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Prof. Dr. Hj . Neviyarni S, MS Kons .
Soeci Izzati Adlya , S.Pd. , M.Pd

Muhammad Evryan Syahputra



TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... i
Mind Mapping ....................................................................................................... 1
A. Definition and Objectives of RPP/RPL ...................................................... 2
B. Necessary things noticed in making RPP ................................................... 2
C. Components and Steps for Making a RPP ................................................. 3
REFFERENCE...................................................................................................... 5
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ........................................................................... 6
A. Objective ..................................................................................................... 6
B. Essays .......................................................................................................... 7
YEL YEL ............................................................................................................... 7

Mind Mapping

A. Definition and Objectives of RPP/RPL
A learning implementation plan (RPP) is a plan that describes the
procedures and organization of learning to achieve a basic competency set out in
the Content Standards and described in the syllabus. The broadest scope of the
Learning Plan includes one basic competency consisting of one indicator or several
indicators for one or more meetings. RPP is preparation that teachers must make
before teaching. Preparation here can be interpreted as written preparation or mental
preparation, the emotional situation you want to build, a productive learning
environment, including convincing students to want to be fully involved.
Based on Minister of National Education Regulation No. 41 of 2007 dated
23 November 2007 concerning process standards for primary and secondary
education units, the development of RPPs is outlined in the Syllabus to direct
students' learning activities in an effort to achieve Basic Competencies (KD).
RPPs are prepared for each KD which can be implemented in one or more
meetings. The teacher designs a lesson plan fragment for each meeting that is
adjusted to the lesson scheduling in the educational unit.
Plan goals implementation learning is For :
a. simplify, expedite and improve the results of the teaching and learning
b. Providing opportunities for educators to design learning according to
students' needs, educators' abilities and school facilities.
c. By preparing learning plans professionally, systematically and effectively,
teachers will be able to see, observe, analyze and predict learning programs
as a logical and planned framework.
B. Necessary things noticed in making RPP
Principles plan learning according to Permendinas no. 41 of 2007
concerning process standards consist from :
a. Pay attention to individual differences in students.
b. Flexible
c. Encourage active participation of students.
d. Develop a culture of reading and writing.

e. Compiled for each basic competency.
f. Provide feedback and follow up on RPP.
g. Connectedness and integration.
h. Applying information and communication technology.
C. Components and Steps for Making a RPP
Minimum steps from _ RPP preparation begins from include lesson plan
identity , objectives learning , material learning , methods learning , steps activity
learning , resources learning , and assessment . Each component has its own
development direction, but they all form a unity.
The components of the learning implementation plan (RPP) according to
National Education Ministerial Decree Number 41 of 2007 concerning process
standards consist of:
a. Subject identity. Includes: education unit, class, semester, skills
program/program, subject or lesson theme, number of meetings
b. Competency standards. Competency standards are the minimum ability
qualifications of students that describe the mastery of knowledge, attitudes
and skills that are expected to be achieved in each class and/or semester in
a subject.
c. Basic competencies. Basic competencies are a number of abilities that
students must master in certain subjects as a reference for preparing
competency indicators in a lesson
d. Indicators of Competence Achievement. Competency indicators are
behavior that can be measured and/or observed to show the achievement of
certain basic competencies that serve as a reference for subject assessment.
Indicators of competency achievement are formulated using operational
verbs that can be observed and measured, which include knowledge,
attitudes and skills
e. Learning objectives. Learning objectives describe the learning process and
outcomes that students are expected to achieve in accordance with basic
f. Teaching materials. Teaching materials contain relevant facts, concepts,

principles and procedures, and are written in the form of items in accordance
with the formulation of competency achievement indicators
g. Time Allocation. Time allocation is determined according to the
requirements for achieving KD and study load
h. Learning methods. Learning methods are used by teachers to create a
learning atmosphere and learning process so that students achieve basic
competencies or a set of predetermined indicators. The choice of learning
method is adjusted to the situation and conditions of the students, as well as
the characteristics of each indicator and the competencies to be achieved in
each indicator and the competencies to be achieved in each subject.
i. Learning Activities .
1. Introduction
2. Core
3. Closing
j. Evaluation results Study
k. Source Study

Muslich Masnur, 2007, Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi dan Kontekstual, cet 2,
Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
Hakim Lukmanul, 2009, Perencanaan Pembelajaran, CV Wacana Prima, Bandung
Nurhayati Ai Sri, S, Si, 2012, Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembuatan RPP
Terintegrasi TIK. Jakarta: Pusat Tegnologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
Pendidikan(PUSTEKOM) Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

A. Objective
1. What is meant by RPP in the educational context?
a. Personal Learning Plan
b. Central Learning Plan
c. Progressive Learning Plan
d. Lesson plan
e. Knowledge Development Plan
2. What is the main purpose of preparing the RPP (Learning
Implementation Plan)?
a. Determine the color of the school uniform
b. Provides guidance for extracurricular activities
c. Set a holiday schedule
d. Provides a detailed plan for the learning process
e. Evaluate teacher performance
3. What is the difference between RPP and RPL (Offline Learning Plan)?
a. No difference
b. RPP is used online , while RPL is offline
c. RPL is more general, while RPP is more specific
d. RPP is only used in elementary schools
e. RPL is only required in tertiary institutions
4. Question: Who usually prepares the RPP?
a. Student
b. Parent
c. Teacher or lecturer
d. Government
e. Janitor
5. What is the function of RPL in learning?
a. Prepare a holiday schedule
b. Provides guidance for extracurricular activities
c. Organizing school events

d. Provides lesson plans for offline learning situations
e. Assess student performance
B. Essays
1. What is the main difference between RPP and RPL?
RPP is a Learning Implementation Plan used for face-to-face learning in
class, while RPL is an Offline Learning Plan prepared for distance or
online learning.
2. Who is responsible answer For prepare a lesson plan?
Answer : Teacher or lecturer responsible answer prepare RPP. RPP is
guide detailed For implementation inside learning _ class .
3. Question: What is the main purpose of RPL in a distance learning context?
The main goal of RPL is to provide clear and structured learning guidance
for offline learning situations, facilitating students in achieving learning
goals without physical presence in the classroom.

Rencana pembelajaran, kunci keberhasilan,
RPP dan RPL, jadi petunjuk tindakan.
Kreativitas kita takkan surut,
Di dalam maupun di luar kelas, kita terus berjatuhan!

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