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"Young Witnesses, Environmentally Aware and Concern"

Performance Task for Witness Science, Environment and Religion


1* Semester

AY 2020-2021

Submitted to:

What is the project all about?

The project is all about the garbage along the coats/streets. Garbage along coastlines and streets is a significant
environmental issue with far-reaching consequence. Such as environmental impact, water pollution, plastic
pollution and etc. Efforts to combat this issue often involve a combination of public awareness campaigns,
improved waste management infrastructure, recycling initiatives, and policies targeting reduced plastic use.
Additionally, community participation and individual responsibility are key components in addressing this
complex challenge. Trash can have severe consequences for the environment. It can harm marine life, birds, and
other wildlife through ingestion or entanglement. Plastic waste, in particular, poses a persistent threat. Addressing
this problem requires collective efforts.
Community awareness, education, and involvement are crucial in implementing effective waste management
practices and fostering a culture of responsible consumption and disposal.

What is the importance of the project?

Cleaning garbage along coasts and streets is crucial for several reasons such as environmental protection, human
health and safety, Reducing plastic pollution and etc. Clean environments are more visually appealing and can
positively impact mental well-being.
They also promote a sense of pride and community spirit. It helps prevent pollution of water bodies and soil,
preserving the natural ecosystem and protecting wildlife from harm. Clean coastlines and streets attract tourists,
boosting local economies through increased business in shops, restaurants, and tourism-related services. Proper
disposal helps prevent plastics from entering water bodies.

How can this project manitest your being a responsible steward of God's Creation?

Being a steward of God’s creation means being a responsible human being of what God’s created and by cleaning
the environment making it healthy is also a big achievement for not only for him but also to everyone who are
living in this world, being responsible to our nature is a big help to everyone and we must really take care of the
God’s creation as he gave the responsibilities like this for us to take care and to make it more beautiful and healthy,
it is not only for him but all for us

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