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A Novel Quaternion Kalman Filter

Article in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems · February 2006

DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2006.1603413 · Source: IEEE Xplore

305 2,893

3 authors, including:

Daniel Choukroun Yaakov Oshman

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


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University of California

Peer Reviewed

Novel quaternion Kalman filter

Choukroun, D
Bar-Itzhack, I Y
Oshman, Y

Publication Date:

Publication Info:
Postprints, Multi-Campus


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© 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish
this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale
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Kalman Filter, Attitude Determination, Quaternion, Adaptive Filtering

This paper presents a novel Kalman filter (KF) for estimating the attitude-quaternion as well
as gyro random drifts from vector measurements. Employing a special manipulation on the
measurement equation results in a linear pseudo-measurement equation whose error is state-
dependent. Because the quaternion kinematics equation is linear, the combination of the two
yields a linear KF that eliminates the usual linearization procedure and is less sensitive to initial
estimation errors. General accurate expressions for the covariance matrices of the system state-
dependent noises are developed. In addition, an analysis shows how to compute these covariance
matrices efficiently. An adaptive version of the filter is also developed to handle modeling errors
of the dynamic system noise statistics. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out that demonstrate
the efficiency of both versions of the filter. In the particular case of high initial estimation errors, a
typical extended Kalman filter (EKF) fails to converge whereas the proposed filter succeeds.

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In the normal course of spacecraft operation,

Novel Quaternion Kalman the spacecraft attitude needs to be determined.
The task of attitude determination (AD) is that of
Filter determining the orientation of the spacecraft relative
to some reference frame. This reference frame is
usually celestial or Earth-fixed. The mathematical
representation of attitude is very diverse [1, 2]. One
attitude representation that has proven very useful is
D. CHOUKROUN the attitude quaternion, which is a 4 £ 1 unit-norm
UCLA vector in R4 . A well-known attractive feature of this
I. Y. BAR-ITZHACK, Fellow, IEEE representation is that the formulation of the attitude
Y. OSHMAN, Senior Member, IEEE dynamics in terms of the quaternion is linear and
Technion—Israel Institute of Technology nonsingular. Moreover, with only one redundant
Israel parameter, the quaternion is the minimal nonsingular
attitude parameterization.
Estimating the attitude quaternion from spacecraft
on-board measurements has a long history. Optimal
This paper presents a novel Kalman filter (KF) for estimating
algorithms have been developed over the last four
the attitude-quaternion as well as gyro random drifts from
decades following two main approaches; namely,
vector measurements. Employing a special manipulation on the the classical least-squares approach and the Kalman
measurement equation results in a linear pseudo-measurement filtering approach. The first approach was originally
equation whose error is state-dependent. Because the quaternion introduced in 1967, in the so-called Wahba’s
kinematics equation is linear, the combination of the two yields problem [3], which is a constrained least-squares
a linear KF that eliminates the usual linearization procedure minimization problem for finding the attitude matrix.
and is less sensitive to initial estimation errors. General A basic assumption was that a batch of at least two
accurate expressions for the covariance matrices of the system simultaneous vector measurements of the attitude
state-dependent noises are developed. In addition, an analysis was available. Later, in 1971, Davenport formulated
shows how to compute these covariance matrices efficiently. An
and solved Wahba’s problem in terms of the attitude
quaternion [4]. The algorithm developed is known
adaptive version of the filter is also developed to handle modeling
in the literature as the q-method [1, pp. 426—428].
errors of the dynamic system noise statistics. Monte-Carlo
One advantage of the q-method is that it yields
simulations are carried out that demonstrate the efficiency of
a closed-form optimal estimate of the quaternion
both versions of the filter. In the particular case of high initial while explicitly preserving the unit-norm property.
estimation errors, a typical extended Kalman filter (EKF) fails to Numerous algorithms were developed in order to
converge whereas the proposed filter succeeds. provide the basic q-method with other features like
the ability of sequentially estimating time-varying
attitude [5, 6] and of estimating parameters other than
attitude [6, 7]. Furthermore, some works addressed the
issue of numerical accuracy [8], while others aimed
Manuscript received May 7, 2004; revised March 29, 2005; released
for publication June 10, 2005.
at providing a probabilistic meaning to the original
least-squares problem [6].
IEEE Log No. T-AES/42/1/870599. The Kalman filtering approach, on the other
Refereeing of this contribution was handled by M. Ruggieri. hand, yields, by design, sequential quaternion
This work was supported by NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
estimates that are minimum-variance, and allows
under Grant NAG5-8770. the estimation of parameters other than attitude in
a straightforward manner. The Kalman filter (KF),
This work was presented at the 42nd AIAA Guidance, Navigation,
and Control Conference, Monterey, CA, Aug. 2002; paper
however, is not designed to preserve constraints
2002-4460. imposed on the estimated state variables. The
difficulty of preserving the unit-norm property of
Authors’ current addresses: D. Choukroun, Dept. of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA,
the quaternion estimate was overcome in various
E-mail: (; I. Y. Bar-Itzhack and Y. Oshman, Asher ways. One way was to develop a measurement
Space Research Institute, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, update stage in an extended KF (EKF) where the
Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel, E-mail: (, error between the true and estimated quaternion is itself a quaternion and is multiplied (in the sense of
quaternion multiplication) with the a priori quaternion
0018-9251/06/$17.00 °
c 2006 IEEE estimate to yield the a posteriori estimate. This kind

of EKF is called a multiplicative EKF [9]. Another noises are developed here. An analysis shows how
way was to normalize the a posteriori estimate after their approximations in the filter design can be
a classic (additive) measurement update stage of efficiently computed. A nice feature of the present
the EKF [10]. An alternative method to preserve quaternion model is that the quaternion-dependent
the quaternion unit-norm property was to derive process noise has the same pattern as the measurement
a fictitious quaternion measurement model from noise. It should be mentioned that this pattern has
the equation expressing the unit-norm property. already been emphasized in previous works [9, 10].
This model, called pseudo-measurement model was An ordinary linear KF is designed here to operate
implemented in an additive EKF [11]. on the developed quaternion state-space model, where
In the works mentioned hitherto, the EKFs were the state-dependent coefficients are computed using
operating on a nonlinear quaternion measurement the best available state estimate. The dynamics model
model. In the case of vector observations [10] this is based on gyro measurements. A realistic model for
model is derived as follows. The vector measurement rate integrating gyros (RIG) is considered, and the
equation is state vector is augmented to include random gyro
b = bo + ±b (1) drifts. Nevertheless the state-dependence of the model
parameters induces modeling errors. Such errors can
where be dealt with by means of on-line optimal adaptive
bo = A(q)r: (2) filtering. A simple process noise adaptive procedure is
The 3 £ 1 vectors bo and r are the normalized proposed here. It is applied to two different cases. The
projections of a physical vector along the axes of the first case is that of a filter that uses a process noise
body frame B and the reference frame R, respectively. variance which is lower than the actual one. In the
The vector b is, usually, the output of a body-fixed second case, the gyro outputs are contaminated by an
sensor while r is known from an almanac or a model. additional and unmodeled drift.
The vector ±b is an additive measurement noise. The The performance of this novel quaternion KF is
3 £ 3 matrix A is the rotation matrix that brings the first checked under nominal simulated conditions of
axes of R onto the axes of B; that is, A is the attitude noise and initial errors. Then we check, by extensive
matrix, and q is the quaternion that corresponds to Monte-Carlo simulations, the conjecture that this filter
A. It is well known that the attitude matrix and the is less sensitive to initial errors than a baseline EKF.
attitude quaternion are related by [1, p. 414] Finally we implement the two adaptive versions of the
A(q) = (q2 ¡ eT e)I3 + 2eeT ¡ 2q[e£] (3) In the following section we derive the state-space
truth model of the quaternion system. Then we
where e and q are the vector and scalar part, provide a detailed covariance analysis of the
respectively, of the attitude-quaternion q and state-dependent noises. Next we describe the design
qT = [eT q]: (4) model and present the corresponding quaternion KF.
An adaptive filter based on the design model is then
The 3 £ 3 matrix [e£] denotes a skew-symmetric developed. As an introduction to the simulations
matrix function of e. This matrix, usually that follow, the subsequent section contains a brief
called cross-product matrix, is used to express review of the ordinary linearized measurement update
the cross-product of two vectors x and y in a model in an additive EKF. The simulation results for
matrix-vector form as follows x £ y = [x£]y. Using (3) the nominal nonadaptive filter, for the comparative
in (1) and (2) leads to a measurement equation that is simulation, and for the adaptive filters are presented in
quadratic with respect to q. This equation is linearized the section that follows. Finally, in the last section, we
and the linearized model is implemented in an EKF. present the conclusions derived from this work.
The linearization procedure induces undesirable
effects such as sensitivity to initial conditions, biases
in the estimation errors, and, sometimes, an increase
in the computation load, in particular when the The Measurement Truth Model
gradient matrices must be evaluated by numerical
methods. We consider the pair of 3 £ 1 unit column-matrices
The present work introduces a novel model for bo and r obtained when resolving a physical vector,
quaternion vector measurements. This model avoids at a given time, in the body frame B and in the
the linearization procedure. Using this approach, reference frame R, respectively. (The time subscripts
though, the measurement noise is quaternion are omitted in the following development for clarity.)
dependent. The dependence on the quaternion is We define the 4 £ 1 quaternion vectors boq and rq as
linear, and this dependence is typical to a wide class follows: · o¸ · ¸
of state-dependent noises. Exact general expressions ¢ b ¢ r
boq = , rq = : (5)
for the covariance matrices of such state-dependent 0 0


It is well known that boq and rq are related by the where bok+1 is the true value of the observation. From
quaternion of rotation q as follows [12]: (12) and (10), we obtain a modified (11) as follows:
· 1 ¸
¡[ 2 (b ¡ ±b + r)£] 12 (b ¡ ±b ¡ r)
boq = q¡1 ~rq ~q (6) Hoq = q
¡ 12 (b ¡ ±b ¡ r)T 0
where ~ is the quaternion product and q¡1 is the ·
¡[s£] ¡ [¡ 12 ±b£] d ¡ 12 ±b
quaternion inverse [1, pp. 758, 759]. Let ¨ (¢) and Â(¢) = q
denote the linear mappings from R3 to R4£4 that are ¡dT ¡ (¡ 12 ±b)T 0
defined as follows: = Hq ¡ 12 ¨ (±b)q (13)
· ¸ · ¸
¢ ¡[x£] x ¢ [x£] x where the vectors s and d, and the matrix ¨ (±b) are
¨ (x) = and Â(x) =
¡xT 0 ¡xT 0 implicitly defined by the second and third equalities,
respectively. Using (11), we rewrite (13) as
8 x 2 R3 (7)
0 = Hq ¡ 12 ¨ (±b)q: (14)
where [x£] denotes the cross-product matrix that
is associated with x. Then the definition of the Using the identity (see [13, Appendix A])
quaternion product yields the identities ¨ (x)y = ¥(y)x 8 (x, y) 2 R3 £ R4 (15)
q~boq = ¨ (bo )q (8a) where x = ±b, y = q, and
· ¸
[e£] + qI3
rq ~q = Â(r)q: (8b) ¥(q) = : (16)
Premultiplying (6) by q and substituting (8) into the
Equation (14) can be written at time tk+1 as
resulting equation leads to the following 4 £ 1 vector
equation 0 = Hk+1 qk+1 ¡ 12 ¥k+1 ±bk+1 : (17)
· ¸
¡[(bo + r)£] bo ¡ r where ¥k+1 denotes ¥(qk+1 ). Equation (17) describes
[¨ (bo ) ¡ Â(r)]q = q = 0: the quaternion pseudo-measurement model at time
¡(bo ¡ r)T 0
tk+1 . The signal term Hk+1 qk+1 is a linear function
(9) of the quaternion. The noise term, ¡ 12 ¥k+1 ±bk+1 , is
o o
Defining the 4 £ 1 vectors s , d , and the 4 £ 4 an additive 4 £ 1 quaternion-dependent vector. It is
skew-symmetric matrix H o as follows assumed that the 3 £ 1 measurement noise vector
±bk+1 is a zero-mean white-noise process with a
so = 12 (bo + r) (10a) covariance matrix Rk+1 ; that is
Ef±bk+1 g = 0, Ef±bk+1 ±bTk+1 g = Rk+1 : (18)
do = 12 (bo ¡ r) (10b)
· ¸ The Process Truth Model

¡[so £] do
H = (10c) The quaternion continuous-time process truth
¡doT 0
model has been developed in previous works [9, 10].
and using (10) in (9) yields Here, we develop the discrete-time process equation.
We consider the following discrete-time process of the
H o q = 0: (11) attitude kinematics [1, pp. 511, 512]
This equation, which is linear with respect to the qk+1 = ©ok qk , k = 0, 1, : : : (19)
quaternion, is the model equation of an error-free
with the initial conditions q0 . The vector qk is the
quaternion measurement, where the observation
quaternion of the rotation from a given reference
matrix H o is a function of the data bo , r. Equation (11)
frame R onto the body frame Bo at time tk . Using !ko ,
indicates that q belongs to the null space of the
the angular velocity vector of B o with respect to R
matrix H o .
resolved in Bo , define
In general the vector bk+1 is the output of a sensor
at time tk+1 , e.g. magnetometer, Earth sensor, sun ¢
−ko = ¨ (!ko ): (20)
sensor, etc. The rk+1 vector is known from tables,
almanac, or models and, thus, is relatively accurate. Then, for relatively short time intervals, ¢t = tk+1 ¡ tk ,
The measurement noise, denoted by ±bk+1 , is defined the 4 £ 4 orthogonal transition matrix, ©ok , can be
by expressed by [1, pp. 511, 512]
±bk+1 = bk+1 ¡ bok+1 (12) ©ok = exp( 12 −ko ¢t): (21)

Defining a 3 £ 1 vector of integrated rates µko and the where ¥k denotes ¥(qk ). Equation (29) is a
corresponding matrix £ko as follows, first-order approximation in ±µk of the exact process
equation (23). One can notice that (29) does not
µko = !ko ¢t (22a) preserve the unit-norm property of the quaternion.
However, simulations show that for sufficiently
£ko = ¨ (µko ): (22b) small values of ±µk , e.g., k±µk k = 10¡4 rad, the
difference between (23) and (29) is negligible for all
Equation (19) is rewritten as practical purposes. Note that the value of 10¡4 rad is
conservative, and corresponds to low-grade gyros. For
qk+1 = exp( 12 £ko )qk : (23)
missions with high attitude accuracy requirements,
In practice the ideal angular increment, µko ,
is not using, e.g., star-trackers as attitude sensing devices,
known. In this work, it is assumed that a triad of RIG such an error will probably not be reached, which
measures the incremental rotation over small time makes the proposed model even less sensitive to
intervals ¢t. The RIG output µk is modeled with an modeling errors. The mathematical modeling of the
additive error ±µk RIG noises chosen here follows the one presented
in [1, pp. 268—270]. The RIG noise ±µk is modeled
µk = µko + ±µk : (24) as being composed of electronic noise, float torque
A “measured” transition matrix can be computed noise, and float torque derivative noise. Electronic
using µk instead of µko in (22) and (23). This matrix, noise n1,k and float torque noise n2,k are modeled here
denoted by ©k , differs from ©ok by ¢©k ; that is, as zero-mean white Gaussian
p sequences of standard
deviations ¾1 and ¾2 ¢t, respectively, where ¢t
©k = ©ok + ¢©k : (25) denotes the time interval between two consecutive
The error matrix ¢©k can be expressed as a matrix RIG readouts. The principal source of error is drift
power series as follows: rate instability. The gyro output drift rate ¹k is
modeled as a random walk driven by a zero-mean
¢©k = ©k ¡ ©ok white Gaussian sequence n3,k of standard deviation
= exp( 12 £k ) ¡ exp( 12 £ko ) ¾3 ¢t. The three sequences n1,k , n2,k , and n3,k , are
assumed to be uncorrelated with one another and
= [I4 + 12 £k + 12 ( 12 £k )2 + HOT] with the initial values of ¹k and qk . Consequently, the
resulting equations describing the RIG output model
¡ [I4 + 12 £ko + 12 ( 12 £ko )2 + HOT]
= 12 (£k ¡ £ko ) + 18 (£k2 ¡ £ko 2 ) + HOT µk = µko + ±µk (30a)
= 12 ±£k + 18 [£k2 ¡ (£k ¡ ±£k )2 ] + HOT ±µk = n1,k + n2,k + ¹k ¢t (30b)

= 12 ±£k + 18 (£k ±£k + ±£k £k ¡ ±£k2 ) + HOT: ¹k+1 = ¹k + n3,k : (30c)

(26) Using (30b) in (29) yields

We recall here that the matrix £k is an incremental ¢t 1 1
qk+1 = ©k qk ¡ ¥ ¹ ¡ ¥ n ¡ ¥ n : (31)
matrix based on the incremental time ¢t; that is, £k is 2 k k 2 k 1,k 2 k 2,k
of order ¢t. Therefore, the term HOT (which stands For this model we use the customary technique of
for higher order terms) in the last line of (26) refers to state vector augmentation (see e.g. [14, p. 52]) to
terms of order ±£k3 , or ±£k2 ¢t, or ±£k ¢t2 , and higher. incorporate the drift variable ¹k in the state vector.
Assuming that the norm of the noise matrix ±£k is Define an augmented seven-dimensional state vector
small and that the time interval ¢t between two gyro xk as
readouts is also small, the matrix ¢©k is approximated ¢
xTk =[qTk ¹Tk ]: (32)
by the first term on the right-hand side (RHS) of (26);
that is Using (30c) and (31), the derivation of the process
¢©k ' 12 ±£k : (27) equation of the augmented state-space model is
The expression for the 4 £ 4 matrix ±£k is obtained, straightforward and is summarized in the following.
of course, by substituting ±µk into µko of (22b).
Inserting (27) in (25) and using the resulting equation Summary of the Truth Model
in the nominal discrete dynamics equation (23) yields
The process and measurement equations of the
qk+1 ' ©k qk ¡ 12 ±£k qk : (28) system are as follows
Then, using (15) where x = µko and y = qk we obtain xk+1 = ªk xk + ¡k nk (33)
qk+1 ' ©k qk ¡ 12 ¥k ±µk (29) 0 = H̄k+1 xk+1 ¡ 12 ¥k+1 ±bk+1 (34)


where the 7 £ 7 transition matrix ªk , the 7 £ 9 process term in the expressions for the covariance matrices of
noise input matrix ¡k , and the 9 £ 1 augmented gyro the state-dependent noises yields an improvement over
noise vector nk are the usual first-order approximation.
" ¢t #
©k ¡ ¥k
ªk = 2 Covariance Matrix of the Novel Measurement
· 1 ¸ Let q̂k+1 denote the expected value of qk+1 ,
¡ 2 ¥k ¡ 12 ¥k O
¡k = let yk+1 denote the measurement vector at time
O O I (35) tk+1 (which is 0 in the proposed model), and let
2 3 vk+1 denote the quaternion measurement error.
6 7 The measurement equation is rewritten here for
nk = 4 n2,k 5
yk+1 = Hk+1 qk+1 + vk+1 (39)
where ¥k is defined from (16), and O and I are the
null matrix and the identity matrix, respectively, of where
appropriate dimensions. The matrix ©k is computed vk+1 = ¡ 12 ¥(qk+1 )±bk+1 (40)
from the measured angular displacement µk , and, for the sake of clarity, the explicit dependence
q v
£k = ¨ (µk ) (36) on qk+1 is expressed. Let Pk+1 and Pk+1 denote the
covariance matrices of qk+1 and vk+1 , respectively.
©k = exp( 12 £k ): (37) Assuming that ±bk+1 and qk+1 are independent,
and that ±bk+1 is a zero-mean white sequence with
The augmented observation matrix H̄k+1 is computed
covariance matrix Rk+1 , then the exact expression for
from the vector observations at tk+1 , (bk+1 , rk+1 ), v
Pk+1 is
sk+1 = 12 (bk+1 + rk+1 ) (38a) v q
Pk+1 = 14 ¥(q̂k+1 )Rk+1 ¥ T (q̂k+1 ) + 14 Ē(Rk+1 − Pk+1 )Ē T
dk+1 = 2 (bk+1 ¡ rk+1 ) (38b)
· ¸ (41)
¡[sk+1 £] dk+1 where q̂k+1 denotes the expected value of qk+1 and −
Hk+1 = (38c)
¡dTk+1 0 denotes the Kronecker product. The matrix Ē 2 R4£12
in (41) is defined as follows:
H̄k+1 = [Hk+1 O]: (38d)
The 4 £ 3 matrices ¥k and ¥k+1 denote ¥(qk ) and Ē = [E1 E2 E3 ] (42)
¥(qk+1 ), respectively, and the mapping ¥(¢) is where
defined in (7). The augmented gyro noise nk is Ei = ¨ (ei ), i = 1, 2, 3 (43)
a 9 £ 1 zero-mean white Gaussian sequence with
covariance matrix Qk = diagf¾12 I, ¾22 ¢tI, ¾32 ¢tIg. The mapping ¨ (¢) is defined in (7), and the vectors
The measurement noise ±bk+1 is a 3 £ 1 zero-mean ei , i = 1, 2, 3, are the standard basis vectors in R3 .
white Gaussian noise sequence with covariance matrix The derivation of (41) is a direct application of the
Rk+1 . All noises are statistically independent from one proposition presented in Appendix A.
another and from the initial state. REMARK 1 One notices that the first term on the
RHS of (41) constitutes the usual approximation to
NOISES STOCHASTIC MODELS the covariance matrix of a state-dependent noise; that
is, the true state is simply replaced by its expected
In this section, exact expressions for the covariance value. The second term on the RHS of (41) is due
matrices of the state-dependent system noises to the incorporation of the error qk+1 ¡ q̂k+1 into
are provided. The derivation of these expressions the developments. That term involves expectations
takes advantage of the fact that the input matrices of products of the components of ±bk+1 with the
of the process noises n1,k and n2,k (35), and of components of the error qk+1 ¡ q̂k+1 . As shown in
the measurement noise ±bk (34) are linear matrix Appendix A, the development of (41) exploits the
functions of the state. The similarity between the linearity of the state-dependent noise with respect to
expressions for the state-dependent noises lends qk+1 . Note that the second term on the RHS of (41) is
itself to a general treatment, which is provided in beneficial in that it renders Pk+1 nonsingular ( notice
Appendix A. We apply these general results to our that the rank of the first term on the RHS of (41) is
particular model here. First, we treat the measurement at most three. In practical implementation of the filter,
equation in detail, then, due to the similarity, the the vector q̂k+1 and the matrix Pk+1 are replaced by
process equation is handled in a similar manner but their best available estimates; that is, q̂k+1=k and Pk+1=k ,
more concisely. As shown in the following, an extra respectively.

REMARK 2 No particular assumptions concerning It can be shown (see [13, Appendix D]) that
the structure of the matrix Rk+1 have been made
up to now. Thus (41) allows to use any type of Ē(bbT − P q )Ē T = BP q B T : (50)
covariance matrix for ±bk . On the other hand, the
Subtracting (49) and (50) from (46) yields
high dimensions of the matrix Ē and the use of the
Kronecker product for computing the extra term v
Pk+1 T
= 14 ½k+1 [tr(Mk+1 )I4 ¡ Mk+1 ¡ Bk+1 Mk+1 Bk+1 ]
increase the computational burden of the model.
Moreover, since this correction is only of second (51)
order, the real value in its computation might be where Mk+1 is defined in (47).
questionable. Fortunately, however, the type of the Case 3 Rk+1 = 3i=1 ºi ui uTi . Let Ui 2 R3£3 denote
matrix Rk+1 that is usually considered in attitude v
¨ (ui ), i = 1, 2, 3, then Pk+1 is expressed as (see [13,
determination problems from vector measurements Appendix E])
will allow us to obtain fairly simple expressions
for Pkv . v 1X
Pk+1 = ºi Ui Mk+1 UiT (52)
Special Cases for the Covariance Matrix of the 4
State-Dependent Measurement Noise: We consider
the following three cases for Rk+1 and show how to where Mk+1 is defined in (47).
simplify the expression for the covariance matrix of
the state-dependent noise. Covariance Matrix of the State-Dependent Process
Case 1 Rk+1 = ½k+1 I3 . We first use a known Noise
property of the matrix ¥(¢); namely ¥(q̂k )¥ T (q̂k ) =
I4 ¡ q̂k q̂Tk , where it is assumed that q̂k is of unit-norm, Similar developments to those of the previous
to obtain section lead us to an exact and a simplified expression
for the covariance matrix of the state-dependent
¥(q̂k+1 )Rk+1 ¥ T (q̂k+1 ) = ½k+1 (I4 ¡ q̂k+1 q̂Tk+1 ): (44)
process noise in (33). Since we assume that both
Then, substituting Rk+1 = ½k+1 I3 in the correction term gyro noises n1,k and n2,k have covariance matrices of
of (41) yields (see [13, Appendix C]) the form ¾2 I3 , we can directly implement the result
q q q of Case 1 of the previous subsection. We obtain the
Ē(Rk+1 − Pk+1 )Ē T = ½k+1 [tr(Pk+1 )I4 ¡ Pk+1 ]: (45)
following expression for the covariance matrix of
Using (44) and (45) in (41) yields wk = ¡k nk in (33) as
v q q
Pk+1 = 14 ½k+1 f[1 + tr(Pk+1 )]I4 ¡ (q̂k+1 q̂Tk+1 + Pk+1 )g ¢
Pkw = covf¡k nk g
= 4 ½k+1 [tr(Mk+1 )I4 ¡ Mk+1 ] (46) · ¸
(¾12 + ¾22 ¢t) 14 [tr(Mk )I4 ¡ Mk ] O
where =
Mk+1 = q̂k+1 q̂Tk+1 + Pk+1 : (47) O ¾32 ¢tI3
Let ¤ = [tr(Mk+1 )I4 ¡ Mk+1 ]. If Pk+1 is positive definite, (53)
then ¤ is also positive definite as shown next. Let with
¸1 ¸ ¸2 ¸ ¸3 ¸ ¸4 > 0 denote the four positive Mk = q̂k q̂Tk + Pkq (54)
eigenvalues of Pk+1 , then the spectrum of ¤ can
be easily shown to be f1 + ¸1 + ¸2 + ¸3 , 1 + ¸1 + where q̂k and Pkq denote, respectively, the expectation
¸2 + ¸4 , 1 + ¸1 + ¸3 + ¸4 , ¸2 + ¸3 + ¸4 g where all the and the covariance matrix of the state qk . The
eigenvalues are positive. Therefore, the measurement expression for Pkw in (53) will serve as a basis for
noise covariance matrix is positive definite, as it designing the covariance in the prediction stage of
should be. the KF.
Case 2 Rk+1 = ½k+1 (I3 ¡ bk+1 bTk+1 ). This is
a fairly accurate approximation for the covariance
matrix of a unit-vector measurement [15]. Consider QUATERNION KALMAN FILTER
the expression
The issue of state-dependence of the model
¥(q̂)bbT ¥(q̂) + Ē(bbT − P q )Ē T (48) parameters must be addressed in order to implement a
which is the part of the covariance that corresponds to KF. We adopt here the common approach of replacing
bk+1 bTk+1 , and where the time indices were omitted for every unknown variable in the model parameters by
the sake of notational simplicity. Let B 2 R4£4 denote its best available estimate. First, the true quaternion
the skew-symmetric matrix ¨ (b), then, according to qk is replaced by its a posteriori estimate q̂k=k when
(15) computing the transition matrix ªk (35). Next, the
¥(q̂)bbT ¥ T (q̂) = B q̂q̂T B T : (49) state-dependent process noise covariance matrix is


computed as follows (see (53) and (54)) Filter Initialization: Choose the appropriate values
" 2 # for ¾1 , ¾2 , ¾3 and ½k+1 , and choose an approximate
(¾1 + ¾22 ¢t) 14 [tr(M̂k=k )I4 ¡ M̂k=k ] O value for the initial estimate of the state vector and for
Pk =
O ¾32 ¢tI3 the initial estimation error covariance matrix P0=0 . In
the absence of such initial estimate, choose the zero
(55) attitude quaternion; that is, q̂T0=0 = [0, 0, 0, 1], and zero
where initial drift estimates, ¹̂T0=0 = [0, 0, 0], to form
M̂k=k = q̂k=k q̂Tk=k + Pk=k (56)
q x̂T0=0 = [q̂T0=0 , ¹̂T0=0 ]: (60)
and Pk=k is the computed a posteriori quaternion
estimation error covariance matrix. It is assumed
Time Propagation: Given x̂Tk=k = [q¤k=k T , ¹̂Tk=k ] and a
that the measurement vectors bk+1 are unitized,
RIG readout µk ,
as is commonly done when using line-of-sight
measurements. In this case, the suitable model for
the matrix Rk+1 is [15]: Rk+1 = ½k+1 (I3 ¡ bk+1 bTk+1 ), µ̂k=k = µk ¡ ¹̂k=k ¢t (61a)
which corresponds to Case 2 of the previous section,
£̂k=k = ¨ (µ̂k=k ) (61b)
and where ½k+1 is a given scalar variance parameter.
The adequate expression for the state-dependent noise ©ˆ 1
k=k = exp( 2 £̂k=k ) (61c)
covariance matrix is thus provided in (51) and (47). ·ˆ ¸
Accordingly, the measurement noise covariance matrix ©k=k O
x̂k+1=k = x̂k=k (61d)
used by the filter is O I
v T £k = ¨ (µk ) (61e)
Pk+1 = 14 ½k+1 [tr(M̂k+1=k )I4 ¡ M̂k+1=k ¡ Bk+1 M̂k+1=k Bk+1 ]
©k = exp( 12 £k ) (61f)
where ¥̂k=k = ¥(q̂k=k ) (61g)
M̂k+1=k = q̂k+1=k q̂Tk+1=k q
+ Pk+1=k (58) " ¢t #
©k ¡ ¥̂k=k
ªk = 2 (61h)
q̂k+1=k is the a priori quaternion estimate, Pk+1=k is the O I
a priori quaternion estimation error covariance matrix, q
Extract Pk=k from Pk=k , then
and Bk+1 = ¨ (bk+1 ).
The KF is not designed to preserve any particular q
M̂k=k = q̂k=k q̂Tk=k + Pk=k (61i)
relationship among the components of the estimate " 2 #
vector. It is known however that, in order for a w
(¾1 + ¾22 ¢t) 14 [tr(M̂k=k )I4 ¡ M̂k=k ] O
quaternion to represent a rotation, its length has to Pk =
O ¾32 ¢tI3
be equal to one. Moreover, some of the previous
developments on the state-dependent noise covariance (61j)
matrices relied on the unity-assumption of q̂k=k . There Pk+1=k = ªk Pk=k ªkT + Pkw : (61k)
are several ways of introducing constraints in a KF.
Adding a pseudo-measurement[11] would increase the Notice that the estimate transition matrix in (61d) does
filter computational burden. Truncating or reducing not contain off-diagonal terms, whereas the transition
the state-space model[9] would prevent us from using matrix in (61h) does. The former transition matrix
the proposed linear measurement model equation (see is due to the nonlinear propagation model equations,
(39)). Therefore we opt for the simple quaternion as given in (19) and (30c). The correction in the
normalization; namely, quaternion estimate due to the drift estimate is made
q̂k+1=k+1 via the correction of the incremental rotation, µ̂k=k ,
q¤k+1=k+1 = (59) in (61a). Thus, the propagation stage preserves the
kq̂k+1=k+1 k
unit-norm property of the quaternion estimate. The
which was efficiently incorporated in a previous transition matrix ªk , on the other hand, stems from
quaternion KF [10], and is also used one way or the process model equation as given in (33) and (35),
another in the multiplicative EKF [9]. and is used for the covariance propagation. The
off-diagonal term is necessary for the convergence
of the filter. In the absence of that term, and because
Summary of the Algorithm of the structure of the augmented measurement
matrix [see (62d)], the system would not be
Using the previous developments, the novel completely observable, and the drifts would not
quaternion KF is summarized as follows. be estimated.

Measurement Update: Given x̂k+1=k = types of modeling errors: 1) errors in the values of the
[q̂Tk+1=k , ¹̂Tk+1=k ]
and the new pair (bk+1 , rk+1 ), gyro noise levels, ¾1 , ¾2 , and ¾3 , and 2) unmodeled
biases in the random walk model of the gyro drifts
sk+1 = 12 (bk+1 + rk+1 ) (62a) (30c).
dk+1 = 12 (bk+1 ¡ rk+1 ) (62b)
· ¸ Approach
¡[sk+1 £] dk+1
Hk+1 = (62c)
¡dTk+1 0 The approach presented herein is inspired by
Jazwinski [16, p. 311], who considered the case of
H̄k+1 = [Hk+1 O] (62d) a scalar Gaussian measurement noise with a single
q predicted residual processed by an adaptive filter. In
Extract Pk+1=k from Pk+1=k , then
this work, however, we consider vector measurements
M̂k+1=k = q̂k+1=k q̂Tk+1=k + Pk+1=k (62e) and propose an ad-hoc extension of Jazwinski’s
technique. Assume that a measurement was acquired
Bk+1 = ¨ (bk+1 ) (62f) at time tk+1 . In our case of zero measurement (see
v T (17)), ºk+1=k , the measurement residuals process at
Pk+1 = 14 ½k+1 [tr(M̂k+1=k )I4 ¡ M̂k+1=k ¡ Bk+1 M̂k+1=k Bk+1 ]
tk+1 , is given by
ºk+1=k = ¡Hk+1 q̂k+1=k : (63)
q T v
Sk+1=k = Hk+1 Pk+1=k Hk+1 + Pk+1 (62h)
Furthermore, the covariance matrix Qk of the
T ¡1 augmented gyro noise vector is modeled by
Kk+1 = Pk+1=k H̄k+1 Sk+1=k (62i)

q̂k+1=k+1 = (I4 ¡ Kk+1 H̄k+1 )q̂k+1=k (62j) Qk = diagf´1 I3 , ´2 ¢tI3 , ´3 ¢tI3 g (64)

Pk+1=k+1 = (I4 ¡ Kk+1 H̄k+1 )Pk+1=k (I4 ¡ Kk+1 H̄k+1 )T where ´1 , ´2 , and ´3 are positive parameters to
v T
be estimated. Defining ´ =[´1 , ´2 , ´3 ]T 2 R3 , and
+ Kk+1 Pk+1 Kk+1 (62k)
recalling that Sk+1=k , the covariance matrix of ºk+1=k ,
q̂k+1=k+1 is computed in the filter and is a function of the value
q¤k+1=k+1 = : (62l) of ´ assumed in the filter, we propose to solve the
kq̂k+1=k+1 k
following minimization problem:
minfJ(´) = kºk+1=k ºk+1=k ¡ Sk+1=k (´)k2 g (65)

Motivation where the norm kAk is the Frobenius norm; that

is kAk2 = tr(AAT ), and the inequality ´ ¸ 0 is
It is well known that the KF is an unbiased
minimum-variance state estimator under the component-wise. The value of ´ that is computed
assumptions that the system truth model is linear from (65) represents the optimal estimate of the
and the design model is identical to the truth model. process noise levels.
However, the KF becomes suboptimal and sensitive The rationale for the cost function (65) is
to initial conditions if there are errors in the design explained as follows. The matrix ºk+1=k ºk+1=k is the
model. This is the case of the current model because, residual sample covariance matrix, whereas Sk+1=k is
due to the difference between the physical and the the covariance matrix of ºk+1=k , computed using the
mathematical models, the system equations, (33) filter design model parameters. In particular, Sk+1=k is
and (34), contain modeling errors, and because the a function of the a priori value of ´. Hence, a good
state-dependent noise covariance matrices, Pkw and value of ´ is one that brings consistency between
v T
Pk+1 in (55) and (57), are approximated in the filter the sample covariance matrix ºk+1=k ºk+1=k and its
by estimate-dependent expressions as given in (61j) predicted value Sk+1=k . This consistency condition
and (62g), respectively. An adequate approach to on is satisfied through the minimization described
line enhancement of the filter performance is adaptive in (65).
filtering [16, pp. 311—318]. In this section we present
an adaptive filter that processes the measurement Solution
residuals in order to optimally compensate for
modeling errors according to some performance index. Recall that Sk+1=k is computed according to (62h),
The technique of process noise adaptive estimation
rewritten here using the augmented matrices H̄k+1 and
is employed; that is, the filter process noise level
Pk+1=k ,
is changed adaptively in order to compensate for
T v
modeling errors. The adaptive filter is applied to two Sk+1=k = H̄k+1 Pk+1=k H̄k+1 + Pk+1 : (66)


Using (61k) in (66), yields T
than ºk+1=k ºk+1=k , this means that the filter is too
conservative and should lower its level of process
Sk+1=k = H̄k+1 (ªk Pk=k ªkT + Pkw )H̄k+1
T v
+ Pk+1
noise in order to fit the actual residual level. Since it
= H̄k+1 Pkw H̄k+1
+ H̄k+1 ªk Pk=k ªkT H̄k+1
T v
+ Pk+1 : can do this only by regulating the value of ´, it would
choose a negative value. However, we rule out such
(67) a value in order to ensure that the time propagation
Next we evaluate the first term on the RHS of (67) stage only increases the estimation error covariance, as
using (62d) and (61j), should be the case in a well tuned KF.

H̄k+1 Pkw H̄k+1

· ¸
(´1 + ´2 ¢t) 14 [tr(M̂k=k )I4 ¡ M̂k=k ) O
= [Hk+1 O] Assume that the a posteriori estimation error Pk=k
O ´3 ¢tI3
and the a priori estimate q̂k+1=k were computed. Then
£ [Hk+1 O]T the adaptive process noise algorithm is as follows
= (´1 + ´2 ¢t) 14 Hk+1 [tr(M̂k=k )I4 ¡ M̂k=k ]Hk+1 ºk+1=k = ¡Hk+1 q̂k+1=k (73a)
= ´L1 (68) T
L1 = 14 Hk+1 [tr(M̂k=k )I4 ¡ M̂k=k ]Hk+1 (73b)
where ´ = ´1 + ´2 ¢t, and L1 is the matrix part in the N1 = H̄k+1 ªk Pk=k ªkT H̄k+1
T v
+ Pk+1 (73c)
second equality of (68). Defining N1 as T
tr[(ºk+1=k ºk+1=k ¡ N1 )LT1 ]
¢ ´¤ = (73d)
N1 = H̄k+1 ªk Pk=k ªkT H̄k+1
T v
+ Pk+1 (69) tr(L1 LT1 )
· ¸
´ ¤ 14 [tr(M̂k=k )I4 ¡ M̂k=k ] O
and using (68) and (69) in (67) yields Pkw = :
O ´3 ¢tI3
Sk+1=k (´) = ´L1 + N1 : (70) (73e)
It appears that ´1 and ´2 cannot be evaluated Equations (73) describe the adaptive part of the
separately; only the combination ´ can be computed quaternion KF. The result of this algorithm, that is
for the adaptation purposes. Moreover, the parameter the value of Pkw , is substituted into (61j) in the general
´3 does not play any role since it does not participate algorithm.
in the computation of the covariance matrix Sk+1=k . Simplified Computation of ´ ¤ : The denominator in
This stems directly from the fact that one measures (73d), tr(L1 LT1 ), can be approximated to second-order
only the quaternion and not the drift. The zero in the measurement and estimation errors by the
components in the augmented matrix H̄k+1 cancel the value of 18 . The above approximation is justified as
drift-related gyro noise variance ´3 . Then, performing follows. First, in the evaluation of M̂k=k in (61i), we
the minimization neglect the covariance matrix Pk=k q
with respect to the
minfJ(´) = kºk+1=k ºk+1=k ¡ Sk+1=k (´)k2 g (71) matrix q̂k=k q̂Tk=k , so that M̂k=k ' q̂k=k q̂Tk=k , and therefore,
tr(M̂k=k ) ' 1. This yields
yields the following minimizing ´
L1 ' 14 [Hk+1 Hk+1 ¡ (Hk+1 q̂k=k )(Hk+1 q̂k=k )T ]: (74)
tr[(ºk+1=k ºk+1=k ¡ N1 )LT1 ]
´ = : (72) Then, in (74), we neglect the second matrix in the
tr(L1 LT1 ) T
brackets with respect to Hk+1 Hk+1 . This is justified
The derivation of (72) is provided in Appendix B, by the fact that qk=k is close to the null-space of
in which A = ºk+1=k ºk+1=k , B = Sk+1=k , C = N1 , and Hk+1 provided that the filter converged and that ¢t
¤ is small. The previous argument yields the following
D = L1 . If ´ is positive, the previous value of ´ is
replaced by ´ ¤ and the latter value is used to update approximation for L1 LT1 to second order in the
the covariance matrix Pkw in (61j). If ´ ¤ is negative, measurement and the estimation errors,
the value of ´ in Pkw is set to 0. The reason for which T
L1 ' 14 Hk+1 Hk+1 : (75)
´ ¤ can be negative is as follows. We can interpret
the matrix N1 in (72) as the residual covariance Finally we use the property that the matrix Hk+1
matrix that is predicted by the filter as if there were is skew-symmetric with eigenvalues f0, 0, j, ¡jg
no process noise in the system. On the other hand, (provided that bk+1 and rk+1 are unitized), which
the matrix ºk+1=k ºk+1=k is an approximate value yields
for the residual covariance as computed from the 4
tr(Hk+1 ) 1
actual measurements. If N1 happens to be greater tr(L1 LT1 ) ' = : (76)
16 8

TABLE I q̂k+1=k+1 = q̂k+1=k + Kk+1 [bk+1 ¡ A(q̂k+1=k )rk+1 ]
Noise Standard Deviations
¾1 arcs ¾2 arcs/s1=2 ¾3 arcs/s3=2 ¾b
¯ ¯
Case A system 0.5 6 7:10¡3 1 deg Pk+1=k+1 = (I4 ¡ Kk+1 Ĥ k+1 )Pk+1=k (I4 ¡ Kk+1 Ĥ k+1 )T
QKF 0.5 6 10¡2 0.2 deg
Case B system 0.5 6 7:10¡3 100 arcs + Kk+1 Rk+1 Kk+1 (79e)
QKF 0.5 6 10¡2 100 arcs
AEKF 0.5 6 7:10¡3 100 arcs where Rk+1 , the measurement error covariance matrix,
Case C system 0.5 60 7:10¡3 100 arcs is equal to ½k+1 (I3 ¡ bk+1 bTk+1 ). In the implementation
QKF 0.05 6 7:10¡3 100 arcs of the AEKF, (79) replace (62a) to (62k) of the novel
Case D system 0.5 6 7:10¡3 100 arcs quaternion KF. Notice that the estimation errors,
QKF 0.5 6 7:10¡3 100 arcs
which are present in the matrix Ĥk+1 , contaminate
more terms of the covariance computation than in the
case of the novel quaternion KF. Moreover, the effect
This analysis was supported by simulations where the of these errors is weakened in the novel quaternion
error in the approximation remained at the order of KF due to the multiplication by the small noise
1% for reasonable levels of noises (see Table I). variance parameters [(¾12 + ¾22 ¢t) in (61j), and ½k+1 in
(62g)]. It is anticipated, thus, that the novel quaternion
KF will be less sensitive to large initial estimation
BRIEF REVIEW OF THE QUATERNION ADDITIVE errors than the AEKF. These heuristic statements will
EXTENDED KALMAN FILTER be verified through simulations.
One purpose of the simulation is to show the
advantage of the new algorithm over the quaternion SIMULATION STUDY
additive extended Kalman filter (AEKF) [10]. To
investigate the effect of the novel measurement model, Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations were
we note that the AEKF and the novel quaternion performed in order to test the nonadaptive quaternion
KF differ only in their measurement update stage, KF, the adaptive quaternion KF, and to compare the
because that is where linearization is being used in performance of the nonadaptive quaternion KF to that
the AEKF. The goal of this section is to briefly review of the AEKF.
the typical measurement update stage of the AEKF.
For convenience we rewrite the nonlinear vector Simulations Outline
measurement equation (2)
In all simulations the reference coordinate system
bk+1 = A(qk+1 )rk+1 + ±bk+1 (77) R was assumed to be inertial. The body coordinate
system B was rotating with an angular velocity vector
where A is a known function of qk+1 (see (3)). given by
2 3
Denoting by v(qk+1 ) the nonlinear measurement 1
function A(qk+1 )rk+1 , the 3 £ 4 linearized measurement 6 7 deg
!(t) = 4 1 5 sin(2¼t=150) (80)
matrix, when evaluated at q̂k+1=k , is expressed as s
follows 1
in B. The initial state of the system was systematically
Ĥk+1 = rq v(q̂k+1=k ) taken as
= 2[eT rI3 + erT ¡ reT + 2q[r£], qr + [r£]e]jq=q̂k+1=k q0 = [0:3780 ¡ 0:3780 0:7560 0:3780]T
deg (81)
(78) ¹0 = [1 ¡ 1 0:5]T
where e and q are the vector and scalar part of q,
respectively, and where the time indices are omitted The time interval between two consecutive RIG
for the sake of notational simplicity. The measurement readouts was ¢t = 250 ms. This conservative value
update stage in the AEKF is then formulated as (gyros may have much higher sampling rates)
follows was chosen in order to test the estimators under
unfavorable conditions. The time interval between
q T
Sk+1=k = Ĥk+1 Pk+1=k Ĥk+1 + Rk+1 (79a) two consecutive vector measurements was 5 s. In
the sequel, the standard deviation of the vector
¯ measurement error will be denoted by ¾b ; that is, ¾b =
Ĥ k+1 = [Ĥk+1 O] (79b) p
½k+1 . The sequence of unitized vector measurements
¯ T ¡1 bk+1 was generated as follows. First we generated a
Kk+1 = Pk+1=k Ĥ k+1 Sk+1=k (79c) random sequence of unitized rk+1 . Next we solved


Fig. 1. Case A. Monte-Carlo mean (solid line) and §1 ¾ Fig. 3. Case A. Monte-Carlo standard deviations and single-run
envelope (dashed lines) of angular estimation error ±Á of filter standard deviations in quaternion estimation errors of
nonadaptive filter over 100 runs. nonadaptive filter.

Fig. 2. Case A. Monte-Carlo means of RIG drift rates estimation Fig. 4. Case A. Monte-Carlo standard deviations and single-run
errors of nonadaptive filter over 100 runs. filter standard deviations in RIG drift rates estimation errors of
nonadaptive filter.
(23) using the given !(t) vector. This produced the
true quaternion. Then rk+1 was rotated using the noises in the system are summarized in Table I.
known direction cosine matrix expression which was The angular standard deviation ¾b = 1 deg is typical
based on the quaternion (see (3)). A low-intensity to magnetometer measurements. The filter needed
white Gaussian noise was added to the true value some tuning for ¾3 and ¾b (See Table I for the actual
of bk+1 , and the resulting vector was normalized. values.) The filter initialization was done using the
The above-mentioned quantities were common to following values for the initial estimate and the initial
all subsequent simulations. In each simulation the estimation error covariance matrix
Monte-Carlo average was computed over an ensemble
q̂0=0 = [0 0 0 1]T , ¹̂0=0 = [0 0 0]T , P0=0 = 5I7 :
of 100 runs.
Case A. Nonadaptive Quaternion Kalman Filter Each Monte-Carlo run lasted 15000 s, which is
typically the duration of three revolutions of a
This section presents the performance of the low-Earth-orbit satellite.
nonadaptive quaternion KF, which was presented The results for the nonadaptive quaternion KF
previously. The levels of the process and measurement are summarized in Figs. 1—4. Fig. 1 shows the

Fig. 5. Case B. Monte-Carlo means of angular estimation error Fig. 6. Case B. Monte-Carlo means of RIG drift rates estimation
±Á of QKF and AEKF over 100 runs. errors of QKF and AEKF over 100 runs.

standard deviations and the filter standard deviations

Monte-Carlo mean and the Monte-Carlo §1¾ envelope
corresponding to the three components of the gyro
of the angular estimation error ±Á. The angle ±Á
drift estimation error. After a transient of 2500 s all
is defined as the angle of the small rotation that
standard deviations settle on a steady-state value of
brings the estimated body frame B̂ onto the true body approximately 0.4 deg/hr. As seen in Fig. 4 there is a
frame B. This angle is obtained as follows. First, good agreement between the Monte-Carlo results and
the quaternion of the rotation from B̂ to B, denoted the filter computation.
by ±q, is evaluated, then the rotation angle ±Á is
computed from ±q, the scalar component of ±q, using Case B. Quaternion KF versus the Additive Extended
the known relation [1, p. 414] ±Á = 2 arccos(±q). After Kalman Filter
a transient of approximately 2500 s, the Monte-Carlo
mean and the Monte-Carlo standard deviation of ±Á In this case, the system has the same
settle on steady-state values of 0.2 deg and 80 mdeg, characteristics as in the previous case except for ¾b
respectively. Fig. 2 depicts the Monte-Carlo means (see Table I) and for the initial estimation errors. We
of the gyro drift estimation error ± ¹̂k=k . The three choose here ¾b = 100 arcs, which is a reasonable
components show a fast transient phase of about value considering the use of a star-tracker. Compared
1000 s followed by a slow convergence phase; their with Case A, the level of vector measurement noise
was lowered in order for the effect of the initial
final values are equal to or below 10 mdeg/hr. Two
estimation errors on the estimator performance to
types of standard deviations are plotted in Fig. 3
surface. High initial estimation errors were assumed in
for each of the four components of the quaternion
the filters both in attitude and in the gyro drift rates.
estimation error. The solid lines represent the standard Of course, for the sake of comparison between the
deviation computed in the filter; that is, the square quaternion KF and the AEKF, the characteristics of
roots of the diagonal elements of Pk=k . The dashed both filters are identical except for the measurement
lines represent the Monte-Carlo standard deviations update formulation, as was pointed out previously.
of the estimation errors computed over 100 runs. Each one of the 100 Monte-Carlo runs lasted 3600 s.
The two different standard deviations are plotted in The estimation error and its covariance matrix were
order to check the consistency of the quaternion KF chosen as follows
under normal operational conditions. It is concluded ± q̂0=0 = [0:0985 0:9853 ¡ 0:0985 0:0985]T
that the filter predicts correctly the values of the
deg (83)
estimation error variances when the level of the noises
± ¹̂0=0 = 200[1 1 1]T , P0=0 = 5I7 :
is well known. The filter variables, however, appear hr
to be much more oscillatory than the Monte-Carlo The comparison results between the quaternion
variables. This was expected since the filter covariance KF and the AEKF are summarized in Figs. 5—6.
computation is estimate dependent, therefore the Essentially, these figures emphasize the fact that the
dynamics become more visible in the estimation AEKF fails to converge due to high initial estimation
error variances. Fig. 4 shows the Monte-Carlo errors, whereas the quaternion KF converges. Fig. 5


Fig. 7. Case C. Monte-Carlo mean of angular estimation error ±Á Fig. 8. Case D. Monte-Carlo mean (solid line) and §1 ¾
of adaptive filter over 100 runs. envelope (dashed lines) of angular estimation error ±Á of adaptive
filter over 100 runs.

depicts the Monte-Carlo means of the angular

is activated, ±Áa drops to the level of ±Ána . This
estimation errors, ±ÁQuaternion KF and ±ÁAEKF , of the
result proves the efficiency of the adaptive filter; it
quaternion KF and AEKF, respectively. It clearly
recovers the performance of the ideal case that was
shows that the Monte-Carlo mean of ±ÁQuaternion KF
lost because of modeling errors.
converges, whereas that of ±ÁAEKF oscillates around
the value of 90 deg. The latter stems from the fact that
Case D. Adaptive Quaternion KF for Unmodeled Gyro
almost all the realizations (97 out of 100) of ±ÁAEKF
Drift Rates
diverge and oscillate between 10 deg and 180 deg.
The divergence of the Monte-Carlo means of the gyro The noise standard deviations in the system and in
drifts estimation errors in the AEKF is presented in the filter are summarized in Table I. In addition, the
Fig. 6. The means reach steady-state values of the system process noise n3,k had a constant bias n̄3 ; that
order of 105 deg/hr. Divergence of all variables in is,
the AEKF occurs just after the first measurement deg
update. n3,k » N (n̄3 , ¾32 ¢tI3 ), n̄3 = [2 2 2]T :
Case C. Adaptive Quaternion KF for Mismodeled
Gyro Noise Levels The filter was designed without taking the constant
bias n̄3 into consideration. As is shown next, the
The noise levels of the system and of the filter adaptation technique copes with that unmodeled
are summarized in Table I. Notice that the filter bias, too. Each one of the Monte-Carlo simulation
assumes for ¾1 and ¾2 values which are 10 times runs lasted 2000 s. The adaptive algorithm was
lower than in the system. The filter was initialized activated at t = 1000 s in each run. The results are
with small estimation errors in order for the effect of summarized in Fig. 8, which depicts the Monte-Carlo
the adaptation procedure to surface mean and the §1¾ envelope of the angular estimation
error ±Á. At first, the Monte-Carlo mean of ±Á
± ¹̂0=0 = [5 5 5]T , P0=0 = 5I7 : (84) increases almost linearly with time up to a value of
hr approximately 0.35 deg. Then, at 1000 s, when the
Each Monte-Carlo run lasted 2000 s. In each run the adaptive filter is activated, it drops to a steady-state
adaptive algorithm was activated at time t = 1000 s. value around 0.1 deg. This value is higher than that
The results of the adaptive estimation are summarized obtained by a nonadaptive filter without modeling
in Fig. 7. Fig. 7 shows the Monte-Carlo mean of errors (see the solid line in Fig. 7). Nevertheless, the
±Á for the adaptive filter ±Áa (dashed line), and the divergence is avoided, and the Monte-Carlo mean
Monte-Carlo mean of ±Á for the nonadaptive filter and standard deviation of the estimation error remain
with the correct noise levels ±Ána (solid line). Before on an acceptable level. We thus see that in spite of
the adaptation starts, ±Áa settles on approximately its simple formulation, the proposed adaptive filter
0.13 deg, which is higher than ±Ána (approximately can compensate for severe modeling errors such as
0.07 deg). As soon as the adaptation procedure unknown constant drifts in the RIG outputs.

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION sequence and provide exact results thanks to the
linear-in-x property of G(x).
A novel KF for estimating the quaternion of
rotation using vector measurements was presented PROPOSITION Let fxk g 2 Rn denote a random
in this work. The special feature of the algorithm sequence with mean x̂k = Efxk g and covariance matrix
was its measurement model. This model was Pkx , and let fuk g 2 Rm denote a zero-mean white
obtained by a certain manipulation of the 3 £ 1 random sequence with covariance matrix Pku . Assume
vector measurement equation which resulted in an that fxk g and fuk g are statistically independent. Let
augmented pseudo-measurement equation with a fvk g 2 Rp be defined as
signal term that is linear in the quaternion. Thanks vk = G(xk )uk (86)
to this favorable property, the usual linearization
procedure and, thus, its associated approximation where G(¢) : Rn ! Rp£m is a linear matrix function
errors, was avoided. The inherent nonlinearity of of its argument. Then the exact expression for the
the quaternion vector measurement was, however, covariance matrix of vk , denoted by Pkv , is given as
present in the quaternion-dependent noise but with follows
no effect on the filter performance. The process
Pkv = G(x̂k )Pku GT (x̂k ) + ¡ (Pku − Pkx )¡ T (87)
equation (quaternion propagation) was based on
gyro measurements. The case of gyro outputs where − denotes the Kronecker product, ¡ 2 R is
contaminated by random walk drifts and white noises defined as
was considered. The gyro drifts were estimated as ¢
¡ =[Gc1 Gc2 ¢ ¢ ¢ Gcm ] (88)
part of the state vector. The process noise and the
measurement noises exhibited the same kind of and each matrix Gci 2 Rp£n , i = 1, 2, : : : , m is defined
linear state-dependence. That property was used to according to the identity
develop exact expressions for the respective noise
covariance matrices, thus leading to meaningful Gci x = G(x)ei : (89)
approximations in the filter implementation. A main The column-vectors ei in (89) are the standard unit
benefit of these new expressions was to address vectors in Rm with 1 at position i and 0 elsewhere;
in a non ad-hoc way the issue of singularity in the that is, Gci is mapping x 2 Rn to the ith column of the
measurement noise covariance matrix. This was done, matrix G(x) 2 Rp£m . Note that Gci can be expressed
however, at the expense of the filter computational as a linear mapping of the components of ei , for i =
simplicity. Exploiting the covariance matrix structures, 1, 2, : : : , m.
computationally efficient expressions were developed.
It was shown, by means of extensive Monte-Carlo PROOF See [13, Appendix B].
simulations, that the filter behaved well under nominal REMARK 1 The result presented above applies to a
conditions. The proposed filter was tested against the large class of sequences. This is the case, in particular,
AEKF in the case of high initial estimation errors. for sequences described by the following equation
The new filter behaved satisfactorily while the AEKF yk = (A + ¢A)xk , where the matrix ¢A denotes an
failed to converge. It was suggested to apply adaptive additive zero-mean white-noise error related to the
filtering to compensate for modeling errors, which matrix A. In this case, the error ¢Axk has the form
were partly induced by the state-dependence of assumed in (86), so that under the assumption of
the noises. A simple procedure for process noise independence between ¢A and xk , the result of the
adaptive estimation was developed. As demonstrated proposition holds.
through the results of Monte-Carlo simulations, it was
successfully applied to the case of a “fine tuning” REMARK 2 The first term in (87) corresponds to the
of the process noise level, and to the harder case usual first-order approximation which is made in the
of unmodeled constant biases in the gyro outputs. framework of extended Kalman filtering. The second
The comparison of the proposed filter with the term in (87) thus yields an exact expression for the
multiplicative EKF of [9] merits investigation and will covariance matrix of the modeled sequence.
be the subject of future work.
Let A, C, D, with D 6= 0 (not all the elements of
g(xk )uk
D are zero) denote three square matrices of the same
The proposition formulated in the following is dimension, and let B(´) denote the matrix function of
inspired by an approximate result presented in [16, the real scalar ´ defined by B(´) = C + ´D. Consider
pp. 90—91], where the case of a scalar stochastic the following unconstrained minimization problem:
sequence with a nonlinear function G(x) was minfJ(´) = kA ¡ B(´)k2 g (90)
considered. We consider here the case of a vector ´


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Daniel Choukroun received the B.Sc. (summa cum laude), M.Sc., and
Ph.D. degrees in aerospace engineering from the Technion—Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel, in 1997, 2000, and 2003, respectively. He also received
the title Engineer under Instruction from the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Ciule,
Toulouse, France, in 1994.
From 1998 to 2003, he was a teaching and research assistant in the field of
automatic control at the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology. Since 2003,
he has been a postdoctoral fellow and a lecturer at the University of California,
Los Angeles, in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering. His
research interests are in optimal estimation and control theory with applications to
aerospace systems.
Dr. Choukroun received the Miriam and Aaron Gutwirth Special Excellency
Award for achievement in research from the Technion—Israel Institute of

Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack (M’73–SM’84–F’95) received his B.Sc. and M.Sc.

degrees in electrical engineering, in 1961 and 1964, respectively, both from
Technion—Israel Institute of Technology. In 1968 he received the Ph.D. degree
from the University of Pennsylvania, also in electrical engineering.
From 1968 to 1971 he served as a member of the technical staff at Bellcomm,
Inc., in Washington, D.C., where he worked on the Apollo project. In 1971
he joined the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of The Technion where he is
now a Sophie and William Shambam Professor of Aeronautical Engineering,
and a member of the Technion Asher Space Research Institute. During the
1977—78 academic year he spent his sabbatical with The Analytic Sciences
Corporation (TASC), in Reading, MA, working in research and development
of multisensor integrated navigation for the TRIDENT Fleet Ballistic Missile
Submarines. During the 1987—89 academic year he was a national research
council research associate at NASA—Goddard Space Flight Center, working on
attitude determination problems. In 1993 and 1994 he served as Dean of the
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Technion. Dr. Bar-Itzhack was back
at NASA—Goddard in the 1995—96, the 2000—01 and the 2005—2006 academic
years, again as a national research council research associate working on attitude,
angular velocity, and orbit determination problems. He has published over
75 journal papers, over 130 conference papers, numerous technical reports,
and contributed to two books. He was a member of the AIAA Technical
Committee on Guidance Navigation and Control, and was an international
advisor of the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. He is an IEEE
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer in the
distinguished lectures series. He is the recipient of the NASA—Goddard Space
Flight Center Group Achievement Award for “Exceptional Achievement in
Advanced Attitude Determination and Sensor Calibration Technology” and of
the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society 2004 Kershner Award in
recognition of his “outstanding achievements” in the technology of navigation.
( pages/kershner.html). In 2004 he
was also awarded by NASA Administrator the NASA Exceptional Technology
Achievement Medal.
His research interests include inertial navigation, spacecraft attitude and orbit
determination, applied estimation, and guidance. He is a member of Sigma Xi,
and AIAA Fellow.


Yaakov Oshman (AM’96–SM’97) received his B.Sc. (summa cum laude)
and D.Sc. degrees, both in aeronautical engineering, from the Technion—Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, in 1975 and 1986, respectively.
From 1975 to 1981 he was with the Israeli Air Force, where he worked in the
areas of structural dynamics and flutter analysis and flight testing. In 1987 he was
a research associate at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
of the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he was, in 1988, a visiting
professor. Since 1989 he has been with the Department of Aerospace Engineering
at the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, where he is currently a professor.
During the 1996/1997 and 1997/1998 academic years he spent a sabbatical with
the Guidance, Navigation and Control Center of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight
Center, where he worked in research and development of spacecraft attitude
estimation algorithms. He has consulted to RADA Electronic Industries, Ltd.,
RAFAEL Ltd., and the Israeli Ministry of Defense. His research interests are in
advanced optimal estimation, information fusion, and control methods and their
application in aerospace guidance, navigation, and control systems. Of particular
interest are interdisciplinary aerospace systems, including structural estimation
and control, and health monitoring/fault detection and isolation systems.
Dr. Oshman is the President of the Israeli Association for Automatic Control,
a national member organization of the International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). He headed the Philadelphia Flight Control Laboratory at the
Technion (1993—1996). He published over 120 journal and conference papers
and book chapters. He is a coauthor of the paper that was awarded the Best Paper
Award of the 2002 AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, and a coauthor
and advisor of the paper that has been awarded the Best Paper Award of the
2004 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference. He has received
the Technion’s Raymond and Miriam Klein Research Prize for his research on
enhanced air-to-air missile tracking using target orientation observations (2002),
and the Technion’s Meir Hanin Research Prize for his work on spacecraft angular
velocity estimation (2004). The latter work has been put to use in the Israeli
AMOS-2 communication satellite. He has been on the program committees of
over a dozen international conferences. He is an editor for Guidance and Control
Systems for the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, and a
member of the editorial board of the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and
Dynamics. He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA.


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