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Public relations (PR)

 Public relations are the attempts made by the

 business to communicate with interested parties.

 The purpose is to increase sales by improving the
 image of the business and reinforcing an
 established brand. There are many methods followed
 by businesses For PR.
Press Release
 Information of the business presented by the media
Press Conference
 Representatives of the business face the media and
present information verbally.
 This is a financial contribution done by an organization,
to an event in return for publicity.
 Businesses donate to charities and the local
community to uplift the image of the organization.

Use of technology in promotion

 State of the art technology can be used to promote
 goods and services.
Online targeted advertising.
 Use of technology has enabled organizations
to target their advertising directly to its
Viral advertising
 This is a direct marketing technique in
which a company persuades intellect internet
users to forward it's publicity materials.
in emails or via social media. This
strategy encourages people to pass on
messages to others about a product or a
business electronically.
Creates a chain, ultimately a network is created for your product.
Social media
 The use of social media platforms such as
Facebook, twitter, Instagram is growing at a
rapid rate Organizations can make use of
Social media to promote their products.
and to gather information about customer
preferences. The advantages of using
Social media are as follows:
1. It's relatively cheap.
2. Businesses can respond immediately
to the developments in the industry.
3. The quality of customer service is high.
as the business can communicate with
customers instantly.
4. Social media has a huge reach of people.
5. Adverts can be accurately targeted.
6. Links can be used to draw traffic into
company websites.
 These are electronic documents sent to
interested parties giving information about the
product or the business.
Updates, special promotions, Upgrades etc.

Branding involves giving a product a name, a sign, symbol, design or any feature
that allows Consumers to instantly recognize the product and differentiate 11 to
the competitors.
Branding helps organizations to create customer loyalty to devo.
top an image and to change premium prices for a strong brand.
Different Methods of promotion used by different organizations depending on the
nature of the market segment, the business is catering to.
 For example: Mass Media can be used to promote in mass markets.
Exclusive promotional channel’s could be used to promote products in niche
market. Sponsorships might be used in market
Where image or product positioning is important. (Rolex watches,
sponsors Gulf tournaments around the world) This show the prestigious
and sophisticated image associated with Rolex.
 In some market segments product trials are important. This is
where people are encouraged to try a product for a trial period
al a reduced late before fully committing to it (subscription
In some market segment price discounts and special offer Are common. This can
be another promotion technique

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