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1. 1 Wb/m is equal to
a) 10 gauss b) 4π × 10!" gauss c) 10 gauss d) 10! gauss
2. The maximum static friction on a body is ' = μ*. Here, * = normal reaction force on the body μ =
coefficient of static friction. The dimensions of μ are
a) [MLT ! ] b) [M 2 L2 T 2 θ!4 ] c) Dimensionless d) None of these
3. The dimensions of gravitational constant 8 and the moment of inertia are respectively
a) 9:" ; ! ; 9: ; 2 b) 9!4 :" ; ! ; 9: ; 2 c) 9!4 :" ; ! ; 9!4 : ; d) 9:" ; ! ; 9!4 : ;
4. One femtometer is equivalent to
a) 104> ? b) 10!4> ? c) 10!4 ? d) 104 ?
5. In the relation A = cosBωD + FAG, the dimensions of ω are
a) [M 2 LT] b) [M 2 L!4 T 2 ] c) [M 2 L2 T !4 ] d) [M 2 LT !4 ]
6. A physical parameter H can be determined by measuring the parameters b, c, d and e using the relation
H = I J K L /MN O P . If the maximum errors in the measurement of b, c, d and e are I4 %, K4 %, M4 % and O4 %,
then the maximum error in the value of H determined by the experiment is
a) BI4 + K4 + M4 + O4 G% b) BI4 + K4 – M4 – O4 G%
c) BSI4 + TK4 − VM4 − WO4 G% d) BSI4 + TK4 + VM4 + WO4 G%
7. A student measures the distance traversed in free fall of a body, initially at rest in a given time. He uses this
data to estimate X, the acceleration due to gravity. If the maximum percentage errors in measurement of
the distance and the time are O4 and O respectively, the percentage error in the estimation of X is
a) O − O4 b) O4 + 2O c) O4 + O d) O4 − 2O
8. A body travels uniformly a distance of B13.8 ± 0.2G ? in a time B4.0 ± 0.3G s. The velocity of the body
within error limits is
a) B3.45 ± 0.2G ?^ !4 b) B3.45 ± 0.3G ?^ !4 c) B3.45 ± 0.4G ?^ !4 d) B3.45 ± 0.5G ?^ !4
9. In a vernier callipers, one main scale division is A K? and _ division of the vernier scale coincide with B_ −
1G divisions of the main scale. The least count Bin K?G of the callipers is
_−1 _A A A
a) ` aA b) c) d)
_ B_ − 1G _ B_ − 1G
10. The dimensions of surface tension are
a) 9:!4 ; ! b) 9:; ! c) 9:!4 ; !4 d) 9; !
11. The Vander Waal’s equation of state for real gases is given as de + i Bj − IG = _k; which of the
following terms has dimensions different from that of energy
a) ej b) c) d) Ie
j j
12. Dimensional formula of magnetic flux is
a) 9: ; ! l!4 b) 9:2 ; ! l! c) 92 :! ; ! l!" d) 9: ; ! l"
13. If unit of length, mass and time each be doubled, the unit of work done is increased by
a) 4 times b) 6 times c) 8 times d) 2 times
14. Taking frequency o, velocity p and density q to be the fundamental quantities, then the dimensional
formula for momentum will be
a) [qp o !" ] b) [qp " o !4 ] c) [qpo ] d) [q p o ]
15. The length, breadth and thickness of a block is measured to be 50 cm, 2.0 cm and 1.00 cm. The percentage
error in the measurement of volume is
a) 0.8 % b) 8% c) 10% d) 12.5%
16. Two quantities l and r are related by the relation s=m, where ? is linear mass den sity and l is force.
The dimensions of r will be
a) Mass as that of latent heat b) Same a that of pressure
c) Same as that of work d) Same as that of momentum
17. The number of significant figures in the numbers 4.8000 × 10 and 48000.50 are respectively
a) 5 and 6 b) 5 and 7 c) 2 and 7 d) 2 and 6
18. The specific resistance q of a circular wire of radius v. Resistance k and and length x is given by q = yzh {.
Given, v = 0: B24 ± 0.02Gcm, k = B30 ± 1GΩ and x = B4.80 ± 0.01Gcm. The percentage error in q is nearly
a) 7% b) 9% c) 13% d) 20%
19. The dimensional formula of modulus of rigidity is
a) [ML! T! ] b) [ML!" T ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [ML!4 T! ]
20. Which of the following quantities is dimensionless
a) Gravitational constant b) Planck’s constant
c) Power of a convex lens d) None
21. The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 × 10!" are
a) 4, 4, 2 b) 5, 1, 2 c) 5, 1, 5 d) 5, 5, 2
22. One slug is equivalent to 14.6 kg. A force of 10 pound is applied on a body of 1 kg. The acceleration of the
body is
a) 44.5 ms ! b) 4.448 ms ! c) 44.4 ms ! d) None of these
23. The dimensions of magnetic field in M, L, T and C BcoulombG is given as
a) [MLT !4 C!4 ] b) [MT C ! ] c) [MT !4 C!4 ] d) [MT ! C!4 ]
24. In a system of units if force B'G, acceleration BlG, and time B;G are taken as fundamental units then the
dimensional formula of energy is
a) 'l ; b) 'l; c) ' l; d) 'l;
25. A calorie is a unit of heat and equal 4.2 J. Suppose we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass is
Skg, the unit of length is T metre and the unit of time is V sec. In this new system. 1 calorie =
a) α!4 β! γ b) 4.2αβ γ c) αβ γ d) 4.2α!4 β! γ
26. The dimensional formula for young’s modulus is
a) 9:!4 ; ! b) 92 :; ! c) 9:; ! d) 9: ; !
27. The dimensional formula for entropy is
a) [MLT ! K !4] b) [ML T ! ] c) [ML T ! K !4] d) [ML! T! K !4]
28. Dimensions of ‡k are those of
a) Frequency b) Energy c) Time period d) Current
29. Which one of the following pair of quantities has same dimension?
a) Force and work done b) Momentum and impulse
c) Pressure and force d) Surface tension and stress
30. Given π = 3.14. the value of π with due regard for significant figures is
a) 9.86 b) 9.859 c) 9.8596 d) 9.85960
31. Dimensions of frequency are
a) 92 :!4 ; 2 b) 92 :2 ; !4 c) 92 :2 ; d) 9; !
32. Dimensional formula for angular momentum is
a) 9: ; ! b) 9: ; !4 c) 9:; !4 d) 92 : ; !
33. Which of the following quantities has the same dimensions as that of energy
a) Power b) Force c) Momentum d) Work
34. If : and k are respectively the inductance and resistance, then the dimensions of ‹
will be
a) 92 :2 ; !4 b) 92 :;°
c) 9 2 :2 ; d) Cannot be represented in terms of 9, : and ;
35. The dimension of the ratio of angular to linear momentum is
a) 92 :4 ; 2 b) 94 :4 ; !4 c) 94 : ; !4 d) 9!4 :!4 ; !4
36. The unit of Planck’s constant is
a) •Ž•xO b) •Ž•xO/^ c) •Ž•xO/? d) •Ž•xO-^

37. 9:" ; !4 ‘ ! is dimensions of
a) Resistivity b) Conductivity c) Resistance d) None of these
38. If force is proportional to square of velocity, then the dimensions of proportionality constant are
a) [ML!4 T] b) [ML!4 T2 ] c) [MLT 2 ] d) [M 2 LT !4 ]
39. A unit of area, often used in measuring land areas, is the hectare defined as 10 m . An open-pit coal mine
consumes 75 hectares of land, down to a depth of 26m, each year. What volume of earth, in cubic
kilometre, is removed in this time?
a) 0.01 b) 0.02 c) 0.03 d) 0.04
40. A physical quantity is represented by ’ = M J L“ T !” . If percentage errors in the measurements of 9, : and
; are S%, T%and V% respectively, then total, percentage error is
a) BSH + TI − VKG% b) BSH + TI + VKG% c) BSH − TI − VKG% d) 0%
41. The density of the material of a cube is measured by measuring its mass and length of its side. If the
maximum errors in the measurement of mass and the length are 3% and 2% respectively. The maximum
error in the measurement of density is
a) 1% b) 5% c) 7% d) 9%
42. The sides of a rectangle are 6.01 m and 12m. taking the significant figures into account, the area of the
rectangle is
a) 7.2 m b) 72.1 m c) 72.00 m d) 72.12 m
43. Density of a liquid in CGS system is 0.625 X/K? . What is its magnitude in SI system
a) 0.625 b) 0.0625 c) 0.00625 d) 625
44. The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as de + i Bj − IG = k;. Here e is the pressure, j
is the volume, ; is the absolute temperature and H, I, k are constants. The dimensions of ‘H’ are
a) 9:> ; ! b) 9:!4 ; ! c) 92 :" ; 2 d) 92 :– ; 2
45. A physical quantity • is given by the relation • = th
here, r =magnetic field strength
μ2 =magnetic permeability of vacuum.
a) Energy b) Energy density c) Pressure d) None of these
46. A rectangular beam which is supported at its two ends and leaded in the middle with weight ™ sags by an
š| ›
amount W such that W = œ• ›
, where x, M and ž represent length, depth and elasticity respectively.
Guess the unknown factor using dimensional considerations
a) Breadth b) BbreadthG c) BbreadthG" d) Mass
47. The dimension of quantity B:/k‡jG is
a) [l] b) [l ] c) [l!4 ] d) None of these
48. The pair having the same dimensions is
a) Angular momentum, work b) Work, torque
c) Potential energy, linear momentum d) Kinetic energy, velocity
49. The fundamental unit, which has the same power in the dimensional formulae of surface tension and
viscosity is
a) Mass b) Length c) Time d) None of these
50. Which is not a unit of electric field
a) *‡ !4 b) j?!4 c) •‡ !4 d) •‡ !4 ?!4
51. _O™DŽ_ − ^OKŽ_M is the unit of
a) Velocity b) Angular momentum c) Momentum d) Energy
52. Student I, II and III perform an experiment for measuring the acceleration due to gravity BgG using a simple
pendulum. They use different lengths of the pendulum and/or record time for different number of
oscillations. The observations are shown in the table..
Least count for length = 0.1 cm.
Least count for time = 0.1 s.
Stu Length Number Total Time
den of the of time for perio
t pendul oscillati B G d BsG
um ons BnG oscillatio
BcmG ns BsG
I 64.0 8 128.0 16.0
II 64.0 4 64.0 16.0
III 20.0 4 36.0 9.0
If ¡4 , ¡¢¢ and ¡¢¢¢ are the percentage errors in g, £O, d × 100i, for students I, II and III respectively.
a) ¡¢ = 0
b) ¡¢ is minimum
c) ¡¢ = ¡¢¢
d) ¡¢¢ is maximum
53. Which of the following is not equal to ™HDD
a) ¦Ž•xO/^OKŽ_M b) H?§OvO × pŽxD c) BH?§OvOG × Žℎ? d) H?§OvO/pŽxD
54. Which is the correct unit for measuring nuclear radii
a) 9£KvŽ_ b) 9£xx£?ODvO c) l_X^DvŽ? d) 'Ov?£
55. The dimensions of electric dipole moment are
a) [L I] b) [LI] c) [LTI] d) [T ! ]
56. The physical quantities not having same dimensions are
a) Torque and work b) Momentum and Planck’s constant
c) Stress and Young’s modules d) Speed and Bμ2 ε2 G!4/
57. In C.G.S. system the magnitude of the force is 100 M«_O. In another system where fundamental physical
quantities are kilogram, ?ODvO and minute, the magnitude of the force is
a) 0.036 b) 0.36 c) 3.6 d) 36
58. The mass and volume of a body are found to be 5.00 ± 0.05 kg and 1.00 ± 0.05 m" respectively. Then the
maximum possible percentage error in its density is
a) 6% b) 3% c) 10% d) 5%
59. -
Given that 2x¬ ® , where x is the length of a string of linear density ?, under tension ; ha the same
dimensional formula as that of
a) Mass b) Time c) Length d) Mole
60. The dimensional formula of relative density is
a) 9:!" b) :; !4 c) 9:; ! d) Dimensionless
61. ° “ ”
If ' = 6πη v p ,
Where ' =viscous force
± = coefficient of viscosity
v = radius of spherical body
p = terminal velocity of the body.
Find the values of H, I and K.
a) H = 1, I = 2, K = 1 b) H = 1, I = 1, K = 1
c) H = 2, I = 1, K = 1 d) H = 2, I = 1, K = 2
62. If : denotes the inductance of an inductor through which a current ² is flowing, then the dimensional
formula of :² is
a) [MLT ! ] b) [ML T ! ]
c) [M L T ] d) Not expressible in terms of 9, :, ;
63. Dimensional formula for torque is
a) : 9; ! b) :!4 9; ! c) : 9; !" d) :9; !
64. If force B'G, length B:G and time B;G are assumed to be fundamental units, then the dimensional formula of
the mass will be
a) ':!4 ; b) ':!4 ; ! c) ':!4 ; !4 d) ': ;
65. Dimensions of ohm are same as Bh −Planck’s constant, O −chargeG
a) ℎ/O b) ℎ /O c) ℎ/O d) ℎ O
66. Dimensions of permeability are
a) l! 94 :4 ; ! b) 9:; ! c) 9:2 ; !4 d) l!4 9:;
67. The surface tension of mercury is 32 dyne cm!4 . Its value in SI units is
a) 0.032 b) 0.32 c) 3200 d) 32000
68. The internal and external diameters of a hollow cylinder are measured with the help of a vernier calipers.
Their values are 4.23 ± 0.01 cm and 3.87 ± 0.01 cm respectively. The thickness of the wall of the cylinder
a) 0.36± 0.02 cm b) 0.18± 0.02 cm c) 0.36± 0.01 cm d) 0.18± 0.01 cm
69. ³O_v«/Žℎ? can be expressed in
a) ´OKŽ_M b) ‡Ž•xŽ?I c) 9ℎŽ d) 9ODvO
70. Coefficient of thermal conductivity has the dimensions
a) [MLT !" K !4] b) [ML" T " K ] c) [ML" T !" K ! ] d) [M L" T !" K ]
71. Tesla is a unit for measuring
a) Magnetic moment b) Magnetic induction
c) Magnetic intensity d) Magnetic pole strength
72. According to •Ž•xO ^ law of heating, heat produced ³ = ² kD, where ² is current, k is resistance and D is
time. If the errors in the measurement of ², k and D are 3%, 4% and 6% respectively then error in the
measurement of ³ is
a) ±17% b) ±16% c) ±19% d) ±25%
73. In the equation ’ = 3ž¶ , ’ and ¶ have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic induction respectively. In
MKSQ system, the dimensional formula of ž is
a) [M !" L! T ! Q! ] b) [ML! ] c) [M !" L! Q T ¸] d) [M !" L! Q T ]
74. Which of the following system of units is not based on units of mass, length and time alone
a) SI b) MKS c) FPS d) CGS
75. The SI unit of momentum is
FX FX. ? FX. ?
a) b) c) d) FX × _O™DŽ_
? sec sec
76. The dimensions of resistance are same as those of ………. Where ℎ is the Planck’s constant and O is the
ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ
a) b) c) d)
77. Which of the following is a derived unit
a) Unit of mass b) Unit of length c) Unit of time d) Unit of volume
78. In the relation § = » e!¿À , § is the pressure, Á the distance, F is Boltzmann constant and θ is the
temperature, the dimensional formula of β will be
a) [M 2 L T 2 ] b) [ML T] c) [ML2 T !4 ] d) [ML T !4 ]
79. The dimensions of universal gravitational constant are
a) 9! : ; ! b) 9!4 :" ; ! c) 9:!4 ; ! d) 9: ; !
80. If ² is the moment of inertia and à the angular velocity, what is the dimensional formula of rotational
kinetic energy ²Ã ?
a) [ML T ] b) [M L!4 T ! ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [M L!4 T ! ]
81. A screw gauge gives the following reading when used to measure the diameter of a wire
Main scale reading : 0 ??
Circular scale reading : 52 divisions
Given that 1 ?? on main scale corresponds to 100 divisions on the circular scale.
The diameter of wire from the above data is
a) 0.52 K? b) 0.052 K? c) 0.026 K? d) 0.005 K?
82. The dimensional formula of capacitance in terms of 9, :, ; and ² is

a) [ML T I ] b) [ML! T I ] c) [M !4 L" T " I] d) [M !4 L! T I ]
83. jŽxD/?ODvO is the unit of
a) Potential b) Work c) Force d) Electric intensity
84. The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, T and C BcoulombG is given as
a) 9; ‡ ! b) 9; !4 ‡ !4 c) 9; ! ‡ !4 d) 9:; !4 ‡ !4
85. The dimensional formula of electrical conductivity is
a) [M !4 L!" T " A ] b) [ML" T " A ] c) [M L" T !" A ] d) [ML" T " A! ]
86. The only mechanical quantity which has negative dimension of mass is
a) Angular momentum b) Torque
c) Coefficient of thermal conductivity d) Gravitational constant
87. The dimensional formula for impulse is
a) 9:; ! b) 9:; !4 c) 9: ; !4 d) 9 :; !4
88. The physical quantities not having same dimensions are
a) Speed and BÄ2 Å2 G!4/ b) Torque and work
c) Momentum and Planck’s constant d) Stress and Young’s modulus
89. Which unit is not for length
a) Parsec b) Light year c) Angstrom d) Nano
90. The surface tension is ; = Æ, then the dimensions of surface tension are
a) [MLT ! ] b) [MT ! ] c) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] d) None of these
91. The thrust developed by a rocket-motor is given by ' = ?p + lB§4 − § G, where ? is the mass of the gas
ejected per unit time, p is velocity of the gas, l is area of cross-section of the noszzle, §4 ∙ § are the
pressures of the exhaust gas and surrounding atmosphere. The formula is dimensionally
a) Correct b) Wrong
c) Sometimes wrong, sometimes correct d) Data is not adequate
92. What is the unit of F in the relation É = ÊË where É represents the potential energy, « represents the
Ë h Ìf h
displacement and H represents the maximum displacement £O, amplitude?
a) m s !4 b) m s c) J m d) J s !4
93. The damping force of an oscillating particle is observed to be proportional to velocity. The constant of
proportionality can be measured in
a) Kg ^ !4 b) Kg s c) Kg ms !4 d) Kg m!4 s !4
94. The unit of self-inductance is
a) Weber ampere b) Weber !4 ampere c) Ohm second d) Farad
95. If ´ = oD " , o has the dimensions of
a) [M 2 L!4 T " ] b) [MLT !" ] c) [M 2 L4 T !" ] d) [M 2 L!4 T !" ]
96. The unit of angular acceleration in the SI system is
a) * FX!4 b) ?^ ! c) vHM ^ ! d) ? FX!4 Í
97. If ‡, k, : and ² denote capacity, resistance, inductance and electric current respectively, the quantities
having the same dimensions of time are
B1G ‡k
B3G √:‡
B4G :²
a) B1G and B2G only
b) B1G and B3G only
c) B1G and B4G only
d) B1G, B2G and B3G only
98. What will be the unit of time in that system in which the unit of length is metre, unit of mass is kg and unit
of force is kg wt?

b) 9.8 sec 4
a) B9.8G sec c) √9.8 sec d) √Ï.¸ sec
99. An athletic coach told his team that muscle times speed equals power. What dimensions does he view for
a) 9:; ! b) 9: ; ! c) 9:; d) :
100. The SI unit of universal gas constant BkG is
a) ÐHDD Í !4 ?Žx !4 b) *O™DŽ_ Í !4 ?Žx !4 c) •Ž•xO Í !4 ?Žx !4 d) ¡vX Í !4 ?Žx !4
101. Dimensions of luminous flux are
a) 9: ; ! b) 9: ; !" c) 9: ; !4 d) 9:; !
102. The dimensional formula of 4 Ò h is
ј Ӕ
2 2 2 2 !4 "
a) [M L T A ] b) [M L T A] c) [ML" T ! A! ] d) [M !4 L!" T ]
103. ‡H_MOxH is the unit of
a) Electric intensity b) Luminous intensity c) Sound intensity d) None of these
104. A highly rigid cubical block l of small mass 9 and side : is fixed rigidly on to another cubical block of
same dimensions and of low modulus of rigidity ± such that the lower face of l completely covers the
upper face of r. The lower face of r is rigidly held on a horizontal surface. A small force ' is applied
perpendicular to one of the side faces of l. After the force is withdrawn, block l executes small
oscillations, the time period o which is given by
9± 9: 9
a) 2πÔ9±: b) 2πÕ c) 2πÕ d) 2πÕ
: ± ±:
105. The initial temperature of a liquid is B80.0 ± 0.1G2C. After it has been cooled, its temperature is
B10.0 ± 0.1G2 C. The fall in temperature in degree centigrade is
a) 70.0 b) 70.0± 0.3 c) 70.0 ± 0.2 d) 70.0 ± 0.1
106. The frequency o of vibration of mass ? suspended from a spring of spring constant F is given by
o = K? Ö F Ë
Where K is dimensionless constant. The values of A and « are respectively
a) 1/2, 1/2 b) -1/2, 1/2 c) 1/2, -1/2 d) -1/2, -1/2
107. If the velocity of light K, gravitational constant 8 and Planck’s constant ℎ are chosen as fundamental units,
the dimensions of length : in the new system is
a) ℎK8 !4 b) [ℎ4/ K4/ 8 !4/ ] c) [ℎK !" 8 4 ] d) ×ℎ4/ K !"/ 8 4/ Ø
108. SI unit of pressure is
a) eH^KHx b) M«_O^/K? c) K? of ³X d) lD?Ž^§ℎOvO
109. Dimensions of strain are
a) 9:; !4 b) 9: ; !4 c) 9:; ! d) 92 :2 ; 2
110. Unit of surface tension is
a) Nm!4 b) Nm! c) N m!4 d) Nm!"
111. “Pascal-Second” has dimension of
a) Force b) Energy
c) Pressure d) Coefficient of viscosity
112. Inductance : can be dimensionally represented as
a) 9: ; ! l! b) 9: ; ! l!" c) 9:! ; ! l! d) 9: ; l"
113. In the gas equation d§ + f i Bj − IG = k;, the dimensions of H are
a)[ML" ! T ] b) [M !4 L" T !4 ] c) [ML> T ! ] d) [M !4 L!> T ]
114. ¡vX − ?!4 can be the unit of measure for
a) Force b) Momentum c) Power d) Acceleration
115. If there is a positive error of 50% in the measurement of speed of a body, then the error in the
measurement of kinetic energy is
a) 25% b) 50% c) 100% d) 125%
116. The equation of a wave is given by

ž = l sin à ÛÜ − FÝ

where à is the angular velocity and Ü is the linear velocity.

The dimension of F is
a) :; b) ; c) ; !4 d) ;
117. Which of the following pairs has same dimensions?
a) Current density and charge density b) Angular momentum and momentum
c) Spring constant and surface energy d) Force and torque
118. The equation of alternating current is ² = ²2 O !Þ/ß{
, where D is time, ‡ is capacitance and k is resistance of
coil, then the dimensions of ‡ k is
a) [MLT !4 ] b) [M 2 LT] c) [M 2 L2 T] d) None of these
119. The dimensions of power are
a) 94 : ; !" b) 9 :4 ; ! c) 94 : ; !4 d) 94 :4 ; !
120. The concorde is the fastest airlines used for commercial service. It can cruise at 1450 mile per hour Babout
two times the speed of sound or in other words mach 2G. What is it in m/s?
a) 644.4m/s b) 80 m/s c) 40 m/s d) None of these
121. 'HvHMH« is the unit of
a) Charge b) Emf c) Mass d) Energy
122. The dimensions of shear modulus are
a) 9:; !4 b) 9: ; ! c) 9:!4 ; ! d) 9:; !
123. A force ' is given by ' = HD + ID , where D is time. What are the dimensions of H and I
a) 9:; !" and 9: ; ! b) 9:; !" and 9:; ! c) 9:; !4 and 9:; 2 d) 9:; ! and 9:; 4
124. Dimensional formula for volume elasticity is
a) 94 :! ; ! b) 94 :!" ; ! c) 94 : ; ! d) 94 :!4 ; !
125. The dimensional formula of coefficient of permittivity for free space BÅ2 G in the equation ' = 4 àá àh ,
yј z h
where symbols have their usual meanings, is
a) [ML" A! T ! ] b) [M !4 L!" T A ] c) [M !4 L!" A! T ! ] d) [ML" A T ! ]
126. The density of a solid ball is to be determined in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with
a screw gauge, whose pitch is 0.5 mm and there are 50 divisions on the circular scale. The reading on the
main scale is 2.5 mm and that on the circular scale is 20 divisions. If the measured mass of the ball has a
relative error of 2%, the relative percentage error in the density is
a) 0.9% b) 2.4% c) 3.1% d) 4.2%
f “ ”
127. The period of a body under SHM is represented by ; = e â ´ ; where e is pressure,
â is density and ´ is surface tension. The value of H, I and K are
3 1 1 3 1 1
a) − , , 1 b) −1, −2, 3 c) , − , − d) 1, 2,
2 2 2 2 2 3
128. If ‡ is the capacitance and j is the potential, the dimensional formula for ‡j is
a) [ML T !4 ] b) [ML! T!" ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [ML! T! ]
129. Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimensions?
a) Angular momentum and Planck’s constant b) Impulse and momentum
c) Moment of inertia and moment of a force d) Work and torque
130. Which one of the following represents the correct dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity?
a) [ML!4 T! ] b) [MLT !4 ] c) [ML!4 T!4 ] d) [ML! T! ]
131. The dimensions of coefficient of self inductance are
a) [ML T ! A! ] b) [ML T ! A!4 ] c) [MLT ! A! ] d) [MLT ! A!4 ]
132. The time taken by an electron to go from ground state to excited state is one shake Bone shake = 10!¸sG.
this time in nanosecond will be
a) 10 ns b) 4 ns c) 2 ns d) 25 ns
133. The values of two resistors are k4 = B6 ± 0.3GFΩ and k = B10 ± 0.2GFΩ. The percentage error in the
equivalent resistance when they are connected in parallel is

a) 5.125% b) 2% c) 10.125% d) 7%
134. Which does not have the same unit as others
a) ÐHDD-^OK b) Í£xŽ™HDD-ℎŽ•v c) Oj d) •-^OK
135. In the determination of Young’s modulus dž = ã‹ä
i by using Searle’s method, a wire of length : = 2?
å ℓ• h
and diameter M = 0.5?? is used. For a load 9 = 2.5 FX, an extension ℓ = 0.25?? in the length of the
wire is observed. Quantities M and ℓ are measured using a screw gauge and a micrometer, respectively.
They have the same pitch of 0.5 ??. The number of divisions on their circular scale is 100. The
contributions to the maximum probable scale is 100. The contributions to the maximum probable error of
the ž measurement
a) Due to the errors in the measurements of M and ℓ are the same
b) Due to the error in the measurement of M is twice that due to the error in the measurement of ℓ
c) Due to the error in the measurement of ℓ is twice that due to the error in the measurement of M
d) Due to the error in the measurement of M is four time that due to the error in the measurement of ℓ
136. Out of following four dimensional quantities , which one quantity is to be called a dimensional constant
a) Acceleration due to gravity b) Surface tension of water
c) Weight of a standard kilogram mass d) The velocity of light in vacuum
137. A pressure of 10– dyne cm! is equivalent to
a) 10> N m! b) 10 N m! c) 10– N m! d) 10ç N m!
138. The dimensional formula of magnetic permeability is
a) [M 2 L!4 T] b) [M 2 L T !4 ] c) [M 2 L T !4 A ] d) [MLT ! A! ]
139. The speed of light BKG, gravitational constant B8G and Planck’s constant BℎG are taken as the fundamental
units in a system. The dimension of time in this new system should be
a) 8 4/ ℎ4/ K !>/ b) 8 !4/ ℎ4/ K4/ c) 8 4/ ℎ4/ K !"/ d) 8 4/ ℎ4/ K4/
140. One yard in SI units is equal
a) 1.9144 ?ODvO b) 0.9144 ?ODvO c) 0.09144 F£xŽ?ODvO d) 1.0936 F£xŽ?ODvO
141. Let : denote the self-inductance of coil which is in series with a capacitor of capacitance ‡. Which of the
following has the unit second?
a) √:‡ b) ‡/: c) ‡: d) : /‡
142. The value of 0.99−0.989 is
a) 0.001 b) 0.010× 10!4 c) 0.01 × 10!4 d) 0.1 × 10!"
143. Universal time is based on
a) Rotation of the earth on its axis b) Earth’s orbital motion around the Sun
c) Vibrations of cesium atom d) Oscillations of quartz crystal
144. Which of the following is not the unit of energy
a) ‡HxŽv£O b) •Ž•xO c) ¡xOKDvŽ_ pŽxD d) ÐHDD
145. The dimensions of KHxŽv£O are
a) 9: ; ! b) 9:; ! c) 9: ; !4 d) 9: ; !"
146. If the acceleration due to gravity is 10 ?^ and the units of length and time are changed in kilometer and
hour respectively, the numerical value of the acceleration is
a) 360000 b) 72,000 c) 36,000 d) 129600
147. The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.02310.0003 and 2.1 × 10!" are
a) 5, 1, 2 b) 5, 1, 5 c) 5, 5, 2 d) 4, 4, 2
148. If § represents radiation pressure, ‡ represents speed of light and è represents radiation energy striking a
unit area per second, then non-zero integers H, I and K are such that §f è “ ‡ ” is dimensionless, then
a) H = 1, I = 1, K = −1 b) H = 1, I = −1, K = 1
c) H = −1, I = 1, K = 1 d) H = 1, I = 1, K = 1
149. The refractive index of a material is given by the equation _ = s Ìt, where l and r are constant. The
dimensional formula for r is
a) [M 2 L T !4 ] b) [M 2 L! T 2 ] c) [M 2 L T ! ] d) [M 2 L T 2 ]

150. Which of the following is not the unit of time
a) Micro ^OKŽ_M b) Leap year c) Lunar month d) Parallactic ^OKŽ_M
151. How many wavelengths of Ív are there in one ?ODvO
a) 1553164.13 b) 1650763.73 c) 652189.63 d) 2348123.73
152. The Martians use force B'G, acceleration BlG and time B;G as their fundamental physical quantities. The
dimensions of length on Martians system are
a) '; b) ' !4 ; c) ' !4 l ; !4 d) l;
153. Assuming the mass of Earth as 6.64 × 10 FX and the average mass of the atoms that make up earth as
40• Batomic mass unitG, the number of atoms in the Earth are approximately
a) 10"2 b) 10 2 c) 10>2 d) 10–2
154. the dimensional formula of latent heat is
a) [M 2 L T ! ] b) [MLT ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [MLT !4 ]
155. If p = + rD + ‡D " where p is velocity, D is time and l, r and ‡ are constants, then the dimensional
formula of r is
a) [M 2 LT 2 ] b) [ML2 T 2 ] c) [M 2 L2 T ] d) [M 2 LT !" ]
156. The square root of the product of inductance and capacitance has the dimension of
a) Length b) Mass c) Time d) No dimension
157. Which of the following is not represented in correct unit
a) = */? b) Surface tension = */?
c) Energy = FX − ?/^OK d) Pressure = */?
!4 !4
158. The expression [ML T ] represents
a) Momentum b) Force
c) Pressure d) Coefficient of viscosity
159. The frequency of vibration o of a mass ? suspended from a spring of spring constant F is given by relation
of the type o = K? Ö F Ë , where K is a dimensionless constant. The values of A and « are
a) 1/2, 1/2 b) −1/2, −1/2 c) 1/2, −1/2 d) −1/2, 1/2
160. ¡, ?, ² and 8 denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, then the
dimensions of -ì í h are
a) Angle b) Length c) Mass d) Time
161. If the time period B;G of vibration of a liquid drop depends on surface tension B´G, radius BvG of the drop
and density BqG of the liquid, then the expression of ; is
d) None of these
a) ; = FÔqv " /´ b) ; = F¬q4/ v " /´ c) ; = F¬qv " /´ 4/
162. The dimensional formula of self-inductance is
a) [MLT ! ] b) [ML T !4 A! ] c) [ML T ! A! ] d) [ML T ! A!4]
163. Two quantities A and B have different dimensions. Which mathematical operation given below is
physically meaningful
a) l/r b) l + r c) l − r d) None
164. Size of universe is about
a) Ten million light years b) Million light years
c) Hundred million light years d) 10 million light years
165. The dimension of 4 is that of
Ôј î˜
a) Velocity b) Time c) Capacitance d) Distance
166. If ’ = l × r and ∆’ and ∆l and ∆r are maximum absolute errors in ’, l and r respectively, then the
maximum relative error in ’ is given by
∆’ ∆l ∆r ∆’ ∆l ∆r
a) ∆’ = ∆l + ∆r b) ∆’ = ∆l − ∆r c) = − d) = +
’ l r ’ l r
167. The fundamental physical quantities that have same dimensions in the dimensional formulae of torque

P a g e | 10
and angular momentum are
a) Mass, time b) Time, length c) Mass, length d) Time, mole
168. In an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument. 29 divisions of the main
scale exactly coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is
half-a-degree B= 0.5°G, then the least count of the instrument is
a) One minute b) Half minute c) One degree d) Half degree
169. What is the SI unit of permeability
a) ³O_v« per ?ODvO b) Tesla ?ODvO per H?§OvO
c) ÐOIOv per H?§OvO ?ODvO d) All the above units are correct
170. If : denotes the inductance of an inductor through which a current £ is flowing, the dimensions of :£ are
a) 9: ; ! b) Not expressible in 9:;
c) 9:; ! d) 9 : ; !
171. If j denotes the potential difference across the plates of a capacitor of capacitance ‡, the dimensions of
‡j are
a) Not expressible in 9:; b) 9:; !
c) 9 :; !4 d) 9: ; !
172. ´ = lB1 − O !tÖÞ G, where ´ is speed and A is displacement. The unit of r is
a) ?!4 ^ !4 b) ?! ^ c) ^ ! d) ^ !4
173. The quantity ’ = ј ‹g : Å2 is the permittivity of free space, : is length, j is potential difference and D is time.
The dimensions of ’ are same as that of
a) Resistance b) Charge c) Voltage d) Current
174. *O™DŽ_/?ODvO is the unit of
a) Energy b) Momentum c) Force d) Pressure
175. Dimensions of resistance in an electrical circuit, in terms of dimension of mass 9, of length :, of time ; and
current ², would be
a) [ML T !" I!4 ] b) [ML T ! ] c) [ML T !4 I!4 ] d) [ML T !" I! ]
176. The density of a material in CGS system of units is 4X/K?" , In a system of units which unit of length is
10 K? and unit of mass is 100 X , the value of density of material will be
a) 400 b) 0.04 c) 0.4 d) 40
177. The value of Planck’s constant is
a) 6.63 × 10!" •-^OK b) 6.63 × 10" •-^OK c) 6.63 × 10!" FX-? d) 6.63 × 10" FX-^OK
178. Which relation is wrong
a) 1 KHxŽv£O = 4.18 ¦Ž•xO b) 1 Å = 10!42 ?
c) 1 9Oj = 1.6 × 10 ¦Ž•xO d) 1 _O™DŽ_ = 10!> M«_O
179. A plate has a length B5 ± 0.1G cm and breadth B2 ± 0.01G cm. Then the area of the plate is
a) B10 ± 0.2G cm b) B10 ± 0.01G cm c) B10 ± 0.001G cm d) B10 ± 1G cm
180. Given ’ = B8ℎ/K " G4/ , where 8, ℎ and K are gravitational constant, Planck’s constant and the velocity of
light respectively. Dimensions of ’ are the same as those of
a) Mass b) Time c) Length d) Acceleration
181. The dimensions of farad are
a) 9!4 :! ; ‘ b) 9!4 :! ;‘ c) 9!4 :! ; ! ‘ d) 9!4 :! ;‘
182. Number of particles is given by _ = −â ðh !ðá crossing a unit area perpendicular to ’-axis in unit time,
Ö !Ö
h á
where _4 and _ are number of particles per unit volume for the value of A meant to A and A4 . Find
dimensions of â called as diffusion constant
a) 92 :; b) 92 : ; ! c) 92 :; !" d) 92 : ; !4
183. If the unit of force is 1 kN, the length is 1 km and time is 100 s, what will be the unit of mass?
a) 1 kg b) 100 kg c) 1000 kg d) 10000 kg
184. One femtometre is equivalent to
a) 104> m b) 10!4> m c) 10!4 m d) 104 m
P a g e | 11
185. Parsec is a unit of
a) Distance b) Velocity c) Time d) Angle
186. Length cannot be measured by
a) 'Ov?£ b) âOI«O c) 9£KvŽ_ d) :£XℎD «OHv
187. A vernier callipers has 1 ?? marks on the main scale. It has 20 equal divisions on the Vernier scale which
match with 16 main scale divisions. For this Vernier callipers , the least count is
a) 0.02 ?? b) 0.05 ?? c) 0.1 ?? d) 0.2 ??
188. If the value of the resistance is 10.845Ω and the value of the current is 3.23 A, then the potential difference
is 35.02935 V. its value in correct significant figures would be
a) 35 V b) 35.0 V c) 35.03 V d) 35.029 V
189. A student performs an experiment to determine the Young’s modulus of a wire, exactly 2 m long, by
Searle’s method. In a particular reading, the student measures the extension in the length of the wire to be
0.8 mm with an uncertainty of ± 0.05 mm at a load of exactly 1.0 kg. The student also measures the
diameter of the wire to be 0.4mm with an uncertainty of ± 0.01 mm. Take g = 9.8 ms! BexactG. The
Young’s modulus obtained from the reading is
44 !
a) B2.0 ± 0.3G × 1044 Nm! b) B2.0 ± 0.2G × 10 Nm
44 ! 44 !
c) B2.0 ± 0.1G × 10 Nm d) B2.0 ± 0.05G × 10 Nm
190. If the speed of light BKG, acceleration due to gravity BXG and pressure B§G are taken as the fundamental
quantities, then the dimension of gravitational constant is
a) K X2 §! b) K 2 X §!4 c) KX" §! d) K !4 X2 §!4
191. A wire has a mass 0.3 ± 0.003 g, radius 0.5 ± 0.005 mm and length 6 ± 0.06 cm. The maximum
percentage error in the measurement of its density is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
192. Which of the following sets have different dimensions?
a) Pressure, Young’s modulus, Stress b) Emf, Potential difference, Electric potential
c) Heat, Work done, Energy d) Dipole moment, Electric flux, Electric field
193. In an experiment, we measure quantities H, I and K. Then A is calculated from the formula A = f“h . The
percentage errors in H, I, K are ±1%, ±3%, and ±2% respectively. The percentage error in A can be
a) ±1% b) ±4% c) 7% d) ±13%
194. Which of the following is/are the units of strength of magnetic field at a point?
a) NA m!4 b) NA m c) NA!4 m!4 d) NA! m!
195. Given, potential difference j=B8 ± 0.5G volt and current ² = B2 ± 0.2GA. The value of resistance k is
a) 4 ± 16.25% b) 4 ± 6.25% c) 4 ± 10% d) 4 ± 8%
196. The modulus of elasticity is dimensionally equivalent to
a) Strain b) Force
c) Stress d) Coefficient of viscosity
197. The dimensions of are

[here, k =electric resistance, : =self inductance]
a) [T ! ] b) [T !4] c) [ML!4] d) [T]
198. According to Newton, the viscous force acting between liquid layers of area l and velocity gradient ∆p/∆Á
is given by ' = −±l ñÖ where ± is constant called coefficient of viscosity. The dimensions of ± are
a) [9: ; ! ] b) [9:!4 ; !4 ] c) [9:! ; ! ] d) [92 :2 ; 2 ]
199. Surface tension has the same dimensions as that of
a) Coefficient of viscosity b) Impulse
c) Momentum d) Spring constant
200. Density of wood is 0.5 Xm/KK in the CGS system of units. The corresponding value in MKS units is
a) 500 b) 5 c) 0.5 d) 5000
201. In an experiment, to measure the height of a bridge by dropping stone into water underneath, if the error
P a g e | 12
in measurement of time is 0.1^ at the end of 2^, then the error in estimation of height of bridge will be
a) 0.49 ? b) 0.98 ? c) 1.96 ? d) 2.12 ?
202. The dimension of F in the equation Ð = 4 FA is
a) [ML2 T ! ] b) [M 2 LT !4 ] c) [MLT ! ] d) [ML2 T !4 ]
203. A body of mass ? = 3.513 kg is moving along the A −axis with a speed of 5.00 ms!4 . The magnitude of its
momentum is recorded as
!4 !4 !4
a) 17.6 kg ms!4 b) 17.565 kg ms c) 17.56 kg ms d) 17.57 kg ms
204. The dimensional formula for the modulus of rigidity is
a) 9: ; ! b) 9:!4 ; !" c) 9:! ; ! d) 9:!4 ; !
205. The unit of physical quantity obtained by the line intergral of electric field is
a) NC !4 b) Vm!4 c) JC !4 d) C N!4 m!
206. The dimensions of gravitational constant 8 and the moment of inertia are respectively
a) [ML" T ! ]; [ML T 2 ] b) [M !4 L" T ! ]; [ML T 2 ] c) [M !4 L" T ! ]; [M !4 L T] d) [ML" T ! ]; [M !4 L T]
207. Unit of stress is
a) */? b) * − ? c) */? d) * − ?
208. Crane is British unit of volume Bone crane = 170.4742G. convert crane into SI units.
a) 0.170474 m" b) 17.0474m" c) 0.00170474m" d) 1704.74m"
209. SI unit of intensity of wave is
a) Jm! s !4 b) Jm!4 s ! c) W m! d) J m!
210. If ' denotes force and D time, then in equation ' = HD + ID , the dimensions of H and I respectively are
a) [LT ! ] and [LT !4 ] b) [LT !4 ] and [LT ! ] c) [MLT ! ] and [MLT !4 ] d) [MLT !4 ] and [MLT ! ]
211. If the constant of gravitation B8G, Plank’s constant BℎG and the velocity of light BKG be chosen as
fundamental units. The dimension of the radius of gyration is
a) ℎ4/ K !"/ 8 4/ b) ℎ4/ K "/ 8 4/ c) ℎ4/ K !"/ 8 !4/ d) ℎ!4/ K !"/ 8 4/
212. The mass and volume of a body are found to be 500 ± 0.05 FX and 1.00 ± 0.05?" respectively. Then the
maximum possible percentage error in its density is
a) 6% b) 3% c) 10% d) 5%
213. The unit of Stefan’s constant ó is
a) Ð ?! Í !4 b) Ð ? Í ! c) Ð ?! Í ! d) Ð ?! Í
214. In the equation « = H sin BÃD + FA,G the dimensional formula of à is
a) [M 2 L2 T !4 ] b) [M 2 LT !4 ] c) [ML2 T 2 ] d) [M 2 L!4 T 2 ]
215. The following observations were take for determining surface tension of water by capillary tube method.
Diameter of capillary, â = 1.25 × 10! m and rise of water in capillary. ℎ = 1.46 × 10! m
Taking g = 9.80ms ! and using the relation ; = Bvgℎ/2G × 103Nm!4, what is the possible error in surface
a) 2.4% b) 15% c) 1.6% d) 0.15%
216. k and : represent respectively resistance and self inductance, which of the following combinations has
the dimensions of frequency
k : k :
a) b) c) Õ d) Õ
: k : k
217. The random error in the arithmetic mean of 100 observations is A; then random error in the arithmetic
mean of 4000 observations would be
1 1
a) 4A b) A c) 2A d) A
4 2
218. Which of the following is dimensionally correct
a) Pressure = Energy per unit area
b) Pressure = Energy per unit volume
c) Pressure = Force per unit volume
d) Pressure = Momentum per unit volume per unit time
P a g e | 13
219. k, : and ‡ represent the physical quantities resistance, inductance and capacitance respectively. Which
one of the following combination has dimension of frequency?
1 k 1 ‡
a) b) c) d)
√k‡ : :‡ :
220. If the length of a rectangle x = 10.5 cm, breadth I = 2.1 cm and minimum possible measurement by scale
= 0.1 cm, then the area is
a) 22.0 cm b) 22.1 cm c) 22.05 cm d) 22 cm
221. When a wave traverses a medium, the displacement of a particle located at A at a time D is given by « =
H sinBID − KAG, where H, I and K are constants of the wave. Which of the following is a quantity with
« I
a) b) ID c) KA d)
222. Identify the pair whose dimensions are equal
a) Torque and work b) Stress and energy c) Force and stress d) Force and work
223. The equation de + i. Bj − IG = constant. The unit of H is
a) â«_O × K? > b) â«_O × K? c) â«_O × K?" d) â«_O × K?
224. If :, ‡ and k represent inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, then which of the following
does not represent dimensions of frequency
1 k 1 ‡
a) b) c) d)
k‡ : √:‡ :
225. If the units of mass, length and time are doubled, unit of angular momentum will be
a) Doubled b) Tripled
c) Quadrupled d) 8 times the original value
226. The length of a simple pendulum is about 100 cm known to an accuracy of 1 mm. Its period of oscillation
is 2s determined by measuring the time for 100 oscillations using a clock of 0.1 s resolution. What is the
accuracy in the determined value of g?
a) 0.2% b) 0.5% c) 0.1% d) 2%
227. Temperature can be expressed as a derived quantity in terms of any of the following
a) Length and mass b) Mass and time
c) Length, mass and time d) None of these
228. A small steel ball of radius v is allowed to fall under gravity through a column of a viscous liquid of
coefficient of viscosity ±. After some time the velocity of the ball attains a constant value known as
terminal velocity Ü® . The terminal velocity depends on BiG the mass of the ball ?, BiiG ± , BiiiG v and BivG
acceleration due to gravity X. Which of the following relations is dimensionally correct
?X ±v ?Xv
a) Ü® ∝ b) Ü® ∝ c) Ü® ∝ ±v?X d) Ü® ∝
±v ?X ±
229. The measured mass and volume of a body are 23.42 g and 4.9 cm respectively with possible error 0.01 g
and 0.1 cm". The maximum error in density is nearly
a) 0.2% b) 2% c) 5% d) 10%
230. A physical quantity l is related to four observations H, I, K and M as follows, l = fh “› . The percentage
error of measurement in H, I, K and M are 1%, 3%, 2% and 2% respectively. What is the percentage error in
the quantity l
a) 12% b) 7% c) 5% d) 14%
231. The unit of Wien’s constant I is
a) Wm! K ! b) m!4 K !4 c) Wm d) MK
232. Young’s modulus of a material has the same units as
a) Pressure b) Strain c) Compressibility d) Force
233. Which of the following physical quantities has neither dimensions nor unit?
a) Angle b) Luminous intensity

P a g e | 14
c) Coefficient of friction d) Current
234. In the relation « = H cosBÃD − FAG, the dimensional formula for F is
a) [92 :!4 ; !4 ] b) [92 :; !4 ] c) [92 :!4 ; 2 ] d) [92 :;]
235. The dimensional formula for the magnetic field is
a) [MT ! A!4 ] b) [ML T !4 A! ] c) [MT ! A! ] d) [MT !4 A! ]
236. â«_O/K? is not a unit of
a) Pressure b) Stress c) Strain d) Young’s modulus
237. One side of a cubical block is measured with the help of a vernier callipers of vernier constant 0.01 cm.
This side comes out to be 1.23 cm. What is the percentage error in the measurement of area?
1.23 0.01 0.01 0.01
a) × 100 b) × 100 c) 2 × × 100 d) 3 × × 100
0.01 1.23 1.23 1.23
238. l?§OvO − ℎŽ•v is a unit of
a) Quantity of electricity b) Strength of electric current
c) Power d) Energy
239. The velocity p Bin K?/^OKG of a particle is given in terms of time DBin ^OKG by the relation p = HD + “ ; the
dimensions of H, I and K are
a) H = : , I = ;, K = :; b) H = :; , I = :;, K = :
c) H = :; , I = :, K = ; d) H = :, I = :;, K = ;
240. The potential energy of a particle varies with distance A from a fixed origin as É = ds√õi ; where l and r
are constants. The dimensions of lr are
a) ×ML>/ T ! Ø b) [ML T ! ] c) ×M "/ L"/ T ! Ø d) ×MLç/ T ! Ø
241. The dimensions of f f ! Þh
in the equation § = where § is pressure, A is distance and D is time, are
“ “Ö
a) [M LT !" ] b) [MT ! ] c) [LT !" ] d) [ML" T !4 ]
242. The focal length of a mirror is 4 4 4
given by ö = +
÷ ò
where • and p represent object and image distances
respectively. The maximum relative error in o is
∆o ∆• ∆p ∆o 1 1
a) = + b) = +
o • p o ∆•/• ∆p/p
∆o ∆• ∆p ∆B• + pG ∆o ∆• ∆p ∆• ∆p
c) = + − d) = + + +
o • p •+p o • p •+p •+p
243. Which of the following relation is wrong
a) 1 ampere × 1 ohm = 1 volt b) 1 watt × 1 sec = 1 joule
c) 1 × newton per coulomb = 1 volt per meter d) 1 coulomb × 1 volt = 1 watt
244. The unit of self inductance of a coil is
a) 'HvHM b) ³O_v« c) ÐOIOv d) ;O^xH
245. Out of the following four dimensional quantities, which one qualifies to be called a dimensional constant?
a) Acceleration due to gravity b) Surface tension of water
c) Weight of a standard kilogram mass d) The velocity of light in vacuum
246. The radius of the proton is about 10 m. The radius of the observable universe is 10 –m. identify the

distance which is half-way between these two extremes on a logarithmic scale.

a) 10 4m b) 10– m c) 10!–m d) 102 m
247. The position of a particle at time D is given by the equation ABDG = B1 − O sÞ G, p2 = constant and l > 0.
Dimensions of p2 and l respectively are
a) [M 2 LT 2 ] and [M 2 L2 T !4 ] b) [M 2 LT !4 ] and [M 2 LT ! ]
c) [M 2 LT !4 ] and [M 2 L2 T] d) [M 2 LT !4 ] and [M 2 L2 T !4 ]
248. One nanometre is equal to
a) 10Ï ?? b) 10!– K? c) 10!ç K? d) 10!Ï K?
249. [ML T !" A! ] is the dimensional formula of
a) Electric resistance b) Capacity c) Electric potential d) Specific resistance

P a g e | 15
250. The dimensions of Planck’s constant are
a) [M L T ! ] b) [MLT ! ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [ML T !4 ]
251. If the length of rod l is 3.25 ± 0.01 K? and that of r is 4.19 ± 0.01 K? then the rod r is longer than rod l
a) 0.94 ± 0.00 K? b) 0.94 ± 0.01 K? c) 0.94 ± 0.02 K? d) 0.94 ± 0.005 K?
252. The dimensions of O /4πε2 ℎK, where O, ε2 , ℎ and K are electronic charge, electric permittivity, Planck’s
constant and velocity of light in vacuum respectively, are
a) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] b) [ML2 T 2 ] c) [M 2 LT 2 ] d) [M 2 L2 T4 ]
253. The length, breadth and thickness of a block are given by x = 12K?, I = 6 K? and D = 2.45K?
The volume of block according to the idea of significant figures should be
a) 1 × 10 K?" b) 2 × 10 K?" c) 1.763 × 10 K?" d) None of tehse
254. A physical quantity l is related to four observables H, I, K and M as follows
H I"
The percentage errors of measurement in H, I, K and M are 1%, 3%, 2% and 2% respectively. What is the
percentage error in the quantity l?
a) 12% b) 7% c) 5% d) 14%
255. Ampere-hour is the unit of
a) Quantity of charge b) Potential c) Energy d) Current
256. The dimensions of 1/2 Å¡ are same as
a) Energy density Benergy per unit volumeG b) Energy
c) Power d) None of the above
257. The velocity of a particle BpG at an instant D is given by p = HD + ID the dimension of I is
a) : b) :; !4 c) :; ! 2 d) :; !"
258. Wavelength of ray of light is 0.00006 ?. It is equal to
a) 6 ?£KvŽ_ b) 60 ?£KvŽ_ c) 600 ?£KvŽ_ d) 0.6 ?£KvŽ_
259. The unit of surface tension in SI system is
a) â«_O/K? b) *O™DŽ_ /? c) â«_O/K? d) *O™DŽ_/?
260. Dimensions of 4
, where symbols have their usual meaning, are
î˜ ù˜
a) [x; ] b) [:!4 ;] c) [:! ; ] d) [: ; ! ]
261. Dimensional formula for force is
a) [ML T ! ] b) [MLT ! ] c) [ML!4 T! ] d) [ML T ! ]
262. [ML! T! ] represents dimensional formula of which of the following physical quantities?
a) Energy b) pressure c) Torque d) Pressure gradient
263. The velocity of water waves Ü may depend upon their wavelength ú, the density of water q and the
acceleration due to gravity X. The method of dimensions gives the relation between these quantities as
a) Ü ∝ úX!4 q!4 b) Ü ∝ Xúq c) Ü ∝ Xú d) Ü ∝ X!4 ú!"
264. A gas bubble from an explosion under water oscillates with a time period ;, depends upon static pressure
§, density of water q and the total energy of explosion ¡. Find the expression for the time period ;.Bwhere,
F is a dimensionless constantG
a) ; = F§!>/– q4/ ¡4/" b) ; = F§! /ç q4/ ¡4/" c) ; = F§!>/– q4/ ¡4/ d) ; = F§! /ç q4/" ¡4/
265. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum in the experiment is recorded as 2.63 s, 2.56 s, 2.42 s, 2.71 s
and 2.80 s respectively. The average absolute error is
a) 0.1 s b) 0.11 s c) 0.01 s d) 1.0 s
266. In an experiment, the following observation’s were recorded: : = 2.820 ?, 9 = 3.00 FX, x =
0.087 K?, diameter â = 0.041 K?. Taking X = 9.81 ?/^ using the formula,
ž= åû h |
, the maximum permissible error in ž is
a) 7.96% b) 4.56% c) 6.50% d) 8.42%
267. •Ž•xO-^OKŽ_M is the unit of

P a g e | 16
a) Work b) Momentum c) Pressure d) Angular momentum
268. If ‡ and : denote capacitance and inductance respectively, then the dimensions of :‡ are
a) 92 :2 ; 2 b) 92 :2 ; c) 9 :2 ; d) 9:;
269. The dimensional formula of the ratio of angular to linear momentum is
a) [M 2 LT 2 ] b) [MLT] c) [ML T !4 ] d) [M !4 L!4 T !4 ]
270. The dimensions of O /4üÅ2 ℎK, where O, Å2 , ℎ and K are electronic charge, electric permittivity, Planck’s
constant and velocity of light in vacuum respectively
a) [92 :2 ; 2 ] b) [94 :2 ; 2 ] c) [92 :4 ; 2 ] d) [92 :2 ;4 ]
271. Which one of the following is not a unit of young’s modulus
a) *?!4 b) *?! c) â«_O K?! d) Mega Pascal
272. The length, breadth and thickness of a metal block is given by x = 90 cm, I = 8 cm, D = 2.45 cm. The
volume of the block is
a) 2 × 10 cm" b) 1.8 × 10 cm" c) 1.77 × 10 cm" d) 1.764 × 10 cm"
273. The velocity of a freely falling body changes as Xý ℎà where X is acceleration due to gravity and ℎ is the
height. The values of § and è are
1 1 1 1 d) 1, 1
a) 1, b) , c) , 1
2 2 2 2
274. Which physical quantities have same dimensions
a) Force and power b) Torque and energy c) Torque and power d) Force and torque
275. Electron pŽxD is a unit of
a) Charge b) Potential difference c) Momentum d) Energy
- ð
276. Position of a body with acceleration H is given by A = FH D . Here D is time. Find the dimensions of
? and _.
a) ? = 1, _ = 1 b) ? = 1, _ = 2 c) ? = 2, _ = 1 d) ? = 2, _ = 2
277. The dimensions of universal gas constant is
a) [9: ; ! þ !4 ] b) [9 :; ! þ] c) [9:" ; !4 þ !4 ] d) None of these
278. Which of the following is the unit of specific heat?
a) Jkg °C !4 b) Jkg !4 °C!4 c) kg °CJ !4 d) J/kg !4 °C !
279. The dimensions of inter atomic force constant are
a) 9; ! b) 9:; !4 c) 9:; ! d) 9:!4 ; !4
280. Which physical quantities have the same dimension
a) Couple of force and work b) Force and power
c) Latent heat and specific heat d) Work and power
281. What is the power of a 100 W bulb in CGS units?
a) 10– ergs!4 b) 10ç ergs!4 c) 10Ï ergs!4 d) 1044 ergs !4
282. The number of particles given by _ = −â ðh !ðá are crossing a unit area perpendicular to A-axis in unit
h Ö !Ö
time, where _4 and _ are the number of particles per unit volume for the values A4 and A of A
respectively. Then the dimensional formula of diffusion constant â is
a) [M 2 LT 2 ] b) [M 2 L T ! ] c) [M 2 LT !"] d) [M 2 L T !4]
283. If ‡ the restoring couple per unit radian twist and ² is the moment of inertia, then the dimensional
representation of 2π¬ß will be
a) [M 2 L2 T !4 ] b) [M 2 L2 T ] c) [M 2 L T !4 ] d) [M L T ! ]
284. The dimensions of electric potential are
a) [ML T ! Q!4 ] b) [MLT ! Q!4 ] c) [ML T !4 Q] d) [ML T ! Q]
285. Dimension of k is
a) 9: ; !4 b) 9: ; !" l! c) 9:!4 ; ! d) None of these
286. What is dimensional formula of thermal conductivity?
a) [MLT !4 θ!4 ] b) [MLT !" θ!4 ] c) [M LT !" θ! ] d) [ML T ! θ]
287. The temperature of a body on Kelvin scale is found to be X K. When it is measured by a Fahrenheit

P a g e | 17
thermometer, it is found to be ’ 2 '. Then ’ is
a) 301.25 b) 574.25 c) 313 d) 40
288. Which of the following is the smallest unit
a) 9£xx£?ODvO b) l_X^DvŽ? c) 'Ov?£ d) 9ODvO
289. Which one of the following does not have the same dimensions
a) Work and energy b) Angle and strain
c) Relative density and refractive index d) Planck constant and energy
290. The physical quantity which is not a unit of energy is
a) Volt-coulomb b) MeV-sec c) Henry BampereG d) Farad-BvoltG
291. The dimensions of permittivity Å2 are
a) l ; 9!4 :!" b) l ; 9!4 :!" c) l! ; ! 9:" d) l ; ! 9!4 :!"
292. The values of two resistors are k4 = B6 ± 0.3G kΩ and k = B10 ± 0.2GkΩ. The percentage error in the
equivalent resistance when they are connected in parallel is
a) 5.125% b) 2% c) 3.125% d) 10.125%
293. The dimensional formula of magnetic induction r is
a) [M 2 ALT 2 ] b) [M 2 AL!4 T 2] c) [M 2 AL T 2 ] d) [ML T ! A!4]
294. The value of universal gas constant is k = 8.3 J/K-mol. The value of k in atmosphere litre per Kelvin mol
a) 8.12 b) 0.00812 c) 81.2 d) 0.0812
295. A physical quantity is measured and its value is found to be _• where _ = numerical value and • = unit.
Then which of the following relations is true
a) _ ∝ • b) _ ∝ • c) _ ∝ √• d) _ ∝

296. SI unit of permittivity is
a) C m N b) C m! N!4 c) C m N !4 d) C !4 m N!
297. The work done by a battery is Ð = Å∆è, where ∆è change transferred by battery, Å =emf of the battery.
What are dimensions of emf of battery?
a) [M 2 L2 T ! A! ] b) [ML T !" A! ] c) [M L2 T !" A2 ] d) [ML T !" A!4 ]
298. If A = H − I, then the maximum percentage error in the measurement of A will be
∆H + ∆I ∆H ∆I
a) ` a × 100% b) ` − a × 100%
∆H ∆I ∆H ∆I
c) ` + a × 100% d) ` − a × 100%
299. The unit of potential energy is
a) XBK?/ sec G b) XBK?/secG c) XBK? /secG d) XBK?/secG
300. The physical quantity having the dimensions [M L A ] is!"

a) Resistance b) Resistivity
c) Electrical conductivity d) Electromotive force
301. Dimensions of bulk modulus are
a) [M !4 LT ! ] b) [ML!4 T! ] c) [ML! T! ] d) [M L T !4 ]
302. Resistance of a given wire is obtained by measuring the current flowing in it and the voltage difference
applied across it. If the percentage errors in the measurement of the current and the voltage difference are
3% each, then error in the value of resistance of the wire is
a) 6% b) Zero c) 1% d) 3%
303. ‘Torr’ is the unit of
a) Pressure b) Volume c) Density d) Flux
304. The SI unit of length is the metre. Suppose we adopt a new unit of length which equal A metre. The area of
1 m expressed in terms of the new unit has a magnitude
a) A b) A c) A !4 d) A !
305. The velocity of a particle p at an instant D is given by p = HD + ID the dimension of I is
a) [L] b) [LT !4 ] c) [LT ! ] d) [LT !" ]
306. The dimensions of electric potential are

P a g e | 18
a) [9: ; ! ‘!4 ] b) [9:; ! ‘ !4 ] c) [9: ; !4 ‘] d) [9: ; ! ‘]
307. If the radius of the sphere is B5.3 ± 0.1GK?. Then percentage error in its volume will be
100 3 × 0.01
3 + 6.01 × 1 100 0.1
a) 5.3 b) × 0.01 × c) Û 5.3 Ý × 100 d) × 100
3 5.3 5.3
308. If the velocity pBis cms!4 G of a particle is given in terms of D Bin secondG by the relation p = HD + “
then, the dimensions of H, I and K are
a) [L] [LT] [T ] b) [L ] [T] [LT ! ] c) [LT ] [LT] [L] d) [LT ! ] [L] [T]
309. Ó
is the dimension of
a) Velocity b) Momentum c) Energy d) Angular momentum
310. If ¡ = energy, 8 = gravitational constant, ² = impulse and 9 = mass, then dimensions of íëãh are same as
h ê
that of
a) Time b) Mass c) Length d) Force
311. A public park, in the form of a square, has an area of B100 ± 0.2Gm . The side of park is
a) B10 ± 0.01Gm b) B10 ± 0.1Gm c) B10.0 ± 0.1Gm d) B10.0 ± 0.2Gm
312. Ins is defined as
a) 10!Ï s of Kr − clock of 1650763.73 oscillations
b) 10!Ï s of Kr − clock of 6521389.63 oscillations
c) 10!Ï s of Cs − clock of 1650763.73 oscillations
d) 10!Ï s of Cs − clock of 9192631770 oscillations
313. If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by 9f :“ ; ” , then the physical quantity will be
a) Pressure if H = 1, I = −1, K = −2 b) Velocity if H = 1, I = 0, K = −1
c) Acceleration if H = 1, I = 1, K = −2 d) Force if H = 0, I = −1, K = −2
314. The relative density of material of a body is found by weighing it first in air and then in water. If the weight
in air is B5.00 ± 0.05G _O™DŽ_ and weight in water is B4.00 ± 0.05G _O™DŽ_ .Then the relative density
along with the maximum permissible percentage error is
a) 5.0 ± 11% b) 5.0 ± 1% c) 5.0 ± 6% d) 1.25 ± 5%
315. Identify the pair which has different dimensions
a) Planck’s constant and angular momentum b) Impulse and linear momentum
c) Angular momentum and frequency d) Pressure and Young’s modulus
316. In which of the following system of units, ™OIOv is the unit of magnetic flux
a) CGS b) MKS c) SI d) None of these
f {
317. The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as de + i = . Where e is the pressure, j the
gh g
volume, þ the absolute temperature and H and I are constants. The dimensional formula of H is
a) [9:> ; ! ] b) [9!4 :> ; ! ] c) [9:!4 ; ! ] d) [9:!> ; ! ]
318. If ¡, 9, : and 8 denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, then the
quantity B¡: /9> 8 G has the dimensions of
a) Angle b) Length c) Mass d) Time
4 !"
319. The physical quantity which has the dimensional formula [M T ] is
a) Surface tension b) Density c) Solar constant d) Compressibility
320. The percentage errors in the measurement of a mass and speed are 2% and 3% respectively. How much
will be the maximum error in the estimate of kinetic energy obtained by measuring mass and speed?
a) 11% b) 8% c) 5% d) 1%
321. What is the area of a disc of radius 1.1 cm?
a) 3.8028571 cm b) 3.8029 cm c) 3.803 cm d) 3.8 cm
!4 !" "
322. The physical quantity having the dimensions [9 : ; l ] is
a) Resistance b) Resistivity
c) Electrical conductivity d) Electromotive force
P a g e | 19
323. Dimensions of magnetic field intensity is
a) [92 :!4 ; 2 l4 ] b) [9:; !4 l!4 ] c) [9:2 ; ! l!4 ] d) [9:; ! l]
324. A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism
Main scale reading : 58.5 degree
Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions
Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30
and match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the prism from the above data
a) 58.59 âOXvOO b) 58.77 âOXvOO c) 58.65 âOXvOO d) 59 âOXvOO
325. Find the dimensions of electric permittivity
a) [A M !4 L!" T ] b) [A M !4 L!" T 2 ] c) [AM !4 L!" T ] d) [A M 2 L!" T ]
326. The radius of the sphere I B4.3 ± 0.1Gcm. The percentage error in its volume is
0.1 0.1 × 100 1 0.1 × 100 0.1 × 100
a) × 100 b) 3 × c) × d) 3 +
4.3 4.3 3 4.3 4.3
327. The dimensions of a rectangular block measured with calipers having least count of 0.01 cm are 5 mm ×
10 mm × 5 mm. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of the volume of the block is
a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20%
328. In a new system of units, unit o mass is 10 kg, unit of length is 1 km and unit of time is 1 min. The value of
1 joule in this new hypothertical system is
a) 3.6 × 10! new units b) 6× 10ç new units c) 1044 new units d) 1.67× 10 new units
329. The wavelength associated with a moving particle depends upon power § of its mass ?, èth power of its
velocity p and vth power of planck’s constant ℎ. Then the correct set of values of §, è and v is
a) § = 1, è = −1, v = 1 b) § = 1, è = 1, v = 1
c) § = −1, è = −1, v = −1 d) § = −1, è = −1, v = 1
330. The circular scale of a screw gauge has 50 divisions and pitch of 0.5 mm. Find the diameter of sphere. Main
scale reading is 2.

a) 1.2 b) 1.25 c) 2.20 d) 2.25

331. The length of a cylinder is measured with a meter rod having least count 0.1 K?.
Its diameter is measured with vernier callipers having least count 0.01 K?. Given that length is 5.0 K?. and
radius is 2.0 K?. The percentage error in the calculated value of the volume will be
a) 1% b) 2% c) 3% d) 4%
332. The energy B¡G, andgular momentum B:G and universal gravitational constant B8G are chosen as
fundamental quantities. The dimensions of universal gravitational constant in the dimensional formula of
Planck’s constant BℎG is
a) Zero b) -1 5 d) 1
333. Density of liquid in CGS system is 0.625 g cm!" . What is its magnitude in SI system?
a) 0.625 b) 0.0625 c) 0.00625 d) 625
334. Which of the following is dimensionless?
p p g pg
a) b) c) d) p vg
vg v v
335. The unit of magnetic moment is

P a g e | 20
a) TJ !4 b) JT !4 c) Am! d) Am!4
336. The unit of reduction factor of tangent galvanometer is
a) l?§OvO b) 8H•^^ c) kHM£H_ d) None of these
337. If pressure e, velocity j and time ; are taken as fundamental physical quantities, the dimensional formula
of force is
a) ej ; b) e!4 j ; ! c) ej; d) e!4 j;
338. Which of the following quantity is expressed as force per unit area
a) Work b) Pressure c) Volume d) Area
339. Which of the following cannot be regarded as an essential characteristic of a unit of measurement?
a) Inaccessibility b) Indenstructibility
c) Invariability d) Reproductibility
340. If the unit of length and force be increased four times, then the unit of energy is
a) Increased 4 times b) Increased 8 times c) Increased 16 times d) Decreased 16 times
341. The dimensional formula of magnetic flux is
a) [MLT ! A!4 ] b) [ML T !4 A!4 ] c) [ML T !4 A! ] d) [ML T ! A!4 ]
342. Which one of the following is not a fundamental SI unit?
a) Ampere b) Candela c) Newton d) Kelvin
343. The dimensional formula for areal velocity is
a) [M 2 L! T] b) [M 2 L! T !4 ] c) [M 2 L T !4 ] d) [M 2 L T]
344. What are the units of Í = 1/4üÅ2
a) ‡ * !4 ?! b) *? ‡ ! c) *? ‡ d) Unitless
345. The dimensions of potential are the same as that of
a) Work b) Electric field per unit charge
c) Work per unit charge d) Force per unit charge
346. The unit of :/k is Bwhere : =inductance and k = ResistanceG
a) ´OK b) ´OK !4 c) jŽxD d) l?§OvO
347. The unit of specific resistance is
a) ℎ?/K? b) ℎ?/K? c) ℎ? − K? d) B ℎ? − K?G!4
348. Frequency is the function of density BqG , length BHG and surface tension B;G. Then its value is
a) Fq4/ H"/ /√; b) Fq"/ H"/ /√; c) Fq4/ H"/ /; "/ d) None of these
349. The units of modulus rigidity are
a) * − ? b) */? c) * − ? d) */?
350. A screw gauge gives the following reading when used to measure the diameter of a wire.
Main scale reading : 0 mm
Circular scale reading : 52 divisions
Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to
100 divisions of the circular scale.
The diameter of wire from the above data is
a) 0.052 cm b) 0.026 cm c) 0.005 cm d) 0.52 cm
351. The unit of the coefficient of viscosity in S.I. system is
a) ?/FX − ^ b) ? − ^/FX c) FX/? − ^ d) FX/? − ^
352. A suitable unit for gravitational constant is
a) FX-? sec !4 b) * ?!4 sec c) * ? FX! d) FX ? sec !4
353. The correct value of 0° ‡ on the Kelvin scale is
a) 273.15 Í b) 272.85 Í c) 273 Í d) 273.2 Í
354. The dimensional formula for Boltzmann’s constant is
a) [9: ; ! þ !4 ] b) [9: ; ! ] c) [9:2 ; ! þ !4 ] d) [9:! ; !4 þ !4 ]
355. Energy per unit volume represents
a) Pressure b) Force c) Thrust d) Work
356. Which of the following groups have different dimensions

P a g e | 21
a) Potential difference, EMF, voltage b) Pressure, stress, young’s modulus
c) Heat , energy, work-done d) Dipole moment, electric flux, electric field
357. Farad is not equivalent to
è è •
a) b) èp c) d)
j • j
358. The velocity p of water waves may depend on their wavelength BúG, the density of water BqG and the
acceleration due to gravity BgG. The method of dimensions gives the relation between these quantities as
a) p ∝ ú!4 q!4 b) p ∝ gú c) p ∝ gúq d) g !4 ∝ ú"
359. The dimensional formula for impulse is
a) [MLT !4 ] b) [ML!4 T] c) [M !4 LT !4 ] d) [ML!4 T!4 ]
360. A physical quantity is given by ’ = [M f L“ T ” ]. The percentage error in measurement of 9, : and ; are
S, T and V respectively. Then, the maximum % error in the quantity ’ is
H I K d) None of these
a) HS + IT + KV b) HS + IT − KV c) + +
361. Dimensional formula for the universal gravitational constant 8 is
a) [M !4 L T ! ] b) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] c) [M !4 L" T ! ] d) [M !4 L" T !4 ]
362. Number of base SI unit is
a) 4 b) 7 c) 3 d) 5
363. Dimensional formula of capacitance Bor faradG is
a) 9!4 :! ; l b) 9: ; l! c) 9:; ! l d) 9!4 :! ; ! l!
364. The dimensional formula of angular velocity is
a) 92 :2 ; !4 b) 9:; !4 c) 92 :2 ; 4 d) 9:2 ; !
365. If the length of rod l is B3.25 ± 0.01G cm and that of r is B4.19 ± 0.01G cm, then the rod r is longer than
rod l by
a) B0.94 ± 0.00G cm b) B0.94 ± 0.01G cm c) B0.94 ± 0.02G cm d) B0.94 ± 0.005G cm
366. Electric displacement is given by â = Å¡,
Here, Å =electric permittivity
¡ =electric field strength
The dimensions of electric displacement are
a) [ML! TA] b) [L! T !4 A] c) [L! TA] d) None of these
367. Unit of electric flux is
a) Vm b) Nm/C!4 c) Vm!4 d) CNm!4
368. Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of 1 mm on its main scale. The total
number of divisions on the circular scale is 50. Further, it is found that the screw gauge has a zero error of
-0.03 mm. While measuring the diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main scale reading of 3 mm
and the number of circular scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of the wire is
a) 3.32 mm b) 3.73 mm c) 3.67 mm d) 3.38 mm
369. Dimensions of coefficient of viscosity are
a) 9: ; ! b) 9: ; !4 c) 9:!4 ; !4 d) 9:;
370. Out of the following which pair of quantities do not have same dimensions
a) Planck’s constant and angular momentum b) Work and energy
c) Pressure and Young’s modulus d) Torque and moment of inertia
371. The force ' on the sphere of radius ‘H’ moving in a medium with velocity ′Ü′ is given by ' = 6ü±HÜ. The
dimensions of ± are
a) 9:!4 ; !4 b) 9; !4 c) 9:; ! d) 9:!"
372. If o = A , then the relative error in o is
2∆A B∆AG ∆A
a) b) c) d) B∆AG
373. In the context of accuracy of measurement and significant figures in expressing results of experiment,
which of the following is/are correct
P a g e | 22
B1G Out of the two measurements 50.14 K? and 0.00025 H?§OvO, the first one has greater accuracy
B2G If one travels 478 F? by rail and 397 ? by road, the total distance travelled is 478 F?
a) Only B1G is correct b) Only B2G is correct
c) Both are correct d) None of them is correct
374. Dimensions of kinetic energy are
a) 9: ; ! b) 9 :; !4 c) 9: ; !4 d) 9:" ; !4
375. Given that v = ? sin §D, where D represents time. If the unit of ? is N, then the unit of v is
a) N b) N c) N s d) N s
376. In an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument. 29 divisions of the main
scale exactly coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is
half-a-degree B= 0.5°G then the least count of the instrument is
a) One minute b) Half minute c) One degree d) Half-degree
377. Dimensions of the following three quantities are the same
a) Work, energy, force b) Velocity, momentum, impulse
c) Potential energy, kinetic energy, momentum d) Pressure, stress, coefficient of elasticity
378. Dimension of electric current is
a) [92 :2 ; !4 ‘] b) [9: ; !4 ‘] c) [9 :; !4 ‘] d) [9 : ; !4 ‘]
379. |
The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is given by ; = 2ü¬ä where x is about 100 K? and is
known to have 1?? accuracy. The period is about 2^. The time of 100 oscillations is measured by a stop
watch of least count 0.1 ^ . The percentage error in X is
a) 0.1% b) 1% c) 0.2% d) 0.8%
380. The percentage errors in the measurement of length and time period of a simple pendulum are 1% and 2%
respectively. Then the maximum error in the measurement of acceleration due to gravity is
a) 8% b) 3% c) 4% d) 5%
381. A resistor of 4 kΩ with tolerance 10% is connected in parallel with a resistor of 6 kW with tolerance 100%.
The tolerance of the parallel combination is nearly
a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40%
382. An important milestone in the evolution of the universe just after the Big Bang is the Planck time D , the
value of which depends on three fundamental constants-speed K of light in vacuum, gravitational constant
8 and Planck’s constant ℎ. Then, D ∝
K> 8ℎ 8ℎ 4/
a) 8ℎK > b) c) > d) ` a
8ℎ K K>
383. IF :, ‡ and k denote the inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, the dimensional formula for
‡ :k is
a) [9:! ; !4 ² 2 ] b) [92 :2 ; " ² 2 ] c) [9!4 :! ; – ² ] d) [92 :2 ; ² 2 ]
384. The unit of O. ?. o. is
a) •Ž•xO b) •Ž•xO − KŽ•xŽ?I c) jŽxD − KŽ•xŽ?I d) •Ž•xO/KŽ•xŽ?I
385. Students I, II and III perform an experiment for measuring the acceleration due to gravity BXG using a
simple pendulum. They use different lengths of the pendulum and/or record time for different number of
oscillations. The observations are shown in the table
Least count for length = 0.1 K?
Least count for time = 0.1 ^
Stud Length Number Total Time
ent of of time period
the oscilla for B_G B^G
pend tion oscilla
ulum B_G tions
I 64.0 8 128.0 16.0

P a g e | 23
I 64.0 4 64.0 16.0
III 20.0 4 36.0 9.0
If ¡¢ , ¡¢¢ and ¡¢¢¢ are the percentage errors in X, £. O. , d × 100i for students I, II and III, respectively
a) ¡¢ = 0 b) ¡¢ is minimum c) ¡¢ = ¡¢¢ d) ¡¢¢ is maximum
386. One million electron pŽxD B1 9OjG is equal to
a) 10> Oj b) 10– Oj c) 10 Oj d) 10ç Oj
387. If the units of 9 and : are increased three times, then the unit of energy will be increased by
a) 3 times b) 6 times c) 27 times d) 81 times

388. The velocity of a body is given by the equation p = + KD + MD
The dimensional formula of I is
a) [M 2 LT 2 ] b) [ML2 T 2 ] c) [M 2 L2 T] d) [MLT !4 ]
389. Unit of magnetic moment is
a) l?§OvO − ?ODvO b) l?§OvO – ?ODvO c) ÐOIOv – ?ODvO d) ÐOIOv/?ODvO
390. The resistance k = where j = 100 ± 5 pŽxD^ and £ = 10 ± 0.2 H?§OvO^. What is the total error in k
a) 5% b) 7% c) 5.2% d) %
391. The least count of a stop watch is 0.2 s. The time of 20 oscillations of a pendulum is measured to be 25 s.
The percentage error in the measurement of time will be
a) 8% b) 1.8% c) 0.8% d) 0.1%
392. If ‡ is capacitance and è is charge, then the dimension of è /‡ is same as that of
a) Work b) Angular momentum c) Force d) Torque
393. The dimension of 4 2 ¡ , where 2 is permittivity of free space and ¡ is electric field, is
a) 9:; 4 b) 9: ; ! c) 9:!4 ; ! d) 9: ; !4
394. If :, ‡ and k denote inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, then which of the following
combination has the dimension of time?
‡ 1 : k:
a) b) c) d)
: k‡ k ‡
395. If ¡, ?, • and 8 represent energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, then
the dimensional formula of ¡• /?> 8 is
a) [MLT ! ] b) [M 2 L2 T] c) [M 2 L T 2 ] d) Dimensionless
396. If the error in the measurement of radius of a sphere is 2%, then the error in the determination of volume
of the sphere will be
a) 8% b) 2% c) 4% d) 6%
397. The density of a solid ball is to be determined in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with
a screw gauge, whose pitch is 0.5 ?? and there are 50 divisions on the circular scale. The reading on the
main scale is 2.5 ?? and that on the circular scale is 20 divisions. If the measured mass of the ball has a
relative error of 2%, the relative percentage error in the density is
a) 0.9% b) 2.4% c) 3.1% d) 4.2%
398. If force B'G, length B:G and time B;G are assumed to be the fundamental units, then the dimensional
formula of the mass will be
a) [FL!4 T ] b) [FL!4 T ! ] c) [FL!4 T !4 ] d) [FL T ! ]
399. A student performs an experiment for determination of X = å | and he commits an error of ∆x. For that
he takes the time of _ oscillations with the stop watch of least count ∆; and he commits a human error of
0.1 ^OK. For which of the following data, the measurement of X will be most accurate
∆x ∆; _ Ampli. of
a) 5 ?? 0.2^OK 10 5??
b) 5 ?? 0.2^OK 20 5??

P a g e | 24
c) 5 ?? 0.1^OK 20 1??
d) 1 ?? 0.1^OK 50 1??
400. Write dimensional formula for the intensity of radiation
a) 94 :2 ; " b) 94 :2 ; !" c) 94 : ; ! d) 94 : ; !"
!– !>
401. If 3.8 × 10 is added to 4.2 × 10 giving due regard to significant figures, then the result will be
a) 458 × 10!> b) 4.6 × 10!> c) 4.5 × 10!> d) None of the above
402. If the velocity of light BKG, gravitational constant B8G and Planck’s constant BℎG are chosen as fundamental
units, then the dimensions of mass in new system is
a) K4/ 8 4/ ℎ4/ b) K4/ 8 4/ ℎ!4/ c) K4/ 8 !4/ ℎ4/ d) K !4/ 8 4/ ℎ4/
403. An object is moving through the liquid. The viscous damping force acting on it is proportional to the
velocity. Then dimension of constant of proportionality is
a) 9:!4 ; !4 b) 9:; !4 c) 92 :; !4 d) 9:2 ; !4
404. Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimensions
a) Moment of inertia and moment of force b) Work and torque
c) Angular momentum and Planck’s constant d) Impulse and momentum
405. The dimensions of potential are the same as that of
a) Work b) Electric field per unit charge
c) Work per unit charge d) Force per unit charge
406. Select the pair whose dimensions are same
a) Pressure and stress b) Stress and strain c) Pressure and force d) Power and force
407. Í£xŽ™HDD − ℎŽ•v is a unit of
a) Electrical charge b) Energy c) Power d) Force
408. The radius of a wire is 0.24 mm. Then its area of cross section by taking significant figures into
consideration is
a) 0.1 mm b) 0.2 mm c) 0.18 mm d) 0.180 mm
409. Electron – volt is the unit of energy B1 eV = 1.6 × 10 JG. in H-atom, the binding energy of electron in
first orbit is 13.6 eV. The same in joule BJG is
a) 10 × 10!4Ï J b) 21.76× 10!4Ï J c) 13.6× 10!4ÏJ d) None of these
410. A student has measured the length of a wire equal to 0.04580 m. This value of length has the number of
significant figures equal to
a) Five b) Four c) Six d) None of these
411. Force constant has the same dimensions as
a) Coefficient of viscosity b) Surface tension
c) Frequency d) Impulse
412. The dimensional formula for Planck’s constant BℎG is
a) 9:! ; !" b) 9: ; ! c) 9: ; !4 d) 9:! ; !
413. The dimensions of physical quantity ’ in the equation
Force = is given by
a) 94 : ; ! b) 9 :! ; !4 c) 9 :! ; ! d) 94 :! ; !4
414. Dimensional formula for force is
a) [94 : ; ! ] b) [94 :4 ; ! ] c) [94 :!4 ; ! ] d) [94 :! ; ! ]
415. The constant of proportionality 4
in Coulomb’s law has the following units
y ˜
a) C Nm b) C N m!
!4 c) C Nm d) C ! N !4 m!
416. Universal time is based on
a) Rotation of earth on its axis
b) Oscillations of quartz crystal
c) Vibrations of cesium atom
d) Earth’s orbital motion around the sun
417. Planck’s constant has the dimensions BunitG of

P a g e | 25
a) Energy b) Linear momentum c) Work d) Angular momentum
418. A resistor of 10 kΩ having tolerance 10% is connected in series with another resistor of 20kΩ having
tolerance 20%. The tolerance of the combination will be approximately
a) 10% b) 13% c) 17% d) 20%
419. A cube has a side of length 1.2 × 10! m. Calculate its volume.
!– " !– " !– "
a) 1.7 × 10!– m" b) 1.73 × 10 m c) 1.70 × 10 m d) 1.732 × 10 m
420. The speed BpG of ripples on the surface of water depends on surface tension BóG, density BqG and
wavelength BúG. The square of speed BpG is proportional to
ó q ú
a) b) c) d) qúó
qú óú óq
421. The constant of proportionality 4 in Coulomb’s law has the following dimensions
a) ‡ *? b) ‡ * ?!
!4 c) ‡ *? d) ‡ ! * !4 ?!
422. Unit of power is
a) Í£xŽ™HDD b) Í£xŽ™HDD-ℎŽ•v c) â«_O d) •Ž•xO
423. The dimensions of coefficient of thermal conductivity is
a) 9: ; ! Í !4 b) 9:; !" Í !4 c) 9:; ! Í !4 d) 9:; !" Í
424. s› t h
A physical quantity e is given by e = › . The quantity which brings in the maximum percentage error
ß ûh
in e is
a) l b) r c) ‡ d) â
425. In the following list, the only pair which have different dimensions, is
a) Linear momentum and moment of a force
b) Planck’s constant and angular momentum
c) Pressure and modulus of electricity
d) Torque and potential energy
426. Which one of the following is not a unit of Young’s modulus?
a) Nm!4 b) Nm! c) Dyne cm! d) Mega pascal
427. Which of the following is not a unit of energy
a) Ж s b) FX– ?/^OK c) *-? d) •Ž•xO
428. The speed BpG of ripples on the surface of water depends on surface tension BóG, density BρG and

wavelength BúG. The square of speed BpG is proportional to
ρ λ
d) Ρλσ
ρλ σλ σρ
a) b) c)

429. If error in radius is 3%, what is error in volume of sphere?

a) 3% b) 27% c) 9% d) 6%
430. Oersted is a unit of
a) Dip b) Magnetic intensity c) Magnetic moment d) Pole strength
431. The unit of reactance is
a) ℎ? b) jŽxD c) 9ℎŽ d) *O™DŽ_
432. What is the dimensional formula of ?K , where the letters have their usual meanings?
a) [MLT !4 ] b) [ML2 T 2 ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [M !4 L" T – ]
433. For the equation ' ∝ lf p “ M” , where ' is the force, l is the area p is the velocity and M is the density, the
value of H, I and K are respectively
a) 1,2,1 b) 2,1,1 c) 1,1,2 d) 0,1,1
434. Dimensions of 4
, where symbols have their usual meaning, are
—˜ ˜
a) [L!4 T] b) [L T ] c) [L T ! ] d) [LT !4 ]
435. If : = 2.331 K?, r = 2.1 K?, then : + r =
a) 4.431 K? b) 4.43 K? c) 4.4 K? d) 4 K?

P a g e | 26
≈ 1m, and he commits an error of ∆x.
436. A student performs an experiment for determination of g d= yh |
For ; he takes the time of _ oscillations with the stop watch of least count ∆; and he commits a human
error of 0.1 s. For which of the following data, the measurement of g will be most accurate?
a) ∆: = 0.5, ∆; = 0.1, _ = 20 b) ∆: = 0.5, ∆; = 0.1, _ = 50
c) ∆: = 0.5, ∆; = 0.01, _ = 20 d) ∆: = 0.5, ∆; = 0.05, _ = 50
437. Which of the following pairs does not have similar dimensions
a) Stress and pressure b) Angle and strain
c) Tension and surface tension d) Planck’s constant and angular momentum
438. The mean time period of second’s pendulum is 2.00^ and mean absolute error in the time period is 0.05^.
To express maximum estimate of error, the time period should be written as
a) B2.00 ± 0.01G ^ b) B2.00 + 0.025G ^ c) B2.00 ± 0.05G ^ d) B2.00 ± 0.10G ^
439. Given, Force =
Ì ¼›
What are the dimensions of α, β?
a) [ML T ! ], ×ML!4/" Ø b) [M L T ! ], ×M4/" L!4 Ø c) [M L! T ! ], ×M4/" L!4 Ø d) [M L! T ], [ML!" ]
440. One light year is defined as the distance travelled by light in one year. The speed of light is 3 × 10¸ ms!4 .
The same in metre is
a) 3 × 104 m b) 9.461 × 104> m c) 3 × 104>m d) None of these
441. Which of the following sets of quantities have same dimensional formula?
a) Frequency, angular frequency and angular momentum
b) Surface tension, stress and spring constant
c) Acceleration, momentum and retardation
d) Work, energy and torque
442. Æ 4/
The frequency of vibration of string is given by p = | - . Here § is number of segments in the string
and x is the length. The dimensional formula for ? will be
a) [92 :; !4 ] b) [9:2 ; !4 ] c) [9:!4 ; 2 ] d) [92 :2 ; 2 ]
443. Length is measured in metre and time in second as usual. But a new unit of mass is so chosen that 8 = 1.
This new unit of mass is equal to
a) 1.5 × 10çkg b) 1.5 × 1042kg c) 6.67 × 10!44kg d) 6.67 × 10!¸ kg
444. The mass of a box is 2.3 g. Two gold pieces, each of mass 0.035 g, are placed in it. The total mass of the box
and gold pieces is
a) 2.3 g b) 2.4 g c) 2.37 g d) 2.370 g
445. Which one of the following units is not that of mutual inductance?
a) Henry b) BWeberG!4
c) Ohm second d) Volt second BampereG!4
446. Hertz is the unit for
a) Frequency b) Force c) Electric charge d) Magnetic flux
447. Which one has the dimensions different from the remaining three
a) Power b) Work c) Torque d) Energy
448. The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length of the sides
of the plate. If the maximum error in the measurement of force and length are respectively 4% and 2%, the
maximum error in the measurement of pressure is
a) 1% b) 2% c) 6% d) 8%
449. The physical quantity which has dimensional formula as that of ¥
° × ¥
a) Force b) Power c) Pressure d) Acceleration
450. A thin copper wire of length x ?ODvO increases in length by 2% when heated through 10 ‡. What is the
percentage increase in area when a square copper sheet of length x ?ODvO is heated through 10 ‡
a) 4% b) 8% c) 16% d) None of the above
451. The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length of the sides

P a g e | 27
of the plate by using the formula § = h . If the maximum errors in the measurement of force and length are
4% and 2% respectively, then the maximum error in the measurement of pressure is
a) 1% b) 2% c) 8% d) 10%
452. Unit of impulse is
a) *O™DŽ_ b) FX − ? c) FX − ?/^ d) •Ž•xO
453. The surface tension of a liquid is 70 M«_O/K?, in MKS system value is
a) 70 */? b) 7 × 10! */? c) 7 × 10" */? d) 7 × 10 */?
454. Given that : « = l sin d i BKD − AG where, « and A are measured in metre. Which of the following
statements is true?
a) The unit of ú is same as that of A and l b) The unit of ú is same as that of A but not of l
å å
c) The unit of K is same as that of é
d) The unit of BKD − AG is same as that of é
455. If Í denotes coefficient of thermal conductivity, M the density and K the specific heat, the unit of ’, where
’ = Í/MK will be
a) cm sec !4 b) cm sec ! c) cm sec d) cm sec !4
456. Dimensions of impulse are same as that of
a) Force b) Momentum c) Energy d) Acceleration
457. In the relation « = v sin BÃD − FAG, the dimensions of Ã/F are
a) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] b) [M 2 L4 T !4 ] c) [M 2 L2 T4 ] d) [M 2 L4 T 2 ]
458. Which of the following five physical parameters have the same dimensions
BAG Energy density BBG Refractive index BCG Dielectric constant BDG Young’s modulus
BEG Magnetic field
a) BAG and BDG b) BAG and BEG c) BBG and BDG d) BCG and BEG
459. The unit of percentage error is
a) Same as that of physical quantity
b) Different from that of physical quantity
c) Percentage error is unit less
d) Errors have got their own units which are different from that of physical quantity measured
460. The physical quantity which has the dimensional formula 94 ; !" is
a) Surface tension b) Solar constant c) Density d) Compressibility
461. The SI unit of electrochemical equivalent is
a) Kg C b) C kg !4 c) Kg C !4 d) kg C !4
462. Curie is a unit of
a) Energy of γ-rays b) Half life c) Radioactivity d) Intensity of γ-rays
!4 !
463. 9: ; represents
a) Stress b) Young’s Modulus
c) Pressure d) All of the above three quantities
464. The dimensions of pressure is equal to
a) Force per unit volume b) Energy per unit volume
c) Force d) energy
465. Which pair has the same dimensions
a) Work and power b) Density and relative density
c) Momentum and impulse d) Stress and strain
466. [ML L ] are dimensions of
a) Force b) Moment of force c) Momentum d) Power
467. The ratio of 1 kWh to 1 MeV is
a) 2.25× 104ç b) 2.25 × 104Ï c) 2.25 × 10 " d) 2.25 × 4.4 × 10Ï
468. In the equation ´ðÞÓ the =• + f B2_ − 1G, the letters have their usual meanings. The dimensional formula
of ´ðÞÓ is
a) [ML2 T] b) [ML!4 T!4 ] c) [M 2 LT !4 ] d) [M 2 LT 2 ]

P a g e | 28
469. The unit of Stefan’s constant is
a) Wm! K !4 b) Wm K ! c) Wm! K ! d) Nm! K !
470. Light year is a unit of
a) Time b) Mass c) Distance d) Energy
471. With the usual notations, the following equation
´Þ = • + HB2D − 1G is
a) Only numerically correct b) Only dimensionally correct
c) Both numerically and dimensionally correct d) Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct
472. The ratio of the dimension of Planck’s constant and that of moment of inertia is the dimension of
a) Frequency b) Velocity c) Angular momentum d) Time
473. Which has not the same unit as other?
a) Watt-sec b) Kilowatt-hour c) eV d) Js
474. The SI unit of gravitational potential is
a) J b) Jkg !4 c) Jkg d) Jkg
475. Which one of the following pairs of quantities and their units is a proper match
a) Electric field-KŽ•xŽ?I/? b) Magnetic flux-™OIOv
c) Power-oHvHM d) Capacitance-ℎO_v«
476. Error in the measurement of radius of sphere is 2%. The error in the measurement of volume is
a) 1% b) 5% c) 3% d) 6%
477. The length of a cube is 2.1 × 10! m. the volume in significant figures will be
a) 9.2 × 10!– m" b) 9.3 × 10!– m" c) 9.26 × 10!– m" d) 9.261 × 10!– m"
478. Which one of the following pairs of quantities and their unit is proper match?
a) Electric field-coulomb/m b) Magnetic flux-weber
c) Power-farad d) Capacitance-henry
479. [9: ; ] is the dimension of
a) Work b) Power c) Force d) Momentum
480. A wire has a mass 0.3 ± 0.003X, radius 0.5 ± 0.005 ?? and length 6 ± 0.06 K?. The maximum percentage
error in the measurement of its density is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
481. A quantity ’ is given by Å2 : , where Å2 is the permittivity of free space, : is a length, ∆j is a potential
difference and ∆D is a time interval. The dimensional formula for ’ is the same as that of
a) Electrical resistance b) Electric charge c) Electric voltage d) Electric current
482. The dimensional formula for v. ?. ^. Broot mean squareG velocity is
a) 92 :; !4 b) 92 : 2 ; ! c) 92 :2 ; !4 d) 9:; !"
483. If C be the capacitance and j be the electric potential, then the dimensional formula of ‡j is
a) [ML!" TA] b) [K 2 LT ! A2 ] c) [ML4 T ! A!4 ] d) [ML T ! A2 ]
484. If 1 g cm s !4= A newton-second, then the number A is equal to
a) 1 × 10!" b) 3.6 × 10!" c) 1× 10!> d) 6× 10!
485. The dimensions of emf in MKS is
a) [ML!4 T! Q! ] b) [ML! T! Q! ] c) [MLT ! Q!4 ] d) [ML T ! Q!4 ]
486. Which of the two have same dimensions
a) Force and strain b) Force and stress
c) Angular velocity and frequency d) Energy and strain
487. Which is different from others by units
a) Phase difference b) Mechanical equivalent
c) Loudness of sound d) Poisson’s ratio
488. 1FÐℎ =
a) 1000 Ð b) 36 × 10> • c) 1000 • d) 3600 •
489. There are atomic clocks capable of measuring time with an accuracy of 1 part in 1044 . If two such clocks

P a g e | 29
are operated with precision, then after running for 5000 years, these will record
a) A difference of nearly 1 s b) A difference of 1 day
c) A difference of 10 s d) A difference of 1 year
490. If ‡ and k represent capacitance and resistance respectively, then the dimensions of k‡ are
a) 92 :2 ; b) 92 :2 ; c) 9:!4 d) None of these above

491. From the equation tanþ = h , one can obtain the angle of banking þ for a cyclist taking a curve Bthe
symbols have their usual meaningsG. Then say it is,
a) Both dimensionally and numerically correct b) Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct
c) Dimensionally correct only d) Numerically correct only
f “ ”
492. A physical quantity is given by ’ = 9 : ; . The percentage error in measurement of 9, : and ; are S, T
and V respectively. The maximum percentage error in the quantity ’ is
H I K d) None of these
a) HS + IT + KV b) HS + IT − KV c) + +
493. The dimensions of couple are
a) 9: ; ! b) 9:; ! c) 9:!4 ; !" d) 9:! ; !
494. ®
The velocity of transverse wave in a string is p = ¬- , where ; is the tension in the string and ? is mass
per unit length. If ; = 3.0 kgf, mass of string is 2.5 g and length of string is 1.00m, then the percentage
error in the measurement of velocity is
a) 0.5 b) 0.7 c) 2.3 d) 3.6
495. If voltage j = B100 ± 5G volt and current ² = B10 ± 0.2G A, the percentage error in resistance k is
a) 5.2% b) 25% c) 7% d) 10%
496. If e represents radiations pressure, K represents speed of light and ‘ represents radiation energy striking
a unit area per ^OKŽ_M, the non-zero integers A, « and Á such that e Ö ‘ Ë K ! is dimensionless, are
a) A = 1, « = 1, Á = −1 b) A = 1, « = −1, Á = 1 c) A = −1, « = 1, Á = 1 d) A = 1, « = 1, Á = 1
497. Solar constant is defined as energy received by earth per cm per minute. The dimensions of solar
constant are
a) [ML T !" ] b) [M L2 T !4 ] c) [ML2 T !" ] d) [MLT ! ]
498. The dimensions of f in the equation e = f!Þ , where e is pressure, A is distance and D is time, are
“ “Ö
a) 9; ! b) 9 :; !" c) 9:" ; !4 d) :; !"
499. The dimensions of ‡j matches with the dimensions of
a) : ² b) : ² c) :² d)

500. If energy B¡G, velocity BÜG and force B'G be taken as fundamental quantity, then what are the dimensions of
a) ¡Ü b) ¡Ü ! c) 'Ü !4 d) 'Ü !
501. Position of body with acceleration ‘H’ is given by A = ÍH- D ð , here D is time. Find dimensions of ? and _
a) ? = 1, _ = 1 b) ? = 1, _ = 2 c) ? = 2, _ = 1 d) ? = 2, _ = 2
502. If ¡ =energy, 8 = gravitational constant, ² = impulse and 9 = mass, the dimensions of íëãh are same as
that of
a) Time b) Mass c) Length d) Force
503. Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of 1 ?? on its main scale. The total
number of divisions on the circular scale is 50. Further, it is found that the screw gauge has a zero error of
−0.03 mm. While measuring the diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main scale reading of 3 mm
and the number of circular scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of the wire is
a) 3.73 mm b) 3.67 mm c) 3.38 mm d) 3.32 mm
504. The air bubble formed by explosion inside water performed oscillation with time period ; that is directly
proportional to §f M“ ¡ ” , where § is the pressure, M is the density and ¡ is the energy due to explosion.
The values of H, I and K will be

P a g e | 30
a) -5/6, 1/2, 1/3 b) 5/6, 1/3, 1/2 c) 5/6, 1/2, 1/3 d) None of these
505. The expression for centripetal force depends upon mass of body, speed of the body and the radius of
circular path. Find the expression for centripetal force
?p ?p ?p ? p
a) ' = b) ' = c) ' = d) ' =
2v " v v 2v
506. How many wavelengths of the Kr ¸Ï are there in one metre?
a) 658189.63 b) 2348123.73 c) 1650763.73 d) 1553164.12
507. The unit of permittivity of free space Å2 is
a) ‡Ž•xŽ?I/_O™DŽ_ − ?ODvO b) *O™DŽ_ − ?ODvO /KŽ•xŽ?I
c) ‡Ž•xŽ?I /B_O™DŽ_ − ?ODvOG d) ‡Ž•xŽ?I /_O™DŽ_ − ?ODvO
508. The difference in the lengths of a mean solar day and a sidereal day is about
a) 1 min b) 4 min c) 15 min d) 56 min
Æ ‹
509. To determine the Young’s modulus of a wire, the formula is ž = × ; where : = length, l = area of
s ∆‹
cross-section of the wire, ∆: = change in length of the wire when stretched with a force '. The conversion
factor to change it from CGS to MKS system is
a) 1 b) 10 c) 0.1 d) 0.01
510. The dimensions of Planck’s constant is same as that of
a) Angular momentum b) Linear momentum
c) Work d) Coefficient of viscosity
511. From the dimensional consideration, which of the following equation is correct
k" 89 89 k
a) ; = 2üvÕ b) ; = 2üÕ " c) ; = 2üÕ d) ; = 2üÕ
89 k 8k 89
512. In ´ = H + ID + KD . ´ is measured in metre and D in ^OKŽ_M. The unit of K is
a) None b) ? c) ?^ !4 d) ?^ !
513. A weber is equivalent to
a) A m! b) A m!4 c) A m d) T m
514. The percentage error in the above problem is
a) 7% b) 5.95% c) 8.95% d) 9.85%
515. The circular divisions of shown screw gauge are 50. It moves 0.5 ?? on main scale in one rotation. The
diameter of the ball is

a) 2.25 ?? b) 2.20 ?? c) 1.20 ?? d) 1.25 ??

516. The physical quantity angular momentum has the same dimensions as that of
a) Work b) Force c) Momentum d) Planck’s constant
517. If the acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms ! and the units of length and time are changed in kilometer and
hour respectively, the numerical value ofacceleration is
a) 360000 b) 72000 c) 36000 d) 129600
518. The physical quantity that has no dimensions is
a) Angular Velocity b) Linear momentum c) Angular momentum d) Strain
519. The time dependence of a physical quantity e is given by e = e2 O fÞ
− HD where S is a constant and D is
time. Then constant S is
a) Dimensionless b) Dimensionless of ; !
c) Dimensionless of e d) Dimensionless of ;
520. The unit of momentum is
a) N s b) Ns !4 c) N m d) N m!4
521. A dimensionally consistent relation for the volume V of a liquid of coefficient of viscosity ± flowing per
second through a tube of radius r and length l and having pressure p across its end, is

P a g e | 31
ü§v ü±x 8§±x ü§±
j= j= j= j=
a) 8±x b) 8§v c) üv d) 8xv

522. The S.I. unit of gravitational potential is

a) • b) • − FX!4 c) • − FX d) • − FX!
523. The dimensions of Í in the equation Ð = 4 ÍA is
a) 94 :2 ; ! b) 92 :4 ; !4 c) 94 :4 ; ! d) 94 :2 ; !4
524. Given that Ü is speed, v is the radius and X is the acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following is
a) Ü /vX b) Ü v/X c) Ü X/v d) Ü vX
525. In the formula, H = 3IK , H and K have dimensions of electric capacitance and magnetic induction
respectively. What are dimensions of I in MKS system?
a) [M !" L! T Q ] b) [M !" T Q ] c) [M !" T " Q] d) [M !" L T Q! ]
526. The dimensions of stress are equal to
a) Force b) Pressure c) Work 1
527. 1 H. ?. •. is equivalent to
a) 1.6 × 10! ç FX b) 934 9Oj c) 1.6 × 10! X? d) All above
528. Dimensional formula of Stefan’s constant is
a) 9; !" Í ! b) 9: ; ! Í ! c) 9: ; ! d) 9; ! :2
529. Which of the following units denotes the dimensions [ML /Q ], where ‘ denotes the electric charge?
a) Wbm! b) Henry BHG c) Hm! d) Weber BWbG
530. The damping force on an oscillator is directly proportional to the velocity. The units of the constant of
proportionality are
a) FX?^ !4 b) FX?^ ! c) FX^ !4 d) FX^
531. The dimensions of resistivity in terms of 9, :, ; and ‘ where ‘ stands for the dimensions of charge, is
a) 9:" ; !4 ‘ ! b) 9:" ; ! ‘ !4 c) 9: ; !4 ‘ !4 d) 9:; !4 ‘ !4
532. The dimensional formula for impulse is same as the dimensional formula for
a) Momentum b) Force
c) Rate of change of momentum d) Torque
533. Dimensions of potential energy are
a) 9:; !4 b) 9: ; ! c) 9:!4 ; ! d) 9:!4 ; !
534. In the relation e = J O ½"
¿# e is pressure, ¶ is the distance, F is Boltzmann’s constant and þ is the
temperature. The dimensional formula of T will be
a) [92 : ; 2 ] b) [94 : ;4 ] c) [94 :2 ; !4 ] d) [92 : ; !4 ]
535. If A = HD + ID , where A is the distance travelled by the body in kilometre while D is the time in second,
then the units of I are
a) F?/^ b) F? − ^ c) F?/^ d) F? − ^
536. Choose the incorrect statement out of the following
a) Every measurement by any measuring instrument has some error
b) Every calculated physical quantity that is based on measured values has some error
c) A measurement can have more accuracy but less precision and vice versa
d) The percentage error is different from relative error
537. Consider a new system of units in which KBspeed of light in vacuumG, ℎBPlanck’s constantG and
8Bgravitational constantG are taken as fundamental units. Which of the following would correctly
represent mass in this new system?
ℎK 8K ℎ8
a) Õ b) Õ c) Õ d) √ℎ8K
8 ℎ K
538. If velocity p, acceleration l and force ' are chosen a fundamental quantities, then the dimensional formula
P a g e | 32
of angular momentum in terms of p, l and ' would be
a) 'l!4 p b) 'p " l! c) 'p l!4 d) ' p l!4
539. The number of significant figures in all the given numbers 25.12, 2009, 4.156 and 1.217 × 10! is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
540. Linear momentum and angular momentum have the same dimensions in
a) Mass and length b) Length and time
c) Mass and time d) Mass, length and time
541. Which of the following units denotes the dimensions 9: /‘ , where ‘ denotes the electric charge
a) Henry BHG b) H/m c) Weber BWbG d) Wb/m
542. What is the dimensional formula of $%° &' & ( °
% ° ) ) *)
a) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] b) [M 2 L2 T] c) [M 2 LT 2 ] d) [MLT !4 ]
543. SI unit of electric intensity is
a) Coulomb b) Coulomb/m c) Newton d) Newton/ coulomb
544. The unit of nuclear dose given to a patient is
a) 'Ov?£ b) Rutherford c) Curie d) Roentgen
545. The dimensional formula of universal gas constant is
a) [ML T ! θ!4 ] b) [M LT ! θ] c) [ML" T !4 θ!4 ] d) None of these
546. Let us choose a new unit of length such that the velocity of light in vacuum is unity. If light takes 8 min and
20 sec to cover the distance between sun and earth, this distance in terms of the new unit is
a) 5 b) 50 c) 500 d) 3 × 10¸
547. Which of the following represents a pŽxD
a) •Ž•xO/^OKŽ_M b) ÐHDD/H?§OvO c) ÐHDD/KŽ•xŽ?I d) ‡Ž•xŽ?I/¦Ž•xO
548. Dimensional formula of Stefan’s constant is
a) [MT !" K ! ] b) [ML T ! K ! ] c) [ML T ! ] d) [MT ! L2 ]
549. The relative density of the material of a body I the ratio of its weight in air and the loss of its weight in
water. By using a spring balance, the weight of the body in air in measured to be 5.00 ±0.05N. The weight
of the body in water is measured to be 4.00 ± 0.05N. Then the maximum possible percentage error in
relative density is
a) 11% b) 10% c) 9% d) 7%
550. ’ = 3ž¶ find dimension of ž in BMKSAG system, If ’ and ¶ are the dimensions of capacity and magnetic
field respectively
a) 9!" :! ; ! l!4 b) 9:! c) 9!" :! ; l d) 9!" :! ; ¸ l
551. The percentage errors in the measurement of length and time period of a simple pendulum are 1% and 2%
respectively. Then the maximum error in the measurement of acceleration due to gravity is
a) 8% b) 3% c) 4% d) 5%
552. The unit of absolute permittivity is
a) '? BoHvHM − ?ODvOG b) '?!4 BoHvHM/?ODvOG
! d) F BfaradG
c) '? BoHvHM/?ODvO G
553. Dimensional formula of heat energy is
a) 9: ; ! b) 9:; !4 c) 92 :2 ; ! d) None of these
554. Which of the following quantities has not been expressed in proper unit
a) Torque : Newton metre b) Stress : Newton metre!
c) Modulus of elasticity : Newton metre! d) Surface tension : Newton metre!
555. If the units of mass, length and time are doubled unit of angular momentum will be
a) Doubled b) Tripled
c) Quadrupled d) Eight times the original value
556. Unit of moment of inertia in MKS system
a) FX × K? b) kX/K? c) FX × ? d) •Ž•xO × ?
557. The dimensions of emf in MKS is
a) 9:!4 ; ! ‘ ! b) 9: ; ! ‘ ! c) 9:; ! ‘ !4 d) 9: ; ! ‘ !4
P a g e | 33
558. The length x, breadth I and thickness D of a block are measured with the help of a metre scale. Given x =
15.12 ± 0.01cm, I = 10.15 ± 0.01cm, D = 5.28 ± 0.01cm.
The percentage error in volume is
a) 0.64% b) 0.28% c) 0.37% d) 0.48%
559. A sextant is used to measure
a) Area of hill b) Height of an object
c) Breadth of a tower d) Volume of the building
560. [ML" T !4 Q! ] is the dimensional formula of
a) Resistance b) Resistivity c) Conductance d) Conductivity
561. A current of 2..34 A flows in a resistance of 11.111111Ω. The potential difference across the given
resistance with due regard for significant figure is
a) 26.000 V b) 26.00 V c) 26.0 V d) 26 V
562. Dimensions of charge are
a) 92 :2 ; !4 l!4 b) 9:;l!4 c) ; !4 l d) ;l
563. The dimensions of time constant are
a) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] b) [M 2 L2 T] c) [MLT] d) None of these
564. Which physical quantities have same dimensions?
a) Force and power b) Torque and energy c) Torque and power d) Force and torque
565. The number of significant figures in all the given numbers 25.12, 2009, 4.156 and 1.217 × 10! is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
566. The power of lens is e = , where o is focal length of the lens . The dimensions of power of lens are
a) [LT ! ] b) [M 2 L!4 T 2 ] c) [M 2 L2 T 2 ] d) None of these
The position of a particle at time t is given by the relation ABDG = ` J a B1 − O JÞ G, where p2 is constant and
S > 0. The dimensions of p2 and S are respectively
a) 92 :4 ; !4 and ; !4 b) 92 :4 ; 2 and ; !4 c) 92 :4 ; !4 and :; ! d) 92 :4 ; !4 and ;
568. The dimensions of kinetic energy are
a) [M L T] b) [ML T] c) [ML T ! ] d) [ML T !4 ]
569. If •4 and • are the units selected in two systems of measurement and _4 and _ their numerical values,
a) _4 •4 = _ • b) _4 •4 + _ • = 0
c) _4 _ = •4 • d) B_4 + •4 G = B_ + • G
570. Which of the following pairs is wrong
a) Pressure-Barometer b) Relative density-Pyrometer
c) Temperature-Thermometer d) Earthquake-Seismograph
571. The magnetic force on a point moving charge is F +, = èBV
+, × B
Here, è =electric charge
+, = velocity of the point charge
+, =magnetic field
The dimensions of +B,
a) [MLT !4 A] b) [MLT ! A!4 ] c) [MT !4 A!4 ] d) None of these
572. Pressure gradient has the same dimension as that of
a) Velocity gradient b) Potential gradient c) Energy gradient d) None of these
573. A cube has numerically equal volume and surface area. The volume of such a cube is
a) 216 •_£D^ b) 1000 •_£D^ c) 2000 •_£D^ d) 3000 •_£D^
574. If : = 2.331 cm, r = 2.1 cm, then : + r is equal to
a) 4.431 cm b) 4.43 cm c) 4.4 cm d) 4 cm
575. One is equivalent to 931 MeV energy. The rest mass of electron is 9.1 × 10!"4 kg. the
Mass equivalent energy is
B1 amu = 1.67 × 10!4çkgG
P a g e | 34
a) 0.5073 MeV b) 0.693 MeV c) 4.0093 MeV d) None of these

P a g e | 35

1) a 2) c 3) b 4) b 189) b 190) b 191) d 192) d
5) c 6) d 7) b 8) b 193) d 194) c 195) a 196) c
9) c 10) d 11) b 12) a 197) b 198) b 199) d 200) a
13) d 14) a 15) b 16) a 201) c 202) a 203) a 204) d
17) b 18) d 19) d 20) d 205) c 206) b 207) c 208) a
21) b 22) a 23) c 24) b 209) c 210) d 211) a 212) a
25) d 26) a 27) c 28) c 213) c 214) a 215) c 216) a
29) b 30) a 31) b 32) b 217) b 218) b 219) b 220) a
33) d 34) c 35) a 36) d 221) d 222) a 223) b 224) d
37) a 38) b 39) b 40) b 225) c 226) a 227) d 228) a
41) d 42) a 43) d 44) a 229) b 230) d 231) d 232) a
45) b 46) a 47) c 48) b 233) c 234) c 235) a 236) c
49) a 50) c 51) c 52) b 237) c 238) a 239) c 240) d
53) d 54) d 55) c 56) b 241) b 242) d 243) d 244) b
57) c 58) a 59) b 60) d 245) d 246) b 247) d 248) c
61) b 62) b 63) a 64) a 249) c 250) d 251) c 252) a
65) c 66) a 67) a 68) b 253) b 254) d 255) a 256) a
69) a 70) a 71) b 72) b 257) d 258) b 259) b 260) d
73) d 74) a 75) b 76) c 261) b 262) d 263) c 264) a
77) d 78) a 79) b 80) c 265) b 266) c 267) d 268) b
81) b 82) d 83) d 84) b 269) a 270) a 271) a 272) a
85) a 86) d 87) b 88) c 273) b 274) b 275) d 276) b
89) d 90) b 91) a 92) c 277) a 278) b 279) a 280) a
93) a 94) c 95) a 96) c 281) c 282) d 283) b 284) a
97) d 98) d 99) a 100) c 285) b 286) b 287) b 288) c
101) b 102) a 103) b 104) d 289) d 290) b 291) b 292) d
105) c 106) b 107) d 108) a 293) d 294) d 295) d 296) b
109) d 110) a 111) d 112) a 297) d 298) a 299) b 300) c
113) c 114) a 115) d 116) b 301) b 302) a 303) a 304) d
117) c 118) c 119) a 120) a 305) d 306) a 307) c 308) d
121) a 122) c 123) b 124) d 309) d 310) a 311) a 312) d
125) b 126) c 127) a 128) c 313) a 314) a 315) c 316) c
129) c 130) c 131) a 132) a 317) a 318) a 319) c 320) b
133) c 134) d 135) a 136) d 321) d 322) c 323) c 324) c
137) a 138) d 139) a 140) b 325) a 326) a 327) a 328) a
141) a 142) c 143) c 144) d 329) d 330) a 331) c 332) a
145) a 146) d 147) a 148) b 333) d 334) a 335) b 336) a
149) d 150) d 151) b 152) d 337) a 338) b 339) a 340) c
153) c 154) a 155) d 156) c 341) d 342) c 343) c 344) b
157) c 158) d 159) d 160) a 345) c 346) a 347) c 348) a
161) a 162) c 163) a 164) d 349) d 350) a 351) d 352) c
165) a 166) d 167) c 168) a 353) a 354) a 355) a 356) d
169) d 170) a 171) d 172) a 357) b 358) b 359) a 360) a
173) d 174) d 175) d 176) d 361) c 362) b 363) a 364) a
177) a 178) d 179) a 180) c 365) c 366) c 367) a 368) d
181) a 182) d 183) b 184) b 369) c 370) d 371) a 372) a
185) a 186) b 187) d 188) b 373) c 374) a 375) b 376) a
P a g e | 36
377) d 378) a 379) c 380) d
381) c 382) d 383) b 384) d
385) b 386) b 387) c 388) a
389) a 390) b 391) c 392) a
393) c 394) c 395) d 396) d
397) c 398) a 399) d 400) b
401) b 402) c 403) d 404) a
405) c 406) a 407) b 408) c
409) b 410) b 411) b 412) c
413) c 414) b 415) a 416) a
417) d 418) c 419) a 420) a
421) a 422) a 423) b 424) c
425) a 426) a 427) b 428) a
429) c 430) b 431) a 432) c
433) a 434) c 435) c 436) d
437) c 438) c 439) d 440) b
441) d 442) c 443) b 444) b
445) b 446) a 447) a 448) d
449) d 450) a 451) c 452) c
453) b 454) a 455) d 456) b
457) b 458) a 459) c 460) b
461) c 462) c 463) d 464) b
465) c 466) b 467) b 468) c
469) c 470) c 471) c 472) a
473) d 474) b 475) b 476) d
477) b 478) b 479) b 480) d
481) d 482) a 483) d 484) c
485) d 486) c 487) d 488) b
489) a 490) b 491) c 492) a
493) a 494) d 495) c 496) b
497) c 498) a 499) c 500) b
501) b 502) a 503) c 504) a
505) b 506) c 507) d 508) b
509) c 510) a 511) a 512) d
513) d 514) c 515) c 516) d
517) d 518) d 519) b 520) a
521) a 522) b 523) a 524) a
525) a 526) b 527) d 528) a
529) b 530) c 531) a 532) a
533) b 534) a 535) c 536) d
537) a 538) b 539) d 540) c
541) a 542) c 543) d 544) d
545) a 546) c 547) b 548) b
549) a 550) d 551) d 552) b
553) a 554) d 555) c 556) c
557) d 558) c 559) b 560) b
561) c 562) d 563) b 564) b
565) d 566) b 567) a 568) c
569) a 570) b 571) c 572) d
573) a 574) b 575) a

P a g e | 37


1 (a) Expressing it in percentage error, we have,
If a charge of 1 C moving with a velocity of 1 ms !4 0.2
´ = 13.8 ± × 100% = 13.8 ± 1.4%
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field 13.8
experiences a force of 1 N, then the magnitude of and D = 4.0 ± × 100% = 4 ± 7.5%

the field is 1 T. The SI unit of magnetic field is ^ 13.8 ± 1.4
= = B3.45 ± 0.3G ?/^
Wb m! . Thus, D 4 ± 7.5
9 (c)
1 T = 1 NA!4 m!4 = 1 Wbm! One main scale division, 1 M. S. D. = A K?
In CGS systems One vernier scale division , 1 V. S. D. =
Least count = 1 M. S. D. −1 V. S. D.
1 tesla = 10 gauss = 1 Wbm! _A − _A + A A
= = K?
2 (c) _ _
10 (d)
3 &
Friction ' = μ*
×ã‹® h Ø
' Surface tension = ¥
= ‹
= [9; ! ]
* 11 (b)
/ h]
∴ [μ]=
Æ [
. / h]
= = dimensionsless ej =[energy]
5 (c) Vander Waal’s equation is de + g h i Bj − IG =
Given, A = cosBωD + FAG _k;
Here, BωD + FAG is an angle so the dimension of The dimensions of gh
should be that of e and I is
that of volume
BωD + FAG = [M 2 L2 T 2 ] Work done Bor energyG should have the
dimensions of ej

Or dimensions of ωD = [M 2 L2 T 2 ] f
× I = [Energy]
˜ ˜ /˜ Ø
Or dimensions of ω = [Ie] = [Energy]
= [e] is having dimensions different from
Or = [M 2 L2 T !4 ]
6 (d) 12 (a)

4 = rl =
' [9:; ! ][: ]
H = I J K L /MN O P l= = [9: ; ! l!4 ]
So maximum error in H is given by ²×: [l][:]
ΔH 13 (d)
Û × 100Ý
_ = _4 5 6 5 6 5 6
H 9 4 : ; !
∆I ΔK 94 :4 ;4
= S.× 100 + T. × 100
I K Given, 9 = 294 , : = 2:4 , ; = 2;4

∴ _ = _4 [2]4 [2] [2]! = 2_4

+ V. × 100 + W. × 100
= BSI4 + TK4 + VM4 + WO4 G%
7 (b) 14 (a)
In X = ln ℎ − 2 ln D Momentum § ∝ o f p “ q”
∆X ∆ℎ ∆D [MLT !4 ]=[T !4 ]f [LT !4 ]“ [ML!" ]”
` × 100a = × 100 + 2 × 100
X )°1 ℎ D [MLT !4 ] = [M ” L“!"” T !f!“ ]
= O4 + 2O ⟹ K = 1.
8 (b) I − 3K = 1 ⟹ I = 4
Here, ´ = B13.8 ± 0.2G? −H − I = −1
and D = B4.0 ± 0.3G ^OK H + I = 1, H = −3
P a g e | 38
∴ [§] = [o !" p q] and after decimal point are insignificant if the
15 (b) number is less then one. In 2.1 × 10!" number of
4 significant figure are to because power of 10 is
Percentage error in length = >2 × 100 = 2
2.4 not considered as significant figure
Percentage error in breadth = × 100 = 5
.2 22 (a)
Percentage error in thickness= × 100 = 1 Force, ' = ?H

∴ H= =
Percentage error in volume= 2 + 5 + 1 = 8 ' 10 pound
16 (a) ? kg
8 & ×% ¥ ¥ pound 10slug ft ft
)° )°
[B]= = =[latent heat] = 10 = = 146
kg kg s s
17 (b) = 146 × 0.30 ms!
Time period of simple pendulum is = 44.5 ms !
23 (c)
x Force ' = èpr
; = 2πÕ
[MLT ! ] = [C][LT !4 ][B]

∆® 4 ∆| ∆¥
Or ®
= d| −
i [B] = [MC !4 T !4 ]
∆¥ ∆| ∆®
Or = − 24 (b)
¥ | ®
¡ = Í' f l“ ; ”
∴ Maximum percentage error in equation [9: ; ! ] = [9:; ! ]f [:; ! ]“ [;]”
[9: ; ! ] = [9f :fÌ“ ; ! f! “Ì” ]
∴ H = 1, H + I = 2 ⇒ I = 1
∆g ∆x 2∆;
And −2H − 2I + K = −2 ⇒ K = 2
× 100 = × 100 + × 100
g x ;

= 1 × 100 + 2 × 2 × 100 ∴ ¡ = Í'l;

25 (d)
= 5 × 100 = 5% [Calorie]=[ML T ! ]
Comparing with general dimensional formula
18 (d) [9f :“ ; ” ], we get
×2.2 4
Required percentage = 2. × 100 + "2 × 100 + H = 1, I = 2, K = −2.
× 100 4'¥ 4 4) 4 !
=4.2α!4 β! γ
.¸2 _ = 4.2
»'¥ ¼)
= 16.7 + 3.3 + 0.2 27 (c)
= 20% < [ h/ h]
[Entropy]=® = = [ML T ! K !4 ]
19 (d) [=]
Æ/s 28 (c)
Modulus of rigidity ± =
Charge Volt
Capacity × Resistance = ×
× / hØ Potential amp
Dimensions of η = [ h] amp × second × Volt
= = Second
Volt × amp
= [ML!4 T ! ] 31 (b)
20 (d) Frequency = ® = [92 :2 ; !4 ]
[8] = [9!4 :" ; ! ]; [ℎ] = [9: ; !4 ] 32 (b)
4 !4 Angular momentum = ?pv
8 &°% % ¥
Power = = [: ]
= [ 9:; !4 ][:] = [9: ; !4 ]
All quantities have dimensions
33 (d)
21 (b)
Energy = Work done [Dimensionally]
In 23.023 number of significant figures will be 5
34 (c)
because all the zero’s between non zero digits are
significant. In 0. 0003, number of significant = Time constant
figures will be one because all the zero’s before 35 (a)

P a g e | 39
Angular momentum ?pv 46 (a)
= v = [92 :4 ; 2 ]
/ h Ø× › Ø[ h ]
Linear momentum ?p [@| › ] ×
/ h ][ › ][ ]
[?] = [ = = [L]
37 (a) Ë• › P] [

[k] = [9: ; !4 ‘ ! ] 47 (c)

Resistivity [q] = where
∴ [q] = =5 6
[ë] : : 1 ;
[9:" !4 ! ]
; ‘ = = [l!4 ]
k‡j k ‡j ‘
38 (b) 48 (b)
Given, '∝p Dimension of work and torque = [9: ; ! ]
49 (a)
Or ' = Fp
[surface tension]=[ML2 T ! ],

' [viscosity]=[ML!4 T !4 ].
p Clearly, mass has the same power in the two
physical quantities.
['] [MLT ! ]
[F] = = 51 (c)
[p ] [L T ! ] Impulse = change in momentum = ' × D
= [ML!4 T 2 ] So the unit of momentum will be equal to
39 (b) 52 (b)
ç>×42 × –
Required volume = BkmG" Time period ; = 2ü¬¥
42› ×42› ×42›
40 (b)
’ = M f L“ T !” Þ |
Or = 2㪝
∴ = ± 5S +K 6
∆’ ∆9 ∆: ∆; ð
’ 9 : ;
∴ g=
= ±[HS + TI + VK]% B4π GB_ Gx
41 (d) D
Required error in density = 3% + 3 × 2% = 9%. ∆g ∆x 2∆D
42 (a) %error in g = × 100 = ` + a × 100
g x D
Result should have only two significant numbers
Bsame as in 12 mG. 0.1 2 × 0.1
¡¢ = ` + a × 100 = 0.3125%
43 (d) 64 128
0.1 2 × 0.1
*4 É4 = * É ¡¢¢ = ` + a × 100 = 0.46875%
64 64
*4 [94 :!"
4 ] = * [9 : ]

∴ * = *4 5 6 × 5 6
94 :4 !" 0.1 2 × 0.1
¡¢¢¢ = ` + a × 100 = 1.055%
9 : 20 36

= 0.625 5 6×5 6
1X 1K? !"
Hence, ¡ë is minimum.
1FX 1?
= 0.625 × 10!" × 10– = 625 53 (d)
44 (a) ÐHDD = •Ž•xO/^OKŽ_M = l?§OvO × ÜŽxD
f = l?§OvO × ℎ?
By principle of dimensional homogenity =
55 (c)
∴ [H] = [e][j ] = [9:!4 ; ! ] × [:– ] = [9:> ; ! ]
Electric dipole moment

§ = èB2xG = £DB2xG
45 (b)
Physical quantity • = The dimensions of electric dipole moment is
B>/?)Gh > h ?h
[§] = [£][D][x]
Unit of • = = >?h )h
N Nm J
= = " = " = [I][T][L]
m m m
= energy per unit volume = energy density = [LTI]

P a g e | 40
56 (b) ['] = [9:; ! ], [‡] = [:] and [;] = [;]
Planck’s constant BℎG = J − s = [ML T ! ][T] = And comparing both sides, we get ? = ':!4 ;
[ML T !4 ] 65 (c)
Dimensional formula of
Linear momentum B§G = kg − ms!4 Žℎ? = [9: ; !" l! ]
Ó ×ã‹h ® á Ø
= [M][L][T]!4 = [MLT !4 ] and that of = = [9: ; !" l! ]
Òh sh ® h
66 (a)
57 (c)
⇒ Ä2 = ['][l]! = [9:; ! l ]
Ä2 2²4 ² ²
94 4 :4 4 ; ! '=
_ = _4 ` a ` a ` a 4ü v
9 : ; 67 (a)
X? 4 K? 4 sec ! 32 × 10!>
= 100 ` a d i d i ;=
FX ? min B10G!
X? 4 K? 4 sec ! = 32 × 10!" Nm!4 = 0.032Nm!4.
= 100 ` " a d i d i
10 X? 10 K? 60 sec 68 (b)
3600 Subtract 3.87 from 4.23 and then divide by 2.
_ = = 3.6
10" 69 (a)
58 (a) ‹
∆§ ∆? ∆j is a time constant of :-k circuit so ³O_v«/Žℎ?
= +
§ ? j can be expressed as ^OKŽ_M
70 (a)
0.05 0.05 CsBDá !Dh GÞ <•
= × 100 + × 100 Heat ‘ = or Í = sBD
5 1 • á !Dh GÞ
[ML ! ][L]
=6 [F] = = [MLK !4 T !" ]
[L] [K][T]
Ƥ 72 (b)
= 6% ³ = ² kD

∆³ 2∆² ∆k ∆D
× 100 = ` + + a × 100
59 (b) ³ ² k D
= B2 × 3 + 4 + 6G% = 16%
p = | Õ- ⇒ ò = ; = 2x¬ ® has the dimensions of
4 ® 4 -
73 (d)
[capacitance ’]=[M !4 L! T Q ]
time. [Magnetic induction Z] = [MT !4 Q!4]
60 (d) [¶ ]=[M T ! Q! ]
8 *A ° & õ [õ]
Relative density = 8 B°
= [92 :2 ; 2 ] Given, ’ = 3ž¶ or ž = h or [ž] = h "E [E]
h / h Fh ]

61 (b) [ á
= [M !" L! T Q ]
[ h/ hF h]
[ž] =
According to homogeneity principle
LHS=RHS 74 (a)
Or ' = 6π± f v “ p ” Because in S.I. system there are seven
Or [MLT ! ] = [ML!4 T !4 ]f [L]“ [LT !4 ]” fundamental quantities
Or [M4 L4 T! ] = [M 2 L!fÌ“Ì” T !f!” ] 75 (b)
∴ H = 1, −H + I + K = 1 and −H − K = −2
?p = FX ÛsecÝ
After solving, we get
H = 1, I = 1, K = 1 76 (c)
g G
62 (b) Resistance, k = =à
4 4
Both :² and ‡j represent energy.
[ML T ! ]
63 (a) =
[A T]
Torque = force × distance = [9: ; ! ]
64 (a) k = [ML T !" A! ]
Let ? = Í' f :“ ; ”
Substituting the dimension of

P a g e | 41
5 6=
ℎ [ML T !4 ] Dimensional formula of angular momentum B:G =
O [AT] [ML T !4 ]

= [ML T !" A! ] Torque BIG = [ML T ! ]

78 (a) Coefficient of thermal conductivity

In given equation, should be dimensionless
ÊD BÍG = [MLT !" K !4 ]

S= Gravitational constant B8G = [M !4 L" T ! ]
Thus, gravitational constant has negative

[ML T ! K !4 × K]
[S] = = [MLT ! ] dimension of mass.
J 87 (b)
And §=
L Impulse =Force × Time = [9:; ! ][;] =
[9:; !4 ]
⇒ [β] = 5 6 =
S [MLT ! ]
= [M 2 L T 2 ] 88 (c)
§ [ML!4 T ! ]
Momentum [9:; !4 ], Plank’s constant [9: ; !4 ]
79 (b) 90 (b)

8?4 ? 'M Surface tension, ; = |
∴ [;] =
M ?4 ? [']

∴ [8] =
[9:; ! ][: ] [x]
= [9!4 :" ; ! ]
[9 ] [MLT ! ]
= = [ML2 T ! ] = [MT ! ]
80 (c) [L]
Do not think in terms of ² and Ã. Remember; 91 (a)
kinetic energy is fundamentally ‘work’ Each of three terms in the given equation has the
Ð =Force × distance dimensional formula of force.
= [MLT ! ] × [L] 92 (c)
= [ML T ! ] The right hand side of the given relation is
81 (b) basically ) . But, since the left hand side is
Least count of screw gauge = ?? = 0.01 ?? joule, therefore F should be J m.
Diameter = Divisions on circular scale × least 93 (a)
count + [Æ] [ %/ h ]
Force, F = Fp, [F] = [ò] = [ / á]
= [MT !4 ].
= 52 × + 0 = 0.52 ?? So, unit is kgs !4
Diameter = 0.052 K? 94 (c)
82 (d) The magnitude of induced O?o is
|Å| = :
< << <h ëh Þ h •ë |Ñ|•Þ
or : =
Capacitances ‡ = g = = = , •Þ •ë

[I T ] volt × second
[‡] = = [M !4 L! T I ] := = Žℎ? second
[ML T ! ] ampere
83 (d) 95 (a)
Mj Here, [o] = [Þ › ] = [M 2 LT !" ].
MA 96 (c)
84 (b) Angular velocity vHM
['] [9:; ! ] Angular acceleration = =
[r] = = = [9; !4 ‡ !4 ] Time ^OK
[²][:] [‡; !4 ][:] 97 (d)
85 (a) [‡] = [M !4 L! T A ], [k] = [ML T !" A! ]
4 4 [ ]
Conductivity dHi = f{ = [ h ][ h/ ›? h]
[:] = [ML T ! A! ] and [²] = [M 2 L2 T 2 A]
!4 !" "
= [M L T A ]
86 (d)
P a g e | 42
1. [‡k] = [M !4 L! T A ] [ML T !" A! ] And A + « = 0

∴ A = −« = −
= [M 2 L2 TA2 ] 1
[‹] × h/ h? hØ
2. =[ h/ ›? h] = [M 2 L2 TA2 ]
[{] 107 (d)

K√:‡L = B[ML T ! A! ] × [M !4 L! A ]G4/

Let : = [ℎf K “ 8 ” ]
∴ [:µ ] = [ML T !4 ]f [LT !4 ]“ [M !4 L" T ! ]”
= [M 2 L2 TA2 ]

1 3 1
4. [:² ] = [ML T ! A! ] [M 2 L2 T 2 A4 ] H = ,I = − ,K =
2 2 2
= [ML T ! A2 ] Hence, : = ×ℎ4/ K !"/ 8 4/ Ø

98 (d) 109 (d)

We know ['] = [MLT ! ] Strain is dimensionless
9: 1kg × 1m 1kg × 1m 111 (d)
; = = =
' 1kg − wt 9.8N *´?! = *?! × ´ = Pascal-second
;= sec 112 (a)
99 (a) 1
¡ = :£ hence : = [9: ; ! l! ]
According to problem muscle × speed = power 2
113 (c)
∴ muscle =
power 9: ; !"
= = 9:; ! f
Given, d§ + g h i Bj − IG = k;
speed :; !4
100 (c)
ej = _k; ⇒ k =
ej ¦Ž•xO According to principle of homogeneity
_; ?ŽxO × FOxp£_ f
Dimension of g h = dimension of §
= •Í !4 ?Žx !4
102 (a)
Dimension of H = dimension of § × dimension of
The formula for fine structure constant is
= Ó
4πÅ2 d yi K = [ML!4 T ! ][L" ] = [ML> T ! ]
104 (d) 114 (a)
Energy B¡G = ' × M ⇒ ' =
!4 ! ¡
[±] = [ML T ]or [;]=
Time period = 2π¬‹M So ¡vX/?ODvO can be the unit of force
115 (d)
105 (c) 4
Kinetic energy, ¡ = ?p
When quantities are subtracted, their maximum

absolute errors are added up. ∆¡ pµ − p
× 100 = × 100
106 (b) ¡ p
Frequency o = K? Ö F Ë , F = Force/Length = [B1.5G − 1] × 100
= 125%
[M 2 L2 T !4 ] = [M]Ö [ML2 T ! ]Ë 116 (b)
From the principle of homogenity dò i has
= [M]ÖÌË [L]2 [T]! Ë

dimensions of ;
Comparing the powers on M, L and T 117 (c)
−2« = −1 Spring constant = = [ML2 T ! ].
= [ML2 T ! ]
Surface energy =

1 °
«= 118 (c)
‡k is known as time constant ‡k = [;]

P a g e | 43
119 (a) = 3.11%
N '
=5 6 = [9: ; !" ]
ã‹h ® h
Power = ® 127 (a)
120 (a) By submitting the dimensions of each quantity we
_4 •4 = _ • get
_4 •4 ; = [9:!4 ; ! ]f [:!" 9]“ [9; ! ]”
_ =
• 128 (c)
1450mile/h 1450 s/mile [‡] = [M !4 L! T A ]
= =
m/s mh
1450 s × 1.6km [j] = [ML T !" A!4 ]

∴ [‡j ] = [M !4 L! T A ][ML T !" A!4 ]

= !" = 644.4
10 km 60 × 60s
1450 mile/h=644.4m/s
121 (a) = [ML T ! ]
1 'HvHMH« = 96500 KŽ•xŽ?I
122 (c) 129 (c)
O ° ¥ Æ Moment of inertia ² = ?v
Shear modulus = O = s = [9:!4 ; ! ]

° ¥ °
123 (b) [²] = [ML ]

And I = moment of force = T × U

From the principle of dimensional homogeneity
[H] = = [9:; !" ] and [I] = = [9:; ! ]

Þ Þh
124 (d) [I] = [L][MLT ! ] = [ML T ! ]
3 & /? °
Volume elasticity = P
%*) ° 130 (c)
Strain is dimensionless, so By Newton’s formula
Force 9:; !
= = = [9:!4 ; ! ] '
Area : ±=
125 (b) lB∆pÖ /∆ÁG

∴ Dimensions of η
[A T ]
[Å2 ] = = [M !4 L!" T A ]
[ML" T ! ]
126 (c) dimensions of force
2.> =
Least count of screw gauge = dimensions of area × dimensions of
velocity gradient
= 0.01 mm = ∆v
[MLT ! ]
= = [ML!4 T !4 ]
Diameter v = 2.5 mm + 20 × >2 = 2.70 mm
2.> [L ][T !4 ]

131 (a)
∆v 0.01 4
= Energy É = :²
v 2.70

∆z 4 2É
Or z × 100 = :=

- -
Now density M = = Q ›
∴ [:] =
g åd i [É] [ML T ! ]
› h = = [ML T ! A! ]
[²] [A]
Here, v is the diameter.
132 (a)
∴ × 100 = R
∆M ∆? ∆v _4 •4 = _ •
+ 3 ` aS × 100
M ? v 1 shake
_ =
1 ns
∆? ∆v !¸
= × 100 + 3 × ` a × 100 10 s
? v = !Ï
∴ _ = 10
10 s
= 2% + 3 × 133 (c)

P a g e | 44
k4 k 140 (b)
k$° °%% % =
Bk4 + k G 1 «HvM = 36 £_Kℎ = 36 × 2.54 K? = 0.9144?

∆ký ∆k4 ∆k ∆Bk4 + k G 141 (a)
= + +
ký k4 k k4 + k Time ; = 2π√:‡.

∆ ký 0.3 0.2 B0.3 + 0.2G 142 (c)
= + +
ký 6 10 10 + 6 The result should have two decimal places Bsame
= 0.05 + 0.02 + 0.03125 = 0.10125 as 0.99G£O, 0. 010× 10!4
∴ V × 100 = 10.125 or 10.125%
∆{ 143 (c)
According to the definition
134 (d) 144 (d)
•Ž•xO-^OK is the unit of angular momentum where ÐHDD is a unit of power
as other units are of energy 145 (a)
135 (a) ‡HxŽv£O is the unit of heat £. O., energy
Least count of both instrument
So dimensions of energy = 9: ; !
∆M = ∆ℓ = ?? = 5 × 10!" ?? 146 (d)
5 6 5 6
49:X :4 4 ;4 ! ? 4 ^OK !
ž= _ = _4 = 10
üℓM : ; F? ℎv
∆ž ∆ℓ ∆M ? 4 sec !
` a = +2 _ = 10 = 129600
ž )°1 ℓ M 10" ? 3600 sec
∆ℓ 2.>/422 -- 147 (a)
Error due to ℓ measurement = = 2%
ℓ 2. > --
The number of significant figures in 23.023 = 5.
∆• ×
Error due to M measurement 2 = 2.> --
• The number of significant figures in 0.0003 = 1
= = 2%
0.25 BZeros after decimal and before a non-zero
Hence due to the errors in the measurements of M number are not significant.G
and ℓ are the same
137 (a) The number of significant figures in 2.1 × 10!" =
1 Newton = 10> dyne and 1m=100 cm 2 Bzero in powers of are not countedG
138 (d)
W B ¥
BAll the zeros between two non-zero numbers are
? ° )
From the expression = d∵ = significantG.
148 (b)
W Here, [M 2 L2 T2 ] = [M L!4 T ! ]f [MT !" ]“ [LT !4 ]”
= Wm!
m Or [M 2 L2 T 2 ] = [M fÌ“ L!fÌ” T ! f!"“!” ]
' Ä2 ²4 ²
= Comparing powers of 9, : and ;, we get
x 2πv
[Æ] [ / h] H + I = 0, −H + K = 0, −2H − 3I = 0
Or [Ä2 ] = [ë ë ] = = [MLT ! A! ]. Solving H = 1, I = −1, K = 1
á h [?h ]
139 (a) 149 (d)
Time ∝ K Ö 8 Ë ℎ ! ⇒ ; = FK Ö 8 Ë ℎ ! The given equation is
Putting the dimensions in the above relation
⇒ [92 :2 ; 4 ] = [:; !4 ]Ö [9!4 :" ; ! ]Ë [9: ; !4 ] !
⇒ [92 :2 ; !4 ] = [9 !ËÌ! :ÖÌ"ËÌ ! ; !Ö! Ë!! ]
Comparing the powers of 9, : and ; Where l and r are constants.
−« + Á = 0 …BiG
A + 3« + 2Á = 0 …BiiG By homogeneity principle the dimensions of all
−A − 2« − Á = 1 …BiiiG the terms on both sides should be same
On solving equations BiG and BiiG and BiiiG
£O, [r] = [l] = [_ú ]
−5 1

A= ,« = Á =
2 2 [r] = [M 2 L2 T 2 ][L ]
Hence dimension of time are [8 4/ ℎ4/ K !>/ ]

P a g e | 45
= [M 2 L T 2 ] 162 (c)
h/ h]
Energy ¡ = :² ⇒ [L] = [ë]h =
4 [ê] [
151 (b) [?h ]
According to the definition [ML T ! A! ]
152 (d) 163 (a)
° &
Acceleration = ) h
⇒ l = :; ! ⇒ : = l; Quantities having different dimensions can only
be divided or multiplied but they cannot be added
153 (c)
or subtracted
_ × 40 H?• = 6.64 × 10
164 (d)
_ × 40 × 1.6 × 10! ç = 6.64 × 10
Size of universe is about 10 – m = 10– × B9.46 ×
_ = 10>2
104> Gm
154 (a)
= 1042ly
Heat [ML T ! ]
= = [M 2 L T ! ] 165 (a)
Mass [M] 4
155 (d) = ‡ =velocity of light
Ôј î˜
Velocity p = rD 166 (d)

∴ r= =
p [LT !4 ] When two quantities are multiplied, their
= [LT !" ]
D [T ] maximum relative errors are added up.
156 (c) 167 (c)
We know, o=
4 Torque = [9: ; ! ], Angular momentum =
[9: ; !4 ]
Or √:‡ =
= time So mass and length have the same dimensions
168 (a)
Value of main scale division
Thus, √:‡ has the dimension of time. Least count =
No. of divisions on vernier scale
157 (c) 1 1 1° 1°
Unit of energy will be FX − ? /^OK = MSD = × = = 1 min
30 30 2 60
158 (d)
Æ×z × / h Ø×[ ] 170 (a)
[ h ]×[ / á ]
Coefficient of viscosity = s×ò = 4
!4 !4
:£ = Stored energy in an inductor= [9: ; ! ]
= [ML T ]
171 (d)
159 (d) 4
[M 2 L2 T !4 ] = [M Ö ][M Ë T Ë ] = [M ÖÌË T ! Ë ] ‡j = Stored energy in a capacitor = [9: ; ! ]
Equating powers of M and T. 172 (a)
A + « = 0, −2« = −1 rAD is unitless. ∴ Unit of r is ?!4 ^ !4
4 4 4 173 (d)
Or « = , A + = 0 or A = −
[Å2 :] = [‡] ∴ ’ =
Å2 :j ‡ × j ‘
160 (a) = = = current
[¡] = [9: ; ! ], [?] = [9], [x] = [9: ; !4 ] and
175 (d)
[8] = [9!4 :" ; ! ] Substituting the dimensions of W °% 88 & g G
Resistance, k = = = àY
above quantities in the given formula:
¡x [9: ; ! ][9: ; !4 ] 9" :– ; !
= B∵ Potential difference is equal to work doen per unit
?> 8 [9> ][9!4 :" ; ! ] 9" :– ; !
= [92 :2 ; 2 ] So, dimensions of k
161 (a)
Let ; ∝ ´ Ö v Ë § !
By substituting the dimensions of [;] = [;] [Dimensions of work]
[´] = [9; ! ], [v] = [:], [q] = [9:!" ] [Dimensions of charge][Dimensions of current]
and by comparing the power of both the sides
[ML T ! ]
A = −1/2, « = 3/2, Á = 1/2 = = [ML T !" I! ]
Hz ›
so ; ∝ Ôqv " /´ ⇒ ; = F¬
176 (d)
P a g e | 46
_ = _4 5 6 5 6 ∴ ∆ž = R2 ` a + ` aS ž
?4 :4 !" ∆M ∆x
? : M x

= 45 6
1 X? K? !" 1
=4× × 10"
100 X? 10 K? 100
= R2 × S × 2.0 × 1044
0.01 0.05
= 40 units +
0.4 0.8
178 (d)
1 _O™DŽ_ = 10!> M«_O = 0.2 × 1044 Nm!
180 (c)
Or Bž + ∆žG = B2 + 0.2G × 1044 Nm!
[’] = Z [
M !4 L" T ! × ML T !4
= [L]
L" T !" 190 (b)
181 (a) Let [8] ∝ K Ö X Ë § !
'HvHM is the unit of capacitance and By substituting the following dimensions:

‡= =5 6 = 9!4 :! ; ‘
‘ ‘ [8] = [9!4 :" ; ! ], [K] = [:; !4 ], [X] = [:; ! ]
j [9: ; ‘ ]! !4 [§] = [9:!4 ; ! ]
182 (d) and by comparing the powers of both sides
[_] = Number of particles crossing a unit area in we can get A = 0, « = 2, Á = −1
unit time=[:! ; !4] ∴ [8] ∝ K 2 X §!4
[_ ] = [_4 ] =number of particles per unit volume 191 (d)
= [:!" ] Density
[A ] = [A4 ] = positions
∴â= = \: ; ]
[_][A − A4 ] [:! ; !4 ] × [:] !4
= üv :
[_ − _4 ] [:!" ]

184 (b) ∆q ∆? ∆v ∆:
× 100 = ` + 2 + a × 100
One femtometre is equivalent to 10!4> m q ? v :

£O, 1fm = 10!4> m After substituting the values we get the maximum
percentage error in density =4%
185 (a)
Astronomical unit of distance 192 (d)
187 (d) Dipole momen = BchargeG × BdistanceG
20 j´â = 16 9´â
Electric flux = Belectric fieldG × BareaG
1 j´â = 0.8 9´â
193 (d)
Percentage error in A = 1% + 2 × 3% + 3 ×
2% = 13%.
The sign ± has been used because the words
`maximum percentage error’ have not been used.
Least count = 9´â − j´â
= 1 ?? − 0.8 ?? = 0.2 ??
188 (b) Note percentage error is ± × 100
We have to retain three significant figures in the Maximum percentage error is
× 100
194 (c)
189 (b) Æ
Æ‹ Æ‹ Magnetic field r = àò
Young’s modulus ž = =
s| y• h |
B4GB1.0 × 9.8GB2G Hence, 1 T = 4X ×4 ) á
πB0.4 × 10!" G B0.8 × 10!" G
44 ! = B∵ 1C
= 2.0 × 10 Nm 1 As × 1 ms!4
= 1 ampere × 1 secondG
∆œ ∆• ∆|
Further, = 2d• i + d| i
œ = 1 NA!4 m!4

P a g e | 47
195 (a) ∴ Dimensions of F = [MT ! ] = [ML2 T ! ]
j = B8 + 0.5G
² = B2 + 0.2G 203 (a)
8 Given, ? = 3.513 kg and p = 5.00 ms !4
k= =4
∆k ∆j ∆² So, momentum, § = ?p = 17.565
%=` + a
k j ² As the number of significant digits in ? is 4 and p
0.5 0.2
=` + a × 100 = 16.25% is 3, so, § must have 3 significant digits
∴ k = B4 ± 16.25%G
8 2
§ = 17.6 kgms!4
197 (b)
‹ 204 (d)
Time constant = {
Shear stress
∴ 5 6 = [T]
: Modulas of rigidity = = [9: !4 ; ! ]
Shear strain
205 (c)
∴ 5 6 = [T !4 ]
The unit of physical quantity obtained by the line
198 (b) intergral of electric field is JC !4 .
⇒ [±] = [9:!4 ; !4 ]
' = −±l 206 (b)
ñò 8?4 ?
As ' = [9:; ! ], l = [: ], = [; !4 ] '=
ñ! M
∴ Dimensions of ± =
Æ ñ! ã‹® h 4
= h . á =
⇒ 8=
s ñò ‹ ® 'M
!4 !4
[9: ; ] ?4 ?
199 (d)
3 & [MLT ! ][L ]
Surface Tension = [8] = = [M !4 L" T ]
[M ]
[9:; ! ]
= = [9:2 ; ! ]
[:] Moment of inertia ² = ?Í = [ML ]
3 &
Spring constant =
¥ 207 (c)
[9:; ! ] Force *
= = [9:2 ; ! ] Stress = =
[:] Area ?
200 (a) 208 (a)
1 C.G.S. unit of density = 1000 M.K.S. unit of _4 •4 = _ •
density _4 •4
⇒ 0.5 X?/KK = 500 FX/?"
_ =

201 (c) =
4 9"
From ℎ = •D + XD 170.474 × 10!" 9"
1 =
ℎ = 0 + × 9.8 × B2G = 19.6 ? 9"
2 = 0.170474
∆ℎ ∆D 209 (c)
= ±2 [∵ H = X = constant]
ℎ D ¥
Intensity B²G=?
0.1 1 °× )
= ±2 ` a = ± 210 (d)
2 10
∴ ∆ℎ = ±
ℎ 19.6 By the principle of dimensions homogeneity
=± = ±1.96 ?
10 10
202 (a) ' = HD !4
Given, Ð = FA [MLT ! ] = H[T !4 ]

Writing the dimensions on both sides H = [MLT !4 ]

[ML T ! ] = F[M 2 L T 2 ] Similarly for I = [MLT ! ]

P a g e | 48
h/ ›? hØ
211 (a) { ×
h /h ? h ]
Let radius of gyration [F] ∝ [ℎ]Ö [K]Ë [8] !
The dimension of d i = [

=5 6
By substituting the dimension of [F] = [:] 1
[ℎ] = [9: ; !4 ] ;
[K] = [:; !4 ]
[8] = [9 !4 :" ; ! ] = [T !4 ]
And by comparing the power of both sides
220 (a)
We can get A = 1/2, « = −3/2, Á = 1/2
Area of rectangle
Therefore dimension of radius of gyration is
[ℎ]4/ [K]!"/ [8]4/ l = xI
212 (a)
Here, = 10.5 × 2.1
Mass of a body, 9 = 5.00 ± 0.05 FX
= 22.05 K?
Volume of a body, j = 1.00 ± 0.05?"
Density, q = Minimum possible measurement of scale =0.1 cm
Relative error in density is
So, area measured by scale = 22.0K?
∆q ∆9 ∆j
= +
q 9 j 221 (d)
Percentage error in density is Given equation , « = H sinBID − KAG
∆q ∆9 ∆j Comparing the given equation with general wave
× 100 = × 100 + × 100
q 9 j equation
0.05 0.05 2üD 2üA
=` × 100a + ` × 100a = 1% + 5% « = H sin ` − a,
5 1 ; ú
= 6% å
We get I = ® , K = é

213 (c)
Stefan’s law is ¡ = óB; G ⇒ ó − ®

ê Dimension of

Energy Watt = = [:; !4 ], and other three quantity is
where, ¡ = =
Area × Time ? dimensionless
Watt − ?! 223 (b)
ó= = ÐHDD − ?! Í !
Í Units of H and ej are same and equal to M«_O ×
214 (a)
« = H sin BÃD + FAG.
224 (d)
Here, ÃD should be dimensionless 1
∴ [Ã] = 5 6
1 o=
∴ `‹ a does not represent the dimensions of
D ß
[Ã] = [M 2 L2 T !4 ]
215 (c)
2.24 2.24
Percentage error in ; = 4. –
× 100 + Ï.¸2 × 100 225 (c)
+ 4. × 100 e4 = [9: ; !4 ]
= 0.8 + 0.1+0.7=1.6 â = [B29GB2:G B2;G!4 ]
216 (a) e = 4[9: ; !4 ] = 4e4
k j/² 1 226 (a)
= = = Frequency Time period of a simple pendulum
: j × ;/² ;
218 (b)
Force Energy :
Pressure = = = 9:!4 ; ! ; = 2üÕ
Area Volume 8
219 (b)
The dimension of frequency BoG = [T !4 ] 4ü :
v X= … . B£G

P a g e | 49
⇒ ž ≡ Pressure
Differentiating Eq. BiG, we have Stress Force/Area
ž= =
Strain Dimensionless
∆X ∆: 2∆; 233 (c)
= + … … … B££G
X : ; ?$$% 8 &
Coefficient o friction= > )°% °& )
Given, L=100 cm, T=2s, [/ h]
/ h]
= =no dimensions
0.1 >
∆; = = 0.001^, Unit= =no unit
234 (c)
∆: = 1?? = 0.1 K? [FA] = Dimension of ÃD = BdimensionlessG
= = [:!4 ] ∴ [Í] = [:!4 ]
4 4
Hence Í =
Substituting the in Eq. BiiG, we have õ ‹
235 (a)
3 &
∴_ _
∆X ∆: 2∆; Magnetic field = X
= + ° ¥ ×a % &
X )°1 : ;
[MLT ! ]
0.1 0.001 = = [MA!4 T ! ]
= +2× [AT][LT !4 ]
100 2

Thus, maximum percentage eror 237 (c)

Percentage error in measurement of a side
_ _
∆X 0.1 0.01
× 100 = ` × 100a = × 100
X )°1 100 1.23
2 × 0.001 Percentage error in measurement of area
+` × 100a 0.01
2 =2× × 100
= 0.1% + 0.1% = 0.2% 238 (a)
Charge = current × time
227 (d) 239 (c)
Because temperature is a fundamental quantity From the principle of dimensional homogenity
228 (a) [p] = [HD] ⇒ [H] = [:; ! ]. Similarly [I] = [:] and
By submitting dimension of each quantity in [K] = [;]
R.H.S. of option BaG we get
240 (d)
Z ±v [ = Z !4 !4 [ = [:; !4 ]
?X 9 × :; ! s √Ö
9: ; × : Given, É = ÖÌt … BiG
This option gives the dimension of velocity
Dimensions of É = dimensions of potential
229 (b)
Percentage error in mass = × 100 = 0.04
2.4 = [ML T ! ]
Percentage error in volume = .Ï × 100 = 2.04
Adding up the percentage errors, we get nearly From Eq. BiG,
230 (d) Dimensions of r = dimensions of A = [M 2 LT 2 ]

∴ Dimensions of l
Percentage error in l
= `2 × 1 + 3 × 3 + 1 × 2 + × 2a % = 14%
231 (d) dimensions of É × dimensions of BA + rG
According to Wien’s law the product of =
dimension of √A
wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity
of radiation and temperature of body Bin KelvinG [ML T ! ][M 2 LT 2 ]
is constant £O, ú- ; = I = constant, where I is [M 2 L4/ T2 ]
Wien’s constant and has value 2.89 × 10!" m − K.
= ×ML>/ T ! Ø
232 (a)

P a g e | 50
Hence, dimensions of lr ê
Or ℎ=

= ×ML>/ T ! Ø[M 2 LT 2 ] Substituting the dimensions of energy ¡ and

frequency p, we get
= ×MLç/ T ! Ø
× h/ hØ

241 (b) [ℎ] =

[/ á ]

f!Þ h
Given, § = or §IA = H − D
“Ö [ℎ] = [ML T !4 ]
By the law of homogeneity of dimensional 252 (a)
equation. Òh
The dimension of « =
y ˜ Ó”
Dimensions of H = dimensions of D = [T ]
Putting the dimensions of
Dimensions of I =dimensions of ýÖ = [M !4 T ]
[O] = [‘] = [AT]
So, dimensions of “ is [MT ! ]. [ε2 ] = [M !4 L!" T A ], ℎ = [ML T !4 ], K = [LT !4 ]

242 (d) [A T ]
•p ∆o ∆• ∆p B• + pG [M !4 L!" T A ][ML T !4 ][LT !4 ]
o= , = + +
•+p o • p •+p
244 (b) « = [M 2 L2 T 2 ]
∅ ÐI
:= = = ³O_v« 253 (b)
² l
Volume j = x × I × D
246 (b)
= 12 × 6 × 2.45 = 176.4 K?"
v4 = 10!4> m, v = 10 –m
4 j = 1.764 × 10 K?"
Log v = [log10!4> + log10 – ]
Since, the minimum number of significant figure is
= [−15 + 26] = 5.5 ≈ 6 ⇒ v = 10– m
one in breadth, hence volume will also contain
247 (d) only one significant figure. Hence, j = 2 ×
The dimensions of A = dimensions of s˜ 10 K?"
254 (d)
Therefore, out of the given options p2 has Percentage error in
dimensions equal to [M 2 LT !4 ] and l has
∆H ∆I ∆K 1 ∆M
dimensions equal to [M 2 L2 T !4 ] l = `2 +3 + + a × 100%
H I K 2 M
[ò˜ ] × ˜ / áØ
So, that =[ ˜ ˜/ á] = [:] 1
[s] =2×1+3×3+2+ ×2
= dimension of A
= 2 + 9 + 2 + 1 = 14%
248 (c)
256 (a)
1 _? = 10!Ï ? = 10!ç K?
4 Xh >
>)h X
249 (c) The unit of Å¡ = d i
g N '
C N N Nm
X ° ¥ ×¢
Electric potential j = ²k, [k] = =
ë = = = "
Nm C m m
[ML T ! ] c
= = [ML T !" A! ] = )› =energy density
[A T]
250 (d) 257 (d)
p = HD + ID
[p] = [ID ] or :; !4 = I; ⇒ [I] = [:; !" ]
According to Planck’s hypothesis

¡ = ℎp 258 (b)
6 × 10!> = 60 × 10!– = 60 ?£KvŽ_^
259 (b)
P a g e | 51
Force |∆;> | = 2.80 − 2.62 = 0.18
Surface tension = = _O™DŽ_/?ODvO
Length Mean absolute error
260 (d) |∆;4 | + |∆; | + |∆;" | + |∆; | + |∆;> |
∆; =

1 1 5
‡= = K = [: ; ! ] 0.54
ÔÄ2 Å2 Ä2 Å2
= = 0.108 = 0.11 ^OK
261 (b) 5
266 (c)
Force = mass × acceleration ãä‹
ž= åû h ë
so maximum permissible error in ž
Or ' = ?H ∆ž ∆9 ∆X ∆: 2∆â ∆x
= × 100 = ` + + + + a

ž 9 X : â x
['] = [?][H]
× 100
= [M][LT ] 1 1 1 1 1
=` + + +2× + a × 100
300 981 2820 41 87
= [MLT ! ] = 0.065 × 100 = 6.5%
267 (d)
I= ⇒ M: = I × MD = v × ' × MD
262 (d) M:
[MLT ! ] MD
[ML! T! ] =
[L][L ] £. O., the unit of angular momentum is ¦Ž•xO-
Force pressure ^OKŽ_M
= =
distance × area distance 268 (b)
⇒ :‡ =
= pressure gradient. 1 1
263 (c) o= = [92 :2 ; ]
Let p Ö = FX Ë ú! qP . Now by submitting the
269 (a)
dimensions of each quantities and equating the angular momentum [ML T !4 ]
powers of 9, : and ; = = [M 2 LT 2 ]
linear momentum [MLT !4 ]
we get W = 0 and A = 2, « = 1, Á = 1 270 (a)
264 (a) [O] = [l;], ∈2 = [9!4 :!" ; l ], [ℎ] = [9: ; !4 ]
Time period And [K] = [:; !4 ]
; ∝ §f q“ ¡ ”
∴Z [ = Z !4 !" [
O l ;
Or, ; = F§f q“ ¡ ” 4ü 2 ℎK 9 : ; l × 9: ; !4 × :; !4
F, is a dimensionless constant. = [92 :2 ; 2 ]
According to homogeneity of dimensions,
272 (a)
∴ [T] = [ML!4 T ! ]f [ML!" ]“ [ML T ! ]”
The result has to be in one significant umber only.
273 (b)
[T] = [M fÌ“Ì” ][L!f!"“Ì ” ][T ! f! ” ] p ∝ Xý ℎà BgivenG
Comparing the powers, we obtain By submitting the dimension of each quantity and
H+I+K =0 comparing the powers on both sides we get
−H − 3I + 2K = 0 [:; !4 ] = [:; ! ]ý [:]à

⇒ § + è = 1, −2§ = −1, ∴ § = , è =
−2H − 2K = 1 1 1
On solving, we get 2 2
5 1 1 274 (b)
H = − ,I = ,K =
6 2 3 Force = Mass × acceleration
265 (b) = [9][:; ! ] = [9:; ! ]
Average value Torque = Force × distance = [9:; ! ][:]
2.63 + 2.56 + 2.42 + 2.71 + 2.80
= = [9: ; ! ]
Work = Force × distance = [9:; ! ][:]
= 2.62 sec
Now |∆;4 | = 2.63 − 2.62 = 0.01
= [9: ; ! ]
|∆; | = 2.62 − 2.56 = 0.06
Energy = [9: ; ! ]
|∆;" | = 2.62 − 2.42 = 0.20
Work [9: ; ! ]
= [9: ; !" ]
|∆; | = 2.71 − 2.62 = 0.09
eŽ™Ov = =
Time [;]
276 (b)
P a g e | 52
Positions A = FH- D ð Bkg − ms ! G × m
[M 2 LT 2 ] = [LT ! ]- [T]ð
= kg − ms! × m × coulomb!4
= [M 2 - ! -Ìð ]
∴ = [ML T ! Q!4 ]
On comparing both sides
285 (b)

= Z [ = [9: ; !" l! ]
?=1 j 9: ; !" l!4
−2? + _ = 0 ² l
286 (b)
_ = 2? Heat ∆‘ transferred through a rod of length : and
area l in time ∆D is
_ =2×1=2
;4 − ;
277 (a) ∆‘ = Íl ` a ∆D
∵k= =Z [ = [9: ; ! þ !4 ]
ej 9:!4 ; ! × :"

; þ ∆‘ × :
Í= … BiG
278 (b) lB;4 − ; G∆D
We know that Substituting dimensions for corresponding
< quantities in Eq. BiG, we have
Specific heat = - ∆Þ
[ML T ! ][L]
Unit of specific heat [Í] =
[L ][θ][T]
unit of heat
unit of mass × unit of temperature = [MLT !" θ!4 ]

∴ Unit of specific heat =

J 287 (b)
= Jkg !4 °C !4
⇒ ⇒A
kg°C ' − 32 Í − 273 A − 32 A − 273
= =
9 5 9 5
279 (a) = 574.25
Í = ž × v2 = [9:!4 ; ! ] × [:] = [9; ! ] 288 (c)
ž=Young’s modulus and v2 = Interatomic 1 fermi = 10!4> ?ODvO
distance 289 (d)
280 (a)
Couple of force = ev, × ', e = [9: ; ! ]
[Planck constant ] = [9: ; !4 ] and
[Energy] = [9: ; ! ]
Work = ×', . M,Ø = [9: ; ! ] 290 (b)
281 (c) MeV-sec is not a unit of energy. While others are
100 W= 100 J s !4 = 10Ï erg s !4 units of energy.
282 (d)
ðBÖh !Öá G
291 (b)
From the given relation, â = − 1 è4 è
ðh !ðá
4 4 4üÅ2 v
|è4 ||è |
= [L! T !4 ]
°× ) [ h /]
Here [_]= =
⇒ Å2 =
[l ; ]
4 4 = = [l ; 9!4 :!" ]
a %*)
A − A4 = [L] and _ − _4 = = › = ['][v ] [9:; ! ][: ]
!" 292 (d)
[L ]
h/ á
So, [â] =
[ ]
= [L T !4 ]. k4 = B6 ± 0.3GkΩ, k = B10 ± 0.2GkΩ
[ ›]

283 (b) k4 k
kýfzf||Ò| =
Use formula for time period in angular SHM. Bk4 + k G
284 (a)
G f *% B ×) Let Bk4 + k G = A
Electric potential j = à
=& *% )A
= & *% )A

P a g e | 53

k4 k From Coulomb’s law
k =
1 è4 è
Taking log of both sides '=
4πε2 v

ln k = ln k4 + ln k − ln A Or ε2 =
àá àh
yÆz h

∴ Units of ε2 BpermittivityG

∆k ∆k4 ∆k ∆A
= + + `− a C
k k4 k A = = C N!4 m!
0.3 + 0.2
∆A) ° = = 0.25 Ω297 (d)
Work done Ð = Å∆è

∴ Å=
6 + 10 Ð [ML T ! ]
k) ° = =8Ω =
2 Ə [AT]
∴ [Å] = [ML T !" A!4 ]

6 + 10
A= =8Ω 298 (a)
Maximum absolute error is ΔH + ΔI. Now work

∆A 0.25 out the relative error ad finally the percentage
A 8 error.

∴ Total error =
0.3 0.2 0.25 299 (b)
+ + cm
6 10 8 Potential energy = ?Xℎ = X d i cm
= 0.05 + 0.02 + 0.03125 = 0.10125 cm
= Xd i

∆k 300 (c)
Resistivity, ρ = ðÒ h h
= 10.125% -

∴ [ρ] =
293 (d) [M]
Æg Æg
'- = rèp or [r] = àò
= ëÞò
[L!" ][AT][T ]
[MLT ! ]
= = [ML2 T ! A!4 ] = [ML" A! T !" ]
[A][T][LT !4 ]
Alternate So, electrical conductivity
' = r²x ⇒ [r] = 5 6 = [ML2 T ! A!4 ]
294 (d)
R=8.3 J/K-mol

_4 •4 = _ • [σ] = = [M !4 L!" A T" ]
∴ _ =
_4 •4 [ρ]
• 301 (b)
8.3J/K − mol normal stress
= Bulk modulus K =
atm L/K − mol volumetric strain
8.3J/K − mol
= '/l
B1.013 × 10 N/m GB10!" m" G/K − mol
8.12 −∆j/j
= = 0.0812
∴ 8.3 J/K-mol=0.0812 atm L/K-mol
295 (d) l ∆j

e = _• ∴ _ ∝
1 Æ
Now, =§
• s
296 (b)

P a g e | 54
As volumetric strain is dimensionless. Dimensions of ² = [MLT !4 ]

∴ Dimensions of Í = dimensions of normal stress And dimension of 9 = [M]

∴ Dimensions of
[Í] = [ML!4 T ! ] 8²9
302 (a) [M !4 L" T ! ][MLT !4 ][M ]
j ∆k ∆j ∆² =
k= =± ± [ML T ! ]
² k j ²
= 3 + 3 = 6% = [T]
304 (d)
_BAmG = 1m or _ =
4 = Dimensions of time
305 (d) 311 (a)
Given, p = HD + ID Percentage error inside =
4 2.
× 100 = 0.1
Applying the law of homogeneity [p] = [ID ] Absolute error inside = × 10 = 0.01
312 (d)
Or [LT !4 ] = [IT ]
The second is the duration of 9192631770 period
Or [I] = [LT !" ] of the radiation corresponding to the transition
between the two hyperfine levels of the ground
306 (a) state of cesium-133 atom. Therefore, 1 ns is
Ð 10!Ï s of Cs-clock of 9192631770 oscillations.
j= = [9: ; ! ‘ !4 ]

307 (c) 314 (a)
Volume of sphere BjG = " üv " Weight in air = B5.00 ± 0.05G*
∆z 2.4 Weight in water =B4.00 ± 0.05G*
% error in volume = 3 × z
× 100 = d3 × >."i × Loss of weight in water =B1.00 ± 0.1G*
100 B ¥ °
Now relative density=B ¥ % B°
308 (d)
“ 5.00 ± 0.05
Given, p = HD + ÞÌ” £. O. k. â =
1.00 ± 0.1

Now relative density with max permissible error
Since, LHS is equal to velocity, so HD and ÞÌ” must 0.05 0.1
= ± Û5.00 + × 100 = 5.0 ± B1 + 10G%
have the dimensions of velocity. 1.00 1.00Ý

∴ HD = p = 5.0 ± 11%
315 (c)
ò × / áØ Angular momentum = [9: ; !4 ], Frequency =
Or H = = [/]
= [LT ! ]
[; !4 ]
Now, K = time B∵ like quantities are addedG 317 (a)

By the principle of dimensional homogenity
⇒ [H] = [e] × [j ] = [9:!4 ; ! ][:– ]
K = D = [T] H
[e] =
Now, = [9:> ; ! ]
318 (a)
=p [¡] = [9: ; ! ]
[9] = [9]
∴ I = p × time = [LT !4 ][T] = [L] [:] = [9: ; !4 ]
[8] = [9!4 :" ; ! ]
310 (a)
Z > [=
¡: [9: ; ! ][9: ; !4 ]
Dimensions of ¡ = [ML T ! ]
9 8 [9]> [9!4 :" ; ! ]
Dimensions of 8 = [M !4 L" T ! ] [9: ; ! ][9 : ; ! ] [9" :– ; ! ]
= = " – !
[9> ][9! :– ; ! ] [9 : ; ]

P a g e | 55
6 5 65 6
= [?2 :2 ; 2 ] = Angle 1kg 4 1m 1s
_ = 1[5
319 (c) 10kg 1km 1 min
h/ h]
[MT !" ] =
=energy /area 1 1 1 3600
[ h ][/] = × –× !
= = 3.6 × 10!
10 10 B60G 10ç
×time=dimensions of solar constant.
329 (d)
320 (b)
ú = ?ý p à ℎz
We know that kinetic energy = ?p [M 2 LT 2 ] = [M ý ][LT !4 ]à [ML T ! ]z
Required percentage error is 2%+2× 3% £O, 8% [M 2 LT 2 ] = [M ýÌz LàÌ z T !à!z ]
321 (d) ∴ § + v = 0, è + 2v = 1, −è − v = 0
Express the result in two significant figures. After solving we get
323 (c) § = −1, è = −1, v = 1
' [9:; ! ] 330 (a)
r= = = [9; ! l! ]
²: [l][:] Least count LC
324 (c)
30 j´â = 29 9´â =
29 *•?IOv Žo M£p£^£Ž_^ Ž_ K£vK•xHv ^KHxO
1 j´â = 9´â
30 0.5
Least count of vernier = 1 9. ´. â. −1 j. ´. â. = = 0.01 ??
29 0.5°
= 0.5° − × 0.5° =
30 30 Now, diameter of ball
Reading of vernier = M.S. reading + V.S. reading ×
:. ‡. = B2 × 0.5 ??G + B25 − 5GB0.01G = 1.2??
= 58.5° + 9 × = 58.65 331 (c)
325 (a) Volume of cylinder j = üv x
From Coulomb’s law, the force of Percentage error in volume
attraction/repulsion between two point charges ∆j 2∆v ∆x
× 100 = × 100 + × 100
è and è separated by distance v is j v x
0.01 0.1
= Û2 × 2.0 × 100 + × 100Ý = B1 + 2G%
1 è 5.0
4πε2 v = 3%
332 (a)
⇒ Let ℎ ∝ 8 Ö :Ë ¡ !
1 è
ε2 = .
4ü 'v
[ML T !4 ] ∝ [M !4 L" T ! ]Ö [ML T !4 ]Ë [ML T ! ]!
Where ε2 is electric permittivity.

[?/]h [ML T !4 ] = F[M !4 L" T ! ]Ö [ML T !4 ]Ë [ML T ! ] !

/ h ][ h ]
Dimensions of ε2 = [
Comparing the powers, we get
[ε2 ] = [A M !4 L!" T ! ]
1 = −A + « + Á … BiG
326 (a)
2.4 2 = 3A + 2« + 2Á … BiiG
Percentage error in radius is × 100. again, j ∝
k" −1 = −2A − « − 2Á … BiiiG
327 (a)
Required percentage error On solving Eqs. BiG, BiiG and BiiiG, we get
0.01 0.001
=2× ×0+ × 10 = 4 + 1 = 5 A=0
15.12 10.15
328 (a) ∴ Gravitational constant has no dimensions
We know that the dimensional formula of energy
is [ML T ! ] 333 (d)
We know that

P a g e | 56
mass unit charge,
density =
In CGS units j= =
è è
M = 0.625 gcm!" Hence, dimensions of potential are the same as
that of work per unit charge.
In SI units
346 (a)
0.625 × 10!" kg
M= = 625 kgm!" [:/k] is a time constant so its unit is ^OKŽ_M
10!– m"
347 (c)
k= q ⇒ q=
334 (a) : kl
= Žℎ? × K?
The velocity of a body at highest point of vertical l :
circle is, 348 (a)
Let _ = Fqf H“ ; ” where [q] = [9:!" ], [H] = [:]
p = Ôvg and [;] = [9; ! ]
Comparing dimensions both sides we get
∴ ± = Fq!4/ H!"/ ; !4/
Or p = vg !4 !" 4
H= ,I = and K =
òh Í√;
Or = constant =

òh 350 (a)
Hence, z¥ is dimensionless.
Diameter of wire,
335 (b) M = MSR + CSR × LC
Magnetic moment is the strength of magnet. Its SI
unit is amp × m or N − m/telsa or JT !4 . 1
= 0 + 52 ×
337 (a)
Let ' ∝ e Ö j Ë ; ! = 0.52 mm = 0.052 cm.
By substituting the following dimensions:
351 (d)
[e] = [9:!4 ; ! ][j] = [:; !4 ], [;] = [;]
[±] = 9:!4 ; !4 so its unit will be FX/?-^OK
and comparing the dimension of both sides 352 (c)
A = 1, « = 2, Á = 2, so ' = ej ;
; ∴ 8=
8?4 ? 'M
339 (a) '= = *? /FX
M ?4 ?
Indestructibility, invariability and reproductibility
353 (a)
are essential characteristics of a unit of
Í = ‡ + 273.15
354 (a)
340 (c)
F = 5 6 = [9: ; ! þ !4 ]
Energy = force × distance, so if both are
increased by 4 times then energy will increase by 355 (a)
16 times [Energy] [ML T ! ]
341 (d) = = [ML!4 T ! ]
[Volume] [L" ]
Dimensional formula of magnetic flux [ / h]
[pressure]= = [ML!4 T ! ]
[ h]
= [ML T ! A!4 ] 357 (b)
X ° ¥ à
343 (c) Capacitance ‡ = $ =g
Area velocity is area covered per unit time. B ' G
Also potential = & ° ¥
d∵ j = à
344 (b)
Unit of Å2 = ‡ /* − ? ∴ Unit of Í = *? ‡ ! ∴ ‡=
as well as ‡ = g h .
345 (c) Thus, BaG, BcG, BdG are equivalent to farad but BbG
Potential can be written a potential energy per is not equivalent to farad.

P a g e | 57

358 (b) C [AT]
Velocity p = Fúf q“ g” ⟹ [M 2 LT !4 ] =
[â] = ` a = = [L! TA]
m [L ]
[Lf ][M “ L!"“ ][L” T ! ” ] 367 (a)
Or [M 2 LT !4 ] = [M “ Lf!"“Ì” T ! ” ] If E is the intensity of electric field over a small
Equating powers of 9, : and ;, we get area element dS and θ is angle between E and
−2K = −1 outdrawn normal to area element. Therefore,
Again, H − 3I + K = 1, I = 0, K =
4 electric flux through this element is

∴ p = Fú4/ q2 g4/ or p ∝ gú Mϕê = BM´GB¡ cos θG

= ¡ M´ cos θ = k. lm
359 (a)
Impulse = force × time

= [MLT ! ][T] Hence, ϕê = ¡ . ´

= [MLT !4 ] j
= .´
360 (a)
∴ Unit of ϕê =
volt × metre
’ = [9f :“ ; ” ]
Maximum % error in ’ = HS + IT + KV
= volt − metre
361 (c)
íãá ãh
368 (d)
Gravitational force, ' = {h Diameter = Main scale reading

'k + Circular scale reading × LC
+ Zero error
94 9

× / h Ø× h Ø 1
[8] = = 3 + 35 × + 0.03 = 3.38 mm
[ h] 2 × 50
= [M !4 L" T ! ] 369 (c)
⇒ [±] = [9:!4 ; !4 ]
363 (a) ' = −±. l
[‡] = ` a = Û Ý = Z [ = [9!4 :! ; l ] 370 (d)
‘ ‘ l ;
j Ð 9: ; ! Torque = [9: ; ! ], Moment of inertia [9: ]
364 (a) 371 (a)
˜ ˜ ˜
[ã ‹ ® ]
Angular velocity = Þ , [Ã] = [®] = [; !4 ] ' [9:; ! ]
±= = = [9:!4 ; !4 ]
Hp [:][:; !4 ]
365 (c)
372 (a)
Given, length of rod l is
Required relative error=power × relative error in
:s = 3.25 ± 0.01 A.
373 (c)
Of B is :t = 4.19 ± 0.01 Since for 50.14 K?, significant number = 4 and for
0.00025, significant number = 2
Then, the rod B is longer than rod A by a length
374 (a)
∆x = :t − :s Kinetic energy = ?p = 9[:; !4 ] = [9: ; ! ]
375 (b)
∆x = B4.19 ± 0.01G − B3.25 ± 0.01G
;-ratios are dimensionless. So the unit of v is * .
∆x = B0.94 ± 0.02GK? 376 (a)
30 j´â = 29 9´â
366 (c) 29
1 j´â = 9´â
Electric displacement, â = Å¡ 30
Xh > :. ‡. = 1 9´â − 1 j´â
Unit of â = >)h X

P a g e | 58
Ï 4 385 (b)
= d1 − i 9´â = × 0.5° = 1 minute
"2 "2 ∆ä ∆| ∆®
377 (d) % error in X = × 100 = d i × 100 + 2 d i ×
ä | ®
[Pressure]=[Stress ]=[coefficient of elasticity] 100
=[9:!4 ; ! ] 0.1 0.1
¡ë = × 100 + 2 ` a × 100 = 0.3125%
378 (a) 64 128
‘ [‘] 0.1 0.1
²= = = [92 :2 ; !4 ‘] ¡ëë = × 100 + 2 ` a × 100 = 0.4687%
D [;] 64 64
0.1 0.1
379 (c) ¡ëëë = × 100 + 2 ` a × 100 = 1.055%
20 36
; = 2üÔx/X ⇒ ; = 4ü x/X ⇒ X =
4ü x
386 (b)
4-- 2.4 1 9Oj = 10– Oj
Here, % error in x = 422”- × 100 = 422 × 100 =
387 (c)
0.1% [Energy] = [ML T ! ]. Increasing 9 and : by a
And % in error in ; = × 100 = 0.05% factor of 3 energy is increased 27 times.
∴ % error in X = % error in x + 2B% error in ;G
388 (a)

= 0.1 + 2 × 0.05 = 0.2 % Dimensionally. = [p] or [I] = [pD] = [L].
380 (d) 389 (a)
The number of significant figures in 4.8000 × 10 9 =Pole strength × length
is 5 Bzeros on right after decimal are counted = H?§ − ?ODvO × ?ODvO = H?§ − ?ODvO
while zeros in powers of 10 are not countedG. 390 (b)
∴ ` × 100a
∆k ∆j ∆²
The number of significant figures in 48000.50 is 7 = × 100 + × 100
Ball the zeros between two non-zero digits are
k )°1 j ²
5 0.2
significantG. = × 100 + × 100 = B5 + 2G% = 7%
100 10
381 (c) 391 (c)
k4 k 0.2
kn = , 25
× 100 = 0.8
k4 + k
∆kn 393 (c)
× 100 ∈2 ¡ = [Energy density]
∆k4 ∆k ∆Bk4 + k G 9: ; !
= × 100 + × 100 + = 100 = = 9:!4 ; !
k4 k k4 + k :"
Now, ∆k4 = 422 × 4kΩ=0.4kΩ, 394 (c)

Δk = 422 × 6kΩ = 0.6kΩ

42 Dimensions of : and k

∆{o 2. 2.– [k] = [ML T!" A! ]

Again, × 100 = × 100 + × 100
{o –
0.4 + 0.6 [:] = [ML T ! A! ]
+ × 100
5 6=
= 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 : [ML T ! A! ]
382 (d) k [ML T !" A! ]
Note carefully that every alterative has 8ℎ and K > .
[8ℎ] = [M !4 L" T! ][ML T !4 ] = [M 2 L> T " ] = [T]
[K] = [LT !4 ] 395 (d)
∴ ` > a = [T]
8ℎ 4/ [¡][•] [ML T ! ][ML T !4 ]
K = [M 2 L2 T 2 ]
[9]> [8] [M > ][M !4 L" T ! ]
383 (b) 396 (d)
‡ :k = [‡ : ] × 5 6 = [; ] × 5 6 = [; ]
k 1 "
As p = " üv "
: ;
‹ Mp Mv
As { = ; and √:‡ = ; = 3` a
∴ Percentage error in determination of volume =
p v
384 (d)
Unit of O. ?. o. = pŽxD = ¦Ž•xO/KŽ•xŽ?I
P a g e | 59
3 409 (b)
BPercentage error in measurement of radiusG = Given, 1 eV=1.6× 10!4Ï J
3B2%G = 6% 13.6 eV=13.6× 1.6 × 110!4Ï J
397 (c) = 21.76 × 10!4Ï J
Least count = = 0.01 ?? 410 (b)
Diameter of ball â = 2.5 ?? + B20GB0.01G We will use the general rule of addition by making
â = 2.7 ?? the powers same.

⇒` a
9 9 ∆q ∆9 ∆â
q= = = +3 £O, we will add 3.8 × 10!– and 42 × 10!– we get
ÜŽx û " q )°1 9 â
üd i
= 45.8 × 10!– = 4.58 × 10!>
a × 100% ⇒
∆q 0.01 ∆q
` a = 2% + 3 ` = 3.1%
q )°1 2.7 q As least number of significant figures in given
398 (a) values are 2, so
From Newton’s second law
We round off the result to 4.6 × 10!> .
Force B'G = Mass B9G × acceleration
411 (b)
Dimensions of ['] = [MLT ! ] Both force constant and surface tension represent

force per unit length.
[9] = [FL!4 T ]
412 (c)
399 (d) ¡ = ℎp ⇒ [9: ; ! ] = [ℎ][; !4 ] ⇒ [ℎ]
For best results amplitude of oscillation should be = [9: ; !4 ]
as small as possible and more oscillations should
413 (c)
be taken
[’] = ['] × [q] = [9:; ! ] × Z " [ = [9 :! ; ! ]
400 (b)
p° °
Intensity of radiation = ? ° × ) 414 (b)
[Force] = [9][Acceleration] ⇒ ['] = [94 :4 ; ! ]
[9: ; ! ]
= [9:2 ; !" ]
[: × ;] 415 (a)
402 (c) From Coulomb’s law
Let ? ∝ ‡ Ö 8 Ë ℎ !
By substituting the following dimensions: 1 è4 è
[‡] = :; !4 ; [8] = [9!4 :" ; ! ] and [ℎ] = 4πε2 v
[9: ; !4 ]
⇒5 6=
1 [' × v ]
Now comparing both sides we will get
4πε2 [è]
A = 1/2; « = −1/2, Á = +1/2
So ? ∝ K4/ 8 !4/ ℎ4/ [newton][metre]
403 (d) [coulomb]

' ∝ p ⇒ ' = Fp ⇒ [F] = 5 6 = Z !4 [

' 9:;
p :; = Nm C!
= [9; ] 416 (a)
405 (c) Time defined in terms of the rotation of the earth
According to definition of potential is called universal time BUTG.
406 (a) 417 (d)
Pressure = = 9:!4 ; ! [ℎ] = [Angular momentum] =[9: ; !4 ]
Area 418 (c)
Restoring Force
∆kn = ∆k4 + ∆k = 5
Stress = = 9:!4 ; ! 10 20
Area × 10 + × 206 kΩ
408 (c) 100 100
= 5kΩ
Area of cross section =
× 0.24 × 0.24mm = Δkn 5 50
× 100 = × 100 = = 17
018mm kn 30 3

P a g e | 60
419 (a) 427 (b)
Volume j = ² " = B1.2 × 10! ?G" = 1.728 × ÍX-?/^OK is the unit of linear momentum
10!– ?" 428 (a)
p ∝ σf ρ“ λ”
∵ length xhas two significance figures. Therefore,

the correct answer is Equating dimensions on both sides.

j = 1.7 × 10!– ?" [M 2 LT !4 ] ∝ [MT ! ]f [ML!" ]“ [L]”

420 (a) ∝ [M]fÌ“ [L]!"“Ì” [T]! f

Let Ü ∝ ó f q“ ú”
Equating dimensions on both sides, Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides, we
[92 :4 ; !4 ] ∝ [9; ! ]f [9:!" ]“ [:]” get
∝ [9]fÌ“ [:]!"“Ì” [;]! f H+I =0
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides, we
get −3I + K = 1
H+I =0
−3I + K = 1 −2H = −1
−2H = −1 Solving, we get
Solving, we get
1 1 1 1 1 1
H = ,I = − ,K = − H = ,I = − ,K = −
2 2 2 2 2 2
∴ Ü ∝ ó 4/ q!4/ ú!4/
∴ p ∝ σ4/ ρ!4/ λ!4/
∴ Ü ∝

421 (a) p ∝
4 àá àh
According to Coulombs law ' =
åј z h
429 (c)

1 'v BnewtonGBmeterG
= = Volume of sphere is given by
4üÅ2 è4 è BcoulombGBcoulombG
*? 4
= = ‡ ! *? p = ük "
‡ 3
423 (b)
M‘ Mþ Where R is radius of sphere
= −Íl ` a

MD MA ∆j ∆k
⇒ [Í] =
[9: ; ! ] [:] =3
× = 9:; !" Í !4 j k
[;] [: ][Í]
Hence, percentage error in volume
424 (c)
Quantity ‡ has maximum power. So it brings ∆j ∆k
× 100 = 3 ` × 100a %
maximum error in e j k
425 (a)
= 3 × 3% = 9%
Linear momentum = Mass × Velocity = [9:; !4 ]
Moment of a force = Force × Distance = 430 (b)
[9: ; ] 1 Oersted = 1 Gauss = 10! ;O^xH
426 (a) 432 (c)
Young’s modulus ž = ° = N/m or pascal Bin Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence is ¡ = ?K .
SI systemG 433 (a)
[MLT ! ] = [L f ][L“ T“ ][M” L!"” ]
And ž = &)h Bin CGS systemG = [M ” L fÌ”!"” T !“ ]
Comparing powers of M, L and T, we get
!4 K = 1,2H + I − 3K = 1, −I = −2 or I = 2
Then, Nm is not the unit of Young’s modulus.

P a g e | 61
2H + 2 − 3B1G = 1 ⇒ 2H = 2 or H = 1. 441 (d)
434 (c) The dimensional formula of
Velocity is given by
Work = Energy = Torque = [ML T ! ]
p= 442 (c)
Ôμ2 ε2
5 6
e ' 4/

1 2x ?
p = = [LT !4 ]
⇒p = 5 6
μ2 ε2 e '
4x ?
∴ ∴?∝
1 '
= [L T ! ]
μ2 ε2 x p
⇒ [?] = Z [ = [9:!4 ; 2 ]
9:; !
435 (c)
: ;!
Given, : = 2.331 K?
443 (b)
= 2.33 Bcorrect upto two decimal places G 4
And r = 2.1 K? = 2.10 K? New unit of mass is –.–ç×42 kg £O,1.5× 1042 kg.
∴ : + r = 2.33 + 2.10 = 4.43 K? = 4.4 K?

444 (b)
Since minimum significant figure is 2 B2.3 + 0.035 + 0.035Gg=2.37 g
436 (d) But we have to retain only one decimal place.
∆g ∆x ∆; So, the total mass is 2.4 g.
= +2
g x ; 447 (a)
Power =
In option BdG error in ∆g is minimum and number
of observations made are maximum. Hence, in 448 (d)
this case error in g will be minimum. e = s = |h, so maximum error in pressure BeG
∆e ∆' ∆x
437 (c) Û × 100Ý = × 100 + 2 × 100
' x
Tension = [9:; ! ], Surface Tension =[9; ! ]
438 (c) = 4% + 2 × 2% = 8%
Mean time period ; = 2.00 sec 449 (d)
& Mean absolute error = ∆; = 0.05 sec Energy [9: ; ! ]
= = [:; ! ]
To express maximum estimate of error, the time mass × length [9][:]
period 450 (a)
should be written as B2.00 ± 0.05Gsec Since percentage increase in length =2%
439 (d) Hence, percentage increase in area if square sheet
Dimensions of T " = dimensions of density = =2 × 2% = 4%
[ML!" ] 451 (c)
Maximum percentage error in e = 4% + 2 × 2%
4/" !4 = 8%
T = ×M L Ø
452 (c)
Also S = force × density Impulse = Force × time = BFX − ?/^ G × ^ =
= [MLT ! ][ML!" ]
453 (b)
= [M L T ] ! 1 M«_O = 10!> _O™DŽ_, 1 K? = 10! ?
M«_O 70 × 10!> *
440 (b) 70 =
K? 10! ?
One light year !
= 7 × 10 */?
= 3 × 10¸ m/s year 454 (a)
"×42r y ”Þ
= × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60s Here, BKD − AG is dimensionless. Hence, is also
é é
¸ dimensionless and unit of KD is same as that of A.
= 3 × 10 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60m
= 9.461 × 104> m Therefore, unit of ú is same as that of A. Also unit

P a g e | 62
of « is same as that of l, which is also the unit of 458 (a)
A. êðÒzäË ã‹h ® h
Energy density = gs|÷-Ò = ‹›
= [9:!4 ; ! ]
@ÞzÒnn ã‹ á ® h
455 (d)
@Þzf ð
Young’ s modulus = = ˜ ˜ ˜ =
ã ‹ ®
We know that [9:!4 ; ! ]
ÍlBθ4 − θ GD Both have the same dimensions
‘= 460 (b)
Solar constant is energy received per unit area

‘M [ã‹h ® h ]
Í= per unit time i.e. = [94 ; !" ]
lBθ4 − θ GD [‹h ][®]
461 (c)
&°% ×)
) h×=× &
So, the unit of Í = According to Faraday’s first law of electrolysis,
? = ¶è or ¶ = , so, SI unit of ¶ is kg C !4
= . K . sec … BiG 462 (c)
‡•v£O = M£^£_DOXvHD£Ž_/^OKŽ_M
And density M = g , where ? = mass, j = volume. 464 (b)
¥ ã‹h ® h
= [9:!4 ; ! ] = Pressure
P %*)
'¥ ‹›
So, the unit of M = … BiiG 465 (c)
Impulse = change in momentum so dimensions of
Also, we know that ‘ = ?K∆θ
both quantities will be same and equal to 9:; !4

‘ 466 (b)
K= In general, moment B9G of force B'G is
? . ∆θ
&°% 9 = v×'
So, the unit of K = '¥ .= … BiiiG

∴ Dimensions of 9 = [L][MLT ! ]
Hence, the unit of ’ =
= [ML T ! ]
On putting the values of unit from Eqs. BiG, BiiG and
BiiiG, the unit of 468 (c)
´ðÞÓ represents the distance covered in _th sec.
cal/mK − sec 469 (c)
’= "
kg/m × cal/kg . K According to Stefan’s law, the energy radiated per

second or power radiated is given by
= m /s
e = ól;
So, the unit of ’ in CGS system is cm s!4 .

456 (b) ó=
The action of impulse is to change the momentum
of a body or particle and the impulse of force is Therefore, unit of ó = )h = = Wm! K !
equal to the change in momentum.
470 (c)
Thus, the dimensions of impulse are same as that Light year is a distance which light travels in one
of momentum. year
471 (c)
457 (b)
We can derive this equation from equations of
« = v sin BÃD − FAG
There ÃD =angle ∴ Ã = ® = T !4
motion so it is numerically correct
° &
´4 =distance trvelled in D second = ) =
Similarly FA =angle ∴ F = Ö = L!4
[:; !4 ]

à [T ] 4
• = velocity =[:; !4 ] and HB2D − 1G = [:; !4 ]
= !4 = [LT !4 ]
F [L ]

P a g e | 63
As dimensions of each term in the given equation = [A]
are same, hence equation is dimensionally correct
also 483 (d)
472 (a) ‡j = Energy

=Z [ = [; !4 ]
ℎ 9: ; !4
The dimensional formula is [ML T ! ].
² 9:
474 (b) 484 (c)
B ' 1gcms!4 1gcms !4

Gravitational potential = A= =
T 1kg × 1ms!4 × 1s
Hence, SI unit gravitational potential 1gcms
= " = 10!>
10 g × 10 cms × 1s
unit of work 485 (d)
⇒ [O] = [ML T ! A! ] 5 6
unit of mass :M£ A
= = Jkg !4 or ms ! [O] !
= [ML T Q ] !4
486 (c)
476 (d) •
à = •Þ = [; !4 ] and frequency [_] = [; !4 ]
Volume × v "
487 (d)
So, error is 3 × 2% = 6%
Poisson’s ratio is a unitless quantity
477 (b)
488 (b)
Volume = B2.1 × 10! G" m" = 9.261 × 10!– m" .
1 FÐℎ = 1 × 10" × 3600 Ð × sec = 36 × 10> •
Rounding off two significant figures, we get 9.3 ×
489 (a)
10!– m". >222׸– 22×"–>. >
Required time = s = 1.6s
479 (b) 42áá
N ' 490 (b)
Power = / )
k‡ = ;
[N ']
∴ [Power] = [/ ) ] = [®] ∵ [k] = 9: ; !" l! ] and [‡] = [9!4 :! ; l ]
[ã‹h ® h ]

= [9: ; !" ] 491 (c)

480 (d) Given equation is dimensionally correct because
∵ Density, q = g = åNh ‹
ã ã both sides are dimensionless but numerically
wrong because the correct equation is tan þ =

∆q ∆9 ∆v ∆: zä
= +2 +
q 9 v : 492 (a)
0.003 0.005 0.06 Percentage error in ’ = HS + IT + KV
= +2× +
0.3 0.5 6 493 (a)
= 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.01 = 0.04 Couple = Force × Arm length = [9:; ! ][:] =
∴ Percentage error =
∆q [9: ; ! ]
× 100 = 0.04 × 100
q 494 (d)
= 4% 4/

Õ =t ã u =Z [
µ 4/
481 (d) ; ? g ?′xg
p =
Dimensions of ε2 = [M !4 L!" T A ] ? 9
∆ò 4 ∆-µ ∆| ∆ã
Dimensions of : = [L] It follows from here, = + | +
ò - ã

= 5 6
1 0.1 0.001 0.1
Dimensions of ∆j = [ML T !" A!4 ] + +
2 3.0 1.000 2.5
Dimensions of ∆D = [T] = [0.03 + 0.001 + 0.04]
∆g = 0.036
As ’ = Å2 : ∆Þ
Percentage error in the measurement=3.6
× á ›/ ?h Ø[ ]× h/ ›? áØ 495 (c)
Dimensions of ’ = [/] Given, voltage j = B100 ± 5G volt,

P a g e | 64

Current ² = B10 ± 0.2GA 8²9 [9!4 :" ; ! ][9:; !4 ][9 ]
= = [;]
¡ [9: ; ! ]
From Ohm’s law j = ²k 503 (c)
W &

j Least count = > . 8 a. & &*%° &°%
Resistance k =
² 0.5
= = 0.01 ??
Maximum percentage error in resistance 50
Actual reading = 0.01 × 35 + 3 = 3.35 ??
∆k ∆j ∆² Taking error into consideration
` × 100a = ` × 100a + ` × 100a = 3.35 + 0.03 = 3.38 ??
k j ²
504 (a)
5 0.2
=` × 100a + ` × 100a Given that,
100 10
Time period, ; ∝ §f M“ ¡ ” … BiG
= 5 + 2 = 7%
The dimensions of these quantities are given as
496 (b)
By substituting the dimension of given quantities § = [ML!4 T ! ]
[9:!4 ; ! ]Ö [9; !" ]Ë [:; !4 ] ! = [9:;]2
By comparing the power of 9, :, ; in both sides M = [ML!" ]
A+« =0 ...BiG
¡ = [ML T ! ]
−A + Á = 0 …BiiG
−2A − 3« − Á = 0 …BiiiG In Eq. BiG, on writing the dimensions on both
The only values of A, «, Á satisfying BiG, BiiG and sides.
BiiiG corresponds to BbG
497 (c) [M 2 L2 T] ∝ [ML!4 T ! ]f [ML!" ]“ [ML T ! ]”

⇒ [M 2 L2 T] ∝ [M f Ì “ Ì ” L!f!"“Ì ” T !
Solar constant = &)h )
∴ The dimensions of solar constant
f! ” ]

[ML T ! ] On comparing the powers of M, L, T on both sides.

= = [ML2 T !" ]

[L T]
498 (a) H+I+K = 0 … BiiG
[f!Þ h ] ®h
[H] = [; ] and [I] = = [ã‹ −H − 3I + 2K = 0 … BiiiG
⇒ [I] = [9!4 ; ]
[ ][õ] á ® h ][‹]

−2H − 2K = 1 … BivG
f [® h ] !
So “
= [ã á ® ]
= [9; ]
Solving, we get value of
499 (c) > 4 4
4 H, I and K, − – , and " repectively.
Both are the formula of energy. d¡ = ‡j =
4 505 (b)
:² i
According to question
500 (b)
Let ? ∝ ¡ Ö p Ë ' !
' =∝ ?f p “ v ”
' = F?f p “ v ”
By substituting the following dimensions:
F, being a dimensionless constant.
¡ = [9: ; ! ], [p] = [:; !4 ], ['] = [9:; ! ]
From homogeneity of dimensions,
and by equating the both sides
A = 1, « = −2, Á = 0. So [?] = [¡p ! ]
[MLT ! ] = [M]° [LT !4 ]A [L]&
Or [MLT ! ] = [M ° LAÌ& T !A ]
501 (b)
As A = FH- × D ð
[92 :; 2 ] = [:; ! ]- [;]ð = [:- ; ! -Ìð ] Comparing the powers, we obtain
∴ ? = 1 and −2? + _ = 0 ⇒ _ = 2 H=1
I+K =1
−I = −2 ⇒ I = 2
502 (a)

∴ 2+K = 1
¡ = [9: ; ! ], 8 = [9!4 :" ; ! ], ² = [9:; !4 ]

P a g e | 65
⇒ K = −1 0.2 0.3
= × 100 + × 100
Ê-ò h 13.8 4
Therefore, ' = F?p v !4 =
z = 1.44 + 7.5 = 8.94 %
The experimental value of F is found to be 1 here 515 (c)
∴ '= Zero error = 5 × = 0.05 ??
?p 2.>
v >2
507 (d) Actual measurement = 2 × 0.5 ?? + 25 × −
1 ‘4 ‘ 0.05 ??
'= .
4üÅ2 v = 1 ?? + 0.25 ?? − 0.05 ?? = 1.20 ??
⇒ Å2 ∝
‘ 516 (d)
'×v Angular momentum,
So Å2 has units of KŽ•xŽ?I /_O™DŽ_ − ?
508 (b) [•] = [²ω] = [ML T !4 ]
The difference in the sidereal year and solar year
is about 1 day Bor 24 × 60 = 1440 minG Planck’s constant, [ℎ] = [ò] = [ML T !4 ]
∴ Difference in sidereal day and solar day is about
≅ 4 min 517 (d)
4 2

_ = _4 5 6 5 6 = 10
:4 4 ;4 ! m sec !
£. O., sidereal day is 4 min smaller than the solar
day : ; km hr
) 4 & !
42› ) "–22 &
509 (c) _ = 10 =129600
' : M«_O 10 * 518 (d)
ž= ∙ = = ! = 0.1 */?
l ∆: K? 10 ? Strain has no dimensions
510 (a) 519 (b)
Dimensions of Planck’s constant 4
Here SD is a dimensionless. Therefore, S = Þ h and
¡ has the dimension of [T ! ].
ℎ = Dimensions of
p 520 (a)
⇒ M§ = 'MD

[ML T ! ] '=
= = [ML T !4 ] MD
[T !4 ] 521 (a)
åýz åýz
Dimensions of angular momentum Formula for viscosity ± =
¸g| ¸M|
522 (b)
G ws÷|Ò
= Dimension of ?pv
j = - so, SI unit =
= [MLT !4 ] . [L]
523 (a)

FA ⇒ [F] = = Z [ = [9; ! ]
= [ML T !4 ] 1 [Ð] 9: ; !
2 [A ] :
511 (a) 524 (a)
{› òh òh
Angle of banking: tan þ = zä. i.e. zä is
By substituting the dimensions in ; = 2üÕíã we
‹› 525 (a)
get Õã á ‹› ® h ×ã =; Given, H = 3IK
⟹ I=
512 (d) 3K
KD must have dimensions of : Writing dimensions for H and K, we have
⇒ K must have dimensions of :/; £. O. :; ! [‘/j] [Q][ML T! Q!4 ]
[I] = =
513 (d) [r] [MT !4 Q!4 ]
1T=1 Wbm! !" !
= [M L T Q ]
514 (c) 526 (b)
% error in velocity = % error in : + % error in D [Pressure]=[stress]= [9:!4 ; ! ]
528 (a)
P a g e | 66
Stefan’s constant Putting the dimensions in the above relation
Energy [9: ; !4 ] = F[:; !4 ]Ö [:; ! ]Ë [9:; ! ]!
⇒ [9: ; ! ] = F[9 ! :ÖÌËÌ! ; !Ö! Ë! ! ]
Area × Time × BTemperatureG

∴ ó=
[9: ; ! ] Comparing the powers of 9, : and ;
= [9:2 ; !" Í ! ]
[: ][;][Í] Á=1 …BiG
= [9; !" Í ! ] A+«+Á =2 …BiiG
529 (b) −A − 2« − 2Á = −1 …BiiiG
4 ‹< h On solving BiG, BiiG and BiiiG A = 3, « = −2, Á = 1
Magnetic energy = :£ =
So dimension of : in terms of p, l and o
[: = inductance, £ = current. ] [:] = ['p " l! ]
539 (d)
Energy has the dimensions = [ML T ! ]. The number of significant figures in all of the
given number is 4
Equate the dimensions, we have
540 (c)
[Q ] Linear momentum = [MLT !4 ]
[ML T ! ] = BhenryG × Angular momentum = [ML T !4 ]
[T ]
541 (a)

[ML ] Henry is a unit of coefficient of self induction B:G
[henry] =
[Q ] Dimension of coefficient of self induction
= [9: ; ! l! ] = [9: ‘ ! ]
530 (c)
' ∝ p ⇒ ' = Fp
542 (c)
[planck µ s constant] [ML T !4 ]
F = ⇒ [F] =
' [FX?^ ! ] = = [M 2 LT 2 ]
= FX ^ !4 [linear momentum] [MLT !4 ]
p [?^ !4 ]
543 (d)
531 (a)
¡ = '/è = Newton/coulomb
q= |
£. O. dimension of resistivity is 545 (a)
" !4 ! ýg
[9: ; ‘ ]
Using the relation k =
532 (a)
Momentum = ?p = [9: ; !4 ] Dimensions of gas constant k
Impulse = Force × Time = [9:; ! ] × [;] =
[9:; !4 ] dimensions of pressure × dimensions of
= volume
534 (a)
dimension of temperature
In given equation, Ê should be dimensionless

∴ S=
Fþ [ML!4 T ! ][L" ]
Á θ

⇒ [S] =
[9: ; ! Í !4 × Í]
= [9:; ! ] = [ML T! θ!4 ]
And e = L 546 (c)
New unit of distance = speed in new units × 500 s
⇒ [T] =
S [9:; ! ]
= 547 (b)
e [9:!4 ; ! ]
⇒ [T] = [9 : ; 2 ]
= pŽxD
535 (c)
[A] = [ID ] ⇒ [I] = [A/D ] = F?/^
548 (b)
By Stefan’s law,
537 (a)
[ℎ] = [ML T !4 ] ¡ = ó;
[K] = [LT !4 ]
[G] = [M !4 L" T ! ] Where ó is the Stefan’s constant
538 (b)
: ∝ p Ö l Ë ' ! ⇒ : = Fp Ö l Ë ' !

P a g e | 67
[¡] [ML T ! ] ∆|
× 100 =
× 100 = 0.07,
[ó] = = | 4>.4
; [K ] ∆“ 2.24

× 100 = 42.4> × 100 = 0.1,
= [ML T ! K ! ] ∆D 0.01
× 100 = × 100 = 0.2
D 5.28
549 (a) Required percentage = 0.07 + 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.37%
šá ∆B{ûG
RD= , × 100 559 (b)
šá !šh {û
∆™4 âB™4 − ™ G The height of a tree, building tower, hill etc, can be
= × 100 + × 100 determined with the help of a sextant.
™4 ™4 − ™
0.05 0.05 + 0.05 561 (c)
= × 100 + × 100 = 1 + 10 j = 2.34 × 11.11111 volt = 26.0 volt.
5.00 1.00
= 11% [Because the final result should contain three
550 (d) significant figure.]
’ 9!4 :! ; l 562 (d)
ž= = = [9!" :! ; ¸ l ] Charge = Current × Time = [l;]
3¶ [9; ! l!4 ]
551 (d) 563 (b)
Time constant in an k − ‡ circuit
I =k−‡
Time period of a simple pendulum is

; = 2üÕ ⇒ X =
: 4ü :
[I] = [k][‡]
X ;
= [ML T !" A! ][M !4 L! T A ]

∆X ∆: ∆; = [M 2 L2 T]
× 100 = ` + 2 a × 100 = 1% + 2 × 2%
X : ; 564 (b)
= 5% Force = Mass × acceleration

∴ Dimensions of force = [M][LT ! ] = [MLT ! ]

553 (a)
‘ = [9: ; ! ] BAll energies have same
554 (d) Power =
Surface tension is defined as the force per unit
× h/ hØ
length and hence its unit is newton metre!4 or ∴ Dimensions of power = [/] = [ML T !" ]
555 (c) Torque = Force × displacement
The dimensions of angular momentum are
∴ Dimensions of torque
• = [ML ; !4 ]
= [MLT ! ][L] = [ML T ! ]
When units of mass, length and time are doubled,
than And dimensions of energy = [ML T ! ]

•µ = [2MB2LG B2TG!4 ] Hence, torque and energy have same dimensions.

⇒ •µ = 4[ML T !4 ] = 4 J 565 (d)

The number of significant figures in all of the
Unit of angular momentum is quadrupled. given numbers is 4.
556 (c) 566 (b)
As ² = 9k = FX − ? 4
Power of lens e = ö
557 (d)
⇒ [O] = [9: ; ! l! ] 5 6 ∴ [e] =
M£ l 1 1
O=: = = [M 2 L!4 T 2 ]
MD ; [o] [L]

[O] = Z [ = [9: ; ! ‘ !4 ]
9: ; ! 567 (a)
l; Dimension of SD = [92 :2 ; 2 ] ∴ [S] = [; !4 ]
558 (c) Again J
= [:] so [p2 ] = [:; !4 ]
568 (c)
P a g e | 68
1 according to problem H" = 6H ⇒ H = 6
∴ j = H" = 216 •_£D^
KE = ?p

∴ [KE] = [M][LT !4 ] = [ML T ! ]

574 (b)
In mathematical operation, involving addition the
569 (a) result would be correct up to minimum number of
Physical quantity B§G = Numerical value B_G × decimal places in any of the quantity involve.
Unit B•G
Given, L=2.3331 cm and B=2.10 cm.
If physical quantity remains constant then _ ∝
∴ _4 •4 = _ •
Taking correct up to decimal places and since, can
be rounded off less than 5, the preceding digit is
570 (b) unaffiliated.
Pyrometer is used the for measurement for
temperature ∴ : = 2.33 K?, r = 2.10 K?
571 (c)
+, = èv +,
+, × B
: + r = 2.33 + 2.10 = 4.43 K?
Force F
Or ' = èpr sin θ 575 (a)
∴ [r] = 5 6 =
' [MLT ! ] Ï.4×42 ›á
= [MT ! A!4 ] The mass of electron = 4.–ç×42 hx
[ATLT !4 ]
Ï.4×42 ›á
572 (d) × 931 MeV
4.–ç×42 hx
ò [‹® á]
Velocity gradient = = = [; !4 ] = 0.5073 MeV
Ö [‹]
g ×ã‹h ® › s á Ø
Potential gradient = Ö = [‹]
[9:; !" !4 ]
ê [ã‹h ® h ]
Energy gradient = Ö = = [9:; ! ]
[ã‹ á ® h ]
And pressure gradient = Ö = =
[9:! ; ! ]
573 (a)
Volume of cube = H"
Surface area of cube = 6H

P a g e | 69

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