International Connections Paper 2

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Tasse Mock


The power of the Alcohol Industry

The Alcohol industry is a strong force in the economy today and greatly impacts various

aspects of society. Beyond its role of providing drinks, the alcohol industry shapes multiple

dynamics of power, such as things like knowledge, privilege, gender, the economy, religion, and

race. In this paper, I will further examine these points and discuss how the alcohol industry

influences societal structures.

The alcohol industry plays a significant part in shaping public knowledge through the

way that it chooses to market and advertise its products. This effort not only entices and

encourages the consumption of alcohol but also influences the perception of society. Alcohol is

advertised as something used for socializing or relaxing, and while that is true, it also neglects

the potential health risks that are associated with alcohol consumption, resulting in a skewed

sense of knowledge.

Another dynamic of power that the industry of alcohol is closely tied to is privilege,

especially economic privilege. This can influence decisions regarding policies that limit access to

the market, making smaller producers and consumers struggle. This imbalance of power leaves

those who are at the top of the hierarchy with even more power.

Gender is another dynamic of power that the alcohol industry plays into. As we look back

into history, we see that the alcohol industry perpetuated gender stereotypes through the way that

they chose to market and advertise their products. They would link certain drinks with

masculinity or femininity, contributing to gendered expectations around drinking behavior.

Alcohol is a significant part of the global economy, and the alcohol industry considerably

impacts economic structures. While the industry creates employment opportunities and

contributes to the government through taxes, it also uses its power negatively, causing things like

limited opportunities for smaller businesses, resulting in issues of privilege.

Another dynamic that alcohol plays into is the cultural significance of religious beliefs

and practices. However, with that comes challenges such as balancing the delicate line between

cultural traditions and commercial interests. Some religions are against alcohol, while others

incorporate it into their religious rituals.

Lastly, the alcohol industry influences race. It is clear through the way that the industry

chooses to market that they use cultural representations. With that, racial stereotypes are

perpetuated, sometimes contributing to harmful narratives and reinforcing existing prejudices.

The dynamics of power within the alcohol industry have a major effect on society. By

examining its impact on knowledge, privilege, gender, economies, religion, and race relations,

we can gain insight into the many ways that this industry shapes various aspects of our lives.

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