c3 Structure and Bonding

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Chemistry Topic 3

Structure and bonding
Section 1: Bonding Key Terms Section 4: Small Carbon-Based Structures
A charged particle formed when atoms Section 2: Simple Covalent Molecules
lose or gain electrons.
Property Reason
An electrostatic attraction between two
Low melting and
Ionic bond oppositely charged ions (metal and There are only weak intermolecular forces between the molecules Graphene
boiling points (usually
non-metal). which don’t need much energy to overcome these forces.
gases or liquids)
The attraction between a negatively
charged particle and a positively charged Do not conduct Covalent molecules are not charged & have no free moving electrons.
attraction electricity
In ionic bonding, metals lose Covalent dot and cross Fullerene Nanotube
Metals electrons to become positively- diagrams show which atoms
charged ions. the electrons have come from
In ionic bonding, non-metals gain but don’t show relative size of Structure Properties Uses
electrons to become negatively- atoms or their arrangement in Hollow-
charged ions. Located on the right hand Water space. shaped, cage Drug delivery,
side of the periodic table. like structures Very strong. lubricants,
Section 3: Giant Covalent Structures Made of Carbon and tubes which Hollow so can catalysts (large
A large regular 3D structure that
Giant lattice Properties of Diamond Fullerene also contain contain other surface to
contains millions of bonds. In Giant covalent compounds, all the hexagonal rings. chemicals volume ratio)
A bond formed when non-metals atoms are bonded via strong covalent Property Reason E.g. within it. and in
share electrons. An electrostatic bonds in a giant lattice structure. Doesn’t
Covalent Diamond doesn’t contain Buckminsterfulle electronics
attraction between the positively charged conduct
bond delocalised electrons or ions. rene (C60)
nuclei of the bonded atoms and the electricity
In Diamond, each C Very strong &
electrons shared between them.
is bonded to 4 Each carbon bonds to 4 other
light. Has
A small group of atoms held together other carbons in Very hard carbon atoms with strong
Molecule A single layer delocalised
with covalent bonds. Not charged. a tetrahedral covalent bonds to form a lattice. Electronics,
Graphene of graphite electrons so it
arrangement. High A large amount of energy is composites.
Very large covalently bonded (one atom thick) is able to
Polymer melting needed to overcome all the strong
molecules with many repeating units. Diamond conduct
Graphite contains point covalent bonds in the lattice. electricity.
The bonding of a metal consists of a
layers of hexagons Properties of Graphite Very strong,
lattice of positive ions surrounded by a
with each carbon Property Reason Cylindrical light and
Metallic sea of delocalised electrons. The
bonding metallic bond is the Electrostatic having 3 bonds. The delocalised electrons are free tubes of carbon flexible. Has Nanotechnology
The extra Conducts
attraction between the positive ions and to move and carry charge Carbon atoms that are delocalised , electronics,
electrons become electricity
the delocalised electrons. through the structure. nanotube very long electrons so it reinforcing (e.g.
delocalised compared to is able to tennis rackets).
A mixture of two or more elements, Only weak intermolecular forces
between the Soft and their diameter. conduct
Alloy at least one of which is a metal. E.g. Graphite exist between layers, so layers
layers. slippery electricity.
steel is a mixture of iron and carbon. can slide..
Chemistry Topic 3
Structure and bonding
Section 5: Ionic Bonding Section 7: Metallic Bonding Section 8: Nanoparticles (triple only)

Nanoscience is the study of small particles that are

A pure metal consists of a between 1 and 100 nanometres in size.
lattice of positive ions
surrounded by a sea of Nanoparticles may have properties different from those for
delocalised electrons. the same materials in bulk because of their high surface
area to volume ratio.
Nanoparticles may result in smaller quantities of materials
Properties of Pure Metals e.g. catalysts being needed for industry.
Property Reason
When a metal and a non-metal react together, the metal atom loses
electrons and becomes a positive ion. The non-metal atom Strong electrostatic forces between the Uses Advantage
High melting Nanoparticles are smaller
gains electrons and becomes a negative ion. The ionic bond is a positive ions and delocalised electrons. Nanoparticles
strong electrostatic force of attraction between these Requires a large amount of energy to overcome. Sun cream (Zinc more effective than skin cells so can go
through the skin into the
oppositely charged ions. Conduct the delocalised electrons are free to move and oxide at blocking suns
electricity carry a charge. nanoparticles) rays.
Unpredictable effect on
Property Reason The delocalised electrons are free to move and
Conduct heat our cells?
Because it takes a lot of energy to overcome the many transfer thermal energy through the structure. Silver Inhibit growth
High melting Scientists are also worried
strong ionic bonds in the lattice. There is a strong nanoparticles of
point and boiling The layers are able to slide over each other so about nanoparticles
electrostatic force between the positive and
negative ions in the giant lattice. the metal can be bent and shaped. The attraction used in fridges, microorganisms
entering the environment
Conduct between the positive ions and delocalised electrons antimicrobial (protect against
and affecting aquatic life
Ions are able to move so there is a flow of charged prevents the metal from shattering. dressings. bacteria)
electricity when
ions (current).
liquid/ molten Section 9: States of matter
Do not conduct Alloys are harder than pure
electricity when Ions are in fixed positions so cannot flow. metals because the different
solid sized atoms distort the
Section 6: Polymers layers making it harder for
them to slide.
A polymer is a substance made from very large molecules
made up of many repeating units called monomers.
Steel is an alloy consisting of
Polymers are usually solid Iron and carbon
because the intermolecular Alloy Solid Liquid Gas
forces between polymer State symbol State symbol State symbol
molecules are relatively (s) (l) (g)
Monomer Polymer strong.

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