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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

I have a solid and completed sketch of the R.E. part of the painting, it's finished and all I have to do now
is paint that part of it. How I plan on doing the draft I think is kind of interesting. Because I don’t have
any technology or any design programs like illustrator, I'm going to take pages out of my sketchbook and
paste them onto a different page. For example, the R.E. page is done, and I don’t have any room to add
on to it, so I'll just cut it out and put it all on a different and bigger piece of paper. Once all the pieces are
done and on the big page, I'll use it as the reference.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I hope to get the mountain part sketched out I have some Ideas, but I don’t know if I should do M.S.S.
instead of mountain to save space on the canvas. I've decided to change my idea a little bit. Before I
wanted to make a painting with re mountain in the middle with all sorts of musical instruments and
sports stuff and I.B. things coming out from the back of it. I still think this could be a good idea, but I've
decided to touch on my graffiti roots and do something with that instead. I'll R.E. at the top and either
Mountain in all caps or M.S.S. on the bottom, I'm really undecided on which to choose from but by the
end of the week will have an idea for sure. The only thing I'm afraid of is that if I do MSS instead of
mountain, people will see that as a cop out, I'm sure this is all in my head and nobody actually thinks this

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

Just some more time is all I need. I have all the materials for now. I almost feel like time is slipping away,
especially in the past few days. I still think I can get this done in time, I'm not too worried about it yet.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

When I did the R.E part of the painting it all went well. I figured out I could have a big serif font that kind
of looked like the one in the schools logo. The problem with that is it takes up a lot of vertical space on
the canvas. I'll find a picture that shows what I mean. The R.E. looks perfect, I don’t want to change it
anymore, I, really proud of how it looks actually. It's just the fact that the word “mountain” is so many
letters long it goes from one side of the page all the way to the other. And the result of it being squished
into the middle is that all the letters are skinny at the end. This is why I almost want to ditch the
mountain part of it entirely and go for the M.S.S. so the whole thing stays centered on the canvas and
doesn't look bottom heavy like it would have been.
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

Here’s what I was talking about with the sketch and how it’s mostly perfect. One thing that one of my
mentors said is that the second period is a bit confusing. I totally see it now aswell, because the first
one is in front it’s kinda weird to look at. Why I decided to put the second one in behind is beyond me,
it’ll get fixed soon.

Last night I just got bored and decided to brush up on my art skills and just kinda chilled out. In this
second picture I just kinda drew what was on my mind. I’d like to also say I was watching the grand
Budapest hotel while doing this and it was a good movie I must say.
Even though I was basically vomiting art onto a page I still found this productive to my capstone. Part
of the reason I went with art for my capstone was because I kinda lost interest in it for a time and
outside of drawing little things on school work I really hadn’t touched a marker in a long time. This
little bit of nothing I did while watching a movie kinda re lit that art fire that I had a while ago. Before
this week I saw the capstone project as almost a labour of love in a weird way. And now I want to see
what I’m capable of making professionally for once.

At the time I did this my dad came in and said he really amired how I could just come up with this on
the spot (all the stuff I drew on this page). I was kinda confused because I didn’t really see this as
anything to be really proud of as it took the length of a movie to do. But now that I look at it a few
days later I see what he was talking about. I know this paragraph isn’t that relevant to my capstone I
think this is a problem that I teally have to solve somehow. It’s actually crazy how much I don’t like
my art while I’m doing it. Sometimes it will really hinder me from getting anything done because of
how much I dislike something while I’m doing it. I hope I can put it aside or even solve it for my
capstone. Or something like that but it’s starting to get tiring having to re do and throw out good work
because I didn’t like it when I was making it.

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