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Blog Post #2 Questions:

1) What have I accomplished so far? (Give specific details. Include the research you
have done to date. Include sources of information you have used for research,
people you have spoken to, videos you have watched, books you are reading, etc.)

Since I've started my capstone, I have been trying to do most research on nutrition
and diets. For my workout routine I have gone to a close family friend who is my
mentor. His name is Tony. He is a trainer and pro body builder. He made me a
workout routine and it's been a month since I have been doing this routine and we
have made some adjustments based off my strength and where my weight and body
fat are. I also watched a lot of fitness content to help motivate me because seeing
others who excel pushes me to work harder.

2) What have I learned? Give specific examples of your learning, whether is has been
positive or negative. Some of our best learning comes from our struggles.)

I have learnt a lot about nutrition. Well, trying to lower body fat I learnt that you
should be eating 1-1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight to help build/maintain
muscle. I have learnt that your body is very critical to get a good sleep and so I have
also been trying to focus on my sleep to help with recovery and give me sufficient

3) What still needs to be done? (Create a specific list of objectives/tasks you want to
accomplish over the next two weeks. Be detailed and realistic.)

• Get a set diet instead of just eating different healthy things

• Find a more enjoyable cardio routine
• Update and change workout routine and diet based on results
• Doing more weight and body fat check in

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