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Guinder José González

Reflection Paper 2

Describing myself in 6 words that tell my story.

1. Can’t stop moving: Always active: I am always trying to do something that includes
physical activity. One time I was trying to finish a paper that I had been working for a
long time without a lot of advances. After a while I decided to go out for a walk and
when I got back all the ideas started flowing.

2. Meticulous: Focus on small details: I love to cook desserts. My wife excels cooking
everything. And I always wonder, how is it that she cooks so well without following
recipes. Because when I cook, I measure every single milligram.

3. Structured: Work best when there are clear guidelines. This one is similar to number
2. Sometimes it kills my creativity. I guess I have to work on that. Room for error, and
room for gray areas, boost my creativity and allow myself to discover new things.

4. Like to read: not just my Bible: One of my favorite hobbies is to read. The only
problem with that is that I read for work but also to distract myself, and sometimes I can’t
focus, like my brain doesn’t switch from pleasure to work. I guess I really need to find a
new hobby, something not related to my job.

5. Thoughtful on others: Because I am so oriented to details and structure, I think I am

always trying to make people comfortable by listening to their likes and dislikes, I
wouldn’t say I am a pleaser necessarily. The other side of being like this is that I get
easily offended when others don’t act this way towards me.

6. Love God: I was studying robotics in college, until one day I was reflecting on my faith
and thought ¨If I believe that there is an eternity after this life, then I should invest more
time and myself in knowing more about God¨. So next week I dropped off and enrolled in
Theology. I have come to learn so much of the Bible and God, and I don’t regret that
Describing my best friend in 6 words that tell their story.
1. Kind to others: When I met him, he was living on the streets. Not because he didn´t
have a house, but because he wanted to evangelize the homeless. I tried to join him in this
but failed. I couldn’t stand the idea of sleeping out in the cold (It was on November).

2. Thoughtful on the needs of others: One time, we were hanging out with two other
friends and we were writing a paper for a class. He saw that one of our friends was
running out of ink, and without him noticing he gave him a new pencil. It was a really
small act, but since this day I new that my friend was someone in whom I could trust.

3. Loving family above all: My best friend was living in Guatemala and studying at the
seminary when we met, despite he had a good paying job, he left it for his family. He
chose his family in the sense that this good paying job wasn’t giving him a lot of time to
be with his family.

4. Caring for close ones: He is the type of person that is always trying to avoid you go
through hard times, in the good sense. He makes his best at offering everything he can to
make sure you feel good. He took the time to bake a cake for my birthday.

5. Good friend to me: I cried a lot when he left the country. We shared 5 years of our lives
but got so close super-fast. I wasn’t looking for a friend at that time, but he was really
intentional in showing himself as a good friend. And thank God for that.

6. Shows compassion to everyone: Sometimes, when I we where on the road driving and a
car cut us off, I would make comments like ¨what’s wrong with this guy¨. He would
surprise me with something like ¨maybe he is just having a bad day¨. And I learned a lot
from those experiences.

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