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World Geography at FCHS with Ben Rude & Xander Collins

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Course Description: This course emphasizes spatial thinking and provides a base of knowledge for regions of the world.
In addition, historical, economic, political, social, and cultural aspects of human activity are studied. The themes of
geography are used to explore and analyze current global issues. Throughout the year we will work on a range of different
academic skills including map analysis, critical thinking, researching, reading, writing, presenting, and discussing.

Textbook: Geography Alive! Regions and People (Current Version of TCI Electronic Textbook)

Classroom Procedures:
● Attendance - Your goal should be to attend class every day. When you have to miss class, make sure to check
Google Classroom for the day’s agenda and missed assignments. After checking Google Classroom, chat with a
classmate or come see one of your teachers if you still have questions. Attendance is the key to having success!
● Tardiness - The Poudre School District Attendance Policy will be followed. You will be marked Tardy Excused if
you show up late with a pass from the office. If you are 1-10 minutes late you will be marked Tardy Unexcused, if
you are 11-45 minutes late you will be marked Extreme Tardy Unexcused, and if you are more than 45 minutes late
you will be marked as Absent Unexcused.
● Materials - Bring a pen/pencil, paper, necessary assignments, and your fully charged device to class every day.
● Leaving the Room - Check with Mr. Rude/Mr. Collins at an appropriate time and take the P-111 hall pass to leave
the room. Make sure to sign-out and sign-in when leaving the room. You should be out of the room no longer than
7-minutes as per FCHS Policy. Let Mr. Rude/Mr. Collins know if you need a YELLOW pass instead of a hall pass.
● Late-Work - Turn in all assignments on time to ensure that you are prepared for class, can maximize your learning,
and to establish good habits that will support your future success A late-work deadline will be established and
communicated by Mr. Rude/Mr. Collins at the end of each quarter. Work turned in after a deadline has passed will not
receive credit. It is your responsibility to communicate with Mr. Rude/Mr. Collins if you need an extension and/or if
you have submitted an assignment past its due date. Missings will be put in the gradebook if you have not turned in
an assignment and you have not advocated for an extension.
● Evaluation - A traditional grading scale will be used; points will be cumulative and there are no weighted categories.
You are encouraged to check your grades weekly on StudentVUE.
● Reassessment - Reassessment opportunities are available in this class. Ensuring all graded assignments are submitted
is one of the conditions of reassessment. Reassessment should be completed during the Wednesday morning extended
learning time, and reassessment is not available during the final week of the quarter. Make sure to communicate with
Mr. Rude/Mr. Collins if you would like a reassessment opportunity. These can improve your grade in a big way.
Classroom Expectations:
● Acceptance - Treat others and yourself with kindness. This is ALWAYS what's most important!
● Pride - Be present and commit your attention to what we are doing during class.
● Integrity - Start class by taking your earbuds out and storing/silencing your cell phone so you are ready to learn.
● Respect - Talk to each other with respectful language and in a respectful manner.
● Responsibility - Keep our classroom clean; drinks with a sealable lid and small snacks are okay.

*In our classroom, ALL are welcome, respected, and valued. We adhere to the PSD Principles of Community as we establish
a safe space to learn and grow. Additionally, students are expected to follow the Student Rights & Code of Conduct.

Academic Honor Code in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Lambkin students must follow our school’s Academic Honor
Code. If you are not sure what is allowed, please review the FCHS Student Toolkit. Also, please ask your teachers prior to
submitting an assignment if you have questions about the FCHS Honor Code and what is considered plagiarism. We are now
in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with ChatGPT and other software applications that may be useful in our classroom.
As a teaching staff, we are still in the process of developing policies around AI, and we are excited about its potential to
further our learning. However, you are expected to generate your own, original work for class assignments. We firmly believe
that you “doing the work” will allow you to make meaning with the content and truly learn! We don’t have all of the answers
here, and we will be learning with you throughout the year about how to best use AI.

Communication: We want this class to challenge you, but not to the point where it becomes overwhelming. We believe that
the best way to ensure success is to take responsibility for your actions and advocate for your learning needs. If you feel like
you are struggling, please email us or find a time to speak with us so that we can make a plan together to help you be

Syllabus Signature: Make sure that you have carefully read through this World Geography Class Syllabus. Also, make sure
to ask any questions you have before completing the four bullet points, typing your name, and submitting this form on
Google Classroom. The instructors reserve the right to modify policies/consequences if a situation requires.
Using the bullet points below, state four things that you are going to do to have a successful year in this class.


I have read this syllabus, and I have had an opportunity to ask questions about the content. I agree to follow the
policies set forth in this World Geography Class Syllabus. Type your first and last name in the box below.

*After completing the four bullet points and typing your name in the box above, submit this form on
Google Classroom to earn 5 points.

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