Christenson Acct200 Week 2 Plan

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MavPASS Session Planning Form

Instructions: Complete charts and DETAILED descriptions of your plan below. Please choose
at least one new learning strategy to try each week. Upload any PowerPoint slides and
handouts you plan to use in the session, and include links to any Kahoot games, flippity
manipulatives, etc. It is also suggested that you make notes to remind yourself of important
tasks/skills where appropriate (i.e. TAKEATTENDANCE note at top and CHECK FOR
relevant during your lesson). It may also be helpful for you to view lessons from the Lesson Plan
Samples folder on the MavPASS Leader Resource D2L site or in the Appendix.

MP Leader: Sam Christenson

Session Date & Day of Week: Aug – Week 2 Mon 4-4:50 PM & Wed 9-9:50 AM
Course: ACCT200
Course Instructor: Prof. Wu

Content to cover: CLT(s) used (pp. 17- Learning Strategy
Introductions 18): used (pp. 17, 64-83):
Time Think/Pair/Share Ice Breaker
Go around the room and ask each individual to say their name and their favorite
(2-4 color of car. Start by saying your name first then go around.
Slide 2

Cool Down/Closer
Content to cover: CLT(s) used (pp. 17- Learning Strategy
Financial Statements 18): used (pp. 17, 64-83):
Time Group Discussion KWL
(2-4 Ask the students do a KWL on all three of the financial statements. Take a picture
min.) of the KWL on the board after the session so I know what to focus on for future

Slide 6
Main Session/Workout (Usually 44-46 min.)
Main Content to cover: CLT(s) used (pp. 17- Learning Strategy
Activity 1 Balance Sheet 18): Group discussion used (pp. 17, 64-83):
One step only


estimate: Using the Balance sheet question in the slide 3, (answers posted below the plan)
have the students raise their hand and answer the next step in the problem. Fill in
20 the problem as they go along. Use volunteers if possible, but use your facilitation
minutes skills to engage more students. Use accounting equation to check work.
Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Stockholder’s Equity
38800 = 13050 + 25750
Answer Key:

Main Content to cover: CLT(s) used (pp. 17- Learning Strategy

Activity 2 Multiple-Step Income 18): used (pp. 17, 64-83):
Statements Clusters (3-4 students to a Find the mistakes


estimate: Using the income statement question in the slide 4, have the groups go through
the problem and find as many things wrong with the filled out income statement
20-25 question. Give about 10-15 minutes for them to come up with their answers.
minutes After the time is up, go through the question as a group going each group at a
time explaining one thing wrong. The answer key is located at the bottom of this
plan. There is a mistake on the slide also, 1 extra “the” making it 8 mistakes.
Red is wrong: (note Net Income is also incorrect)

Green is correct:

Main Content to cover: CLT(s) used (pp. 17- Learning Strategy

Activity 3 Retained Earnings 18): used (pp. 17, 64-83):
Clusters (3-4 students to Pass the marker
a group)
estimate: Using different groups from Activity 2, have the students go through the one
step only process of completing the retained earnings statement below (slide 5).
10 min Have them make it from start to finish including the title. The question and
numbers are provided in the slides. Once groups are done, have them come up
and do the same one step only process in making the retained earnings statement.

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