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Little Rainbow decided to share a special story with the village children, transporting them to

a world of wonder. The narrative revolved around a shy rabbit named Little Daisy, whose
dream was to make more friends. She embarked on a courageous journey to the magical
garden, where each ower represented a di erent wish.
As Little Daisy poured her heart out to the owers, expressing her desire for companionship,
the magical blossoms united to ful ll her wish. From that moment on, Little Daisy, once timid
and reserved, became the most beloved bunny in the village, surrounded by newfound friends.
The children listened attentively, captivated by the enchanting tale. Little Rainbow, observing
their joyous faces, knew that the story had successfully woven a tapestry of magic and
dreams. Henceforth, Little Rainbow became a charming legend in the village, anticipated by
children who longed for more whimsical tales each night.
As night fell, Little Rainbow continued to enchant the village with captivating stories, leaving
behind smiles and a sense of wonder. In a quiet corner of the village, Little Daisy embraced
her newfound friendships, sharing laughter and joy with her companions. The enchanted
garden's magic lingered on, weaving threads of friendship and happiness throughout the

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