Cahpter-3-Transmission Line Parameters

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Dr Parmal Singh Solanki
Chapter-3: Transmission Lines
Parameters (R,L,C)

ENEL3108 2

• Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat, TMH

Publication, 2003, (chp-5 & 4)
• Power System Analysis by J.J Granger and WD
Stevenson, McGraw Hill, 1994
• Power System Analysis & Design, by Duncan,
Mulukutla and Thomas, Cengage Learning 2008
Supply from
power plant

ENEL3108 3

* Classification of Tranmission Lines

* Short Transmission Line: Model, Line Constants &
* Medium Transmission Line: Model, Line Constants &
* LongTransmission Line: Model, Line Constants &
* Voltage and Current Waves
* Tutorial

ENEL3108 4
Classification of TL
How to classify the TL: R,L,C parameters,
transmission voltage level and length of line.

• Short TL: length = 80 km, capacitance neglected,

V up to 69 kV
• Medium TL: Nominal T and 𝛱.
• Long TL: R,L,C uniformly distributed

ENEL3108 5
Short TL

V up to 69 kV, Length up to 80 km
Capacitance neglected

ENEL3108 6
Modelling of Short TL

Important Note:

ENEL3108 7
Performace & Phasor of
Short TL

Why apparent power is given as VI* where

* Is conjugate of current I

ENEL3108 8
Phasor Diagrams of TL

𝜹 is power angle, it is useful for

maximum power flow of TL
P= VsVr Sin𝜹

ENEL3108 9
Medium TL (π model)

Here Vs is single phase voltage

From the TL model, we can write

---not a standard from

---not a standard from Similarly

ENEL3108 10
Modelling of Medium TL

ENEL3108 11
Long TL

ENEL3108 12
Modelling of Long TL


Wave can be of (i) current,

(ii) voltage or magnetic field

ENEL3108 13
Voltage & Current

Where Phase constant, in radian per unit length

Propagation constant(γ): It is a measure of changes in a sinusoidal electromagnetic wave in

terms of amplitude and phase, while propagating through a medium. The β gives us the
phase of the signal along a transmission line, at a constant time. Its unit is radians/meter, but
we often convert it to degrees/meter. The propagation constant γ is unit less quantity.
Reflection Coefficient: It can be defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the reflected voltage to
the incident voltage at the receiving end of the line Reflection Coefficient and is denoted by K
ENEL3108 14
Q3.1 A 220 kV 3-ph TL is 40 km long. The resistance
per phase is 0.15Ω per km and the inductance per
phase is 1.3263 mH per km. The shunt capacitance is
negligible. Use the short line model to find the voltage
and power at the SE and the voltage regulation and
efficiency when the line is supplying a 3-ph load of
(a) 381 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging at 220 kV
(b) 381 MVA at 0.8 pf leading at 220 kV
Answer: (i) SE line voltage = 250 kV, SE Power =
433∠41.8 MVA , VR= 13.6% and Efficiency = 94.4%
HW: Solve the same problem with 0.8 leading pf
ENEL3108 15
Solution of Tutorial-1

How to convert PF to RF and vice versa??

ENEL3108 16
Solution continue..

Similarly do (ii) part at home

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Solution continue..

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Solution continue..

Note: Students are suggested to compare the parameters of the TL for both cases i.e. (part (a)&
(b) and analyze them. Parameters which may change are SE voltage, SE Power, %VR etc

ENEL3108 19
(Solve at home)

Q3.2 A 69 kV, 3-ph short TL is 16 km long. The line has a

per phase series impedance of 0.125+j0.4375 Ω per km.
Determine the SE voltage, voltage regulation, SE power
and TL efficiency when the line delivers
(i) 70 MVA, 0.8 lagging pf at 64kV
(ii) 120 MW, unity pf at 64 kV
Answer: (i) SE line voltage = 70.508 kV, SE Power =
77.1185∠40.8 MVA , VR= 10.17% and Efficiency =
(ii) SE line voltage = 69 kV, SE Power = 129.4∠10.9
MVA , VR= 7.82% and Efficiency = 94.46%
ENEL3108 20
Tutorial-2 and its Solution

𝑽𝑹 =
𝑺𝑹 = 𝑷𝑹 + 𝒋𝑸𝑹


ENEL3108 21
Solution Continue..
𝑆𝑠 = 3𝑉𝑠 𝐼𝑠∗

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Solution Continue..

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Solution Continue..

ENEL3108 24

Q3.3 A 230 kV 3-ph, TL has a per phase series impedance of

z=0.05+j0.45Ω per km and per phase shunt admittance of
y=j3.4× 10−6 siemens per km. The line is 80 km long. Using
nominal π model, determine the:
Transmission line A B C D constants, Find the SE voltage, current,
VR, SE power and TL efficiency when the line delivers
(a) 200 MVA, 0.8 lagging pf at 220 kV
(b) 306 MW, unity pf at 220 kV

Answer: (a) A= 0.9951+j0.000544, B=D=4+j36, C=j0.0002731; SE

line voltage = 242.7 kV, SE current = 502.38∠-33.7, SE Power =
211.16∠139.39 MVA , VR= 10.85% and Efficiency = 98.052%,
Similarly find the other answers for part (b)
ENEL3108 25
Solution of Tutorial-3
Prepare the ground work first

What is the value of D ??

For %VR use the modified expression

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Solution Continue…

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Solution Continue…

Similarly solve the part (b) ENEL3108 28

Solution Continue…

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Solution Continue…

ENEL3108 30
Characteristic and Surge Impedance
• The characteristic impedance or surge impedance (usually written Zc) of a uniform
transmission line is the ratio of the amplitudes of voltage and current of a single
wave propagating along the line; that is, a wave travelling in one direction in the
absence of reflections in the other direction and is expressed as
• Characteristic impedance is the ratio of voltage to current for a wave that is
propagating in single direction on a transmission line. This is an important
parameter in the analysis and design of circuits and systems using transmission
• Surge Impedance Loading is the connected load in transmission line for which
reactive power generated is equal to reactive power consumed i.e. the flow of
reactive power is zero. There is an exact balance between reactive power
generation and consumption
• The load at which the inductive and capacitive reactive volt-amperes are equal and
opposite, such load is called surge impedance load.

The value of Surge impedance for overhead transmission line is

around 400 ohm, whereas surge impedance value for underground
cable is around 40 ohm
ENEL3108 31
(solve this problem at home it is given at Example 5.5 of text book, pp 160) and also similar problems

Q3.4 A 3-ph, 60 Hz, 500 kV TL is 300 km long. The line

inductance is 0.97 mH/km and its capacitance is 0.0115
µF/km per phase. Assume a lossless line.
(i) Determine the line phase constant 𝛽, the surge
impedance 𝑍𝑐 , velocity of propagation 𝑣 and the line
wavelength λ.
(ii) The RE rated load is 800 MW, 0.8 pf lagging at 500
kV. Determine the SE quantities and voltage
regulation (VR)
Answer: (i) β= 0.00126 rad/km, 𝒁𝒄 = 290.43 Ω,
𝒗= 2.994× 𝟏𝟎𝟓 λ= 4990 km
(ii) SE line voltage = 617.53 kV, SE current = 902.3∠-17.9
A, SE Power = 965.1∠34 MVA , VR= 32.875%
ENEL3108 32

Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) is the most

important parameter for determining the
maximum loading capacity (MW loading) of
transmission lines.

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Thank you

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