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Everything you need to know about MAP Policy.


Below is updated information intended to address some of the most common questions and
concerns we receive about MAP Policy. Please read carefully as this will benefit you as a dealer
when advertising any MAP controlled brands.

What is MAP Policy?

MAP- the MINIMUM ADVERTISED PRICE, is the lowest price that can be publicly displayed for a product on sale. A MAP
Policy is enacted by a “brand” to ensure their retail network doesn’t advertise their products below a certain price.

Why is MAP Policy Enforced?

The purpose of MAP Policy is to ensure that no dealer is at a disadvantage when it comes to use of Trademarks and
advertised pricing, and to preserve the goodwill, market value, reputation, and image of Parts Canada, the Products and
the Trademarks.

What is a MAP Violation?

Advertising practices that have the effect of changing the advertised price to lower than the SRP, such as, for
example, combining a Product with “free” product or in a “package” with other products or with a discount coupon or
promotional code and discounts with membership violate this Policy. Advertisements containing phrases such as “click
for price”, “email for price”, “email for best offer”, “call for price”, “ask for your rebate”, “20% off all inventory”, “we pay all
taxes” or other similar phrases that imply the price will be lower than the SRP are a violation of this Policy.

Advertisements that offer discounts must specifically and conspicuously exclude Products protected by MAP. An
advertisement that offers or implies a price lower than the SRP on any Product will be a violation of this Policy. This
Policy is not applicable to any in-store advertising such as in-store displays or signs or any in-store display or signs
posted at a temporary retail location (ie: trade show or event).

DISCOUNTS OR SALES. If advertising a “store-wide” or “save the tax” or “% off all inventory” type of sale (or similar to
that noted), the ad must show an Exclusion listing all MAP Policy Enforced brands. It will no longer be acceptable to
include a disclaimer of “select product”, “some items do not apply”, “MAP Protected products to not apply” or language
that does not clearly and specifically exclude brands that are MAP Protected.

What Brands are enforced under MAP Policy by Parts Canada?

Though Parts Canada is the distributor of over 300 industry brands, we are directly responsible only for the brands
that fall under the Lemans Corporation umbrella. IE: “PARTS UNLIMITED®”, “DRAG SPECIALTIES®”, “THOR®’, “MOOSE®”,
“ARCTIVA®”, “AMS®” Tires. While we will watch for and advise any dealer in violation of the MAP Policy of any of our
other suppliers who enforce MAP Policy, we are not responsible for issuing notices of violation for any brands other
than those listed above. If we are aware of a violation of a brand outside of our Parts Canada brands, we will send
a notification of non-compliance to the dealer, and we will advise the MAP Coordinator of the brand in question. In
addition, we strongly advise any dealer(s) who have alerted us to the violation also contact the MAP Coordinator of the
brand in question and any or all other MAP participating brands directly.

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PARTS CANADA MAP POLICY FAQs Everything you need to know about MAP

Where can I find all of the MAP Policies?

The MAP Policy for Parts Canada as well as the Policies for all MAP participating brands are available for download on the
dealer portal. All active MAP policies can be found under Policies.
What happens if there is a violation of MAP?
If we see or are made aware of a MAP violation by any of our dealers for a brand that is within our Parts Canada
protected brands, we will send a MAP Violation notice. Perhaps there was an oversight or misunderstanding? This
first notification will allow you (the dealer) to correct the advertising or trademark violation without penalty. Contact if you have questions about how you can comply with the MAP Policy.

If a dealer neglects to correct the violation after they have received a first notice, a 2nd Notice will be sent, and
the dealer will be placed on a non-ship basis for a period of 30 days from the date of the Notice with regards to all
Products relating to the Trademark involved. If a dealer continues to violate the MAP Policy, a 3rd Notice will be sent,
and the dealer will be placed on a non-ship basis for a period of 90 days from the date of the Notice with regards to
all Products relating to the Trademark involved. If a dealer still does not comply, the dealer will receive a 4th Notice
and will be placed on a non-ship basis indefinitely with regards to all Products relating to the Trademark involved in
the violation.

Note that discounting non-current product is at the discretion of Parts Canada and, while this is all at the discretion of
Parts Canada, we do, and will continue to enforce MAP Policy equally amongst all our dealers where current product
is being advertised at a lower price than the Canadian SRP.

How is MAP Policy tracked?

If a dealer violates the MAP Policy this opens an incident. Under the first incident the procedure explained above will be
activated where a dealer will receive first notice, second notice, etc. If at any time a dealer violates the MAP Policy in a
separate incident, this will open a secondary incident with its own first notice, second notice, etc. At any time one dealer
may potentially have multiple incidents open as one incident is separate from another.

How do we know what the Canadian SRP is of a product?

Canadian pricing is updated (nightly) and is always available on the dealer portal. A Master MAP Vendor file is also available
on the portal that will show if the vendor follows MSRP or if they use alternative pricing. If there is any uncertainty or
questions regarding the pricing of any of our parts, contact, your district sale rep or our
Customer Service department. It is the responsibility of dealers to ensure all pricing is correct.

Why does Parts Canada monitor MAP of brands it does not enforce?
As the Canadian distributor of these brands, the role of Parts Canada is to make our dealers aware of manufacturer MAP
Policies as well as making manufacturers aware of violations. We do our best to monitor on behalf of manufacturers and
communicate violations to them when necessary, however, the enforcement ultimately falls on the manufacturer.

Do you monitor some dealers more than others?

No, all dealers are monitored and treated equally regarding MAP Policy.

Do you accept violation reports from dealers?

Yes, a dealer can send a report to or to their sales representative with any information of a
potential violation. All reports are kept confidential.

Do the sales reps monitor dealers?

The sales representative may also monitor dealer activity and send us notifications of potential MAP violations, as it
protects all our dealers to support and comply with MAP Policy. All reports are kept confidential.

We hope that this helps with some of your concerns regarding MAP Policy and we encourage you to read
the attached Advertising Policy for additional details. If you have further questions or concerns, please feel
free to contact

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