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Task 1: Getting to Know Each Other

Prof. Marga Vinagre

Participants: Students teachers from different classes around Europe

Stage 1:

Post a short multimodal presentation (video) about yourself. You may talk about any of the
following (or add your own): your background, family, interests/hobbies, university life, things
you are passionate about, an amazing experience you had, and anything else you would like to
share. Since you are going to collaborate, it is important that you get to know each other. For
this try to tell your partners also something about:

● Your personality,
● Your online habits,
● Your language learning and/or teaching experience,
● One issue or problem which you think is very important in education in
your country or region.

Please tell us something memorable about yourself and upload this presentation on the Flip
created to that effect

Stage 2:
Please, post comments on your team members’ presentations. When you write your response,
try to point out 1) things that caught your attention 2) differences you noticed to your own
culture. You can also ask some questions about things you would like to know more about.

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