

3. read c with friends

4. take out d my teeth

5. spend e a competition

6. surf f magazines

7. do g time

8. enter h the washing-up


B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

wake up ugly smart attractive shower

wear lazy straight

1. Carla never does her homework. She’s very .

2. Chris always finds the answers to the exercises. He’s so .

3. I have a every morning before I leave home.

4. Antonio is a very man. He’s a model.

5. What kind of clothes do you ?

6. What time do you usually ?

7. I don’t like that lamp. It’s very .

8. Doris’ hair isn’t curly. It’s .


C. Circle the correct words.

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1. He wants to paint / rearrange the walls blue.

2. The car is in the garage / fence.

3. How often do you surf / play video games?

4. Do you share / spend a room with your brother?

5. The music is too loud! Use your earphones / smartphone.


Test 1 The English hub 2
D. Cross out the odd word.

1. curtain – rug – mirror – restaurant 4. teenager – serious – rude – shy

2. blond – lazy – wavy – dark 5. wife – daughter – son – child

3. backpack – MP3 player – fridge – sunglasses


A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Carla (visit) some friends in Scotland this week.

2. Shirley (not live) with her parents.

3. My parents (make) lunch at the moment.

4. Stuart (rearrange) the furniture in his bedroom every month.

5. Ian (wash) his car on Saturdays.

6. I (not work) today. It’s my day off!

7. Lizzy is busy at the moment. She (study).

8. Betty (listen) to music every day?

9. Olivia (love) going to the music shop with her friends.

10. The children (play) in the garden at the moment.


B. Circle the correct words.


A: (1) Who’s / Whose bag is this? Is it (2) your / yours?

B: No, it isn’t (3) my / mine bag. It’s my (4) sister’s / sisters’. She’s going to London for the weekend.

A: Really?

B: Yes, she (5) travels often / often travels to London.

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A: What time is it? I need to go to the shops.

B: It’s only two o’clock. The shops are open (6) to / until six today.

A: No, they aren’t. The shops are open (7) at / from nine to three (8) at / on Sundays.

B: Is it Sunday today?


The English hub 2 Test 1
Complete the dialogue with the
phrases a-f.

a I don’t think so
b why don’t you
c that’s a great idea
d make some changes
e come on in
f that sort of thing

A: Hello, Joyce. (1) . Do you like my new house?

B: It’s very nice. Do you like living here?
A: Yes, it’s very near to my work. But it’s empty. I want to (2) .
B: (3) put wallpaper on the walls? Do you like bright walls and
(4) ?
A: (5) . I think bright colours are ugly.
B: OK. How about hanging paintings on the wall?
A: (6) !

Listen to a telephone conversation between Dan and his aunt Grace and match the people with the
activities they are doing. There is one extra activity which you do not need to use.

a Dan
b Dan’s father 1
c Dan’s mother
d Dan’s grandmother

2 3
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Test 1 The English hub 2
Read the text and answer the questions.

Hello Stella,
How are you? It’s fantastic here in Lyon. My new
school is great and the place is really interesting. I’ve
got a part-time job at a hotel. I’m a waitress and I
work in the evenings. In the mornings I study and
in the afternoons I spend time with Elena. Elena is
a receptionist at the hotel. She’s Spanish and she’s
really nice. She has beautiful blue eyes and long
dark hair. She loves pop music. In our free time we
go rollerblading and watch DVDs. Today it’s Elena’s
birthday and I want to buy her a CD.
That’s all for now.
Take care!

1. What does Ellie do in Lyon?  Send e-mail

2. Who’s a receptionist? 

3. Where’s Elena from? 

4. What does Elena look like? 

5. What do Ellie and Elena do in their free time? 

6. What does Ellie want to give Elena for her birthday? 


Write an e-mail to a friend. Talk about:

• what you are doing right now. • your news. • a new friend at school (appearance, personality, etc.).
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The English hub 2
Test 2

A. Write the words under the correct heading.

mushrooms steak grapes strawberries salt

orange juice cheese peas chicken water


B. Match.

1. department a alley

2. bowling b rink

3. traffic c park

4. amusement d lights

5. skating e café

6. Internet f store

7. car g station

8. petrol h park

C. Complete with the words in the box.

tie trousers dress suit decide discount advice

1. If you want my , buy a laptop.

2. Can you tell me which dress to buy? I like them both and I can’t .
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3. Do you think that these are out of fashion this year?

4. When you have a job interview, it’s necessary to wear a and

5. These shirts are cheap. There’s a of 20%.

6. Moira, your is beautiful!


Test 2 The English hub 2
D. Look at the map and complete the sentences.

post office café museum restaurant



school bank shoe shop car park

1. The museum is 3. The shoe shop is

Hill Street. the bank and the car park.

2. The is opposite 4. The is in front of

the car park. the post office.


A. Choose a, b or c.

1. A: Do you like the blue skirt? 5. Natalie isn’t old to drive a car.
B: I prefer the yellow . a. enough b. too c. age
a. some b. one c. ones 6. I like the video camera, but very
2. Those gloves are beautiful! Buy . expensive.
a. their b. those c. them a. it’s b. its c. this
3. Mr Smith is my favourite teacher. 7. A: Do you like the sandals?
I like very much. B: Yes, but they’re tight.
a. him b. her c. his a. too b. much c. enough
4. How does the tablet cost?
a. many b. much c. price

B. Circle the correct words.

A: Mum, are there (1) any / much strawberries in the A: Great! I want to make a fruit salad and I can’t!
fridge? B: Sorry, we’re out of fruit, darling. Why don’t you go
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B: Only (2) a little / a few. shopping?

A: What about bananas? A: OK. How (5) many / much money do I need for all
B: There are (3) no / any bananas left. Not even one. this?

A: Apples? B: I don’t know. Just take my wallet with you and buy
(6) some / any milk too, please.
B: There aren’t (4) many / much left. Only one or two.


The English hub 2 Test 2
Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-h.

a Why don’t you try it on? f Is

 there a department store near
b How do I get there? here?

c Let me show it to you. g I don’t think so.

d Can I help you? h Bentrey’s

 is down the road on
your right.
e You’re welcome.

a. b.
Shop assistant Hello, sir. (1) Woman Excuse me. (5)
Man Yes. I’m looking for a jacket. Man Yes. There’s one on Mills Street.
Shop assistant How about this grey one? Woman I’m afraid I don’t know that street. (6)
Man ( 2) I don’t like grey. What Man  o past that shoe shop over there. Do you
else do you have? see it? Then turn left at the traffic lights
onto Gateway Avenue. (7)
Shop assistant I t also comes in light blue. (3)
You can’t miss it.
Here it is.
Woman Thanks a lot.
Man It’s not bad.
Man (8)
Shop assistant (4)

Listen to four short conversations and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

1. What are the people doing?

a. They're shopping.
b. They're having dinner.
c. They're putting up wallpaper.

2. Where's the café?

a. On the first floor.
b. On the second floor.
c. On the third floor.

3. What does the man buy?

a. A T-shirt.
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b. A pair of trousers.
c. A belt.

4. What does the woman order?

a. A cup of coffee.
b. Some chocolate cake.
c. Both a and b. SCORE 8

Test 2 The English hub 2
Read the text and decide if the statements 1-6 are True or False. Write T for True or F for False.

Royal Caribbean Cruises

around the Caribbean and relax at the
Royal Caribbean International offers you a fabulous way to travel
Florida once a week for a seven-day
same time. The Voyager, the Explorer and the Adventure leave Miami,
are lots of things to do on the ship.
cruise around the exciting islands of the Caribbean. Of course, there
ship and three themed-restaurants with delicious food. You can
Food and There are lots of cafés on the
drink even have a cooking lesson with our world-famous chefs.
music from all
evening in one of our special lounges and listen to different kinds of
Nightlife Spend an
over the world or enjoy a night out at our Broadway-style theatre.
Royal Promenade and buy something special for your friends back home.
Shopping Walk down the city.
fantastic boulevard looks and feels like a street in the centre of any big
bathroom, TV, radio and
Rooms We have different rooms to choose from. A stateroom with a private
and stay in our Royal Suite with a balcony, a
phone costs £810.00. Or, you can travel in style
£1,420. 00. Whatev er you choose, we
living room, a fridge and an entertainment centre. It costs
are offering you the cruise of a lifetime!

1. Voyager, Explorer and Adventure are 4. On the ship, you can learn to cook,
three of the cruise ships that belong to listen to music or go to a theatre.
Royal Caribbean International Cruises.
5. The Royal Promenade is a street in
2. Royal Caribbean International Cruises the centre of a big city.
take people around the world.
6. The Royal Suite has its own balcony.
3. People on the ships cook their own

Write a paragraph about your favourite place in your town/city. Write about:
• restaurants • shops/shopping centres • fun places
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The English hub 2
Test 3

A. Match.

1. get a an exam

2. pass b languages

3. learn c an award

4. specialise d an opera

5. win e a champion

6. break f a degree

7. compose g a record

8. become h in Business Management


B. Circle the correct answer.

1. I speak / learn Spanish with my mother because she can’t understand English.

2. John has got a degree / graduation in Chemistry.

3. My parents visited the new science museum / souvenir last Sunday.

4. Our team wants to win a gold medal / award at the championships.

5. We like travelling by train and often use the railway / motorway.

6. Sandra is exploring / expecting the city. It is her first time in New York.

C. Cross out the odd word. Then, add one more.

1. Biology – Literature – Information Technology – University 

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2. pilot – passenger – singer – journalist 

3. basketball – swimming – baseball – competition 

4. boxing – game – match – championship 

Test 3 The English hub 2
A. Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

a. b.

A: Where and what (1) A: (5) (you and Lucy /

(you / study)? stay) at home last night?

B: I (2) (study) History B: No, we (6) (go) to

at La Sapienza University in Rome. In my last year the cinema. We (7)

I (3) (do) a History (see) The Game, but Lucy

course, and one in Italian Literature, too. I (8) (not like)

(4) (find) it very it at all.


B. Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the Past Simple.

1. Robert / watch TV / and / have / dinner / last night / . 3. Bill / not call / Kate / last weekend / .




2. they / go for walk / in / park / yesterday / ? 4. Eric / beat John / and / win cup / .





C. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of can or could and the verbs in brackets.

1. A: Brian (1) (play) 2. A: (4) (Nancy /

the violin very well! speak) English?

B: Yes, he’s great. B: Yes, she (5) .

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A: (2) (you / play) A: But she (6)

the violin when you were his age, Jane? (not speak) English three years ago.

B: No, I (3) .

The English hub 2 Test 3
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the words in the box.

finish hang out not help stay

1. Jim in the dormitory when he was at


2. School at 2pm but now we have more lessons and leave at 3pm.

3. My mother me with my homework. She was always busy.

4. Sharon and I together. Now she lives far away and I don’t see her.


A. Match.

1. Where were you last night? a Of course I did.

2. Our team won the cup. b In 1936.
3. Could you play the violin when you were young? c No, I couldn't.
4. How was the match? d I went out for dinner.
5. When was your grandfather born? e It was amazing!
6. Did you pass the exam? f Congratulations!

Listen to three short conversations and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

1. Who does the woman meet?

a. an old friend
b. a famous athlete
c. an old teacher

2. How did Liz do in her English Literature exam last week?

a. She passed it.
b. She failed it.
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c. She doesn’t know.

3. What did Jake do last night?

a. He watched a football match on TV.
b. He watched a basketball game on TV.
c. He went out.
Test 3 The English hub 2
Read the text and decide if the statements 1-5 are True or False. Write T for True or F for False.

Subject: Come to visit!!

Dear Fay,
Hi! How are you? How’s college? Glasgow is great. There’s so much going on here and people are so
friendly and funny. I’m really glad I chose to study here, the lecturers are really good and the course
is just what I was hoping it would be. The only thing that is difficult is waking up in the morning for
my art history class!
I’m staying in a University room this year. It’s perfect for my first year as everything’s easy. I have a
desk in my room and shelves for all my books, although I prefer to study at the library when I can.
There’s a university cafeteria with cheap food and even a ping-pong table and it’s only a ten minute
walk to go to my classes. I’m making friends with the girls on my floor, but so far the person I get
on best with is Katie, who is on my course. She’s really into rock climbing and we’re going to go
somewhere next weekend.
Even though I’m meeting lots of new people, I really miss you. I hope you can come and visit soon.
Why don’t you come up next weekend? I can show you around town, I think you’ll like it here! Then,
we can go rock climbing together. It’ll be great!
Anyway, let me know if you can come and tell me your news!
Take care,
1. Manuela likes waking up in the morning.

2. Manuela always studies at the library.

3. Manuela can eat cheap food where she lives.

4. Katie and Manuela have plans to go rock climbing.

5. Fay has visited Glasgow before.

Write an e-mail to a friend giving him / her your news. Tell your friend about what you
did last week / weekend. Think about lessons, exams, sporting events, etc.
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The English hub 2
Test 4

A. Add two more words under each heading.

ferry cheetah national park bungee jumping


B. C
 omplete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need
to use.

flight 1. Mr Barrows isn’t here. He’s away on .

travel agent
2. You have to this soup. It's delicious!
3. Our organised an adventure holiday for us.
4. Look at those caves! Let's them!
5. Our leaves in half an hour and we're still at
home! We're going to miss it!

C. Match.

1. go a to the Internet

2. connect b local food

3. install c a file

4. download d souvenirs
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5. taste e hiking

6. buy f a program

7. visit g ancient ruins

8. print h information

Test 4 The English hub 2
A. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Dana (1) (always / love) travelling. Two weeks ago, when she

(2) (graduate), her parents (3) (get) her

a wonderful present: a trip to Europe for a month. She (4) (leave) a week

ago and she (5) (already / be) to Italy and Germany. When she

(6) (be) in Italy, she (7) (go) to a pop

concert. She loved it!


B. Circle the correct words.

4. A: How long / When have you had this car?
1. A: Have you ever / always visited this place before?
B: I’ve had it for / since March.
B: Yes. I’ve been here once / since before.
5. A: How long / When did you buy your new bike?
2. Sheila has been home from work for / since 4:30.
B: Two weeks ago / since.
3. I’ve read three of his books so far / yet.

C. Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
A: I'm really enjoying this book I'm reading. I (1) (learn) a lot
about life in Japan in the 1950s.

B: (2) (you / ever / be) to Japan?

A: No, never. But I (3) (always / want) to go there on holiday.

B: My husband (4) (be) to Tokyo twice.

A: Hey, Tom. Guess what! I saw Michael Stevens today.

B: Michael Stevens! That guy from college?

A: Yeah. He (5) (not change) much. He's still chubby. But he

(6) (become) a writer.
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B: You're kidding! It's a shame we (7) (not read) any of his


A: Well, he's going to bring us some tomorrow. I invited him to dinner.

B: Great! Did you give him our address? He (8) (never / visit)
us before.

A: Of course I did! SCORE 8

The English hub 2 Test 4
Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-d.

a was something else b all year round c looks like it d out of the question

1. A: Are you planning to go on holiday? 3. A: When is a good time to visit the glacier?

B: With my exams next month, that’s ! B: It’s impressive .

2. A: How was your safari? 4. A: Is this the place where they do extreme sports?

B: It was unforgettable. It ! B: It !

Listen to a radio show discussing jet lag and decide if the statements are True or False.

1. When it's 12pm in California, it's 3pm in New York.

2. 94% of travellers get stomach problems when they fly.

3. Having sleeping problems is the most common symptom of jet lag.

4. Children under three never get jet lag.

5. When you fly between time zones, you should always sleep on the plane.

Read the story and answer the questions.

1. Where did the person’s trip start from?

When I graduated from college, I decided

to take a road trip across the country. I
live in Georgia, and I wanted to drive to 
California. I drove to so many exciting
2. Who drove the car?
places. I visited The Alamo, The Grand

Canyon, and I really loved the desert. I
never knew that Arizona is such a beautiful 
place! After about two weeks of driving, I 3. Which place did the person think was
finally got to California. California is really
interesting. I visited a National Park, saw

the Pacific Ocean, and I even went to

Disneyland! I spent about a week there and
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then I decided it was 4. How long was the whole trip?

time to drive back 
home. I am so happy 
that I went on the
trip, and I want to
go on another one
Grand Canyon
Test 4 The English hub 2
It’s Thursday 9th June. Imagine you’re on holiday in Africa. Write a postcard to a friend. Look at the list of
activities in the table to get ideas and answer the following questions:
• How long have you been there? • Which places have you visited so far?
• What things have you done? • What did / didn’t you like?

Mon 6th June Morocco / camel riding

Tue 7th June Tunisia / windsurfing

Wed 8th June Egypt / sailing / River Nile

Thu 9th June Kenya / safari, see lions and zebras

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The English hub 2
Midterm Test
A. C
 omplete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do
not need to use.

serious 1. John is a very person. I’ve never seen him laugh!

2. When I got to the airport, they told me that my was too
awful heavy.
3. Don’t forget to this book to the library in ten days.
4. What you did to Brian was really !
return 5. When I at the party, nobody was there!

B. Complete the table with the a professor an award seasick lost a star
words/phrases in the box. a race a lesson to concerts lunch horse riding


a shower a medal a degree camping a champion

C. Match. SCORE 10

1. washing a camera

2. phone b park

3. video c station

4. underground d machine

5. traffic e rink

6. post f office

7. car g box

8. skating h lights SCORE 8

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A. Choose a, b or c.

1. cleaning the windows this afternoon? 3. The post office is the supermarket and
a. Let’s b. How about c. Why don’t we the museum.
a. next b. in front c. between
2. Can you drive to the city centre?
a. we b. us c. our 4. There aren’t carrots left. Only two.
a. any b. many c. much
Midterm Test The English hub 2
5. Those shoes are nice. I want to buy . 8. Let’s go! We haven’t got time.
a. their b. those c. them a. much b. a few c. a little
6. Has your brother got CDs? 9. How shoe shops are there in your
a. much b. many c. lots neighbourhood?

7. I’d like sugar in my coffee, please. a. much b. many c. little

a. a few b. much c. a little SCORE 9

B. Complete the blanks with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (go) on an 4. Every year Scott
exchange programme to the USA. (travel) to Latin America and he always

2. Why (you / (buy)

paint) the wall blue? souvenirs for his friends.

3. James 5. My dad

(plant) some flowers in the garden right now. (work) as a photographer.


C. Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple.
1. Ray / study / and / have / dinner / home / last night /.

2. Carol / not make / dinner / right now /.

3. My sister / never / travel / by plane /.

4. Bob / not call / Mitch / last week /.

5. you / play / football / in a team / ?

D. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. A:  (you / ever 2. A:  (Mona / tell)

/ see) a zebra? you anything about her hiking trip?
B: Yes. I B: No, I (not /
(visit) the zoo many times and speak) to her yet.
I (see) lots
of zebras.
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E. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. It (not rain) last night.

2. (Fay / ever / be) to Canada?

3. I (already / read) that book.

4. Betty (buy) her new house three years ago.

The English hub 2 Midterm Test
F. Complete the blanks with the correct preposition.

1. I hang out with my friends the 4. Turn right the traffic lights.
5. The shops are open nine to three.
2. Do you have this skirt red?
6. The supermarket is your right.
3. Carl usually goes to work bus.

A. Match.

1. What does she look like? a On 16th May, 2004.

2. How’s your vegetable soup? b I agree. It’s a great idea!

3. When was your brother born? c Not bad.

4. Did you pass the exam? d She’s tall and chubby.

5. How about going there by car? e No, I didn’t. It wasn’t easy.

B. Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-f.

a It was something else! c How much is it? e You’re kidding!

b I don’t think so. d What size is it? f What’s it like?

1. 2.

A: Excuse me! I like this top. (1) A: Have you been to the national park?

B: It’s £54. B: No, I haven’t. (4)

A: (2) A: I visited it last year. (5) It’s beautiful and

there are many endangered species there. You can
B: It’s a small.
even see gorillas.
A: Oh, I want a medium. Do you have it in a medium?
B: (6) Gorillas are my favourite animal.
B: (3)

Listen to four short conversations and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.
1. What does Fred usually do on Wednesday evenings? 3. Why did Mark leave the office?
a. He goes to the cinema. a. Because he forgot something.
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b. He works. b. Because he didn't feel well.

c. He goes to a restaurant. c. Because he needed to pick up his son.

2. What is Karen doing? 4. What has Chris done wrong?

a. She’s surfing the Internet. a. He's forgotten the map.
b. She’s looking for her mobile phone. b. He's brought the wrong map.
c. She’s making dinner. c. He's lost the map. SCORE 8
Midterm Test The English hub 2
reading Read the text and decide if the statements 1-4 are True or False. Write T for True or F for False.

Campus blog:

I’m Jeremy Fisher and this is my blog! I’m an undergraduate at Thames Valley
University. I have been a student here for only two months, but I already love it! I’m
studying History, and I live on campus. My flatmate and I have a really small flat,
but it’s nice. I like living on campus because I am close to everything I need. I’m
only a five-minute walk from the library. The campus is really cool and there’s lots
of things to do here. We have free Wi-Fi everywhere, and there are a few nice parks
on campus, too. We even have a gym for students who live on campus, and it’s
free! I haven’t gone there yet, but I want to. There’s also a small supermarket here,
and they stay open really late. It’s great when you need something fast! Plus, just a
couple of minutes down the road, there is a huge shopping centre. There are a lot of
great shops, and I have already bought a lot of things from there. It’s so close, you
can even walk there! I’m thinking about getting a job on campus. Maybe I can work
in the History Department. That way I can get to know my professors better!

1. Jeremy lives on campus 3. The supermarket closes early every day.

with two flatmates.
4. There is a shopping centre near the
2. The campus has one park. campus.

Write an e-mail of about 80 words to a friend, giving him/her your news about the school
year that has just finished.
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The English hub 2
Test 5

A. Circle the correct words.
1. Can you write a brief / personal text describing your interests and hobbies?

2. You don’t need to shout / push. I can hear you.

3. Jack works really hard so his boss gave him a solution / promotion.

4. We had a(n) argument / resolution and now he won’t talk to me.

5. If you want to disappear / volunteer, go to the office down the hall on the left.

6. Look at my full / brand new laptop! It has 500GB of memory.

7. They felt so embarrassed / disappointed when they found out that there weren’t any tickets left.

B. Match.

1. take a together

2. help b fun

3. have c in trouble

4. get d out

5. be e a meeting

6. make f one’s mind

7. change g a day off

8. have h a decision

C. Use some of the expressions above to complete the sentences.

1. I need to ask my boss if I can  .
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I want to visit my grandfather in the hospital.

2. Let’s  on Saturday morning and go to a café.

3. Before I  , I need some time to think about this problem.

4. If you don’t do your homework, you will  .

Test 5 The English hub 2
A. Circle the correct words.
Henry The house needs a lot of work, Martha. Let me show you and tell you my plans. The windows are old, so
I (1) am going to change / change them tomorrow. I don’t like the colour of the walls, so I
(2) going to paint / will paint them next week, I think. Look! There’s also something wrong with the
lights. I need an electrician.
Martha Oh! I (3) am going to call / will call a friend of mine. He’s very good.
Henry Thanks. Now, look at the bedroom door. It’s broken! I want to fix it but I don’t know how.
Martha Really? I (4) am going to ask / will ask my husband to help you. He’s good at that. Don’t worry about
anything. He (5) going to help / will help you with everything you need.
Henry That’s great! Thank you so much. I promise I (6) going to cook / will cook for you two when the house is
Martha Oh, that’s a great idea! SCORE 6

B. Complete with the Future be going to of the verbs in brackets.

Susan (1) (fly) to Malta next Saturday. She (2)

(be) there for a week. She (3) (not stay) in Valletta, the capital. There

(4) (be) thousands of people there and she doesn’t like noisy places.

She (5) (stay) at a hotel in a town called The Forest Park.

She (6) (swim) every day, but she (7) (not do)

any water sports. Susan likes museums and old buildings so she (8) (visit) all the

sights on the island.


C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If Peter (have) another accident, Dad (not give) him the

car again.

2. When plants (not get) water for a long time, they (die).

3. If she (invite) me, I (go) to her party.

4. When you (push) this button, the machine turns off. SCORE 7

D. Complete the sentences using the prompts given.

door / not open not go / school finish / early be at work / 7:00 not wear / it
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1. If you take the 6 o’clock train,  .

2. If you do not turn the key twice,  .

3. If you help us,  .

4. If Mary doesn’t like the dress,  .

5. If it snows,  . SCORE 10
The English hub 2 Test 5

1. Greg had an accident and he’s in hospital. a Thanks.

2. I’ll go to the supermarket. You stay here and relax. b Don’t shout or I won’t tell you.

3. I promise I’ll tidy my room tomorrow. c Of course I will. Give me some bags.

4. Will you help me take out the rubbish? d I won’t eat it.

5. Why are you late again? e I’ll go and visit him.

6. This food looks disgusting. f If you don’t, you’ll be in trouble.


Listen to three short dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a or b.

1. Does the interviewer like the 2. What are Nathan and Sally 3. What does John want to study
woman’s CV? going to do tonight? at university?
a. Yes, he does. a. Stay at home. a. Maths
b. No, he doesn’t. b. Go to the cinema. b. Art History


Read the text and answer the questions.

Freedom Ship
Imagine a ship so big that it takes you fifteen minutes to walk from one end to the other, and is 240 feet tall. It
sounds like science fiction but a company called Freedom International is planning to build it.
Freedom Ship will not look like a ship, but a city on water. Today’s cruise ships will look very small next to it.
This ship will carry about 115,000 people, but it won’t be only for tourists. People will even live on it. This ship will
travel to different cities and tourist sights and it will always go to warm places around the world, so it will always be
The people on board will travel to the mainland on small boats, or even by plane as there will be an airport on
the top of the ship. There will also be a large shopping centre, three hotels, apartment buildings, a very big library,
a hospital, cinemas, theatre and sports centre. For those living on the ship, education will not be a problem as the
ship will provide education from preschool all the way through to university. Some people are already calling it the
eighth wonder of the world!
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1. Who will build the Freedom Ship? 3. Why will it always be summer on the ship?


2. How will Freedom Ship make cruise ships look? 4. How will the people on the ship get to the mainland?


Test 5 The English hub 2
Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her your latest news. Also, write about something you’re planning to
do (eg. a trip, a night out, etc.).
• say why you’re writing • ask your friend about his/her news
• give your news • end your e-mail
• tell your friend what you’re planning to do
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Send e-mail


The English hub 2
Test 6

A. Match and then complete the sentences.

1. take a care of

2. deal b place

3. take c around

4. get d down

5. break e with

1. The concert will at the White stadium.

2. How do you the city with no car?

3. I’m afraid my car is going to if I don’t change those parts.

4. Can you my plants when I am on holiday?

5. I can’t this problem right now; I’m too busy.


B. Choose the correct word.

1. Don’t cut off / down the trees in the back garden.

2. Oliver went to the bank / unemployment office to get some money.

3. I’m sorry I’m late! There was a terrible traffic light / jam on the way here.

4. Don’t go slow / anywhere! I’ll be right back.

5. Peter and his wife want to buy a yacht / motorhome and travel around the Mediterranean Sea.

6. Carol never turns off / down the light when she leaves the room.
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7. Don’t throw / save that can in the bag. Put it in the recycling bin.

8. Can you do me a favour / package? I need someone to get the clothes from the dry cleaner’s.

9. We offer full entertainment / accommodation for only £130 a night.


Test 6 The English hub 2
A. Circle the correct words.

1. Could / Might you turn left here, please?

2. My brother may / can get a motorbike this year, but he isn’t sure.

3. Might / Can I leave my car here?

4. Arnold isn’t here. He might / can be in his bedroom.


B. Look at the pictures and use the verbs can/could/may to ask for permission or make requests.

1. give / key / to room? 3. help / me / please?

2. have / cappuccino / please? 4. take / car / tonight?


C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Maths is (interesting) than English. It’s my favourite school subject!

2. Mike is (good) at football than Bob.

3. Adam is the (tall) boy in my class.

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4. Planes are as (safe) as trains.

5. Today is (hot) day of the year.

6. Suzy is the (beautiful) girl in the world.

7. Karen is (thin) than her sister.

8. Jill isn’t as (smart) as her brother.

The English hub 2 Test 6
D. Use the prompts and the comparative or the superlative to make sentences.
1. Jane’s car / slow / Bill’s car

2. My town / quiet / place / in the world

3. Eiffel Tower / popular / sight / in Paris

4. Karen’s house / modern / Adam’s house

5. red shoes / expensive / of all



1. Could you do me a favour? a Don’t panic! I’ll help you.

2. Can I borrow the car? b Here you are.

3. Are you going to the show? c I'm afraid I need it.

4. Are you doing anything tonight? d Actually, I'm free.

5. May I have your tickets, please? e Sure, what is it?

6. Are you sure you don't mind? f Not at all.

7. Oh, no! What am I going to do? g You bet! I love their work.


Listen to three dialogues. Where are the people? Choose a or b.
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1. a. at a stadium b. at a theatre
2. a. at a car park b. at a petrol station
3. a. on the train b. at the train station


Test 6 The English hub 2
Read the text and complete the sentences with one or two words.

Hi! My name’s Jessica and I live in London. That’s

London, Ohio, USA! It’s a bit different from London,
England. It isn’t as big as London, England and
there aren’t as many things to do but I like it. There
is a great swimming pool here and there are lots 1. Jessica is from .
of parks, but they are smaller than the parks in 2. London, England is
London, England. My house is on North Main Street than London, Ohio.
and it’s opposite a basketball court. I go there
3. Jessica visited London, England .
every day to play. Last year I travelled to Europe
for a whole month. It was my longest trip ever. Of 4. Jessica likes London, Ohio more than London,
course, I stayed in London, England for a few days, England because it’s .
just to see what it was like. It’s a beautiful city with
lots to do. The double-decker buses were great and
I really liked the museums. I think London, Ohio is
nicer, though, because it’s my home. SCORE 8

Imagine a friend needs your help in choosing the better of two products to buy (eg. a bike, a computer, a
pair of shoes, etc.). Offer him/her advice by comparing the two products.
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The English hub 2
Test 7

A. Complete the text with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.

boarding pass When I arrived at the airport, I immediately went to (1) .

departure I only had a small bag so I didn’t need to check in any (2) .

passenger I gave my ticket and (3) to the person at the check-in

desk and I asked for an aisle (4) because I don’t like
check in
sitting by the window. Fortunately, there were some left. After that, she gave me my
(5) and told me to go to gate 13. ‘Your flight is leaving
in 10 minutes,’ she said. I went to the (6) lounge,
flight attendant
but there was a delay and I waited there for an hour. When I finally got on the plane,
the (7) told us to fasten our seat belts. After a few
minutes, the (8) took off and the biggest adventure of
my life began…

B. Match and then complete the sentences.

1. it a advance

2. part-time b money

3. make c out

4. hand d depends

5. take e in

6. in f job

1. We will have to pay for the tickets .

2. When you finish your essay, it to your teacher.
3. How will he if he never gets out of bed?
4. I have lessons every morning, so I am only looking for a(n) .
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5. Tomorrow I will the rubbish before I go to work.

6. I don’t know if I will go to the match. . What’s the weather going to be like?


Test 7 The English hub 2
A. Complete with both, all, neither, or none.
1. Olivia and Tina like going to the cinema together. of them like adventure

2. All my friends have mobile phones but of them have an Internet connection.

3. Tom, Mike and Ken enjoy going to theme parks. They love roller coasters.

4. My parents watch TV every evening but of them watches the news.

5. I have a new red jacket and my sister has a new green jacket. They’re made of

6. Jake and Mark are going to take part in the school play. of them is afraid of
performing in front of people.

B. Complete the sentences with who or which. If the pronouns can be omitted, put them in brackets.
1. This is the blouse my aunt bought me.

2. Mrs Williams is the librarian we met last week.

3. Do you know the man lives on the 3rd floor?

4. Let me give you the mouse I got for free with my new computer.

5. Have you been to that new café is on Grant Street?


C. Read the situations below and write what the people have to do. Use the phrases in the box.

take a taxi go to bed early stay in bed practise get part-time jobs

Dana and Sue are playing the piano in a school performance next week, but they aren't very good.
 They have to practise.

1. Peter always gets up late and is always late for work.

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2. Ryan and Dean are cousins. They want to go on holiday this summer, but they haven’t got any money.

3. Sally has an important business meeting. She can't start her car.

4. Stuart and Carl are sick today. Their mother called a doctor.

D. Choose a, b, or c. The English hub 2 Test 7
1. We talk on our mobile phones when we drive.
a. must b. mustn’t c. haven’t
2. I'm on my way home. you anything?
a. Can I get b. May you get c. Will get
3. Sylvia is going away for the weekend but she be back on Monday.
a. have to b. has to c. hasn't to
4. Students listen to their teacher and do their homework.
a. must b. have c. can’t
5. There is no sugar left. some?
a. Will you buy me b. May you buy c. Could I buy
6. I'm not feeling very well. out?
a. Can I go b. Can you go c. Will I go
7. Mr Jones cannot see you now. a little later?
a. We may make it b. Can we make it c. Will we make
8. You study hard for your exams.
a. have b. has to c. have to
9. I’m leaving! I wait for you any longer.
a. must b. mustn’t c. can’t
10. I come with you. I have to help my sister with her homework.
a. can b. can’t c. must SCORE 10

E. Write sentences using have to and the prompts given.

1. my colleagues and I / attend / meeting / tomorrow 3. you / call / mother / home

 4. we / clean / house / before / barbecue
2. we / put on / masks / party

 5. they / close / shop doors / 9 o’clock


1. Would you like to go to the cinema? a Well, it’s a small world.

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2. I’m going to visit my family in California. b Neither of them likes rock music.

3. This hotel is awful. c I know, and on top of everything it is so expensive.

4. Are your parents going to the concert? d Say hi to your sister for me.

5. I can’t believe you know my cousin in France. e Yes, and I’m looking forward to the next one.

6. Did you enjoy the new James Bond film? f I’m busy. Maybe another time?
Test 7 The English hub 2
Listen to three people talking about TV programmes and match the name with the correct programme.
There is one extra programme that you do not need to use.

a game show
1. Bart
b soap opera
2. Hayley
c sports programme
3. Doug
d wildlife documentary SCORE 6

Read the text and answer the questions.

How did they do that ? 1. When did a film win the first Oscar for the best
Special effects in films have been around for special effects?
many years. The first film to win an Oscar for the 
best special effects was The Rains Came back 2. Which film used technology to make one of the
in 1939. Nowadays, special effects are amazing characters?
and you can easily forget the story of the film

and just watch the effects. One of the first films
3. What do they use to make special effects?
to use computer special effects to create a
character was Young Sherlock Holmes in 1985. 
Film makers need powerful computers to make 4. Which films have won three Oscars for the best
special effects. It takes time and costs a lot of special effects?
money but it’s usually worth it and most films

today have them. The three The Lord of the Rings
films were made in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and
all three won Oscars for the best special effects.
And it’s easy to see why! SCORE 8

Write a few things about your favourite TV programme or your favourite film. Answer the following
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• What’s the title of the film/TV programme?

• What type of film/TV programme is it?
• Who stars in it?
• Why do you like it?

The English hub 2
Test 8

A. Choose a, b or c.
1. We’ve run milk. Could you get some on your way home from work?
a. without b. away c. out of
2. Leslie’s handwriting is terrible. I can’t make what she has written.
a. in b. out c. off with
3. It is often difficult to cope all these problems.
a. with b. about c. for
4. Why are you feeling so down? It’s Friday. Come on, cheer !
a. off b. up c. in
5. Go and tell them what happened. They’ll laugh in your face.
a. for b. ahead c. to
6. It’s time to take a new hobby. I’m tired of playing table tennis.
a. in b. from c. up


B. Circle the correct option.

1. The doctor gave Mrs Fern a pill / prescription for some tablets.

2. When John fell down the stairs, he affected / sprained his ankle.

3. Eating spicy food can cause / develop a stomach ache.

4. I have a terrible headache. Could you give me a painkiller / an x-ray, please?

5. What’s wrong, Al? Does your back sore / hurt?

6. Lucy had an insomnia / accident last night and she’s in hospital.

7. She looked very upset, with eyes red and swollen / painful from crying.

8. Karl cut / burnt his arm on the cooker while cooking a pie.

9. He is so annoying / embarrassing! Why won’t he leave me alone?

10. People in her companion / condition should rest for at least a week.
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Test 8 The English hub 2
A. Turn the following commands and requests into Reported Speech.
1. Don't stay in bed until 11 o'clock in the morning.

 My father told me

2. Get some rest before you do your homework.

 Mum told us

3. Don't forget your sleeping bag.

Jane told me

4. Please, don't shout in my ear.

 Victor asked me

5. Make an appointment with the dentist.

 My sister told me


B. Use should or shouldn’t and the prompts below to write sentences.

1. Millie has put on lots of weight. (go on / diet)


2. Alex has hurt his ankle. (play / tennis)


3. I don’t know how to use this machine. (ask / instructor)


4. Mum has a headache. (listen / loud music)


5. Mr and Mrs Benson don’t like their neighbourhood. (move away)


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C. Read the situations below and write negative questions. The English hub 2 Test 8

1. You are surprised because your friend can’t ride a 4. You are at a restaurant with your family and you
bicycle. think that the pizza is awful. What do you say?

Can’t you ride a bicycle?

2. You see somebody on the bus and you think that 5. You are surprised because your brother isn’t
you have met before. What do you say to him/her? studying for his Maths test. What do you say to him?

3. You believe that your friend’s sister speaks French. 6. You go to your friend’s party but the other guests
What do you say to your friend? haven’t arrived yet. What do you say?

D. Complete the blanks with question tags.
1. Fiona’s very energetic, ?

2. You don’t like mayonnaise, ?

3. Darren hasn’t had the flu this winter, ?

4. I should go on a diet, ?

5. This soup has got garlic in it, ?

6. Henry went to Milan last month, ? SCORE 6

E. Complete the blanks with the full or bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Sophie and Sadie can’t stand (eat) broccoli.
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2. (exercise) just after you’ve eaten isn’t a good idea.

3. I might (get) a pet for my birthday.

4. She’s decided (take) up jogging.

5. A: Where’s Tony?
B: He went to the library (borrow) a book.

6. My dad let me (use) his computer yesterday. SCORE 6

Test 8 The English hub 2
Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-f.

Sue Hey, Ron. (1)

Ron Hi, Sue. I'm not very well.
Sue Why? What's wrong?
Ron (2)
a. Did you have an accident?
Sue What happened? (3)
b. I have a terrible backache.
Ron No, nothing like that. It started hurting this morning and now I
c. How’s it going? can't even sit on a chair!
d. I also asked her to give me Sue (4) Did you go to see a doctor?
a painkiller. Ron I couldn't go anywhere, but I called the doctor and she came here!

e. She told me to lie down and Sue And?

not to work out for a week. Ron (5)

Sue But why?
f. Poor you!
Ron My backache is from working out too much. You see, I worked
out for five hours yesterday.
Sue Oh, Ron. How silly!
Ron Yeah, I know. (6)
Sue Did she?
Ron Yes, she did.


Listen to two people talking about an accident and decide if the statements are True or False.

1. Carlos is in pain when he talks.

2. Carlos sprained his ankle when he was gardening.

3. Carlos has an earache, a sprained ankle and a burnt arm.

4. The doctor gave Carlos a painkiller for his ankle.

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5. Nelly tells Carlos that he should cut a cockroach in half to put into his ear.


The English hub 2 Test 8
Read and decide if the statements are True or False.

Hi Ellie,
How are things? I’m not OK. I have a problem. You see, I’m looking after my neighbours’ goldfish while
they’re on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much
food. Or maybe it was sick and now all the other fish are going to get sick and die, too. Actually, I have the flu
at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me. But goldfish don’t get the flu, do they? Do they get sick? I just
don’t know. Anyway, what should I do? Calling my neighbours is only going to upset them, isn’t it? I could
buy them a new one. Or is that a stupid idea? Write back as soon as you can.

1. Laura is writing to Ellie to ask her for advice.

2. Two of the goldfish are dead.

3. Laura knows why the goldfish died.

4. Laura is sick.

5. One of the other goldfish is sick.


Imagine you are a friend of Laura’s from the reading exercise above. Write an e-mail to her giving her
advice about her problem.

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The English hub 2
Final Test
A. Match.

1. recycling a licence

2. traffic b job

3. driving c area

4. residential d jam

5. hand e bin

6. part-time f luggage

B. Circle the correct words.

1. Can you please turn down / break down the radio? I’m trying to study.

2. Our teacher doesn’t provide / allow mobile phones in class.

3. Michael is so selfish / sociable. He has so many friends!

4. Not many people know about this beach. That is why it is so peaceful / crowded here.

5. I wanted to introduce my friend to my neighbours, but I couldn’t remember their names.

How embarrassing / tiring!

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words/phrases in the box.

avoid bring about upset annoying appointment access

1. I was really when I discovered that someone stole my book.

2. Richard always asks very personal questions. He is so .

3. What time is your doctor’s tomorrow?

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4. Unfortunately, there is no Internet up here in the mountains.

5. He was a polite boy but now he is so rude. Do you know what has
this change?

6. You should try to junk food.


The English hub 2 Final Test
D. Complete the sentences to find the words in the crossword. The first letter of each word is given.

1. I v for a group which protects wild animals.

2. I can’t a a new laptop, so I’m going to try and fix the one I have.

3. I will d come with you to Spain. It’s going to be great!

4. At my school, we do an e in every Science lesson.

5. I’m so d with you! You didn’t even try to study a little for this test.

6. We had an a yesterday and he’s not talking to me.

2 3


A. Complete the dialogue. Use the Future be going to of the verbs in brackets.

Peter (1) (you / study) for the Maths test now?

Martha Yes, I am. My brother (2) (help) me with some things I don’t
understand. What (3) (you / do)?
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Peter I’m going swimming with George.

Martha That’s not a very good idea. Look at those clouds. It (4) (rain).

Peter We (5) (not be) outside. We (6)

(swim) in the new indoor swimming pool at the sports centre.

Final Test The English hub 2
B. Look at the pictures, read the sentences and answer the questions. Use Conditional Sentences Type 1, as
in the example.
1. It might rain tomorrow. What will Peter do?
 If it rains tomorrow, Peter will play computer games.

 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, Peter will go swimming.

2. Fiona’s friends might visit her tomorrow. What will she do?

3. Charlie and George may go camping tomorrow. What will they do?


C. Look at the pictures and the prompts and write sentences. Use the comparative and superlative forms of
the adjectives given.
1. train / plane
The train is slower than the plane.

2. car / three
The car is the slowest of the three.

3. plane / car

fast - slow
4. Monica / all

5. Fay / Susan

6. Susan / three
Susan Fay Monica

tall - short
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7. jacket / T-shirt

8. jacket / three

9. gloves / T-shirt
£ 75 £ 17 £6

expensive - cheap SCORE 7
The English hub 2 Final Test
D. Complete the sentences with who or which.

1. Mrs Miles is a teacher teaches Geography.

2. Mary, show me the dress you bought yesterday.

3. A baker is someone makes and sells bread.

4. The girl works at the Internet café is my cousin.

5. A koala is an animal eats eucalyptus leaves.


E. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks with all, both, none or neither.

1. of 2. 3. of
my friends wear glasses. of the girls have black hair. the women have children.

4. 5. of
of the boys have bought the girls are laughing.

F. Circle the correct question tag.

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1. The weather is wonderful, isn’t it / is it ?

2. Mark was at Mary’s birthday party on Saturday, was he / wasn’t he ?

3. Helen can’t play the guitar, can she / can Helen?

4. You haven’t seen my sunglasses anywhere, did you / have you ?

5. David bought a new bicycle yesterday, wasn’t he / didn’t he ?

Final Test The English hub 2
G. Circle the correct words.

1. In my free time I like read / reading but my brother enjoys to play / playing computer games.

2. Sally would like to go / going to university.

3. The children want to go camp / camping next weekend, but it may rain / to rain.

4. I can’t stand to iron / ironing. Could you help / to help me?

5. Harry managed to buy / buying a car this year. I hope buy / to buy one next year.


Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-f.

a There are plenty of jobs out there. c Good to see you. e Just let me know when you’re quitting.
b I want to quit my job. d I owe you one! f I just lost my job.

1. A: Hey, Peter! 2. A: (5)

B: Hello, Tom. (1) B: Why? Don’t you like it there?

A: What’s wrong? You look upset. A: I don’t like my boss. He makes me nervous.

B: (2) B: (6) OK? I have an idea about a new job.

A: What? Why? A: Really? That’s great!

B: They told me I didn’t have enough experience

for this job.

A: Oh, don’t worry. (3)

B: I guess I have to start looking for another one.

A: I’ll help you.

B: Really? (4)

Listen to a conversation between two people about different types of transport in the city centre and
complete the sentences 1 to 5. Use one or two words in each blank.
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1. Today Cathy’s bus was minutes late.

2. There’s always a lot of in the city centre.
3. Steve thinks that Cathy should buy .
4. The tube is faster and not as as the bus.
5. The is closer to Cathy’s home than the tube station is.

The English hub 2 Final Test
Read the text and decide if the statements 1-5 are True or False. Write T for True or F for False.

Money Savers That Work!

You've decided not to go on the round-the-world tour you planned for this summer and you
haven't bought tickets for every opera performance this year. Congratulations. You've saved quite
a lot of money! However, if you are just an ordinary person who can’t even imagine spending
money like that, you have to find other ways to save money.
To save money, most of us have to try to spend smaller amounts on things we buy every day and
on services (telephone, mobile phones, Internet, etc.) every month. The hard part is to find ways to
spend less money that won't change your life completely. The list below has some ideas about how
to save money that really work. Here are ten money savers that won't change your life but they
will change your bank account!
1. Slow down! A car going 40 mph uses 15% less gas than one going 50 mph.
2. Don't drive; walk or ride a bike. You'll save gas (and it's better for your health!).
3. Don't buy more than what is on your shopping list. If your daughter needs new shoes, don't buy
that nice dress that matches them (even if it's on sale).
4. Think twice before you get a mobile phone with a two-year plan. You may get a cool phone and
the plan may sound good, but in the second year you will probably be able to get a better price
somewhere else.
5. Put all your change in a box and save it for your summer holiday.
6. Wash clothes in warm water, not hot. You'll use 50% less energy and save money.
7. Make your own iced tea. You can give it extra flavour by adding fruit juice.
8. Stop extra phone services: three-way calling and call-waiting can add to your bill.
9. Eat breakfast at home. Almost anything you eat will be cheaper (and healthier) than fast food.
10. Don't buy that new CD or that new pair of shoes that you like so much (if you don't really need

1. It is not possible for most people to save money.

2. The list shows how you can save money and change your life.

3. When you drive at 50 mph, you use 15% more petrol than when you drive at 40 mph.

4. If something is on sale but it's not on your list, you shouldn't buy it.

5. You can save money if you eat fast food for breakfast.

Copyright © MM Publications

Your friend wants to get a part-time job. He has a choice between a waiter at a café and a lifeguard at a
swimming pool. Write a letter to your friend discussing the positive and negative points of each job and
tell your friend which job you think is better for him and why.



The English hub 2
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Published by: MM Publications

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ISBN: 978-960-509-954-1
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