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A book
The visions of John in the New Testament Apocalypse have always
puzzled people. We read here: "No one should be able to buy or sell who
does not bear the name of the Beast or the number of its name as a sign
and imprint" (13.16-17); and expand »Here is wisdom itself speaking. He
who has understanding seeks the meaning that has the number of the
beast. It is man's number. And its number is 666. «(13.18) Frank Sunn
addresses everyone who is interested in deciphering the number 666 and
its metaphysical connections. The crux of the matter is the discovery that
John's warning relates to the present day and the immediate future. What
is meant is the combination of goods labeling barcodes, the Internet and
injectable identification chips, whose widespread use is imminent. These
techniques increase productivity and make work easier, but are also
increasingly used for manipulation and control purposes. Frank Sunn
names the forces that strive for an Orwellian system and describes how we
can defend ourselves against this danger.


Frank Sunn, born in 1947, holds a leading position in the computer

industry. He studied mathematics and physics with a focus on
astronomy. In addition, he has been researching astrology, Kabbalism and
occultism for more than two decades. He passes on various aspects of
these areas of knowledge in lectures and seminars. He is particularly
interested in the possibilities and dangers of influencing consciousness
with modern communication technology.


(1) The internet as a biblical vision

(2) The Internet and the PC
(3) Dragons and mythical Beasts
(4) How would a PC have been described 2000 years
(5) The Revelation of John
(6) The biblical warning against the Internet
(7) Security through encryption?
(8) Viruses and Trojan Horses
(9) How do I protect myself?
(10) We are being watched
(11) The Mark: credit cards and personal identification
(12) Why every intelligence service will soon know where
you are
(13) 666: the number of the beast
(14) The number 666, Hopi Indians and bar codes
(15) The “smart” card
(16) The syringe for "happiness"
(17) The beast and its masterminds
(18) Determine the course yourself
(19) Information society or Orwell's horror vision?
(20) Literature



This book has an extremely explosive content. The number 666 stands in
its meaning for threatening developments of the present, of which the most
fascinating, most popular and at the same time one of the most dangerous
is the Internet. In this book you can read what we are all getting involved in
worldwide and what is actually intended with the Internet. The current
technological development is controlled. The goal is total control of

In the Bible known today, which is a compilation of the most varied of

scriptures and traditions, a special section is completely out of the
ordinary. It is a very unusual text that has given rise to adventurous
speculations for centuries: the Revelation of John, also known as the John
Apocalypse, part of the New Testament.
John was given a vision of the future of mankind in a cave on the Greek
island of Pätmos. When I visited this cave in 1978 and - in memory of the
apostle John - meditated there, I had no idea that twenty years later his
vision would still keep me busy and sit up and take notice.

The mysterious number 666 plays a crucial role in the Revelation of

John. The deeper meaning of this number has puzzled many people so far,
and we will solve much of the puzzle in this book. The Bible sometimes
speaks a difficult language, and you too may have justified doubts about
the correct translation and interpretation of the Bible. After reading this
book you will have gained a completely new picture of the truth of the John
Apocalypse, the current events and the fatal effects of the Internet - and
you will hopefully have become very thoughtful.

To get straight to the point: I am not a Bible student or a man of the

Church. But as an insider, I can judge developments in computing very
well. If you know the technological facts and developments and read old
texts such as the St. John's Apocalypse with today's technical
understanding, then you discover a clear description of current
conditions. This passage from the Bible is full of warnings that we should
take very seriously.

Would you have thought the Bible told about screen work, computer
networking, and the Internet? Or via our goods labeling system with
barcodes? Or would you have even suspected that we should also be
labeled - better branded - with injected computer chips and that this has
already begun on Earth? Could you imagine that a lot of what we
understand as spontaneous or normal economic or technological
development is actually planned and controlled - with the sole aim of
making you an underage person who is totally controlled and monitored in
your expressions of life? Let yourself be surprised. You just have to know: it
will be a nasty surprise.

The enigmatic beast of Revelation with the number 666 has long since
been exposed, for the third time in our time. First with the barcodes for the
labeling of goods that are common today, then through the Internet and the
"World Wide Web", and finally through computer chips that are to be
implanted in all of us. But we'll get to that later.
Originally, this book was supposed to be a neutral presentation, a
comparison of biblical predictions and their interpretations and the current
reality of computer networks and the Internet. While writing the book and
collecting material it became increasingly clear that this neutral
presentation unfortunately does not hit the core of the current
development. We are faced with a global, largely unrecognized threat, a
development that would enable certain ruling circles on earth to control
humanity in a way that has never been done in known history. The internet
is the key to this. It is important to recognize this danger and to counter it.

The name of the Internet was of course not known at that time, but
Johannes was able to describe computer screens from a prophetic point of
view and also the dependency into which humanity would get through
computers. No word is used to describe the use of computers and
computer networking as a beneficial development - on the contrary. The St
John Apocalypse is all about how power is exercised over all people who
work with a computer. Complete human manipulation is the issue!

So don't be surprised if you find a portrayal of the Internet in this book that
is inconsistent with the usual euphoric portrayal of the fascinating
advantages and possibilities that we are supposed to open up. The total
package of internet, credit cards, video surveillance and chip marking leads
straight into modern slavery, into the total control of each
individual. Although this development is obvious if you look with open eyes,
we behave like a flock of sheep, some still think more like lemmings - those
animals that gather in a large herd in the Arctic every year and then
together over the cliffs into the sea (and plunge into death). We allow
ourselves to be manipulated (almost) at will and believe those who explain
to us.

This book does not call for resistance to computers, because we will not be
able to stop the development of technology. Even this book was written
with the help of a computer. But like every thing on earth, the increasing
computer network has two sides: one useful and one dangerous. We do
not need to waste many words in this book about the useful ones: The
media are full of praise and exuberance. Little reads about the
questionable, dangerous sides and developments, certainly for good
This is the first time that information is published that was previously only
available in English or not available at all. Interestingly, you can find most
of the information today on the Internet, the very medium that we want to
expose in its dangerousness. When you search the Internet using one of
the so-called search engines (Yahoo, AltaVista) for the keyword »666«, you
are currently rewarded with 360,000 entries! What you will not find,
however, are references to the fact that the Internet itself is an expression
and the most important instrument of the imminent incapacitation of all.

In this book I want to reveal for you what the Bible warned against: human
independence and freedom are in danger, more than ever before in
history. Be attentive to what is happening. The aim of the book is to help
you recognize the important signs of the times and to give you a better
basis for self-confident, independent action. The latter has always been
undesirable for the rulers of every state! If after reading this book you have
just become a little more thoughtful, the purpose of this book has not yet
been achieved. This book is designed to shake you up. If we all clearly
understand the intentions behind the Internet, we can create a mental
counterbalance and steer the current development in the direction that
seems right to us. We don't do that we behave like mindless puppets who
just play along with the game. If it takes a few decades for us to grasp what
this game is all about, it might be too late.



If you are already an insider of the Internet, you are welcome to skip this
chapter. For the other readers, a concentrated outline of the Internet is
given below.

The Internet with the World Wide Web (worldwide network) is beginning an
incomparable triumphant advance all over the world. In 1994, President Bill
Clinton declared a national goal in the USA to develop the Internet into an
"Information Super Highway"! Everyone should have access to it by
2005. Thanks to the World Wide Web, the Internet became multimedia,
interactive, and worldwide "surfing" on the Internet, access to any
information that was available anywhere in the world, became a
reality. Today you have access to information from companies or private
providers, to university libraries, news services or travel
services. Regardless of where you are in the world, and regardless of
which country the information provider is based in, you can get the
information you want on the screen.

The growth of the World Wide Web is so rapid that more information is
flowing into the network every day than a human being could possibly take
in. Any amount of information given on the Internet is already out of date by
the time it is announced. At the beginning of the 1990s there were around
30 million start pages (so-called "home pages") on the Internet. The annual
growth rate in 1998 was 600 percent. For 2000, 150 million e-commerce
subscribers and $ 250 billion in revenue are expected.

The terms World Wide Web and Internet are used almost synonymously
today. We too will follow this usage in this book. Nevertheless, it should be
briefly highlighted what the actual differences are.

The foundation stone for today's Internet was established in the USA by a
military project, the Arpanet. As with many computer developments and
standards in the IT industry, the American DOD (Department of Defense)
had a hand in this. In the Arpanet, four US university computers were
connected to one another. The objective was purely military. If individual
computers were to be destroyed in the event of a missile attack, then one
still wanted to have access to the entire database and the necessary
computing power from the spared computers. That was in 1969.

Three years later, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and electronic mail
(electronic mail) were introduced, both of which are still in use today. In
1983 the actual Internet came into being, in which at that time only 390
computers worldwide were connected and which communicated with each
other via the TCP / IP protocol 1 . In 1990 the World Wide Web was finally
developed at the European Research Center for Particle Physics CERN in
Geneva. Three years later there was the first graphical so-called web
browser 2and increasing commercial use of the Internet, previously used
primarily by university and military institutions. Today the user finds mainly
commercial and cultural providers on the Internet.
protocol = standardized method of data transmission
User program to be able to navigate the World Wide Web (browse = look

The World Wide Web (and the web browser) has developed, so to speak,
as a concept of a standard user interface 3 for the Internet. It is based on
the concept of so-called websites that are accessed by hyperlinks 4are
connected to each other. From a start page - the homepage - the user
moves to the next pages that interest him by clicking on highlighted text
passages (hyperlinks). Jumping from side to side, across the flood of
information on offer, is called surfing. The various services on the Internet,
including file transfer and e-mail, are integrated into the surface of the
World Wide Web. The actual user interface visible to the user is the so-
called web browser, software that is now often included in the standard
software of a PC.
User interface = user guidance on the screen through menus, buttons,
input fields, display areas, etc.
German: Super connections - options to jump to other information pages

The NIAC (National Infrastructure Advisory Council) was founded by the

American government to advise, among other things, the Ministry of
Economic Affairs on the use of the Internet. The NIAC pursues five goals
for the Internet in its work:

1. to ensure universal access and service,

2. to protect privacy and ensure security,
3. to protect intellectual property,
4. to promote the electronic economy,
5. Promote education and training.

In the further course of this book, we shall be concerned primarily with the
second point, i.e. the protection of privacy.

What can each of the now millions of users do with the Internet or the
World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web opens up a new world full of undreamt-of

possibilities. We are at the beginning of a development that will make it
easy for everyone to communicate with every other person on earth in a
variety of ways. All the information you need will be available to you
worldwide on the Internet, regardless of whether the provider is in Italy,
China or South America, and regardless of where you are.

You can watch TV, phone, email, fax, shop, search libraries, book trips
or lose yourself in the virtual worlds of Hyperspace 5 through a single
medium - the PC . Conferences can be handled over the Internet, contracts
can be concluded. You can complete entire courses of study or simply
access your daily newspaper over the Internet. You can do your banking
and much more from home - all from your "all-rounder", the PC.
German: Überraum - artificial worlds that can be »entered« via the

A wonder world opens up that should be promoted with all your

might. Everything that has been said about the Internet sounds fascinating,
doesn't it? Or so it seems! Two quotes from the "Handbook of Internet and
Online Services" should, however, already make you prick up your
ears. One is:

“The monitoring options also need to be clarified. Because there is no

privacy on the Internet. "

The other:

“Never think that you can safely conduct financial transactions over the
Internet. The Internet is open - nobody knows what is really going on with
the data while it is being transported over the network. "

How do you get to enjoy the Internet? Quite simply, you need two things: a
PC (from approx. DM 1500, -) and a modem. A modem is a small additional
device that enables you to carry out data communication over your
telephone connection. You can get such a modem from around DM 150.00,
and it is often already built into the PC. That's all. You usually get the
software you need for free. You can register with a so-called provider 6 ,
and you can "surf", that is, try out the immense possibilities of the Internet
and the World Wide Web.
Company that provides Internet access for you and whose telephone
number you have to dial.
You have the opportunity to spend more and more time in front of the
screen and instead of reading the newspapers, browse books in the couch
corner or at the bank and post office counters to do everything on the
screen. Isn't it very comfortable, isn't it?
However, technical development does not stop there. All over the world
they are working at full speed to develop a multifunctional device that
combines at least a television, PC, telephone and fax in one device. With
this all-rounder, which is guaranteed to be available at dumping prices -
because you want everyone to buy such a device - you probably don't even
need to leave the house. Today we see the first beginnings in video cards
for PCs, which allow you to watch TV with your PC. On the other hand,
boxes have now been developed that are connected to the television as
additional devices in order to make it "web-enabled". By now at the latest,
the critical observer will notice one thing: the apparent competition between
the two markets, television and PC, has only one goal, namely: »How do I
get all to the Internet? "

A principle of the Internet and the World Wide Web is that all information
must be available to everyone anywhere, anytime. Should that also include
your private data on your PC and the information about who you are in
private and business contact with over the Internet, as well as the content
of your - now electronic - letters? In this book we are not talking about
assumptions, but about facts: On the Internet there is already full control
and access to all your private data, as far as it is stored on the PC. You will
find out more about this in the chapter "Security through encryption?"

But before we turn to real and future dangers, in the following chapter we
will deal with a biblical fable that is mysteriously related to the Internet and
the World Wide Web.



In the Revelation of John, the John Apocalypse, that part of the New
Testament of the Bible that concerns us exclusively in this book, there is a
mysterious story that culminates in the mention of the number
"666". Perhaps you are familiar with it from previous reading. It tells of
goddesses, angels and dragons. The crazy thing is that this story is about
all of us! Here is a brief retelling of the story:

“A radiant goddess appeared in the heavenly worlds. She was heavily

pregnant. Her figure shone like a sun, the moon could be seen under her
feet, and she was crowned with a crown of twelve stars. The birth of her
child was imminent.

A huge, fiery red dragon approached the goddess to devour her child
immediately after the birth. The dragon had 7 heads, a crown and 10 horns
on each head. With his tail he had swept a third of all the stars from the sky
and thrown them to the earth.

The goddess gave birth to a son who was to become a spiritual guide of
mankind. Immediately after the birth, the child was brought to safety by
heavenly beings, to a higher, holy place. But the woman fled into the
desert, because the dragon pursued and threatened both of them. The
dragon was then fought by Michael, a heavenly leader. Michael gathered
all his angels around him, but the dragon fought in the midst of his
armies. After a while the dragon's power was no longer sufficient, it was
thrown to earth with its army.

Once on earth, the dragon lost no time and immediately began to pursue
the goddess, from whom it had wanted to take the child from the
beginning. But the goddess was given wings so that she could escape to a
safe place. The dragon then let a stream of water flow out of its mouth to
drown them in it. But the earth came to the aid of the woman and drank the
stream of water so that it could not harm the goddess.

Now the dragon turned his wrath against all who worshiped the
goddess. These were the ones who were guided by true and noble goals in
life. Then a beast with seven heads and ten horns rose from the sea, each
horn adorned with a crown. On all their heads were names of hostility to the
spirit. The body of the Beast looked strange, for it looked like a panther,
had feet like a bear and the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave the beast all
its power and strength. Mankind worshiped the dragon because he could
give such power to the Beast. Everyone also worshiped the Beast and
gave it a mouth, whereupon it began to speak words of enmity against the
spirit. It hurled curses against the divine world and all its inhabitants and
against all people, who led a godly life. It had the power to defeat these
people and rule the whole earth. The only thing that helped the good
people was their perseverance and belief in the ultimate victory of good.

Now a second Beast rose from the solid earth. It had two horns so that it
looked almost like a lamb, but its language was that of a dragon. Whatever
the first Beast did, it worked magically in front of its face. This second beast
made all humans worship the first beast. It can work miracles, such as
bringing fire from heaven, and it leads all earthly inhabitants astray.

It sees to it that an image is erected for the first Beast and that a spirit is
poured into it so that it can speak. Its only purpose is to make all worship
the first beast and those who do not find death.

It also has the effect that everyone imprints the mark of the Beast on their
forehead or right hand and that no one can buy or sell anything unless they
have this imprint. This Beast has the number 666 and it is also the number
of humans. The heavenly inhabitants began to warn all people that those
with the imprint of the beast on their foreheads or hands would endure
excruciating torments from fire and brimstone for many eons. This would
happen to all who have accepted the coinage of the name or worship its
image. All those get a nasty, ominous boil.

After many calamities that have occurred on earth and evil omens that
have appeared, the realm of the beast darkened and people gnawed their
tongues in agony. From the jaws of the beast and the dragon emerged
three demonic spirits in the shape of frogs. They began to gather all the
kings of the earth for a great war, for a final battle of good against evil at
the site of Armageddon. "

This fairy tale, in a nutshell, about dragons and strange Beasts doesn't
actually sound like it has anything to do with the present or any real
event. After all, the Brothers Grimm and other storytellers have something
similar to offer, and today fairy tales are actually more of a symbolic
meaning, which are supposed to describe inner processes on the path of
human life.

In this case, however, it is a matter of a revelation, of events that are to

come. Are these representations really only symbolic? We will provide
information about this and what the story really means in the next few
chapters, and you will be amazed!




How do we come to the fact that in the John Apocalypse, from a prophetic
point of view, computer screens are actually reported?

In archeology and antiquity, we increasingly encounter the phenomenon

that earlier misinterpretations of texts (e.g. the Bible) and artefacts could
only be corrected when our current technological development has reached
a level that has completely different, in some cases revolutionary,
conclusions allows.

It becomes clear that the history of mankind and advanced civilizations

goes back much further than was previously assumed. Furthermore, it
seems that we have not been in a steady upward trend since the Stone
Age, but that phases of cultural prosperity and highly developed technology
have constantly alternated with opposite phases of decline. As a result, we
are technologically only in an upward trend of a historical "wave

Smaller objects that were found, for example, in Egyptian burial chambers,
but also in South American ruins, were classified as cult objects - until the
airplane was invented in this century. With this new knowledge it was found
that the archaeologists had found perfect, aerodynamically correctly
designed aircraft models! Another example are ancient Indian scriptures
that depict wars of the gods. At least that was the opinion of the last
century when these writings were translated into English and
German. Translated and interpreted again with today's knowledge, one
reads terrifying depictions of nuclear wars and missile attacks!

The Bible translation suffered a similar fate. In the Bible we find

descriptions from the early days of mankind, which have been proven to
have been translated incorrectly and misleadingly 7 , as well as prophetic
statements which must remain meaningless without knowledge of the
specific time period and its technical and cultural status. So also the
apocalypse of John. In addition, there is the difficulty of a prophet like John
to have to represent future circumstances correctly from a prophetic point
of view, but with a completely inadequate vocabulary.
The author Zecharia Sitchin provides excellently researched material on
this (see bibliography).

Let us take a look back at the turn of the ages around 2000 years ago. We
find a society that lives largely from agriculture and animal husbandry. The
educational level of the general population is catastrophic and life
expectancy is low.

At this time, as in all times, there are a few extraordinarily gifted people,
prophets, who are shown the future or parts of it. These prophets warn of
possible coming events. Often they are not taken seriously because their
statements are inconvenient or because their contemporaries simply do not
have the foresight or the imagination that the events described could
occur. And a point in time for an event is almost never given in such

To anticipate it right away: If you saw hundreds and thousands of people

staring into a screen in a vision like the one that happened to Johannes
2000 years ago, how could you as a religiously and spiritually oriented
person think otherwise than that all these people have a picture worship,
and a picture that can speak, as today's PCs already do with voice output?

Suppose that our seer, in this case the prophet and Christ disciple John,
also sees a world of rationalism coming, a world that is materially oriented
through and through. A world that must appear absolutely threatening to a
spiritual person and bearer of Christ's teaching, since all spiritual values are
threatened with decay. How would such a world and such a zeitgeist
describe? How about a gigantic monster, threatening and terrifying? Such a
monster is the dragon, hostile to humans since ancient times, insidious and
difficult to fight.

Now let's imagine that this dragon, as a zeitgeist, not only creates a
technical world, but also computer systems and networks as the latest
development: a "mythical creature" that stretches its necks and heads in all
directions. Let us consider: John lived 2000 years ago. How did he want to
describe technical developments and today's mindset? This was impossible
in his time, unless he used pictures and symbols as an aid, or at least a
vocabulary that was in use at the time.

Assigning dragons and Beasts to the correct phenomena of our present

time was made possible, on the one hand, by the fact that the
corresponding sections of the Apocalypse appear directly before the
number "666" is mentioned, which is analyzed in chapter "666: The
Number of the Beast", among other things. We encounter this number
today in a variety of ways with all the negative effects already mentioned in
the Bible. On the other hand, the technical development has only now
reached such a level that the predictions made at that time can be

Following the description of the dragon, the apocalypse describes a Beast,

also with many necks and heads, that rises from the sea. Water, or the sea,
has always been used as a symbol for the inexhaustible spirit of man, the
collective consciousness, but also his creativity. Translated, this picture
means: The zeitgeist creates a technology whose units (computers) have
the tendency to network, first on a small scale, then worldwide. We want to
clarify this interpretation below.

Figure 1 shows you - as an example - a modern multi-storey office building

that has a large data center with one or more mainframes on its ground
floor. In addition, there are medium-performance computers on each floor,
so-called department computers or servers, and in all rooms we find
computers on the desks, either simple screens or workstations or PCs. All
workstation systems are connected to the mainframes in the data center
via the department computers. This was in the last few years before the
advent of the Internet and is for the most part still the typical IT situation in
larger companies today.
Fig. 1: Computer networking in an office building

You have a small network in front of you which, with its wiring and devices,
looks like a nervous system, like a living organism, if you can imagine the
walls and other parts of the building away with a little imagination. This
organism, this "Beast", has intelligence, "nerve currents" flow, the screens
begin to speak (voice input and output), the operators sit in front of it
"adoring" (as it is written in the Johannes apocalypse). You are very
specifically in the clutches of this "office beast". As I said: think of the
imagination of a person 2000 years ago! They work screen-channeled, ie
their workflow is increasingly controlled by the computer software, and desk
work is being replaced by screen work. Soon they will be telephoning with a
PC or via the screen, etc. The chain could be continued indefinitely. The
screen determines more and more your everyday office life and, as we
shall see, your private life too. At the same time, they are increasingly
being monitored. Internal and external conversations with others are
replaced by electronic mails that others can read and automatically filter for
content. Activity controls are already taking place in many companies, as
special software can be used to track what everyone is doing on the screen
(see the chapter "How do I protect myself?"). that can be read by others
and automatically filtered for content.

Why did we choose this example when we are actually talking about the
Internet? Quite simply: The computer networking situation in the office
building described above, which we have known for about 20 years, is a
forerunner of the Internet on a small scale. Globally, ever larger computer
networks are emerging, which in turn have networked to form a global
"Beast": the Internet and the World Wide Web. And indeed: Let us again
use our imagination and think about all other creations on the earth's
surface for a moment, and only the computer networks, the data centers
and the end devices (screens, PCs) should stop, then we'll see each other
Compared to world-encompassing beings, actually more of a spider with its
cobweb: The translation of the World Wide Web also means:

But in the future, not only your everyday office life will be determined by the
screen, but also your private life! This external control will increase to such
an extent that your existence - money, civil rights, privacy - will depend to a
large extent on the Internet in combination with the credit card or smart
card (see the chapter "The Mark: Credit Cards and Personal Identification
Cards"). Nothing will remain hidden from the state. They become
completely controllable and manipulable. We'll explore why in this book.

Fig. 2: Earth with World Wide Web (global network)

This computer network is also not a neutral network, but it lives 8 and
growing. The intelligence of the computer increases from year to year,
more and more »thinking power« and also decision-making power is
transferred to the computer. Some authors already speak of the fact that
mankind is about to build a huge machine, a network of computers that
includes all the computers in the world.
Computers are not necessarily lifeless machines. They have a certain
level of intelligence, even if at the moment they only seem to be doing what
we want them to do. Here, however, we are talking about a very broad
concept of intelligence that does not only apply to organic living
beings. Today we speak of primitive forms of intelligence, which also
include inanimate matter. In general, this theory says that every structure,
be it a crystal, a metal, a stone or a computer, has a certain
intelligence. The more complex the material structure, the higher the level
of intelligence. Computers even have an artificial "nervous system" and
accordingly have an extremely high degree of involvement compared to
unprocessed metals or other raw materials.

Isn't it obvious that a prophet 2000 years ago described such a never-
before-seen structure as an "Beast"? This Beast has all the powers and
abilities of the dragon, the zeitgeist, as it is named in the Bible. What is that
supposed to mean ?

Today's computers and computer networks with their software technology

are a result of mechanical-rational thinking. Today attempts are being
made to rationalize the environment and all daily processes and to "pour"
them into software. (Please excuse the use of language, you can tell from
my past in the software industry.) Today there is almost no office that can
still get by without a computer. Home PC sales are increasing year on year,
and the industry is trying hard to sell a PC in every household. The
computer magazine PC-Direkt (6/99) reports that in 1999 31.4 percent of
German households were equipped with a PC. According to an estimate by
the Federal Statistical Office, 17 million computers are owned by private

In the future, everything should be handled by PCs: letters and faxes,

phone calls, television, shopping, banking and much more. A triumph of the
human spirit, an unparalleled dawn of communication, in which you can
connect with the whole world through your screen. People are amazed at
the new technical possibilities, especially the youth, they are fascinated and
often just too willing to follow this new trend immediately.

In the John's Apocalypse, this trend is portrayed as admiration and

adoration. And it is also said that no one dares to attack this Beast. Isn't
that also very true? Anyone who dares to stand against this trend today is
out, is ignored, their articles are often not published, or at least this weak
resistance is drowned out in the loud cheers for the new technology.

From the computer technology, the first Beast, a second Beast develops,
possibly a technology that we can still expect. People erect images of the
first beast that they worship. Let us again imagine that a person 2000 years
ago gets a glimpse into an open-plan office of today, in which all the people
present there hardly talk, but silently look (or stare) at screens. Doesn't it
look like devotional worship? And these screens are still starting to talk,
because that's the latest technological development. This, too, is described
in the Bible: "It ensures that a spirit is poured into the image of the Beast so
that it can speak!"

Before we go further into the exciting details and larger contexts, we will
now deal with the original Bible passage (in German translation) from the
Revelation of John.



To understand the following Bible passage and its necessary

reinterpretation, we summarize the essentials about the symbolism and
language use 2000 years ago:

The sea has always been a symbol for the collective unconscious of man
(see the findings of the psychologist C. G. Jung) or a symbol for the
unfathomable depths of the human mind, but also for its creativity and

With mind the spiritual and divine side of man has always meant, not the
intellectual content of his brain function. Humanity is developing not only
intellectually, but also spiritually and spiritually and must do so against
tremendous opposition. A purely rational thinking, a purely scientific
worldview, as we have produced it today, is in itself a current that does not
necessarily correspond to the intended spiritual further development of man
or can only represent an intermediate stage.

Enmity against the human spirit is always that which restricts, enslaves and
manipulates it, i.e. does not release it.
The forth is seen as living beings of a computer network with the screens
as terminals. This Beast can speak and people sit in front of it, fascinated
("adore it").

The dragon is the spirit of the times, which brings about the purely rational,
factual thinking and ignores or suppresses the spiritual and emotional side
of the human being.

Bible text 13.1-4

And I saw an Beast rise from the sea . It had ten horns and seven heads,
and wore ten crowns on its horns, and

on their heads were names of hostility to the spirit. The Beast I saw was
like a panther, but it had feet like a bear and its mouth was like that of a

And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority. One
of its heads appeared to be mortally wounded, but its death wound was

The whole earth world followed the Beast in admiration. Everyone

worshiped the dragon. because he gave the Beast such authority .

New translation / interpretation

And the plan for a computer network emerged from the

collective consciousness and was realized ...

... The main idea and motive behind it were the enmity
against the free spirit, the spiritual in people.

The real rulers of this world equipped the network with every
imaginable possibility.

... All countries in the world were fascinated by the

possibilities of the network. They praised the engineering
spirit behind it that had created such a powerful network.
Bible Text 13.7-8

And he was given the strength to unleash a war against the spiritually
devoted people and to defeat them. Superior power was given to him over
all tribes and peoples and languages and races.

All the inhabitants of the earth will worship the Lord, although his name was
never written in the book of life ...

New translation / interpretation

The new trend to implement this network everywhere was so

powerful that all true spirit people were powerless against
it. The network was intended to enslave all peoples,
languages and races.

All inhabitants of the earth will sit in front of its screens,

although it was never a real being in the sense of a divine

Bible text 13.11-13

And I saw a second Beast. It rose from the solid earth and had two horns,
so that it looked like a lamb, but its language was like that of a dragon.

In everything that the first Beast has authority to do, it works magically in
front of the same. It causes the earth and all of its inhabitants to worship
the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.

And it does great magical works. It even brings fire from heaven and lets it
come down to earth in front of people.

New translation / interpretation

And I saw a second invention: the software that runs on

network terminals (PCs) around the world. This software
made a harmless impression, but the controlling spirit
behind it was that of the desired world domination.
The PC is an integral part of everything the network can do
and provides visual communication. Everyone on earth
looks at the screens.

Computer controls can do even more: They can control

rockets, bombs and other war material and detonate them.

Bible text 13.14-15

It misleads the inhabitants of the earth by the miracles it is able to perform

before the face of the first beast.

Through his words it causes the inhabitants of the earth to erect an image
of the Beast that had the sword wound and yet remained alive.

It also ensures that a spirit is poured into the image of the Beast so that it
can speak. It does this because it wants all who do not worship the image
of the beast to find death.

New translation / interpretation

The PC software leads the people of the earth astray

through the seemingly fantastic possibilities it offers.

The technical enthusiasm, media and advertising make it

possible that everyone wants to use the computer network
via monitors, although its risks and information leaks are

The software ensures that the PC is equipped with language

and thinking skills. This all-round equipment for a universal
device is therefore being promoted so that people only use it
to carry out all activities. Without using a PC, they lose their

Bible text 13.16-17

Furthermore, it has the effect that everyone, small and large, rich and poor,
free and unfree, stamp a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.

Nobody should be able to buy or sell who does not bear the name of the
Beast or the number of its name as a sign and imprint.

New translation / interpretation

Furthermore, the system or its operator ensures that every

person receives a marking (laser or microchip) on their
foreheads or hands instead of the previous IDs.

Only with this mark is a person allowed to buy or sell.

Bible text 13.18

Here wisdom itself speaks. Whoever has understanding seeks the meaning
which the number of the beast has. It is man's number. And its number is

New translation / interpretation

The abbreviation for the worldwide network is "www". The

numerical value of these letters is 666. This is also the
number of a human stage of development.

In the next few chapters we will examine the individual statements of the
prophecy in detail. You will probably be surprised how far the fatal
development foreseen in the Bible has already become a reality. But we
will also examine how we can not only protect ourselves, but also steer
events in a constructively positive direction.



In the revelation passages presented and reinterpreted in the previous
chapter, we encounter three exciting, and in some cases also unsettling,
phenomena that were seen by John 2000 years ago:

• Computer networks and screens on which people will work (in front of
which they sit "adoring" and which rule their whole life),
• once on your hand or forehead, which serves as identification and entitles
you to buy and sell,
• and the number of the Beast "666", the number of humans.

All three topics belong together, are developments of the rational,

materially oriented spirit and are presented in the revelation as a mistake,
which ends in the fact that the people who submit to the Beast will have to
endure real agony.

In this chapter, let's first look at the Internet and the World Wide
Web. Where could the dangers lie? From today's perspective, the network
itself offers enormous advantages. We will be able to gain access to
information that until now we have only dreamed of. From home we will be
able to do all kinds of business and transactions, many people will be able
to work from home if they so choose.

Together with you, I want to develop a vision that is based on what can
already be seen today, what is already available as a technological
development and what can be read today as a declaration of intent. You
will see what tremendous trap we could fall into!

Today everyone still has the choice whether they want a PC or not. If he
uses a PC at home, he also has the choice of whether it should be a stand-
alone device or whether it should be "connected to the network". Soon he
will no longer have that choice! The user interfaces (e.g. Windows from
Microsoft) are already being built in such a way that Internet access is an
integral part. This means that it is no longer apparent whether you are
accessing local (in your own PC) or network-wide resources. Resources
either refer to programs or any documents or other information.

They are working on building the software products in such a way that they
no longer run completely on their own PC, but only parts of them are on
their own PC, while other parts are downloaded from the Internet. The main
part of the software runs on some remote network computer. This
development also means that in the future software will no longer be
delivered on floppy disks or CDs, as is the case today, but that it can only
be installed over the network! Now try to get by without a network.

"Never mind!" You will say, the network only offers advantages. Far from it,
one must unfortunately say. Today it is no longer a secret that the Internet
has so many security gaps that a specialist or even a hacker can "get into"
every PC, that is, you can gain access to your PC from
outside. Incidentally, this is already being said about a leading software
company. Allegedly, it checks which software versions you have installed
over the Internet (at the moment this still applies in the event that you have
signed a corresponding software update contract with the company). When
installing a product from this company, for example, you will be »invited« to
open your PC for external access: »... Setup has been successfully
completed. If you have a modem, you can now click> Online registration
<click to conveniently register your new software with ... from your
computer. «At that moment you have opened your PC for the Internet and
the software company's search programs and you no longer know what is
actually being checked for you will. It is astonishing that, as far as I know,
the users have not yet protested against such practices or have reported
when they actually take place. After all, it would be an unauthorized
intrusion into privacy, even if the concluded contract may allow it. What is
certain is that every service provider on the Internet whose "Web Page"
you call up would be able to get an overview of the software installed on
your PC (see also the chapter "Viruses and Trojan Horses").

J. Bradley Young, attorney from St. Louis, reported on the practices of an

operating system that was no longer up-to-date but is still in use on
personal computers: “It was discovered that the new registration 'wizard'
built into the operating system was in fact searches the user's hardware,
saves the hardware and software information and reports the information
back to the software manufacturer via the modem. « 9

The software producer said that the information would help to understand
customers' buying habits and to tailor the software to them better in the
future. That was the official reason. It is clear that this information can of
course also be sold to other companies and that it enables the
manufacturer to track down unauthorized copies of the software.
About the subsequent version of the operating system it became known
that at least one hardware identification was read out. The hardware
identification was used by the word processor, also from this company, to
generate unique identifiers for generated documents, from which not only
the PC emerged, but also the user name. The suspicion arose that the
company could create huge databases in order to be able to trace the
authors of individual documents. After all, this mechanism actually made it
possible to find the originator of the Melissa virus. The software
manufacturer described reading out the hardware identification as an error
that would be corrected and stated that it wanted to expand the document
identification again. Technical details on how to determine which
information is actually being read from which programs or Internet pages
and how to protect yourself can be found in the computer magazine PC-
Direkt, issue 6/99

But it gets "better". Quietly and clandestinely, or more correctly, largely

ignored by the public, a law has been passed in the Federal Republic of
Germany that obliges every provider on the Internet to create a so-called
interface to the outside via which the secret or Intelligence services can
provide insight into which users are using which service and what they are
doing there over the network. Few protested. We just put up with it!

Now let's think about what happens when all mail or fax traffic goes over
the Internet. This development has already started with giant strides. The
secrecy of letters is no longer guaranteed in any case. Government and
intelligence services will have unrestricted access to what you send and
receive over the Internet. Letters are already being opened now and then,
but how much easier it will be to check them in the future. Letters cannot be
searched automatically, but emails can!

The danger that not only secret services but also completely "normal
hackers" (computer experts who specialize in breaking into foreign
computer systems) gain access to all kinds of information on your PC or to
the information you exchange with others, is generally recognized. The
solutions discussed in this context all have to do with data
encryption. Regardless of whether it is about sensitive account data,
transferring money over the Internet or simple letters, you can see the need
to either make the data unreadable for the uninvited guest by encrypting
the data or, for example, to devise mechanisms for monetary transactions,
which ultimately also dealing with encryption and passwords again.

For encryption, as encryption is also called, a key is needed, just as,

conversely, the recipient needs a key for decryption or decryption, the
same one that the sender used. These keys are often character strings -
any sequence of letters, special characters and digits - or bit patterns - any
sequence of zeros and ones, e.g. 100101011110001 - of a certain
length. The longer a key is, the more secure it is, because "cracking"
(deciphering) the key requires computers with high computing power. The
longer the key, the longer these computers have to do with the decryption.

There was and still is a great deal of controversy about the encryption
options that are permitted or available, including the fact that the US
Department of Defense has an allegedly "unbreakable" key that is officially
not allowed to be sold on the world market. Why this is so, is sure to make
sense to everyone. After all, we're supposed to be controlled and not the
secret service, right?

In the next three chapters we will deal in more detail with data encryption
and other protective measures. If these chapters are too technically
oriented for you, you can also continue with the next chapter "We are being



Current experience reports show that any encrypted message can be

decrypted (= decrypted), no matter how complicated or long the key is, as
long as you have enough computing power 10and accordingly has enough
money available to be able to buy this computing power. The length in bits
is a frequently used criterion for the quality of the key. In the PC magazine
DOS 4/97 in the article »Cryptology« you can read the following: »But even
56-bit encryption is no longer secure. According to a survey by
Computerworld USA among cryptographers, a private hacker with a budget
of the equivalent of 600 marks would theoretically need 38 years to crack
such a code. A company that uses DM 450,000 can do this in three
hours. And secret services with equipment costing 450 million marks 12
seconds are enough. "
Capacity of a computer, e.g. processor speed, number of processors,
main memory capacity

The insecurity of data networks and computers is also very clear in the
problems with which the American military is struggling. Modern armies,
like all large organizations, increasingly use computer systems that are
networked with one another to control their operations and to manage
themselves. This is where the Internet came into being (see the chapter
"The Internet and the PC").

There are now defense units in the American armed forces that are
exclusively dedicated to "information warfare". One of their main tasks is to
fend off attacks on the central computer with secret data. In the next few
years, the Americans want to invest 3 billion dollars (!) In these
activities. The US Department of Defense has around 2 million computers
and 200 command centers.

The DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) had targeted attacks

carried out on the computers and networks of the Ministry of Defense to
check the security of the system. Of 38,000 bogus attacks from the
Internet, 65 percent were successful, but only 4 percent were detected at
all, and only about a third of these were reported to supervisors. This
information was taken from the journal »Konrad«, issue 1/97. It is also
reported there: »Attackers have obtained and falsified secret information,
stolen, modified and destroyed both data and programs. They installed
unwanted files and even built in "back doors" that circumvent normal
protection systems and allow attackers to gain unauthorized access in the
future. They shut down entire systems and networks or let them crash. "

Knowing now that the military are known for having the best protection
systems, you can imagine how easy it is to break into your computer via
the Internet. You will then no longer have any privacy!

Doesn't it look as if we are not only growing into an information age, but
also into an age in which all information will be accessible to everyone,
including private information? Do we like it that much?
Some authors are particularly concerned with the dangers of e-mail
(electronic messages on the Internet, successor to letters that are still
common today). They compare sending an email to writing a postcard:
anyone, not just the recipient, can read it. Contrary to the earlier applied
internships, suspicious or open "interesting" envelopes to water vapor,
there have e-mail Supervisor much simpler: With specially written for
programs can all email (or just specific addressees) on the Internet
automatically scanned 11 are , ie it is searched specifically for
keywords. How convenient!
automatic search processes for specific keywords

How do you stop such practices? Assuming that you would rather write
letters than postcards so that not everyone can read your exchange of
information, I can only recommend that you encrypt your messages. But
there is a small problem: The recipient must have the same key as you and
usually a password (authorization code).

The use of such encryption software is therefore usually only practical if

you often have to deal with the same correspondence partners. With
constantly changing addressees, this procedure is too impractical. For such
cases, a generally widespread encryption method that is particularly easy
to use will soon be recommended. These procedures are of course also
known to the controlling authorities, so largely useless! Of course you could
say: "If I want them to know everything if I want to do something privately, I
don't go over the computer network!" You still have this choice, but
probably not soon!

Can you imagine a future that is very soon ahead of us, in which there are
no more correspondence and post boxes, in which all bank counters have
disappeared and there are almost no shops where you can buy in
person? Can you imagine that you can hardly buy or sell anything in the
traditional way and that you can no longer handle payments and letters
without the network? And when you travel, where do you book it? Over the
internet. Telephone calls: over the Internet.

"Not that bad, on the contrary," you might think. I am spared many trips and
have time for other things. This is correct if you are a "good" citizen who
behaves completely inconspicuously and compliantly. But remember, there
is the possibility of total control by state organs. We know what happens in
dictatorships (and not only there) with people who pronounce or circulate
things that are not pleasant to the leadership: They are, for example,
"criminalized" by the state organs or the secret services and lose all
rights! And how do the state and secret services find out what opinions
these suspicious or disliked people give of themselves, with whom they are
communicating, where they are going and what else they are doing? Over
the internet.

The feared "glass citizen" becomes a cruel reality.

You are certainly aware that even in today's so-called democracies,

unpleasant people are sometimes "sidelined," that is, they are defamed,
ridiculed, maybe lose their job or even have to go to prison because they
are accused of a fictitious crime. This happens not only when there is
political opposition, but also when, for example, scientists advocate
theories that contradict the prevailing scientific opinion or knowledge, or
when their discoveries could destroy billions in sales in a certain branch of
industry. You can find examples of this in medical research, in physics and
psychology, but also in computing.

Perhaps you remember a television broadcast in Germany in 1996, in

which it was reported how, as a result of an espionage contract in the USA,
special computer chips were developed which, using special software,
could be made to transmit radio signals about everything when traffic was
running on the computer. So you were able to eavesdrop on these
computers from a distance. The reporters suggested that these chips are
built into common personal computers today. An inquiry to Microsoft, one of
the world's leading software producers, e.g. Windows, only resulted in:
Opinion rejected.

I am reporting this to you not only because there is another leak in the
computer network, but also because the inventor of the said chip,
according to him, was criminalized (drugs were allegedly a very common
method in his house) and is now in prison. Fortunately, he had courage and
was interviewed.

So let's be clear: The Internet will become an unlimited one

Provide control over what you do over the network. We all have to ask
ourselves: Is this what we want or do we need to do about it? Everyone has
to find the answer for himself.

The following experience, which I had in May 1999, sheds light on the
explosiveness of the issues of eavesdropping and encryption. Due to some
interesting internet articles I contacted the scientist A. from an Eastern
European country by e-mail (personal details are omitted here for his
protection). I requested more information about his published medical
findings. When I asked whether it would be better to encrypt the letters in
the future with regard to further e-mail traffic, the following answer came
back immediately: »Please do not encrypt your e-mail! I know that a secret
service officer is sitting in the next apartment and is tracking my every
keystroke with a special device. Send me in plain text only. Anything else
will get me in trouble. ”I think



So far we have mainly talked about which control possibilities arise from
the outside, so who can monitor in which way, which business telephone
calls etc. you conduct over the Internet. Unfortunately, access to the
network on your PC is also the gateway for malefactors who aim to destroy
your data

Internet pages that you call up on the World Wide Web may have active
elements, so-called ActiveX controls or Java applets 12 , which are
activated on your PC by you or automatically. In this way, data on your PC
can be falsified or destroyed, or the entire PC can be put out of operation to
such an extent that you are forced to reformat your hard disk. The result is
a total loss of data.
mini programs that turn to run on your computer

So-called computer viruses are smuggled into you in this way, but also via
e-mails, which start their crimes either immediately or with a time delay of a
few weeks or months. Viruses are parts of programs that you "attach" to
files or programs. This will either destroy them or your computer will have a
total disaster.

As with humans, it is advisable not to fight the viruses only when they have
already established themselves in the system, but to strengthen the
immune system and mobilize the defenses. Virus protection programs take
over this function on the PC. These programs are the first to start when you
switch on your PC and remain active for the entire duration of the switch-
on. Whenever you open an e-mail from the network or load a file from the
network onto your PC, this program checks whether the text read or the
copied file is infected or not. In doing so, it is dependent on the
accumulated know-how of known viruses. New viruses are so often not
recognized! As viruses keep emerging in new forms, it is important to
always have the latest version of anti-virus software installed.

Another nasty thing are the Trojan horses. These are programs that are
smuggled into you via the Internet or e-mail, for example, and which
automatically send data outside without your noticing, whenever you have
logged on to the network. Which of your data will be sent? Well, everyone
interested in the Trojan Horse sender. This can be user authorizations,
bank details, credit card numbers, telephone numbers, e-mails, actually
anything that could be of interest in your data and your communication.

Just as every Internet server stores the names of all Internet pages that
you have called up, so does your own PC. Every web browser keeps files
in which what you are doing is completely logged. If you use the Netscape
browser, just for fun enter the following instead of any Internet address:
"about-global" or "about: cache". What you see there can also be seen
"outside". Simply delete the files with the current date in the browser
directories after each Internet session - and curious people will be left
empty-handed. By the way, there is software for this tidying up on your PC,
often included as a free supplement on CDs, as is included with almost
every computer magazine today.

Another way to get to “useful” information is with the “packet

sniffers”. These are programs that search the whole network for passwords
or credit card numbers. Sometimes entire server connections are
kidnapped and replaced by your own connections in order to gain access to
otherwise protected information. You may be faked pages or even entire
subnets on the web to coax confidential information from you or to induce
financial transactions. There are apparently no limits to creativity here

Viruses, Trojan horses, and similar "courtesies" from malevolent Internet

users are widespread today, and you should be aware of the threat. All
the data you have stored on your PC is at risk. It is therefore advisable to
take protective measures if you really want to surf the Internet or want or
need to use it for your business transactions. One possibility are the virus
protection programs already mentioned.

Another way to protect against viruses is to buy a second PC. You have
stored your sensitive data on one PC, while you surf the net on the
other. This way nobody has access to your data and a virus can destroy
your internet software or the operating system. Inquisitive hackers or their
Trojan horses will be disappointed. But here too, of course, there is still the
risk that you will learn passwords for protected applications or credit card
numbers. If you are asked to provide your credit card number when making
any online purchase, please do not do so! Orders can still be sent via
conventional mail.

The best protection is still not to use the Internet at all!

Telephone systems are another point of attack for viruses. While the post
lines used to be bugged, of course only in the case of a justified suspicion
of criminal activity, modern digital, so-called ISDN-enabled private branch
exchanges can be easily reprogrammed with viruses and then tapped
unnoticed. Virus protection programs are ineffective in this case. This is
how industrial espionage is successfully carried out today. Not only are
conversations overheard, but the data streams that distant computers
exchange with each other via the telephone system are also tapped.

This uncertainty factor is also of interest to private individuals with an

Internet connection, because Deutsche Telecom advertises ISDN
connections and appropriately equipped telephones. Many homeowners
have already had an ISDN connection installed in order to be able to
operate several devices (fax, telephone, PC) via a single connection or to
connect a small house system that operates several telephones in the
house. A trained hacker can reprogram this house system from the
outside 13 without you noticing. For the Internet, ISDN is interesting
because of its high data transfer rate. Thus, not only has the Internet
become a risk factor, but also the telephone system itself.
NT-Journal 6/97, Reinhold Scheu: "The great eavesdropping has long
been a fact"

Telephones with a hands-free system (built-in microphone) represent an

additional risk 14. Like answering machines with room
monitoring functions they can be reprogrammed by means of a stealth
call and from this point on they can be used from the outside to eavesdrop
on the room in which the device is located. The phone does not ring when it
is eavesdropping, so you do not even notice.



Should we protect ourselves? And from what? It all depends on your

mentality. If you are a person who regularly tells your neighbors and friends
everything about yourself and likes to disclose your life, then you will feel
no need to protect yourself just because communication is now over the
Internet. But if you are more of a person who does not want to expose his
private life, then there is an urgent need for action.

Mind you, the point is not to evade state control because one is planning
something criminal or perhaps wants to become an anarchist
undetected. But we are already so closely monitored that any further
increase in control is actually intolerable if we want to have a limited private

So what is to be done?

There are a number of measures that you can carry out yourself, some of
which have already been described in the previous chapter. There are
others that you can and should advocate for if you are an active user of the
Internet and want your privacy to be protected in other areas of social life
as well. Some of the following tips are taken from the article "Social Space
Internet" by Alexander Rossnagel (Spectrum of Science, Dossier 1/98):

• Encrypt your data: files or e-mails that you send can be encrypted with the
help of special software. The prerequisite is that the recipient knows the
key or has the same software (see chapter »Security through encryption?«,
Page 44 ff.).
• You can hide confidential information in harmless files and images
(steganography). In this way, you can, for example, secure the copyright
through electronic "watermarks". There is software for this.
• Another protection option is encrypted checksums, also known as digital
signatures. Their use can be used to determine whether a message has
been falsified or really comes from the specified author or sender. There is
software for this too.

But there are other protection options:

• Use two computers - one PC for private use without an Internet

connection, and a second for communication in the Internet. In this way you
protect sensitive data and you prevent any access to it.
• Switch off the device and disconnect it from the Internet whenever the
Internet connection is not needed. Without the Internet there is no outside
• Install a powerful and up-to-date virus scanner to protect your computer
and your programs and stored files (see the chapter "Viruses and Trojan
• Deactivate a built-in video camera or microphone and limit your
communication to encrypted messages (see the chapter "We are being
• Use cash instead of credit cards and regular mail instead of e-mails for as
long as possible.
• As before, buy software on floppy disks or CDs, and do not download
them from the Internet.
• After every Internet session, delete the files that consistently record which
Internet pages you have accessed. Technical literature on Internet
browsers can help here.

You should also advocate the following measures (see the chapter
»Determining the course yourself«):
• Secure electronic payment transactions through programs such as
Ecash. We are still working feverishly on this. Banks and other companies
offer supposedly secure payment transactions, but "hackers" keep showing
the gaps in these systems.
• The collection of information and the placing of orders via agent programs
and anonymization computers. No personal data is created here. Ask your
service provider.
• Future mobile radio via a »relay station« at home that manages the
location data so that no publicly accessible movement profiles are
created. Although this is recommended by some critics, it has little chance
of success, because it is precisely these movement profiles that are
desired by the secret service.
• Future storage of personal data in the operator's terminal and not in the
network or on third-party computers. When you use the Internet, your data
is currently stored on the service provider's computer and other computers
on the Internet, so that it can be accessed and evaluated relatively
easily. That, too, probably has a slim chance of success.

If you have an Internet connection at a company that does not work at

home, you should know what ways you may be monitored there. Ask the
works council or the employer about the company's rules for using the
Internet. General guideline: Never use the company connection for private

There are programs today, for example the "Internet Manager" from the
Israeli armaments specialist "Elron Software" or the programs "Internet
Watchdog" or "Borderware" that are already used by many companies and
that seamlessly log all your Internet activities. This not only affects the
pages called up, but also the times. In addition, this software can search
the scrolling texts for certain key words, for example "sex" or "sport" (as
can be read in the article "Control, Big Brother is everywhere" in the
magazine "Stern" 13/98), and give an alarm immediately. if such content is
found that is undesirable for the company.

I have already pointed out elsewhere that secret services naturally also use
these methods. The software also makes it possible to see your screen
content live on a surveillance screen. As an aside, it should be noted that
such software existed even before the invention of the Internet. Monitoring
without the knowledge of the user is not permitted according to the EU
VDU workstation regulation; in Germany, the works council must agree.

At home, if you choose to telework, that is, work for a company from your
home office, you could be subject to such surveillance. Teleworking is
currently still extremely suspicious of German companies, as an employee
at home is difficult or impossible to control. If his PC is part of a company
network, so to speak, it can be legally monitored using the methods
described above. Here, too, it is important to strictly separate private and
company activities.



Not only can you make phone calls over the Internet - as you do today with
conventional telephones - but, if you wish, you can also see the person you
are speaking to with the help of a built-in camera, because: the videophone
is coming. Is this a beneficial innovation, or is it also a danger?

If you have read George Orwell's book "1984" or seen the impressive film
of the same name, you will surely remember the many television cameras
that are installed for surveillance everywhere, even in all private
rooms. Now, of course, one can ask: What does this have to do with a

However, the current development in this area could soon degenerate into
a bad trip: Already now, in connection with telephoning over the Internet, it
is advertised to have simultaneous picture communication, i.e. a video
telephone: you see the person you are talking to. If you visit a computer
store these days, you can admire small cameras, which are usually
attached to the top of the screen and are supposed to convey your picture
to the person you are talking to while you are on the phone.

For such video telephones, various technical variants - either as a

telephone with additional image transmission or as a PC with a camera and
telephone extension - are currently being developed or are already being
offered on the market. The first cell phones with image transmission were
introduced in 1998.

If we think a step further, then it is not difficult to imagine that these

cameras will be integrated into the screens, in the first versions still visible
to everyone, then invisible.

If you familiarize yourself with the methods practiced today of how to

penetrate your home PC - and some of this we have already discussed in
other chapters - then there is an obvious danger that you can gain external
access via the built-in PC Camera and use it to monitor you! Do not think
that this is impossible. Let us just think of the methods of workplace
surveillance that have already been introduced and which will soon
threaten those who work at home at tele-workplaces.

Public surveillance is also threatened. According to a report in Konrad

magazine (4/98), around one million (!) Video systems are currently being
observed by Germans, and 35,000 companies and authorities alone
operate 90,000 control systems. We have now got used to the large
number of television cameras in public, such as cameras for traffic
monitoring. This refers to the many video cameras that are installed at
critical traffic points in large cities or on highways. So far, of course, these
cameras have served all of us because we can react more quickly to traffic
jams. Should the detection of unannounced demonstrations by cameras
monitoring streets and squares in the centers of large cities (Leipzig, for
example) be a desirable side effect? The cameras in parking garages serve
our security and also help make car theft more difficult in these
locations. Or in banks, the cameras help to identify bank robbers
afterwards. The surveillance cameras in front of company premises, in
department stores and supermarkets serve a similar purpose.

The police now have video computer systems that can register every
license plate in traffic or filter out faces from large crowds and compare
them with mug shots. Some larger apartment buildings are already under
video surveillance. (Incidentally, for me as an author it was a great aha
experience when dealing with this topic to find out in how many places
video cameras are already installed without us perceiving this as strange or
annoying. At least it does not seem to arouse any contradiction.)
Where video surveillance is not possible or would be too conspicuous,
some companies - also in Germany - use a different surveillance method: a
chip is sewn into the company coat of the employees, which automatically
reports the respective whereabouts of the person to a computer
system. How do we distrust our fellow men? After all, some entrepreneurs
have already understood that it makes more sense to create positive
working conditions for employees, so that their productivity increases, job
satisfaction increases, the sickness rate decreases and the need to "make
themselves available" more often in between does not even arise .

The optics or cameras used in video surveillance are becoming smaller and
more powerful. The Fraunhofer Institute for Labor Economics and
Organization (IAO) in Stuttgart uses two internet cameras in its model
factory that monitor all processes around the clock. The product "Net Eye
2000" from a Swedish manufacturer was used for this (as can be read in
Computerwoche 35/97). This "network eye" does not need a PC, but
delivers images that can be used directly to the Internet on the World Wide
Web. In the near future, the Netzauge will probably also be able to transmit
sound. The eye should "of course" only be used for remote monitoring of
production processes, remote maintenance of machines and for
conference transmission ...

CCD cameras are already built so small that the diameter of the optics is
no larger than the head of a pin! The fear outlined above that such cameras
will be integrated into the screen and thus become invisible and
uncontrollable for the user should soon become a reality with these
miniature cameras.

The latest development is an artificial eye that, like the human eye and the
associated areas of the brain, has recognition functions. The artificial eye is
therefore intelligent and can be programmed to recognize certain people or
events. This ability was previously lacking in order to be able to automate
monitoring functions as far as possible, because video cameras and the
images they recorded had to be interpreted by humans in the past. But if
these artificial eyes can be programmed in such a way that they recognize
certain people wherever they are installed, then one could imagine a
situation in which no one is safe from automatic surveillance. If certain
situations can also be recognized, then ZB recognize unwanted
demonstrations immediately. You can assume that these eyes are installed
with the argument that they can track down and fight criminals more

In addition to the domestic camera in the PC, the Internet will get us used
to other gaming and then (possible) surveillance options. There are already
Internet sites today with the help of which one can actively move video
cameras that are set up in public places, in such a way that one gets a 360-
degree all-round view. If you have installed something like this in all
important places, this game can easily become serious. So let's be on our
guard - “Big Brother is Watching You!” 15
German: The big brother is watching you (quote from the book "1984"
by George Orwell)




The most important and, in its effects, most terrifying topic from the
discussed Bible passage of the Apocalypse is the "mark of the beast" that
people wear on their foreheads or hands, symbolized by the mysterious
number "666".

The technical development, represented in the Apocalypse as a mighty

Beast with the power of the dragon, leads to the fact that man can be
recognized by a mark, a sign. All members of this future society wear the
mark of the beast on their hand or forehead. Without this sign you cannot
buy or sell anything:


Furthermore, it has the effect that everyone, small and large,

rich and poor, free and unfree, stamp a mark on their right
hand or on their forehead. Nobody should be able to buy or
sell who does not bear the name of the Beast or the number
of its name as a sign and imprint.
In the following passages of the Apocalypse it can be read that everyone
who bears this symbol has to suffer unspeakable agony and is ultimately
even destroyed:


The people who bore the imprint of the Beast and who
worshiped the image of the Beast grew an evil, ominous

The first signs of such a development are clearly visible. Microchips to be

implanted under the skin have been developed, are already being
produced in large numbers and are used in animals and tested in humans
(see the chapter on "The syringe for> happiness" <).

Worldwide we are in a preliminary stage in which all goods are provided

with a barcode, which enables their automatic price and type recognition,
for example at the checkouts of the department stores. As a producer of
goods, you can no longer sell anything without an official registration and
subsequent allocation of a barcode. Conversely, you can hardly buy
anything that does not have a barcode. A distinctive feature of the
barcodes used is the number »666«, which is contained in every code. You
can find out more about this in the chapter "The Number 666, Hopi Indians
and Barcodes".

As I said, the development of a mark or sign that is directly attached to the

person is in full swing. There have been preliminary tests for such human
skin marking for many years. Laser tattoos have been tested at Disneyland
for 15 years. People who wanted to stay there for several days were given
the choice between a laser tattoo on the left hand or a season ticket. The
aim was to test how the visitors reacted to it. According to official sources,
people in Holland started applying laser tattoos to the bones of the
forehead of the homeless several years ago, in order to curb crime.

At the same time, there are efforts and attempts to insert a computer chip
into the bones of the human skull that is supposed to perform similar
functions. As I said, this is already practiced with pets! (If you're startled by
now, that's a healthy reaction.)
Why are experiments in this direction? What is the intention behind
this? And why are we dealing with credit cards in this chapter?

You will see from the following descriptions that there will be a planned and
calculated development from credit cards to smart cards and then to
implantable chips, with all subsequent stages already technically
implemented and available. The problem of the manipulators working
worldwide is the acceptance of the population. An implanted chip would not
be accepted today. The credit card as the only means of payment will be
the entry point.

As a reader of this book, you are in all likelihood one of those people who
own a credit card. Why not ? Because we have all come to appreciate
credit cards as a convenient means of payment, for example when the
cash has just run out or when you want to place an order for which you only
have to enter the credit card number.

There are other advantages abroad, under certain circumstances you don't
have to exchange any foreign currency at all if you can handle everything
with the credit card. The move from cash to credit cards is being
systematically advanced everywhere. ID cards for a wide variety of
purposes are also gradually being replaced by credit cards. The latest
example of this is Lufthansa, which is switching to ticketless flights, at least
in the business sector. The authorization to receive the boarding pass is
the credit card.

In addition to the credit card, another electronic means of payment is

beyond the test phase: the cash card or smart card. Similar to a telephone
card, this card has a built-in chip (computer component with stored data)
that can be repeatedly topped up at the bank with a limited amount of
money. When you shop, the corresponding amount will be debited from
you until the card is »empty«. Then have them recharged at your bank.

This card is now by far no longer an anonymous means of payment, just

like a banknote was. Because the bank and a code for the user are of
course stored on the card so that the person who has withdrawn the money
at the time of sale actually gets his money later. In addition, your bank will
keep a record of where you have paid and how much. This avoids the
bank-side risk that you, the cardholder, will find ways and means of topping
up the card yourself. So: You are also registered here with all purchases!
The calling card that is still in use today will soon give way to another card
because it has one major disadvantage: it is still anonymous and the caller
cannot be identified by name. This will change with the use of credit card
telephones - as has long been introduced in many places in the USA.

Credit cards and debit cards are already a means of control that can be
used to track exactly what you "do" over the year. Now the situation still
prevails today that we almost all use cash and credit cards in any
weighting. That means: We can still choose when we want to use the card
and when we want to use cash. There are still a lot of things that you have
to do with specialty cards: you need phone cards, cards for gas stations,
video rentals, for the doctor, etc., and there are several competing credit
card companies today. Yet !

Perhaps you did not know that cashless traffic is being promoted
worldwide, in which all you need is credit cards, and not several, but only
one - the one card that can do everything, so to speak! The introduction will
not be long in coming. Those familiar with the financial scene expect a
worldwide stock market and financial crash, from which an apparently
ingenious solution is offered, something like this: »Dear people, do without
cash, the different currencies and exchange rates only cause us
problems. The printing of money is abused by many countries because
they have no gold reserves or other safeguards. This creates constant
inflation and the risk of further collapses in the financial market. We only do
everything with the card. "

Let's imagine this future scenario. You can use the card to process
everything that has to do with payment transactions, telephone calls, travel
bookings and hotels, etc. You no longer need any cash. Your wallet no
longer needs to be refilled with money, and your wallet does not overflow
from ten to twenty different cards for different purposes. Please also
remember that, for example, the data on your personal health insurance
card can also be integrated. You only have one card with you and you can
use it to pay anywhere. It couldn't be more ingenious, right?

But is it also clear to all of us that from this moment on there will be an
institution that can seamlessly monitor your activities? Credit cards leave
traces, and the traces of one card are particularly easy to follow. Already
today, the credit institutes are running evaluation programs that precisely
record your buying and living habits, of course only for the purpose of
statistical revaluation. Just as you leave traces of data on the Internet that
can be combined into communication and interest profiles, if you use your
credit card intensively, you leave a complete purchase and thus interest
profile. You can be sure that this data is not only known to the credit
institution, but above all to the interested state authorities.

Would you like these organizations to always know

• where you are traveling,

• where you are worldwide,
• with whom you are talking on the phone,
• which computer you work on,
• which organizations you are a member of
• what you buy,
• how your assets (or your mountain of debt) are composed,
• what is your state of health?

This list can be continued (almost) slowly. All of this information is stored
about you in one central location. (They always say: God knows everything,
but someone is obviously trying to keep up ...)

But woe betide you lose this card or it will simply be banned for you, as an
undesirable citizen, so to speak. You are immediately deprived of your
livelihood! There is then no longer any cash. You can no longer buy
anything, you can no longer travel, nothing at all.

The step to this one card is taken in stages. First, step by step, cards are
being introduced in all areas of life that can be used in parallel with cash or
other forms of identification, second only cards are accepted, and third, the
variety of cards is being replaced by one card.

You can be sure that the health insurance cards will soon also be the key
to a health database in which all your health data are stored and thus
widely accessible. This has already been introduced in the USA, for
example! In Germany, initial preparations are underway (e.g. by Telekom,
Multimedia division) for websites and associated programs that will be
made available to all doctors. Every doctor records his patient data there
and makes it available to all doctors. He can also look at all the data that
another doctor has entered anywhere in the system. Your medical history is
therefore open, not to everyone, because officially only doctors (and health
insurers guaranteed in the future) have access. Now we know how "safe"
the Internet is. That means any "hacker" could get your medical
records. Are you comfortable with that?

If we observe all tendencies in this direction, we realize that we have to

become aware of these processes as quickly as possible. The changes are
introduced so carefully and slowly that they raise as little or no contradiction
as possible. Vigilance has always been a good protection. Only in the case
of the Internet do you allow yourself a faster pace, because the general
enthusiasm for technology serves as the driving force.

Computer access is another important issue for the credit card. You will
soon experience that there are no more telephone booths in the whole
country, but rather data display devices or PC-like devices that you can use
to access how? Guess: about your one card! In the same way, you will
soon need one card to access your own PC, not to switch it on, but to gain
access to certain paid websites. The card reader will of course be
integrated into the computer. Today your credit card number is still required
for many business transactions on the Internet. In the future, machine
reading of your card will replace the previous typing in of your credit card

The development described will enable you to double-check your private

life, on the one hand by tracking financial transactions via the card and on
the other hand by registering all Internet pages that you visit.

What does the card have to do with the "mark" in the Bible? The card will
develop into a universal control tool. Is it not conceivable that the powerful
authorities of this earth have little interest in your being able to move
uncontrollably as a free person? The one card will allow you to monitor all
your steps and unimpeded control of your financial opportunities and
transactions. Control and enslavement of man are the subject of our Bible
passage. The card plays an important role in this. But it is not the last step
to be taken in the game for power over humanity.

Because: Credit cards seem practical, but are extremely insecure. Today
operators and users are losing millions of dollars due to theft or forgery. In
American restaurants it is the custom to destroy the carbonless paper of
the card statement in front of the customer when paying by credit card in
order to make subsequent forgery more difficult.

So what would be more obvious than looking for an identification for each
individual person that is forgery-proof. One would have to find something
that would reliably identify everyone, something that would be even better
than a forgery-proof identity card or credit card. This indicator could be
used in conjunction with the card or on its own.

How about the human body? This is exactly what is planned! Imagine this
convenience. You go to the supermarket. Cash has long been a thing of
the past. You no longer need to pull out a card and sign anything. You
simply place the flat of your hand with the "mark" on the palm of your hand
on a character reader and the correct amount will be debited from your

First attempts are already being made with the automatic recognition of
fingerprints. At the computer fair Cebit 1998 in Hanover, the first cell
phones with a small sensor field could be admired. The user holds his
fingertip on the cell phone and clearly identifies himself with it. What is
good for the cell phone should work even more on the Internet or on its
access PCs.

In 1997 it was still uncertain whether the recognition software for

fingerprints would not be too complex and whether one would not switch to
using a digitally more easily recognizable mark that is applied to the human
skin. Two years later, in 1999, the first computer keyboards were offered
that had a built-in scanner on the side that digitally took and saves the
fingerprint. This is called "biometric" recognition of the user. If your
fingerprint is not registered, you will be denied access to the PC. The
keyboard is not significantly more expensive than a conventional one and is
presented somewhat amusingly as a "James Bond keyboard" (PC Direkt,
6/99). The risks are clear in the truest sense of the word: Just as easily,

The International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA) declares that the

security of biometric data is extremely poor. A law is being prepared in
California to prohibit the commercial disclosure of biometric data. Even if
such a law were passed worldwide, it is no guarantee that this data will be
protected. And mind you: It's about commercial distribution, the state is
exempt from the ban. Dr. Joachim Jacob, Federal Commissioner for Data
Protection, demands: "Biometric data must remain in the possession of
those affected." (CHIP 6/99) You will find more about the problem of
biometric data in the chapter "The> smart <card".

How "secure" such biometric data will be, once it has been captured on a
large scale, can be seen in a report in the Washington Post dated February
18, 1999. In the article "US Helped Fund License Photo Database" 16It is
reported that a company in New Hampshire trying to build a national
database of all driver's license photos received $ 1.5 million in government
funding and technical assistance from American intelligence last year. The
official reasons given by members of the Congress, given in the article,
make sense, of course: The technology used has great potential to reduce
credit cards and check fraud, to reduce the chances of terrorism at airports
and to support immigration authorities with personal identification. The
computer network used is safe. How vulnerable the American government's
computer networks actually are to external hacking has been reported
several times in the press.
German: The American government helped finance a driving license
photo database.

Another possibility for a clear personal identification would be an implanted

chip. This is not a dream of the future, but the chips are, as already
mentioned, planted under the skin of animals! The chip is only the size of a
grain of rice, has a ten-digit identification number and can be scanned from
the outside, i.e. queried. The producer is the "American Veterinary
Identifications Devices", which brought this chip onto the market in order to
be able to identify lost pets or their owners. An even more powerful chip
that can store far more data is in progress (read in the "Stern" article "Chip
am Neck", issue 13/98). Such an ID can never be lost again. Isn't that

Let's go 20 years into the future. You are sitting in front of a PC. In front of
anyone, because these are now set up for public use everywhere. The PC
scans your forehead for your laser tattoo or the built-in chip, and it already
knows who is sitting in front of it, whether you have access authorization
and which computer services you are allowed to use. Company IDs or
other IDs are no longer required. You can bet that one understands how to
make this development plausible and palatable to people. Or will you
hopefully be one of those who scream out loud here at the latest and refuse
to put up with such rape of your personality? You - or your children - have a

However, this choice will be made very difficult for you. Because without
access rights, without the right to buy and sell, you are nothing. As a
reminder, let's review the scriptures:


Nobody should be able to buy or sell who does not bear the
name of the Beast or the number of its name as a sign and
imprint ...

In plain English: you will be branded! Without a "mark" their existence is

made impossible. Do you see the power of the beast or the power behind
it? And do you now understand why this book could not remain a neutral
account of the facts?




In connection with the control options via the card and the Internet, we
have already established that your travel activities do not go completely
unnoticed. We want to use this as an opportunity to visualize the entire
control apparatus to which we are already exposed and to which we have
(unfortunately) become accustomed, and then the control possibilities that
we can at least expect in the future.

In Germany, as in many other countries, we are in the following situation:

• You must be registered with the police at your place of residence.

• In every hotel you have to fill out a registration.
• Your vehicle is registered.
• Your employment and your earnings are known.
• The financial circumstances must be disclosed to the state.
• Telephone and mail secrecy is not guaranteed if there is a justified
suspicion of criminal activity (and, according to some reports, otherwise!).
• Satellite images can prove whether you have parked your car at home or
elsewhere at a certain time! (However, it is not enough for license plate
• When traveling abroad, your passport number is registered.
• They are subject to automatic video surveillance in many public
• Cell phones that are ready for use regularly report your location! (Did you
know that ?)

The following control options are emerging and some of them have already
become reality:

• All your purchases and sales are registered via credit card, debit card and
the Internet.
• All phone numbers of your call partners are saved in the ISDN telephone
• All travel bookings and stays abroad become known.
• Electronic mail over the Internet is automatically filtered for "interesting"
search terms.
• Your medically recorded state of health is stored on the Internet.
• The room from which you operate your PC is subject to video and
eavesdropping controls. (This is already a problem with answering
machines with room monitoring functions.)
• Allegedly there is freedom of information, but according to certain
sources, the official news distributed by news agencies around the world is
already pre-filtered. This means that you only find out through the media
what you are supposed to find out. Books that try to uncover such facts and
practices are banned in the entire German-speaking area. See

Do you still feel like a free person? Or rather as "Homo connectus" (literally
translated: the connected person), as the Internet user is sometimes called,
freely translated as "the person on a leash"?

The sources of information that were previously available to interested

state organs and secret services were still scattered or distributed
nationally and internationally on different computers that were not all
networked with one another. With increasing networking and the
introduction of the Internet in every area of society, this situation changes
dramatically. A “hacker”, whether for private pleasure or “business” on the
road, can get all information about you from practically any computer with
network access. An ironic appeal would be: lead an interesting life so that
the watchers have exciting things to follow!



The famous number "666", the number of the beast, has fascinated people
since the Book of Revelation and has given many a riddle. In order to solve
this riddle and also to understand the previous solutions, let's take a little
excursion into the ancient science of numbers 17 . As a reminder, the text
from the John Apocalypse should be quoted once again:
Also known as number mysticism. It is an ancient science of the deeper
spiritual meanings of numbers and their relationship to the letters of the


Nobody should be able to buy or sell who does not bear the
name of the Beast or the number of its name as a sign and

Here wisdom itself speaks. Whoever has understanding

seeks the meaning which the number of the beast has. It is
man's number. And his count is 666.

Why are the name and number of the beast equated in the Bible? What do
names and numbers, letters and digits have to do with one another?

The ancient knowledge that underlies the analogies between language and
mathematics has lost its place in today's rational and scientifically oriented
times, and few people are still concerned with these topics.
In the past, however, that is, from antiquity to the Middle Ages, the science
of numbers was considered a serious field of knowledge. It was (and is) a
discipline of the Jewish Kabbalah, a science that claims to be able to
explain people and the universe in all its parts. In fact, the knowledge of
letters and numerical relationships has always been a part of all high
cultures in the world, with the exception of a branch of Kabbalah,
regardless of religion and language.

So what is the relationship between letters and numbers? In number

mysticism, as we want to call this area further for the sake of simplicity, it is
assumed that all forces of the universe and also all human properties can
be expressed by digits or numbers. For the initiate in this field of
knowledge, these numbers are, so to speak, symbols, codes or
placeholders for the corresponding cosmic forces or energies. himmels-

What has just been said applies to the letters as well. Each letter has a
very comprehensive meaning in this mystical field of knowledge. But the
interesting thing is: Since letters as well as numbers deal with the same
forces, letters can be equated with digits. You only have to have the key for
the correct assignment. The Jewish Kabbalah, for example, provides such
a key. For this reason, each number composed of several digits can also
be reproduced as a specific word and vice versa.

With this knowledge as a natural background, the mystics of the Christian

nations have endeavored in the last 2000 years to decipher the number
"666", whereby the correct translation of the corresponding biblical passage
is very important. Some translators write "666 is the number of a person",
others translate as follows: "666 is the number of a person", that is, a
specific person.

This makes a big difference, because in the search for a person whose
numerical value 666, in the opinion of many mystics, should symbolize the
so-called "Antichrist", many researchers went completely astray. We give
an example of this:

Researchers of the modern age offered the following interpretation for the
number "666": It meant the Roman Emperor Nero, in Latin "Nerun Kesar":

N R U N K S R (Nerun Kesar)
50 200 6 50 100 60 200 Total: 666

Hebrew Name of the Correspondence Numerical

letter letter in the German value
Aleph A 1
Beth B 2
Ghimel G 3
Daleth D 4
He E 5
Vau V, W (U, O) 6
Zain WITH 7
Chet H 8
Thetha T 9
Iodine I 10
Caph Ch 20
Lamed L 30
Mem M 40
Noun N 50
Samech S 60
Hain Gh 70
Phe Ph 80
Tsade Ts 90
Coph K 100
Resch R 200
Shin Sh 300
Brass Th 400

The numerical values of the Hebrew alphabet

The number assignments correspond to those of the Hebrew

Kabbalah. One works here with a typical method of the number mystic, the
formation of checksums. Vowels were seldom included or left out, some of
which do not even exist in the Jewish alphabet (see table on page 83). The
spelling is actually from right to left in Hebrew. In the interest of the
inexperienced reader, we have changed to German spelling, i.e. from left to
right. Interested readers can consult the book "Die Kabbalah" by the
legendary French occultist Papus. Papus developed this standard work on
the basis of famous Kabbalistic writings such as the "Sepher Jezira" and
the "Zohar". The occultists Fabre d '

The second example of interpretation aims at a whole people, who is

meant by "666". One type of person that the ancient mystics considered to
be an option was the general type of the Roman, the "Latin". The
underlying number key is different than in the first example. The
interpretation comes from Irenäus, a famous church teacher of the 2nd
century. He used the Greek numeric alphabet:


30 1 300 5 10 50 70 200 Total: 666

Assuming that the Revelation of John was originally written in Greek, the
Greek alphabet and number system should also be used. At least that is
what some number theorists and Bible experts think.

In the Greek alphabet there are the following number assignments, which
are important for us in connection with the interpretation of the "666":

600 = chi 60 = xi 6 = stigma

Chi stands for God the Father or Owner, xi means: to agree, to be willing,
to want, and stigma comes from stizo (prick, prick) and describes a pierced

Accordingly, the "666" stands for a marking that is affixed to the person
with or without the consent of the person by piercing them to identify their
property or as a sign of belonging. The original Greek word for the
mark (charagma) also stands for scratch or prick and is derived from the
word charasso , which means "to sharpen something to a point".

How this scratched or pierced mark might look is described in the chapter
"The syringe for> happiness" ". As already mentioned, the microchip that
could be implanted under your skin using a syringe is already available. It is
now used around the world as an "identification mark" for animals and
tested on prisoners and babies 18 !

Just like in the second example of interpretation by the Christian number

mystic Irenaeus, other researchers of the translation alternative also tended
that the number "666" of the Apocalypse does not designate a single
person or a real personality that is still emerging, but that the number of the
Beast should be assigned to the person as a species may be. To be more
precise: one saw a "spirit being" which exercises its influence in human
consciousness and through all people. (We will discuss in detail what is
meant by a spirit being in the chapter entitled "The Beast and its Wire-
Pullers".) One of these mystics, who interpreted the "666" as a spirit being
active in humans, was the famous Kabbalist Agrippa von Nettesheim, the
worked and taught throughout Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.

S V R TH (Sorath)

60 6 200 400 Total: 666

With the addition of the necessary vowels, the name of the spiritual being
Sorath results. In this example, the above-mentioned number key for the
Hebrew alphabet is used again (see table on page 83). The spelling differs
from our usual spelling, as the Hebrew alphabet contains different sounds
than ours. As in the name of Sorath, the "A" is often not spelled at all. It is
also important to know that there is neither a “U” nor an “O” in this
alphabet. The German sounds "U", "O", "V" and "W" are all represented by
the Hebrew letter "V". Incidentally, if you study old German or Latin
inscriptions, you will find that the letter "U" is also represented by a "V". The
number 6 is assigned to the letter "V", called "vau" in Hebrew.

The spiritual being Sorath is understood in the Kabbalah as a principle of

enslavement and manipulation of individuality, as a force that strengthens
the "lower" human being or - to put it even better - the lower qualities in
human beings. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, describes
Sorath according to the Kabbalistic doctrine as "Son-nendamon". He calls
him the archenemy of all development, the denier of all change, a principle
that leads man to complete hardening in external physical life 19 .
Rudolf Steinen The Apocalypse of John, Lecture 11 86

Today there are a whole series of numerological approaches in which the

proof is attempted to assign the words "Internet", "Computer" and also the
names of various well-known personalities to the number "666". Such
number tricks may make some smile, but others think. Anyone who would
like to deal with this can find some material on the Internet 20 .

These examples should be enough. Before we largely endorse the

interpretation of the number »666« as »Sorath« as described last,
something should be said about the letter »W« of our alphabet, which
according to the Kabbalistic key for the letter »V« of the number »6« is
equivalent to. Each letter has its meanings on different levels of being or
symbolically stands for forces that can be used positively or negatively -
this also applies to the numbers and, by the way, to symbols.

The letter "W" represents a cosmic all-love on the spiritual level, on the
astral level the ability to hear and see everything from a distance, but on
the material level the ability to bring everything on earth under control to
make all beings subservient to oneself and to instantly arouse any kind of
deceptions or misconceptions of various kinds. Here we also refer to the
detailed meanings of the letters that Franz Bardon, a well-known initiate of
this century, left us.

How do we put it all together now?

Very simple: To log in to the Internet or to call up various pages or

providers on the Internet, the user must enter the letters "www" as the
beginning of an address, where "www" is the abbreviation for the World
Wide Web. This triple code "www" corresponds to the number "666" and
thus the adversary of humans, the spiritual being Sorath! (Further
explanations in the chapter "The Beast and its masterminds".) Every
Internet user therefore types in the three digits "666" several times -
because usually it is not enough to call up and view a single Internet page -
camouflaged as »www«! This is certainly not a coincidence, because
certain circles know about the Kabbalistic system and its effectiveness.
The Internet is thus an important representative of the »666«, but not
identical to it. The Internet has so far been the last link in a potentially
extremely threatening development, embedded in a long-term planned
scenario that first connects all people with banks and authorities and then
makes them completely controllable and dependent.

"666" as the number of the Beast, an Beast by the name of Sorath, is,
according to the science of numbers, a symbol for the exaggerated
rationalism of man, for the pure intellect, which, traditionally controlled by
ethics or morality, pursues its goals and its environment and Wants to bring
fellow human beings under control. Separated from ethics, it poses a great
danger, even if the rational, materialistic and scientific spirit has brought us
many achievements.

Here we encounter the cold nature of the beast, which is the same as the
nature of the biblical dragon (see the chapter "The Revelation of John"):
subjugation of the individual man, restriction of his immense abilities to the
purely rational, exercise of control and power at all costs. This danger
needs to be recognized and counteracted. It is important to recognize this
danger and to counteract it.

The more religious interpretation of "666" as Antichrist is not so wrong if

one understands by it a spiritual movement that ignores such positive
human values as love, compassion, benevolence, virtue and spirituality and
instead uses naked rationalism, intellectual thought and materialism .

The number "666" is not the first time you look at us from the World Wide
Web. They have all been confronted with it for years. Find out where in the
next chapter.




There is an ancient prophecy among the Hopi Indians of North America:

No one will be able to buy or sell unless he has the bear
mark. When this sign can be seen, the third great war will

Does this prophecy sound like you? How is it that the statements of John's
prophecy and that of the Hopi Indians almost coincide? Here is the
formulation of the Bible again:

Nobody should be able to buy or sell who does not bear the
name of the Beast or the number of its name as a sign and

Here wisdom itself speaks. Whoever has understanding

seeks the meaning which the number of the beast has. It is
man's number. And its number is 666.

If we take a closer look at the Hopi's "sign of the bear", the next aha-
moment will come. You can see the symbol in the figure on the left, next to
it on the right a barcode of our time, as it is currently becoming more and
more common for goods labeling:

Fig. 3a: Sign of the bear Fig. 3b: Barcode

the Hopi Indian (barcode)

Isn't there a certain similarity?

Let's take a closer look at these barcodes. Because they hold a little
secret. Barcodes (in English: Barcodes or UPC = Universal Product Code)
were originally introduced in order to achieve easy machine readability of
the goods labels. Since conventional letter and number imprints on the
packs obviously make it difficult to read or perhaps because they are less
conspicuous and there is thus the risk of the wrong number combinations
being read, it was decided to encode in the form of vertical bars, each of
them Line or each line pair represents a number. These lines are read in
with so-called reading pistols or, as is common in many supermarkets
today, the goods are pushed over a pane of glass under which a reading
device is located.

How did the barcodes come about? The inventor is a Swiss named
Heinrich Weiss. He had one as the owner

The printer had the problem that the folding boxes he manufactured had to
be precisely marked in their various types. This was especially important
for boxes he made for medicines. There was no room for
confusion. Checking and sorting the boxes cost him a lot of time and
money. His workers had resorted to the method of adding colored lines to
the sorted piles. When he saw a light barrier in an office building, he had
the brilliant idea: machine-readable lines. It took some time until the patent
and a demonstrable solution, but then the time had come: he was able to
present the invention to other companies and finally sell his patent to Ciba

Today, the issue of barcodes is regulated by the Central Office for

Coorganization (COO). If you want to use a barcode for your product, you
have to become a member of this organization.

Without a barcode, selling a product is already a problem and in many

cases even impossible.

Barcodes of various lengths and systems are still in use today. You can
find them on food packaging, books or medicines. The barcode system,
which should now interest us in connection with the number "666", is the
most widely used. You can find it on all prepackaged foods and almost
every type of merchandise.

For every digit in this code there is a combination of dashes, it is always

represented by a pair of dashes. The distance between the lines also plays
a role. A "6" as a barcode in the right half looks like this (the five digits of
the token half represent the manufacturer code; the digits are shown
differently here than on the right; the right half represents retailer
information, e.g. the price):

If you now look at a typical barcode, for example on food packaging, or the
one shown at the beginning of the chapter, you can see that a longer
double bar is used to divide the center and also to mark the start and end
of each. And what does this double line represent? A "6"! Three lines of this
kind, evenly arranged, give the number "666"!

We have been "bombarded" with this number for years, so to speak, or one
could also say that all our goods are impregnated with this number and
thus with the corresponding vibration. In the previous chapter we had dealt
with the fact that, according to the ancient science of numbers, every digit
and every combination of numbers can be understood as a representative
of a spiritual vibration. This vibration can be impressed on all imaginable
objects using suitable methods. Incidentally, such possibilities are used
worldwide today, and unfortunately not only in the medical field and not
only for charitable purposes. Further discussion of these extremely
powerful methods would certainly be exciting, but it would lead too far for
this book. But you can assume

When we discussed the number "666" we discovered that this is a vibration

that is supposed to bring people into total dependence. For a more detailed
explanation, I recommend looking up again in the previous chapter.

Whether the impregnation or labeling of all goods with the number »666« is
a pure coincidence? It doesn't look like it, given the prophecies that match.

It can also be assumed that one is considering using a barcode with the
number "666" to identify people. Corresponding attempts have already
been made, although it is probably not yet clear whether an implanted
microchip is the "better" alternative.
So how long could it be before this mark, the "mark" of the Bible, appears
on the forehead? How long will it be before the employees and workers
who enter a company premises no longer need a works ID? Your barcode
is automatically scanned on your forehead as you walk past. Wouldn't that
be extremely practical, or is it just a little dreadful to you, just like me?

But do not be afraid. We as a population are not being overrun (you will not
have overheard my ironic undertone). Everything is introduced in small
steps, so to speak, in bites and easy to digest. One possible step before
the forehead sign is the automatic scanning of your eyes, more precisely,
your iris. The iris of the eyes is different in every person, just like the
fingerprints, and therefore a unique identifier for everyone. You don't think it
could come to that? Then please read the following article, published in the
»Frankfurter Rundschau« on July 11, 1997:

“In the future, ATMs should recognize customers by the color of their

With an iris recognition system, the companies NCR in Augsburg and

Sensar want to make the secret numbers unnecessary. A quick glance
from the customer is sufficient for the "seeing ATMs" to identify them. The
system is to be introduced as early as the fourth quarter of 1997. A camera
is integrated into the new ATMs. It scans the user's retina up to a meter
away with a> harmless infrared beam <. Glasses and "hungover" eyes are
not an obstacle. If the result matches the template saved on the card or in
the computer, the payout is released. According to NCR, the new
technology offers increased protection against misuse. "

Isn't that a reasonable argument? As of October 1998: The first banks in

Germany have already introduced the system.

In a further step, a few years later, you, the consumer, will probably be
made clear that initially reading in and saving the iris is far too cumbersome
and that the harmlessness of frequent infrared scanning of the eye first has
to be proven more thoroughly. In addition, fraudsters have found out how
they can outsmart the system through artificial eye inserts. It is much better
to put an invisible barcode information on the forehead ...


The smart card is introduced as a precursor to the implanted chip. As early

as 1991, the American OMNI magazine (6/91, p. 59) said: "Cash and credit
cards will soon be superfluous."

The fastest growing movement in the financial world is the “smart card”
(translated: the elegant, intelligent card). These cards are similar to credit
cards, but contain computer chips that contain some of your information,
such as your bank account number or medical information. The
infrastructures are being built around the world - driven by the banks - in
order to introduce the smart card on a global scale. It should be used for
electronic data exchange, financial transactions, in the healthcare system
and at home as identification for transactions (e.g. purchases) via the
computer on the Internet. Pilot projects have already been carried out
worldwide, for example in American, Canadian and English cities. A
forerunner for the smart card is your Euro check card with the built-in chip.

Intelligence services and financial circles dream of - and unfortunately they

are already taking action - to further develop the smart card into a forgery-
proof identification. One of the proponents of this development is the
American President Bill Clinton. In his book "Putting People First" it can be
read: "All Americans will carry smart cards with them." It can be assumed,
however, that President Clinton only serves as a mouthpiece for the
powerful banks of this world that are pushing the use of the smart card.

What reasons could the banks have for switching to the smart card? Well
there are several. Above all, the smart card promises more security against
loss for the banks. Credit card fraud amounts to around 1.8 billion DM per
year. Mastercard and Visa alone could save 800 billion DM each year
through credit card fraud if they were to use smart cards secured by
fingerprints. In addition, checks and credit cards are expensive and
laborious to use. A totally electronic transaction costs the equivalent of 5
pfennigs on average, paper transactions on the other hand cost an average
of 1.40 DM. A bank that processes one million transactions a day could
save 1,350,000 DM per day in this way! If that's not an argument in favor of
electronic payment!
Out of the many hoped for and propagated advantages, the coping with the
drug problem should be mentioned as an example. The drug scene prefers
to use cash so that their transactions cannot be registered. The so-called
money laundering only works through the intermediate step that large sums
of cash are transferred before they appear in any account. In the case of
purely electronic payment transactions, every illegal transaction would be
noticed immediately, or so one hopes.

The tax offices and tax authorities would of course also be happy if all
payment transactions were carried out electronically and could therefore be
monitored. There one even “dreams” of automatically collecting the taxes
due on a transaction: how nice.

With all the advantages discussed, you should be happy about the
introduction of the smart card, shouldn't you? An indication of where we are
heading with this card is provided by the question: "What happens if I lose
my all-rounder card?" We had already asked this question in the chapter
"The time: credit cards and ID cards". And how can you prevent the card
from being forged, because up until now everything man-made could be

The answer to the first question, the feared loss, is given in the following
chapter, "The syringe for 'happiness'". Because the protection against loss
is only given completely if you can no longer lose the card because it is
attached to your body, of course not in the form of a card, but as a chip
injected under the skin. Until this horror version comes up, additional
identification mechanisms are being dealt with internationally.

How can I create a forgery-proof chip card today? Some unique physical
characteristic. What distinguishes each and every one of us from our fellow
human beings in such a way that machines can tell the difference? There
are several ways to do this. Today, computer evaluations can be used to
identify either a fingerprint, the iris of the eyes or the voice.

Regardless of which identification is used, the electronically evaluated

result is saved on the smart card. With every financial transaction, for
example, the paying person's fingerprint is compared with the one stored
on the card. Of course, the electronic fingerprint is also stored on a central
computer so that you can be absolutely sure that the electronic image on
the card is not forged.
If you believe that the act of having to leave a fingerprint, which is actually
felt to be degrading, is a long way off, then I have to "disappoint" you. In the
United States, some states have begun requiring welfare recipients to
identify themselves with fingerprints and smart cards. As early as 1996,
Connecticut residents were told: "... under the new program, each applicant
and recipient of Connecticut welfare benefits must have both index fingers
electronically scanned ... The state will ... during the year .. . begin to
identify the welfare recipients using the NBS Biometric System. "

If you refuse to submit to this system, no money will be paid! Such an

identification is elegantly referred to as biometric. You can see the
unpleasant times we are approaching if we do not defend ourselves against
them in time.

How far have the operators of the smart card advanced in their efforts, and
who exactly are the masterminds? Financial institutions around the world
are now announcing the Global Cashless Society. The microchip
technology on the smart card is intended to replace all previous monetary
transactions with credit cards, checks and cash.

Mondex plays a key role. The cashless system with the smart card is
introduced by this company. More than 250 other companies in over 20
countries have already acquired licenses, and it is expected that the
European Union will also use the smart card for its new
currency. Mastercard has a 51 percent stake in Mondex. The remaining 49
percent are owned by at least 20 shareholders, with the exception of AT&T,
these are all banks.

The trend that can be observed is: All other smart card systems already on
the market are being replaced by the Mondex card. A Mondex
representative, Robin O'Kelly, said after the merger with Mastercard: “This
is the final phase of a global roll-out. With the backing of Master Card there
is now nothing that could stop Mondex. "

The nucleus for the Mondex system lies in England with the bankers Tim
Jones and Graham Higgins from Natwest Bank. This is the personal bank
of the English royal family! The Motorola company produces the chips for
the smart cards - and incidentally also for the implantable microchip (see
the chapter "The syringe for> happiness" <).
All financial transactions using smart cards are secured using the SET
(Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol, all systems for the transactions
will bear the SET symbol. Is it a coincidence that the ancient Ethite deity
Set was viewed as Satan?

Incidentally, the name Mondex is a combination of the words monetary and

dexterity. Monetary literally means money, so it has to do with payment
transactions, dexterity means "easy handling" and is derived from dexter,
which means right hand. Should you read the chapters "The syringe for>
happiness" "and" 666. If you have already read the number of the Beast,
your alarm bells should ring. Because the smart card is supposed to be
replaced by an implant on the right hand at some point, according to the
will of the world's masterminds.

The involvement of lodges like that of the Freemasons seems obvious in

the development of the smart card. At least there is occult knowledge that
is used in an almost outrageous way when giving names. An advanced
version of the smart card has been developed by the US Department of
Defense and Gemplus. The name for this is Marc (Multitechnology
automated reader card). Marc is also the English word for sign or mark,
including the mark of the beast in Revelation. The code name for the
development was Tessera. In Roman times, a tessera was the emblem that
slaves were branded on! In 1996 the company Gemplus and Mondex came
to an agreement according to which Gemplus will supply the smart cards
for worldwide use.

AT & T / Lucent Technologies acquired the license from Mondex for the
USA. Your company logo is the symbol of the sun snake or the red dragon,
which also stands for Satan. Lucent is supposedly a combination of Lucifer
Enterprises. Other of their products are called the Styx (a river in the
underworld) and Inferno. This company intentionally moved into office
space at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. A product they are very proud of
gives inanimate technology a human voice. The product is called TTS (Text
to Speech, translated: text to speech). This reminds us again of the
passage in the Apocalypse already quoted:

"It also ensures that a spirit is poured into the image of the
Beast so that it can speak."

Another project related to the smart card is called Project Lucid. This is
about setting up a global police force to monitor all citizens of the world
once the Universal Biometrics Card (another name for the smart card) is
introduced. The system was developed by the UN member Jean-Paul
Creusat. Creusat is the representative of the UN-INEOA (United Nations
International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association). An article about
the system appeared in Narc Officer magazine. There seems to be a
relationship with the UN Global Security Program. A book by the author
Texe Marrs has now been published about Project Lucid. In it you can read
that all attempts to learn the meaning of the name Lucid from the
developers of the system have failed, so that here too it is assumed that

Mondex is not only connected to the London financial world through

Natwest Bank. Many, if not most of the original 17 financiers of the Mondex
system come from the London banking district and belong to the "Club of
The Isles", a banking cartel of the House of Windsor. This banking cartel
has been influencing and controlling the processes of the world economy
for a long time. It seems to be related to Masonic lodges and, according to
the research of some authors, influences world politics, the financial world
as well as the politics and structure of the United Nations. Your goal is
obviously a new world order with a world government, a world religion and
a worldwide electronically functioning economy. The Führer is called "Lord
of the Isles" by some authors and is even referred to as the embodiment of
the 666. It remains to be seen whether he is identical to the British
professor Kevin Warwick, who was the first to have the biochip implanted
under his skin. The television station CNN reported on Professor Warwick's
experiments in March 199621 . Professor Warwick is Head of the
Cybernetics Department at Reading University in the UK. He caused a
worldwide sensation with his self-experiment. In interviews, Professor
Warwick described chip implantation as an important "development step"
for humans to become cyborgs. A cyborg is a hybrid of man and machine
or computer.
http: //

If you intend to boycott or resist the trend towards the cashless society, you
will face increasing difficulties. The following text is partly literal, partly
correspondingly taken from an essay by the Christian-oriented American
system critic Chris Beard: 22
http: //

“At first you will notice that your payment options are increasingly being
hindered. You will pay very high fees on checks by the time checks are
completely withdrawn. You will be pressured and even forced to process all
payments and billing settlements automatically and electronically. You have
to do banking with your PC or your phone, because bank clerks and bank
branches are being replaced by machines. Large sums of cash will be next
to impossible to come by. Cash is recalled and the smart card becomes
compulsory. At this point you will find that you will not be able to pay your
bills or the greengrocer if you do not have a smart card. The exchange of
gold or silver coins is made illegal without a dealer license. The bailiff will
show up and confiscate your property. "

Beard also sees very black:

“You will be placed under arrest, declared mentally disturbed, and assigned
to a reform labor camp. The state will withdraw custody of your children
from you. You will become a work slave in a concentration camp that
manufactures consumer goods. Women are forced into prostitution. You
will attend re-education classes where you will become an obedient citizen
in your super city-like prison. Refusers are executed and their body organs
reused. "

This future scenario sounds strange and improbable, but some authors
argue that concentration camps do not only exist in totalitarian states today
and that these are used to re-educate such uncomfortable
citizens. Thousands of people disappear worldwide every month. To
where ?

This coming system, a cashless society in a worldwide police state, will not
leave you with much freedom. Some American ecclesiastical groups,
seeing the dawning of a world of the Antichrist, say with great clarity that it
would be better if we were to think today of how we could survive outside
such a system. A last-minute decision to withdraw from the system would
be decidedly too late, if one wanted to survive at all. They advise joining
forces in groups in order to achieve economic self-sufficiency now. A piece
of land that belongs to a family and can support them makes them
independent. But it is precisely this basic human right to own a piece of
land that is being fought and manipulated around the world.

If you have only been noticed by refusing to keep up with the trend towards
a cashless society and you refuse to use the implantable chips, your
chances are high that you will find yourself completely penniless, possibly
even ending up as an inmate in a prison camp. It would be really advisable
to take action now so as not to be surprised by the situation.

The reasons given at the beginning for introducing the cashless society,
such as huge savings in banks or continuous control over all citizens, will of
course not be the reasons given to the public. The arguments are rather
better control of crime, better containment of drug trafficking, fight against
the black market or fair redistribution of property after a global financial
crash. The introduction of the smart card may take place at great speed,
and so far it has met with practically no public opposition in test projects. In
the first trial city of Guelph, Ontario, 93 percent of all business people were
ready to join the system right away. 30 to 40 percent of all families there
have a smart card.

Even the Health Care Card in the USA is not really about improving the
health system or the medical care of people. Those affected see it as a
disguised National Identity Card, which enables the state to have as much
personal data as possible from each citizen centrally stored. The real goal
is total control over everyone. The health insurance cards in Germany are
to be seen as a preliminary stage to a similar regulation. The next cards in
the healthcare sector will be intelligent and contain your personal data in
the integrated chip. The card is updated every time a doctor is visited and
the data is sent to a central computer.

At one of the next issues of your new Eurocheque card, you will likely see
your fingerprints taken! Because the electronically processed fingerprint is
stored on the card and in the bank computer. As described, some
American authorities have already started using fingerprints as additional
identification to the smart card. In general: have you actually noticed that
your euro check card has a chip on it? Just ask your bank what it is good
for and what to expect next!


In this chapter we deal with the most degrading measure that is planned for
all humanity: branding with an implantable chip. As I said, on an
experimental basis, prisoners and babies have already been started!

In the chapter "The Smart Card" we saw that this intelligent card can be
expected shortly as a universal means of payment and identification. We
introduced the card a long time ago because your Eurocheque cards
already contain a chip. However, it has not yet been used as a smart card,
i.e. as a general and soon exclusive means of payment. The electronic
scanning of fingerprints will not be long in coming either, because after all
the technology has been developed and available and is already being
used in limited projects, such as the American welfare programs, to identify
recipients. The use of asylum seekers is already being discussed in

The decisive blow to the degradation of humanity will only come when the
smart card has already been used across the world and has become the
only means of payment. Your solvency and thus your entire economic
existence will depend on this one card - which you could of course
lose. Exactly this already predictable argument will be used to propose an
ideal solution to all those who are afraid of losing their cards, be it through
theft or through their own fault: the implantable chip!

This technology also already exists and is unfortunately not only used to
identify pets, as was initially suggested. Motorola, which also produces the
smart card chip, has developed several types of bio-chips that can be
implanted under the skin in humans and animals. The instrument for this is
a simple syringe with a slightly larger cannula through which a rice-grain-
sized chip is implanted at any point under the skin.

The Bio-Chip BT952000 was developed by Dr. Carl Sanders

developed. His clients initially led him to believe that the biochip should
benefit patients who had injured nerve tracts. The injured standing should
be bridged with the help of the biochip in order to regain full
mobility. Allegedly only later did he find out that his chip should be used to
identify all citizens of the world! The behavior changes (!) in humans that
can also be achieved by the chip are still the area of intensive research!

At the same time, a similar biochip was produced by the American Jew
Dr. Daniel Man develops. He publicly advocates that every Israeli citizen
should have such a chip implanted in order to put an end to kidnapping and
terrorism. Why he argues with alleged advantages only for the Israeli state
remains completely unreasonable. With the chip, anyone could be located
anywhere on earth.

The chip itself is 7 x 0.75 mm, roughly the size of a grain of rice. It contains
a small transmitter, a so-called transponder, which transmits from outside
upon request, and a lithium battery.

They spent $ 1.5 million to find out which positions on the human body
would be best for the biochip. Its lithium battery is permanently charged by
temperature fluctuations in the body 23 . So you have to use the chip where
these fluctuations are greatest and where the temperature exchange with
the environment is not hindered by clothing. In addition, it must be easy to
"read" from the outside, so it must not sit too deep in the body. The most
optimal injection sites found are the forehead, just below the hairline, and
the back of the right hand! ! !

Do you remember the quoted passages in the Bible in the John



Furthermore, it has the effect that everyone, small and large,

rich and poor, free and unfree, stamp a mark on their right
hand or on their forehead.

The Bible not only says where the chip will be implanted, but also what
problems it will cause. Dr. Sanders was against the use of a lithium battery
because if it were damaged, for example by external mechanical action, a
very painful bump or wound would result. The John Apocalypse says:

The people who bore the imprint of the Beast and who
worshiped the image of the Beast grew an evil, ominous

When Dr. When the consequences of his invention became clear to

Sanders and he suspected the worldwide imminent abuse and was also
referred to the corresponding passages in the Bible, he converted to the
Christian faith. Since then he has held seminars in which he warns against
the use of the identification syringe.

The Greek word used for the mark in the Apocalypse of John
is charagma. That means something like scratches, stamps, insignia or
slave drawings. As already explained in the chapter "666: The number of
the beast", the number 666 in Greek is called chi xi stigma when the
numerical names are pronounced as words . Let us remind ourselves
again: Chi means God the Father or Owner, xi means to agree, to be
willing, to want, and stigma comes from stizo(poke, prick) - a pierced
mark. The "666" is therefore a mark that is scratched or stabbed for you by
your ruler or owner. Who would have thought that next to the Antichrist,
who is associated with the number "666" by many, there is also such a
technological meaning behind this number, which one has been trying to
interpret for 2000 years.

Just as anyone in the past centuries could not read the use of computers
from the St. John's Apocalypse, it was not possible to foresee an
implantable biochip that would serve as identification and that would be
used to buy goods. The secret is only beginning to be revealed through the
current technological development.

How does the implanted chip work when shopping for goods? Because that
is also a statement of the apocalypse: Buying and selling goods are only
possible for those who wear the mark. The chip reacts to frequency-
modulated radio waves with a frequency of 125 kHz. An RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification) scanner, i.e. a reader, sends a reading signal
through your skin to your chip. This replies with your personal identification
and the account number. The purchase amount can be automatically
debited from your account when you shop.
Isn't it fantastic, isn't it? You just put your hand on the counter and
everything is paid for. Some critics of the coming developments are of a
completely different opinion and say: "Welcome to the enslaved, satanic
New World Order!"

I hope you agree, because getting branded like cattle, even if it's in the
form of a chip, is not a very pleasant thought, especially if at some point it
turns into an inflammatory lump.

The apparent advantage of buying goods is also not the real motive behind
those driving the new technology. With a chip like this under your skin, you
can be tracked anywhere, even by satellite searches from space. If you
have made yourself undesirable for any reason, even if it is only through
criticism of the existing system, you can be found at any time and you can
be "taken out of circulation". The chip can already store large amounts of
data, e.g. your photo, your résumé, shopping and living habits, your health
data and of course your account number and your globally unique
identification number.

The critics of the biochip, many of whom come from Christian communities,
warn against the implant for another reason. The Greek words for the
number "666" and other passages of text from the John Apocalypse
suggest that a coming head of the new world order must also be
recognized as a religious leader. They fear not only that the chip will be
forcibly introduced or that the world population will be lured by the
enormous advantages that the chip will bring to people. They also fear that
we must all submit to this new ruler in every respect. Since one will no
longer have any economic or civil rights without the chip, the majority of
people seem to have no choice but to accept the chip as a lifelong mark.

With the invention of the implantable biochip, one might argue that, as with
any technical innovation or invention, no one knows today which solutions
will be chosen in the future and whether they will be used at all as
feared. Unfortunately that is wrong in this case. The chip is already used
worldwide for pet identification and for the identification of grazing
cattle. Within a few years, this chip was used in millions of animals. In the
USA, but also in some other countries, they have gone one step “further”:
The chip is already being used by people!
The population groups with the fewest rights have to serve, i.e. prison
inmates and military personnel. The chip has also been used in the USA for
17,000 babies 24 ! Parents had given their consent when they were told that
babies are too easily mistaken in hospitals and that the implant would make
this impossible! There are bills before the US Congress that will force
implantation in all babies ! The "brave new world" is closer than we
commonly think.

As early as 1996 an article appeared in the Chicago Tribune in the USA: "In
future tiny chip may get under your skin" (translated: In the future, a tiny
chip could get under your skin). In this article only reasons were given as to
why the implant is promising and beneficial. You don't have to worry about
lost or stolen credit cards, you enjoy security, protection, etc. The same
article further points out that the ID chip may become inevitable and that
things that are voluntary today may be compulsory tomorrow.

Let's return to our original topic, the Internet: In the future, shopping on the
Internet will also be handled using a chip scanner. After you have put
together your purchase order, hold your hand in front of the scanner built
into the PC, and you and your bank account are identified.

Simple solutions are always impressive. You have to decide whether the
limit of what is humanly reasonable is reached here. I mean yes.

By the way: According to experts, the chip can only be surgically removed
with great difficulty!



The rapid development of computer networks and the associated economic

and political processes all too often give the impression, when observed
thoughtfully, that they are being controlled and enforced by certain
authorities. This impression is certainly correct if one looks behind the
scenes of industrial interests alone.

Relevant literature also shows us that the richest and most influential
personalities in this world are organized in secret societies, lodges, orders,
etc. and are the real "makers" of the event. This may well be the case, and
that is why this book warns against the possible misuse of a technology
which all too easily makes it possible to control humanity as much as
possible in its activities. Many of these makers may not be aware that they
are also being used. By whom?

Let's come back to the number "666" and its meaning. An interpretation,
which is derived from the mysticism of numbers, assigns the name Sorath
to the number. Occultists are of the opinion that Sorath is a spirit being that
has always endeavored to prevent or at least to slow down the freedom
and spiritual development of man. The problem that some readers will now
have is this: In our worldview today there are neither spirits nor spiritual
worlds. Why is that? Because we are so enlightened and think scientifically
today? That would be an immediately visible reason. The causes, however,
lie deeper and much further back.

Dealing with the so-called occult or humanities aspects seems a bit absurd
for a book about the social and individual effects of the Internet. But I hope
to be able to make it clear that we are being manipulated in such a massive
way on earth that we no longer dare to think about certain things or that
some truths and facts seem so absurd to us that these thoughts do not
even arise. What I'm getting at is this:

Regardless of whether we belong to a Christian denomination or church or

not: In the West we live in a culture that is Christian in its thinking or
shaped by the Christian church. Our view of the world did not come about
by chance, but rather on the basis of first religious, then enlightening
thoughts, then scientific knowledge. Our idea of what a person is in their
innermost being, their physical, mental and spiritual components, has been
largely religiously shaped in the past centuries, supplemented by medical
knowledge and certain - unfortunately still very superficial - knowledge of
today's psychology.

Let's go back about 1100 years in our era. In the year 896 there was a
council of the Christian church, where by decree the human spirit and its
roots in the spiritual worlds were "abolished". The previously recognized
threefold division of human beings into body, soul and spirit has been
replaced by a two-part division consisting only of body and soul. The inner
roots of man in the spiritual worlds were no longer recognized and officially
ignored from this time on. At least this is how anthroposophical historians
interpret the earlier developments in the Christian worldview today.

These council resolutions were therefore taken so that they could serve as
a conscious indoctrination and manipulation of the population, because
without a spiritual, today one would also say spiritual, inner guidance a
person loses independence and could very easily be directed or controlled
by the authorities of the time secured, so to speak, the monopoly for the
mediation of higher spiritual things, i.e. God. Man was reduced to physical
needs and his soul and emotional life became a servant..

What does all of this have to do with the situation today? Very
easily ! When someone mentions spiritual worlds, as I have just done, most
people just shake their head and don't know what to do with the term. At
most one understands by this literary literature, art and the entire spectrum
of what we can grasp with our intellect. Even today, it is recognized that
man has a spirit, but it is only understood to mean the intellectual
component! Yes, we are so far removed conceptually from the reality of the
spiritual worlds that it is almost difficult to make clear what these are
supposed to be.

Let's try a brief definition. As a rule, spiritual worlds are understood to be

invisible worlds that cannot (today) be recorded by measuring
instruments. Up to now they can only be recognized by people who have
taken it upon themselves to continue to develop their potential for
knowledge and their mental and spiritual abilities, for example through
meditations and spiritual exercises. This is also often referred to as
consciousness development. Such people report of many kinds of beings,
figures of light, entire universes in these spiritual worlds, which are normally
not accessible to our perception. Incidentally, the Catholic Church
recognizes entire hierarchies of angels who function as armies of
God. How can you imagine that whole universes exist somewhere or that
we and our earth are permeated by spiritual worlds that we do not
see? Well, it is not that difficult to understand our inability.
Let us use light perception as an example. In many books, not just physical
ones, you can find diagrams showing all known and recorded wavelengths
of electromagnetic radiation. The whole electromagnetic wave
spectrum 25 we see only a tiny part as light waves. We cannot see
everything else, heat radiation, radio waves, X-rays, satellite emissions,
etc., these waves remain hidden from us. Nevertheless, they are present all
around us.
Range of the possible frequencies of these waves

It is the same with our consciousness or our ability to perceive. We can

perceive certain things, but not others (and most of them!). So far we have
advanced in terms of knowledge, even in today's psychology, that we have
to acknowledge that what we take to be the real world is an illusion, an
illusion that our mind creates. He creates this worldview on the basis of the
theories and "truths" conveyed to him, on the basis of his sensory
perceptions and on the basis of his feeling and intuitive guessing of
circumstances. Unfortunately, few are aware that all these perceptions are
only a tiny fraction of what really exists around us. And even if you've heard
about it, it's usually easy to forget.

Spiritual worlds are thus worlds that do exist, but exist on a level of
vibration that is not readily accessible to our perception. In order to open up
these worlds, there are methods that require consistent spiritual effort on
the part of people over the years. These methods are often referred to as
occult. Occult means dark or secret. These methods were considered
occult because they were often only passed on in secret in order to rule out
any misuse of the powers that could be acquired with them. The abuse was
called black magic, as opposed to white magic, which is used to help
people or to do something wholesome and evolutionary.

But what everyone should know today: Often groups or individuals stand up
for supposedly good goals without knowing that they have become the
helpers of the negative forces. It should also happen that those who
describe negatively applied occult powers as absurd and non-existent are
precisely those who themselves diligently use them.

This brings us back to the spirit being Sorath and his number "666". Sorath
embodies a principle that can either be imagined as a spiritual being or as
a principle that is anchored in the consciousness of man. This is the only
reason why the efforts of this spirit being to influence people negatively are
successful at all. Sorath wants "to put the spiritual power in the service of
the lower I-principle". 26 This countercurrent to everything that is free and
beautiful, to which man wants to rise, has been active for thousands of
years. Such polarities are nothing abnormal in world events according to
the well-known saying: "Where there is light, there is shadow".
Rudolf Steiner: The Apocalypse of John, 11th lecture

If one regards this being simply as zeitgeist (because there are no longer
"officially" spirits), then this zeitgeist is always looking for current currents,
organizations and individuals in order to harness them for its goals. For
example, this has happened several times throughout history with religious
institutions and other large organizations. A current look at the Islamic
fundamentalists and their acts of terrorism are just one example of such
distortions of a fundamentally good and evolutionary current that can be
found worldwide. Of course, non-religious organizations are also affected
by such distortions of their original content.

Within such movements or organizations it is always individual people who

serve as an executive organ for the intentions of the spirit being, mostly
without knowing it. Because with thoughts and impulses a person can
usually not decide whether they are his own or whether they are, so to
speak, inspired.

From a certain worldview one can say that the current acceleration of
computerization, the use of the Internet, the abolition of cash, etc. is
happening by certain political circles, secret societies, industrial
associations or simply massive capital interests, but behind it - from an
intellectual point of view - is that actually a power that has always tried to
remain undetected. This power, just mentioned Sorath, fears nothing more
than that his work will be revealed. You can recognize this with careful
observation by the fact that whenever true connections are uncovered or
are in danger of being uncovered, campaigns are started to ridicule or
denigrate the persons or organizations involved. The repertoire of
measures has been the same for centuries. For example, if there are books
that seem dangerous, they will either be bought up altogether, censored, or
distribution banned. Often they only contain explosive backgrounds for
current and past events, which one would otherwise not be able to track
down through television and the daily newspaper.
Do we now consistently deal with negative and evil forces with Sorath and
his vassals? That depends on the judgmental point of view. In principle, a
positive development is only possible by overcoming difficulties. In other
words: there cannot be a positive, evolutionary force alone. Every force
requires a simultaneous counterforce. This is both a spiritual law and a
well-known principle in physics.

The positive counterforce to the sorathic principle is, in Christian terms, the
power of Michael. In the story from the John Apocalypse quoted at the
beginning, the persecutor and conqueror of the dragon is the Archangel
Michael with his host. This authority, seen as a positive zeitgeist, is the one
who "carries the divine principle of trinity through the world with courage,
enthusiasm and love, because it puts a stop to all evil forces" 27 . These
two opposing currents are certainly not the only global spiritual influences
with which we have to deal. The struggle of the forces inside and outside of
us creates the dynamic through which we develop and grow.
Peter Tradowsky: Christ and Antichrist, p. 127

You are probably familiar with examples of how people who had a difficult
childhood often later became extraordinary personalities with outstanding
abilities, while those who were given every opportunity often developed into
effeminate, undynamic people. I am not talking about a difficult childhood,
but rather it should only show the principle of what resistance can be good

We will often have noticed in ourselves that in phases in which everything

is going too "smoothly", when we do not have to face any challenges, times
of enjoyment are often followed by a stale or sullen attitude towards life
("nothing works"). This causes us to throw ourselves into the next
adventure, which can take place in real life or, unfortunately, is often
searched for in the virtual world, on television or on the computer.

Should we switch to the latter, we can be sure that no real development will
take place. Then we only experience as a spectator what we should
actually create ourselves through our own willpower and abilities. The fact
that we often do not feel this impulse to become active in the real world is a
clear manipulation of the masses through spiritual means, directly through
consciousness, indirectly through the mass media, of which most of us are
not even aware! That is the declared intention of the adversary.

The influencing happens all too often with occult methods, which, as
already mentioned, are officially made ridiculous, or by influencing the
weather (which in turn affects our psyche) or by certain electromagnetic
frequencies, of which we now know how to use can cause them mental
paralysis, fears, confusion and much more on a large scale at the national
level and even globally. The most recent examples are global manipulation
using scalar waves and psychotronic warfare. To go into this now would,
however, lead too far.

If you have ever asked yourself why your attitude towards life has changed
dramatically compared to before, or why it is subject to fluctuations that you
cannot really explain, then ask the military and secret services of the great
powers. Technologies are in use there that one normally does not even
dare to think about or that one cannot imagine exposing people to such
influences in a targeted manner. Our imagination is paralyzed. Too often I
hear the phrase "I can't imagine that" from too many people. Unfortunately,
we are too innocent.

So we are dealing with massive opposing forces. A human race that wants
to develop can only cope with this with or through the simultaneous
overcoming of opposing forces. Such a counterforce is Sorath. Understood
in this sense, this force is not evil, it is absolutely necessary. It is only
necessary to face the challenges with an extremely alert mind, so that we
do not miss certain valuable opportunities for spiritual development. We
have to put this power in its place.

If you are more interested in the subject of the spiritual worlds, which we do
not want to go into further here, you can, for example, concern yourself with
the lectures and books by Rudolf Steiner. He was the founder of the
anthroposophical movement and called again and again to cultivate the
abilities inherent in humans and to explore the spiritual worlds. He
describes from different sides the spiritual or spiritual origin of man and
what man could actually be if he did not give himself up again and again by
externally generated dullness, indolence and disinterest and a purely
materialistic striving.
Although Steiner knew neither television nor computers at the time, he saw
the danger that humans would increasingly be influenced in such a way
that they only function as an observer of an illusory world, but no longer as
a socially engaged being with a lively, active interest in their
environment. He couldn't have described an Internet surfer better!

What exactly is Sorath's intention with his principle of "666"? He wants to

switch off the human ego as much as possible, undermine his will and use
it for his own purposes. This is to achieve that man becomes an
automaton, ignorant of his real spiritual inheritance, his potential for
development, his origin, and a willing instrument of other powers. Social
engagement should be replaced by selfish action and egoism, love and
compassion by indifference and cold feeling.

On the other hand there is the desire of the human being to expand his
consciousness, his ego further and further, to grasp and understand more
and more consciously, all of this carried by compassion and understanding
for the animate and inanimate universe around him. This also includes, in
the sense of spiritual science, consciously growing into the spiritual worlds
or, to put it better, consciously rediscovering the already existing roots in
the spiritual world. Many people shy away from this step for various
reasons and prefer to flee into the illusory world of the computer and the
distraction of any number of leisure activities.

If, while reading Rudolf Steiner's works, you find that his somewhat
cumbersome sentence structure and manner of expression cause you
difficulties (you are not alone in that), then you can fall back on countless
other publications that deal with spiritual topics. Esoteric bookstores help
here. Perhaps the Indian or Chinese approach suits you better. Both
cultures have had an almost unbroken spiritual and spiritual tradition for
many thousands (!) Years, in which not only knowledge about the spiritual
worlds was kept alive and passed on, but also a treasure trove of exercises
to explore these worlds through one's own personal effort and experience
to bring them close and thereby enrich their life immensely.

I would actually like to encourage you - if you are not already doing this - to
deal intensively with this topic, because without the background, without
the knowledge of which spiritual impulses control earthly events, a lot
remains incomprehensible on this planet.


So far, we have mainly investigated what options we can use to protect

ourselves from the negative effects of the Internet on our private lives. In
many cases these are evasive maneuvers and avoidance strategies. From
a constructive point of view, we should consider whether we cannot actively
contribute to combating dangerous tendencies and initiating positive

What options do we have to counteract the negative aspects of the

Internet? In this chapter we will examine socio-political measures as well as
spiritual-spiritual ways to bring about change.

Sociopolitical measures

As with all social developments that we want to help shape or influence, it

is usually advisable to form associations in order to give your opinion more
weight. You can join acta already existing initiatives, study party programs
and join the party that suits you. You also have the option of giving articles
to the press and you can address members of the Bundestag. Finally, there
are also the data protection officers, whose legal mandate is to prevent the
inadmissible forwarding of data and to stand up for the rights of the
individual in a world of computer networking.

If you want to take massive action against a current or emerging

development, there are always two options. The first is that you become a
member of important associations or committees in order to help shape
and influence the development in question from "within" instead of fighting
it. In my opinion, this is the most constructive approach. The second
alternative is that you take up the fight from the outside against those
authorities who are responsible for what you believe to be misdirected

The so-called extra-parliamentary opposition took the second route in the

1960s to push through its goals against the established parties. A fight
against the feared control mechanisms through the Internet, smart cards
and implanted chips and the resulting restriction of personal freedom must
first and foremost be preceded by massive educational work. The current
Internet users as well as the population groups not yet affected must be
informed about the risks and dangers of the Internet in order to take the
wind out of the sails of the unreflected euphoria. This is not to be expected
from the official (state) side.

The internet itself can (ironically) also be used as a platform for

action. Through the many discussion groups within the "Internet
community," you could, for example, help ensure that the use of encryption
mechanisms asserts itself as a matter of course. The danger with such
internal Internet groups could, however, be that the supposed social
reference is not given. That is to say that while you feel at home in a
community of like-minded people, political change may not bring this
about. We have not yet introduced a referendum via the Internet as a
procedure in Germany.

Publications that are directed against the dangers of the Internet or draw
attention to its dangers are promising tools for influencing the trends of the
time. After all, the public media such as newspapers and television are also
the main means used by proponents of the Internet. These media are used
so heavily that the impression arises that the whole world wants to get
started on the Internet immediately and without fail. We should realize that
many media are either controlled by massive interest groups or that they
simply adopt mass trends. In any case, if you are a member or head of a
strong group, your personal chances of having a media-effective campaign
increase. But also as an individual, without the support of an association,

The simple refusal strategy would not be very far-reaching in the case of
the Internet. If you convince acquaintances and friends in conversations not
to use the Internet, or point out the immense dangers, you can at most
achieve in a small circle that the Internet does not boom as fast as it is
predicted by its creators and supporters. You can't stop the trend this way.

Please consider that the worldwide media machine is on the side of the
masterminds of the Internet (see also the chapter "The Beast and its
masterminds"). In order to make your voice heard, it would therefore be
advantageous to also get politicians and data protection officers on your
side. These, in turn, feel more secure in their role when they have large
groups and citizens' initiatives behind them.

But what do you want to work for in detail? As always in life, if you want to
fight the internet or dangerous internet-related trends, you need to be clear
about your goals. This is the only way to be successful. We will no longer
succeed in abolishing the Internet. We can, however, avert the trend that
every private household must have a PC or telephone with an Internet
connection. What good would such connections be? The pointlessness of
this trend and its consequences should be revealed.

We are already inundated with information that is largely useless. There is

actually no real need. This is a fact that, in addition to all the dangers
already discussed, should be made clear in order to provide a healthy
counterbalance to the unreflected euphoria for the Internet. The flood of
information, like the oversupply of television channels, distracts from the
actual tasks and problems that we have to cope with on our earth (see also
the chapter "Information society or Orwell's horror vision?").

Incidentally, before the existence of the Internet, the ever-increasing

amount of information with which we were confronted was a much
discussed problem in all media. It is strange that this topic seems to be
completely forgotten in favor of exactly the opposite, namely supplying all
people with floods of information through the Internet. Here too we can see
how we are being manipulated.

Whether companies want to handle their communication, order processing,

etc. over the Internet is a completely different matter. A borderline case for
the discussion of the necessity would be, for example, ordering in mail
order companies via the Internet. But catalogs have also worked in the past
and are also more pleasant to leaf through.

However, the issue of data security is even more urgent. On the one hand,
the state is unsettled by the international medium of the Internet and tries to
control everything and everything in this medium. His argument is usually
the need to fight crime, which is part of his mission. But under the pretext of
being able to track down and monitor criminal elements or suspects, the
state seeks to be able to control each of us at will. This claim goes too far,
here fundamental rights are violated!
In Germany, too, there are the first discussions and state efforts to either
prohibit encryption of data on the Internet entirely or to introduce an official
key mechanism, which is of course known to the police and secret service
and thus represents a worthless measure. As described in the chapter
"Security through encryption?", The encryption of an e-mail is something
like an envelope for a letter, something completely normal. Why should
anyone interested (hackers, providers, police, intelligence services) be able
to read our mail without further ado, as is still the case today on the

In the USA, a successful citizens' initiative formed when a law was to be

passed to prevent the mandatory use of the clipper chip. This chip should
be built into all telephones and fax machines in order to automatically
encrypt calls. The key would only be known to one organization, the
American intelligence service NSA. The law has not been enacted, but all
US agencies are equipped with such devices. In the European Community,
in the long term, all telecommunications systems are to be equipped with
eavesdropping devices and - if they already exist - legalized.

In Germany we seem to have slept through such trends so far, because as

already described, a law that obliges all Internet providers to provide
"eavesdropping" for intelligence and police has been passed without
protest. This should not happen to us Germans again. The trend is
clear. Before every German has internet access and is aware of the
problem, one wants to have the control instruments legally secured. We
can and must take countermeasures here. The "great eavesdropping" is
another political victory of the control instruments. (However, some believe
that only what has been legally approved here is what has long been
practiced in reality.)

From the few examples I have given, I think it becomes clear by what
means we can fight. In the following we turn to a completely different
possibility, which has to do with the power of our spirit and spiritual laws:
the spiritual battle on the inner planes.

Fight with spiritual-spiritual means A fight against a trend of the times,

against an attack on our freedom can also be carried out in the spiritual, in
the consciousness, without the use of political means. To make it clear to
you what is meant, I would like to tell you about the English "spiritual
fighter" Dion Fortune.
Dion Fortune lived in England from 1890 to 1946. As a young psychologist,
she discovered important spiritual forces in herself and founded a spiritual
movement (The Society of the Inner Light) that still exists today. They
would be called esotericists these days with a keen sense of the practical
application of their knowledge, or an occultist. She became known as the
author of numerous esoteric books.

Dion Fortune fought against the Germans in World War II. She did not use
weapons or espionage, but instead waged an intellectual battle with many
like-minded compatriots - and very successfully. She used ancient occult
knowledge with the aim of averting the German threat from England. The
fact that a planned German occupation of England was prevented is, in the
opinion of esoteric circles, largely due to this major intellectual action.

For this one must know that in the Third Reich occult methods were used
very deliberately in order to influence the own German people as well as to
undermine the morale of the opponents of the war. Among other things,
telepathic methods were used to weaken the group consciousness and the
popular soul of the opponents. For those interested in this aspect of the
Third Reich and World War II, the book "The Spear of Fate" by Trevor
Ravencroft is recommended.

How exactly did Dion Fortune go about it? A key statement in the traditional
knowledge that she has applied is that strengthening one's own positive
forces is much more successful than fighting the negative (a principle
which, incidentally, is also practiced in all ancient medical traditions). So it
was about strengthening the inner values and strength of the British nation,
and not so much about fighting the negatively polarized attacking
consciousness of the Germans. Mind you, the premise of the intellectual
struggle was that the Germans not only used conventional means of war,
but also had consciously trained people who could manipulate the mass
consciousness or the collective consciousness of the German war
opponents, including the British, with the aim of

To counterbalance the positive spiritual principles of the British nation, Dion

Fortune used weekly group meditations, with participants scattered across
Britain, but the core of the group being formed by a trained circle of
occultists in London. Every Sunday at a precisely defined time everyone
meditated and visualized simultaneously on a certain topic that had been
communicated to everyone in advance by letter. In this way, she used the
collective power of the human mind to have a demonstrable effect in
warfare. The chronicle of the events is recorded in the book "The Magical
Battle of Britain", which a student of hers published 50 years later.

Through newspaper reports on the war in Europe it was possible to prove

by observers that whenever a certain topic was mentally "worked on" by
the group, a few days later the official media reported positive
developments (for England) in this area.

When studying the book it becomes clear how one can actually make a
difference in this world with spiritual methods. The group around Dion
Fortune has never claimed that it was thanks to them alone that the
German invasion of England was avoided, but that they made a decisive
contribution to strengthening the morale and the will to defend the whole
nation, spiritual barriers against them to build up telepathic influence from
outside and to neutralize the activities of enemy agents in one's own
country. Who knows how much fear and mental disorientation can spread
in a war and cause defeat, will appreciate the awareness work of this

Why did we mention the Dion Fortune case? To show that not only political
movements can achieve something in this world, but also spiritual and
spiritual efforts. We can help control the dangerous global developments
that can be observed in connection with the Internet, credit cards and
implantable chips. But only if we get involved, train our minds and, if
possible, join forces with others. The latter seems to be an unavoidable
measure, regardless of whether we want to campaign for a change of
course politically or spiritually and meditatively.

The fact that the mind must be thoroughly trained must not be
concealed. Without the ability to concentrate over a longer period of time,
such mental efforts (e.g. visualizations) as described above will be of little
use. Test yourself: If you can manage to have the mental image of an
object in front of your eyes without interruption for three minutes with your
eyes closed, then you are fine. Such an image usually disappears after a
few seconds! In order to positively influence the collective consciousness
with inner images or meditation content, it is of course desirable if the
participants in such a group are able to maintain the images over a longer
period of time.
In modern parlance one speaks of "morphogenetic fields" in connection
with the fact that individuals can influence the consciousness of all. One
wants to express that there is obviously due to observations and research
results an influence of beings of the same Gatturtg among themselves over
great distances without any direct or indirect contact taking place.

Biologists had discovered in this century that animal species can exchange
behavioral patterns even over great distances. The research suggested
that they shared a common area of consciousness accessible to any
animal of that species. Changes in the behavior of an animal led not only to
changes in the behavior of its local group, but also of animal that, for
example, were at home on a distant island.

A popular example is the monkey who learns to peel his banana in a

different way than before and who is suddenly imitated by distant monkeys
with whom he has no contact. In the case of humans, the phenomenon that
is interesting in this context is that identical inventions were often made at
the same time in several places on earth, although the inventors had no
contact with one another. The term morphogenetic fields was coined for
this phenomenon. In humans this could also be called collective
consciousness. If you are interested in the research and findings in this
context, the books by Rupert Sheldrake are recommended.

The fact that one person's consciousness can directly influence that of
another or the entire collective consciousness has not only been known
since the discovery of the said biologists in this century. The esoteric
teachings of ancient times, for example the traditional scriptures of India,
say exactly the same thing: It is an illusion to believe that we as human
beings are spiritually separated from one another. Each individual affects
the whole of human consciousness, and the collective consciousness in
turn affects each individual. And in this century, too, the depth psychologist
C. G. Jung was a proponent of the theory that we humans are united by a
common area of consciousness, which he called the collective

This shows us, regardless of our discussion about the Internet, that we
have the opportunity to influence all that is happening around us
spiritually. It is only a matter of the power of thought and concentration,
what effectiveness we can develop and how far the radius of action
extends! Please remember: If you want to steer the trends of the time,
including the Internet, in a spiritually positive direction in this way, then you
should not fight against anything, but rather give your attention only to what
is socially and humanly desirable .

In a positive sense, you would then have to think very specifically about
how, for example, communication with your fellow human beings should
look like, how your privacy is protected, how you can remain economically
independent without a credit card and internet, and how you can brand
those you want to brand with a chip to put them in their place. You should
also know how to derive meditation contents from noble principles such as
the ideal of human freedom, which can then be used in group
meditanons. The book "The Magical Battle of Britain" is also highly
recommended as a guide.

The "opposite side" is organized and powerful and fights with all available
means. Should you decide to set an impulse against it, you have to be just
as powerful in a positive sense and organize yourself systematically with
others. The discomfort we feel is not enough on its own to set change in
motion. If you feel affected or threatened, if you expect a negative
development or a restriction of your freedom, then you should consider
taking a position and taking action.



George Orwell's vision of a society totally monitored by technology is not

yet a reality. But we are making giant strides in this direction. We are lured
in front of the screen with flimsy arguments, away from our own reflection,
from dealing with our fellow human beings, away from social
engagement. The isolation of the people is inevitable. The dictatorial
principle of "divide and rule" is tried with great commitment worldwide.

Real contact with the world is to be increasingly replaced by virtual contact

via the screen. Your own thinking is paralyzed, because only real activity
can it be effectively enlivened. Intellectual thinking becomes more passive,
our soul becomes a spectator of the world. A lack of relationship to the real
world develops. With constant screen contact »the heart becomes sluggish,
pity dies, conscience falls asleep, the reality of thinking is lost«. 28
Peter Tradowsky: Christ and Antichrist

An interesting social phenomenon is the emergence of virtual cities on the

Internet. These are artificial structures in hyperspace 29, in which real cities
are simulated on the screen. There are people in these cities, offices,
shops, city administrations, just about everything that defines city life. An
Internet surfer can become a member of such a city community and there
slip into various roles and communicate with other people in the city. The
proponents of such virtual cities argue that in this way one can train how
one can behave in different ways in a social space. It is overlooked,
however, that a real activity in the social environment is being replaced by
a virtual one. In plain language this means: Nothing happens! The Internet
user is given the illusion of being actively involved in city life, but in truth he
is playing with a program.
an imaginary, abstract world that is only possible through programs on
the Internet

Some politicians believe that we are in an exciting process that is being

controlled from the grassroots. You describe the beginning of the
information society as a bottom-up revolution, that is, a revolution "from
below" (according to Siegmar Mosdorf, chairman of the study commission
"Future of the Media in Business and Society"). In the past, changes would
have come from the elites.

First of all, it is incorrect to claim that revolutions or profound changes have

always come from the elite. This is neither true of the French Revolution
nor of the political upheavals in others

States of this earth. Only fundamental changes in the worldview of mankind

have been shaped by great thinkers such as those of the Enlightenment or
by scientists, incidentally also by musicians.

On the other hand, the fact that the younger generation in particular uses
the Internet with enthusiasm and is finding new ways of communication is
no sign of a grassroots revolution. The tooling for this is specifically thrown
onto the market by those who clearly have improper intentions, namely to
build up a worldwide control apparatus. The motto for this would be
something like: "One screen for everyone, and you will be trapped!" (Quote
from an active critic of the regime)

Other politicians and scientists, such as the lawyer and economist Bernd-
Peter Lange, fear a division in society into have and have-nots, i.e. those
who have Internet access and those who do not. This fear was also voiced
by the Club of Rome in 1997. 30 Statements of this kind are only indications
of pseudo-problems that are supposed to conceal the real machinations,
because some authors believe that the Club of Rome is not what it claims
to be either. 31Work is being carried out worldwide on, for example, using
inexpensive devices to make the Internet connection palatable and
affordable for everyone. Televisions get Internet capabilities, PCs can be
used as televisions, and telephones are equipped with a screen for Internet
access - as presented at the Cebit 1998 computer fair in Hanover.
Spectrum of Science, Dossier 1/98, p. 109
William Cooper Behold a Pale Horse

How dangers are downplayed in our company and how counter-arguments

for new technologies are generally dealt with can be found in an interview
with Telekom boss Dr. Ron Sommer in the magazine »Hör zu« 36/97:

“All this excitement is typically German. We really have to be careful that

we don't squander the chances of making Germany a globally leading
nation in telematics 32 . Out of pure desire to discuss possible dangers, we
should not jeopardize the opportunities for new jobs. The Japanese and the
Americans are very different. They never ask whether a new system will
replace the old one, but rather grapple with the expanded application
possibilities the new technology offers. And dangers are fought when they
are specific. "
Summary term for: telephone, television, telemedicine, telework,
telelearning, traffic telematics, etc.

The arguments cited are extremely easy to read through and are
unfortunately always applied when counter-arguments against a new
technology are to be nipped in the bud:
1. With the utterance "typically German" all opponents in the discussion are
first disqualified, while the Americans are presented as the better ones.

2. The argument "new jobs" has also been used for arms factories
producing tanks and ammunition, and so has nothing to do with the positive
or negative effects of the technology itself.

3. And the attitude of downplaying possible dangers and only combating

them when the danger has arisen is hardly any longer relevant, especially
after the nuclear accident in Chernobyl.

You can see here how, with a consistently flimsy argumentation, the wind
should be taken out of the sails of those who want to draw attention to

It's not about consistently disqualifying the Internet and the World Wide
Web and presenting them as dangerous. The security risks are known, and
payment transactions over the Internet are viewed as problematic by all
groups involved. People talk about protecting privacy. (Which, however, is
not practically feasible, as we have made clear in the chapter "Security
through encryption?") It is more about recognizing that a technology is
being created here that will permeate and change our entire life. The
privacy of all people is in danger, the famous "glass" citizen will become a
cruel reality here if we do not take action against some of these

But not only the individual is affected by the Internet and the accompanying
developments. All countries on earth are being forced by the internet to
reconsider their role or even to find a new self-image. So far, every state
has drawn part of its legitimation from its order-creating and protective
function. In a state with a so-called liberal basic order like ours, a conflict
arises between its efforts to prevent the abuse of the new media and to put
a stop to a new type of crime, and on the other hand its own stipulation, the
freedom of the individual and the protection of privacy as far as possible
guarantee. An ex-boss of a German internet provider formulated the
conflict as follows:33
Konrad 3/98 S. 18
How much our freedoms are already restricted can be seen from the
overview in the chapter "Why soon every intelligence service will know
where you are". Totalitarian states will not get into conflict here, but will try
to either prevent the use of the Internet or to use all control mechanisms
available to them. A nation-state must feel extremely insecure when a new
social space arises that is no longer national but global in character and
which also tries to evade state control to a large extent.

All control mechanisms that we have described in this book and that will
certainly increase in the future have their origin in the fact that a state tries
to monitor all processes on its territory out of increasing feeling of
powerlessness. An inherent part of a power structure is always the fear that
it will lose power. Despite all its control options, the Internet is a real
nightmare for a nation-state.

The network is a chaotically growing structure, there is no official institution

that can be held accountable or regulated. Millions of providers and users
would have to be monitored. Part of the protective measures described
also consists of handling data traffic using so-called anonymization
computers, so that the people involved remain in the background and are
therefore more difficult to find for state access.

Not only the global private networking possibilities are a problem for today's
state structures, but also the increasing commercialization of the network
and the establishment of virtual companies and the processing of business
transactions across national borders. To describe this as a new challenge
for export and import controls, the police, intelligence services and tax
authorities would be an understatement.

Suddenly there are two worlds, one real and one virtual. You want to
control and monitor both. So it is a logical step to make the transition from
the real to the virtual world as quickly as possible, that is to say, to handle
all processes of economic and social life as quickly and completely as
possible via the Internet. A virtual world in a computer network can be
monitored more easily than the real world. Today's control of both worlds
ties up too many resources (money, computers and people).

The states can actually only exercise their power effectively and thoroughly
by agreeing on globally valid rules or by allowing the states to grow
together, as is also demanded by representatives of the "One World". The
question remains whether this world state will become a totalitarian
surveillance state or an organization that will protect and serve its citizens.

It remains to be seen whether the control and monitoring options are

actually used. The fact is, however, that you can personally be monitored
down to the smallest detail very soon. If we think of the overthrown regime
of the former GDR, then we know that unfortunately far too many people
(who, by the way, are still among us) let themselves be hired by a secret
service to monitor their fellow citizens. Even there, you weren't allowed to
say aloud what you really thought about the state or other issues. What
would the GDR secret service have triumphed if it had had a tool like the
Internet and the ability to monitor all network providers and all e-mails!

Free access to an unlimited amount of information is something you want

to make palatable to people. The state and the economy apparently want to
provide the citizens with something good, namely more information. Since
when - and I ask this very clearly - has an apparatus of power, be it the
state or a business corporation, been interested in spoiling people with
good things? Maintaining a power structure comes first, followed by sales
and profits.

Have you ever thought that a lack of information is not the main problem
we face as a human race? Isn't it much more important to develop
independent action, to develop all emotional qualities in our children as
much as possible and to replace the flood of information with which our
pupils and students are already confronted today with something else,
namely with more knowledge of their own psyche, the Ability to deal
constructively with conflicts, training of artistic talents and more willingness
for social engagement? Not to mention the spiritual or religious stunting we
are suffering from today?

If we need more information and more knowledge at all, it is about

ourselves. We should recognize what our own impulses are and what is
externally controlled. We should develop the courage to follow our own
impulses instead of letting more and more manipulation penetrate
us. Newspapers and television have already led to the fact that everyone's
opinions are brought into line, that everyone is informed about certain facts,
but about others, perhaps much more important ones, are left in the dark.
The apparent departure into (information) freedom, the shaking off of all
information bottlenecks, the unhindered access for everyone to global
knowledge is a step that was consciously accepted, a step that was
necessary for those in power in order to be able to control humanity as a
whole . Rudolf Bahro, now deceased GDR system critic and most recently
professor at Berlin's Humboldt University, warned against "technocratic
fantasies ... all of which start from the information society rather than from a
human empire."

Free access to knowledge of all kinds has never really been something that
excited the mighty of this world. So far, the best way to control mankind is
to censor the information available and keep the educational level of as
many countries as possible low. Since this strategy can no longer be
sustained as well as it used to be, mankind is being lured into the opposite,
total freedom of information. The price is a total control

The Internet in conjunction with the countless television channels today

creates a scenario that is intended to lure everyone in front of the
screen. The goal is to switch off independent thinking, initiative and
independent action. In a speech given in 1995, Brzezinski (former security
advisor to US President Jimmy Carter) described the possibility of keeping
the entire human race busy by systematically satisfying the instinct to play
and the hunger for adventure via the screen as the modern version of the
ancient Roman rule of panem et circenses(Bread and games) that kept the
people happy. He called the new version "tittytainment", a play on words
made up of the English words entertainment and tits (breasts, representing
nutrition). One would only have to feed the frustrated world population
adequately and provide numbing entertainment. That would keep everyone
happy and create the freedom that the ruling class would like to have in
order to achieve their goals of power.

Some parents are now worried that their offspring will miss the boat, and
they send their four-year-old children to a computer school instead of
kindergarten. The whole thing is called "edutainment", a combination of the
English terms entertainment (see above) and education (upbringing). There
is no question that even small children learn very quickly and are not
overwhelmed with computer games. The real question, however, is
whether one should limit the world of the "little ones" to a rectangular
screen. As a schoolboy, you will be confronted with computers and the
Internet soon enough.

In cooperation with the industry, it is ensured that everyone has Internet

access in their living room. In the course of the supply of Internet devices
(still PCs or televisions today), more and more everyday processes are
gradually being made available via the Internet. The decisive blow will
come when it is decided that all forms of communication and purchase will
only be using the Internet. Then everyone "hangs" on the hook of
control. This earth has always been about power and control. With the
Internet and the multifunctional devices that enable network access, we are
laying the basis for George Orwell's horror vision!

The internet, computer networking and implantable chips are certainly not
the only issues that could worry many of us and that seem to have been
addressed in the St. John's Apocalypse. So we read in the news of the
world federalists in Germany, the WFM-Newsletter, January 98: »At the
end of the second millennium it seems to many occidental people that the
images from the Johannes apocalypse are not only real, but (as part of a
cross-border phenomenology) can also become global. "

The changes come step by step. The tempo is chosen so that little or no
contradiction arises. As with environmental pollution, this is a fatal
principle. The changes for the worse are happening so slowly that our
protests are not massively aroused. Psychologists have found that a
protest or the will to oppose a development arises only when we are
exposed to a certain strength of change or a certain pace. If the stimulus is
below this threshold, we accept the changes. The poor quality of the air we
breathe or the water we drink has long been a reason to take to the streets
in protest and demonstrate. However, the creeping speed of deterioration
has led to the use of the Internet carries the risk that the person in front of
the screen will become a willless tool of the system, which can be
manipulated and controlled. So if you want to use the Internet you should
do so with full awareness of the dangers to which you are exposing
yourself and which you are helping to create by supporting this trend. The
way power structures are on earth today, it would be a miracle if the
Internet and the World Wide Web were only used for positive purposes. We
don't have to participate in this development. The comparison with a flock
of sheep or with lemmings is obvious for everyone who follows a mass
trend like here, with correspondingly fatal results. Albert Einstein put it this
drastically: »In order to be an impeccable member of a flock of sheep,
conversely, power structures or their leading circles are most afraid of one
thing: the power of the personality of individuals. That is why, for example,
the instructions for an old secret society still active today say: “Above all,
the power of personality must be fought, as there is nothing more
dangerous than it. If this is endowed with creative spiritual powers, it can
achieve more than millions of people. « 7
Coralf: Maitreya, the coming world teacher, p. 115 ff.

And finally, the founder of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, should be

quoted: "The best means is to try to preserve your freedom, to use your
healthy judgment and to make use of your reason." 8
quoted in: Beter Tradowsky: Christ und Antichrist, p. 19

I would like to call on you to do this. Keep up your good judgment and dare
to find critical words, despite all the enthusiasm for technology around
you. Stay true to your way of life, your own thinking, your feelings and your
intuition. I wish you all the best for the future.

Last announcement

As is so often the case, reality catches up with us faster. than we

imagine. Some of the fears expressed in this book about developments
that await us became reality shortly after the manuscript was completed.

In the television program "Plus-Minus" on the First German Television on

April 14, 1998, there was a report on the secret service activities of the
USA in Germany in connection with the subject of "Industrial
espionage". According to the moderator, the discussion about the so-called
"great eavesdropping" is against what this secret service is doing in
Germany. a "pure laughing stock"!

Allegedly all e-mails, faxes and phone calls have been bugged for many
years . Anything of interest is forwarded to the company's own
headquarters. By the way, all of this is done with the knowledge and
tolerance of the Federal Government, although the German economy is
likely to incur annual losses of around 20 billion D-Marks solely through the
industrial espionage carried out in this way. The German Office for the
Protection of the Constitution is not allowed to take action with
"consideration for allies".



Collective of female authors Don't panic: The little eavesdropping guide,

Edition ID archive. Berlin, 1996 Franz Bardon: The key to the true
Kabbalah, Rüggeberg Verlag, Wuppertal, 1998 Ernst Bindel: The spiritual
foundations of numbers, publisher

Free Spiritual Life, Stuttgart, 1958 Bill Clinton, Al Gore: Because it's about
people. Politics for a New America, Econ Taschenbuch Verlag, Düsseldorf,
1992 William Coopen Behold a Pale Horse, Light Technology Pub.,

Coralf: Maitreya, the upcoming Welüehrer, Konny Müller

Verlag, Haan 1991 Dion Fortune: The Magical Battle of Britain, Golden

Press, Bradford on Avon, 1993 Dion Fortune: The Mystical Kabbalah. A

practical system of spiritual development. H. Bauer Verlag, Freiburg 1995
Ulrich Kaiser Handbook Internet and Online Dierste, Heyne

Verlag, Munich, 1996

The New Testament, translation by Emil Bock, Urachhaus Verlag,

Stuttgart, 1980

Papus: Die Kabbala, Ansata Verlag, Schwarzenberg, 1977

Trevor Ravencroft: The Spear of Fate, Universitas Verlag, Munich, 1988

Rupert Sheldrake: The memory of nature. The secret of the origin of forms
in nature, Piper, Munich, 1993

Rupert Sheldrake: The creative universe. The theory of the morphogenetic

field, Ullstein Taschenbuch Verlag, Berlin, 1993

Zecharia Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, Droemer, Munich, 1991

Zecharia Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, Droemer, Munich, 1995

Rudolf Steiner. The Apocalypse of Johannes (complete edition, lectures),

Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach 1979

Rudolf Steiner. The reality of the higher worlds. 8 public lectures,

published by Rudolf Steiner Estate Administration, Rudolf Steiner Verlag,
Dornach 1988

Rudolf Steinen Where and how do you find the spirit? 18 lectures, Rudolf
Steiner Verlag, Dornach 1986

Peter Tradowsky: Christ and Antichrist, Verlag am Goethe-anum, Dornach,


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