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Submitted to


Harcourt Butler Technical University

Under the guidance

Institute Guide
Dr. Krishna Kant Bhartiy

Company Guide:

Mr. Gaurav Agarwal


Submitted by: Lav Singh

ROLL NO: 220230008

MBA Semester III
MBA Session: 2022- 2024

This is to certify that the project work done on “STUDY ON ROLE OF

MANAGEMENT STUDIES ‘HBTU KANPUR’ by Mr. Lav Singh in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION is a bonafide work carried out by him under my
supervision and guidance. This project report is the original one and
has not been submitted anywhere else for any other degree/diploma.

Date: Name of the guide:

15 NOVEMBER 2023 Dr. K.K.Bhartiy


This is a great pleasure to submit this report. I would like to express my

profound gratitude to all those Who have been instrumental in the
preparation of this "Summer Internship Project Report".

I am very much thankful to Mr. Gaurav Agarwal (SLMG Beverages

Pvt.Ltd. for selecting me as an intern and giving me a chance to prove
myself and timely guidance throughout my SIP and I also like to thank
my Faculty Guide Dr. Krishna Kant Bhartiy for guiding me throughout my
I will always be much thankful to Mr. Divyanshu Soni(ME) and Mr.
Surendra Arora (ASM) for their major support, co-operation and
attentiveness during my training. also would like to thank all Marketing
and Sales staff of SLMG Beverages Pvt.Ltd., without whom my training
might not have been completed.

I Lav Singh hereby declare that the report for 'Summer Training
work and my indebtedness to other work publications, references, if
any have been duly acknowledged.
I am presenting an authentic report of my work to Harcourt Butler
Technical University, Kanpur carried out at SLMG BEVERAGES PVT.
LTD. for the partial fulfilment of the requirement of Master of
Business Administration degree program.

It is said that "Knowledge is power" but "applied knowledge is power"

seems to be a correct statement.
In this modern world, theoretical study has no value without its
practical application: practical knowledge is more powerful than the
knowledge of books. In today's business world, practical knowledge
plays an important role; course involves industrial training. which
provides practical knowledge and experience to the students in the
field of management.

Keeping the same in mind Harcourt Butler Technical University has

introduced practical outlook to well-known organizations and to
make the students familiar with the practical managerial functions,
the institution arranged Summer Internship Program at SLMG
Beverages PVT. LMT.

Research is a feedback that any organization sought for the purpose

of effective policies and decision making. It is the systematic problem
analysis, model building & fact finding for the purpose of important
decision-making & control in making of goods and services. Summer
Project is a part of our curriculum so that we get exposed to the
practical side of our theoretical know-how. This is basically designed
to the real life situation. In this training program, the students use
their academic knowledge practically which polishes the decision
making abilities of MBA students. For developing healthy managerial
and administrative skills of potential managers. It is necessary that
theoretical knowledge must be supplemented with exposure to real
life business environment. It is a practical training that the measuring
itself is realized.
SR. Particulars
PART-I General Information
1. Industry Overview
1.1: Beverage Industry in India
1.2: Growth And Performance of
1.3: Major Market Players in
2. Company Overview
2.1: History: Coca-Cola-
2.2: History: Coca-Cola – INDIA
Coca-Cola System Worldwide
and in India
2.4: About SLMG Beverages Pvt.
2.5: Hierarchy of the Organization
2.6: Product Profile
2.7: Departmental Overview
2.8: SWOT Analysis
2.9: About Competitors
PART-II Research Work
3. Introduction of the Study
3.1: Background of The Study
3.2: Statements Of The problems
3.3: Objectives of the Study
4. Research Methodology
4.1: Introduction
4.2: Research Design
4.3: Scope of The Study
4.4: Data Collection
4.5: Instrument for Data
5. About Marketing Campaigns
5.1: Campaign 1: “Paid Sampling”
5.1.6: Data Analysis and
5.1.7: Result and Findings
5.2: Campaign 2: "Horizontal
52.5: Result and Findings
6. Suggestions and
7. Limitations of The Study
8. Conclusion
10. Bibliography
11. Annexure
12. Pictorial Evidence
PART-I: General Information
"Study on Role of Marketing Campaigns
in Sales Promotion of Coca-Cola "

FMCG Industry
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) goods are all consumable
items (Other than groceries/pulses) that one needs to buy at regular
intervals. These are items Which are used daily. and so have a quick
rate of consumption, and a high return. FMCG can broadly be
categorized into three segments which

1. Household items as soaps, detergents, household accessories,


2. Personal care items as shampoos, toothpaste, shaving

products, etc. and finally

3. Food and Beverages as snacks, processed foods; tea, coffee,

edible oils, soft drinks etc.

Global leaders in the FMCG segment are Nestlé, ITC, Hindustan

Unilever Limited, Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever, Procter & Gamble,
Coca-Cola, Carlsberg, Kleenex, General Mills, Pepsi, Gillette etc.


The burgeoning middle class Indian population. as well as the rural

sector, presents a huge potential for this sector. The FMCG sector in
India is at present, the fourth largest sector with a total market size
in excess of USD 13 billion as of 2012. The FMCG industry is optimistic
about at least 20 per cent growth in 2023 after an ‘exponential
growth’ in 2022. “We saw a high demand and a growth of more than
30 per cent from the last fiscal year. We have already crossed ₹ 4500
crores turnover, which was projected till the end of March 2023.This
sector is expected to grow USD 100 billion by the year 2025.
This sector is characterized by strong MNC presence and a well-
established distribution network. in India the easy availability of raw
materials as well as cheap labour makes it an ideal destination for this
sector. There is also intense competition between the Organized and
unorganized segments and the fight to keep operational costs low.

A look at some factors that will drive growth in this sector:

• Increasing rate of urbanization. expected to see major growth

in coming years.

• Rise in disposable incomes, resulting in premium brands having

faster growth and deeper penetration.

• Innovative and stronger channels of distribution to the rural

segment, leading to deeper penetration into this segment.

• Increase in rural non-agricultural income and benefits from

government welfare programs,

• Investment in stock markets of FMCG companies, which are

expected to grow constantly.

Some of the challenges this sector is likely to face are:

• Increasing rate of inflation, which is likely to lead to higher cost
of raw materials.

• The standardization of packaging norms that is likely to be

implemented by the Government by 2013 is expected to
increase cost of beverages, cereals, edible oil, detergent, flour,
salt, aerated drinks and mineral water.

• Steadily rising fuel costs, leading to increased distribution costs.

• The present slow-down in the economy may lower demand of
FMCG products, particularly in the premium sector, leading to
reduced volumes.
• The declining value of rupee against other currencies may
reduce margins of many companies, as Marico. Godrej
Consumer products, Colgate, Dabur, etc. Who import raw

In conclusion:

This sector will continue to See growth as it depends on an ever-

increasing internal market for consumption, and demand for these
goods remains more or less constant, irrespective of recession or
inflation. Hence this sector Will grow, though it may not be a smooth
growth path. due to the present worldwide economic slowdown,
rising inflation and fall of the rupee. This sector will see good growth
in the long run and hiring will continue to remain robust.

1.1: Beverage Industry in INDIA: A BRIEF INSIGHT

In India, beverages form an important part of the lives of people. It is
an industry, in which the players constantly innovate, in order to
come up with better products to gain more consumers and satisfy the
existing consumers.
The beverage industry is vast and their various ways of segmenting it.
so as to cater the right product to the right person. The different ways
of segmenting it are as follows:

• Alcoholic, non-alcoholic and sports beverages

• Natural and Synthetic beverages

• In-home consumption and out of home on premises


• Age wise segmentation i.e. beverages for kids, for adults and
for senior citizens

• Segmentation based on the amount of consumption i.e. high

levels of consumption and low levels of consumption.

If the behavioural patterns of consumers in India are closely noticed,

it could be observed that consumers perceive beverages in two
different ways i.e. beverages are a luxury and that beverages have to
be consumed occasionally. These two perceptions are the biggest
challenges faced by the beverage industry. In order to leverage the
beverage industry. it is important to address this issue so as to
encourage regular consumption as well as and to make the industry
more affordable.

Four strong strategic elements to increase consumption of the

products of the beverage industry in India are:

• The quality and the consistency of beverages needs to be

enhanced so that consumers are satisfied and they enjoy
consuming beverages.

• The credibility and trust needs to be built so that there is a very

strong and safe feeling that the consumers have while
consuming the beverages.
• Consumer education is a must to bring out benefits of beverage
consumption whether in terms of health. taste, relaxation,
stimulation, refreshment, well-being or prestige relevant to the

• Communication should be relevant and trendy so that

consumers are able to find an appeal to go out, purchase and

The beverage market has still to achieve greater penetration and also
a wider spread of distribution. It is important to look at the entire
beverage market, as a big opportunity, for brand and sales growth in
turn to add up to the overall growth of the food and beverage
industry in the economy.

1.2: Growth and Performance of Beverage Industry

The beverage industry is made up of a wide range of companies that

sell non-alcoholic products such as soft drinks, health drinks, coffees,
and teas, as well as alcoholic beverages like beer, wine and liquors.
Many of these companies, such as PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Anheuser-Busch,
and Heineken, may be familiar to consumers.

Worldwide, the beverage industry is expected to reach $235 billion in

revenue in 2023. Its projected annual growth rate of 12.8% is expected
to result in a market volume of $380.5 billion by 2027. The growth of
non-alcoholic beverage revenue during this period should outpace the
more stable growth expected for alcoholic beverages. The industry's
penetration is estimated at 14.1% for 2023 and 18.3% by 2027.

As members of the consumer staples sector of the economy, beverage

companies' products generally enjoy stable demand regardless of the
state of the broader economy. For example, despite the COVID-19
pandemic and the accompanying general economic slowdown,
beverage companies maintained strong sales as increased purchasing
by consumers staying at home partly offset lower sales at bars,
restaurants, and entertainment events.

Revenue in the Beverages market is projected to reach US$821.60m in

2023.Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR
2023-2027) of 18.39%, resulting in a projected market volume of
US$1,614.00m by 2027.With a projected market volume of
US$69,150.00m in 2023, most revenue is generated in China. In the
Beverages market, the number of users is expected to amount to
238.6m users by 2027.User penetration will be 10.9% in 2023 and is
expected to hit 16.1% by 2027.

The average revenue Indian beverages, both alcoholic and otherwise,

are as diverse as their people, influenced by the country’s vast
geography and the weather that comes with it. The overall soft drinks
industry market size was about 1.3 billion Indian rupees. Hot summers
demand thirst-quenching, refreshing drinks, while chilly winters call for
steaming hot cups of tea and coffee. Every region tends to have its own
eclectic set of drinks suited for each season. These most likely contain
a mix of spices and herbs, with blends concocted with the health
benefits of sourcing local ingredients in mind.

Speaking at an IBA (Indian Beverage Association)-organized seminar

titled 'Agenda for Growth: Indian Beverage Industry — Leveraging
International practices' in Delhi. experts from the beverage industry
stated that it could witness a revolution. fuelled by changing lifestyles,
a growing middle-class, rapid urbanization and increased disposable

Participants in the seminar included Rakesh Kacker, secretary. Ministry

of Food Processing Industries, Government of India; K Chandramouli,
chairman, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI); Geoff
parker. president, International Council of Beverages Associations, and
Patricia Vaughan, senior vice-president. American Beverage

The non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage segment has been growing

at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13 per cent since 2009,
and is one of the segments that have defied the slowing economic

Arvind Varma, secretary general, IBA, said, "The non-alcoholic ready-

to-drink beverage industry is one of the largest investors in the country
and has contributed significantly to the growth of allied industries. This
industry is witnessing robust growth, driven by a combination of
factors such as increased investments and innovations.

•However, the government needs to take a long-term View on the

industry while formulating policies or else there is a chance this
industry's growth may get derailed," he stated.

"IBA aims to act as a catalyst to enable the non-alcoholic beverage

industry to play an increasingly significant role in the growth of the
economy, by providing employment opportunities and driving income
growth and therefore has raised its expectations with the government
authorities," Varma added.

IBA's suggestions

At the deliberations in the seminar, speakers Observed that the macro

indicators and the demographic dividends favour robust growth for the
beverage industry in India.

"With an enabling policy regime, which includes a more rational tax

structure, frequent consultations with the industry on food
regulations. giving the industry its due recognition as manufacturers of
high quality. healthy and nutritious products as well as life-critical
products like water, will further help the industry realize its
potential," IBA stated.

Industry players also felt that their prowess in research and
development would help them move beyond global brands and
develop local. indigenous product to suit regional palates. thereby
driving further growth in the market. These innovations are meant to
address the low per-capita consumption of packaged beverages and
will create both a direct and an indirect impact.
Regulatory aspect

The industry also expects that the food safety authorities remove
roadblocks and provide much faster clearances and approvals on
ingredients and new products, without compromising the safety and
quality of new products.

This is most relevant in case of proprietary foods, where inordinate

delays result in food and beverage companies having to wait for many
months before launching new products.

IBA also suggested that CODEX should be made a reference point for
national food control agencies. The international food standards,
guidelines and codes of practice laid down by CODEX contribute to
the safety, quality and fairness of international food trade.

Referring to CODEX Will help the Indian beverage industry contribute

a higher share to the global food and beverage trade, which is
estimated at $200 billion dollars.
1.3: Major Market Players in Industry

Followings are major players in beverage industry:

1. The Coca-Cola Company
2. PepsiCo
3. ABInBev
4. Parle Agro
5. Heineken
6. Diageo
7. Red Bull
8. Keurig Dr. Pepper
9. Pernod Ricard
10. Asahi Breweries (Asahi)
2.1: History: Coca-Cola Company- INTERNATIONAL

Since its birth at a soda fountain in downtown

Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886, Coca-Cola has been a
catalyst for social interaction and inspired

Coca-Cola Enterprises, established in 1886, is a young company by the

standards of the Coca-Cola system. Yet each of its franchises has a
strong heritage in the traditions of Coca-Cola that is the foundation
for this Company.
The Coca-Cola Company traces it's beginning to 1886, when an
Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John Pemberton, began to produce Coca-Cola
syrup for sale in fountain drinks. However, the bottling business
began in 1899 when two Chattanooga businessmen. Benjamin F.
Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead, secured the exclusive rights to
bottle and sell Coca-Cola for most of the United States from The Coca-
Cola Company.

The Coca-Cola bottling system continued to operate as independent,

local businesses until the early 1980s when bottling franchises began
to consolidate. In 1986, The Coca-Cola Company merged some of its
company owned operations with two large ownership groups that
Were for sale, the John T. Lupton franchises and BCI Holding
Corporation's bottling holdings. to form Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc.
The Company offered its stock to the public on November 21, 1986,
at a split-adjusted price of $5.50 a share. On an annual basis, total
unit case sales were 880,000 in 1986.

In December 1991, a merger between Coca-Cola Enterprises and the

Johnston Coca-Cola Bottling Group, Inc. (Johnston) created a larger.
stronger Company, again helping accelerate bottler consolidation. As
part of the merger, the senior management team of Johnston
assumed responsibility for managing the Company. and began a
dramatic, successful restructuring in 1992.Unit case sales had
climbed to 1.4 billion, and total revenues were $5 billion.
The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company.
They operate in more than 200 countries & markets more than 3500
beverage products. Headquartered at Atlanta, Georgia, they have
approximately 146,200 employees all over the world. It is often
referred to simply as Coke or (in European and American countries)
as Cola or pop.
2.1.1- Heritage timeline:

It was 1886, and in New York Harbor, workers were constructing the
Statue of Liberty. Eight hundred miles away, another great American
symbol was about to be unveiled.

Like many people who change history, John Pemberton, an Atlanta

pharmacist, was inspired by simple curiosity. One afternoon, he
stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid and, when it was done,
he carried it a few doors down to Jacobs' Pharmacy. Here, the mixture
was combined with carbonated water and sampled by customers
who all agreed — this new drink was something special. So Jacobs'
pharmacy put it on sale for five cents a glass.

Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the mixture Coca-

Cola@, and wrote it out in his distinct script. To this day, Coca-Cola is
written the same way. In the first year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses
of Coca-Cola a day.

A century later. The Coca-Cola Company has produced more than 10

billion gallons of syrup. unfortunately for Pemberton. he died in 1888
without realizing the success of the beverage he had created.

Over the course of three years, 1888-1891, Atlanta businessman Asa

Griggs Candler secured rights to the business for a total of about
$2,300. Candler would become the Company's first president, and
the first to bring real Vision to the business and the brand.
Asa G. Candler, a natural born salesman, transformed Coca-Cola from
an invention into a business. He knew there were thirsty people out
there, and Candler found brilliant and innovative ways to introduce
them to this exciting new refreshment. He gave away coupons for
complimentary first tastes of Coca-Cola, and outfitted distributing
pharmacists with clocks, urns, calendars and apothecary scales
bearing the Coca-Cola brand. People saw Coca-Cola everywhere, and
the aggressive promotion worked. By 1895, Candler had built syrup
plants in Chicago, Dallas and LOS Angeles.

Inevitably. the soda's popularity led to a demand for it to be enjoyed

in new ways. In 1894, a Mississippi businessman named Joseph
Biedenham became the first to put Coca-Cola in bottles. He sent 12
of them to Candler, who responded without enthusiasm. Despite
being a brilliant and innovative businessman, he didn't realize then
that the future of Coca-Cola would be with portable. bottled
beverages customers could take anywhere. He still didn't realize it
five years later, when. in 1899, two Chattanooga lawyers, Benjamin
F. Thomas and Joseph B, Whitehead, secured exclusive rights from
Candler to bottle and sell the beverage — for the sum of only one

The Coca-Cola Company was none too pleased about the
proliferation of copycat beverages taking advantage of its success.
This was a great product, and a great brand. Both needed to be
protected. Advertising focused on the authenticity of Coca-Cola,
urging consumers to "Demand the genuine* and "Accept no

The Company also decided to create a distinctive bottle shape to

assure people they were actually getting a real Coca-Cola. The Root
Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana, won a contest to design a
bottle that could be recognized in the dark. In 1916, they began
manufacturing the famous contour bottle. The contour bottle, which
remains the signature shape of Coca-Cola today. was chosen for its
attractive appearance, original design and the fact that, even in the
dark, you could identify the genuine article.
As the country roared into the new century, The Coca-Cola Company
grew rapidly, moving into Canada, Panama, Cuba, Puerto Rico,
France. and other countries and U.S. territories. In 1900, there were
two bottlers of Coca-Cola; by 1920, there would be about 1,000.

Perhaps no person had more impact on The Coca-Cola Company than
Robert Woodruff. In 1923, four years after his father Ernest
purchased the
Company from Asa Candler, Woodruff became the Company
president. While Candler had introduced the to Coca-Cola, Woodruff
would spend more than 60 years as Company leader introducing the
beverage to the world beyond.

Woodruff was a marketing genius Who saw opportunities for

expansion everywhere. He led the expansion of Coca-Cola overseas
and in 1928 introduced Coca-Cola to the Olympic Games for the first
time when Coca-Cola travelled with the U.S. team to the 1928
Amsterdam Olympics. Woodruff pushed development and
distribution of the six-pack, the open top cooler. and many other
innovations that made it easier for people to drink Coca-Cola at home
or away. This new thinking made Coca-Cola not just a huge success,
but a big part of people's lives.
In 1941, America entered World War ll. Thousands Of men and
women were sent overseas. The country, and Coca-Cola, rallied
behind them. Woodruff ordered that "every man in uniform gets a
bottle of Coca-Cola for 5 cents, wherever he is, and whatever it costs
the Company." In 1943, General Dwight D. Eisenhower sent an urgent
cablegram to Coca-Cola, requesting shipment of materials for 10
bottling plants. During the war, many people enjoyed their first taste
of the beverage, and when peace finally came, the foundations were
laid for Coca-Cola to do business overseas.

Woodruffs vision that Coca-Cola be placed within reach of desire,"

was coming true — from the mid-1940s until 1960. the number of
countries with bottling operations nearly doubled. post-war America
was alive with optimism and prosperity. Coca-Cola was part of a fun,
carefree American lifestyle, and the imagery of its advertising happy
couples at the drive-in, carefree moms driving big yellow convertibles
reflected the spirit of the times.

After 70 years of Success with one brand, Coca-Cola, the Company
decided to expand with new flavours: Fanta, originally developed in
the 1940s and introduced in the 1950s; Sprite followed in 1961. with
TAB in 1963 and Fresca in 1966. In 1960. The Coca-Cola Company
acquired The Minute Maid Company, adding an entirely new line of
business juices to the Company.

The Company’s presence worldwide was growing rapidly, and year

after year, Coca-Cola found a home in more and more places:
Cambodia, Montserrat, Paraguay, Macau, Turkey and more.
Advertising for Coca-Cola, always an important and exciting part of its
business, really came into its own in the 1970s, and reflected a brand
connected with fun, friends and good times. The international appeal
of Coca-Cola was embodied by a 1971 commercial, where a group of
young people from all over the world gathered on a hilltop in Italy to
sing "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke."
In 1978, The Coca-Cola Company was selected as the only Company
allowed to sell packaged cold drinks in the People's Republic of China.

The 1980s — the era of legwarmers, headbands and the fitness craze,
and a time of much change and innovation at The Coca-Cola
Company. In 1981, Roberto C. Goizueta became chairman of The
Board of Directors and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. Goizueta,
who fled Castro's Cuba in 1961, completely overhauled the Company
with a strategy he called "intelligent risk taking."

Among his bold moves was organizing the numerous U.S. bottling
operations into a new public company, Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. He
also led the introduction of diet Coke the very first extension of the
Coca-Cola trademark; within two years, it had become the top low-
calorie drink in the world, second in success only to Coca-Cola.

One of Goizueta's other initiatives, in 1985, was the release of a new

taste for Coca-Cola, the first change in formulation in 99 years. In
taste tests, people loved the new formula, commonly called "new
Coke.' In the real world, they had a deep emotional attachment to the
original, and they begged and pleaded to get it back. Critics called it
the biggest marketing blunder ever. But the Company listened. and
the original formula was returned to the market as Coca-Cola
classic@, and the product began to increase its lead over the
competition — a lead that continues to this day.
The 1990s were a time of continued growth for The Coca-Cola
Company. The Company's long association with sports was
strengthened during this decade, With ongoing support of the
Olympic Games. FIFA World Cup football (soccer), Rugby World Cup
and the National Basketball Association. Coca-Cola classic became
the Official Soft Drink of NASCAR racing, connecting the brand with
one of the world's fastest growing and most popular spectator sports.
And 1993 saw the introduction of the popular "Always Coca-Cola"
advertising campaign, and the world met the lovable Coca-Cola polar
Bear for the first time. New markets opened up as Coca-Cola
products Were sold in East Germany in 1990 and returned to India in
New beverages joined the Company's line-up, including Powerade
sports drink, QOO children's fruit drink and Dasani bottled water. The
Company’s family of brands further expanded through acquisitions,
including Limca, Maaza and Thums Up in India, Barq’s root beer in the
U.S., Inca Kola in Peru, and Cadbury Schweppes' beverage brands in
more than 120 countries around the world. By 1997, the Company
already sold 1 billion servings of its products every day. yet knew that
opportunity for growth was still around every comer.

In 1886, Coca-Cola brought refreshment to patrons of a small Atlanta
pharmacy. NOW well into its second century, the Company's goal is
to provide magic every time someone drinks one of its more than 500
brands. Coca-Cola has fans from Boston to Budapest to Bahrain,
drinking brands such as Ambasa, Vegitabeta and Frescolita. In the
remotest comers of the globe, you can still find Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola is committed to local markets, paying attention to what

people from different cultures and backgrounds like to drink, and
where and how they want to drink it. With its bottling partners, the
Company reaches out to the local communities it serves, believing
that Coca-Cola exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches.

From the early beginnings when just nine drinks a day were served,
Coca-Cola has grown to the world's most ubiquitous brand, with more
than 1.7 billion beverage servings sold each day. When people choose
to reach for one of The Coca-Cola Company brands, the Company
wants that choice to be exciting and satisfying, every single time.

2.1.2: Purpose and Vision (Global)

The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a
business over the next ten years and beyond, we must look ahead,
understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in the
future and move swiftly to prepare for what's to come. We must get
ready for tomorrow today. That's What our Vision is all about. It
creates a long-term destination for our business and provides us with
a "Road map" for winning together with our bottling partners.

Our Mission:

Our Road map starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares
our purpose as a Company and serves as the standard against which
we weigh our actions and decisions.

• To refresh the world.

• To inspire moments of optimism and happiness.
• To create value and make a difference.





Our vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love
and enjoy, to refresh them in body and spirit. And done in ways that
create a more sustainable business and better shared future that
makes a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet.



• Passion for people and their lives

• Cutting-edge excellence in ingredients, innovation, design,

experiences and marketing

• Investment for leadership across categories in purposeful

brands that consumers love and enjoy

• We grow our business by providing people with choices,

including beverages without sugar

• Acting as a network

• Building and nurturing powerful partnerships to bring brands to



• Water, packaging and climate challenges are interconnected,

and so are the solutions we support

• Water is essential to every person and every ecosystem, and it’s

the main ingredient in our products

• Enable the circular economy through increased collection,

design and partnership
• Science-based approach to reduce our carbon footprint

• Continuously improve sustainable and ethical sourcing practices

• Commitment to human rights


• Invest in employees’ personal growth and talent for today and

the future

• Empower people through accountability

• Create access to equal opportunities and become more inclusive

• Create value for customers big and small

• Support our communities, especially in times of need

• Deliver superior growth




We act with courage and growth mind-set and take an expansive

approach to what’s possible to build a better future. The behaviours
we strive to exhibit every day include being:


Exploring, understanding, connecting, imagining, wondering about

how it could be better or different

• Woodruff quote: “Future belongs to the discontented”.


• Accountability and action

• Consideration and prioritization


• Draw on diverse talent and experience to improve ideas

• Coupling individual thought with great team interaction


• Take a more iterative, real-world approach



• Start with facts, based in science

• Use our global scale for leadership, for progress and for good

• If we make mistakes, act quickly to make things right

Live Our Values:

Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we
behave in the world.

• Leadership: The courage to shape a better future

• Collaboration: Leverage collective genius

• Integrity: Be real
• Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me

• Passion: Committed in heart and mind

• Diversity: As inclusive as our brands

• Quality: What we do, we do well

Focus on the Market:

• Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise


• Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn
• possess a world view
• Focus on execution in the marketplace every day

• Be insatiably curious Work Smart:

• Act with urgency

• Remain responsive to change

• Have the courage to change course when needed

• Remain constructively discontent

• Work efficiently
Act like Owners:

• Be accountable for our actions and in actions

• Steward system assets and focus on building value

• Reward our people for taking risks and finding better ways to
solve problems

• Learn from our outcomes — what worked and what didn't

Be the Brand:

• Inspire creativity, passion, optimism and fun

2.2: History: Coca-Cola - INDIA

The Coca-Cola Company re-entered India through its wholly owned
subsidiary, Coca-Cola India Private Limited and re-launched Coca-
Cola in 1993 after the opening up of the Indian economy to foreign
investments in 1991. Since then its operations have grown rapidly
through a model that supports bottling operations, both company
owned as well as locally owned and includes over 7.000 Indian
distributors and more than 2.2 million retailers. Today, our brands are
the leading brands in most beverage segments. The Coca-Cola
Company*s brands in India include Coca-Cola, Fanta Orange,
Limca, Sprite, Thums Up, Burn, Kinley, Maaza, Minute Maid pulpy
Orange, Minute Maid Nimbu Fresh and the Georgia Gold range of
teas and coffees and Vitingo (a beverage fortified with micro-

In India. the Coca-Cola system comprises of a wholly owned

subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company namely Coca-Cola India Pvt Ltd
which manufactures and sells concentrate and beverage bases and
powdered beverage mixes, a Company-owned bottling entity,
namely, SLMG Beverages Pvt. Ltd; thirteen authorized bottling
partners of The Coca-Cola Company, are authorized to prepare.
package, sell and distribute beverages under certain specified
trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company; and an extensive distribution
system comprising of our customers, distributors and retailers. Coca-
Cola India Private Limited sells concentrate and beverage bases to
authorized bottlers who are authorized to use these to produce our
portfolio of beverages. These authorized bottlers independently
develop local markets and distribute beverages to grocers, small
retailers, supermarkets, restaurants and numerous other businesses.
In turn, these customers make our beverages available to consumers
across India.

The Coca-Cola system in India has already invested USD 2 Billion till
2011, since its re-entry into India. The company Will be investing
another USD 5 Billion till the year 2020. The Coca-Cola system in India
directly employs over
25.000 people including those on contract. The system has created
indirect employment for more than people in related industries
through its vast procurement, supply and distribution system. We
strive to ensure that our work environment is safe and inclusive and
that there are plentiful opportunities for our people in India and
across the world. The beverage industry is a major driver of economic
growth. A National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER)
study on the carbonated soft-drink industry indicates that this
industry has an output multiplier effect of 2.1. This means that if one
unit of output of beverage is increased, the direct and indirect effect
on the economy will be twice of that. In terms of employment, the
NCAER study notes that "an extra production of 1000 cases generates
an extra employment of 410 man days.'

As a Company, our products are an integral part of the micro

economy particularly in small towns and villages, contributing to
creation of jobs and growth in GDP. Coca-Cola in India is amongst the
largest domestic buyers of certain agricultural products,
As an industry which has strong backward and forward linkages, our
operations catalysis growth in demand for products like glass, plastic,
refrigeration, transportation. and Industrial and agricultural
products. Our operations also lead to incremental growth for
enterprises engaged in postproduction activities like merchandising,
marketing and sales. In addition, we share best practices and
technological advancements with our suppliers. vendors and allied
industries which often lead to improvement in the overall standards
of quality across industries.

The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good

citizenship. Our basic proposition entails that our Company’s
business should refresh the market; enrich the workplace; protect
and preserve the environment; and strengthen the community. We
leverage our unique strengths to actively support and respond to
local needs — be it the need for education, health, Water or nutrition.
We have used our distribution network for disaster relief, our
marketing prowess to raise awareness on issues such as PET
recycling, and our presence in communities to improve access to
education and potable water. The Coca-Cola India Foundation is now
taking forward in the community at large. projects and programs of
social relevance to carry forward the message of inclusive growth and

2.3: Coca-Cola System Worldwide and in India

At the core of our business in India, as in the rest of the world is our
production and distribution network, which we call the "Coca-Cola
system". Globally. the Coca-Cola system includes our Company and
more than 300 bottling partners. The Coca-Cola Company
manufactures and sells concentrate and beverage bases. Our
authorized bottlers combine our concentrate or beverage bases as
the case may be with sweetener (depending on the product), water
or carbonated water to produce finished beverages. These finished
beverages are packaged in authorized containers bearing our
trademarks — such as cans, refillable glass bottles, non-refillable PET
bottles and tetra packs — and are then sold to wholesalers or
retailers. In India, additionally. the Company also sells certain
powdered beverage mixes such as Vitingo.

Our beverages reach our ultimate consumers through our customers:

the grocers, small retailers, hypermarkets. restaurants, convenience
stores and millions of other businesses that are the final points of
distribution in the Coca-Cola system. What truly defines the Coca-
Cola system, and indeed what makes it unique among businesses, is
our ability to create value for our customers and consumers.

In India. the Coca-Cola system comprises of a wholly owned

subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company namely Coca-Cola India Pvt Ltd
which manufactures and sells concentrate and beverage bases and
powdered beverage mixes, a Company-owned bottling entity,
namely, SLMG Beverages Pvt Ltd: thirteen authorized bottling
partners of The Coca-Cola Company, who are authorized to prepare,
package, sell and distribute beverages under certain specified
trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company; and an extensive distribution
system comprising of our customers, distributors and retailers. Coca-
Cola India Private Limited sells concentrate and beverage bases to
authorized bottlers Who are authorized to use these to produce our
portfolio of beverages. These authorized bottlers independently
develop local markets and distribute beverages to grocers, small
retailers, supermarkets, restaurants and numerous other businesses.
In turn, these customers make our beverages available to consumers
across India.
2.4: About "SLMG Beverages Private Limited"


Ladhani Group has come together in an endeavour to form a new

flagship company named SLMG Beverages Private Limited. We are
founded with the vision, “To be largest anchor Bottler of Coca Cola
Company in India”. Our Combined Experience, Collective Wisdom and
the Power of Unity will pave the way for a new enlarged and enriched
SLMG in the years to come. We have been associated with Coca Cola
for more than 30+ years and being one of the highly successful bottling
franchise across Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. We are increasing our
reach in the market and are producing and distributing wide range of
Coca Cola products including Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSDs), Juices and
Packaged Drinking Water. We are in the process of adding state of the
art manufacturing facilities and also more geographical territories.

Company size

1,001-5,000 employees


Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Who are we

3 decades of Manufacturing and Distribution experience of Ladhani

7 state of the art bottling companies with cumulative investment of

US$ 250mn

Profile of an SLMGian

Passion to win


Last mile driven

Result oriented


Team player


More than 1.5 Million Outlets. A network of 1500+ Distributors,30+

Warehouses (Fulfilment Centre),25+ Transporters.


We use digital technology and Applications - Our Distribution

Management System and Enterprise Resource Planning Application,
enables us to retrieve data in real time.

Manufacturing Facility

Our 7 factories spread across Uttar Pradesh in India with State-of-the-

art Manufacturing Facility
2.4.1. • Vision. Mission and Values:

Our Mission

Build A High Performance, Future Ready & Sustainable Organization

Our Ambition

Be amongst the top 10 bottlers of Coca Cola worldwide by 2030.

2.5: Hierarchy of the Organization
2.6: Product Profile
Different brands of company:
The Coca-Cola Company offers a wide range of products to the
customers including beverages, fruit juices and bottled mineral
water. The Company is always looking to innovate and come up with.
either complete new products or new ways to bottle or pack the
existing drinks. The Coca-Cola Company has a wide range of products
out of which the following products are marketed by SLMG PVT.
Product Image


Diet Coke

Thums Up




Minute Maid

Minute Maid Juices

Thums Up Charged and

Monster Energy Drink

Schweppes (Tonic Soda and

Tonic Water)

Georgia (Tea and Coffee

Kinley Soda

Kinley Drinking Water

2.7: Departmental Overview



Fig: Chain followed from manufacture to distributors

Manufacturing Process at SLMG:

Fig: Manufacturing process

The manufacturing of the products of Coca-Cola involves the
following steps:

• Water is received from the River Cauvery and it passes through

the water treatment plant, further passing through the sand
filter and the activated carbon filter, so as to attain pure
cleansed water.

• In the syrup room. the concentrate received from another

bottling plant is blended with the sugar syrup.

• Once both the water and the final syrup are ready, they are
both mixed together and sent to the carbonator section where
Carbon Dioxide is added to the mixture to form the final
• On the other hand, simultaneously. the returnable glass bottles
are depalletized, inspected and washed for the purpose of
filling in the final product in it. This step does not take place in
the PET bottle line as the bottles once used are disposed

• The product is finally filled in the bottles, crowned (in case of

RGB)/ capped (in case of PET bottles), labelled and cased in
order to be sent into the warehouse for distribution

Business Plan Model at SLMG:






Marketing Objectives
The ultimate objectives of our business strategy are:

TO increase volume.

Expand Our share of worldwide non-alcoholic ready to

drink beverages sale.

Maximize our long-term cash flows.

The Coca Cola system has more than 16 million customers around the
world that sells or serves our products directly to consumers. We
keenly focus on enhancing value for these customers and helping
them grow their beverage businesses. We strive to understand each
customer’s business and needs, whether that customer is a
sophisticated retailer in a developed market a kiosk owner in an
emerging market.

Target Market

Coke's commercials basically based on young generations, So, the

young generation is the target market of Coke because they want to
represent Coke with the youth and energy but they also consider
about the old people they take then as a co-target market.

Major Segments

Major segments are basically those people who take this drink daily
and those areas where the demand is higher than the other areas.
There are so many people who take this drink daily and those people
who take weekly and those who take less often are always there as
well. So, their basic segments are those people Who take this drink
Price, Promotion, Product, and Place

a) Product:
Businesses must think about products on three different levels, which
are the core products, the actual product and the augmented
product. The core product is what the consumer is actually buying
and the benefits it gives. Coca Cola customers are buying a Wide
Range of soft drinks. The actual product is the parts and features,
which deliver the core product. Consumers will buy the coke product
because of the high standards and high quality of the Coca Cola
products. The augmented product is the extra consumer benefits and
services provided to customers. Since soft drinks are a consumable
good. the augmented level is very limited,
b) Promotion
Over the time Coca-Cola has spent millions of dollars developing and
promoting their brand name, resulting in worldwide recognition.
'Coca-Cola' is the most recognized trademark. recognized by 94% Of
the world's population and is the most Widely recognized word after
"OK". Coca Cola’s red and white colours and special writing are all
examples of worldwide trademarks.

There are a number of branding strategies:

Generic brand strategy

Individual brand strategy

Family brand strategy

Manufacturer's brand strategy

Private brand strategy

Hybrid brand strategy

Coca Cola utilizes the Individual brand strategy as Coca Cola's major
products are given their own brand names e.g. Fanta. Sprite, Coca
Cola etc. although they may be presented as different lines they
operate under the name of Coca Cola.

c) Place:
The Coca Cola Company has always focused wide scale distribution.
This is the reason, 94% of the world's population knows about Coke.
"Coca Cola" is the most recognized word after OK
Coca Cola sets its own distributions directly to stores. Stores include
a Wide Variety of Supermarket, Marts, Convenience Stores, Retail
Stores and Departmental Stores. The channel distribution of Coca
Cola Intl is extremely large.

Over time, they have produced many products and thus have
increased number of warehouses for specific products.

Coca Cola Intl has also improved services via setting up a national


Since Coca-Cola faces a major threat from its competitor Pepsi Co., so
naturally the pricing is done keeping in View the increasing rivalry
with Pepsi pricing is basically standard for all over the world.


SWOT analysis is a basic. straightforward model that provides
direction and serves as a basis for the development of marketing
plans. It accomplishes this by assessing an organizations Strength
(what an organization can do) and Weakness (what an organization
cannot do) in addition to Opportunities (potential favourable
conditions for an organization) and Threats (potential unfavourable
condition for an organization).
SWOT analysis is an important step in planning and its value is often
underestimated despite the simplicity in creation. The role of SWOT
analysis is to take the information from the surrounding and separate
it from internal issues (strength and weaknesses) and external issues
(opportunities and threats). SWOT analysis assists the firm in
accomplishing its objectives (strength or opportunity) and
overcoming the obstacles (weakness or threats).

1.Better network — covers whole of the city.
2. Brand recognition — brand image among customers
3. Brand equity — high equity in the market.
4. Advertisement policy — Coca Cola Company has endorsed with
famous celebrities like Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Akshya
Kumar, Priyanka Chopra, Kareena Kapoor and many more.
5.Bottling plants —27 Wholly-owned bottling operations
Supplemented by 17 franchisee-owned bottling operations and
a Network of 29 contract-packers to manufacture a range of
products for the company.
6. Promotional schemes — to activate sales company is providing
Umbrellas, Chairs, Tables. Racks, Flanges, Visicoolers & Glasses.

1. Weak and irregular supply.
2. Irregular visit of EXECUTIVES.
3. LOW product availability.
4. Scarcity of manpower.

l. Greater opportunity in rural areas where Coca-Cola can gain a

substantial base.
2. 70% of total population lies in rural area, and market
penetration of soft Drink is only 12% hence there is greater
scope of increasing revenue of the Coca-Cola Company.
3. Opening new outlets in the area where the coca cola's market
share is less.

4. Company should offer schemes for long term profit to the

retailer so that they get involved in long term association.
5. Covering greater institutional areas as younger generation gets
much Fascination out of such beverages.

1. Impulse customer's buy whatever is in the offer, so company
2. Give offers regularly.
3. Health conscious people are boycotting soft drinks.
4. Threat from Competitors as they give offers at cheaper rates
than Coca-Cola.
5.. It's too seasonal.
6. People are becoming health conscious.
The major competition faced by Coca-Cola International is PepsiCo
Inc. PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient foods and beverages, with
revenues of more than $66 billion and 297 ,OOO employees. The
company consists of the snack businesses of Frito-Lay North America
and Frito-Lay International: the beverage businesses of Pepsi-Cola
North America, Gatorade/Tropicana North America and PepsiCo
Beverages International: and Quaker Foods North America,
manufacturer and marketer of ready-to-eat cereals and other food
products. PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and

Major PepsiCo. products


• Pepsi
• Mirinda

• Aquafina
• Sting
• Pepsi Blue
• Mountain Dew
• 7up
SLMG is also facing considerable amount of competition by local
companies and by local fountain beverages especially in Kanpur.
Some market segment is much conscious about price as well, so
rather being brand loyal, they would prefer local drinks which they
can get at cheaper rate.
PART-II : Research Work
"Study on Role of Marketing Campaigns
in Sales Promotion of Coca-Cola


Sales and distribution is an integral part of marketing, Here. Coca-
Cola the leading brand in soft drinks worldwide. Coca-Cola has
maintained its brand image with high precision. The marketing
strategy of Coca-Cola products is Very stringent than others. The main
features in their marketing are their offerings and its sales and
distribution. It's my gratitude to work with SLMG Beverages Pvt.
Ltd. especially in marketing department. I have been placed there in
sales and marketing department for my internship. The research work
was not as easy as SLMG is very strict in their marketing policy. In the
beginning the main reason for conducting this study was to know the
proper allocation of distribution to the suppliers and also to know
about the products sales. Further. it is to understand the availability
of the product and to check out that there is the proper advertising
of the product and also to know the working condition of the Visi-
cooler provided by the company. Also to know the various schemes
provided by the SLMG is really applied in the market or not and to
compare the schemes with Pepsi products and others. The study is
done to understand the problem of the retailers, to understand the
presale concept and to increase the current selling of products.


Main reasons behind doing different kind of campaigns for sales

promotion was to solve some problems and to promote the current
selling. SLMG was facing some of the problems as stated bellow;
1.Why some products of Coca-Cola are not performing well in
Kanpur especially 200ml Thums Up charged?
2. Why retailers are not satisfied with the profit margin given to
3. Why Retailers are not buying products from fixed distributors
allotted to them of their area?


Primary objective:

• To find the role of marketing campaigns in sales promotion.

• TO increase current selling by consumer awareness and
creating totally new outlets in the market.
Secondary Objectives:

• To analyze the distribution channel system.

• To check the brand availability.
• To analyze the effectiveness of the schemes launched by the
• To find the retailer's satisfaction.
• To give valued suggestion to the company.

Campaigns undertaken to solve the problems

As SLMG was facing so many problems stated above, it became vital

for them to solve these problems by doing some of the marketing
campaigns. By keeping nature of the problems in mind, SLMG has
designed some marketing campaigns as bellow:
l. Shop in shop activity and sampling in colleges
TO solve following problems:
• Why some products of Coca-Cola are not performing well
in Kanpur especially 200ml Thums Up charged?
2. Horizontal Expansion
TO solve following problems:
Why Retailers are not buying products from fixed
distributors allotted to them of their area?
Why retailers are not satisfied with the profit margin
given to them?

The topic "Study on Role of Marketing Campaigns in Sales promotion"

for the project work was suggested to me by the ME (Market
Executive) of SLMG Beverage private limited, Kanpur. He asked me to
conduct a study in areas where the Coca-Cola market is weak as well
as high and to make a study of problems arising in sales promotion.
The ideas provided to me by the MOE and the Area Sales Manager, I
went ahead for the research with the help of marketing campaigns
designed by them. While working on the campaigns I was responsible
myself to collect necessary information from the market which can
be helpful in my study. In my research, the retailers in Kanpur
comprise the universe. Therefore, they are the ones who constitute
as the main source of information to me. I also needed to be in
contact with Market Developers for that particular area in order get
sufficient information about particular outlets.

The design appropriate for this study is Experimental Research

Design. Experimental research studies are also termed as Conclusive
research studies. The main purpose of such studies is to observe the
current situation and comparing it with situation after doing

In marketing campaign called "Shop in Shop Activity", I was analysing

sales figures before the activity is done and after the activity is done
at particular outlet. In another campaign called "Horizontal
Expansion", I was measuring the increase in sales after completion of
some portion of this campaign and total increase in sales after fully
completion of this marketing activity.

The study during these campaigns was conducted in Kanpur by asking

retailers Sales Team Leaders and Market Growth
Representatives(MGRs) of particular areas in which campaigns are
going on.

1. By this study company can know its growth.

2. This study helps the company to know their actual position in
the market.
3. This study also helps to get a clear idea about where the
company is lagging behind & where it is ahead of its

The data can be dichotomized into two types: primary data and
secondary data. In this study the data collected was mainly primary
data. The respondents were from the area of Kanpur only. The
secondary data Were obtained from the Kanpur city office. The
information collected for the various objectives were from the total
number of outlets covered by me under those campaigns.
4.4.1: Method of data collection

There are different methods of data collection. There is observation,

experimentation, uncontrolled experimentation, controlled
experimentation, survey and focus group. Here the data are collected
by market survey and experiments.

Market survey and Experiments

Market survey is one of the most widely used MR (Market Research)

techniques. It is at times viewed as synonymous with marketing
research. This is erroneous. It has to be understood clearly that
market survey is just one of the techniques of MR and is not
synonymous with MR. It is just one of the methods of collecting
marketing information required for a given marketing assignment. It
is used when the required data is not available with the company's
internal records, as well as external published source. Here the
researcher carries out opinion pools involving sales persons, dealers,
traders and experts. Trade surveys are very common. In conducting
these surveys, the researcher has to carefully select the instrument
and methods of surveying.


The primary data collected through the survey method for the
purpose of the study. The survey was done by doing Experiments with
help of marketing campaigns. Beside this I had an informal discussion
with the retail outlets. Secondary data: information regarding the
organization was obtained from secondary sources like company
journals, company websites, publications.

How Campaigns helped in collecting Data?

Basically these two campaigns called "Shop in Shop Activity" and
"Horizontal Expansion" were designed by SLMG to deal with the
problem statements mentioned earlier. My study was totally
depending on external market so had to do some experiments
through which I can come in to direct touch with market. These two
campaigns have shown their potentials to solve all problems that
SLMG was facing.

These campaigns have helped me to explore myself in market and

also helped me to collect important information from retail outlets
and some other outlets dealing with competitor's products as well.
I have enough of information with me through these activities and
with the help of sales and distribution staff of SLMG at Kanpur.

Literature Review:

My Research was totally based on Market Experiments to solve

problems of SLMG. So, as a part of my Research Work, I had to
gain knowledge of different marketing experiments done by
SLMG in Past, especially in Kanpur.
I surveyed literatures provided by my company guide on
different Marketing Campaigns conducted in past by SLMG in
Kanpur. Some problems were there in design and execution of
those campaigns so we had to design new campaigns to solve
some market problems SLMG was facing.
What is Marketing Campaign?
Marketing Campaigns are specific activities designed to promote a
product, service or business. A marketing campaign is a coordinated
series of steps that can include promotion of a product through
different mediums (television, radio, print, online) using a variety of
different types of advertisements. The campaign doesn't have to rely
solely on advertising, and can also include demonstrations, word of
mouth and other interactive techniques.

A marketing campaign isn't something that comes to you while you're

taking a shower. Successful campaigns tend to be carefully
researched, well throughout and focused on details and execution,
rather than resting on a single, grand idea. Planning a marketing
campaign starts with understanding your position in the marketplace
and ends with details such as the wording of an advertisement.

Keep in mind that your plan for a marketing campaign is not supposed
to be a prison. You have to leave room to make changes as you go
along because no plan can perfectly capture reality. But you should
also be able to commit fully to implementing your plan or some
future version of it if you want to take a strong step toward growth.

Need of Marketing Campaign

Nowadays it became very difficult to sustain market share and market

growth of the company even for market leaders so without doing any
promotional activities one may not survive in this competitive
Marketing campaigns helps in promoting your products and making
customers aware about your products. It also helps you to create
brand image of your products and so as of your company also. Hence
marketing campaigns has a vital role in sales promotion of products
in competition.
Different ways to launch Marketing Campaign

Here are some ways to launch your campaign:

Speak at community events: Offering your expertise at public

Occasions is an easy way to get the word out about your
Ask customers for referrals: Generating referrals from current
customers is one of the best ways to market your business.
Don't forget to query your vendors (there likely to have many
contacts) and explain to your customers exactly what kinds of
referrals you're looking for and how they can help.
Spend two days in your customers' shoes: To find out what your
customers really want, visit a Wide Range of businesses they're
likely to frequent. Observe how customers are treated, as well
as the kinds of services that appear important to them; then
adapt your business accordingly.
Offer free samples: If you can get someone to try your product
or service, chances are they'll buy it later. Have employees pass
out product samples in front of your business; if you provide a
service, offer free services on a trial basis.

Campaigns undergone for study purpose

Followings are the campaigns that I underwent during my SIP
project and through Which I have collected some important
information for my study.

1. Shop-ln Shop and Sampling in Colleges

2. Horizontal Expansion
5.1: Campaign 1: " Shop-ln Shop and Sampling in Colleges "
5.1.1: What is Shop-ln Shop and Sampling in Colleges?
"Shop in Shop" Activity:
A "Shop in Shop" (SIS) activity is a marketing strategy commonly used
in retail and brand promotion. It involves creating a dedicated section
or space within a larger retail store where a particular brand or
product range is showcased and sold. This strategy is often used by
brands to increase their visibility and reach within a retail

In a Shop in Shop setup, the brand or manufacturer collaborates with

the host store to create a mini-store or shop-within-a-shop. This mini-
store is designed to reflect the brand's identity and values, making it
stand out within the larger store. It allows the brand to offer a curated
selection of its products and engage directly with customers, often
with its own staff members.

This strategy benefits both the brand and the host store. The brand
gains access to the host store's existing customer base and foot
traffic, while the host store benefits from the increased
attractiveness and variety offered by the brand's products. Shop in
Shop activities are common in department stores, electronics stores,
and other retail settings.
Free Sampling in Colleges:
Free sampling in colleges refers to a marketing tactic where
companies or brands distribute free samples of their products to
college students. This strategy is used to introduce new products,
generate brand awareness, and potentially create loyal customers
among the college demographic.

Free sampling can take various forms, such as giving away samples of
food and beverages, cosmetic products, tech gadgets, stationery, or
other items that might appeal to college students. Companies often
set up booths or promotional events on college campuses to
distribute these samples.

The benefits of free sampling in colleges include:

1. Product Exposure: It allows students to try out products they might

not have considered otherwise, increasing product exposure.

2. Word-of-Mouth Promotion: Satisfied students may share their

positive experiences with friends and on social media, leading to
word-of-mouth promotion.

3. Market Research: Companies can gather feedback and consumer

insights from the target demographic, helping them refine their
products and marketing strategies.

4. Brand Loyalty: If students have a positive experience with the

product, they may become loyal customers in the future.

Overall, free sampling in colleges is a way for brands to connect with

a younger demographic and create buzz around their products,
leveraging the social and communal aspects of college life to spread
the word about their offerings.

5.1.2: Aim Paid Sampling

The aim of sampling in various fields, including statistics, market

research, quality control, and data analysis, is to gather information
or data from a subset of a larger population or dataset in a way that
allows you to draw valid and reliable conclusions about the entire
population or dataset. The specific aims of sampling can vary
depending on the context, but some common objectives include:

1. Cost-Efficiency: Sampling can be more cost-effective than collecting

data from an entire population. It saves time, resources, and money.

2. Generalization: By studying a representative sample, you aim to

make valid inferences or generalizations about the entire population.
This is especially important when it's not feasible to study or survey
everyone in the population.

3. Accuracy: The aim is to obtain accurate estimates of population

parameters (e.g., means, proportions, variances) based on the
sample data. The larger and more representative the sample, the
more accurate the estimates tend to be.

4. Reducing Bias: Sampling aims to minimize bias, ensuring that the

sample is as representative as possible of the population. Various
sampling methods are used to achieve this.
5. Precision: Sampling aims to reduce random variation in estimates
by providing a measure of precision. A larger sample generally leads
to more precise estimates.

6. Practicality: Sampling makes data collection and analysis feasible in

situations where it's impossible or impractical to study an entire
population. For example, in quality control, it's often more practical
to inspect a sample of items rather than every item produced.

7. Inferential Statistics: Sampling enables the use of inferential

statistics, where you can make educated guesses or predictions about
the population based on sample data.

8. Time-Efficiency: In cases where data collection is time-sensitive,

sampling allows you to obtain results more quickly than studying the
entire population.

9. Exploration and Analysis: Sampling can be used in exploratory data

analysis to understand patterns, trends, or characteristics within a
dataset. It's a way to gain insights without analysing all the data.

10. Resource Allocation: In marketing and business, sampling helps

allocate resources effectively. For example, you might sample a
segment of your customer base to understand their preferences and
tailor marketing efforts accordingly.

The specific aim of sampling will depend on the goals and objectives of
the study or analysis, as well as the constraints and resources available.
It's crucial to choose an appropriate sampling method and sample size
to achieve the desired aims and ensure the validity and reliability of the

5.1.3: Need of Shop-in-Shop Activity:

This activity was needed not only for promoting 200 ml Thums Up
Charged but also was needed to make consumers aware about
reduced MRP of 200 ml Thums Up Charged.

As there is only one main rival in the market which is Sting and to
capture the market from Sting to Thums Up Charged.

It was very necessary to spread awareness among customers and that

was only possible through this type of activities.

Why to promote 200ml Thums Up Charged only through this

It was a subjective decision of SLMG to promote only 200ml Coke
through this activity because Thums Up Charged is a new product in
market and having only one main rival which is Sting and to take the
market from Sting to Thums Up Charged.

Other products of Coca-Cola are performing well in Kanpur although

they all are having same MRPs as Thums Up Charged so it was in need
to promote 200ml Thums Up Charged to increase sales of Coke and
to compete with Pepsi and for that only price of Thums Up Charged
is reduced from Rupees 20 to Rupees 15.

5.1.4: How we executed Shop-in-Shop Activity?

This was the challenge for SLMG to successfully complete this activity.
We all were ready to work on this campaign so we all assigned under
the guidance of Marketing Executive and I was responsible for daily
reporting for our work to our company guide.

We all were given basic ideas about this activity and we had to work
accordingly. Generally, we were working in a group of two
throughout this activity and all groups had been assigned to different
outlets in different areas of Kanpur to perform the same activity.

It was a role of Market Growth Representatives(MGRs) who were

working under STLs to convince outlet owners for performing this
activity in their premises for given days.

How we were working during this Campaign?

We were about 5-6 people with all equipments (i.e. Umbrella,

Thums Up Charged Vehicle wrapped, Table-Chair, Ice-BOX, Counter-
top, Different Communication Banners, etc.) given to us.

We need to set our stall in such a way that people who passing from,
could see it easily. We had to manage for ice daily to keep bottles
cool in Ice-box. Payments for ice would be given by the company and
Petrol for generator for running ads and games on TV.

We need to convince people who come to that outlet to have

Thums Up Charged or the people who were passing nearby. We
were also responsible for giving answers for the doubts of
consumers and to aware them about reduced price and product. At
the end of the day we were summing up all figures to analyze per
day selling. We always need to be at our stall for customers during
the time of activity and it was a time of summer so peak time of a
day would be more crucial to sale as many Thums Up Charged as

People would attract by communication banners and table-top

which were having tag of "200 ml Thums Up Charged only at RS. 10".
We were having our pen and papers with us to keep daily Sales
Record and to note some questions asked by peoples and
suggestions given by them.

And in colleges the sampling was done free of cost to make youth
aware about our product.
Through this campaign, SLMG became successful to expand the
market for " Thums Up Charged and also helped their customers to
be aware about price.

5.1.5: Major Challenges faced to successfully complete this


1. As our main goal was to make people aware about our product
and people who have not tried our product should try it once.
2. It was again a challenge for us to give answers of some difficult
questions asked by retail customers but we have managed it
with our deep knowledge about company's policies and their
3. We were responsible to convince some people who have not
tried Thums Up Charged to taste it once and also telling them
how our product is good then Pepsi product.

4. To answer tricky and interesting questions of students in

college and to make the youth aware about our product and
how it is better than Sting.

How Shop-ln-Shop Activity helped me to do my study?

Before starting this campaign, we have surveyed market with the help
of MGRs assigned under different distributor's area. We analysed
whole market and current selling of particular product in particular
area. So this information has become prior observation before doing
this campaign.

Now all we needed to do Was to perform this campaign and to make

it successful. We were keen to know that what will the effects of this
campaign in the market later, whether it will help SLMG to expand its
market or not?
And finally we Were very happy to conclude this campaign because it
has helped SLMG a lot to fulfil all their objectives behind this activity.
Market was far better than preview situation now after undergoing
Shop-ln Shop Activity in selected areas of Kanpur.

5.1.6: Data Analysis and Interpretation of

Shop-in-Shop Activity:
Table: Worksheet of Shop In Shop Activity

On 6th Aug 2023 paid sampling was done and 50 cartons were sold.
On 12th Aug 2023 paid sampling was done and 36 cartons were sold.
On 10th Aug 2023 paid sampling was done and 36 cartons were sold.
On 29th Aug 2023 paid sampling was done and 36 cartons were sold.

All above charts and table shows that "Shop-in-Shop Activity and Free
sampling" has helped SLMG to increase average selling of 200ml
Thums Up Charged in given areas of Kanpur.
This activity has proved its role in sales promotion of Coca-Cola
product and spread awareness among thousands of people and
especially among youth about price and product. It was executed
effectively to achieve desired results and SLMG has got that.
5.2: Campaign 2: "Horizontal Expansion"
5.2.1: What is "Horizontal Expansion" in General meaning?
It is an expansion of business capacity through the absorption of
facilities or buildings as well as through the acquisition of new
equipment to handle an increased volume in sales in which the
business is already engaged. In microeconomics and strategic
management, the term Horizontal Expansion describes a type of
ownership and control. It is a strategy used by a business or
corporation that seeks to sell a type of product in numerous markets.
Horizontal Expansion in marketing is much more common than
Vertical Expansion is in production. Horizontal Expansion occurs
when a firm is being taken over by, or merged with, another firm
which is in the same industry and in the same stage of production as
the merged firm, e.g. Pepsi has adopted strategy of Vertical
Expansion by Which Pepsi wants to improve its sale from Coke
monopoly outlets, means Coke's monopoly outlets are being taken
Over by Pepsi now in this condition to improve its sale Coca-Cola
needs to open new outlets which is called Horizontal Expansion
Strategy. A monopoly created through Horizontal Expansion is called
a Horizontal Monopoly.
5.2.2: Need of Horizontal Expansion

The ultimate objective of Coca-Cola is to acquire more customers and

serve them properly. While doing Horizontal Expansion take care to
the competitor's strategy. The main competitor is PEPSI, who has
opted Vertical Expansion to generate more sell however Coca-Cola
does not believe on Vertical Expansion because Vertical Expansion
has limited preview so Coca-Cola is great believer in Horizontal
Expansion and this strategy helped to the company to maintain its
leadership in the soft drink industry. India is a big country having
diversified taste and appearance and same character is reflected in
their demography. Horizontal Expansion helps the company to serve
more people and more customers touch points.
Main reason behind doing Horizontal Expansion was to sustain
against the competitors' strategies. It was very necessary for SLMG to
keep their growth high and for that this kind of market expansion
campaign was needed.

5.2.3: How we performed "Horizontal Expansion"?

This campaign Was all about "Creating new outlets" for selling of
Coca-Cola products. Horizontal Expansion is one of the most effective
market expansion strategy used by well reputed companies in the
world. Making expansion in same business or for same product can
be referred as a Horizontal Expansion.

I was working with STLs and MGRs of different areas to perform this
campaign of Horizontal Expansion. We all had been provided enough
materials (such as Product Samples, Price List of Products, etc.) and
information needed to do this activity. I was working in some main
areas of Kanpur, such as:

1. Shyam Nagar

2. Fazalganz

3. Rama devi

4. Swaroop Nagar

5. Naveen Market

6. Mall Road

7. Cantt

8. Lal Bangla

9. Chakeri
10. JK Colony

11. Raina market

12. General Ganj

13. Arya Nagar

TO convince new outlets we had to tell them all benefits Will be given
to them by Coca-Cola if they agree to sell our products. We were also
responsible for doing commitment to provide Visi-cooler if required
and to collect necessary documents from them for further

Targeted Outlets

Basically we were targeting outlets like:

 E&Ds (Eating & Drinking)

 Grocery Shops,
 Convenient stores
 Super Markets
 PAN shops

We were also targeting outlets having Pepsi products to convert them

in to Coca-Cola outlets.

5.2.4: How we convinced for new outlets?

Convincing shopkeepers to stock and sell your product, like Coca-

Cola, in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, involves building strong relationships,
demonstrating the value of your product, and addressing their
specific needs and concerns. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you
can convince shopkeepers to carry Coca-Cola in their stores:
1. Market Research: Begin by conducting thorough market research
to understand the local market in Kanpur. This should include
information on consumer preferences, competitor analysis, and the
demand for soft drinks in the area.

2. Build a Sales Team: Assemble a dedicated sales team with a good

understanding of the local market and a persuasive communication
style. They should be able to speak the local language and be familiar
with the shopkeepers in the area.

3. Product Knowledge: Ensure that your sales team is well-trained

and knowledgeable about Coca-Cola products. They should be able to
explain the product's features, benefits, and uniqueness.

4. Create an Attractive Offer: Develop an appealing proposition for

shopkeepers, which may include competitive pricing, attractive
margins, promotional offers, or merchandise. Make it financially
beneficial for them to stock Coca-Cola.

5. Cold Storage and Equipment: Ensure that you can provide

shopkeepers with necessary equipment like refrigerators or coolers
to keep Coca-Cola products cold. Many shopkeepers will be more
inclined to stock your products if they don't have to invest in
additional equipment.

6. Local Promotion: Run local marketing and advertising campaigns to

create awareness and demand for Coca-Cola products. This can
include billboards, radio ads, or even sponsorships of local events.
7. Incentives and Discounts: Offer incentives or discounts to
shopkeepers who meet specific sales targets or display Coca-Cola
products prominently in their stores.

8. Quality Assurance: Assure shopkeepers of the quality and

consistency of Coca-Cola products. This can be done through product
demonstrations and by sharing information about the stringent
quality control measures in place.

9. Customer Support: Provide excellent customer support to

shopkeepers. Address their concerns and issues promptly, and be
easily reachable for inquiries and assistance.

10. Distribution Network: Ensure a reliable and efficient distribution

network in Kanpur. Shopkeepers need to have easy access to Coca-
Cola products, and timely deliveries are essential.

11. Long-term Relationships: Focus on building long-term

relationships with shopkeepers. Show them that you are committed
to their success and are willing to work together for mutual benefit.

12. Feedback Loop: Create a feedback mechanism where

shopkeepers can provide input and suggestions. This not only helps in
improving your product and service but also makes them feel valued.

13. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that you meet all legal
and regulatory requirements for selling beverages in Kanpur. This
includes licenses, permits, and adherence to local tax regulations.
14. Persistence: Understand that convincing shopkeepers may take
time. Be persistent and patient in your efforts. Keep visiting them
regularly and maintaining open lines of communication.

15. Monitor and Adapt: Continuously monitor sales and market

trends in Kanpur. Be ready to adapt your strategy based on changing
circumstances and customer preferences.

Remember that building trust and rapport with shopkeepers is

crucial. It's not just about selling a product; it's about establishing a
mutually beneficial partnership that can last for years.

To do Horizontal Expansion more efficiently We made a profit story

and talked to the shopkeepers according to that story.

Salesperson — Hello sir, I am from Coca-Cola and I have a proposal

that will surely increase your income. May I present you?
Shopkeeper — Yes, you can present it.
Salesperson — Thank you Sir. if you will start to sell our products then
your overall sale will be increased and it is not tough to sell our
products because Coca-Cola is the leader in beverage industry and a
well-known brand.
Shopkeeper- Okay I know that, but how it will increase my overall
Salesperson - Sir, you are selling Chips, Pastries, Snacks and kind of
things. so these products have a very good combination with cold
drinks. If a person wants to purchase any of these products, then it is
quite possible that he/she will purchase Coca-Cola products and vice
Shopkeeper- May be but I have to put your products in the cooler to
chill and without cooler, I think it's impossible for me to sale your
Salesperson- Sir you are right but see, in starting, I want you to keep
PET bottles only. people can't consume whole bottle at a time and
they would purchase to bring it home and will keep there in fridge.
And we will also provide you cooler once you start selling our
products but it has legal processor through Which we need to pass
Which Will take around 25 days to dispatch your cooler. So you can
start with small order also.
Shopkeeper — Okay and how much profit can I earn through your
Salesperson — Sir if you are really interested to explore through our
products, you may be able to sell I case of 250ml, I case of 750ml. I
case of 1.251tr and 1 case of 2.251tr in mix. And to start selling our
products you need to invest near about 2675 Rs and you will generate
a revenue of 3125 Rs and profit of 450 Rs.

We will also provide you free Coca cola kit as it is compulsory given
by Coca-Cola and Communication banners or rack to hold our
products if you want.
Consider following table
Weight of products Rate per case(Rs.) Qty. MRP (Rs.) Revenue Profit (Rs.)
250ml 500 28 20 560 60
750ml 780 24 40 960 180
1 .251tr 675 15 50 750 75
2.251tr 720 9 95 855 135
Total 2675 205 3125 450
Sir if you order same, 8 times in a month (Even in Peak season)
Profit per month will be (in Peak season) = Rs. 3600
profit of Whole peak season Rs. 14400
(Consider peak season of our products is only of 4 months)
profit of rest of the 8 months (per month: Rs.2400) Rs. 19200
(Because as per assumption that in OFF season our income becomes
With compare to the peak season)
Profit of whole year = Rs. 33600

Your ROI = 33600*100/2675

= 1256.0747%
Shopkeeper - But I do not think this much will work what about
electricity bill that I need to bear to keep your products cool?
Salesperson- Nice question sir but let me tell you. If you are keeping
our cooler ON for whole day, it will consume power as low as 2 units
per day. Which, we can't compare with your rate of return.

So, what you have to say about our offer?

Shopkeeper - Yes, I think it will be a profitable deal to accept your

Salesperson – Thank you sir and Congratulation (Shaking Hands). Your
order will be dispatched within 1 day as our salesman will have this
On some big outlets as well as small outlets we had to offer coolers
and for that we were in need to collect 1 photo copy of Driving
license, 1 photo copy of electricity bill and 1 passport size photo of
shopkeeper and a blank cheque.

5.2.5: RESULT AND FINDINGS (Outcome of Horizontal Expansion)

Apart from the other benefits of horizontal expansion, its main

benefit is to generate incremental revenue for the company. During
the project I studied strategies and analyzed the market. My major
job was to use different tools provided by the company for horizontal
expansion like Visi-Coolers, ice box etc. to open outlets for Coca-Cola
products. With my other team mates I targeted the market of Kanpur.

Some outlets were not buying Coca-Cola products from fixed

distributors we requested them to buy from there fixed distributor as
per company’s policy so, that they will enjoy new schemes of the
company to promote the sale of their product and free Visi-cooler for
their shop and also free banner and racks and at last they also agreed.
5.2.6: Benefits of horizontal expansion

Provides Incremental Volume & Revenue for the Business.

By horizontal expansion there will be more outlets of our
products in the market which will sell our products in more
quantity. This will generate incremental revenue for the
Helps to improve route productivity.
There are pre-determined routes through which product is
transported and delivered at the Coca-Cola outlets. If we open
more outlets on the routes it will increase the productivity
because more outlets will be covered and more products will
be delivered with a negligible increase in time and efforts.
Hence it will improve productivity of the route.
Opening new outlets will also give more revenue to our
distributors hence it improves profitability of our distributors.
Reduced dependence on large customers. We know that Coca-
Cola products have a very good demand and to comply with this
we have to provide large amount of supply. In case we have few
outlets a large amount of stock is gathered at few retailers. In
this case they become monopolistic and so they can demand
more things like coolers, discounts, margins etc. from the
company. So it is very necessary to reduce dependence on large
retailers by opening new outlets.

5.2.7: Role of "Horizontal Expansion" in Sales promotion

This campaign named "Horizontal Expansion" has proved its role in

sales promotion of Coca-Cola products as it has helped in generating
large amount of incremental revenue for Coca-Cola. It has also helped
to convert Pepsi outlets in to Coca-Cola outlets. These newly
generated "10' outlets will help SLMG to come in touch with more
number of retail customers which ultimately leads to expand current
market of Coca-Cola.

Hence we can say that this campaign has served its purpose for which
had been designed.
1. The quality of interaction between the company official &
retailers should be improved.

2. Schemes should be made such that customers and retailers

both get benefited through the schemes.

3. Distributors should be fixed and retail shops should be guided.

4. Monthly meetings should be arranged to access the

performance of poor markets. This will give them a sense of

5. Coca-Cola needs to View its intermediaries in the same way

that it Views its end uses. The company should determine
channel numbers needs and should provide Capability building
programs to improve intermediaries’ performance.

6. Company should keep the retailers happy by paying regular

visits to them and also ask them to continuously monitor the
consumers and their problem.

7. Company should use motivators like high margin, special deals.

advertising allowance etc.

8. The company should clearly communicate what it wants from

its retailers in the way of market coverage, market
development and marketing information.

9. Coca Cola has competition with Pepsi. Therefore, it advisable

that prompt and proper service be maintained. Also the
product quality should be checked before delivery.
10.Coca Cola must periodically evaluate its channel performance
against standards such as sales, average inventory levels, customer
delivery time, treatment of damaged goods.

11. Brand image has been the first and foremost important thing in Fast
Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) segments. Coca-Cola has made good
brand reputation among the customers. It gets hamper due to weak
supply that is provided to retailers and consumers. This will increase
the satisfaction level of the customers.

12. Distributors, Retailers and Consumers have sense of

belongingness towards SLMG Beverages Pvt. Ltd. (SLMG).
1. The major limitations of the project work under study is time,
since it is to be completed within a period of 60 days and this
time period may not be sufficient to undertake a
comprehensive study.

2. This study is exclusively from SLMG Kanpur and the results

cannot be extrapolated to other organizations or other

3. Being a project student, it created some hurdles in getting the

information from the respondents and outlets.

4. Being a student, financial constraint was also there to conduct

some study in detail.

5. The area was too big to cover as the market share of SLMG is

The Results and Findings of this study have bought positive effects to
current Market Position of SLMG in Kanpur. These campaigns were
appreciated by higher authorities of Coca-Cola at national level
because these campaigns have helped SLMG to expand its market by
creating new customers. They also helped company to get ideas
about new market opportunities available for future.

Hence to conclude this study, I would like to appreciate SLMG for its
journey and being loyal to their customers as well as all of its stake
holders. Company always comes with innovative ideas and
strategies to survive in this era of competition.

Coca-Cola is market leader in beverage industry so it has good

opportunities to make their market very strong. Coca-Cola is also
having large range of products which is one of the strength of
company and therefore can serve large amount of customers and
different territories.

• Donald R Cooper, Pamela S Schindler (2006). Business Research

Methods. (9th Ed). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
• Philip Kotler, Keller, Koshy, Jha (2012). Marketing Management
(14th Ed). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
• Oak Knoll (2010). Marketing Experiments. UK: Oak Knoll press


Table of outlets visited during internship


1. Lazzetti YES NO NO
2. Kalyan Ji YES YES YES
3. S.D. Chaat YES NO
4. Nigam Dosa YES NO YES
5. Kesarwani YES NO YES
6. Tundey Kabab YES NO NO
7. Gulsan YES YES YES
8. Krishna Bakery YES YES YES
9. Verma Fast YES NO NO
10. S.R. Chat YES YES NO
11. Rakesh Biryani YES NO NO
12. A-OM Chicken YES NO
13. Hello Mam NO NO
14. Kholi YES NO
15. Banarsi Paan YES YES
16. Cafe 007 YES NO
17. Sai Baba Paan YES NO
18. Green Tea YES NO

19. Ghanshyam NO NO
20. Hello General NO NO
21. Al-Saheer YES YES
22. A-Om Paan YES NO
23. Tea Point YES NO
24. Lala Mainpuri YES NO
25. Pandit Juice YES YES
26. Babbu Cold YES YES
27. DP Cold Drink YES YES
28. Bharat Paan YES YES
29. Al-Huda NO NO
30. Bajaj General YES NO
31. Food Pizza
32. Rajesh General 20 NO NO
33. Rahul General NO NO NO
34. Rakesh Sweet 30 NO NO
35. Naveen 30 NO NO
General Store
36. Swati Sweets 30 NO NO
37. Vijay Sweets 30 NO NO
38. A General 20 NO NO
39. 7 Hospital 20 NO NO

40. M.R. Sweet NO YES FLEX
41. Komal General NO YES NO
42. Shahid PCO 15 YES NO
43. O.P. Paan 30 NO NO
44. Pandit Paan 20 NO NO
45. Brijesh Tea 20 NO NO
46. Dinesh Tea 30 NO NO
47. Mishra Paan NO NO NO
48. Pandit Hotel NO NO NO
49. Deepu Tea 30 NO NO
50. Sanjay Cold 15 NO NO
51. Ravi 15 NO NO
52. Hotel May NO NO NO
53. Hotel NO NO NO
54. VIP Paan 7 NO NO
55. Sangeeta Paan 15 NO NO
56. Saleem Paan 30 YES NO
57. Sapna Canteen NO NO NO
58. Mangla Food 20 NO NO
59. Pappu Cold 9 NO NO

60. Gupta NO NO NO
61. W Cold Drink 9 NO NO
62. Ankit 15 NO NO
63. Sunny 7 NO NO
Provision Store
64. Ram Prasad 30 NO FLEX
65. Banarsi Tea NO NO NO
66. Trend Bakery 30 NO NO
67. Niharika 30 NO NO
68. Tarak Traders 7 NO NO
69. Bagwan Desh 7 NO NO
70. Bhikaram 7 NO NO
71. Aavagaman 7 NO NO
72. Mukesh Tea 20 YES FLEX
73. Hotel Ashoka 20 NO NO
74. Janvi Paan 30 NO NO
75. Baba Paan 30 NO YES
76. Suraj Paan 20 NO ACRYLIC
77. Santosh Paan NO NA NO
78. Minakshi 20 YES FLEX
General Store

79. Chaurasiya 20 YES NA
80. Zeeshan Tea 20 YES FLEX
81. Sikander Paan NO NA NO
82. Ashok Agency 15 YES NO
83. Manglam Fast 9 NO NO
84. Aladdin Fast 9 YES NO
85. Fand D 9 NO NO
86. Jamuna 20 YES NO
87. Jain 20 YES NO
88. Anandeshwar 20 NO FLEX
Jalpaan Grah
89. Sashi General 20 NO NO
90. Om Paan Shop 20 YES FLEX
91. Asif General 30 NO NO
92. Binni 20 NO NO
93. Iglu Icecream NO NO NO
94. Aman General 9 NO NO
95. Rajeev 30 NO NO
96. Anurag 15 NO NO

97. Narayan
General Store
98. Pandit PCO
99. Pushpa Cold
100. Aromas
101. Jai Bhole
102. Cool Cat
103. The Butter Boy
104. Suroor
105. Sparkle
106. Baag Chal
General Store
107. Dileep General
108. New Kamal
General Store
109. Rajpoot Dhaba
110. Mishra Paan
111. Ramesh Kumar
112. Mega Basket
113. Rashid Paan
114. Rais Paan Shop
115. Anil Paan Shop
116. Vasudev
117. Jamies Kitchen

118. Turn On
119. Harish General
120. Firoz Paan
121. Muglai foods
122. Chopsticks
123. Dixit General
124. Sushil
125. Satish
126. The Hidden
127. The Chat
128. Shree
129. Parvati General
130. Seth Bakers
131. Khajanchi
132. Neelam
General Store
133. Kukad Nukad
134. Nanda General
135. Devansh
General Store

136. Rominus Pizza
137. Mahaveer
138. Mahesh GR ST
139. Manish Main
140. Manish Store
141. Manoj Paan
142. Manzar
General Store
143. Mata General
144. Mega General
145. Meraj G. S.
146. Mishra Ji
General Store
147. Mohan General
148. Monu G. S.
149. Mukhwas Paan
150. Munne Cold
151. Nand Kishor
Paan Shop
152. Neta Paan
153. Nova Bakery
154. Om Anand Cold

155. OM General
156. On Line Hub
157. Pandey Lassi
158. Pandit General
159. Pandit
Provision Store
160. Pappu Paneer
161. Pappy General
162. Pawan General
163. Pawan
164. Perfect Cold
165. Prashant
General Store
166. Prateek
General Store
167. Puran Pan
168. Pushpa
169. R-Store
170. Radhika
General Store
171. Alfisha Cool
172. Ali Bakery
173. Amber Chicken

174. Annu General
175. Banaras Veg
176. Banarasi Pan
177. Bharat
178. Bunty General
179. Classic General
180. Devyanshi Cold
181. Dinesh
Chaurasiya Pan
182. Dwivedi Tea
183. Farhaan Cold
184. Gujrat Foods
185. Gupta Misthan
186. Gupta
187. Jaiswal General
188. Jaiswal
Provision Store
189. Jawan General
190. Jubair Cold

191. Kallu Photo
192. Kamal P/S
193. Kaushal
194. Khusboo
General Store
195. Kiran
196. Kripa Pan Shop
197. Kumar
198. Lala Ji Provision
199. Lala Pursottam
Das Jewellers
200. Lallu Chacha
General Store
201. Laloo Dosha
202. Lokesh General
203. Lucky General
204. M. S. Traders
205. Maa Durga Pan
206. Maa Tapeswari
General Store
207. Rahat General
208. Rahul Burger

209. Raj
Pan Shop
210. Raj Video
211. Raja General
212. Rajeev General
213. Raju General
214. Raju Pan Shop
215. Ram G. Bakers
216. Ram Misthan
217. Ramesh
General Store
218. Ramesh Pan
219. Ram Ji General
220. Rathi Dhokla
and Bakers
221. Raunak G. S.
222. Razzak General
223. Rita Foods Pvt.
224. Riyaj G. S.
225. Rohit General
226. Roshni General

227. Sahu General
228. Sai Kailash
229. Sai Lassi
230. Saif General
231. Sandeep
General and
Kirana Store
232. Sanjay General
233. Santosh
General Store
234. Satguru Sweet
235. Satish and
236. Satwik Amul
237. Sharma
General Store
238. Sharma
239. Shiva General
240. Shivau General
241. Shivsahaymal
242. Shiwani
General Store
243. Shobhit Cold

244. Shree Maa
General Store
245. Shree Radhey
Mega Mart
246. Shri Baba
247. Shri Bake Bihar
Cold Drink
248. Shri NSM
249. Shri Shyam Ji
Doodh Dairy
250. Shri Subh
251. Shubham
General Store
252. Shyam Ji Dairy
253. Shyam Ji
General Store
254. Sivoham
255. Sneha General
256. Sohan Tea
257. Sri Guru Nasta
258. Stationary
259. Sunil General
260. Sunil Kashyap
Gen. Store
261. Swami Store

262. Swastik
263. Tiwari Sweets
264. Tusar GR. ST.
265. U. K. Stores
266. Vaishnavi
General Store
267. Varun General
268. Vasu General
269. Verma General
270. Vishal General
271. W. S. General
272. Waris 2ND
Gen. Store
273. Waris General



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