Mastering English For Success 1 - English Course - Lesson 7 - Exercises

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Introdution 1-Definationof art cars; 2- Growing trend in customuzing vehicles. / Artistic expressions though vehicle
customization. / Examing specific art cars and the artists behind them / Conclusion, Recap of the impact of art
cars. / The art cars, these rolling masterpieces go beyound aesthetic enhancements, symbolizing the artist's
personality though color choices, intricate patterns, and symbolic elements. However, the concept of art cars is not
without challenges, facing varying public opinions and legal considerations.
Introduction 1- Brief overview of the hippie movement / Exploring of commonalities in ideals / Expressions of
Individuality / Differences in Activism / The hippie movement It traces the continuation of activism the 1960s to
contemporary online moviments, nothing the evolution of cause and the influence of technology. The expression of
individuality, though fashion, music, and art, persists as a defining feature of boths eras. Despite societal changes, the
legacy of the hippie movement lives on, illustrating a timeless connection between the countercutural spirit of the past
and the ideals shaping the mindset of today's youth.
SECTION 3. I. 1. We're going to take a cake to Jake's party that Carol made from scratch. / 2. A filmmaker from Paris
who is making a movie about the evolution of the hippie movement in the 60s is Jean Petard / 3. Ted and Andy, who
are my friends from school, are going on a road trip to the West Coast. / 4. Django Reinhardt, whom Frank really likes,
was a French-Gypsy guitarist. / 5. We really didn't like the new Valentino movie that your brother recommended.
II. b. c. f. g. ✔ / III. 1. whose ✔ / 2. which ✔ / 3. whose ✔ / 4. which ✔ / 5. which ✔ / 6. whose ✔ / 7.
which ✔ / 8. whose ✔
I. 1. a. / b. While Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers in the English language, many native English
speakers don’t read his work because they find it difficult. ✔ / c. The problems most modern readers have with reading
Shakespeare come from the fact that the language has experienced so many changes since the time he was writing. ✔
/ d. Despite the challenges that reading Shakespeare presents, people continue to do so because his work is true
genius. ✔
I. 2. b. ✔ / 3. d. ✔ / 4. a. ✔ / 5. b. ✔
II. 1. b. ✔ / 2. a. ✔ / 3. b. ✔ / 4. c. ✔
II. 5. b. ✔ / 6. a. ✔ / III. 1. d. ✔ / 2. b. ✔
III. 3. c. ✔ / 4. a. ✔ / 5. b. ✔ / 6. c. ✔

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