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SECTION 1. / I. 1. c. ✔ —  / 2. b.

✔ — 
I. 3. b. ✔ —  / 4. c. ✔ —  / 5. a. ✔ —  / 6. c. ✔ — 
I. 7. d. () ✖ —  / II. 1. b. ✔ / 2. a. ✔ / 3. a. ✔ / 4. b. ✔ / 5. a. ✔
II. 6. b. ✔ / 7. b. ✔ / 8. b. ✔ / 9. b. ✔ / 10. a. ✔ / 11. a. ✔ / 12. b. ✔
III. 1. a. To forcibly enter a building or place unlawfully. / b. To start a carrer or an activity, especeially one that is
competitive or difficult. / 2. a. To continur or proceed. / b. To happen or occur. / 3. a. To explain something in a
very clear and detailed manner. / b. To literally spell the letter of a word
IV. 1. a. Here "sum up" is used in its regular sense, meaning to provide a concise summary or conclusion os Dan's
argument. / b. In this case "sums up" is used to convery the ideas that Dan forme quick judgments or opinions about
people after a short period of observation. / 2. a. Here, "putting on" means that John was joking or teasing when he
tould you about the supposed danger of eating a mango and drinking milk simultaneously . / b. In this context, "putting
on" is used in the literal sense, indicating that John was is the process of wearing or donning his coat.
V. 1. c. ✔ / 2. b. ✔ / 3. c. ✔ / 4. b. ✔ / 5. a. ✔
V. 6. b. ✔ / 7. c. ✔ / 8. a. ✔ / 9. d. ✔ / 10. b. ✔ / 11. d. ✔
VI. 1. glittered ✔ / 2. stormed ✔ / 3. staring ✔ / 4. dialed ✔ / 5. filing ✔ / 6. retorted ✔
VII. stealing ✔ — broke into a cold sweat ✔ — beating ✔ — whipped out ✔ — Upon ✔ — ringing in my head ✔
VIII. 1. hot ✔ / 2. alongside ✔ / 3. now and then ✔ / 4. sped ✔ / 5. learning ✔ / 6. match ✔
IX. 1. The phrase "in my days" suggests a reference to a past period, likely the speaker's youth or a specific era in the
past. / 2. The expression "let the cat out of the bag" means to reveal a secret or disclose something that was
supposed to be kept confidental. / 3. The phrase "or else" is used here to imply a consequence or a threat. / 4.
"Something along those lines" means something similar or in a similar category.
X. 1. landing ✔ / 2. column ✔ / 3. torn ✔ / 4. party ✔ / 5. chain ✔ / 6. religion ✔ /
SECTION 2. I. 1. he take ✔ / 2. she stay (she take) ✖ / 3. we be ✔ / 4. everyone lock ✔ / 5. we not wake ✔ /
6. I get ✔ / II. 1. had ✔
II. 2. hadn't been ✔ / 3. were ✔ / 4. had ✔ / 5. had left ✔ / 6. were not ✔ / 7. had brought ✔ / 8. were ✔
SECTION 3 . I. People and Stereotypes.
I. 1. b. ✔ / 2. c. ✔ / 3. a. ✔ / 4. c. ✔
I. 5. d. ✔ / II. 1. c. ✔
II. 2. d. ✔ / 3. d. ✔
II. 4. a. ✔ / 5. b. (d.) ✖ / 6. a. ✔
III. As Mirian's brother or sister, I would choose to talk to our mother. I belive that approaching her with empathy and
understanding can pave the way for constructive dialogue within the family. In my conversation with her, I'd highlight the
value of open communication, emphasizing that fostering an environment where everyone feels heard is crucial.
I.1. b. c. ✔ / 2. a. b. ✔ / 3. a. c. ✔
II. 1. Peter is tired, then don't wake him up / 2. You can buy this house if you have this money / 3. Beatrice said she
would come; byt she hasn't arrived yet /
III. 1. b. c. ✔ / 2. a. c. ✔ / 3. a. b. ✔ / IV. 1. We saved money for years because we wnated to buy this farm.
/ 2. Althought Lucy doesn't know how to drive, she has a car. / 3. Arthur helped me when I really needed it;
consequently, I'm very grateful to him.
IV. 4. Everyone was famished, but nobody ate the turkey casserole because it was spoiled. / 5. She decided not to go
out with the captain of the football team because he had big muscles but no brains / 6. Jeremy was angry, so he
talked to his boss to find out why he had been fired in spite of the fact that his work been satisfactory. / 7. Michael was
neither tired nor cranky even though he had worked all night in order to finish his term paper.
V. Jacques Cousteau made extraordinary contributions to underwater research by inventing the acqualung and creating
the first underwater video camera. Usinh these, Cousteau was able to film and investigate hundreds of species of
underwater plants, corais and animals, besides making many observations on what happens to the human body
about tatto removed. After months he discovered that his basketball team had several tattos and after Mirian graduated
from high school she started working at Dominic's family market and after two semester at college mirian goes to live
with dominic

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