Public Relations in Recycling

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The Importance of Public Relations in terms of Recycling

By Khrisha Mae Tindoy, BETET-NS-2A

Every year, the world generates 2.01 billion tons of solid waste annually—that is about 0.74
kilograms of waste that is produced by humans per day. Only 13.5% of the total wastage actually ended
up recycling. Public relations refer to the tactics and strategies used to manage how information about
an individual or corporation is transmitted to the public, particularly the media. How does the public
relations work in the waste department, especially in recycling?

The role of the PR raises awareness of the importance of recycling and its good influence on
the environment. Before conducting a campaign, the PR will gather information in its area on how do
people recycle, or do they segregate and recycle at all. In a case study that was conducted in Austria,
they use public surveys (personal interviews, telephone interviews, and questionnaires) for their target
group that will influence some part of the planning procedures for their action. After gathering all the
information that the PR needed, they proceed to plan out on how to properly recycle the refrigerators.
The PR works centered on supplying promotional material and articles for publishing to the mass media
(general interest periodicals and newspapers), with extra assistance from phone campaigns and contests.
On the other side, the public relations campaign in special television shows for children. The organizing
of public events also aided in the communication process. A series of events named "Duales System im
Dialog" (DSD1 in conversation) got widespread media coverage, garnering substantial coverage both
nationally and locally. The public have the more positive response than the published (or journalist)
opinion. But during the campaign, the PR pointed out a time lag between campaigns that have a long
period and the short period campaigns. Only the longer campaign period can have an effect in the public
than those in the latter part.

In today’s society, social media is one of the most used to advocate. It contributes of
influencing one’s behavior. It can educate the public about the advantage of recycling in terms of
reducing landfill waste, ease the climate change (because some of the waste produces carbon dioxide),
and conserve resources. In other cases, the government will make a law that will promote recycling in
their areas. The Philippines’ RA 9003 or also known as Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

The Duales System Deutschland (DSD) is a (privately organized) system that is used to execute the German
packaging law (collection and recycling of packaging materials). DSD was established in 1990.
that was approved by former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. In Section 17 of the article, it states
that “the LGU recycling component shall describe methods for developing the markets for recycled
materials, including, but not limited to, an evaluation of the feasibility of procurement preferences for
the purchase of recycled products”. Because of the information that the PR gathered beforehand, it
won’t have any success campaign or passing a law.

In conclusion, the role of public relations helps the upper management of the government to
encourage the public on how to recycle materials. It aids in increasing consciousness, altering conduct,
constructing endorsement, handling emergencies, and progressing recycling-associated principles. By
efficiently conveying the advantages of recycling, public relations initiatives can assist in establishing a
more sustainable and ecologically mindful community.

Hayes, A. (2023, April 20). Public relations (PR) meaning, types, and practical examples. Investopedia.

R.A. 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. The Lawphil Project. (n.d.).

Salhofer, S., & Isaac, N. A. (2002). Importance of public relations in recycling strategies: principles and
case studies. Environmental Management, 30, 68-76.

What a waste 2.0. Trends in Solid Waste Management. (n.d.).


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