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Assaignment of English

Name: Rimshah Sajjad

Rollno: 56542
Samester: Bs-2nD
Assaignment Topic : Letter writing
Submitted To: Ma’am Fatima bibi
Submitted By: Rimshah Sajjad
Department Name: Political Science
Date: 10/07/2020
Letter writing:
A letter is a written message conveyed from
one person to another person through a
From the above discussion, it can be said that a letter is a written message,
printed or hand written, that is sent to someone by other through post or mail or
in some other way.

A letter is a handwritten or printed message, in the simplest of meanings. It is a

written conversation between two parties and is usually sent via post or mail.
Most of our formal communication now, with business entities and the
government and related agencies happens through letters. Although it faced a
decline in the personal level, it is very important that we know when and how to
write each type of letter for business purposes or at least for the sake of formal

Types of Letter
Letter is an important symbol of human civilization. It has been used as a media of
exchanging information from the primitive age. Letter can be categorized into
different types based on formalities maintained, information contained, purpose
of use etc. A comprehensive classification of letter is shown below
• Formal Letter: The letter which is written according to the formal rules and
regulations of an organization is called formal letter. This type of letter
always maintains the formalities of the office strictly. Institutional and
business letter fall in this category.
• Informal or Personal Letter: The letter which does not follow any formal
rule and contains personal information is known as informal or personal
letter. This type of letter is written to relatives and friends for exchanging
news or feelings or to seek favors. The basis of writing personal letter is
personal relationship.
• Business Letter: The letter which contains commercial information and is
written among business people is called business letter or commercial
letter. Business letters are formal, structured and non-personal.
Commercial letter contains information relating to trade inquiry, circular,
order, complaint, claims, adjustment, collection relating to trade inquiry,
circular, order, complaint, claims, adjustment, collection etc.
• Official Letter: When letter is written containing the official information
like rules, regulations, facts and figures, activities, system, procedure etc. it
is called official letter. In other word, when a letter is written following the
official decorum, it is known as official letter. Officials use this type of letter
to send official message to other branches and offices. Official letter strictly
follows the prescribed rules, regulations, structure and style of the office.
• Social Letter: Letter that is written on any social occasion or purpose is
called social letter. Invitation letters for different programs, thanks letter,
condolence letter, congratulation letter etc. fall in the category of social
letter. It is actually one kind of personal letter.
• Report Letter: Letter that is prepared in the form of report or investigation
and is sent to the person, who has assigned it, is called report letter. In real
sense, it is a short report in the form of letter. The letter sent to the sales
manager by the sales man on every day’s sales volume in an example of
report letter.
• Notice Letter: Notice letter is a letter that is sent to a person notifying or
informing him about any special topic.
• Circular Letter: A letter that circulates or announces the same information
or message to a large number of people at a time is called a circular letter
or a circular. Announce of new product, change of business address,
retirement or admission of partner etc. requires circulating the certain
message. For this purpose circular letter is written.
• Order Letter: When the quotation of the seller satisfies the queries of the
prospective buyer, he places order through an order letter. So, after
granting the quotation, the letter which the buyer writes to the supplier or
seller, requesting him to deliver the prescribed amount of goods is called an
order letter.
• Complaint Letter: However efficient an organization may be in running a
business, everything does not go all the time according to plan. There will
be some mistakes and some accidents. Letters written to bring these
mistakes to the notice of those who must own the responsibility for them
are called claim or complaint letters.
• Employment Letter: Letters which are written in case of employment are
considered as employment letter. Job application letter, appointment
letter, joining letter, promotion letter etc are examples of employment

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