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NVIDIA Ignite: Work Procedure

Kevin Ye

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

BTW 250: Principles Bus Comm

Dr. Schering

October 13, 2023


Job Description Memorandum

To: Dr. Schering

From: Kevin Ye

Date: October 9, 2023

Subject: NVIDIA Ignite Internship Job Description Analysis


In this memo, I will analyze the details, requirements, and critical features of the NVIDIA Ignite

Internship description. As a first year student, it’s difficult to obtain any internship, and I would

like to put in as much effort as possible into this program dedicated to first and second-year


Important Headings/Information

In this job listing, there are three main sections. In the beginning, there is a brief description of

the job. It states that the purpose of the internship is to give real-world experience with

technology through mentor-guided projects, especially for first or second-year students from

historically underrepresented communities. This pre-internship program would last 12-weeks

and is perfect for those who fit the aforementioned criteria and express interest in AI, machine

learning, and other computer vision technologies.

Another important aspect of the listing is the basic requirements section. In this pre-internship

program, there are three separate tracks: these include Hardware, Software, and Business

Operations. For Hardware, which I will apply to, the basic requirements include majoring in a

computing-related field, “creativity and problem-solving mentality”, “the desire to learn new

concepts and tools”, “passion for diverse work assignments”, and the “ability to develop


All of the requirements quoted above are vague and hard to prove. The only way to

demonstrate such interests are from projects related to the field and expressing such interests

in an interview. In my opinion, this part of the description is superfluous and just something to fill

the basic requirements section.

The final aspect, the real requirements section, details ways to “stand out from the crowd”. It

contains programming languages, frameworks, design software, and other technical concepts.

This is the section I should pay attention to when adding qualifications and buzz-words to my


Overall, though I don’t believe I fall under the category of being from a historically

underrepresented community, nor do I satisfy a large amount of the application requirements, I

believe that this opportunity is still worth applying to, especially as a first-year student. I will gain

my first experience on the application process, tailoring my resume to the job description, and

possibly even sitting through an interview process.


This job description from NVIDIA follows a logical and clean organization format. It begins

naturally with an introduction/overview of the internship, its goals, and what an intern would be

doing. Next, it goes over requirements for the three separate sections of the program, both

basic and those of a strong applicant. Finally, it ends with a description of how compensation will

be evaluated and a commitment to being an equal opportunity employer.


Formatting Features

The job description follows a visually appealing, readable format. Because it is hosted on

Workday, one of America’s most used human capital management softwares, it is sure to have

purposeful and easy-to-use tools that make the application both readable and appealing to

potential applicants.

The job description correctly uses a brief paragraph-style introduction to detail a mission

statement for the position. The rest of the description almost exclusively uses bullet points,

making for concise pieces of information easily parsable by the human eye.


Overall, this job description from NVIDIA is well formatted and well organized. It details

everything an applicant needs to know about the position, requirements, and compensation.

Through the skills I’ve learned in BTW 250, such as using close-reading to analyze job

descriptions, I believe that I will gain worthwhile experience through applying to this internship.

SUBJECT: Request for Time Off to Complete Procedure Manual

Hi Boss,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing this email to request one week off in order to create a

procedure manual for next year’s interns. Because I am nearing the end of my internship time

here, I understand the core responsibilities, common confusions, and basic procedures for an

intern. Therefore, I hope to streamline the experience for next year’s interns by writing a brief

procedure manual.

This manual will allow any qualified intern to step into this role with relative ease. It will include a

brief introduction to the job, core responsibilities of an intern, an analysis of the day-to-day work

cycle, resources on the programming languages, hardware-design software, and NVIDIA

frameworks used in the day-to-day, and procedure for contacting mentors when further

questions arise.

This manual will be of benefit to both the interns and their supervisors because it answers the

common questions and provides a quick reference for basic questions an intern might have. In

the long run, it will save a lot of time and stress for all parties during the training process. Since I

have gone through this recently, I believe I am the best fit for writing this manual.

As for my responsibilities, I have already spoken to Jack and Jill, and they have already agreed

to cover my responsibilities for a week, given your approval of this procedure manual. As for the

specific week, I only ask that we find one before my final week (the week of 8/18).

Best regards,
Kevin Ye

NVIDIA Ignite Hardware Engineering Intern

Procedure Manual

Table of Contents

How to Use This Manual
What Will You Be Working On?
Core Responsibilities
Procedures for Project Proposal and Work……………………………....10
Project Proposal
The Learning Process
Project Reports
Rules and Expectations………………………………………………………12
Dress Code
Work Schedule, Transportation, and Absences
Resources and Contact Information……………………………………….13
Question Procedure

Welcome to the NVIDIA Ignite Hardware internship program; we’re very excited to have you! As

a first or second year student enrolled in this program, we know you’re exceptional and eager to

learn about real-world applications of real technologies through ambitious projects led by our

very own mentors. This procedure manual is meant to establish guidelines, protocols, and

provide as a reference for you as you step into this program.

How to Use This Manual

This manual will include a few core details of what you might be working on. It will briefly go over

the kinds of projects you may work on, provide resources for tools and technologies that you will

use, and procedure for anything you may have questions on.

What will you be working on?

This program is designed to give you hands-on exposure to technologies that we use here at

NVIDIA to solve real-world problems. You’ll be busy working on projects that introduce you to

topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, and parallel

computing. In each project, you’ll have a guiding mentor, depending on what topic you may be

learning. You should be asking them a lot of questions, but make sure they refer to this resource

or search the internet first, especially if you think that these resources can answer your

questions better and faster.


Core Responsibilities

Your goal is to further your understanding of NVIDIA technologies through design, testing, and

applications of them through your own projects. Over the course of each project, you will be

working with several other interns sharing similar interests in these technologies. You, along

with your teammates, will learn how to use these technologies, apply them, and implement them

in a project deemed fitting by your mentor.

You must communicate with your mentor what you are doing for your project, a description of

how your NVIDIA technology is useful for its implementation, a timeline of how you will get it

done in 2-3 weeks, and a brief description of why this will work. When a group mentor approves

your project proposal, you will work with them to implement this technology to showcase to

interns from other groups on Fridays during large intern meetings.


Procedures for Project Proposal and Work

Project Proposal

There are many NVIDIA technologies that you will be able to learn, such as CUDA, OpenCL,

and many more. Your first step will be to generate a project idea. Be sure to ask mentors what

the applications of each technology may be and ask for their help to flesh out the details of your


Next, you will form groups based on your project ideas. Everyone will present their project

ideas, and you will rank what you would like to work on based on everyone’s basic proposals.

Once groups are formed, you will further work on the details and draft the project report for your

group mentor.

The Learning Process

Once you have a strong project proposal and a basic idea of what you will be working on, you

begin your literature review and learning from mentors about the technologies you will

implement. You will have the opportunity to get a peek into what your mentor works on during

their day-to-day and learn about each technology through both your literature review and

through example.

Once you have a very basic understanding of what each technology does, you will begin the

project with your teammates. You will have access to NVIDIA’s workshop and resources to

design your projects. If you are in need of materials not available in the workshop, make sure to

let your mentor know as soon as possible to get part orders in.

Project Reports

Every day, you will write a brief report consisting of only a couple paragraphs. It should include

the following:

● What did you accomplish today?

● What challenges did you run into? Did you solve them? If so, how?

● A self-reflection on how you and your group worked today.

● What are you going to accomplish tomorrow?

At the end of the week, you will compile these reports into a brief, informal presentation to your

mentor on your accomplishments of the week.


Rules and Expectations

Dress Code

● Please maintain a business or smart casual dress code. Do not wear sweats.

● Make sure hair is tied back, loose jewelry is taken off, and closed toed shoes are worn in

the workshop

Work Schedule, Transportation, and Absences

Please arrive promptly to your predetermined meeting spot at 9am. There, you will have a short

group meeting with your supervisor, then work on your project. At noon, all interns will meet for

group lunch and socialization. At 1pm, you will return to your project groups and continue

working on projects. On some days, schedules will be different for guest presentations and

project presentations. Every day, however, will still be 9-5.

● Busses and ride-sharing service stipends will be provided. We do have complimentary

breakfast in the employee lounge, make sure to arrive early enough to be on time.

● If you are unable to attend, make sure to speak to your group mentor. If you miss more

than 7 days of this program, you will be asked to leave.


Resources and Contact Information

Question Procedure

Many questions will arise as you work on your projects. Here is a loose procedure in the order

of how you should look to get your questions answered.

1. Ask your teammates. Any questions you may have they will likely have as well.

2. Search the internet. For questions about coding languages and frameworks, check out

resources like GeeksforGeeks and the official documentation for the language or


3. Ask your group mentor, they are both qualified and extremely willing to guide you during

your project process.



NVIDIA Ignite Internship, Hardware/Software/Business Operations - Summer 2024. (n.d.).


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