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Cambridge Natural Science 4 Standard


Name: Class:

1 Order the stages in the process of pollination from 1–8.

Mark /7
a) A new plant grows.
b) From the stigma, the pollen travels down to the ovary.
c) Here, the pollen fertilises the ovules.
d) Insects and small birds pick up pollen. 1
e) Some of the pollen sticks to the stigma.
f) The fertilised ovules develop into seeds.
g) They transport it from the stamen to the pistil.
h) When the flower dies, the seeds are spread.

2 Complete the sentences about plant reproduction.

Mark /3

runners tubers underground

a) Rhizomes are stems which grow horizontally .

b) Stolons are also called .
c) are like thick stems which grow underground.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 4 Unit 4 test 1 of 3

Cambridge Natural Science 4 Standard

3 Label the diagram of a flowering plant.

Mark /5

ovary stigma filament anther pistil style


b) e)


c) ovary petal

sepals ovules

4 Circle true (T) or false (F).

Mark /5

a) Plants are heterotrophs. T/F

b) Plants make their own food through photosynthesis. T/F
c) Photosynthesis produces glucose which the plant uses to grow. T/F
d) Glucose is transported around the plant through the xylem. T/F
e) Water and minerals are transported up the stem
through the phloem. T/F

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 4 Unit 4 test 2 of 3

Cambridge Natural Science 4 Standard

5 Ben’s class is having a group debate about the importance of plants. It is

his turn to speak, but he cannot think of anything to say. Can you help him?

Write four reasons why plants are important for humans and other
animals. Look at the words below for ideas.
Mark /4

glucose photosynthesis carbon dioxide home


6 Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word
next to letters a–f.
Mark /6

centre female ground pistils stolons walls

Last weekend, Philip went with his father to a garden

(a) . His father wanted to buy some
plants for the garden at their new house. ‘I want to get
some nice flowers for the flower beds and some plants
to cover the (b) . Will you help me
choose, Philip?’ asked Philip’s father.
‘Of course!’ replied Philip.
First, they looked at the flowers. ‘Dad, these flowers are beautiful. They have
stamens and (c) ,’ said Philip.
‘Ah, yes. Flowers that have both male and (d) parts are called
perfect flowers,’ said Philip’s father.
Then, they looked for a plant to cover the walls of the garden. ‘Philip, I need a
plant that grows horizontally along the (e) , but that also grows
upwards. Do you know any?’ asked Philip’s father.
‘That ivy plant is a runner. They reproduce through (f) ,’ replied
Philip. ‘I think they will cover the walls well.’
‘Thanks for all your help, Philip. You know a lot about plants!’
Total mark / 30
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 4 Unit 4 test 3 of 3

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