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This trait may be taken with ‘Passionate Love’. If you Loud (minor Bad)
lose the object of your affection, you suffer -1 to all The character seems to make more noise than anyone
rolls until the Gamemaster decides that you have else. Their voice always carries and they tend to
recovered from the loss or rejection. stamp a little when they walk. They suffer a -2 penalty
to stealth rolls, and unless they specify they are trying
to be quiet their approach is automatically detected
noBLe (minor good) and their voice is easy to overhear by those nearby.
You have been born into the highest levels of society
and are used to entertaining dignitaries, ambassadors
and even kings and queens. You experience gives outsider (minor Bad)
you a +2 bonus whenever you deal socially with the You aren’t very good at making friends and fitting in
cream of society, especially when you are in a formal with groups. Somehow you just don’t seem to connect
environment. to other people very well. You suffer a -2 penalty to
social rolls with strangers and may not take the
‘Friends’ trait at character creation.

passionate Love (major Bad)

Your love for someone is so consuming it is hard to
see past it. When you are separated from them you
can think of little else but finding them again. You
are constantly in fear for their safety. When you are
not with the object of your affection you suffer –2 on
any action except those that will help reunite you. You
must also pass a Resolve + Ingenuity check (Difficulty
15) to do anything that will not bring them back to you.

sesquipedaLian (minor Bad)

You habitutally use complicated phrasology, abstruse
verbiage and academic language, even while in the
singLe-minded (minor/major good) process of elucidating the most commponplace and
The more you are thwarted in your plans, the more quotidien concepts. You suffer a –2 penalty when
obsessed you get about pursuing them. Each battle trying to explain or teach anything. However, you gain
you lose makes you more dedicated to winning the +1 when attempting to impress people with your skills
war. For the minor level, each time your plans are and abilities.
interrupted by someone acting against you, you gain
a Story Point.
siLver spoon (minor Bad)
As a major trait you gain 2 Story Points when any You have been brought up in an atmosphere of wealth
of your plans fail. However, you also become more and privilege that has left you a little out of touch with
obsessed with defeating your enemies the more Story the ‘common folk’. While this might not have made
Points you gain this way. you a snob, you are still not used to doing things
for yourself or having to go without. You suffer a -2
penalty when dealing with the poor and destitute and
Wanted (minor/major Bad) also when attempting actions that might be dirty or
You are actively hunted by a group. They may believe unpleasant and might be ‘beneath you’.
you have committed a crime, but they might just as
easily want to worship you as the chosen one. Either
way, you don’t want them to catch up with you. As a sLoW (minor/major Bad)
minor trait the group will sometimes come across A lot of the Doctor’s adversaries are incredibly
you, but they have limited resources and are unable to dangerous but thankfully many of them move slowly.
send a large force to bring you in. As a major trait the Cybermen are walking tanks able to withstand gunfire
group are very powerful, and if they catch up with you, and damage but the Doctor is quick to avoid them as
you are as good as captured. they lumber from one place to the next with a slow


marching stomp. This trait can also be used for minor trait you can still understand human speech, but
characters that are physically impaired from moving needs some sort of device to be able to communicate
quickly. effectively. As a major trait you have no conceptual
commonality with normal speech, making you unable
Effect: Slow is a Minor or a Major Bad Trait which to understand or communicate with others. No
means that the character is slower than average. As device is able to accurately translate for you, making
a Minor Bad Trait, the character’s effective Speed is you reliant on some form of intelligent interpreter.
halved (round down), so a Coordination of 4 means Characters with this trait might take psychic traits to
that the character has a Speed of 2 in a chase. The balance this disadvantage so they might read minds
character’s Speed has a minimum of 1, though directly.
particularly slow creatures can sometimes have
Speeds that are slower (down to 0.5, etc). Such slow
speeds, however, require additional calculations on B neW gadgets
behalf of the Gamemaster and may be ignored. As a A host of new Gadgets are presented in the adventures,
Major Bad Trait, the character’s Speed is effectively but here’s one to get you started.
zero. The character does not move or, if it does, it
moves so slowly that it is regarded as stationary in a
chase situation. key to time tracker (speciaL gadget)
pLaying in the fourth doctor era

This wand-like device could locate the segments of

the Key to Time (see page 137) across time and space.
When inserted into the control console of a TARDIS, it
guided the ship to the appropriate system, and could
then be removed and used a short-range detector.
When the tracker touched a disguised key segment, it
transformed it back into part of the Key to Time. When
the Doctor assembled the Key to Time, the Tracker
was part of the complete device.

Traits: Track (Major), Restriction (Key to Time Segments

Only), Scan, Vortex, 4 Story Points

taiLored regeneration (major good) –

prerequisite: time Lord
The Time Lord has an intuitive control over their body
during Regeneration which allows them to tailor their
form to their liking.

Effects: When the Time Lord regenerates, they may

choose the results of the Regeneration instead of
rolling on the tables on page 95 of the Gamemaster’s
neW gadget trait
Note that if you’re using the Time Traveller’s Track (Major/Minor Good)
Companion, there are more detailed rules for This item can find things for you. As a minor trait it can
regeneration. locate the target as long as it is on the same planet, by
showing the operator how close they are and guiding
them towards it. As a Major trait the device can find
uncommunicative (minor/major Bad) the quarry anywhere in the universe, able to offer
You are unable to use human speech, making it hard coordinates to its general whereabouts where it can
to communicate with any but your own species. As a be tracked on the ground as with the minor trait.


chapter tWo
the fourth doctor and companions

B the fourth doctor’s companions k-9

K-9 was presented to the Doctor and Leela by his
During his travels, the Doctor picked up a wide range original owner, Professor Marius (see The Invisible
of strays and fellow-travellers. He was a citizen of the Enemy on page 113). He was a very loyal robot dog,
universe, and unlike his previous incarnations, did not following the commands of his master or mistress
restrict himself to human companions. He travelled with little or no thought to his own safety. He also
with robots, aliens and even a fellow Time Lord. had a lamentable habit of taking his orders rather
literally sometimes, chasing a ball into the water at
Each character is presented as a data sheet outlining Brighton beach when asked to fetch it by Romana.
their abilities and a summary of their personality K-9 could be a little superior when he knew he was
and background. Below is an introduction to the right, which was quite often. While he was capable
companions we meet for the first time with the Fourth of using deadly force, he only uses it when expressly
Doctor. More information on Sarah Jane Smith can be commanded to.
found in The Third Doctor Sourcebook and Defending
the Earth: The UNIT Sourcebook. The UNIT book also
contains more information on Harry Sullivan.
the fourth doctor and companions

Leela was a warrior of the Sevateem tribe –
descendents of the survivors of a crashed Earth survey
ship. Although the Doctor turned down her request to
accompany him on his travels, she ignored him and ran
into the TARDIS. Leela lacked knowledge of technology
but was highly intelligent and not intimidated by
advanced machines or concepts. She would re-phrase
things in terms that she could understand in order to
help her work through solutions. Her warrior attitude
meant that she was quick to respond to threats with
her knife and poisonous Janis thorns. This did not
go down well with the Doctor, but Leela resisted all Before leaving the original K-9 with Leela on Gallifrey
attempts to ‘civilise’ her. the Doctor had begun work on a new version, the
Mark II. This new K-9 was a slightly upgraded model,
but somewhat ‘overclocked’ as he required more
maintenance and upkeep. The Doctor also had a
tendency to change and adapt this model, changing
his personality and voice at one stage. However, it
is hard to say whether the machine was actually
constantly breaking down, or if the Doctor just liked
tinkering with it.

romana (1st incarnation)

Romanadvoratrelundar (shortened to Romana by the
Doctor even though she would have preferred ‘Fred’)
was assigned by the White Guardian (masquerading
as the Time Lord President) to assist the Doctor
in his search for the Key to Time. As the mission
was so vital, it is no surprise he picked their best
and brightest student – Romana graduated the
Academy with a triple 1st and was an expert in
temporal technology, physics and even advanced
psychoanalysis. Romana also proved very practical,
able to apply her knowledge easily and quickly to
almost any situation.


Romana was supremely confident of her abilities, Regenerating on a whim, she chose to duplicate
but inexperienced in dealing with life outside the the body of Princess Astra from her last adventure,
sheltered environment of Gallifreyan academia. This, much to the Doctor’s disapproval. Her personality in
combined with a Time Lord’s natural arrogance, this new regeneration was a lot more friendly and
often made her unaware of quite how dangerous a adventure-seeking, but she lost little of her skills
situation might be. Luckily, her cool intelligence and and determination. Her relationship with the Doctor
icy charm usually more than compensated. also changed as they roamed across time and space
together. She stopped being the Doctor’s assistant
or apprentice and instead became a partner he was
showing around the universe.

Romana hoped the Time Lords would simply forget

She had a very dry sense of humour and a rather about her and let her remain in the TARDIS with the
sarcastic wit, especially against people she felt were Doctor exploring the universe. However, the Time
not her intellectual equal. Underneath her dismissive Lords never forget where their errant subjects are,
attitude, she was genuinely excited to be adventuring even the Doctor, and they ordered her to return.
with the Doctor, and keen to put into practice all she While the Doctor would have liked to help her stay
had learned. It took her a while to appreciate that he knew from bitter experience that the Time Lords
the Doctor’s experience sometimes made up for would eventually take Romana back no matter what
and even surpassed her raw knowledge. However, he did. However, in her time with the Doctor, Romana
she came to respect his abilities; even though it is had learnt his most vital lesson, and she found a way
painfully obvious to her he needs someone around to to disobey the Time Lords. She chose to remain in
look after him. E-Space with K-9 MII and help the Tharils, where
even the Time Lords might find it difficult to bring
her home.
romana (2nd incarnation)
After completing her mission for the Time Lords with
the Doctor, Romana decided she was in no rush to adric
return to the cloying atmosphere of Gallifrey. Her Adric was a likable but gawky teenager who masked
time with the Doctor had taught her there was so social shyness with arrogance and an argumentative
much more to see. While he may have infected her nature. His incredible ability with mathematics had
with some of his own rebellious attitude, Romana led to a rather sheltered academic upbringing that
had come to see the Doctor as someone who could he tried to rebel against as soon as he hit his teens.
teach her things that Gallifrey never would. As an Adric ran into the Doctor when the TARDIS became
academic she was still eager to learn and face stranded in E-Space. After his older brother was
new challenges, not that she would ever admit that killed, he stowed away aboard the TARDIS. Adric
the Doctor (with his dismal academic record) had eventually managed to prove himself a valuable
anything to teach her. companion, and the Doctor adopted him as a protégé.


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