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Josh Cartwright LS-625 Module 5

As Never Alone continues to grow we find ourselves needing to expand our

employment. We need to ensure that we are keeping our standards high so that we can

continue to deliver top notch mental health services to our clients. We want to bring on people

that will add to the culture that we have spent so much time building. We also want to make

sure that we are attracting individuals who will see this as a place they can grow their career as

well as their skills. We have come up with 4 strategies that we feel will get us the best

candidate pool possible. The strategies we have identified are creating compelling job

descriptions, including current employees in creating employee value proposition, building an

industry leading work life balance proposal, and finally posting job ads in mediums that would

yield the best candidates.

The first step in our recruiting process is creating our job descriptions. We realize that

we need to be as detailed as possible with the duties these roles entail, while also highlighting

all the benefits. We also believe it is important to describe our company culture, as 71% of

candidates say that it is important to learn early about a company’s culture (Indeed, 2023). We

want to make sure that we are not wasting the time of people looking, nor waste our own time

on candidates who would not be a good fit. A lot of time can be saved if we give in-depth

descriptions of the job, what our company is looking for, and include relevant information

about the vison of the company as well as a vision for the future. This should allow candidates

to get a good idea of the environment they would be working in if selected.

Our next step is to work with current employees in developing an employee value

proposition, or EVP. An EVP can be a cornerstone in a company attracting and retaining top

Josh Cartwright LS-625 Module 5

talent (Harvard Business Review, 2022). An EVP should include things such as how we foster

inclusion, how we build connections, and what our greater purpose is. To some this may seem

like too much, but if you are wanting to go after candidates that are looking for a place they can

build a career an EVP can be a deciding factor. A good EVP not only shows new employees

what you stand for, but it can also reinforce to seasoned employees that your company has an

important purpose.

Today, it seems more important than ever for an employee to have a good work life

balance. Balance does not just mean that they have time off to be with their families.

Employees should have all the resources they need to live a successful life outside of work. This

could mean more vacation, shorter work week, better health insurance, a more inclusive

retirement program, or dependent care (Washington State Department of Enterprise Services,

2008). The benefits that each employee requires are different, but a company must have a

range of allowances that employees can yield from. Not every employee is the same so a

company must try to bring as wide a range of amenities to the employees as possible. The

better the work life proposal that a company can deliver, the better employees they can attract

and retain.

Lastly, we need to make sure that we are searching in the right spots for our candidates.

Because we deal in mental health, we would like to have employees that have previous

experience with mental wellbeing. We will start by target local universities for students in

counseling programs or psychology majors. They will have a strong background and can gain

relevant work experience by joining our company. The internet is great for locating specific job

Josh Cartwright LS-625 Module 5

boards. But we must also consider local newspapers and industry publications to increase our

reach (Entrepreneur, 2005).

We hope that a large reach with focus, detailed job descriptions, an employee value

proposition, and a work life proposal that we will be able to find many well qualified candidates

to join our ever-growing team.

Once we have our new team members, it is important that we keep them. We know

that the better the talent we have the more they are going to be sought after from other

companies. It is important to continue to bring value to your employees, so they don’t want to

leave for amenities that you could have provided. We have come up with 3 strategies that we

look to implement to help us retain our employees for as long as possible. The strategies are to

continue to modify our employee work life proposal, create opportunities for career growth,

and support of employee initiative projects.

As we have discussed with our strategies for recruiting, we see that one of the most

important things we can do to gain and retain good employees is to have a comprehensive

work life proposal. We realize that a work life proposal is an ever-changing thing. What is

beneficial for an employee today may be of little relevance in the future. So, we must continue

to update our proposal often, and encompass as many of the needs of our team as possible.

We feel that the best way to learn what is important to our employees is to ask them. An

Josh Cartwright LS-625 Module 5

employee benefit survey can help us understand what benefits matter the most to our

employees (Marble and Marble, 2022). We will also have our HR representatives reach out to

our teammates when we feel that certain benefits are being underutilized. We hope this will

bring extra value to our employees, but also eliminate the financial burden for benefits that are

not being used.

Every employee has different career goals. We want to make sure that we meet the

career needs of each member of our team. If we have members who are comfortable in a

certain position, then we want to make sure to provide every resource we can so they can be as

successful in that role as possible. If we have an employee who wants to grow their career and

take on new responsibilities, we need to be able to provide them the tools needed for their

success. It is important to communicate with each employee and see what their individual

goals are. We need to make sure that give them the ability to achieve the goals that they have,

because if we don’t someone else will. We also realize that by investing in our employee’s

growth that this will build more loyalty and strengthen the culture we continue to build.

Lastly, we feel that a mutual way for our employees to feel vested in our company and

keep us invested in our employees is to support employee initiative projects. Often the best

ideas of improvement come from those closest to the problem. Because our employees are so

close to our clients, they often have a better idea of ways to help. If an employee feels they

have a way of doing something better or a new way to help our clients, we are here to listen.

We will take their ideas and help them develop a way to implement it into our programs as long

as it is feasible. The benefit of this is threefold:4yhgtf it makes the employee feel valued, it

adds to the culture and ability of the company, and it address an unmet need of our customers.

Josh Cartwright LS-625 Module 5

Your employees are your greatest strength. It is important to keep them and learn

from them. We know that by implementing our strategies for recruitment and retention we

will separate our selves from other companies and become a sought-after destination for those

looking for a career in mental health.

Josh Cartwright LS-625 Module 5


Marketing Your Work/Life Package | Washington State Department of Enterprise

Services (2008, November 8). MarketingYourWork-LifePackage.doc (

Recruiting and hiring Top-Quality employees. (2005, February 14). Entrepreneur.


How to attract top talent in 2022 - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM DAGGERWING

GROUP. (2022, January 6). Harvard Business Review.

10 Recruitment Strategies for hiring Great Employees | Indeed (2005, October 5). 10

Recruitment Strategies for Hiring Great Employees (

Retention Strategies |Career One Stop (n.d.). Retention strategies | Business Center |


Marble, J., & Marble, J. (2022). A guide to employee benefits surveys: best practices

and a template to get started. Care for Business.

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