Esol Lesson Plan Thursday

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Contextual Information

Name: Aspen Windesheim

Big Idea: Synthesizing Grade: Fourth Date:10/26/23 Time: Lesson: 1


Resource Link:

Lesson Structure: Integrated Differentiation for ESOL Accommodations. Check all that
Small Group Content: ELA English Language apply to your classroom:
Learners: Flexible environment
Flexible scheduling
Flexible seating
Individualized or Grouped Modification
Bilingual assistance
Approved dictionary/glossary
Reading text aloud

Standard: (BEST/ FL Sci./ NGSS/ FL SS):Spotlight Standard: 4.R.3.2.a: Summarize a text to enhance
Accompanying Benchmarks:
4.V.1.1: Use grade-level academic vocabulary appropriately in speaking and writing.
4.V.F.1.4: Read grade-level texts with accuracy, automaticity, and appropriate prosody or

Learning Trajectory:

Previous Standard:
Next Standard:
I can

Diagnostic Data: This section is required for all ELA and Math Lesson Plans. ESOL proficiency data (WIDA or
IPT) is required on ALL lesson plans.

Unit/chapter test
Lexile Level
Overall L.S. S.S. R.S. W.S.
C 321 377 320 345 272
G 318 349 310 350 276
K 327 368 331 319 317
Lesson Planning

Instructional objectives(s) & Learning Target: Clear objectives written in the form of student learning.

By the end of the lesson, the students will… Synthesize information in a selected text. Answer questions about
character, settings, and plot.
Learning Target: Students will read a text in order to develop fluency and comprehension.:

Vocabulary: (define in kid friendly Instructional Materials:

terms) K-2 use beginner for K-2 & Select your materials and technology. Then, include a copy of print or
Intermediate for 3-5 Kids.Wordsmyth teacher made material and/or hyperlink to any digital materials in the
space provided.

Crude- is an adjective (a describing Teacher selected read aloud: Title Newsgirl 650L
word) that is used to describe when Paper, pencil, markers, crayons
something or someone is acting rude. Teacher created materials Teacher-made sample of activity/project
Teacher-made sample of activity/project
Spanish cognate- cruda or crudo Teacher-made sample of activity/project
Synonym = the same rude Graphic organizer: None _______
Antonym= the opposite polite Assessment: _____
Science supplies (list)

Introduction/Building Background: Pacing

1. Greeting: Good morning Gabriel, Kaleb, and Christopher! I am excited to work with you all on
1 minute
your ELA today.
2. Hook: For all the hard work you all are putting in for me I owe each of you a treasure box on
3. Prior Knowledge: You all have had lots of good practice with Ms. Policke about summarizing a
text in order to help us figure out what the heck we just read. Today we are going to work with
a new vocabulary word and practice synthesizing chunks of a text.

Instructional Steps : Pacing

1. Introduce: Everyday each student will take turns reading this passage to monitor fluency
Word Study or Fluency Builder:
Without parents to rely on, Rebecca had learned to make her own way. Two years ago, she
found the perfect place to call home—Miss Kay’s. She paid six cents a day for a place to live 3 minutes total
and eat. Miss Kay cared for her and the other girls who lived in the house. They all watched 1 minute for
each kid to read
out for each other, and Rebecca was never lonely. 65 words
Word Count: ____/65
Teacher THOUGHTS: Students will read the passage from the small group text 1 time each
day they come to the teacher's table. This will allow the teacher to monitor their prosody and
fluency rate. The intended outcome is to build more fluent readers and build students'
confidence in their reading.

Now we’re going to work on the vocabulary word selected for us from the passage. The word is Vocab pre-
crude. Crude is an adjective (a describing word) that is used to describe when something or teach 2 minutes
someone is acting rude. Cognate Cruda or Crudo Example: Say to students, “An example of
crude in a sentence is ‘I was shocked by her crude behavior during the ceremony.’”Ask: “Who
is more likely to get hired by an employer—someone who is polite, or someone who is crude?
Preview the
2. Explain 1. Display the text, Newsgirl. Say to students, “Strong readers preview a text before reading 2
reading. This helps them focus their thinking on the genre, topic, and their prior knowledge.” minutes
Point out the key features, such as the chapter titles and illustrations.
Reading &
2. Have students whisper read page 4 as you read aloud. Ask: “Who are the characters in the story?” Questions
(Rebecca, Miss Kay.) Ask: “What is the setting of the story?” (Miss Kay’s Lodging House for Girls—a 20 minutes
place where she pays a daily fee to live.)

3. Have students choral read paragraph 1 on page 5. Ask: “Describe the setting of the story.” (The
setting is Washington D.C. in 1912.)

4. Have students read the diary entry independently. Ask: “Why was today worse than other days?”
(Rebecca lost money due to the weather and Harry.)

5. Have students choral read the rest of page 5. Ask: “What details should be included in a summary
of this chapter?” (Rebecca works as a newsie in Washington D.C., and she lives at Miss Kay’s Home
for Girls. She had a rough day at work due to the weather and Harry.) Remind students that the
setting, main characters, and most important events should be included in a literary summary.

6. Have students read page 6 independently. Ask: “Describe Miss Kay’s Lodging House.” (Bedrooms
have 10 bunkbeds (20 girls?) and one bathroom, at least two floors, breakfast consists of bread
rolls/oatmeal/coffee, there is a line to get food.)

7. Have students read page 7. Ask: “Why doesn’t Rebecca go to school?” (She can’t afford to go.)

8. Have students read page 8. Ask: “What event from these two pages should be included in a
summary of the chapter? Turn and talk.” (Rebecca is going to teach the new girl, Kit, to be a newsgirl.)

3. Review: Have students verbally tell me, draw, or write me a short summary of chapter 1 and
discuss. Tell me how you remember the word crude. Is it a picture, a sentence, a synonym? 5 minute review
Differentiation Product/Assessment.
1. How the student gives me a summary of chapter 1. How they tell me they know the vocab
word crude.
2. Cognate for vocab word
HOT question (and expected answer): content development

Assessment: : Formative assessment name Assorted Assessments. Describe if needed Pacing

Chapter 1 summaries and through questioning in the lesson.
Lesson Closure: Teacher talk. Restate the main take-aways from the lesson.
Post Teaching Reflections

Lesson Adjustment: What have you learned about students’ understanding of the content based on the formative
assessment? If proficiency was not demonstrated, what next steps (reteaching) are required? Include evidence.

Reflection on Teaching: Analyze and evaluate your lesson delivery and class management.

Response to Feedback: BLOCK 2 ONLY

To be completed after post-observation meeting: Review and consider provided feedback. Describe how you will implement next
steps going forward. Explain how these next steps will impact students’ learning experiences.

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