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For now the boxes are closed and we all miss the
community every day.

To make the best out of a bad situation Crossfit Bink

36 allready offers:

Every day online wods.

Everyday running and homewods on the website.

To give you guys some extra inspiration, we offer in

this PDF 20! dumbbell/ kettlebell wods you can do at
home or outside.

So 20 more reasons the keep working out!

tag us on instagram en facebook and let us know
your scores.


21-15-9 emom 20min amrap 12min

db/kb snatch
burpees over db/kb min 1: max distance 12 push ups
db/kb carry 12 seated db/kb strict
rest 5min min 2: max db/kb press (6L/6R)
squats 14 db/kb overhead
9-15-21 min 3: max db/kb lunges
db/kb snatch clean and jerk 14 sit ups
burpees over db/kb min 4: rest



amrap 4min x4

400m run emom 12min amrap 16min

max rounds in
remaining time of min 1: max db/kb 12 db/kb deadlifts
12 db/kb push press rows (alt) (6L/6R)
(6L/6R) min 2: wallsit 24 db/kb swings
6 burpees min 3: max v-ups 36 double unders
3min rest between


For time 5 rounds for time 3 rounds for time

100 burpees over 12 pike push ups 30m bear crawl with
db/kb 12 db/kb clean and db/kb
75 db/kb snatches jerks 30m db/kb overhead
50 db/kb squats 12 db/kb chair step lunges
15 db/kb sit-ups ups (15mL/15mR)
24 sit ups 30 db/kb cleans
after each completed (15L/15R)
set, 50 30 push ups


WOD 10 WOD 11 WOD 12

21-15-9-6-3 "DT with db/kb" 8 rounds for time

db/kb overhead 30 double unders
squat 5 rounds for time 16 db/kb thruster
burpees over db/kb 12 db/kb deadlift (8L/8R)
9 db/kb hang power
6 db/kb push jerk

WOD 13 WOD 14 WOD 15
amrap 6min x3

800m run "Elizabeth with "Cindy with db/kb"

remaining tima max db/kb"
rounds of amrap 20min
6 push ups 21-15-9
24 db/kb snatches db/kb squat clean 5 db/kb row (5L/5R)
chair dips 10 push ups
rest 3min between 15 db/kb squats


WOD 16 WOD 17 WOD 18

"chad" emom 16min For time

100 db/kb snatches
1000 db/kb chair min 1: db/kb floor 25 v-ups
step ups press 100 burpees over
(put db/kb in a min 2: db/kb lunges db/kb
bagpack) min 3: v-ups
min 4: plank

WOD 19 WOD 20

"Helen with db/kb" For time

1 mile run
3 rounds for time 45 db/kb thrusters
400m run 1 mile run
21 db/kb swings
12 db rows (12L/12R)


For all the wods, you will use 1 db/kb

You start standing tall, than jump back to lying on the floor (chest and
thighs touch the floor) and jump up with both feet in the standing
position. Jump up and clap hands above the head with the hips and
knees fully extended.

Burpee over dumbbell/kettlebell

While facing the db/kb you will drop with the hips and chest touching
the floor. You will then jump up and over the db/kb with a 2 feet lift-off
and land on the other side of the db/kb.

Chair dips
Put your hands on the seat of the chair, back close to the chair, extend
the legs, from there you dip through your arms and then fully extend
the arms again.

Double under
Jump up skipping the rope twice under your feet for each jump.

Dumbbell/kettlebell bear crawl

Perform the bear crawl movement (walking on hand and feet, knees
slightly bended, hips up) while taking the db/kb with you.

Dumbbell/kettlebell carry
You will walk max distance while carrying the db/kb (like a suitcase

Dumbbell/kettlebell chair step up

Hold the db/kb as you want and step up the chair with one foot,
bringing the other foot next to it, reaching full extension of the knees
and hips. Then get back to the ground by stepping of the chair.
Alternate between legs for each rep.


Dumbbell/kettlebell clean and jerk

Clean: you start with the db/kb on the ground, You must reach the front
rack position with the db/kb. The db needs to touch the shoulder, for
the kb, hand needs to be under the chin. The hip and knees must be in
full extension. For each rep, 1 head of the dumbbell needs to touch the
Jerk: you must reach the overhead position with the db/kb starting in
front rack position. The hips, knees and arms must be in full extension.
You can choose push jerk or split jerk (just make sure both feet are back
in one line before bringing the db/kb down).

Dumbbell/kettlebell deadlift
The deadlift starts with the db/kb on the floor, the db/kb is lifted until
the knees and hips reach full extension and the shoulders are behind
the kb/db. 1 Head of the db needs to touch the ground.

Dumbbell/kettlebell floor press

Lay down on your back with a dumbbell in one arm, arms are in a 90-
degree angle, then press the dumbbell out till the arm is fully extended.

Dumbbell/kettlebell hang power clean

You start in a fully extended position, then bring the dumbbell in a
hang position and bring the db/kb in front rack position, for the kb
hand should be below the chin. The hip and knees must be in full

Dumbbell/kettlebell lunges
You will pick up the db/kb and bring it in front rack position. Step
forward with 1 leg, while the trailing knee must make contact with the
ground. Then step back to a 2-foot standing. Alternate between legs.

Dumbbell/kettlebell overhead lunges

Each lunge begins with the db/kb overhead, the feet together while
standing tall. From there you will step forward with 1 foot while the
trailing knee touches the ground and the db/kb remains above your
(For the workout 9: you will perform 15m overhead lunges carrying the
db/kb overhead with the left arm and then switch into 15m overhead
lunges carrying the db/kb overhead with the right arm).


Dumbbell/kettlebell overhead squat

You start fully extended, with the db/kb overhead, from there you will
squat, with the hip crease below the top of the knee, and stand up
again, ensuring the hips, knees and arm are in full extension.

Dumbbell/kettlebell push jerk

You start in a fully extended position with the db/kb on top of the
shoulder (for the kb, hand needs to be under the chin), dip down,
extend the hips and dip down again under the db/kb to catch it in a
semi-overhead squat position. Then fully extend the hips and knees
while the arm remains in an extended overhead position.

Dumbbell/kettlebell push press

You start the movement with the db/kb in front rack position with the
db on the shoulder (for the kb hand should be below chin), you then
dip down and push the db/kb overhead, bringing the knees, hips and
arm fully extended at the top position.

Dumbbell/kettlebell row
You need to bend forward while you row with one arm the db/kb
towards your body. Keep your elbow in, keep your upper back straight
so don’t rotate with the movement and make sure to reach full range of

Dumbbell/kettlebell seated strict press

You will start from seated position, db/kb at shoulder position (for the
kb hand should be below chin), and press the db/kb overhead till the
arm is fully extended.

Dumbbell/kettlebell sit up
You start in seated position, with both feet on the floor, holding the
db/kb close to your chest. You will than lay down on the ground and
get back up to seated position while holding the db/kb close to your
chest during the whole movement.

Dumbbell/kettlebell snatch
The db/kb snatch starts with the db/kb on the ground and finishes with
the db/kb directly overhead. With each rep both heads of the db must
touch the ground. The db/kb must be lifted overhead in one motion.

Dumbbell/kettlebell squat
For the squat, the crease of the hip must clearly pass the top of the
knees in the bottom of the squat while holding the db/kb as you want.
You finish the movement with knees and hip in full extension.

Dumbbell/kettlebell squat clean

You start with the db/kb on the ground, You must reach the front rack
position with the db/kb while getting in a squat position ensuring the
hips are below the knees. Then extend, making sure the hip and knees
are fully extended.

Dumbbell/kettlebell swing
Swing the db/kb between your legs and swing it in one motion in an
overhead position. Hold the db with 2 hands as if you were holding a
kb. Arms must be behind the ears in the finishing position.

Dumbbell/kettlebell thruster
Each repetition of the thruster must move from the bottom of the
squat while the db/kb is at shoulder position (for the kb hand should be
below chin) to full lockout in overhead position. The crease of the hip
must clearly pass the top of the knees in the bottom of the squat. In the
overhead position the knees, hip and arm must be fully locked out.

Mountain climbers:
start in a plank position, only hands and toes are on the ground, then
tuck one knee in towards your chest, alternate between legs for each

Pike push up
Start in your plank position, step with your feet closer towards your
hand, getting the butt up so you are in a pike position. From there bent
through your arms till your head touches the ground and then push
yourself back up till you are back in the starting pike position with the
arms fully extended. Keep your chin in throughout the movement and
make sure you reach the triangle position when getting the head to the
ground compared with your hands

Come in a plank position, only elbows and toes touch the ground.
Squeeze your glutes.

Push up
You start in a plank position, leaning on hands and toes, no other parts
of the body touching the floor. Your chest must make contact with the
ground and then you push yourself back up to the starting position.

Sit up
You start in seated position, with both feet on the floor. You will
alternatively touch the floor in front of your feet and the floor behind
the head.

Lay down on the floor, and bring your feet and hands towards each
other (like the letter V). Keep your legs straight, when bringing the legs
and upper body back down, make sure your legs and shoulder blades
stay off the ground.

Go stand to the wall, get into squat position, knees at 90 degrees angle,
while your back is against the wall.

Any questions about the workouts?

contact us





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